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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expeditionen in i kommersialismen : En semiotisk analys av öråden i Expedition: Robinson och jämförelse mellan SVT, TV3 och TV4:s versioner

Månsson, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Expedition: Robinson är ett reality-program som sänts i både public service och kommersiella kanaler. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur Expedition: Robinson har utvecklats genom åren och ställa detta i relation till reality-genrens utveckling och de kanalbyten som programmet gjort. Uppsatsen inleds med en genomgång av Expedition: Robinsons och reality-genrens historia och hur det gick till när de kommersiella kanalerna blev en del av det svenska tv-landskapet. I teorin förklaras viktiga komponenter i tv-mediet samt en fördjupning i hur reality-genren har utvecklats. I en semiotisk analys granskas utvalda sekvenser ur sex avsnitt av Expedition: Robinson för att se hur programmet förändrats genom åren, i aspekterna dramaturgi och visuell utformning. I slutdiskussionen visas att det finns samband mellan de olika kanalernas syfte och hur programmet utformats. I de kommersiella kanalernas versioner finns en stor del reklam och sponsring, vilket blir en del av programmets uppbyggnad. Det visas också att reality-genrens utveckling har bidragit till förändringarna som programmet genomgått.

Representationen av homosexualitet kontra heterosexualitet på SVT:s webbnyheter : En kvalitativ studie

Sten, Cecilia, Jakobsson, Ellen January 2018 (has links)
Sweden counts as being one of the countries in the western world to have a positive perspective on sexual minorities. The swedish public service media SVT; Sveriges Television AB states that their aim is to spread objective news, but in fact SVT doesn’t portray homosexuality as something usual in everyday life. Instead the heteronormative ideal saturate the representation of homosexuals in SVT. To study how SVT portray homosexuality, heterosexuality and heteronormativity, this study is based on discourse analysis and image analysis. During this essay 25 TV news segments including articles on SVT:s website were viewed and examined. This essay is also based on discourse analysis to fully examine the hidden attitude against homosexuality and heterosexuality, and to examine how SVT portrays heteronormativity. The results of the analysis demonstrates that the heteronormative ideal takes part in the way that both sexualitys are represented. Heterosexuals are for instance often portrayed in combination with happiness and monogamy, while homosexuals are portrayed in connection with discrimination. In the TV segments homosexuality rarely were portrayed in everyday life. Instead the everyday life of heterosexuals dominated the content. The fact that SVT doesn’t portray homosexuality in relation to everyday life reinforces the perception of homosexuality as something normbreaking. The result of the study are further explained by Stuart Halls (1997) theory about representation and stereotypes, as well as previous research about sexuality and gender.

Poskytování veřejných služeb v integrovaných dopravních systémech / Rendition of public services within integrated transport systems

Budinský, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
Resume Rendition of public services within integrated transport systems The purpose of my thesis is study of public transportation as a public service, which is provided in integrated transport systems. The thesis is composed of eight chapters and introduction. It introduces in with brief story to the subject of thesis and defines key terms for this thesis. First chapter does not focus on public transportation, but it looks at public service generally. It mentions important kinds of public service in western culture and deals with some of examples in the Czech Republic. Second chapter presents key terms. In first sub chapter term is public transportation. It includes historical development of public transportation and its current situation. Second sub chapter contains development of transit districts around the world and in the Czech Republic. Integrated transport system is also known as transport district or passenger transport executive. In Czech name "Integrovaný dopravní systém"is used, which stands for integrated transportation system. Last sub chapter is about such system in Prague, capital of the Czech Republic, which is called Prague integrated transport (PIT). It not only describes PIT, but also illustrates history of public transportation Prague. Third chapter is about law 194/2010 on public...

The Visual Embodiment of Gender and Ethnicity In Public Service News : A Study of SVT Nyheter’s online news

Rayegani, Nilofar January 2017 (has links)
The representation of gender and ethnicity in the media has been widely acknowledged by scholars. Numerous studies have highlighted the underrepresentation of women and people of different ethnicities in news media, addressing not only the small number of their presence, but the way they are generalized and stereotyped through certain characteristics. Despite decades of scholarship, the results remain the same depicting men in positions of power and authority and women as subordinate to most men, often depicted as representatives in different contexts and rather as private persons within the private sphere. As the media influences people’s behaviour and attitudes through constant repetition of certain images, the power of pictures and the visual culture of news need to be addressed. In regard to previous research, the purpose of the given thesis is to examine the visual representation of women, men and people of different ethnicities in the online news of SVT Nyheter. Particularly by examining in what contexts and how, gender and ethnicity is visually embodied in the content of SVT Nyheter. The study is significant as SVT has a certain responsibility in showing a broad spectrum of representation from a gender and diversity perspective. Furthermore, there is a research gap to fill when it comes to studies of public service and the visual representation of news. However, by combining the meaning of visual and written text, the empirical part of this study is conducted through a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative content analysis with a multimodal visual analysis. The results reveal that men are most often embodied in the news articles of SVT Nyheter, both in stories of women/womanhood or men/manhood. Moreover, men are more likely to be portrayed as persons in positions of power and authority. The only two news topics in which women are overrepresented are gender issues and diversity issues. These categories raise questions of female subordination and resistance, often embodied through the smiling gaze. Hence, women’s experiences are reduced by their visual embodiment. Persons defined as “weaker”, such as people of different ethnicities, are more likely to directly face the camera, especially smiling when the topic connotes other feelings. The non-represented are people of different ethnicities or marginalised groups, often addressed but not given a voice. On the basis of the results of this research, it can be concluded that media raises power relations, illustrating that ”the human body”, is most often the male body.

Från policy till praktik : Det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet inom det svenska skolväsendet / From policy to practice : The systematic quality work within the Swedish school system

Kaponen, Alva, Engberg, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund När en styrfilosofi ska implementeras behöver den översättas till praktik i den organisatoriska kontexten. I denna interaktion mellan styrfilosofi och organisatorisk kontext kan problematik uppstå som kan leda till att implementeringen misslyckas eller att styrfilosofins innebörd förändras i översättningsarbetet. Det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet infördes inom det svenska skolväsendet för att öka kvaliteten på utbildningsverksamheten men aktuella undersökningar visar en negativ trend gällande elevers kunskapsresultat. Detta indikerar att det kan finnas brister i den rådande kvalitetsstyrningen inom skolväsendet varvid det är av vikt att studera översättningen av styrfilosofin från policy till praktik. Syfte Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för översättning från styrfilosofi till praktik i offentlig tjänsteverksamhet samt öka förståelsen för den problematik som kan uppstå i översättningsarbetet. Metod Studien utgår från ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv med en iterativ ansats och utgörs av en kvalitativ små-N-studie. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats genom intervjuer med sju rektorer för kommunala grundskolor i Uppsala kommun samt stödmaterial för det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet publicerat av Skolverket. Slutsats Studien har visat att rektorns roll som translator av det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet är kritisk för den organisatoriska praktiken samtidigt som rollen präglas av komplexitet vilket leder till problematik i översättningsarbetet. Komplexiteten kan härledas framförallt från den organisatoriska kontexten i form av offentlig tjänsteverksamhet men även från tvetydighet i styrfilosofin. Vidare har studien identifierat att öppenhet och flexibilitet till förändring är en viktig translatorkompetens vid översättning av en styrfilosofi till praktik i offentlig tjänsteverksamhet. / Introduction When implementing a management philosophy into an organization, it needs to be translated into practice in the organizational context. In this interaction between management philosophy and organizational context, problems can arise that may cause the implementation to fail or the meaning of the management philosophy to change during the translation process. The systematic quality work was introduced in the Swedish school system to increase the quality of education, but current surveys show a negative trend in students educational outcomes. This indicates that there may be shortcomings in the current quality management in the school system, hence a study of the translation of the management philosophy from policy to practice is of importance. Purpose The aim of the study is to contribute to an increased understanding of translation of a management philosophy into practice in public service and to increase understanding of the problems that may occur during the translation process. Method The study is based on a phenomenological perspective with an iterative approach and consists of a qualitative small-N study. The empirical material has been collected through interviews with seven principals for municipal elementary schools in Uppsala municipality as well as support material for the systematic quality work published by the Swedish National Agency for Education. Conclusion The study has shown that the principal´s role as translator of the systematic quality work is critical for the organizational practice while the role is characterized by complexity, which leads to problems in the translation process. The complexity can be derived primarily from the organizational context in the form of public service, but also from ambiguity in the management philosophy. Furthermore, the study has identified that openness and flexibility for change is an important translator's competence when translating a management philosophy into organizational practice in public service.

HIV disclosure in the workplace amongst public service workers in Zambia

Musumali, Rose M. January 2012 (has links)
Masters of Public Health - see Magister Public Health / With a prevalence of 14.3% among the 15-49 years age group, HIV/AIDS still constitutes a significant challenge in Zambia. In order to respond to the impact of HIV/AIDS within the workplace, government ministries have developed HIV-focused workplace policies and programmes that provide HIV/AIDS services. However, despite their availability, the number of employees accessing the services, especially those targetting HIV positive workers remains low. The fear (either perceived or real) of disclosing an HIV positive status is one likely reason for the low uptake of services. HIV-positive status disclosure is an important public health goal as it can create opportunities for an individual to access information and social and medical support, and this will affect career and workload related decisions. This exploratory, qualitative study aims to identify and describe the HIV-disclosure experiences of 12 openly HIV-positive Zambian public sector workers living in Lusaka and working in four Zambian Ministries. Both male and female public sector workers were interviewed. The participants’ experiences of disclosing their HIV positive status in the workplace were explored in depth in this study. With the aim of providing those responsible for overseeing and managing the Zambian public sector HIV workplace initiatives with some practical recommendations regarding the disclosure support needed by HIV-positive public sector workers. The study found that whilst participants had an initial fear of disclosing their HIVpositive status in the workplace, their HIV disclosure actually proved to be very beneficial. Not only did it allow their health-related needs (such as accessing medication and visiting a doctor) to be met, but their disclosure also encouraged others to also disclose their status. The recommendations are are aimed at creating a supportive working environment for people living with HIV within the Zambian public service, and offering suggestions to their managers on how best to support the process of disclosure amongst their staff.

Public service reform in Namibia : a case study of cadre appointments in the central government

Nghidinwa, Andrew Ndeutalanawa 01 April 2009 (has links)
The study examined the effects of Public Service Reform in the appointments of management cadres in the Public Service of Namibia from 1990 to 2005. Specific focus was given to the Office of the Prime Minister, the core institution in the management of the Central Government operations. The study found that the need for a new post-colonial dispensation compatible with the requirements of statehood prompted the structuring of Government institutions. The Research Question explicitly sought to explain the extent to which the Post-independent Public Service Reform initiatives have transformed the structures and reoriented the government institutions to adopt the New Public Management principles, which can ensure efficiency and effective delivery of services. The legislative frameworks, particularly the Constitution of Namibia and the Public Service Act, 1995 (Act 13 of 1995), have provided the bases for analyzing the Recruitment Policy in the Public Service of Namibia. A systematic semi-structured interview with respondents has significantly unveiled a highly structured institution, with complex mechanisms of planning and executing programmes within managerial frameworks. The empirical research conducted for the study explored the political, economic, social and historical significance of Public Service Reform and indeed produced sufficient evidence confirming the adoption of new ways of improving performance and of enhancing accountability of the civil servants. Qualitative research methods were employed to evaluate the participants’ daily life experience for the purpose of describing the Public Service Reform from the insider’s perspective. The findings show that the traditional culture of administration is evidently being phased out and the New Public Management is gradually taking root. The Merit System has given way to new practices without loss of values that are generic to the selection of the “right type of people” for the meritocratic Public Service. Nevertheless, the current managerial reform initiatives appear to be superficial, taking a pragmatic approach with no serious provisions for structural change. Options for Namibia should include adopting structural changes that responds to its social, economic and political conditions in the face of globalisation. The study has ultimately recommended Competency-Management as the best approach to achieve a meritocratic and professional civil service. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA) / unrestricted

Performance measurement as a public policy implementation tool in the South African public service

Luthuli, T.B. (Tholumuzi Bruno) 02 May 2007 (has links)
Policy implementation in South Africa has not been as successful as the policy formulation phase. In the last ten years of democracy and the shift from apartheid minority white rule to the present majority rule, a lot has been achieved. Among the achievements is the ability to formulate policies directed at integrating society and the fragmented administrative systems. While the performance of government organisations has not been as good as anticipated, several mechanisms, though insufficient, have been put in place to assist with policy implementation and in an attempt to make government more efficient and effective in delivering public services. This research considers whether having a performance measurement and management system to oversee and evaluate the organisational side of performance might address the question of service delivery in the public service. Both policy implementation mechanisms, those referred to as alternative service delivery methods and strategy implementation using performance measurement as a tool are considered. The finding of this research project is that an improvement in policy implementation and strategy deployment using a performance measurement system, will lead to an increase in the current levels of service delivery. Two cases are considered, one, a city government of Tshwane, where performance management is mandatory in terms of the Municipal Systems Act (1999), and the National Department of Labour, which, through its own recognaizance, has implemented a performance measurement system. / Thesis (PhD (Public Affairs))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA) / unrestricted

The management of HIV/AIDS in the South African public service : challenges and best practices for the department of public enterprises

Dlamini, Lomkhosi 08 May 2007 (has links)
The research focuses on an evaluation of the management practices used in the implementation of HIV/AIDS policies and programmes in the South African Public Service, with specific reference to the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE). It was executed with the following objectives in mind: <ul> <li> identify the initiatives that have been established for managing HIV/AIDS in the South African Public Service and the DPE, including the relevant legislation;</li> <li> identify the challenges with regard to planning, organising, leading and controlling that are experienced by the DPE in managing HIV/AIDS effectively;</li> <li> identify best practices in the management of HIV/AIDS in the South African Public Service; and</li> <li> make recommendations to address the challenges experienced by the DPE.</li></ul> From the review of relevant literature, it has been established that the HIV/AIDS epidemic is growing at an alarming rate in the Southern African region, including South Africa. The impact of the epidemic on the socio-economy of South Africa, as well as the South African Public Service, needs to be properly understood so that appropriate measures can be put in place to address the challenges resulting from the epidemic. The research clearly indicated that resources, both financial and human, as well as leadership commitment are required for the effective implementation of policies and programmes for managing HIV/AIDS. / Dissertation (M.Admin (Public Administration))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA) / unrestricted

La pérennisation du contrat dans la fonction publique / The sustainability of the contract in the public service

Venezia, Réjane 08 July 2016 (has links)
La recherche traite du contrat pérenne, soit le contrat à durée indéterminée, dans la fonction publique. Il s’agit de rechercher les raisons expliquant l’insertion progressive du contrat dans la fonction publique et de déterminer si le contrat à durée indéterminée sécurise réellement, ou si, au contraire, il doit être envisagé comme une tentative de contournement du statut. / The research deals with the perennial contract, or the contract of indefinite duration in the public service . It is to seek the reasons for the gradual integration of the contract in the public service and to determine whether the indefinite contract actually secures , or whether, instead , it should be seen as a status circumvention attempt.

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