Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe social space"" "subject:"hhe social space""
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Os jovens de Diadema: a rua e o refazer de laços de afeto / Young people of Diadema: the street and the remake of bonds of affectionHernandez, Mariana Leite 26 May 2014 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as redes construídas por jovens que utilizam a rua como espaço social de encontro e produções no município de Diadema, em São Paulo. A pesquisa pretendeu colaborar para a construção de estratégias mais eficientes, eficazes e efetivas que enlaçando modos de ser e da cultura despertem, agucem e mobilizem os jovens para a produção social de ambientes acolhedores. A metodologia utilizada incluiu observação participante e registros escritos de vozes que revelaram fragmentos de seus cotidianos e de seus pensamentos sobre aspectos pessoais, sociais, familiares e grupais, permitindo identificar redes de conexão existenciais e as formas como processam suas vivências. / This study aimed to analyze the networks built by young people who use the streets as a space for social gatherings and productions in Diadema, São Paulo. The research intended to contribute to the construction of more efficient, productive and effective strategies that, intertwining ways of being and culture, stimulate, sharpen and mobilize young people for the social production of welcoming environments. The methodology included participatory observatios as well as written records of voices that reveal fragments of their day-to-day and their thoughts on personal, social, family and group aspects, allowing the identification of existential connection networks and ways they process their experiences.
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A articulação da sociedade civil em espaços institucionais deliberativos: territorializando o Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social de Porto AlegreJoão Guilherme Nerva Figueiredo January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa a territorialização da sociedade civil no Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social de Porto Alegre. A compreensão de que uma sociedade com maior equidade depende da ampla participação nas deliberações sobre as políticas e verbas públicas é o motor deste estudo, que a partir dos conceitos de cidadania, subjetividade, desenvolvimento sócio-espacial e horizontalidade estuda as atribuições dos conselheiros, os seus vínculos com as regiões da cidade e com a política de assistência social, bem como os motivos para exercerem o cargo, os dados sobre a assistência social na capital gaúcha e os suportes legais para as deliberações junto ao poder público. Os objetivos dessa pesquisa são de compreender quais os limites e potencialidades da participação da sociedade civil em espaços institucionais de deliberação sobre políticas e verbas públicas, analisando o modelo municipal de política participativa e refletir sobre estratégias para potencializar e ampliar a apropriação dos conselheiros dos meios para conquistarem suas demandas. Nele são realizadas entrevistas com os conselheiros das Comissões Regionais de Assistência Social (CORAS), espacialização de dados com a confecção de mapas e a leitura das atas do período de 2013 a 2015. / The present work analyses the territorialization of the civil society in the Social Assistance Municipal Council of Porto Alegre (CMAS). The understanding that a society with a high level of equity depends on a large participation in the decisions about public politics and money is the motivation for the study. It uses the concepts of citizenship, subjectivity, social-space development and horizontality to study the attribution of the council members, their bounds with the city regions and with the social assistance politics. It also researches the reasons for them to choose this kind of work, the data about social assistance in the city and the legal support to deliberations with the government in the council. The objectives of this research are to comprehend the limits and potentials of the participation of the civil society in institutional spaces of deliberation on public politics and money, analyzing the municipal model of public participation and reflect about strategies to amplify the appropriation of the council members to achieve their objectives. In it are made interviews with representations of the Regional Commissions of Social Assistance (CORAS), specialization of the data through maps and the reading of the record of the reunions of the council in the period of 2013 to 2015.
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Os jovens de Diadema: a rua e o refazer de laços de afeto / Young people of Diadema: the street and the remake of bonds of affectionMariana Leite Hernandez 26 May 2014 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as redes construídas por jovens que utilizam a rua como espaço social de encontro e produções no município de Diadema, em São Paulo. A pesquisa pretendeu colaborar para a construção de estratégias mais eficientes, eficazes e efetivas que enlaçando modos de ser e da cultura despertem, agucem e mobilizem os jovens para a produção social de ambientes acolhedores. A metodologia utilizada incluiu observação participante e registros escritos de vozes que revelaram fragmentos de seus cotidianos e de seus pensamentos sobre aspectos pessoais, sociais, familiares e grupais, permitindo identificar redes de conexão existenciais e as formas como processam suas vivências. / This study aimed to analyze the networks built by young people who use the streets as a space for social gatherings and productions in Diadema, São Paulo. The research intended to contribute to the construction of more efficient, productive and effective strategies that, intertwining ways of being and culture, stimulate, sharpen and mobilize young people for the social production of welcoming environments. The methodology included participatory observatios as well as written records of voices that reveal fragments of their day-to-day and their thoughts on personal, social, family and group aspects, allowing the identification of existential connection networks and ways they process their experiences.
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Une expérience genrée des espaces du quotidien à l'adolescence : le cas des filles et des garçons de 4ème dans le Calvados et la Manche / Gendered experience of everyday spaces during adolescence : a case study of boys and girls aged twelve to fourteen in the departments of Manche and Calvados.Gilles, Emmanuelle 04 December 2018 (has links)
L’âge de l’adolescence est celui de l’expérience quotidienne d’un espace de vie à soi tout en flirtant avec le monde. Dans une société où la division du rôle des sexes est encore prégnante, où les lieux sont des supports de maîtrise masculine de l’espace, comment appréhender la mise en configuration de l’espace par l’adolescent.e à l’épreuve du genre ? L’expérience sociale et spatiale de soi, des autres, de la relation aux lieux est constitutive de l’adolescence. Cette expérience questionne alors le rôle du genre et de l’espace dans la construction identitaire. Dans quelle mesure ces deux concepts, genre et espace du quotidien, se combinent-ils dans la construction identitaire de l’adolescent.e ? Si le genre est une catégorie structurante de l’expérience spatiale, comment les lieux en tant que condition de l’expérience humaine agissent-ils sur les attributs de genre ? Pour répondre à ces questions, il s’agit d’observer les rapports des adolescent.e.s à leurs lieux de vie à la fois en termes de pratiques (espace de vie), de représentations (espaces vécus) et de genre. Cet âge de vie n’est-il pas constitué d’expériences de rapport au monde, c’est-à-dire d’élargissement du territoire de vie et des temporalités à travers des expérimentations faites d’appropriation, de cheminement, de contournement et d’évitement en quête d’autonomie sociale et spatiale ? Notre terrain d’étude porte sur les lieux de vie de collégien.ne.s en classe de 4ème dans sept établissements scolaires du Calvados et de la Manche aux contextes géographiques différents (urbain, périurbain, rural). Cette approche suppose une analyse multiscalaire des pratiques routinières dans les espaces de vie (domicile, lieux de loisirs, école) par des méthodes combinées d’enquêtes quantitative et qualitative, de séances d’observation et de productions graphiques de la part des adolescent.e.s eux-mêmes. Se pose alors la question des mobilités des jeunes car expérimenter les lieux c’est territorialiser son rapport au monde. Les effets de lieu (urbain, périurbain, rural) participent à la construction identitaire d’un territoire. Et réciproquement : l’adolescent.e agit sur l’espace, en ce sens, il ou elle expérimente l’espace. / Teenage years are synonymous with the daily experience of one’s own social space while approaching the wider world. In a society where gender role division is still significant, where places are means to assert the masculine control of space, how can we comprehend the construction of space in the everyday life of teenagers faced with gendering? Is experimenting social space during adolescence partitioned according to one’s gender? This thesis aims at analysing the relationship between teenagers and the space they inhabit in terms of practices (social space), representations (lived space) and gender. During adolescence, teens experiment with the world around them. Don’t they expand their territory, their temporality through different spatial experiences such as appropriation and progress but also avoidance and alternative routes on the way to social and spatial independence? Approaching the spaces occupied by teenagers means analysing their daily social practices within their lived space (home, leisure, school) thanks to mixed quantitative and qualitative inquiries, periods of observation and the production of mental maps by the teens themselves. Hence the importance of mobility since roaming space means turning it into a territory and influences one’s relationship to the world. The effects of place (urban, suburban, rural) are essential in the construction of identity within a territory and reciprocally: teenagers act on space, in the sense that they experiment with space.
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Vardagslivet i skuggan av den moderniserade staden: En fallstudie av ett förflyttningsprojekt i ColomboSkill, Kristoffer, Wickström, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen är en fallstudie som berör ett förflyttningsprojekt av invånare i informella bosättningar, allmänt känt som slumområden, i Sri Lankas kommersiella huvudstad Colombo. FN:s hållbarhetsmål för Agenda 2030 belyser utvecklingen av den informella bostadssektorn som ett problem i flera utvecklingsländer, däribland Sri Lanka. Utvecklingen som ofta är ett resultat av urbaniseringsprocesser tenderar att skapa ett ökat tryck på mark och kan därmed begränsa de fattigas förmåga att äga mark och bostäder. Modernisering av städer tenderar att förändra stadens rumsliga struktur och gå i linje med marknadsdriven markanvändning och kommersialisering som är tänkt att främja den ekonomiska tillväxten. Marknaden och kommersiell utveckling som ställer stor efterfrågan på central och attraktiv mark i Colombo ockuperas till stor del av informella bosättningar. Marknaden, en statlig agenda för utveckling och modernisering kan vara pådrivande faktorer till att grupper i befolkningen blir förflyttade och tvingade till att påbörja nya liv i en ny livsmiljö. Som ett svar på liknande omständigheter initierades ett omfattande förflyttningsprojekt i Colombo år 2011. Projektet vid namn Urban Regeneration Project grundades med visionen att förflytta 68.000 familjer från informella boendeformer till nybyggda höghuskomplex, och därmed uppgradera invånares levnadsstandard, samt nyttomaximera markanvändningen i staden. Förvisso kan ett projekt av denna sort i flera avseenden ses som någonting positivt, där många människor får en förbättrad boendesituation. Däremot, när omstruktureringar av staden sker tenderar inte bara den fysiska miljön att moderniseras, utan även invånarnas vardagsliv. Människor och grupper i alla dess konstellationer av nätverk och relationer kan ses som väsentliga för en levande och fungerande stad. Invånare investerar år av sina liv för att bygga upp relationer till sitt grannskap och medmänniskor vilka inte enkelt är utbytbara. Dessa relationer och nätverk bringar en känsla av tillhörighet men också tillit till sin omgivning som främjar stabilitet och trygghet. / The study concerns a relocation project of residents in informal settlements, commonly known as slums, in Sri Lanka's commercial capital Colombo. The UN's Sustainability Goal for Agenda 2030 highlights the development of the informal housing sector as an issue in several developing countries, including Sri Lanka. The development that is often a result of urbanization processes tends to create increased pressure on land and can thus limit the poor's ability to own land and housing. Modernization of cities tends to change the spatial structure of the city and align with market-driven land use and commercialization that are intended to promote economic growth. The market and commercial development stand great demand on central and attractive land in Colombo are largely occupied by informal settlements. The market, a state agenda for development and modernization can be driving factors why groups of the population are being displaced and forced to start new lives in a new living environment. In response to similar circumstances, an extensive relocation project was initiated in Colombo in 2011. The project called the Urban Regeneration Project was founded with the vision to move 68,000 families from informal housing to newly built high- rise complexes, thereby upgrading the living standards of residents, and maximizing land use benefits in the city. Indeed, a project of this kind can in many respects be seen as something positive, where several inhabitants get an improved housing situation. On the other hand, when restructuring of the city takes place, not only the physical environment tends to be modernized, but also the everyday lives of the inhabitants. People and groups in all its constellations of networks and relationships are essential for a living and functioning city. Residents invest years of their lives to build relationships with their neighborhood and fellow human beings that are not easily interchangeable. These relationships and networks bring a sense of belonging but also trust in their surroundings that promotes stability and security.
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Re-negotiating social space : Public art installations and interactive experienceRyan Bengtsson, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Digital media technologies are becoming increasingly and extensively integrated into our way of living. We communicate, inform and entertain ourselves through media technologies in disparate spaces. When digital technology is integrated into our everyday environment, the border between media interfaces and physical environments is blurred. Traditional divisions of spaces dissolve and are rearranged, complicating the linkages between private and public spheres. The key phenomenon shaping these experiences with digital media technologies is interactivity. Interactivity intersects these spaces allowing users of mediated content to be affected by the actual, and vice versa. This study has emerged through the need for further research focusing on the term interactivity in today’s media practices, contributing with more targeted research and theoretical work concerning the interconnection between space and digital technologies. The study pursues interactivity by taking on a different perspective than earlier research, staging a qualitative study from a grounded theory perspective complemented by phenomenological theory. In this way interactivity is approached from diverse angles, moving away from earlier fixations on technology and placing it within social and spatial contexts. The study uses three contemporary Scandinavian interactive art installations, ‘Colour by Numbers’, ‘Emotional Cities’ and ‘Climate on the Wall’, to explore how interactivity plays into the relation between humans, technology and social space. The integration of interactive art installations in public space raises issues regarding humans’ sense of space and human relations vis-à-vis interactions with such artworks. The study finds evidence that interactive art installations can shift humans’ perceptions of space, allowing them to have social experiences and feel locally connected or anchored. Humans do not necessarily become placeless due to interactive technology. It may as well enhance space by converging with existing spatial references. The mediated and the actual may re-enforce each other expanding and transcending diverse spaces.
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Producing Space: An Ethnographic Case Study In Banyabashi Mosque, Sofia, BulgariaKahraman, Yakup Deniz 01 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to explore the role of social practice in the production of space within an anthropological perspective. In particular I drew my empirical data from my fieldwork in the site of Banyabashi Mosque. Banyabashi Mosque is the only active mosque which is located at the very representative, cultural and commercial center of Bulgaria&rsquo / s capital city, Sofia. The historical background of Bulgaria together with its current socio-political situation as the country having the largest historically indigenous Muslim population among the EU member states and its geopolitical location make it an intriguing geography to study the dynamism of Islam in the European context. In regard with this socio-political background this study seeks to understand the transformation of meaning through spatial practice within the perspective of the congregation of the only mosque in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a cultural and political expression itself as Islam in Bulgaria in its broadest sense is represented as part of daily interactions of everyday urban life. Seeing the built environment as a system of conjoining parts, looking at the spatial practices and the established relations through the site of Banyabashi Mosque this study aspires to provide a perspective on having a better insight on the causal relationships between power, society and culture. In the pursuit to reveal the production and reproduction of power relations, difference, identities and their maintenance this thesis puts Banyabashi Mosque in the center of the study as a meeting point where all those relations manifest themselves through spatial practice and discourse.
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Kontrasternas rum : Ett relationistiskt perspektiv på valfrihet, segregation och indoktrinerande verkan i Sveriges grundskola / The space of contrasts : A relationistic perspective on freedom of choice, segregation and indoctrinating in Sweden's compulsory school systemJohnsson, Mattias January 2004 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to study segregation within the Swedish school system, with regard to the reformation during the last decades of the 20th century which researchers have described as a system change. After an initial research survey two questions are identified: one which concerns the process of human becoming, and the other concerning segregation, within and between social milieus in a school system. The first is answered from a relationistic philosophical perspective, which leads to the study object the educative milieu. In turn the study object leads to the development of a research approach to investigate such settings. The research approach consists in the construction of epistemic objects (in short: epiobjects) – in this case two school classes whose pupils have actively made the choice of these classes – understood as monistic entities constituted of internal relational structures. The construction of the epiobjects identifies the families involved in the classes as informants and decides on a number of research themes (for example description of the school, the teachers, leisure activities) for the data collection. The disposition of the study consists of tree main steps: determining relevant symbols, positioning and description. Determining relevant symbols means to decide what is assigned meaning in respect of the research themes. This was achieved through an interview study. Positioning means to decide how the symbols and bodies are distributed within the epiobjects in order to represent their relational structures. This was done with questionnaire data that was organised with aid of correspondence analysis. In the description the epiobjects can be understood as educative milieus, by focusing on their educative tensions and doxa. Educative tensions are differences between positions in the epiobjects relational structure, while doxa are areas of agreement. The analysis shows that the epiobjects are obviously different in terms of educative tensions and doxa. The main difference between the epiobjects concern the families’ motives for the choice they have made: families in one class maintained they chose the school because of its subject specialisation, while families in the other claimed that they sought a school characterised by orderly behaviour and a better learning of subject knowledge and skills. Associated with these differences are dissimilarities concerning, for instance, political orientation, education level, income, democracy, freedom of choice, as well as regarding inclination to attend different kinds of cultural events and institutions. The results can be seen as an illustration of how a system of freedom of choice leads to segregation, by orienting people with dissimilar preferences to different alternatives while, at the same time, these preferences concerning school choice correspond with differences in other areas of life.
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Sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Danmark : Reformforsøg, rekrutteringsmønstre og habituelle orienteringer / The Nursing Education in Denmark : Reform Efforts, Recruitment Patterns and Basic Habitual OrientationsHalskov, Gerd Anne January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation examines the recruitment to the nursing education in Denmark from 1850 but with emphasis on the years 1988-2001 during which a major reform was conceived and implemented. Pursuant to that reform, in 2001 the nursing education was given the status of a Bachelor’s Degree Program in Nursing. The aim of the dissertation is to determine the effects – if any – of this development on the recruitment profile and on the objective position of the nursing education in the field of advanced education in Denmark and whether there are polarizations and/or regularities in young peoples’ approach to the nursing education homologous with socio-cultural constellations. The dissertation draws theoretical inspiration from sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, with emphasis on Bourdieu’s reproduction theory and praxeology. The empirical basis for the dissertation consists of formal documents defining the nursing education since the first law on authorized nurses was passed in 1933 until The Executive Order regarding the nursing education in 2001. These documents form the basis for an objectifying analysis of the institutional, structural and education policy conditions that historically formed the framework for the shaping and content of the nursing educations. The historical background contributes to a contextualization of the analyses carried out concerning changes in recruitment patterns and students’ social positioning since nursing was established as an occupation. The analysis of recruitment patterns builds mainly on a survey carried out in 2004/5 covering a class of students from five nursing schools in Denmark (a third of the total population). The dissertation shows that the 2000/2001 reform did not lead to a fundamental change in ranking in the academic hierarchy. Although social recruitment to the nursing profession moved “upward”, seen over a longer period, the analyses showed that the nursing education as a whole, also after the 2001 reform, mainly attracted young women from “lower” positions in the social space than those from which university students were recruited. The dissertation furthermore shows how students’ social background and acquired dispositions can generate a basic habitual orientation that may have a determining influence on the way they orient themselves in relation to the education and occupation.
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Roman Urban Space Framed By Colonnades: Mediating Between Myth, Memory And History In EphesusYoncaci, Pelin 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
A multi-layered analysis on the morphological development of Ephesus in relation to the Temple of Artemis and an investigative wandering through the streets of this city in the era of Roman Empire highlights this thesis characterized by a consistent search for the significance of the notion of urban armature. From the standpoint of those who lived at that time, special attention is directed toward the colonnaded avenues as well as to their formal and social impacts within the city fabric. The thesis re-reads Ephesus within two main parts / first the urban form in relation to the topographical provision and sacred landscape provided by the site itself / and then from the ground level through a walking trip of the city as it appeared in the second century A.D. Crucial to this visual experience is the semantic quality of the environment at a collective level since the meaning of the experience would be useless without considering the meaning of signs and symbols within the environment. Thus, bounding ancient society and urban space at the phenomenological level, the small trip starts at the harbor and concludes at the Temple of Artemis, the irrefutable symbol of Ephesus and the most revered shrine in Asia Minor.
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