Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe spelling"" "subject:"hhe spelling""
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Some Contributions to Interactive Machine Translation and to the Applications of Machine Translation for Historical DocumentsDomingo Ballester, Miguel 28 February 2022 (has links)
[ES] Los documentos históricos son una parte importante de nuestra herencia cultural. Sin embargo, debido a la barrera idiomática inherente en el lenguaje humano y a las propiedades lingüísticas de estos documentos, su accesibilidad está principalmente restringida a los académicos. Por un lado, el lenguaje humano evoluciona con el paso del tiempo. Por otro lado, las convenciones ortográficas no se crearon hasta hace poco y, por tanto, la ortografía cambia según el período temporal y el autor. Por estas razones, el trabajo de los académicos es necesario para que los no expertos puedan obtener una comprensión básica de un documento determinado.
En esta tesis abordamos dos tareas relacionadas con el procesamiento de documentos históricos. La primera tarea es la modernización del lenguaje que, a fin de hacer que los documentos históricos estén más accesibles para los no expertos, tiene como objetivo reescribir un documento utilizando la versión moderna del idioma original del documento. La segunda tarea es la normalización ortográfica. Las propiedades lingüísticas de los documentos históricos mencionadas con anterioridad suponen un desafío adicional para la aplicación efectiva del procesado del lenguaje natural en estos documentos. Por lo tanto, esta tarea tiene como objetivo adaptar la ortografía de un documento a los estándares modernos a fin de lograr una consistencia ortográfica.
Ambas tareas las afrontamos desde una perspectiva de traducción automática, considerando el idioma original de un documento como el idioma fuente, y su homólogo moderno/normalizado como el idioma objetivo. Proponemos varios enfoques basados en la traducción automática estadística y neuronal, y llevamos a cabo una amplia experimentación que ratifica el potencial de nuestras contribuciones -en donde los enfoques estadísticos arrojan resultados iguales o mejores que los enfoques neuronales para la mayoría de los casos-. En el caso de la tarea de modernización del lenguaje, esta experimentación incluye una evaluación humana realizada con la ayuda de académicos y un estudio con usuarios que verifica que nuestras propuestas pueden ayudar a los no expertos a obtener una comprensión básica de un documento histórico sin la intervención de un académico.
Como ocurre con cualquier problema de traducción automática, nuestras aplicaciones no están libres de errores. Por lo tanto, para obtener modernizaciones/normalizaciones perfectas, un académico debe supervisar y corregir los errores. Este es un procedimiento común en la industria de la traducción. La metodología de traducción automática interactiva tiene como objetivo reducir el esfuerzo necesario para obtener traducciones de alta calidad uniendo al agente humano y al sistema de traducción en un proceso de corrección cooperativo. Sin embargo,la mayoría de los protocolos interactivos siguen una estrategia de izquierda a derecha. En esta tesis desarrollamos un nuevo protocolo interactivo que rompe con esta barrera de izquierda a derecha. Hemos evaluado este nuevo protocolo en un entorno de traducción automática, obteniendo grandes reducciones del esfuerzo humano. Finalmente, dado que este marco interactivo es de aplicación general a cualquier problema de traducción, lo hemos aplicado -nuestro nuevo protocolo junto con uno de los protocolos clásicos de izquierda a derecha- a la modernización del lenguaje y a la normalización ortográfica. Al igual que en traducción automática, el marco interactivo logra disminuir el esfuerzo requerido para corregir los resultados de un sistema automático. / [CA] Els documents històrics són una part important de la nostra herència cultural. No obstant això, degut a la barrera idiomàtica inherent en el llenguatge humà i a les propietats lingüístiques d'aquests documents, la seua accessibilitat està principalment restringida als acadèmics. D'una banda, el llenguatge humà evoluciona amb el pas del temps. D'altra banda, les convencions ortogràfiques no es van crear fins fa poc i, per tant, l'ortografia canvia segons el període temporal i l'autor. Per aquestes raons, el treball dels acadèmics és necessari perquè els no experts puguen obtindre una comprensió bàsica d'un document determinat.
En aquesta tesi abordem dues tasques relacionades amb el processament de documents històrics. La primera tasca és la modernització del llenguatge que, a fi de fer que els documents històrics estiguen més accessibles per als no experts, té per objectiu reescriure un document utilitzant la versió moderna de l'idioma original del document. La segona tasca és la normalització ortogràfica. Les propietats lingüístiques dels documents històrics mencionades amb anterioritat suposen un desafiament addicional per a l'aplicació efectiva del processat del llenguatge natural en aquests documents. Per tant, aquesta tasca té per objectiu adaptar l'ortografia d'un document als estàndards moderns a fi d'aconseguir una consistència ortogràfica.
Dues tasques les afrontem des d'una perspectiva de traducció automàtica, considerant l'idioma original d'un document com a l'idioma font, i el seu homòleg modern/normalitzat com a l'idioma objectiu. Proposem diversos enfocaments basats en la traducció automàtica estadística i neuronal, i portem a terme una àmplia experimentació que ratifica el potencial de les nostres contribucions -on els enfocaments estadístics obtenen resultats iguals o millors que els enfocaments neuronals per a la majoria dels casos-. En el cas de la tasca de modernització del llenguatge, aquesta experimentació inclou una avaluació humana realitzada amb l'ajuda d'acadèmics i un estudi amb usuaris que verifica que les nostres propostes poden ajudar als no experts a obtindre una comprensió bàsica d'un document històric sense la intervenció d'un acadèmic.
Com ocurreix amb qualsevol problema de traducció automàtica, les nostres aplicacions no estan lliures d'errades. Per tant, per obtindre modernitzacions/normalitzacions perfectes, un acadèmic ha de supervisar i corregir les errades. Aquest és un procediment comú en la indústria de la traducció. La metodologia de traducció automàtica interactiva té per objectiu reduir l'esforç necessari per obtindre traduccions d'alta qualitat unint a l'agent humà i al sistema de traducció en un procés de correcció cooperatiu. Tot i això, la majoria dels protocols interactius segueixen una estratègia d'esquerra a dreta. En aquesta tesi desenvolupem un nou protocol interactiu que trenca amb aquesta barrera d'esquerra a dreta. Hem avaluat aquest nou protocol en un entorn de traducció automàtica, obtenint grans reduccions de l'esforç humà. Finalment, atès que aquest marc interactiu és d'aplicació general a qualsevol problema de traducció, l'hem aplicat -el nostre nou protocol junt amb un dels protocols clàssics d'esquerra a dreta- a la modernització del llenguatge i a la normalitzaciò ortogràfica. De la mateixa manera que en traducció automàtica, el marc interactiu aconsegueix disminuir l'esforç requerit per corregir els resultats
d'un sistema automàtic. / [EN] Historical documents are an important part of our cultural heritage. However,due to the language barrier inherent in human language and the linguistic properties of these documents, their accessibility is mostly limited to scholars. On the one hand, human language evolves with the passage of time. On the other hand, spelling conventions were not created until recently and, thus, orthography changes depending on the time period and author. For these reasons, the work of scholars is needed for non-experts to gain a basic understanding of a given document.
In this thesis, we tackle two tasks related with the processing of historical documents. The first task is language modernization which, in order to make historical documents more accessible to non-experts, aims to rewrite a document using the modern version of the document's original language. The second task is spelling normalization. The aforementioned linguistic properties of historical documents suppose an additional challenge for the effective natural language processing of these documents. Thus, this task aims to adapt a document's spelling to modern standards in order to achieve an orthography consistency.
We affront both task from a machine translation perspective, considering a document's original language as the source language, and its modern/normalized counterpart as the target language. We propose several approaches based on statistical and neural machine translation, and carry out a wide experimentation that shows the potential of our contributions¿with the statistical approaches yielding equal or better results than the neural approaches in most of the cases. For the language modernization task, this experimentation includes a human evaluation conducted with the help of scholars and a user study that verifies that our proposals are able to help non-experts to gain a basic understanding of a historical document without the intervention of a scholar.
As with any machine translation problem, our applications are not error-free. Thus, to obtain perfect modernizations/normalizations, a scholar needs to supervise and correct the errors. This is a common procedure in the translation industry. The interactive machine translation framework aims to reduce the effort needed for obtaining high quality translations by embedding the human agent and the translation system into a cooperative correction process. However, most interactive protocols follow a left-to-right strategy. In this thesis, we developed a new interactive protocol that breaks this left-to-right barrier. We evaluated this new protocol in a machine translation environment, obtaining large reductions of the human effort. Finally, since this interactive framework is of general application to any translation problem, we applied it¿our new protocol together with one of the classic left-to-right protocols¿to language modernization and spelling normalization. As with machine translation, the interactive framework diminished the effort required for correcting the outputs of an automatic system. / The research leading to this thesis has been partially funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) under projects SmartWays (grant agreement RTC-2014-1466-4), CoMUN-HaT (grant agreement TIN2015-70924-C2-1-R) and MISMISFAKEnHATE (grant agreement PGC2018-096212-B-C31); Generalitat Valenciana under projects ALMAMATER (grant agreement PROMETEOII/2014/030) and DeepPattern (grant agreement PROMETEO/2019/121); the European Union through Programa Operativo del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) from Comunitat Valenciana (2014–2020) under project Sistemas de frabricación inteligentes para la indústria 4.0 (grant agreement ID-IFEDER/2018/025); and the PRHLT research center under the research line Machine Learning Applications. / Domingo Ballester, M. (2022). Some Contributions to Interactive Machine Translation and to the Applications of Machine Translation for Historical Documents [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181231
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Biografie van die taalstryder F.V. Engelenburg tot met die stigting van die S.A. Akademie in 1909 /deur Linda Eugene BrinkBrink, Linda Eugene January 2010 (has links)
Frans Vredenrijk Engelenburg (1863-1938) played a major role in the development and expansion of Afrikaans and the Afrikaans academic culture - especially in the northern part of South Africa. As a Dutch intellectual, lawyer and journalist in the nineteenth century South African Republic (Transvaal), he in particular played an important role as advisor and opinion maker from the 1890s onward. One of his biggest achievements was the key role that he played in the establishment of De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst in 1909. This study is the first part of a more comprehensive biographical project on the life of Engelenburg and the role he fulfilled in the history of the Akademie and South Africa until the thirties of the twentieth century. Since the 1600s the Engelenburg family has played a prominent role in the community where they lived. Aside from the high positions they had held for centuries before, they had in the fourth and again in the sixth generation married into noble families. This contributed to their important position in the community. Due to circumstances Engelenburg was not raised in the Engelenburg milieu. A family break in 1836 was the cause that Engelenburg's father, as a baby, was spirited away from this family milieu. Engelenburg received an extraordinarily good schooling. The solid intellectual foundation already laid then, to a large extent determined the course of his life. He was at the Stedelijk Gymnasium Arnhem when he met Marie Koopmans-De Wet (1834-1906), an aunt by marriage who lived in Cape Town, when on a visit to Europe. She was his soul mate and acted as a mentor and advisor to Engelenburg. The friendship strengthened with the years. He already at school had the desire to visit South Africa one day. His parents' divorce when he was still a student at the University of Leyden, steered his life in a very different direction than what he had foreseen for himself. The divorce was to a large extent the reason that, although he had studied law, he discarded the notion of a career in law after only a year. His decision to follow a career in journalism affected the rest of his life. The Transvaal War (1880-1881) meant that the Dutch developed an admiration for the Transvaalers for the determination and courage they displayed in their attempts to defeat the British army. President Paul Kruger's call shortly after the war that the Transvaal needed young Dutchmen further encouraged Engelenburg to come to South Africa. Previously Engelenburg had for a year worked for Fred Hogendorp at the Dagblad van Suidholland en s’Gravenhage in The Hague. Circumstances abruptly changed when Hogendorp suddenly became insane. During the same time, the owner of De Volksstem newspaper in Pretoria had committed suicide and Engelenburg seized the work opportunity. Within a matter of three months, he arrived in the Transvaal. Within a month after his arrival he was appointed chief editor of De Volksstem. He had studied the Transvaal situation thoroughly and by means of the newspaper and through tireless efforts, he contributed to improving the farming community’s cultural literacy. The education situation in the Transvaal enjoyed his constant attention. After the Anglo-Boer War (ABW) (1899-1902), he continued to work towards improving the education system in the Transvaal. He early on became involved in the Transvaal University College (later University of Pretoria). Before the ABW he did everything possible to promote the Dutch language to the Boer people. However, after the war he realised that Afrikaans had a rightful place, and he, in addition to Dutch, became a champion for the Afrikaans language. The battle between the proponents of Dutch and Afrikaans respectively, increased after the ABW. To achieve unity of action between the two groups, De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren and Kunst was founded in 1909. Behind the scenes Engelenburg was one of the major driving forces to assist with the founding of the organisation. As a board member and later as chairman, he gave impetus to the Akademie. In 2009 the organisation celebrated its centenary. This is an important milestone, especially seen in the light of the current political climate in South Africa. The Akademie can now be regarded as a monument to Engelenburg as the fruit of his labour and perseverance during the first three decades of the Akademie’s existence. / Thesis (M.A. (History))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.
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Biografie van die taalstryder F.V. Engelenburg tot met die stigting van die S.A. Akademie in 1909 /deur Linda Eugene BrinkBrink, Linda Eugene January 2010 (has links)
Frans Vredenrijk Engelenburg (1863-1938) played a major role in the development and expansion of Afrikaans and the Afrikaans academic culture - especially in the northern part of South Africa. As a Dutch intellectual, lawyer and journalist in the nineteenth century South African Republic (Transvaal), he in particular played an important role as advisor and opinion maker from the 1890s onward. One of his biggest achievements was the key role that he played in the establishment of De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst in 1909. This study is the first part of a more comprehensive biographical project on the life of Engelenburg and the role he fulfilled in the history of the Akademie and South Africa until the thirties of the twentieth century. Since the 1600s the Engelenburg family has played a prominent role in the community where they lived. Aside from the high positions they had held for centuries before, they had in the fourth and again in the sixth generation married into noble families. This contributed to their important position in the community. Due to circumstances Engelenburg was not raised in the Engelenburg milieu. A family break in 1836 was the cause that Engelenburg's father, as a baby, was spirited away from this family milieu. Engelenburg received an extraordinarily good schooling. The solid intellectual foundation already laid then, to a large extent determined the course of his life. He was at the Stedelijk Gymnasium Arnhem when he met Marie Koopmans-De Wet (1834-1906), an aunt by marriage who lived in Cape Town, when on a visit to Europe. She was his soul mate and acted as a mentor and advisor to Engelenburg. The friendship strengthened with the years. He already at school had the desire to visit South Africa one day. His parents' divorce when he was still a student at the University of Leyden, steered his life in a very different direction than what he had foreseen for himself. The divorce was to a large extent the reason that, although he had studied law, he discarded the notion of a career in law after only a year. His decision to follow a career in journalism affected the rest of his life. The Transvaal War (1880-1881) meant that the Dutch developed an admiration for the Transvaalers for the determination and courage they displayed in their attempts to defeat the British army. President Paul Kruger's call shortly after the war that the Transvaal needed young Dutchmen further encouraged Engelenburg to come to South Africa. Previously Engelenburg had for a year worked for Fred Hogendorp at the Dagblad van Suidholland en s’Gravenhage in The Hague. Circumstances abruptly changed when Hogendorp suddenly became insane. During the same time, the owner of De Volksstem newspaper in Pretoria had committed suicide and Engelenburg seized the work opportunity. Within a matter of three months, he arrived in the Transvaal. Within a month after his arrival he was appointed chief editor of De Volksstem. He had studied the Transvaal situation thoroughly and by means of the newspaper and through tireless efforts, he contributed to improving the farming community’s cultural literacy. The education situation in the Transvaal enjoyed his constant attention. After the Anglo-Boer War (ABW) (1899-1902), he continued to work towards improving the education system in the Transvaal. He early on became involved in the Transvaal University College (later University of Pretoria). Before the ABW he did everything possible to promote the Dutch language to the Boer people. However, after the war he realised that Afrikaans had a rightful place, and he, in addition to Dutch, became a champion for the Afrikaans language. The battle between the proponents of Dutch and Afrikaans respectively, increased after the ABW. To achieve unity of action between the two groups, De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren and Kunst was founded in 1909. Behind the scenes Engelenburg was one of the major driving forces to assist with the founding of the organisation. As a board member and later as chairman, he gave impetus to the Akademie. In 2009 the organisation celebrated its centenary. This is an important milestone, especially seen in the light of the current political climate in South Africa. The Akademie can now be regarded as a monument to Engelenburg as the fruit of his labour and perseverance during the first three decades of the Akademie’s existence. / Thesis (M.A. (History))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.
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Examination of the (si) and (ʃi) confusion by Japanese ESL learnersNogita, Akitsugu 30 August 2010 (has links)
It is a general belief in Japan that the English /s/ and /ʃ/ before high front vowels (as in "see" and "she") are problematic for Japanese ESL (English-as-a-second-language) learners. Some research has also reported the /s/ and /ʃ/ confusion by Japanese ESL learners. Their pronunciation errors are often explained based on phonetics, but there are reasons to believe that the learners’ knowledge of the phonemes of the target words is at fault. This study examines 1) whether monolingual Japanese speakers distinguish the [si] and [ʃi] syllables in both perception and production in the Japanese contexts and 2) what would be the sources of Japanese speakers’ challenges in mastering the distinction between [si] and [ʃi] in their English production if Japanese speakers can produce and perceive the difference between these syllables. This study conducted two experiments. In the first experiment, 93 monolingual Japanese speakers between the ages of 17 and 89 in and around Tôkyô read aloud the written stimuli that had [si] and [ʃi] in the Japanese contexts, repeated the sound stimuli that had [si] and [ʃi] in the Japanese contexts, and listened to the [si:] and [ʃi:] syllables in isolation recorded by a native speaker of Canadian English. The results showed that the participants all distinguished [si] and [ʃi] in both perception and production regardless of their ages. Based on these results, I hypothesized that the [s] and [ʃ] confusion by Japanese ESL learners is caused by misunderstanding, rather than an inability to articulate these sounds. In the second experiment, 27 Japanese ESL students were recorded reading an English passage. The passage contains /s/ (7 times) and /ʃ/ (11 times) before high front vowels. After the reading, the participants were taught the basic English phonological system and the symbol-sound correspondence rules such as “s”-/s/ and “sh”-/ʃ/. The lesson lasted 40 minutes during which the participants were also interviewed to find out their awareness of the symbol-sound correspondence. No articulation explanations were given during the lesson. After the lesson, the participants read the same passage. The results showed that /s/ and /ʃ/ were mispronounced 39 and 67 times respectively in total by the 27 participants before the lesson, but only 7 and 19 times after the lesson. These changes are statistically significant. Moreover, the interview during the lesson revealed that the participants lacked phonological awareness in English as well as the knowledge of the symbol-sound correspondence rules. This study concluded that many of the mispronunciations by Japanese ESL learners, including /s/ and /ʃ/, can be solved by teaching the English phonics rules and some basic phonological rules without teaching the articulation of these sounds.
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Jazyk českých knih historiografických zápisků "dlouhého" 18. století / Language of Czech books of historiographic notes from the "long" 18th centuryTimofeev, Dmitriy January 2018 (has links)
Keywords "Long" 18th century; 18th century; Baroque; Enlightenment; Czech National Revival; history of Czech language; development of Czech language; Czech language in the Baroque period; Czech language in the times of the Czech National Revival; Czech language in the "long" 18th century; manuscript; scribe's usage; cultural Czech language; books of historiographic records; historiography; "folk chronicles"; gramatography; grammar books; Baroque stylistics; Baroque rhetoric; history of spelling; development of spelling; history of phonetics; development of phonetics; history of morphology; development of morphology; development of the lexis; Chlumec nad Cidlinou; Kutná Hora; Milčice; Nové Strašecí; Pelhřimov; Roudnice nad Labem; František Šolc; Vojtěch Kegler; František Jan Vavák; Filip Ignác Dremsa; Antonín Štěpán; Vojtěch Jílek; Václav Preinhelter. Abstract The traditional view describing Czech literary works written in the period from the late 17th century to the end of 18th century as signs of decline in the level of Czech language and literature has been successfully overcome by linguists over the past few decades. However, most papers covering the topic were focused on prints; handwritten sources are being analysed marginally and unsystematically. The aim of this dissertation is to provide a more...
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Analyse des performances en langue écrite d'élèves issus de l'immigration en Région de Bruxelles Capitale: études longitudinales / Analysis of written language performance of pupils from emigrant families in Area of Brussels City: longitudinal studiesAkif, Zohra 29 November 2007 (has links)
L’objectif de la présente étude est de cerner les difficultés rencontrées en lecture et en orthographe par les enfants issus de l’immigration de 2ème et 3ème génération qui on été comparés à leurs pairs autochtones inscrits dans les même classes. L’échantillon comprend 357 élèves scolarisés dans des écoles communales en discrimination positive de la région de Bruxelles Capitale. Un suivi longitudinal de la 3ème à la 5ème année primaire a également été mené. Les résultats nous ont permis d’évaluer les performances en langue orale et en langue écrite de ces élèves, et de mettre en évidence d’une part les mécanismes de lecture et d’écriture et d’autre part les facteurs susceptibles d’expliquer les retards sur le plan psycholinguistique. Deux programmes d’entraînements, au niveau phonologique et syntaxique ont été élaborés en vue de mesurer leur effet sur les différences de compétences. / The objective of this study is to determine the difficulties encountered in reading and spelling by children from emigrant families (2nd and 3rd generation) compared with their pars autochthons registered in the same classes. The sample includes 357 pupils in positive discrimination elementary schools from the area of Brussels City. A longitudinal follow-up from 3rd to 5th primary grade was also carried out. The results enabled us to evaluate the performances in spoken and written language of these pupils and to highlight the mechanisms of reading and writing and the factors which explain psycholinguistics delays. Two training programs, one phonologic, the other syntactic were elaborate in order to measure their effect on the differential of skills. / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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The diglossic relationship between Shona and English languages in Zimbabwean secondary schoolsChivhanga, Ester 29 February 2008 (has links)
The research highlights the problems of the diglossic relationship between Shona and English in the teaching-learning situation in Zimbabwe secondary schools. It focuses on how English as a high variety language adversely affects the performance of learners writing 'O' level Shona examinations in secondary schools. The research also confirms that teachers and learners of Shona in Zimbabwean secondary schools have a negative attitude towards Shona.
Finally, the use of English in the teaching of Shona, the less hours allocated to Shona, the low esteem of Shona vis-à-vis the dominance of English and the association of English with social mobility impact on the attitude of students towards Shona as a subject. This linguistic attitude coupled with orthographic problems causes low passes in Shona at 'O' level. Hence, one proposes, language awareness campaigns and the use of Shona in the teaching of practical criticism and grammar. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)
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Kreatiewe hulpverleningsprogram gerig op laerskoolleerders wat taalhindernisse ervaar / A creative support programme aimed at primary school learners with language barriersDe Beer, Anna Cornelia 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaat of 'n hulpverleningsprogram die
laerskoolleerder wat taalhindemisse ervaar kan help om sy probleme op 'n
kreatiewe wyse te benader. 'n Algemene oorsig van leerhindemisse wat
laerskoolleerders ervaar, is gegee. lndien 'n leerder taalhindernisse ervaar, sal dit 'n
direkte invloed op sy ander skoolvakke ook he omdat taal vir die leeraksie benodig
Die kreatiwiteitsbegrip is ook van naderby beskou. Kreatiwiteit kan as die skep van
iets wat oorspronklik, maar ook bruikbaar is, gedefinieer word. Dit sluit egter ook die
Ie van ongewone verbande tussen twee of meer sake of voorwerpe in.
Die program wat ontwikkel is, het as onderbou die teorie oor taalintelligensie van
Howard Gardner, 'n opvoedkundige sielkundige aan Harvard Universiteit. Gardner
meen dit is deur 'n kreatiewe ingesteldheid, multisensoriese tegnieke en gepaste
leerstyle rnoontlik om taalintelligensie teverbeter. Hy is van mening dat
taalintelligensie nie iets is wat op 'n bepaalde tydstip gemeet kan word en
onveranderd bly nie. Soos met alle intellektuele vermoens, kan taalvaardighede ook
uitgebrei en ontwikkel word. Beproefde remedierende tegnieke, wat reeds deur die
navorser in die praktyk met welslae uitgetoets is, is op 'n vars, nuwe manier .in die
hulpverleningsprogram gebruik.
Die hulpverleningsprogram het op die verbetering van perseptuele, mondelinge
stelwerk-,lees- en spellingvaardighede gefokus. Dit het gedurende die empiriese
studie duidelik geword dat leerders wat op 'n bepaalde leergebied nie na wense
presteer nie, dikwels 'n "sielkundige blokkasie" ten opsigte van daardie leerareas
ontwikkel. Hulle assosieer Jaasgenoemde in die meeste gevalle met leeronvermoe
en leermislukking. Die enigste manier om hierdie gevoel van leermagteloosheid aan
te spreek, is om die problematiese leerareas met 'n minder ernstige akademiese
aanslag, waarin die pret-element sterk aanwesig is, te benader. Wanneer die
leeraksie as 'n aangename ondervindingervaar word, kan leerders hulle leervrese
aanspreek en meer waagmoedig begin optree. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the success of an innovative support
programme aimed at assisting primary school learners with language barriers to
overcome these. An overview was given of learning barriers primary school learners
may experience. A learner with a language barrier will find that the other learning
areas are negatively influenced because language is essential for learning.
The concept of creativity, defined as the creation of something original, yet useful,
was adhered to. It included the idea that creativity allows for the connecting of
unrelated issues or objects.
The theories of Howard Gardner, an educational psychologist at Harvard University,
concerning language intelligence, supported this study. According to Gardner it is
possible to improve language intelligence through creative awareness, multi-sensory
techniques and appropriate learning styles. Gardner postulates that language, as in
the case of other intellectual abilities, can be developed and expanded. Remedial
techniques successfully used by the researcher in practice, have been presented in
this support programme in a novel and innovative form.
The creative support programme compiled for this thesis focused on the
1 improvement of perceptual, oral, reading and spelling skills. The need for a more
informal support approach was evident in the empirical research of this study.
Learners sometimes develop a "psychological block" when experiencing repeated
difficulties in a specific learning area. Such learners associate these difficulties with
failures and the inability to learn. In order to overcome the experience of learning
dispair, the feelings of anxiety associated with the problem learning area, have to be
replaced with a less rigid approach in which play encourages feelings of enjoyment
and ease. When learning becomes a pleasant experience, learners start overcoming
their fears and become risk takers. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)
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Implementing the teaching handwriting, reading and spelling skills programme with an intermediate phase deaf Gauteng learner using the spoken language approachMumford, Vivien Patricia 01 1900 (has links)
The rationale for this study was to investigate the implementation of the THRASS literacy programme on a deaf learner who uses the spoken language approach. Particular emphasis was given to the role played by the Phoneme Machine together with Cued Speech.
THRASS focuses on phoneme-grapheme correspondence by explicit phonics instruction to develop word analysis and recognition skills. Cued Speech is used as an instructional tool to facilitate visual access to auditory-based phonology.
The research was framed within the Interpretivist paradigm and a qualitative case study design predominated, although the launch and landing of the study was quantitative in nature.
The findings indicated that the auditory-based phonology of the English language may be accessed by a deaf learner, when supported by a visual instructional tool such as Cued Speech in synchronicity with speech-reading, to develop print literacy skills.
This study opens the gateway to further enquiry on enhancing deaf literacy levels. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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'n Masjienleerbenadering tot woordafbreking in AfrikaansFick, Machteld 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal tot watter mate ’n suiwer patroongebaseerde benadering tot woordafbreking bevredigende resultate lewer. Die masjienleertegnieke kunsmatige neurale netwerke, beslissingsbome en die TEX-algoritme is ondersoek aangesien dit met letterpatrone uit woordelyste afgerig kan word om lettergreep- en saamgesteldewoordverdeling te doen.
’n Leksikon van Afrikaanse woorde is uit ’n korpus van elektroniese teks genereer. Om lyste vir lettergreep- en saamgesteldewoordverdeling te kry, is woorde in die leksikon in lettergrepe verdeel en saamgestelde woorde is in hul samestellende dele verdeel. Uit elkeen van hierdie lyste van ±183 000 woorde is ±10 000 woorde as toetsdata gereserveer terwyl die res as afrigtingsdata gebruik is.
’n Rekursiewe algoritme is vir saamgesteldewoordverdeling ontwikkel. In hierdie algoritme word alle ooreenstemmende woorde uit ’n verwysingslys (die leksikon) onttrek deur stringpassing van die begin en einde van woorde af. Verdelingspunte word dan op grond van woordlengte uit die
samestelling van begin- en eindwoorde bepaal. Die algoritme is uitgebrei deur die tekortkominge
van hierdie basiese prosedure aan te spreek.
Neurale netwerke en beslissingsbome is afgerig en variasies van beide tegnieke is ondersoek om
die optimale modelle te kry. Patrone vir die TEX-algoritme is met die OPatGen-program
gegenereer. Tydens toetsing het die TEX-algoritme die beste op beide lettergreep- en saamgesteldewoordverdeling
presteer met 99,56% en 99,12% akkuraatheid, respektiewelik. Dit kan
dus vir woordafbreking gebruik word met min risiko vir afbrekingsfoute in gedrukte teks. Die neurale netwerk met 98,82% en 98,42% akkuraatheid op lettergreep- en saamgesteldewoordverdeling, respektiewelik, is ook bruikbaar vir lettergreepverdeling, maar dis meer riskant. Ons het bevind dat beslissingsbome te riskant is om vir lettergreepverdeling en veral vir woordverdeling te gebruik, met 97,91% en 90,71% akkuraatheid, respektiewelik.
’n Gekombineerde algoritme is ontwerp waarin saamgesteldewoordverdeling eers met die TEXalgoritme gedoen word, waarna die resultate van lettergreepverdeling deur beide die TEXalgoritme en die neurale netwerk gekombineer word. Die algoritme het 1,3% minder foute as die TEX-algoritme gemaak. ’n Toets op gepubliseerde Afrikaanse teks het getoon dat die risiko vir woordafbrekingsfoute in teks met gemiddeld tien woorde per re¨el ±0,02% is. / The aim of this study was to determine the level of success achievable with a purely pattern
based approach to hyphenation in Afrikaans. The machine learning techniques artificial neural
networks, decision trees and the TEX algorithm were investigated since they can be trained
with patterns of letters from word lists for syllabification and decompounding.
A lexicon of Afrikaans words was extracted from a corpus of electronic text. To obtain lists
for syllabification and decompounding, words in the lexicon were respectively syllabified and
compound words were decomposed. From each list of ±183 000 words, ±10 000 words were
reserved as testing data and the rest was used as training data.
A recursive algorithm for decompounding was developed. In this algorithm all words corresponding
with a reference list (the lexicon) are extracted by string fitting from beginning and
end of words. Splitting points are then determined based on the length of reassembled words.
The algorithm was expanded by addressing shortcomings of this basic procedure.
Artificial neural networks and decision trees were trained and variations of both were examined
to find optimal syllabification and decompounding models. Patterns for the TEX algorithm
were generated by using the program OPatGen. Testing showed that the TEX algorithm
performed best on both syllabification and decompounding tasks with 99,56% and 99,12% accuracy,
respectively. It can therefore be used for hyphenation in Afrikaans with little risk of
hyphenation errors in printed text. The performance of the artificial neural network was lower,
but still acceptable, with 98,82% and 98,42% accuracy for syllabification and decompounding,
respectively. The decision tree with accuracy of 97,91% on syllabification and 90,71% on
decompounding was found to be too risky to use for either of the tasks
A combined algorithm was developed where words are first decompounded by using the TEX
algorithm before syllabifying them with both the TEX algoritm and the neural network and
combining the results. This algoritm reduced the number of errors made by the TEX algorithm
by 1,3% but missed more hyphens. Testing the algorithm on Afrikaans publications showed the risk for hyphenation errors to be ±0,02% for text assumed to have an average of ten words per
line. / Decision Sciences / D. Phil. (Operational Research)
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