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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La conscience phonologique des enfants vietnamiens: son développement, ses liens avec la lecture et l'écriture et l'impact d'un entraînement précoce

Huynh, Mai Trang 24 January 2013 (has links)
De nombreux travaux menés dans diverses langues ont montré que la capacité d'analyse de la parole en unités élémentaires, ou "conscience phonologique", joue un rôle important dans le succès de l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l'orthographe. Qu'en est-il pour la langue vietnamienne ?La conscience phonologique peut-elle être considérée comme un prérequis du développement de la lecture et de l’écriture en vietnamien ?Deux études longitudinales ont été réalisées auprès d’enfants d’Ho Chi Minh Ville au Viet Nam afin d’examiner cette question. <p>La première étude a été menée sur 73 enfants qui ont été suivis de la fin de la 3ème maternelle jusqu'au milieu de la 2ème année primaire. L’objectif était d’évaluer le développement de la conscience phonologique des enfants et la relation entre celui-ci et le développement des capacités en langage écrit. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le développement de la conscience phonologique varie en fonction des unités linguistiques considérées. La rime s’est avérée être l’unité linguistique la plus difficile à catégoriser et la voyelle la plus difficile à substituer par rapport à la consonne initiale et au ton. Notre étude n’a pas mis en évidence de corrélations positives et significatives entre la conscience phonologique évaluée en maternelle et l’apprentissage du langage écrit en primaire. Cependant, le développement de la conscience phonologique est fortement corrélé avec celui des capacités de lecture et d’écriture dès la 1ère année primaire. <p>La deuxième étude a été réalisée auprès de 62 enfants suivis depuis la 2ème maternelle jusqu'au milieu de la 1ère primaire. Elle avait pour objectif d’évaluer un programme d’entraînement de la conscience phonologique. Ainsi, nous avons mesuré l’impact de cet entraînement sur le développement de la conscience phonologique et sur l’apprentissage ultérieur du langage écrit. Les résultats ont permis de mettre en évidence un effet bénéfique de l’entraînement précoce de la conscience phonologique sur les performances en langage écrit chez les enfants de 1ère année primaire. <p>Malgré l’absence de preuve claire en faveur d’une influence causale de la conscience phonologique sur l’apprentissage du langage écrit, nos données confirment l’importance de la conscience phonologique dans la découverte du principe alphabétique et l’application des conversions grapho-phonologiques au moment de l’apprentissage formel du langage écrit à l’école primaire. Ainsi, l’application d’un programme d’entraînement de la conscience phonologique durant la période préscolaire (troisième maternelle) apporte une préparation efficace pour l'apprentissage du langage écrit au début du cycle primaire.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Masjienleerbenadering tot woordafbreking in Afrikaans

Fick, Machteld 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal tot watter mate ’n suiwer patroongebaseerde benadering tot woordafbreking bevredigende resultate lewer. Die masjienleertegnieke kunsmatige neurale netwerke, beslissingsbome en die TEX-algoritme is ondersoek aangesien dit met letterpatrone uit woordelyste afgerig kan word om lettergreep- en saamgesteldewoordverdeling te doen. ’n Leksikon van Afrikaanse woorde is uit ’n korpus van elektroniese teks genereer. Om lyste vir lettergreep- en saamgesteldewoordverdeling te kry, is woorde in die leksikon in lettergrepe verdeel en saamgestelde woorde is in hul samestellende dele verdeel. Uit elkeen van hierdie lyste van ±183 000 woorde is ±10 000 woorde as toetsdata gereserveer terwyl die res as afrigtingsdata gebruik is. ’n Rekursiewe algoritme is vir saamgesteldewoordverdeling ontwikkel. In hierdie algoritme word alle ooreenstemmende woorde uit ’n verwysingslys (die leksikon) onttrek deur stringpassing van die begin en einde van woorde af. Verdelingspunte word dan op grond van woordlengte uit die samestelling van begin- en eindwoorde bepaal. Die algoritme is uitgebrei deur die tekortkominge van hierdie basiese prosedure aan te spreek. Neurale netwerke en beslissingsbome is afgerig en variasies van beide tegnieke is ondersoek om die optimale modelle te kry. Patrone vir die TEX-algoritme is met die OPatGen-program gegenereer. Tydens toetsing het die TEX-algoritme die beste op beide lettergreep- en saamgesteldewoordverdeling presteer met 99,56% en 99,12% akkuraatheid, respektiewelik. Dit kan dus vir woordafbreking gebruik word met min risiko vir afbrekingsfoute in gedrukte teks. Die neurale netwerk met 98,82% en 98,42% akkuraatheid op lettergreep- en saamgesteldewoordverdeling, respektiewelik, is ook bruikbaar vir lettergreepverdeling, maar dis meer riskant. Ons het bevind dat beslissingsbome te riskant is om vir lettergreepverdeling en veral vir woordverdeling te gebruik, met 97,91% en 90,71% akkuraatheid, respektiewelik. ’n Gekombineerde algoritme is ontwerp waarin saamgesteldewoordverdeling eers met die TEXalgoritme gedoen word, waarna die resultate van lettergreepverdeling deur beide die TEXalgoritme en die neurale netwerk gekombineer word. Die algoritme het 1,3% minder foute as die TEX-algoritme gemaak. ’n Toets op gepubliseerde Afrikaanse teks het getoon dat die risiko vir woordafbrekingsfoute in teks met gemiddeld tien woorde per re¨el ±0,02% is. / The aim of this study was to determine the level of success achievable with a purely pattern based approach to hyphenation in Afrikaans. The machine learning techniques artificial neural networks, decision trees and the TEX algorithm were investigated since they can be trained with patterns of letters from word lists for syllabification and decompounding. A lexicon of Afrikaans words was extracted from a corpus of electronic text. To obtain lists for syllabification and decompounding, words in the lexicon were respectively syllabified and compound words were decomposed. From each list of ±183 000 words, ±10 000 words were reserved as testing data and the rest was used as training data. A recursive algorithm for decompounding was developed. In this algorithm all words corresponding with a reference list (the lexicon) are extracted by string fitting from beginning and end of words. Splitting points are then determined based on the length of reassembled words. The algorithm was expanded by addressing shortcomings of this basic procedure. Artificial neural networks and decision trees were trained and variations of both were examined to find optimal syllabification and decompounding models. Patterns for the TEX algorithm were generated by using the program OPatGen. Testing showed that the TEX algorithm performed best on both syllabification and decompounding tasks with 99,56% and 99,12% accuracy, respectively. It can therefore be used for hyphenation in Afrikaans with little risk of hyphenation errors in printed text. The performance of the artificial neural network was lower, but still acceptable, with 98,82% and 98,42% accuracy for syllabification and decompounding, respectively. The decision tree with accuracy of 97,91% on syllabification and 90,71% on decompounding was found to be too risky to use for either of the tasks A combined algorithm was developed where words are first decompounded by using the TEX algorithm before syllabifying them with both the TEX algoritm and the neural network and combining the results. This algoritm reduced the number of errors made by the TEX algorithm by 1,3% but missed more hyphens. Testing the algorithm on Afrikaans publications showed the risk for hyphenation errors to be ±0,02% for text assumed to have an average of ten words per line. / Decision Sciences / D. Phil. (Operational Research)

Analoga och digitala skrivverktyg : en jämförande studie av elevers texter / Analog and digital writing tools : a comparative study of students’ texts

Ramberg, Linnea, Lindberg, Emmy January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att jämföra hur elevers narrativa texter i årskurs 6 skiljer sig åt beroende på om de skrivs med hjälp av analoga skrivverktyg eller digitala skrivverktyg med ordbehandlingsprogram. Studien omfattar åtta elevtexter som analyserats utifrån aspekterna stavning, särskrivning samt felanvändning av versaler och gemener. En teoretisk utgångspunkt som studien utgått från är det sociokulturella perspektivets tankesätt om medierande redskap, där dessa redskap i vår studie är penna och tangentbord. Den andra teoretiska utgångspunkten är kognitivismen med fokus på kognitiva och sensomotoriska processers betydelse för elevers textskrivande. Resultatet visade att eleverna hade betydligt fler fel i sina analoga texter jämfört med de digitala gällande stavfel och felanvändning av versaler och gemener men däremot utmärkte sig resultatet för särskrivning eftersom inga skillnader blev framträdande oavsett vilket skrivverktyg som användes. Som förväntat presterade eleverna bättre i sina digitala texter där mycket går att koppla till det ordbehandlingsprogram som eleverna fick hjälp av. En annan viktig iakttagelse är att de analoga texterna innehöll oroväckande mycket fel vilket kan innebära att analoga texter skrivs allt mer sällan och att elever därför går miste om viktiga förmågor kopplat till de kognitiva och sensomotoriska processerna. Med andra ord visar resultatet att valet av medierande redskap har betydelse för elevernas skrivande.

Berättande elevtexter skrivna med penna och på tangentbord i årskurs 4 och 6 : Jämförelser av textlängd, narrativ kvalitet, lexikal variation och stavning / Narrative texts written by students with pen and keyboard in grades 4 and 6 : Comparisons of text length, narrative quality, lexical diversity, and spelling

Örs, Ebru, Constantinescu, Marie January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie jämför berättande elevtexter som är skrivna med penna och på tangentbord i årskurs 4 och 6. Jämförelsen görs både mellan redskapen inom årskurserna och mellan årskurserna. Studien omfattar 29 texter från årskurs 4 och 27 texter från årskurs 6. Antalet deltagare var 15 elever i årskurs 4 och 15 elever i årskurs 6. Elevtexterna analyserades utifrån fyra olika aspekter: textlängd, narrativ kvalitet, lexikal variation och stavning. Resultatet inom årskurs 6 visade att eleverna skrev signifikant längre texter på tangentbord. Eleverna i årskurs 4 presterade bättre med penna gällande narrativ kvalitet och lexikal variation, men presterade däremot bättre på tangentbord gällande textlängd och stavning. Dessa skillnader var dock inte statistisk signifikanta. Resultatet diskuteras utifrån simple view of writing.

母語音韻覺識在英文拼字與讀字上所扮演的角色 / The Role of L1 Phonological Awareness in English Word Spelling and Reading

詹益智, Chan, I-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上認為以中文為母語的孩童並不具有「音位覺識能力」(phonemic awareness),本研究以實驗方式直接測量以中文為母語孩童的「音位覺識能力」,同時探討孩童「音位覺識能力」及「聲母—韻母覺識能力」(onset-rime awareness) 在英文拼字與讀字上所扮演的角色。在本研究中,一百九十二位國小四年級的孩童參與二項「母語音韻覺識測驗」,包括「聲母/韻母異音測驗」(onset/rime oddity test) 和「韻腹/韻尾異音測驗」(nucleus/coda oddity test)。根據上述二項測驗的成績,將孩童分為三組:第一組孩童(共29人),其「聲母—韻母覺識能力」和「音位覺識能力」皆佳;第二組孩童(共29人),其「聲母—韻母覺識能力」佳,但「音位覺識能力」差;第三組孩童(共26人),其「聲母—韻母覺識能力」和「音位覺識能力」皆差。我們接著利用「拼英文假字測驗」和「讀英文假字測驗」來測量三組孩童的英文拼字與讀字的能力,在施測之前,孩童們有八次的機會學會「拼字」與「讀字」兩項測驗所需具備的「字音對應規則」。結果顯示,雖然孩童的「音位覺識能力」在程度上有所不同,但以中文為母語的孩童已具備「音位覺識能力」。此外,在考慮了孩童們「記憶廣度」(digit span)與「英文聽話字彙」 (English receptive vocabulary)的差異後,「聲母—韻母覺識能力」和「音位覺識能力」皆佳的孩童,在拼字的表現上優於「聲母—韻母覺識能力」佳,但「音位覺識能力」差的孩童來,接著「聲母—韻母覺識能力」佳,但「音位覺識能力」差的孩童的拼字表現優於「聲母—韻母覺識能力」和「音位覺識能力」皆差的孩童。最後,「音位覺識能力」佳的的孩童,在讀字的表現上優於「音位覺識能力」差的的孩童,此外,並無證據顯示「聲母—韻母覺識能力」在孩童的讀字能力上扮演著重要的角色。整體而言,本研究的結果支持其他研究的看法,這些研究認為以中文為母語的孩童在母語習得過程中所發展出來的「音韻覺識能力」對於其英文拼字與讀字的能力上有著一定的貢獻,此外,本研究更進一步顯示,這種貢獻會隨著「音韻覺識」程度的不同而有所改變。 / It has been conventionally assumed that Chinese-speaking children do not have phonemic awareness. In this study, Chinese-speaking children’s phonemic awareness was empirically tested and its role, relative to onset-rime awareness, in the acquisition of English spelling and reading abilities was examined. Two L1 phonological awareness tests (i.e., an onset/rime oddity test and a nucleus/coda oddity test) were administered to a total of 192 Chinese-speaking fourth-graders. The children were selected and categorized based on their performances on the two L1 phonological awareness tests: 29 children with good onset-rime awareness and good phonemic awareness, 29 children with good onset-rime awareness but poor phonemic awareness, and 26 children with poor onset-rime awareness and poor phonemic awareness. The three groups of children were then tested on their abilities to spell and read English pseudowords. Before taking the English pseudoword spelling and reading tasks, the children were provided with eight opportunities to master the requisite letter-sound knowledge for the success in spelling and reading the pseudowords. The results showed that Chinese-speaking children demonstrated phonological awareness at the phonemic level, though varying in degree. Considered along with individual differences in digit span and English receptive vocabulary, children with better phonological awareness at both the onset-rime level and the phonemic level performed better in English pseudoword spelling than children with better onset-rime awareness but poorer phonemic awareness, who in turn, performed better than children with poorer phonological awareness at both levels. Finally, children with better phonemic awareness outperformed the other two groups of children with poorer phonemic awareness in pseudoword reading. Onset-rime awareness did not seem to play a significant role in pseudoword reading. These results support and extend other studies suggesting that the acquisition of English spelling and reading abilities in Chinese-speaking children benefits from the phonological awareness obtained during the course of first language acquisition and that the beneficial effect varies with the levels of phonological awareness.


Samet Baydar (7473857) 24 June 2020 (has links)
<div>Typing in Japanese is a difficult process for novice and intermediate learners of Japanese due</div><div>to the writing system of the Japanese language and its comparatively involved input method on a</div><div>keyboard. Considering that spell checkers, which enable the user to check and correct their own</div><div>errors and select the correct kanji word, are designed for native speakers, the learners of Japanese</div><div>as a foreign language (JFL) may not recognize their spelling errors and are thus unable to selfcorrect using this built-in tool.</div><div>The present study addresses this problem and conducts an experiment to evaluate the</div><div>effectiveness of a visual feedback tool by its error recognition rate on the learners spelling errors</div><div>when typing in Japanese. The participants were 46 beginner level JFL learners in a third semester</div><div>Japanese course, and the majority consist of native speakers of Chinese or English. The</div><div>participants participated in two experimental sessions. In both sessions, participants were audio</div><div>recorded while reading aloud a list of words in Japanese for pronunciation analysis and screen</div><div>recorded while typing the same list of Japanese words. These recordings are used to analyze the</div><div>characteristics of error patterns in both pronunciation and typing. During the typing sessions, visual</div><div>feedback is provided to the participants via a customized dictionary tool when participants make</div><div>a spelling error.</div><div>The results show that regardless of the native language, the learners have difficulty on certain</div><div>words that include long vowels or double consonants. The recorded error patterns align with the</div><div>findings of previous studies (Hatasa, 2001; Nakazawa, 2003; Tsuchiya, 2000), and the visual</div><div>feedback showed an average error recognition rate of 76% of the participants’ spelling errors. The</div><div>participants also assessed the dictionary tool in terms of usability, and their responses indicate that</div><div>such tools are very useful during typing. The researcher concludes that using a visual feedback</div><div>dictionary tool is effective in recognizing the spelling errors of the learners when typing, and it</div><div>increases the learner’s awareness of spelling accuracy.</div>

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