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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Favoriser le transfert de connaissances grammaticales en situation d'écriture : mise à l'essai d'une séquence didactique auprès d'élèves de troisième secondaire

Arseneau, Rosianne 01 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche-action vise à déterminer par quels moyens les enseignants de français peuvent contribuer à favoriser le transfert de connaissances grammaticales en situation d’écriture chez leurs élèves de niveau secondaire. Nous avons d’abord constaté que, chez les élèves du secondaire en général, les accords sont plus facilement réussis en contexte d’exercice qu’en contexte de production écrite. Sur la base de propositions didactiques pertinentes concernant l’orthographe grammaticale et/ou le transfert de connaissances, propositions fondées notamment sur une approche inductive, centrée sur le questionnement de l’élève et sur l’analyse de phrases, nous avons conçu et élaboré une séquence didactique portant sur l’accord du participe passé employé avec être ou avec un verbe attributif. Dans un deuxième temps, nous l’avons mise à l’essai auprès d’un groupe d’élèves de troisième secondaire, puis nous en avons vérifié les effets à l’aide d’un prétest et d’un posttest composés respectivement d’un questionnaire, d’un exercice et d’une production écrite. Les résultats révélés par l’analyse des données démontrent l’efficacité de la série de cours. En effet, le taux moyen de réussite des accords en contexte d’exercice passe de 53% à 75%, alors que, pour les productions écrites, il est de 48% avant la série de cours contre 82% après. Les questionnaires recueillis nous portent à attribuer en partie cette forte augmentation du taux de réussite des accords en contexte de production écrite au bon déroulement du processus de transfert grâce au travail effectué en cours de séquence sur les connaissances conditionnelles. / This action research aims to determine by which means French teachers can contribute to help their secondary students in transferring their grammatical knowledge in writing situations. We first noticed that, for secondary students in general, agreements are more likely to be successful in exercise context than in writing context. Based on didactical propositions of researchers interested in grammatical spelling and/or transfer of knowledge, notably propositions consisting in an inductive approach, centered on student questioning and sentence analysis, we conceived and developed a didactical sequence about the agreement of past participle used with être or with an attributive verb. Then, we implemented it in a third grade secondary student group, and we observed its effects by pretesting and posttesting, using questionnaires, exercises and written productions. Results revealed by data analysis show the efficiency of the lessons built. Students succeeded a lot more often in making agreement of past participle used with être or with an attributive verb after the implement of the didactical sequence than before. The mean rate of successful agreement in exercises came from 53% to 75%, while agreement in written production is 48% successful before, against 82% after. The questionnaires collected incline us to believe that this augmentation of successful agreement rate in written productions is related to the right progress of the transfer process due to work done during lessons on conditional knowledge.

Jazyková politika v Norsku ve 20. a na začátku 21. století / Language Policy in Norway in the 20th Century and in the Beginning of the 21st Century

Doušová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
Diplomová práce pojednává o přístupu k řešení jazykové otázky, která se v Norsku objevila po roce 1814, kdy skončila dánská nadvláda, během níž dánština nahradila v písemném styku norštinu. Bylo nutné stanovit, jakou podobu by měl mít psaný norský jazyk: zda by to měl být riksmål - tj. ponorštěná dánština (později známý jako bokmål), nebo landsmål - tj. nový jazyk, vycházející z norských dialektů (později přejmenovaný na nynorsk). Práce nejprve popisuje, jak vznikl jazykový spor mezi zastánci nynorsk a bokmål v 19. století a jak byl vázán na tehdejší politickou situaci a naopak. Poté je analyzováno, jak byla ve 20. století rozvíjena a přijímána oficiální jazyková politika, kterou po několik desítek let určovala sociálnědemokratická strana. Do ní spadají pravopisné reformy z let 1907, 1917, 1938, 1959, 1981, 2005 a 2012, zákony o užívání jazyka, politika sbližování nynorsk a bokmål s cílem vytvořit společný jazyk samnorsk a vytvoření jazykového orgánu Språkrådet (Jazykové rady). Nakonec práce zkoumá, jak vypadá jazyková situace v Norsku v souvislosti se vztahem bokmål-nynorsk v prvním desetiletí 21. století. The thesis deals with the approach to linguistic issues which emerged in Norway after 1814 when Danish domination ended. During the domination Danish replaced Norwegian in written communication. It was...

The Same-Spelling Hapax of the Commedia of Dante

Soules, Terrill S 10 August 2010 (has links)
In the Commedia of Dante, a poem 14,233 lines in length, some 7,500 words occur only once. These are the hapax. Fewer than 2% of these constitute a minute but distinct subset—the hapax for which there are one or more words in the poem whose spelling is identical but whose meaning is different. These are what I call same-spelling hapax. I identify four categories: partof- speech, homograph, locus, and name. Examination of the same-spelling hapax illuminates a poetic strategy continuously in use throughout the poem. This is to use the one-word coinciding of Rhyme’s rhyme number and terzina’s line number. Not only is it highly probable that a samespelling hapax will be a rhyme-word, but it is also probable that it will occupy a rhyme-word’s most significant position—the one place—the single word—where the two intertwined formal entities that shape each canto coincide. Every three lines, their tension-resolving this-word-only union intensifies the reader’s attention and understanding alike.

Arbeitsgedächtnis und Schulleistungen in Mathematik und Schriftsprache bei älteren Grundschülern / working memory and school performance in mathematics and written language for older elementary school students

Schmid, Inga 29 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Erklärung von Rechtschreibleistungen durch phonologische und auditiv-sensorische Informationsverarbeitungskompetenzen: Eine Untersuchung mit lese-/rechtschreibgestörten Kindern / Predicting spelling skills by competences of phonological and auditory sensory processing: a study with dyslectic children

Ulrich-Brink, Anette 01 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Favoriser le transfert de connaissances grammaticales en situation d'écriture : mise à l'essai d'une séquence didactique auprès d'élèves de troisième secondaire

Arseneau, Rosianne 01 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche-action vise à déterminer par quels moyens les enseignants de français peuvent contribuer à favoriser le transfert de connaissances grammaticales en situation d’écriture chez leurs élèves de niveau secondaire. Nous avons d’abord constaté que, chez les élèves du secondaire en général, les accords sont plus facilement réussis en contexte d’exercice qu’en contexte de production écrite. Sur la base de propositions didactiques pertinentes concernant l’orthographe grammaticale et/ou le transfert de connaissances, propositions fondées notamment sur une approche inductive, centrée sur le questionnement de l’élève et sur l’analyse de phrases, nous avons conçu et élaboré une séquence didactique portant sur l’accord du participe passé employé avec être ou avec un verbe attributif. Dans un deuxième temps, nous l’avons mise à l’essai auprès d’un groupe d’élèves de troisième secondaire, puis nous en avons vérifié les effets à l’aide d’un prétest et d’un posttest composés respectivement d’un questionnaire, d’un exercice et d’une production écrite. Les résultats révélés par l’analyse des données démontrent l’efficacité de la série de cours. En effet, le taux moyen de réussite des accords en contexte d’exercice passe de 53% à 75%, alors que, pour les productions écrites, il est de 48% avant la série de cours contre 82% après. Les questionnaires recueillis nous portent à attribuer en partie cette forte augmentation du taux de réussite des accords en contexte de production écrite au bon déroulement du processus de transfert grâce au travail effectué en cours de séquence sur les connaissances conditionnelles. / This action research aims to determine by which means French teachers can contribute to help their secondary students in transferring their grammatical knowledge in writing situations. We first noticed that, for secondary students in general, agreements are more likely to be successful in exercise context than in writing context. Based on didactical propositions of researchers interested in grammatical spelling and/or transfer of knowledge, notably propositions consisting in an inductive approach, centered on student questioning and sentence analysis, we conceived and developed a didactical sequence about the agreement of past participle used with être or with an attributive verb. Then, we implemented it in a third grade secondary student group, and we observed its effects by pretesting and posttesting, using questionnaires, exercises and written productions. Results revealed by data analysis show the efficiency of the lessons built. Students succeeded a lot more often in making agreement of past participle used with être or with an attributive verb after the implement of the didactical sequence than before. The mean rate of successful agreement in exercises came from 53% to 75%, while agreement in written production is 48% successful before, against 82% after. The questionnaires collected incline us to believe that this augmentation of successful agreement rate in written productions is related to the right progress of the transfer process due to work done during lessons on conditional knowledge.

The diglossic relationship between Shona and English languages in Zimbabwean secondary schools

Chivhanga, Ester 29 February 2008 (has links)
The research highlights the problems of the diglossic relationship between Shona and English in the teaching-learning situation in Zimbabwe secondary schools. It focuses on how English as a high variety language adversely affects the performance of learners writing 'O' level Shona examinations in secondary schools. The research also confirms that teachers and learners of Shona in Zimbabwean secondary schools have a negative attitude towards Shona. Finally, the use of English in the teaching of Shona, the less hours allocated to Shona, the low esteem of Shona vis-à-vis the dominance of English and the association of English with social mobility impact on the attitude of students towards Shona as a subject. This linguistic attitude coupled with orthographic problems causes low passes in Shona at 'O' level. Hence, one proposes, language awareness campaigns and the use of Shona in the teaching of practical criticism and grammar. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

Implementing the teaching handwriting, reading and spelling skills programme with an intermediate phase deaf Gauteng learner using the spoken language approach

Mumford, Vivien Patricia 01 1900 (has links)
The rationale for this study was to investigate the implementation of the THRASS literacy programme on a deaf learner who uses the spoken language approach. Particular emphasis was given to the role played by the Phoneme Machine together with Cued Speech. THRASS focuses on phoneme-grapheme correspondence by explicit phonics instruction to develop word analysis and recognition skills. Cued Speech is used as an instructional tool to facilitate visual access to auditory-based phonology. The research was framed within the Interpretivist paradigm and a qualitative case study design predominated, although the launch and landing of the study was quantitative in nature. The findings indicated that the auditory-based phonology of the English language may be accessed by a deaf learner, when supported by a visual instructional tool such as Cued Speech in synchronicity with speech-reading, to develop print literacy skills. This study opens the gateway to further enquiry on enhancing deaf literacy levels. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Kreatiewe hulpverleningsprogram gerig op laerskoolleerders wat taalhindernisse ervaar / A creative support programme aimed at primary school learners with language barriers

De Beer, Anna Cornelia 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaat of 'n hulpverleningsprogram die laerskoolleerder wat taalhindemisse ervaar kan help om sy probleme op 'n kreatiewe wyse te benader. 'n Algemene oorsig van leerhindemisse wat laerskoolleerders ervaar, is gegee. lndien 'n leerder taalhindernisse ervaar, sal dit 'n direkte invloed op sy ander skoolvakke ook he omdat taal vir die leeraksie benodig word. Die kreatiwiteitsbegrip is ook van naderby beskou. Kreatiwiteit kan as die skep van iets wat oorspronklik, maar ook bruikbaar is, gedefinieer word. Dit sluit egter ook die Ie van ongewone verbande tussen twee of meer sake of voorwerpe in. Die program wat ontwikkel is, het as onderbou die teorie oor taalintelligensie van Howard Gardner, 'n opvoedkundige sielkundige aan Harvard Universiteit. Gardner meen dit is deur 'n kreatiewe ingesteldheid, multisensoriese tegnieke en gepaste leerstyle rnoontlik om taalintelligensie teverbeter. Hy is van mening dat taalintelligensie nie iets is wat op 'n bepaalde tydstip gemeet kan word en onveranderd bly nie. Soos met alle intellektuele vermoens, kan taalvaardighede ook uitgebrei en ontwikkel word. Beproefde remedierende tegnieke, wat reeds deur die navorser in die praktyk met welslae uitgetoets is, is op 'n vars, nuwe manier .in die hulpverleningsprogram gebruik. Die hulpverleningsprogram het op die verbetering van perseptuele, mondelinge stelwerk-,lees- en spellingvaardighede gefokus. Dit het gedurende die empiriese studie duidelik geword dat leerders wat op 'n bepaalde leergebied nie na wense presteer nie, dikwels 'n "sielkundige blokkasie" ten opsigte van daardie leerareas ontwikkel. Hulle assosieer Jaasgenoemde in die meeste gevalle met leeronvermoe en leermislukking. Die enigste manier om hierdie gevoel van leermagteloosheid aan te spreek, is om die problematiese leerareas met 'n minder ernstige akademiese aanslag, waarin die pret-element sterk aanwesig is, te benader. Wanneer die leeraksie as 'n aangename ondervindingervaar word, kan leerders hulle leervrese aanspreek en meer waagmoedig begin optree. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the success of an innovative support programme aimed at assisting primary school learners with language barriers to overcome these. An overview was given of learning barriers primary school learners may experience. A learner with a language barrier will find that the other learning areas are negatively influenced because language is essential for learning. The concept of creativity, defined as the creation of something original, yet useful, was adhered to. It included the idea that creativity allows for the connecting of unrelated issues or objects. The theories of Howard Gardner, an educational psychologist at Harvard University, concerning language intelligence, supported this study. According to Gardner it is possible to improve language intelligence through creative awareness, multi-sensory techniques and appropriate learning styles. Gardner postulates that language, as in the case of other intellectual abilities, can be developed and expanded. Remedial techniques successfully used by the researcher in practice, have been presented in this support programme in a novel and innovative form. The creative support programme compiled for this thesis focused on the 1 improvement of perceptual, oral, reading and spelling skills. The need for a more informal support approach was evident in the empirical research of this study. Learners sometimes develop a "psychological block" when experiencing repeated difficulties in a specific learning area. Such learners associate these difficulties with failures and the inability to learn. In order to overcome the experience of learning dispair, the feelings of anxiety associated with the problem learning area, have to be replaced with a less rigid approach in which play encourages feelings of enjoyment and ease. When learning becomes a pleasant experience, learners start overcoming their fears and become risk takers. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Barèmes d'orthographe grammaticale valables pour l'enseignement primaire et l'enseignement moyen

Manouvrier, Fernand January 1948 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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