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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution to diagnosis and correction of iodine and selenium deficiencies in cattle / Contribution au diagnostic et à la correction des carences en iode et sélénium chez les bovins

Guyot, Hugues 31 October 2007 (has links)
Deficiencies of selenium (Se) and iodine (I) are widespread in livestock all over Europe. They have an impact on the animals health. Since the clinical signs of the deficiencies are rarely pathognomic, auxiliary exams, based on blood and milk samples are needed for the confirmation of the diagnosis. To evaluate the Se and I status, the plasmatic Se content, the erythrocytic glutathione peroxydase activity (GPX), and the inorganic plasmatic I (IIP) content are measured routinely. Other analyses, like e.g. the dosage of tri-iodothyronine (T3) or thyrotropine (bTSH) can be used. Once the deficiency is diagnosed, it can be corrected by several methods. The first aim of the study was to evaluate the zinc, copper, Se, and I status of Wallonian dairy and beef herds and to correlate their trace element status to their health. The trace element status of the herds with pathologies was less good than that of healthy herds. Further, more herds with pathologies had deficiencies when compared to healthy ones. Dairy herds had a better trace element status than beef herds. Se and I deficiencies are among the most important ones and have the most severe sequels. Therefore, the subsequent parts of the study focussed on these two trace elements. The second aim was the establishment of a technique for the dosage of bTSH and of reference values in healthy cattle. Reference ranges for bTSH and for thyroxine (T4) have been determined in healthy adult cows and in healthy calves. Thereafter, the next aim was to compare the concentration of bTSH in newborn calves with goitre to those obtained in healthy calves, in order to validate a diagnostic test for this pathology. The bTSH allowed the discrimination of the two groups and to approve the diagnosis of hypothyroidism in some of the calves. The threshold value of bTSH for the diagnosis of hypothyroidism in the newborn calf has been fixed at 35 µU/ml. The fourth aim was to compare the I (IIP) and Se (plasmatic Se, GPX) status as well as the thyroid status (bTSH, T4, T3, rT3) in dried pregnant cows and their calves and in non-pregnant cows, that received normal diet and a diet enriched in Se and I. In those receiving a Se and I enriched diet, the T4 and the bTSH decreased while the IIP, the T3, and the GPX activity increased. In the group that received a diet with normal Se and I contents, only the GPX activity increased. At birth, calves from mothers receiving the Se and I enriched diet, had a higher IPP content and GPX activity, and a lower bTSH concentration than calves from the other group. The last aim was to compare the effects of two different forms of Se (sodium selenite versus seleno-methionine) and two different doses of Se (0.1 versus 0.5 ppm) on the health and the Se status of Se deficient Belgian Blue cows and their calves. The first two groups of cows received a ration with 0.1 and 0.5 ppm, respectively, of Se in the form of sodium selenite (Na-Se 0.1 and Na-Se 0.5), while the third group received 0.5 ppm of Se in the form of seleno-methionine (Y-Se 0.5). The Se content of plasma, colostrum, and milk was higher in the cows of group Y-Se 0.5 when compared to the two other groups. The Se content of the plasma was higher in calves from group Y-Se 0.5 when compared to the two other groups. The daily weight gain of the Y-Se 0.5 group was higher than those of the group Na-Se 0.1. The incidence of diarrhoea among calves in group Na-Se 0.1 was higher than in group Y-Se 0.5. In conclusion, trace elements deficiencies are common in Wallonia and often they are multiple. They play a major role in the aetiology of multifactorial diseases diagnosed in the cattle herds. Deficiencies in Se and in I are most commonly implicated in clinical problems. The diagnosis of these deficiencies is determined by blood analyses. Therefore, the tests need to be differentiated according to their capacity to test the nutritional or the thyroid status. A simultaneous supplementation with I and Se, as well as the form of the supplemented Se, may modify the interpretation of the nutritional and the thyroid status. Better reproduction performances and a better health have been observed in herds with a normal trace element status. Furthermore, the advantage of the supplementation with Se in the form of seleno-methionine has been demonstrated in comparison to sodium selenite in deficient Belgian Blue cattle. This study opened numerous perspectives. The measurement of bTSH should be implemented in laboratories in order to offer it as a routine analysis to the practitioning veterinarian, who could use this tool in the framework of many diseases other than goitre. From a fundamental point of view, the dosage of deiodinases would allow the understanding of the regulation and of the synthesis of the thyroid hormones in bovines, and identifying the role of Se and I in this process. Finally, following the discoveries concerning the seleno-methionine, the effect of organic forms of other trace elements in bovine supplementation should be investigated. / Les carences en sélénium (Se) et en iode (I) sont répandues en Europe chez le bétail et ont des répercussions sur leur santé. Les signes cliniques de carence sont rarement pathognomoniques, ce qui nécessite le recours à des examens de sang ou de lait afin de confirmer le diagnostic. Pour évaluer le statut en Se et en I des bovins, le dosage du Se plasmatique, de lactivité de la glutathion peroxydase érythrocytaire (GPX) et de lI inorganique plasmatique (IIP) est réalisé en routine. Lévaluation du statut thyroïdien se fait principalement via la détermination de la thyroxine (T4) dans le plasma. Dautres analyses sont utilisables à cette fin, telles que la tri-iodothyronine (T3) ou la thyrotropine (bTSH). Une fois le diagnostic de carence posé, la carence peut être corrigée de diverses façons. Le 1er objectif de ce travail a été dévaluer les statuts en zinc, cuivre, Se et I dans les exploitations bovines laitières et viandeuses en Wallonie et de mettre en corrélation ces statuts avec létat de santé des troupeaux étudiés. Le statut en oligo-éléments (O-E) dans les troupeaux avec pathologies était moins bon que celui des troupeaux sains. De même, davantage de troupeaux avec pathologies étaient carencés par rapport aux troupeaux sains. Les troupeaux laitiers bénéficiaient de meilleurs statuts par rapport aux troupeaux viandeux. Les carences en Se et en I sont parmi les plus importantes et les plus lourdes de conséquences. La suite du travail sest donc focalisé sur ces 2 oligo-éléments. Le 2ème objectif a consisté à mettre au point un dosage de la bTSH et à établir des valeurs de référence chez des bovins adultes en bonne santé. Un intervalle de référence pour la bTSH et la T4 a été établi pour des vaches adultes saines et des veaux nouveau-nés sains. En corollaire, lobjectif suivant a été de comparer la concentration en bTSH trouvée chez des veaux nouveau-nés atteints dun goitre avec celle obtenue chez des veaux nouveau-nés en bonne santé, afin de valider un test diagnostique pour cette pathologie. La bTSH a permis de discriminer ces 2 groupes de veaux et détablir le diagnostic dhypothyroïdie chez certains veaux goitreux. Une valeur seuil de bTSH pour poser le diagnostic dhypothyroïdie chez des veaux nouveau-nés a été établie à 35 µU/ml. Le 4ème objectif a été de comparer les statuts en I (IIP) et Se (Se plasmatique, GPX) mais également le statut thyroïdien (bTSH, T4, T3, rT3) de vaches taries gestantes ou non et, le cas échéant, de leur veau, qui ont reçu une ration normalement pourvue ou enrichie en I et Se. Chez les vaches recevant une ration enrichie en Se et I, la T4 et la bTSH ont diminué alors que lIIP, la T3 et lactivité de la GPX ont augmenté. Dans le groupe recevant une ration normalement pourvue en Se et I, seule lactivité de la GPX a augmenté. A la naissance, les veaux provenant des mères ayant reçu une ration enrichie en Se et I avaient une concentration en IIP et une activité de la GPX supérieures et une concentration en bTSH inférieure par rapport aux veaux de lautre groupe. Le dernier objectif a été de comparer les effets sur la santé et le statut en Se de vaches BBB carencées et de leur veau de deux formes (sélénite de soude versus séléno-méthionine) et de deux doses différentes de Se (0,1 versus 0,5 ppm). Les deux premiers groupes de vaches ont reçu une ration avec respectivement 0,1 et 0,5 ppm de Se sous forme de sélénite de soude (Na-Se 0,1 et Na-Se 0,5), alors que le troisième groupe de vaches a reçu 0,5 ppm de Se sous forme de séléno-méthionine (Y-Se 0,5). Les concentrations en Se dans le plasma, le colostrum et le lait étaient plus élevées chez les vaches du groupe Y-Se 0,5 par rapport aux 2 autres groupes. La concentration en Se plasmatique était plus importante chez les veaux du groupe Y-Se 0,5 par rapport à celles des autres groupes. Le gain quotidien moyen des veaux du groupe Y-Se 0,5 était plus important par rapport à celui du groupe Na-Se 0,1. La prévalence de diarrhée des veaux du groupe Na-Se 0,1 était plus élevée par rapport à celle du groupe Y-Se 0,5. En conclusion, les carences en oligo-éléments sont fréquentes en Wallonie et souvent multiples. Elles interviennent de manière importante dans létiologie des troubles multifactoriels constatés dans les exploitations bovines. Les carences en Se et en I sont celles qui occasionnent le plus de répercussions cliniques. Le diagnostic de ces carences en particulier repose sur lutilisation de dosages sanguins. Il faut y distinguer ceux qui mesurent le statut nutritionnel en I et Se de ceux qui évaluent plutôt le statut thyroïdien. Une supplémentation simultanée en I et en Se peut modifier linterprétation des statuts nutritionnel et thyroïdien, de même que la forme sous laquelle le Se est apporté aux bovins. De meilleures performances zootechniques et une meilleure santé sont constatées dans les troupeaux supplémentés en O-E qui jouissent de statuts corrects. De plus, de ce point de vue, la supériorité de la supplémentation en Se sous forme de séléno-méthionine a été démontrée par rapport au sélénite de soude chez des bovins BBB carencés. De nombreuses perspectives se dégagent de ce travail. Le dosage de la bTSH est à implémenter dans des laboratoires en vue den faire une analyse de routine à disposition des vétérinaires praticiens qui pourraient ainsi utiliser cet outil dans le cadre de nombreuses autres pathologies que le goitre congénital. Dun point de vue plus fondamental, le dosage des désiodases permettrait daffiner la compréhension de la régulation de la synthèse des hormones thyroïdiennes chez le bovin, en précisant les rôles respectifs de lI et du Se à ce propos. Enfin, à linstar des découvertes concernant la séléno-méthionine, lintérêt annoncé des formes organiques des autres O-E chez les ruminants devrait être investigué plus avant.

Sergančiųjų išemine širdies liga endokrininių veiksnių ryšys su subjektyviu sveikatos vertinimu / Endocrine factors and patient centered outcomes in coronary artery disease

Gintauskienė, Viltė Marija 06 November 2013 (has links)
Psichosocialiniai veiksniai turi įtakos išeminės širdies ligos (IŠL) vystymuisi ir komplikacijų atsiradimui. Depresijos ir nerimo patogenezėje dalyvauja pagumburio-hipofizės-antinksčių ašis. Skydliaukės hormonų pokyčiai taip pat dažnai randami sergantiesiems IŠL bei depresija. Nuovargis ir su sveikata susijusi gyvenimo kokybė priklauso ne tik nuo geros fizinės sveikatos, bet ir nuo psichoemocinės būklės, todėl svarbu kompleksiškai įvertinti hormoninių žymenų ir elgesio veiksnių (depresijos, nerimo ir nuovargio) sąveikos įtaką sergančiųjų IŠL gyvenimo kokybei, ligos eigai bei baigtims. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo išnagrinėti kortizolio ir skydliaukės ašies hormonų koncentracijų ryšį sergantiesiems IŠL su N-galinio smegenų tipo natriuretinio propeptido (NT-proBNP) koncentracija bei subjektyviomis sveikatos būklėmis: depresijos, nerimo simptomais, nuovargiu ir su sveikata susijusia gyvenimo kokybe. Tyrimas parodė skydliaukės hormonų ir kortizolio koncentracijų reikšmingą ryšį su subjektyviu sveikatos vertinimu sergantiesiems IŠL. Mažesnė bendrojo T3, laisvojo T4 ir didesnė reversinio T3 koncentracija susijusi su didesne NT-proBNP koncentracija, depresijos simptomų pasireiškimu, didesniu nuovargiu ir blogesniu su sveikata susijusios gyvenimo kokybės vertinimu. Didesnė rytinio kortizolio koncentracija susijusi su depresijos simptomų pasireiškimu moterims. Gauti duomenys gali būti panaudoti sergančiųjų IŠL depresijos bei nerimo simptomams, ligos eigai, prognozei ir gyvenimo kokybei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Psychosocial factors affect the occurrence of coronary artery disease (CAD) disease and development of complications. People with depression or anxiety symptoms have the activate hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Thyroid hormone changes are also found in patients with CAD. Fatigue and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) depends not only on good physical health, but also on psychoemotional state, especially on the presence of depression and anxiety disorders. Therefore, it is important to evaluate complex of hormonal markers and behavioral factors (depression, anxiety and fatigue) interaction on patients with CAD for quality of life, disease course and outcome. The aim of this study was examine relationship of cortisol and thyroid axis hormones concentrations with NT-pro B type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) concentrations and with patient oriented outcomes such as depressive symptoms, fatigue and HRQoL in CAD patients. Study demonstrates relationship between thyroid axis hormones and cortisol concentrations with depression, anxiety symptoms, fatigue and HRQoL in CAD patients. Low T3, free T4 and higher RT3 concentrations are associated with higher NT-proBNP levels, depression symptoms, higher fatigue and worse HRQoL. Higher morning cortisol concentrations are associated with depression symptoms in women. The data obtained can be used in patients with coronary artery disease and depressive anxiety disorder, disease progression, and prognosis and quality of life... [to full text]

Vliv jódu na funkční parametry ovcí / The effect of iodine on functional parameters of ewes.

DUŠOVÁ, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work was to assess the long-term effect of excessive iodine intake on thyroid activity and selected immunological, haematological and biochemical parameters in blood of ewes and their lambs. The experiment was conducted from August 2009 to February 2010 in an experimental barn of Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Into the experiment were used Šumava sheep breed ewes and their born lambs. Group A (control) consisted of 6 ewes after lambing was extended to 7 born lambs, group B (experimental) 6 of 6 ewes and lambs. Lambs were put into the experiment from the 1st to the 60th day after birth and received iodine in the milk of their mothers. Iodine supplementation to the diet of ewes was launched during the first to second months of pregnancy and finished 60 days after birth. During the experiment, a group of ewes A received 3,1 and group B 5,1 mg iodine per kg of dietary dry matter in the form of calcium iodate. During the experiment was regularly collected blood of ewes (before lambing and 1st, 10th, 30th and 60th day after birth) and lambs (1st, 3rd, 10th, 30th and 60th day after birth) to determine the concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone and immunoglobulin G (ELISA) in blood serum, thyroid hormones (RIA), total protein, urea and alkaline phosphatase activity in the blood plasma (biochemical analyser), the content of haemoglobin, white blood cell´s and red blood cell´s counts and haematocrit values in blood (haematological analyser), percentage of albumin, -1-globulins, -2-globulins, -globulins, and -globulins in blood serum (electrophoresis) and the content of iodine in the blood plasma, urine and milk of ewes (colorimetric method Sandell-Kolthoff). During the experiment were not observed in ewes and lambs clinical symptoms associated with an excessive intake of iodine. In experimental group of ewes with iodine intake 5,1 mg/kg of dietary dry matter were found higher values of thyroid stimulating hormone, lower values of free triiodothyronine, free thyroxine, IgG, white blood cells, -1-globulins, -2-globulin and -globulin, significantly lower values of -globulins after parturition, significantly higher values of urea and alkaline phosphatase activity. The iodine content in blood plasma, milk and urine of ewes is increased in direct proportion to its concentration in diet. Lambs of mothers with iodine intake of 5,1 mg/kg of dietary dry matter were significantly higher values of thyroid stimulating hormone from the 10th day after birth, significantly lower values of free triiodothyronine and free thyroxine first day after birth, immunoglobulin G and -globulins in 30th day after birth, lower (statistically significant in middle samples) values of total protein and white blood cells, higher values of urea and alkaline phosphatase activity. The weight gains of lambs were not significantly affected by iodine supplementation. These results in ewes with iodine intake of 5,1 mg/kg dietary dry matter and especially their lambs drawn to risk of reduce the activity of the thyroid gland and the negative impact of parameters of humoral immunity, mainly IgG and -globulins.

Efeitos do tratamento com tiroxina no remodelamento cardíaco pós-infarto agudo do miocárdio e em parâmetros de estresse oxidativo

Berger, Bruno da Rocha January 2012 (has links)
O infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) é um evento que acomete milhares de pessoas ao redor do mundo. Após o IAM são desencadeados diversos processos, como alterações na expressão de proteínas envolvidas na contratilidade cardíaca e no remodelamento cardíaco após o IAM, bem como o desequilíbrio no estado redox da célula, que podem levar a um grave prognóstico. A utilização dos hormônios da tireoide vem sendo amplamente estudada na tentativa de desenvolver um método terapêutico eficiente para o tratamento do IAM. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos da tiroxina (T4) sobre a expressão e a concentração de antioxidantes e pró-oxidantes e sobre a expressão de proteínas relacionadas ao metabolismo do cálcio, e suas possíveis relações com a melhora na função cardíaca após o IAM. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar, divididos nos seguintes grupos experimentais: SHAM, infartado (IAM) e infartado e tratado com T4 nas doses de 1,2, 2,4 e 6,0 mg/L de água de beber. O tratamento foi iniciado 24 horas após a indução do IAM e após 14 dias foram coletados dados morfométricos e ecocardiográficos, além de analisadas as expressões das proteínas cálcio ATPase do retículo sarcoplasmático (SERCA2a), fosfolambam (PLB), fator nuclear eritroide do tipo 2 (Nrf2) e hemeoxigenase 1 (HO-1). Também foram quantificadas as concentrações de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) e de glutationa total em homogeneizado de tecido cardíaco. Os animais infartados, tratados ou não, apresentaram hipertrofia cardíaca independente da dose do tratamento. O IAM provocou uma redução da função cardíaca, e o tratamento com T4 não foi capaz de reverter esses efeitos. A expressão das proteínas PLB e Nrf2 diminuiu após o IAM. Os animais tratados com T4 em suas doses mais altas apresentaram valores da expressão da proteína Nrf2 semelhantes aos animais do grupo SHAM. Os grupos infartado e tratado com T4 nas doses de 2,4 e 6,0 mg/L apresentaram valores de expressão da SERCA2a maiores quando comparados com o grupo SHAM. As concentrações de H2O2 e de glutationa total não foram alteradas após o IAM, e o tratamento com T4 também não alterou estes parâmetros. Em suma, uma vez que a dose de T4 de 6,0 mg/L modulou a expressão do Nrf2, uma proteína importante para o estado redox da célula, sugerimos que poderia estar ocorrendo uma adaptação de sistemas antioxidantes distintos dos analisados neste estudo e que também são regulados por este fator de transcrição. / The acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is an event that affects thousands of people around the world. After AMI are triggered several processes, such as changes in expression of proteins involved in cardiac contractility and cardiac remodeling, as well as the cell redox state imbalance, which can lead to serious prognosis. The use of thyroid hormones has been widely studied in an attempt to develop an efficient therapeutic method for treatment of AMI. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of thyroxine (T4) on expression and concentration of antioxidant and pro-oxidants and the expression of proteins related to calcium metabolism, and their possible relationships with improvement in cardiac function after AMI. Wistar rats were divided into the following groups: SHAM, myocardial infarction (AMI) and myocardial infarction and treated with T4 at doses of 1,2, 2,4 and 6,0 mg / L of drinking water. Treatment was initiated 24 hours after induction of AMI and after 14 days were collected morphometric and echocardiographic data, and analyzed protein expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA2a), phospholamban (PLB), nuclear factor erythroid type 2 (Nrf2) and hemeoxygenase 1 (HO-1). Also were quantitated concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and total glutathione in homogenized of cardiac tissue. The infarcted animals, treated or not, showed cardiac hypertrophy, independent of the dose of treatment. The AMI has caused a decline in cardiac function parameters, and treatment with T4 was not able to reverse these effects. The protein expression of PLB and Nrf2 decreased after AMI. Animals treated with T4 in their higher doses had values of Nrf2 protein expression similar to those animals of the SHAM group. The infarcted groups and treated with T4 at doses of 2.4 and 6.0 mg / L had higher SERCA2a expression when compared to the sham group. The concentrations of H2O2 and total glutathione were not altered after AMI, and treatment with T4 did not alter these parameters. In short, since the treatment dose of 6.0 mg / L modulates the expression of Nrf2, an important protein for the redox state of the cell, we suggest what might be going on an adaptation of antioxidant systems distinct from those analyzed in this study and are also regulated by this transcription factor.

Avaliação da função e do volume da tireoide em crianças saudáveis

Campos, Tatiane de January 2011 (has links)
Durante a vida fetal e a infância, os processos fisiológicos da tireoide são peculiares, sendo os hormônios tireoidianos (T3 e T4) essenciais para o crescimento e o desenvolvimento da criança. Os níveis séricos de tireotrofina (TSH) são determinantes no diagnóstico de disfunção tireoidiana. Os dados de normalidade e os fatores que influenciam os níveis de TSH em crianças são pouco conhecidos, sendo que os estudos que disponibilizam esses dados nem sempre são bem conduzidos. A síntese de hormônios tireoidianos é dependente de iodo, e a deficiência desse elemento associa-se a alterações morfológicas e volumétricas da glândula. Os valores de normalidade para volume tireoidiano na infância são influenciados pelas medidas antropométricas e variam entre populações. Atualmente, a deficiência grave de iodo tem dado lugar a patologias relacionadas à ingestão excessiva desse elemento. É importante conhecer as particularidades e os valores de referência para função tireoidiana na infância a fim de evitar prejuízos antropométricos e cognitivos. / Distinct physiological processes occur in the thyroid gland during intrauterine life and childhood, with thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) playing an essential role in growth and development. Serum levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) are determining factors of the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction. Little is known about the normal range of TSH in children and the factors that influence TSH levels in this population, and the few studies that have addressed this issue have not all been well designed and conducted. Thyroid hormone synthesis is iodine-dependent, and iodine deficiency is associated with pathological changes in the morphology and volume of the thyroid gland. The normal range of thyroid volume in children is influenced by anthropomorphic parameters, and varies among populations. Severe iodine deficiency has now been surpassed by conditions associated with excessive iodine intake. Knowledge of the peculiarities of thyroid function in childhood and of the reference ranges of thyroid function tests in this period is important for the prevention of anthropometric and cognitive impairments.

Avaliação dos efeitos da co-administração dos hormônios da tireoide e do carvedilol sobre o coração de ratos Wistar submetidos ao infarto agudo do miocárdio

Ortiz, Vanessa Duarte January 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Após o infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM), o tratamento com hormônios da tireoide (HT) vem revelando efeitos cardioprotetores. Os HT, todavia, provocam uma estimulação adrenérgica, induzindo elevação da frequência cardíaca, a qual contribui para progressão da disfunção ventricular após o IAM. O betabloqueador carvedilol, entretanto, é capaz de bloquear a estimulação adrenérgica. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da administração conjunta dos HT e do carvedilol sobre o coração de ratos submetidos ao IAM. Nesse contexto, enfocar nos efeitos dessa coadministração sobre o remodelamento ventricular, a função cardíaca e o estresse oxidativo. Materiais e métodos: Ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em cinco grupos (n=8-10/grupo): grupo sham (SHAM), grupo infarto (IM), grupo infarto+HT (IM+HT), grupo infarto+carvedilol (IM+C) e grupo infarto+C+HT (IM+C+HT). Após o IAM, os grupos SHAM e IM receberam salina, e os tratados receberam seus respectivos tratamentos por 12 dias por gavage. Após esse período, os animais foram submetidos a uma avaliação ecocardiográfica, e, posteriormente, ao cateterismo venticular. Em seguida, os animais foram eutanasiados para a coleta do coração, do pulmão e do fígado, para análises morfométricas e bioquímicas. Análise estatística: ANOVA de uma via seguida pelo teste de Student-Newman-Keuls. Nível de significância P<0,05. Resultados: A respeito dos parâmetros morfométricos, foi possível verificar hipertrofia cardíaca nos grupos infartados tratados em relação aos grupos SHAM e IM. Quanto aos parâmetros ecocardiográficos, os grupos tratados demonstraram aumento da espessura da parede posterior na sístole, da fração de ejeção e redução do índice de tensão de parede em comparação ao grupo IM. Os grupos IM+C e IM+C+HT também apresentaram atenuação da redução da mudança de área fracional e do aumento do volume sistólico final em relação aos grupos IM e IM+HT. Quanto aos parâmetros hemodinâmicos, houve redução das dP/dt máxima e mínima, da pressão sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) e aumento da pressão diastólica final do VE no grupo IM em comparação ao SHAM. Entretanto, todos esses parâmetros foram revertidos nos grupos tratados. A frequência cardíaca aumentou nos grupos IM+HT e IM+C+HT em relação aos outros grupos, mas reduziu no grupo IM+C+HT em relação ao grupo IM+HT. Quanto aos parâmetros de estresse oxidativo, verificou-se aumento dos níveis de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) e redução dos níveis de sulfidrilas no grupo IM e IM+C em relação ao grupo SHAM, enquanto os grupos IM+HT e IM+C+HT não foram diferentes do grupo SHAM. Ainda, no grupo IM+C+HT, o co-tratamento apresentou efeito sinérgico na redução dos níveis de ERO e no aumento da razão GSH/GSSG. Conclusão: A coadminsitração do carvedilol e dos HT foi capaz de melhorar o remodelamento ventricular e a função cardíaca após o IAM. Ainda, o carvedilol foi capaz de exercer seu efeito betabloqueador no grupo IM+C+HT, uma vez que reduziu a frequência cardíaca aumentada pelos HT. Além disso, a co-administração apresentou um efeito sinérgico positivo nos parâmetros de estresse oxidativo, especificamente, sobre os níveis de ERO e o balanço redox através da razão GSH/GSSG, dessa forma preservando a homeostase redox do tecido cardíaco. / Introduction: After acute myocardial infarction (AMI), treatment with thyroid hormones (TH) has revealed cardioprotective effects. However, TH causes adrenergic stimulation, which effect increase heart rate and this may contribute to ventricular dysfunction progression after AMI. Meanwhile, the beta-blocker carvedilol is able to block adrenergic stimulation. Aim: To evaluate the effects of TH and carvedilol co-administration on the heart of rats submitted to AMI. In this context, it focused on the effects of this co-administration on ventricular remodeling, cardiac function and oxidative stress. Material and methods: Male Wistar rats were divided in five groups (n=8-10/group): sham (SHAM), infarcted (MI), infarcted+TH (MI+TH), infarcted+carvedilol (MI+C) and infarcted group+C+TH (IM+C+TH). Post-AMI, SHAM and MI groups received saline, and the treated groups received their respective treatments for 12 days by gavage. After this period, the animals were submitted to an echocardiographic evaluation and, later, to the ventricular catheterization. Afterwards, the animals were euthanized for the heart lung and liver collection, for morphometric and biochemical analyzes. Statistical Analysis: One-way ANOVA followed by Student-Newman-Keuls test. Significance level P<0,05. Results: Regarding the morphometric parameters, it was possible to verify cardiac hypertrophy in the treated infarcted groups in relation to the SHAM and MI groups, as well as there was no significant difference between the groups regarding pulmonary and hepatic congestion. In relation to echocardiographic parameters, treated groups showed an increase in systolic posterior wall thickness, ejection fraction and a reduction in wall tension index compared to MI group. MI+C and MI+C+TH groups also presented attenuation of the reduction in the fractional area change and of the increase in the final systolic volume in relation to the MI and MI+TH groups. Regarding the hemodynamic parameters, there was a reduction of the maximum and minimum dP/dt, the left ventricular (LV) systolic pressure and an increase in the final LV diastolic pressure in the MI group compared to SHAM. However, all these parameters were reversed in the treated groups. The heart rate increased in the MI+TH and MI+C+TH groups compared to the other groups, but decreased in the MI+C+TH group compared to the MI+TH group. Regarding the parameters of oxidative stress, there was an increase in the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduction of sulfhydryl levels in the MI and MI+C groups compared to the SHAM group, while the MI+TH and MI+C groups were not different from the SHAM group. In addition, in the M+C+TH group, the co-treatment showed a synergic effect in reducing ERO levels and increasing GSH/GSSG ratio. Conclusion: Coadministration of carvedilol and TH was able to improve ventricular remodeling and cardiac function after AMI. In addition, carvedilol was able to exert its betablocking effect in the MI+C+TH group, since it reduced the heart rate increased by TH. In addition, co-administration had a positive synergistic effect on oxidative stress parameters, specifically on ROS levels and redox balance through the GSH/GSSG ratio, thus preserving redox homeostasis of cardiac tissue.

Efeitos da dieta hipoproteica-hiperglicídica sobre o metabolismo desiodativo e as ações periféricas dos hormônios tireóideos

Mezaroba, Deise Fátima 30 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Valquíria Barbieri (kikibarbi@hotmail.com) on 2018-04-18T21:12:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2015_Deise Fátima Mezaroba.pdf: 1567664 bytes, checksum: 67bbe66382033d0b60709a1c450df069 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2018-04-27T17:30:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2015_Deise Fátima Mezaroba.pdf: 1567664 bytes, checksum: 67bbe66382033d0b60709a1c450df069 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-27T17:30:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2015_Deise Fátima Mezaroba.pdf: 1567664 bytes, checksum: 67bbe66382033d0b60709a1c450df069 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-30 / CAPES / A dieta hipoproteica-hiperglicídica (LPHC), administrada a ratos machos por 15 ou 45 dias, logo após o desmame, altera vários parâmetros metabólicos e hormonais. Sabe-se também que os hormônios produzidos pela glândula tireoide têm um papel fundamental a nível tecidual para a manutenção da homeostase do organismo. Diante disto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar os efeitos da dieta LPHC a longo prazo e da troca da dieta LHPC por dieta balanceada sobre o metabolismo desiodativo em diferentes tecidos, assim como algumas das ações atribuídas aos hormônios tireóideos. Ratos Wistar machos (~100g) foram randomicamente divididos em grupos conforme segue: 1) controles - alimentados com uma dieta com 17% de proteínas e 63% de carboidratos por 45 dias (C45); 2) LPHC - alimentados com dieta contendo 6% de proteínas e 74% de carboidratos por 45 dias (LPHC45) e; 3) reversão - alimentados por 15 dias com a dieta LPHC e por mais 30 dias com a dieta controle (R) (ANOVA-1 via; p<0,05). A quantificação da concentração do hormônio tireoestimulante no sangue dos animais do grupo R mostrou um aumento de 11,7% e 11,6%, se comparado ao grupo C45 e ao grupo LPHC45, respectivamente (C45: 8439,58 ± 59,46; LPHC45: 8448,06 ± 105,86; R: 9428,39 ± 48,96 pg/mL). A análise da expressão proteica da iodotironina desiodase 1 em fígado, rins e tireoide e da iodotironina desiodase 2 em tecido adiposo marrom, músculos extensor digital longo e sóleo, hipotálamo e hipófise mostrou alteração somente no fígado do grupo LPHC45, com aumento de 17,38% da isoforma 1, em relação aos animais controles. Este grupo também apresentou aumento de 27,02% no conteúdo do receptor hepático para hormônio tireóideo β1, comparando-se ao grupo C45. A avaliação do perfil lipídico de jejum mostrou redução do colesterol total (C45: 97,35 ± 7,87; LPHC45: 65,41 ± 4,78; R: 94,32 ± 5,25 mg/dL), colesterol HDL (C45: 56,58 ± 3,90; LPHC45: 36,74 ± 1,28; R: 54,21 ± xvii 4,30 mg/dL), colesterol VLDL (C45: 22,92 ± 1,44; LPHC45: 15,89 ± 1,50; R: 22,07 ± 1,70 mg/dL) e triglicerídeos (C45: 114,61 ± 7,18; LPHC45: 79,46 ± 7,49; R: 110,36 ± 8,48 mg/dL) nos animais submetidos à dieta LPHC por 45 dias. A expressão hepática da enzima 7α-hidroxilase e da proteína de ligação ao elemento de resposta aos esteróis aumentou 43,96% e 36,27%, respectivamente, no grupo LPHC45, quando comparadas ao grupo C45. A atividade das enzimas málica (C45: 85,92 ± 9,01; LPHC45: 171,63 ± 14,98; R: 159,09 ± 13,16 nmol.mg prot-1.min-1) e ATP-citrato liase (C45: 290,88 ± 11,57; LPHC45: 444,98 ± 20,79; R: 386,75 ± 23,47 nmol.mg prot-1.min-1) foi maior nos grupos LPHC45 e R, em relação ao grupo C45. A análise conjunta destes dados demonstra que a dieta hipoproteica-hiperglicídica administrada por 45 dias leva a alterações no metabolismo desiodativo hepático, modulando o perfil lipídico e que talvez possam resultar em um futuro quadro de esteatose hepática. / The low-protein, high-carbohydrate diet (LPHC) administered to male rats for 15 or 45 days after weaning, change various metabolic and hormonal parameters. It is also known that the hormones produced by the thyroid gland have a key role to tissue level to maintain body’s homeostasis. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the LPHC diet long-term and exchange of LHPC diet for balanced diet on the deiodinative metabolism in different tissues, as well as some of the actions attributed to thyroid hormone. Male Wistar rats (~100g) were randomly divided into the following groups: 1) controls - fed a diet containing 17% protein and 63% carbohydrates for 45 days (C45 group); 2) LPHC - fed a diet containing 6% protein and 74% carbohydrates for 45 days (LPHC45 group), and 3) reversal - fed for 15 days with LPHC diet and for 30 days with the control diet (R group) (ANOVA-one way; p<0.05). The quantification of the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood of the animals of the R group showed an increase of 11.7% and 11.6%, compared with the C45 group and LPHC45 group, respectively (C45: 8439.58 ± 59.46; LPHC45: 8448.06 ± 105.86; R: 9428.39 ± 48.96 pg/mL). Analysis of protein expression of iodothyronine deiodinase 1 in liver, kidney and thyroid, and protein expression of iodothyronine deiodinase 2 in brown adipose tissue, long digital extensor and soleus muscles, hypothalamus, and pituitary only showed alteration in liver of the LPHC45 group, with an increase of 17.38% in the isoform 1, compared with the control animals. This group also showed an increase of 27.02% in the content of liver receptor for thyroid hormone β1 compared with the C45 group. The fasting lipid profile showed a reduction in total cholesterol (C45: 97.35 ± 7.87; LPHC45: 65.41 ± 4.78; R: 94.32 ± 5.25 mg/dL), in HDL cholesterol (C45: 56.58 ± 3.90; LPHC45: 36.74 ± 1.28, R: 54.21 ± 4.30 mg/dL), in VLDL (C45: 22 92 ± 1.44; LPHC45: 15.89 ± 1.50; R: 22.07 ± 1.70 mg/dL), xix and triglycerides (C45: 114.61 ± 7.18; LPHC45: 79.46 ± 7 49; R: 110.36 ± 8.48 mg/dL) in animals subjected to LPHC diet for 45 days. The hepatic expression of 7α-hydroxylase enzyme and the binding protein sterol response element had an increase of 43.96% and 36.27%, respectively, in LPHC45 group when compared with the C45 group. The activity of malic enzyme (C45: 85.92 ± 9.01; LPHC45: 171.63 ± 14.98; R: 159.09 ± 13.16 nmol.mg prot-1 .min-1) and ATP-citrate lyase (C45: 290.88 ± 11.57; LPHC45: 444.98 ± 20.79; R: 386.75 ± 23.47 nmol.mg prot-1 .min-1) was higher in LPHC45 and R groups, compared with C45 group. The analysis of these data shows that the low-protein, high-carbohydrate diet administered for 45 days leads to alterations in hepatic deiodinative metabolism by modulating the lipid profile and that may perhaps result in a future framework of hepatic steatosis.

Evolução para hipotireoidismo congênito permanente e transitório no Programa de Triagem Neonatal em Sergipe

Matos, Diana Melo de 18 May 2015 (has links)
Objectives: The introduction of neonatal screening programs (NSP) led to an increased in detection of congenital hypothyroidism (CH). This increase may be due to ethnic composition (predominance of Iberian and Asian people), environmental factors (temperature and iodine intake) and inclusion of cases of transient CH and hyperthyrotropinemia, defined by moderate elevation of TSH with normal T4. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate, in children with altered neonatal screening tests in the NSP in the Northeastern Brazilian Sergipe state, the evolution for permanent or temporary condition and to evaluate the mean incidence of permanent CH, hyperthyrotropinemia and transient TSH elevation. Subjects and methods: Review of medical records of children with altered neonatal and confirmatory TSH from 2004 to 2010 (levels more than 5.2 &#956;U/ml and 4.2 &#956;U/ml, respectively), followed at the Clinic of Pediatric Endocrinology of the University Hospital of the Federal University of Sergipe. From the confirmatory serum TSH values, children were classified as initial CH: serum TSH > 10.0 &#956;U/ml; or suspect CH: serum TSH > 4.2 &#956;U/ml and &#8804; 10.0 &#956;U/ml. According to follow-up parameters, the final diagnosis included three categories. Permanent CH: Serum TSH > 10.0 &#956;U/ml, independent of T4 levels or current use of thyroxine; or without l-thyroxine use serum TSH level between 4.2 &#956;U/ml and 10.0 &#956;U/ml, but with low free T4 or total T4. Hyperthyrotropinemia: children without l-thyroxine use with serum TSH level between 4.2 &#956;U/ml and 10.0 &#956;U/ml with normal free T4 and total T4. Transient TSH elevation: Initial CH or suspect CH children which normalized in the follow up without l-thyroxine treatment (serum TSH &#8804; 4.2 &#956;U/ml, free T4 &#8805; 0.79 ng/dl and total T4 &#8805; 7.2 &#956;g/dl). The mean incidence of permanent CH, hyperthyrotropinemia and transient TSH elevation in the period was calculated by dividing the number of children with each category for the total number of children screened. Results: The initial diagnosis included 37 cases of initial CH (18.1%) and 167 suspect CH (81.9%). The final diagnosis included 46 cases of permanent CH (22.5%); 56 hyperthyrotropinemia (27.5%) and 102 transient TSH elevation (50.0%). Out of the 37 cases of initial CH, it was found 23 (62.2%) of permanent CH; 9 (24.3%) of hyperthyrotropinemia; and 5 (13.5%) of transient TSH elevation. Out of the 167 suspects, it was found 23 (13.8%) of permanent CH, 47 (28.1%) of hyperthyrotropinemia and 97 (58.1%) of transient TSH elevation. We found a mean incidence of 1:4166 of permanent CH, 1:3448 of hyperthyrotropinemia and 1:1887 of transient TSH elevation. 86.5% of children with an initial diagnosis of CH and 41.9% of suspicions have permanent condition (CH or hyperthyrotropinemia). Conclusions: The follow-up of children with initial diagnosis and suspicion is necessary to characterize the permanence or not of the disorder, since the prediction of the evolution of children with initial CH or suspect is difficult. / Objetivos: A introdução dos programas de triagem neonatal (PTN) propiciou o aumento na detecção do hipotireoidismo congênito (HC). Este aumento pode estar ligado à composição étnica (predomínio em ibéricos e asiáticos), fatores ambientais (temperatura e ingestão de iodo) e inclusão de casos de HC transitório e da hipertirotropinemia, definida pela elevação moderada do TSH com T4 normal. Os objetivos principais deste estudo foram avaliar em crianças com teste de triagem neonatal alterado no PTN em Sergipe, no nordeste do Brasil, a evolução para condição permanente ou transitória e avaliar a incidência média do HC permanente, da hipertirotropinemia e da elevação transitória do TSH. Sujeitos e métodos: Foi realizada revisão dos prontuários das crianças convocadas no período de 2004 a 2010, com TSH neonatal e confirmatório alterados (maior que 5,2 &#956;U/ml e 4,2 &#956;U/ml, respectivamente), acompanhados no Ambulatório de Endocrinologia Pediátrica do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Sergipe. A partir dos valores do TSH sérico confirmatório, as crianças foram classificadas como HC inicial: TSH sérico > 10,0 &#956;U/ml; ou suspeito HC: TSH sérico > 4,2 &#956;U/ml e &#8804; 10,0 &#956;U/ml. De acordo com parâmetros do seguimento, o diagnóstico final incluiu três categorias. HC permanente: TSH sérico > 10,0 &#956;U/ml, independente de valores de T4 ou do uso de l-tiroxina; ou sem l-tiroxina com TSH sérico entre 4,2 &#956;U/ml e 10,0 &#956;U/ml, mas com T4 livre ou T4 total baixos; Hipertirotropinemia: Criança sem l-tiroxina, com TSH sérico entre 4,2 &#956;U/ml e 10,0 &#956;U/ml, com T4 livre e T4 total normais; Elevação transitória do TSH: Criança HC inicial ou suspeito HC que normalizou no seguimento, sem a l-tiroxina (TSH sérico &#8804; 4,2 &#956;U/ml, T4 livre &#8805; 0,79 ng/dl e T4 total &#8805; 7,2 &#956;g/dl). A incidência média do HC permanente, da hipertirotropinemia e da elevação transitória do TSH no período foi calculada dividindo-se o número de crianças com cada uma das três condições pelo número total de crianças triadas. Resultados: No diagnóstico inicial tivemos 37 casos de HC inicial (18,1%) e 167 suspeitos HC (81,9%). No diagnóstico final tivemos 46 casos de HC permanente (22,5%); 56 de hipertirotropinemia (27,5%) e 102 de elevação transitória do TSH (50,0%). Dos 37 casos HC inicial encontramos 23 (62,2%) de HC permanente; 9 (24,3%) de hipertirotropinemia; e 5 (13,5%) de elevação transitória do TSH. Dos 167 suspeitos encontramos 23 (13,8%) de HC permanente, 47 (28,1%) de hipertirotropinemia e 97 (58,1%) de elevação transitória do TSH. Encontramos uma incidência média de 1:4166 de HC permanente, 1:3448 de hipertirotropinemia e 1:1887 de elevação transitória do TSH. 86,5 % das crianças com diagnóstico inicial de HC e 41,9 % das suspeitas apresentam condição permanente (HC ou hipertirotropinemia). Conclusões: O seguimento das crianças seja com o diagnóstico inicial de HC ou de suspeição é necessário para caracterizar a permanência ou transitoriedade do distúrbio, haja vista que a predição da evolução destas crianças é difícil.

Avaliação dos efeitos da co-administração dos hormônios da tireoide e do carvedilol sobre o coração de ratos Wistar submetidos ao infarto agudo do miocárdio

Ortiz, Vanessa Duarte January 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Após o infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM), o tratamento com hormônios da tireoide (HT) vem revelando efeitos cardioprotetores. Os HT, todavia, provocam uma estimulação adrenérgica, induzindo elevação da frequência cardíaca, a qual contribui para progressão da disfunção ventricular após o IAM. O betabloqueador carvedilol, entretanto, é capaz de bloquear a estimulação adrenérgica. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da administração conjunta dos HT e do carvedilol sobre o coração de ratos submetidos ao IAM. Nesse contexto, enfocar nos efeitos dessa coadministração sobre o remodelamento ventricular, a função cardíaca e o estresse oxidativo. Materiais e métodos: Ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em cinco grupos (n=8-10/grupo): grupo sham (SHAM), grupo infarto (IM), grupo infarto+HT (IM+HT), grupo infarto+carvedilol (IM+C) e grupo infarto+C+HT (IM+C+HT). Após o IAM, os grupos SHAM e IM receberam salina, e os tratados receberam seus respectivos tratamentos por 12 dias por gavage. Após esse período, os animais foram submetidos a uma avaliação ecocardiográfica, e, posteriormente, ao cateterismo venticular. Em seguida, os animais foram eutanasiados para a coleta do coração, do pulmão e do fígado, para análises morfométricas e bioquímicas. Análise estatística: ANOVA de uma via seguida pelo teste de Student-Newman-Keuls. Nível de significância P<0,05. Resultados: A respeito dos parâmetros morfométricos, foi possível verificar hipertrofia cardíaca nos grupos infartados tratados em relação aos grupos SHAM e IM. Quanto aos parâmetros ecocardiográficos, os grupos tratados demonstraram aumento da espessura da parede posterior na sístole, da fração de ejeção e redução do índice de tensão de parede em comparação ao grupo IM. Os grupos IM+C e IM+C+HT também apresentaram atenuação da redução da mudança de área fracional e do aumento do volume sistólico final em relação aos grupos IM e IM+HT. Quanto aos parâmetros hemodinâmicos, houve redução das dP/dt máxima e mínima, da pressão sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) e aumento da pressão diastólica final do VE no grupo IM em comparação ao SHAM. Entretanto, todos esses parâmetros foram revertidos nos grupos tratados. A frequência cardíaca aumentou nos grupos IM+HT e IM+C+HT em relação aos outros grupos, mas reduziu no grupo IM+C+HT em relação ao grupo IM+HT. Quanto aos parâmetros de estresse oxidativo, verificou-se aumento dos níveis de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) e redução dos níveis de sulfidrilas no grupo IM e IM+C em relação ao grupo SHAM, enquanto os grupos IM+HT e IM+C+HT não foram diferentes do grupo SHAM. Ainda, no grupo IM+C+HT, o co-tratamento apresentou efeito sinérgico na redução dos níveis de ERO e no aumento da razão GSH/GSSG. Conclusão: A coadminsitração do carvedilol e dos HT foi capaz de melhorar o remodelamento ventricular e a função cardíaca após o IAM. Ainda, o carvedilol foi capaz de exercer seu efeito betabloqueador no grupo IM+C+HT, uma vez que reduziu a frequência cardíaca aumentada pelos HT. Além disso, a co-administração apresentou um efeito sinérgico positivo nos parâmetros de estresse oxidativo, especificamente, sobre os níveis de ERO e o balanço redox através da razão GSH/GSSG, dessa forma preservando a homeostase redox do tecido cardíaco. / Introduction: After acute myocardial infarction (AMI), treatment with thyroid hormones (TH) has revealed cardioprotective effects. However, TH causes adrenergic stimulation, which effect increase heart rate and this may contribute to ventricular dysfunction progression after AMI. Meanwhile, the beta-blocker carvedilol is able to block adrenergic stimulation. Aim: To evaluate the effects of TH and carvedilol co-administration on the heart of rats submitted to AMI. In this context, it focused on the effects of this co-administration on ventricular remodeling, cardiac function and oxidative stress. Material and methods: Male Wistar rats were divided in five groups (n=8-10/group): sham (SHAM), infarcted (MI), infarcted+TH (MI+TH), infarcted+carvedilol (MI+C) and infarcted group+C+TH (IM+C+TH). Post-AMI, SHAM and MI groups received saline, and the treated groups received their respective treatments for 12 days by gavage. After this period, the animals were submitted to an echocardiographic evaluation and, later, to the ventricular catheterization. Afterwards, the animals were euthanized for the heart lung and liver collection, for morphometric and biochemical analyzes. Statistical Analysis: One-way ANOVA followed by Student-Newman-Keuls test. Significance level P<0,05. Results: Regarding the morphometric parameters, it was possible to verify cardiac hypertrophy in the treated infarcted groups in relation to the SHAM and MI groups, as well as there was no significant difference between the groups regarding pulmonary and hepatic congestion. In relation to echocardiographic parameters, treated groups showed an increase in systolic posterior wall thickness, ejection fraction and a reduction in wall tension index compared to MI group. MI+C and MI+C+TH groups also presented attenuation of the reduction in the fractional area change and of the increase in the final systolic volume in relation to the MI and MI+TH groups. Regarding the hemodynamic parameters, there was a reduction of the maximum and minimum dP/dt, the left ventricular (LV) systolic pressure and an increase in the final LV diastolic pressure in the MI group compared to SHAM. However, all these parameters were reversed in the treated groups. The heart rate increased in the MI+TH and MI+C+TH groups compared to the other groups, but decreased in the MI+C+TH group compared to the MI+TH group. Regarding the parameters of oxidative stress, there was an increase in the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduction of sulfhydryl levels in the MI and MI+C groups compared to the SHAM group, while the MI+TH and MI+C groups were not different from the SHAM group. In addition, in the M+C+TH group, the co-treatment showed a synergic effect in reducing ERO levels and increasing GSH/GSSG ratio. Conclusion: Coadministration of carvedilol and TH was able to improve ventricular remodeling and cardiac function after AMI. In addition, carvedilol was able to exert its betablocking effect in the MI+C+TH group, since it reduced the heart rate increased by TH. In addition, co-administration had a positive synergistic effect on oxidative stress parameters, specifically on ROS levels and redox balance through the GSH/GSSG ratio, thus preserving redox homeostasis of cardiac tissue.

Avaliação da função e do volume da tireoide em crianças saudáveis

Campos, Tatiane de January 2011 (has links)
Durante a vida fetal e a infância, os processos fisiológicos da tireoide são peculiares, sendo os hormônios tireoidianos (T3 e T4) essenciais para o crescimento e o desenvolvimento da criança. Os níveis séricos de tireotrofina (TSH) são determinantes no diagnóstico de disfunção tireoidiana. Os dados de normalidade e os fatores que influenciam os níveis de TSH em crianças são pouco conhecidos, sendo que os estudos que disponibilizam esses dados nem sempre são bem conduzidos. A síntese de hormônios tireoidianos é dependente de iodo, e a deficiência desse elemento associa-se a alterações morfológicas e volumétricas da glândula. Os valores de normalidade para volume tireoidiano na infância são influenciados pelas medidas antropométricas e variam entre populações. Atualmente, a deficiência grave de iodo tem dado lugar a patologias relacionadas à ingestão excessiva desse elemento. É importante conhecer as particularidades e os valores de referência para função tireoidiana na infância a fim de evitar prejuízos antropométricos e cognitivos. / Distinct physiological processes occur in the thyroid gland during intrauterine life and childhood, with thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) playing an essential role in growth and development. Serum levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) are determining factors of the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction. Little is known about the normal range of TSH in children and the factors that influence TSH levels in this population, and the few studies that have addressed this issue have not all been well designed and conducted. Thyroid hormone synthesis is iodine-dependent, and iodine deficiency is associated with pathological changes in the morphology and volume of the thyroid gland. The normal range of thyroid volume in children is influenced by anthropomorphic parameters, and varies among populations. Severe iodine deficiency has now been surpassed by conditions associated with excessive iodine intake. Knowledge of the peculiarities of thyroid function in childhood and of the reference ranges of thyroid function tests in this period is important for the prevention of anthropometric and cognitive impairments.

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