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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Утицај хладне атмосферске плазме на технолошки квалитет и безбедност пшеничног брашна / Uticaj hladne atmosferske plazme na tehnološki kvalitet i bezbednost pšeničnog brašna / Effects of cold atmospheric plasma on the technological quality and safety of wheat flour

Vukić Milan 07 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Основни задатак ове докторске дисертације је био да се испита утицај третмана хладном атмосферском плазмом на квалитет и безбедност пшеничног брашна.<br />Прва фаза истраживања спроведених у овој докторској дисертацији била је усмерена на поређење SRC методе (Solvent Retention Capacity) са емпиријским методама на узорцима пасажних брашна. Метода је показала изузетно добру моћ описивања врло различитих својстава пасажних брашна. Поређењем параметара SRC методе са реолошким показатељима квалитета уочена је подела SRC параметара у две групе. Прву групу чинили су параметари способност задржавања раствора млечне киселине и индекс перформанси глутена (SRCLa и GPI) осетљиви на снагу теста, а другу групу параметри способност задржавања раствора натријум карбоната, односно, шећера те способност задржавања воде (SRCSo, SRCSu и SRCw) осетљиви на хидртатациона својства брашна. Обрадом резултата кроз мултиваријантну анализу, одређене су корелације, односно, односи између параметара SRC методе и реолошких параметара. На бази параметара SRC методе развијени су модели применом методе парцијалне регресије најмањих квадрта (PLSR) са високим вредностима коефицијента детерминације, R2 = 0,93 за фаринографску моћ упијања воде (FWA) и R2 = 0,92 за енергију те вишеструких одговора R2 = 0,89.<br />Друга фаза истраживања у оквиру дисертације била је усмерена на сагледавање утицаја различитих услова третмана хладном атмосферском плазмом (време, растојање, степен искоришћености заклона) на показатеље квалитета брашна кроз примену SRC методе, садржаја слободних сулфхидрилних група, ултраљубичасте и инфрацрвене спектроскопије, реолошких анализа на реометру и глутопику, те вредности глутен индекса и саджај влажног глутена. Електрична карактеризација извора плазме указала је да је укупна површина електроде хомогено прекривена плазмом при RMS вредности напона и јачине струје од 2400 V и 0,1 A. Коришћењем OES мерења (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) потврђено је постојање реактивних врста хладне плазме. Оптичке емисије су забележене у секундарној позитивној траци N2, првој позитивној траци N2, линије OH (A-X) опсега побуђених OH радикала као и линије из прве негативне траке молекулског јона азота. Мерења су указала и на низак интензитет побуђених стања атомског кисеоника. Сви посматрани показатељи квалитета су се мењали са условима третмана хладном атмосферском плазмом. Дуже време третмана пшеничног брашна довело је до повећање модула еластичности G&rsquo;, SRCSu и SRCw параметра. Вредности влажног глутена и глутен индекса (WG и GI) варирале су у уском интервалу, док су вредности садржај слободних сулфхидрилних група SRCLa и GPI параметара опадале. Како је SRC методе исказала добру способност да прати промене на брашну узроковане третманом хладном атмосферском на бази параметара SRC методе уз примену методологије одзивне површине спроведен је поступак моделовања и оптимизације третмана. Развијени модели свих SRC параметара су указали на значајне услове третмана и одликовали су се високим вредностима R&sup2; SRCLa (0,92), SRCSu (0,84), SRCSo (0,75), SRCw (0,91) и GPI (0,92). Aнализа секундарних структура указала је да третман доводи до увећања удела &alpha;-хеликс секундарне структуре те до смањења удела &beta; равни као и &beta;-окрет + &beta; равни.<br />У трећој фази докторске дисертације, посматран је утицај два правца оптимизације третмана хладне атмосферске плазме на показатење квалитета три групе производа (пшенични хлеб, мешани хлеб од целог зрна и хлеб са мекињама). Циљ првог правца је био минимизација SRCLa и максимизација SRCSu параметара а другог максимизација и SRCLa и SRCSu параметара. Утицај третмана хладном атмосферском плазмом, оба правца оптимизације, на показатеље квалитета све три групе производа посматран је кроз анализу физичких и сензорских параметара квалитета хлеба. Одређивањем физичких показатеља квалитета утврђено је да третман брашна хладном атмосферском плазмом доводи до промена пецивних својстава пшеничног брашна. Третмани су утицали на текстуру као и боју узорака хлеба. Краће време третмана имало повољнији ефекат на ток колоидних процеса током замеса, те и запремину готових производа. Сензорска анализа показала је да супститција 10% брашна третираним при овом третману позитивно утиче на запремину, изглед средине, укус и мирис свих врста хлеба. Резултати указују да је у зависности и од услова третамана, начина примене (количине), али и од квалитета брашна које се супституише третираним брашном, пожељно спровођење оптиизације третмана у складу са наменом брашна.<br />У четвртој фази спроведено је испитивања могућег утицаја третмана хладном атмосферском плазмом на безбедност брашна, односно, производе од брашна. Испитивана је могућност редукције Alternaria токсина у матриксу пшеничног брашна и утицај услова третмана (време и растојање). Испитивања су била фокусирана на три Alternaria токсина: алтернариол (AOH), алтернариол монометил етар (AME) и тентоксин (TEN). Одређени су степени редукције три Alternaria токсина, у &bdquo;спајкованим&ldquo; узорцима пшеничног брашна у зависности од услова третмана. Потом је извршено моделовање третмана применом методологије одзивних површина и одређен значај услова третмана на степен редукције испитиваних Alternaria токсина. Оптимизација је извршена прорачуном стандардне оцене, те је спроведено тестирање оптималног третмана на природно контаминираним узорцима млинских производа од пшенице. Резултати су показали да је могуће постићи значајан степен разградље свих испитиваних Alternaria токсина при релативно кратким временима (180 ѕ) третмана како у &bdquo;спајкованим&ldquo; тако и у природно контаминираним узорцима. Најбољи резултати редукције Alternaria токсина добијени су третманом узорка постављеним на растојању од 6 mm од извора хладне атмосферске плазме, са трајањем третмана од 180 ѕ, при чему је остварен степен редукције од 60,6% за AOH, 73,8% за АМЕ и 54,5% за TEN. Степен редукције испитиваних Alternaria токсина у природно контаминираним узорцима зависио је и од почетних концентрација Alternaria токсина.<br />Сва истраживања проведена у изради ове докторске дисертације указују да се третман пшеничног брашна хладном атмосферском плазмом може користити за модификацију технолошког квалитета, али и унапређење безбедности пшеничног брашна те је потребно наставити истраживања у овим правцима.</p> / <p>Osnovni zadatak ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita uticaj tretmana hladnom atmosferskom plazmom na kvalitet i bezbednost pšeničnog brašna.<br />Prva faza istraživanja sprovedenih u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji bila je usmerena na poređenje SRC metode (Solvent Retention Capacity) sa empirijskim metodama na uzorcima pasažnih brašna. Metoda je pokazala izuzetno dobru moć opisivanja vrlo različitih svojstava pasažnih brašna. Poređenjem parametara SRC metode sa reološkim pokazateljima kvaliteta uočena je podela SRC parametara u dve grupe. Prvu grupu činili su parametari sposobnost zadržavanja rastvora mlečne kiseline i indeks performansi glutena (SRCLa i GPI) osetljivi na snagu testa, a drugu grupu parametri sposobnost zadržavanja rastvora natrijum karbonata, odnosno, šećera te sposobnost zadržavanja vode (SRCSo, SRCSu i SRCw) osetljivi na hidrtataciona svojstva brašna. Obradom rezultata kroz multivarijantnu analizu, određene su korelacije, odnosno, odnosi između parametara SRC metode i reoloških parametara. Na bazi parametara SRC metode razvijeni su modeli primenom metode parcijalne regresije najmanjih kvadrta (PLSR) sa visokim vrednostima koeficijenta determinacije, R2 = 0,93 za farinografsku moć upijanja vode (FWA) i R2 = 0,92 za energiju te višestrukih odgovora R2 = 0,89.<br />Druga faza istraživanja u okviru disertacije bila je usmerena na sagledavanje uticaja različitih uslova tretmana hladnom atmosferskom plazmom (vreme, rastojanje, stepen iskorišćenosti zaklona) na pokazatelje kvaliteta brašna kroz primenu SRC metode, sadržaja slobodnih sulfhidrilnih grupa, ultraljubičaste i infracrvene spektroskopije, reoloških analiza na reometru i glutopiku, te vrednosti gluten indeksa i sadžaj vlažnog glutena. Električna karakterizacija izvora plazme ukazala je da je ukupna površina elektrode homogeno prekrivena plazmom pri RMS vrednosti napona i jačine struje od 2400 V i 0,1 A. Korišćenjem OES merenja (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) potvrđeno je postojanje reaktivnih vrsta hladne plazme. Optičke emisije su zabeležene u sekundarnoj pozitivnoj traci N2, prvoj pozitivnoj traci N2, linije OH (A-X) opsega pobuđenih OH radikala kao i linije iz prve negativne trake molekulskog jona azota. Merenja su ukazala i na nizak intenzitet pobuđenih stanja atomskog kiseonika. Svi posmatrani pokazatelji kvaliteta su se menjali sa uslovima tretmana hladnom atmosferskom plazmom. Duže vreme tretmana pšeničnog brašna dovelo je do povećanje modula elastičnosti G&rsquo;, SRCSu i SRCw parametra. Vrednosti vlažnog glutena i gluten indeksa (WG i GI) varirale su u uskom intervalu, dok su vrednosti sadržaj slobodnih sulfhidrilnih grupa SRCLa i GPI parametara opadale. Kako je SRC metode iskazala dobru sposobnost da prati promene na brašnu uzrokovane tretmanom hladnom atmosferskom na bazi parametara SRC metode uz primenu metodologije odzivne površine sproveden je postupak modelovanja i optimizacije tretmana. Razvijeni modeli svih SRC parametara su ukazali na značajne uslove tretmana i odlikovali su se visokim vrednostima R&sup2; SRCLa (0,92), SRCSu (0,84), SRCSo (0,75), SRCw (0,91) i GPI (0,92). Analiza sekundarnih struktura ukazala je da tretman dovodi do uvećanja udela &alpha;-heliks sekundarne strukture te do smanjenja udela &beta; ravni kao i &beta;-okret + &beta; ravni.<br />U trećoj fazi doktorske disertacije, posmatran je uticaj dva pravca optimizacije tretmana hladne atmosferske plazme na pokazatenje kvaliteta tri grupe proizvoda (pšenični hleb, mešani hleb od celog zrna i hleb sa mekinjama). Cilj prvog pravca je bio minimizacija SRCLa i maksimizacija SRCSu parametara a drugog maksimizacija i SRCLa i SRCSu parametara. Uticaj tretmana hladnom atmosferskom plazmom, oba pravca optimizacije, na pokazatelje kvaliteta sve tri grupe proizvoda posmatran je kroz analizu fizičkih i senzorskih parametara kvaliteta hleba. Određivanjem fizičkih pokazatelja kvaliteta utvrđeno je da tretman brašna hladnom atmosferskom plazmom dovodi do promena pecivnih svojstava pšeničnog brašna. Tretmani su uticali na teksturu kao i boju uzoraka hleba. Kraće vreme tretmana imalo povoljniji efekat na tok koloidnih procesa tokom zamesa, te i zapreminu gotovih proizvoda. Senzorska analiza pokazala je da supstitcija 10% brašna tretiranim pri ovom tretmanu pozitivno utiče na zapreminu, izgled sredine, ukus i miris svih vrsta hleba. Rezultati ukazuju da je u zavisnosti i od uslova tretamana, načina primene (količine), ali i od kvaliteta brašna koje se supstituiše tretiranim brašnom, poželjno sprovođenje optiizacije tretmana u skladu sa namenom brašna.<br />U četvrtoj fazi sprovedeno je ispitivanja mogućeg uticaja tretmana hladnom atmosferskom plazmom na bezbednost brašna, odnosno, proizvode od brašna. Ispitivana je mogućnost redukcije Alternaria toksina u matriksu pšeničnog brašna i uticaj uslova tretmana (vreme i rastojanje). Ispitivanja su bila fokusirana na tri Alternaria toksina: alternariol (AOH), alternariol monometil etar (AME) i tentoksin (TEN). Određeni su stepeni redukcije tri Alternaria toksina, u &bdquo;spajkovanim&ldquo; uzorcima pšeničnog brašna u zavisnosti od uslova tretmana. Potom je izvršeno modelovanje tretmana primenom metodologije odzivnih površina i određen značaj uslova tretmana na stepen redukcije ispitivanih Alternaria toksina. Optimizacija je izvršena proračunom standardne ocene, te je sprovedeno testiranje optimalnog tretmana na prirodno kontaminiranim uzorcima mlinskih proizvoda od pšenice. Rezultati su pokazali da je moguće postići značajan stepen razgradlje svih ispitivanih Alternaria toksina pri relativno kratkim vremenima (180 ѕ) tretmana kako u &bdquo;spajkovanim&ldquo; tako i u prirodno kontaminiranim uzorcima. Najbolji rezultati redukcije Alternaria toksina dobijeni su tretmanom uzorka postavljenim na rastojanju od 6 mm od izvora hladne atmosferske plazme, sa trajanjem tretmana od 180 ѕ, pri čemu je ostvaren stepen redukcije od 60,6% za AOH, 73,8% za AME i 54,5% za TEN. Stepen redukcije ispitivanih Alternaria toksina u prirodno kontaminiranim uzorcima zavisio je i od početnih koncentracija Alternaria toksina.<br />Sva istraživanja provedena u izradi ove doktorske disertacije ukazuju da se tretman pšeničnog brašna hladnom atmosferskom plazmom može koristiti za modifikaciju tehnološkog kvaliteta, ali i unapređenje bezbednosti pšeničnog brašna te je potrebno nastaviti istraživanja u ovim pravcima.</p> / <p>The main aim of this doctoral dissertation was to examine the impact of cold atmospheric plasma treatment on the quality and safety of wheat flour.<br />The first phase of research conducted in this doctoral dissertation was aimed at comparing the SRC method with empirical rheological methods on samples of wheat flour mill streams. The method showed good power to describe very different properties of wheat flour mill streams. By comparing the parameters of the Solvent Retention Capacity method (SRC) with empirical rheological parameters, the division of SRC parameters into two groups is noticed. The first group of SRC, lactic acid and glutenin performance index (SRCLa and GPI) is sensitive to the dough strengths, and the second group, SRC of sodium carbonate, sucrose and water (SRCSо, SRCSu and SRCw) is sensitive to flour hydration potential. Through multivariate analysis, the relationships between the parameters of the SRC method and the rheological parameters were determined. Based on the experimental data of the SRC parameters, models were developed with partial least squares regression (PLSR) to predict the most important rheological parameters. PLSR models with high values of coefficient of determination, R2 = 0.93 for farinographic water absorption (FWA) and R2 = 0.92 for energy and model with multiple responses R2 = 0.89 were developed.<br />In the second phase of the research, the influence of different conditions of cold atmospheric plasma treatment (time, distance, degree of cover utilization) on flour quality indicators determined by the SRC method, as well as the content of free sulfhydryl groups, wet gluten, gluten index, rheological properties and ultraviolet and infrared spectra were analyzed. The electrical characterization of the plasma source indicates that the electrodes are homogeneously covered with plasma at the RMS voltage of 2400 V and current of 0.1 A. Optical emission spectroscopy shows the most intense emission lines are in the N2 second positive system band, as expected for the atmospheric air plasma. Relatively lower intensities of peaks associated with atomic oxygen (triplet at 777 nm) are due to the involvement of O in the creation of O3, and quenching by N2 and O2 molecules. All observed parameters changed with the conditions of cold atmospheric plasma treatment. The prolonged treatment time of wheat flour leads to an increase in the modulus of elasticity G&rsquo;, SRCSu and SRCw parameter. The values of the wet gluten (WG) and gluten index (GI) parameters vary in a narrow interval and the content of free sulfhydryl groups and SRCL and GPI parameters show a decreasing trend. As the SRC method showed a good ability to monitor changes in flour caused by atmospheric cold plasma treatment. Based on the parameters of the SRC method, with the application of the response surface methodology, the procedure of modeling and optimization of the treatment was performed. Developed models of all SRC parameters indicated significant treatment conditions and were characterized by high values of R&sup2; SRCL (0.92), SRCSu (0.84), SRCSo (0.75), SRCw (0.91) and GPI (0, 92) respectively. Analysis of secondary structures indicated that the treatment leads to an increase in the proportion of &alpha;-helix secondary structure and to a decrease in the proportion of &beta;-plane as well as &beta;-turn + &beta;-sheet.<br />In the third phase, the influence of two directions of optimization of cold atmospheric plasma treatment on the quality indicators of three groups of products (wheat bread, whole grain bread and bread with bran) was observed. The aim of the first optimization was to minimize SRCL and maximize SRCSu parameters and of the second to maximize both SRCLa and SRCSu parameters. The influence of cold atmospheric plasma treatment, of both directions of optimization, on the quality indicators of all three groups of products, was analyzed through the analysis of volume, physical and sensory properties of bread. Results indicate that the treatment of flour with cold atmospheric plasma leads to changes in all baking properties of wheat flour. Treatments affect texture parameters as well as color parameters. Shorter treatment time had a more favorable effect on the course of colloidal processes during mixing and the volume of finished products. Sensory analysis showed that the substitution of 10% flour with flour treated with Shorter treatment time has a positive effect on the volume, appearance of the crumb, taste and smell of bread. The results indicate that the optimization of flour treatment should be carried out according to the appropriate purpose, quantity as well as the quality of the flour which is substituted by the treated flour.<br />In the fourth phase, investigations of the impact of cold atmospheric plasma treatment on the safety of flour were conducted. The possibility of reduction of Alternaria toxins in the wheat flour matrix and the influence of treatment conditions (time and distance) were investigated. The examinations were focused on three Alternaria toxins: alternariol (AOH), alternariol monomethyl ether (AME), and tentoxin (TEN). The extent of reduction of three Alternaria toxins were determined in &quot;spiked&quot; samples of wheat flour depending on the treatment conditions. The modeling of the treatment was performed by applying the response surfaces methodology and the significance of the treatment conditions on the extent of the reduction rate of the Alternaria toxins were determined. The optimization was performed by calculating the standard scores and testing of the optimal treatment was performed on naturally contaminated samples of wheat mill products. The results showed that it is possible to achieve a significant degree of reduction of all tested Alternaria toxins with relatively short treatment times (180 s) in both &quot;spiked&quot; and naturally contaminated samples. The best results of the reduction of all three Alternaria toxins were obtained for treatment with a sample placed at a distance of 6 mm, with a treatment time of 180 s. Under these treatments, a reduction of 60.6%, 73.8% and 54.5%, for AOH, AME and TEN, respectively, was achieved. Results also showed that the extent of the reduction of Alternaria toxins in naturally contaminated samples also depended on the initial Alternaria toxins concentrations.<br />All research indicates that the treatment of wheat flour with cold atmospheric plasma can be successfully used to modify the technological quality but also to improve the safety of wheat flour and it is justified to continue further research.</p>

Identifizierung des zellulären Rezeptors für das binäre Toxin von Clostridium spiroforme

Wilczek, Claudia 26 August 2014 (has links)
Erst kürzlich wurde der Lipolyse-stimulierte Lipoproteinrezeptor (LSR, engl. lipolysis-stimulated lipoprotein receptor) als der zelluläre Oberflächenrezeptor von CDT und Iota-Toxin, zweier Vertreter der Iota-Toxin-Familie der clostridialen Aktin-ADP-ribosylierenden Toxine, identifiziert. In dieser Arbeit sollte geprüft werden, ob CST, ein weiterer Vertreter der Iota-Toxin-Familie, ebenfalls LSR für den Zelleintritt nutzt. Zunächst wurden die Toxinkomponenten CSTa und CSTb erstmals rekombinant hergestellt. Dazu wurden die für CSTa und CSTb codierenden Genabschnitte mittels PCR amplifiziert und anschließend in einen Expressionsvektor kloniert. Als Expressionsvektor wurde in dieser Arbeit der pHis1522-Vektor verwendet. Zur Amplifizierung wurden die Plasmide in E. coli transformiert und anschließend aufgereinigt. Die Proteinexpression erfolgte in B. megaterium, weil dieses Bakterium sich bereits zur Expression anderer clostridialer Toxine bewährt hatte. Zur Aufreinigung der 6xHis-getaggten Proteine wurde die Nickel-Affinitätschromatographie eingesetzt. Als nächstes wurde gezeigt, dass die rekombinant hergestellten Toxinkomponenten CSTa und CSTb biologisch aktiv waren. Dazu wurden CaCo2-Zellen mit CST behandelt und anschließend die Morphologie der Zellen untersucht. CaCo2-Zellen, die mit CSTa und CSTb behandelt wurden, wiesen Vergiftungserscheinungen wie eine typische Zellabrundung auf. Mit dem „Aktin-Nach-ADP-Ribosylierungs-Assay“ und der fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Untersuchung von TRITC-Phalloidin-gefärbtem Aktin wurde gezeigt, dass das rekombinant hergestellte CST Aktin-ADP-ribosylierende Eigenschaften besaß. Nachdem gezeigt war, dass rekombinant hergestelltes CST sich wie ein biologisch aktives, binäres Aktin-ADP-ribosylierendes Toxin verhält, konnte mithilfe der Vergiftung von H1-HeLa(+LSR)-Zellen und nativen H1-HeLa-Zellen, die kein LSR exprimierten, nachgewiesen werden, dass die Wirkung des Toxins LSR-abhängig ist. FACS-Analysen und Kolokalisationsstudien mit Alexa488-gefärbtem CSTb und Antikörper-gefärbtem LSR erbrachten zusätzlich den Beweis, dass CSTb auf der Zelloberfläche an LSR bindet und bei der Aufnahme in die Zellen mit LSR in endozytischen Vesikeln kolokalisiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass das C. spiroforme Toxin (CST) ebenfalls LSR als Rezeptor für den Zelleintritt verwendet.

Grounds For Healing : Tales of Toxic Terrain

Ingebrigtsen, Anna January 2014 (has links)
This project proposes the restoration of Vinterviken’s contaminated grounds, a legacy of Nobel’s dynamite production. How can we live with toxicity? The design sows phytoremediating meadows, extracts toxins, harvests, decomposes, burns, and grows new crops. Elevated pathways offer a procession through the site, to green roofs, mountain paths, an open kitchen &amp; hearth, a floating barge with biopools &amp; a sauna. As the fields are healed, the structures move into the barge and sail to other polluted sites. / Projektet är ett förslag till återställandet av Vintervikens förorenade marker, ett arv från Nobels dynamitproduktion. Hur kan vi leva med toxicitet? Modellen sår fytoremedierande ängar, skiljer ut gifter, skördar, bryter ned, bränner, och odlar nya grödor. Förhöjda stigar erbjuder en gångväg genom området, till gröna tak, bergsstigar, ett öppet kök och härd, en flytande pråm med biopooler och en bastu. När områdena har läkts, flyttar strukturerna in i pråmen och seglar till andra förorenade platser.

Role of a putative bacterial lipoprotein in Pseudomonas aeruginosa-mediated cytotoxicity toward airway cells

Akhand, Saeed Salehin January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The patients with Cystic fibrosis (CF), an inherent genetic disorder, suffer from chronic bacterial infection in the lung. In CF, modification of epithelial cells leads to alteration of the lung environment, such as inhibition of ciliary bacterial clearance and accumulation of thickened mucus in the airways. Exploiting these conditions, opportunistic pathogens like Pseudomonas aeruginosa cause lifelong persistent infection in the CF lung by forming into antibiotic-resistant aggregated communities called biofilms. Airway infections as well as inflammation are the two major presentations of CF lung disease. P. aeruginosa strains isolated from CF lungs often contain mutations in the mucA gene, and this mutation results in higher level expression of bacterial polysaccharides and toxic lipoproteins. In a previous work, we have found a putative lipoprotein gene (PA4326) which is overexpressed in antibiotic-induced biofilm formed on cultured CF-derived airway cells. In the current work, we speculated that this particular putative lipoprotein affects cellular cytotoxicity and immune-stimulation in the epithelial cells. We found that mutation of this gene (ΔPA4326) results in reduced airway cell killing without affecting other common virulence factors.Moreover, we observed that this gene was able to stimulate secretion of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-8 from host cells. Interestingly, we also found that ΔPA4326 mutant strains produced less pyocyanin exotoxin compared to the wild type. Furthermore, our results suggest that PA4326 regulates expression of the pyocyanin biosynthesis gene phzM, leading to the reduced pyocyanin phenotype. Overall, these findings implicate PA4326 as a virulence factor in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In the future, understating the molecular interplay between the epithelial cells and putative lipoproteins like PA4326 may lead to development of novel anti-inflammatory therapies that would lessen the suffering of CF patients.

Antibiotic Treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms Stimulates Expression of mgtE, a Virulence Modulator

Redelman, Carly Virginia 07 August 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram negative opportunistic pathogen with the capacity to cause serious disease by forming biofilms, most notably in the lungs of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Biofilms are communities of microorganisms that adhere to a solid surface, undergo global regulatory changes, secrete exopolysaccharides, and are innately antibiotic resistant. Virulence modulation is an important tool utilized by P. aeruginosa to propagate infection and biofilm formation in the CF airway. Many different virulence modulatory pathways and proteins have been identified including the protein, MgtE. MgtE has recently been discovered and has been implicated in virulence modulation, as an isogeneic mutation of mgtE leads to increased cytotoxicity. To further elucidate the role of MgtE in P. aerugionsa infections, transcriptional and translational regulation of this protein following antibiotic treatment has been explored. I have demonstrated that mgtE is transcriptionally upregulated following antibiotic treatment of most of the twelve antibiotics tested utilizing RT-PCR and QRT-PCR. A novel model system was employed, which utilizes cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial (CFBE) cells homozygous for the ΔF508 mutation for these studies. This model system allows P. aeruginosa biofilms to form on CFBE cells modeling the P. aeruginosa in the CF airway. Translational effects of antibiotic treatment on MgtE have been attempted via Western blotting and cytotoxicity assays. Furthermore, to explore the possibility that mgtE is interacting with a known regulatory pathway, a transposon-mutant library was utilized and the regulatory proteins, AlgR and NarX, among others have been identified as possibly interacting with MgtE. Lastly, an MgtE homologue from Staphylococcus aureus was utilized to further demonstrate the virulence modulatory effects of MgtE by demonstrating the expression of the homologue results in decreased cytotoxicity, exactly like expression of the native P. aeruginosa MgtE. This research explores a newly discovered protein that impacts cytotoxicity and biofilm formation and provides valuable information about P. aeruginosa virulence.

Photoinduced Toxicity in Early Lifestage Fiddler Crab (Uca longisignalis) Following Exposure to Deepwater Horizon Spill Oil

Taylor, Leigh M. 12 1900 (has links)
The 2010 Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill resulted in a large release of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) into the Gulf of Mexico. PAH can interact with ultraviolet radiation (UV) resulting in increased toxicity, particularly to early lifestage organisms. The goal of this research was to determine the sensitivity of fiddler crab larvae (Uca longisignalis) to photo-induced toxicity following exposure to Deepwater Horizon spill oil in support of the DWH Natural Resource Damage Assessment. Five replicate dishes each containing 20 larvae, were exposed to one of three UV treatments (10%, 50%, and 100% ambient natural sunlight) and one of five dilutions of water accommodated fractions of two naturally weathered source oils. A dose dependent effect of PAH and UV on larval mortality was observed. Mortality was markedly higher in PAH treatments that included co-exposure to more intense UV light. PAH treatments under low intensity sunlight had relatively high survival. These data demonstrate the importance of considering combined effects of non-chemical (i.e. UV exposure) and chemical stressors and the potential for photo-induced effects after exposure to PAH following the Deepwater Horizon spill.

Rôle des facteurs physico-chimiques du micro-environnement intestinal et des boucles inter-hélicales du Domaine I dans l’activité de la toxine insecticide Cry9Ca du bacille de Thuringe

Brunet, Jean-Frédéric 11 1900 (has links)
Une fois ingérées par un insecte sensible, les toxines insecticides du bacille de Thuringe doivent être activées par les protéases intestinales de cet insecte. Leur premier domaine, un ensemble de sept hélices-α amphipathiques, est responsable de leur insertion dans la membrane luminale de certaines cellules de l’intestin médian, ce qui crée des pores peu sélectifs. La toxicité et la capacité à former des pores d’une telle toxine, la Cry9Ca, de ses mutants simples R164A et R164K et d’un fragment de 55 kDa résultant d’un clivage protéolytique au niveau de son résidu 164 ont été étudiées à l’aide d’une combinaison de modélisation par homologie, de bioessais, d’expériences de gonflement osmotique avec des vésicules de membrane en bordure en brosse de larves de sphinx du tabac et de mesures électrophysiologiques sur des intestins isolés. Ni les mutations simples ni le clivage protéolytique n’ont altéré la toxicité de la Cry9Ca. Dans une solution à faible force ionique, toutefois, la formation des pores dépend fortement du pH : une augmentation de celui-ci de 6,5 à 10,5 a entraîné une baisse irrégulière et par étapes successives de la perméabilité membranaire. Les quatre préparations de toxine ont néanmoins dépolarisé la membrane apicale d’intestins médians fraîchement isolés baignant dans une solution contenant 122 mM de KCl à pH 10,5. L’activité de la Cry9Ca, et des mutants R164A et R164K, a été grandement stimulée lorsque les expériences ont été effectuées en présence de suc intestinal, de lipides extraits d’un volume équivalent de suc intestinal ou d’un cocktail d’inhibiteurs de protéases solubles dans l’eau. De plus, le rôle des boucles inter-hélicales du Domaine I lors de l’insertion dans la membrane a été étudié avec des mutants doubles de la Cry9Ca dont les mutations introduisaient, neutralisaient ou renversaient une charge électrique. À l’exception de trois d’entres eux, tous ces mutants ont conservé une toxicité et une capacité à former des pores comparables à celles de la toxine parentale. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère que le micro-environnement de l’intestin médian contribue à minimiser l’influence des charges de surface portées par les résidus des boucles inter-hélicales du Domaine I sur la capacité des toxines du bacille de Thuringe à former des pores. Il indique aussi que, d’une part, selon le site de clivage et les conditions expérimentales utilisées, des protéolyses supplémentaires de la toxine Cry9Ca activée peuvent soit stimuler, soit nuire à son activité et que, d’autre part, le suc intestinal du sphinx du tabac contient probablement un inhibiteur de protéases qui pourrait jouer un rôle important dans l’activité des toxines du bacille de Thuringe. / Once ingested by susceptible insects, Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal toxins must be activated by the insect’s intestinal proteases. Their first domain, a bundle of seven amphipathic -helices, is responsible for their insertion into the luminal membrane of midgut cells, thereby creating poorly selective pores. The toxicity and pore-forming ability of one such toxin, Cry9Ca, its single-site mutants, R164A and R164K, and of the 55-kDa fragment resulting from its proteolytic cleavage at residue 164 were investigated using a combination of homology modeling, bioassays, osmotic swelling experiments with Manduca sexta larval midgut brush border membrane vesicles and electrophysiological measurements on isolated midguts. Neither the single mutations nor the proteolytic cleavage altered Cry9Ca toxicity. In low ionic strength solutions however, pore formation was highly dependent on pH: increasing pH from 6.5 to 10.5 resulted in an irregular step-wise decrease in membrane permeabilization. All four toxin preparations nevertheless depolarized the apical membrane of freshly isolated midguts bathing in a solution containing 122 mM KCl at pH 10.5. The activity of Cry9Ca, R164A and R164K was greatly enhanced when the experiments were conducted in the presence of midgut juice, the lipids extracted from an equivalent volume of midgut juice or a cocktail of water-soluble protease inhibitors. Additionally, the role of the interhelical loops of Domain I in membrane insertion was investigated with Cry9Ca double mutants with mutations that either introduced, neutralized or reversed an electrical charge. All but three mutants retained a toxicity and a pore-forming ability that were comparable to those of their parental toxin. Overall, the results suggest that the midgut microenvironment contributes to minimizing the influence of surface charges carried by Domain I interhelical loop residues on B. thuringiensis toxins pore-forming ability. They also indicate that, depending on the cleavage site and on the experimental conditions used, further proteolysis of the activated Cry9Ca toxin can either stimulate or be detrimental to its activity and that M. sexta midgut juice probably contains protease inhibitors that could play a major role in the activity of B. thuringiensis toxins in the insect midgut.

Oncoleaking gene therapy: a new suicide approach for treatment of pancreatic cancer

Pahle, Jessica 17 July 2018 (has links)
Bakterielle Toxine stellen eine wirkungsvolle und effektive Alternative zur Therapie von Tumorerkrankungen dar. Das vom Clostridium perfringens Typ A produzierte Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE) gehört zu der Gruppe der porenbildenden Toxine und weist eine rezeptorspezifische zytotoxische Wirkung auf, welche über die Membranrezeptoren Cldn3 und Cldn4 entfaltet wird. Diese liegen vor allem in Epithelialkarzinomen wie dem Brust-, Prostata-, oder Kolon-, sowie dem Pankreaskarzinom (PK) stark hochreguliert vor. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Anwendung des neuen selektiven und effizienten „Onkoleaking“ Suizid-Gentherapie Konzepts für die Behandlung von Cldn3 / 4 überexprimierender PK unter Verwendung eines nicht-viralen translations-optimierten CPE exprimierenden Vektors (optCPE). Weiterhin sollte in dieser Arbeit der genaue molekulare Mechanismus der CPE-vermittelten Zytotoxizität in vitro und auch in vivo analysiert werden. Für die in vitro Analysen wurden verschiedene humane PK Zelllinien, Patienten abgeleitete Xenotransplantate (PDX) und deren abgeleiteten Zellen bezüglich ihrer Cldn3 / 4 Expression und Sensitivität sowohl gegenüber rekombinantem CPE (rekCPE) als auch nach optCPE Gentransfer untersucht. Es konnte eine positive Korrelation zwischen der Effizienz CPE vermittelter Zytotoxizität und der Höhe der Cldn3 / 4 Überexpression gezeigt werden. Des Weiteren wurde die Verfügbarkeit und Zugänglichkeit der CPE Rezeptoren für die Toxinbindung als kritischer Faktor für die durch Porenbildung induzierte Zytotoxizität beschrieben. Auch eine detaillierte Analyse verschiedener apoptotischer und nekrotischer Signalwege und deren Schlüsselmoleküle waren vom besonderen Interesse. Von noch größerer Wichtigkeit war jedoch die Anwendbarkeit und der Nachweis der antitumoralen Wirksamkeit der optCPE-basierten Suizid-Gentherapie mit Hilfe des intratumoralen Jet-Injektion Gentransfers in verschiedenen Luziferase-exprimierenden CDX und PDX Modellen des PK. Alle in vivo Studien zeigten eine selektive optCPE vermittelte Verminderung der Tumorvitalität in Verbindung mit Nekrose, die in fast allen Fällen mit einer Reduktion des Tumorvolumens einher ging. Die tierexperimentellen Studien belegen damit die Effektivität der CPE-basierten Gentherapie im Pankreaskarzinom. Mit diesen neu gewonnenen Erkenntnissen zum „Onkoleaking“ Konzept der CPE Suizid-Gentherapie und deren Wirkungsmechanismen sind Kombinationen mit konventionellen Therapien möglich. / Bacterial toxins have evolved to an effective therapeutic option for cancer therapy and numerous studies demonstrated their antitumoral potential. The Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE), produced by the anaerobic Clostridium perfringes bacteria, is a pore-forming (oncoleaking) toxin, which binds to its receptors claudin-3 and -4 (Cldn3 / 4) and exerts a selective, receptor-dependent cytotoxicity. The transmembrane tight junction proteins Cldn3 and Cldn4 are known CPE receptors and are highly upregulated in several human epithelial cancers such as breast, colon, ovarian and pancreatic cancer. This study aimed at the evaluation of the potential of oncoleaking gene therapy using a non-viral translation optimized CPE vector (optCPE) as a new suicide approach for the treatment of Cldn3  /  4 overexpressing pancreatic cancer (PC) in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrated the successful in vitro use of optCPE gene transfer in a panel of human PC cells and more importantly patient derived PC xenograft (PDX) derived cells. We showed significant reduction of cell viability in all Cldn3 / 4 overexpressing PC cells after optCPE transfection. Furthermore a positive correlation between CPE cytotoxicity and level of claudin expression was shown. We revealed accessibility of CPE receptors for toxin binding as determining for optCPE mediated cytotoxicity. Since investigation of optCPE induced cell death mechanism was of particular interest, detailed analyses of apoptotic and necrotic key players were performed. By this, caspase dependent- and independent apoptosis and necrosis activation after gene transfer was demonstrated, which was dependent on amount of expressed optCPE and accessibility of Cldn. More importantly, this study demonstrated the applicability and antitumoral efficacy of optCPE gene therapy by the non-viral intratumoral jet-injection gene transfer in vivo in different luciferase-expressing CDX and PDX pancreatic cancer models. The animal experiments demonstrated the selective CPE mediated tumor growth inhibition, associated with reduced tumor viability and effective induction of tumor necrosis. This further corroborated the advantages of this novel oncoleaking strategy. With this gain of knowledge about our new oncoleaking concept of suicidal gene therapy and its mechanism of action, novel combinations with conventional therapies are possible to further improve therapeutic efficacy and to overcome resistance in pancreas carcinoma.

Efeito da toxina botulínica tipo A sobre a expressão de neuropeptídeos e o transporte mucociliar nasal em coelhos / Effect of botulinum toxin type A on nasal neuropeptides and mucociliary clearance in rabbits

Carreirão Neto, Waldir 26 August 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A toxina botulínica tipo A (TXB-A) tem sido testada no tratamento da rinite, principalmente nos casos de rinite idiopática. Sugere-se que um estado de hiper-reatividade do nervo trigêmeo esteja envolvido na fisiopatologia da rinite idiopática. O nervo trigêmeo possui fibras sensitivas não mielinizadas tipo C (FSNMT-C) que contém os neuropeptídeos substância P (SP) e peptídeo relacionado ao gene da calcitonina (CGRP). O óxido nítrico (NO) produzido pelas enzimas óxido nítrico sintase (NOS) também está envolvido nesse processo de neurorregulação nasal. O transporte mucociliar, mecanismo primário de defesa do sistema respiratório, é formado pelo batimento ciliar e muco nasal, e esses componentes podem ser influenciados por diferentes neuropeptídeos e neurotransmissores presentes na mucosa nasal. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da TXB-A sobre a expressão da SP, CGRP e óxido nítrico sintase neural (nNOS), além de sua influência sobre o transporte mucociliar nasal em coelhos. MÉTODOS: Coelhos machos saudáveis da linhagem Nova Zelândia foram divididos em dois grupos: o grupo tratamento recebeu TXB-A (25UI) na concha nasomaxilar (CNM) do lado direito e soro fisiológico a 0,9% (SF0,9%) na CNM esquerda. O grupo controle recebeu SF0,9% na CNM direita e nenhuma intervenção na CNM esquerda. Foram investigados os efeitos da TXB-A sobre a expressão da SP, CGRP e nNOS no tecido de CNM por meio da imuno-histoquímica. Para esta análise, dividiu-se o tecido em camada externa (CE, acima da membrana basal) e camada interna (CI, abaixo da membrana basal). Avaliou-se também a presença de apoptose celular, a frequência de batimento ciliar (FBC), o perfil histoquímico do muco nasal (glicoproteínas ácidas e neutras) e a espessura do epitélio (ESP-CE). RESULTADOS: Foi observado um aumento significativo na quantidade de células apoptóticas na CNM do grupo tratamento que recebeu TXB-A em comparação aos controles (p <= 0,001). A CNM do grupo tratamento que recebeu SF0,9% exibiu um aumento na quantidade de células apoptóticas na CI ao comparar com os controles (CNM SF0,9%, p=0,035) (CNM sem intervenção, p=0,022), e também um aumento da expressão de SP na CE em comparação aos controles (CNM SF0,9%, p=0,021) (CNM sem intervenção, p=0,040). A expressão de CGRP apresentou um aumento na CNM do grupo tratamento que recebeu TXB-A em comparação à CNM sem intervenção (p=0,008). A FBC, expressão de nNOS, perfil histoquímico do muco nasal e ESP-CE não apresentaram diferenças significativas. DISCUSSÃO: O aumento da expressão de CGRP e SP pode ter sido causado por inibição de sua exocitose vesicular pela TXB-A, levando ao seu acúmulo intracelular. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na FBC ou perfil histoquímico do muco nasal, indicando que o aumento da expressão de CGRP e SP não foi associado à inflamação. O aumento da quantidade de células apoptóticas e da expressão de SP na CNM SF0,9% do grupo tratamento pode ter sido causado por um efeito central da TXB-A. CONCLUSÃO: A administração nasal de TXB-A aumentou a expressão de CGRP e SP, possivelmente por acúmulo intracelular por causa da inibição da sua exocitose, mas sem alterar a FBC e o perfil histoquímico do muco nasal / INTRODUCTION: Botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) has been assessed in the treatment of rhinitis, especially in cases of idiopathic rhinitis. Trigeminal hyper-responsiveness appears to be involved in the pathological process of idiopathic rhinitis. Trigeminal nociceptive type C unmyelinated sensory fibers contain the neuropeptides calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP). Nitric oxide (NO) produced by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS) are also involved in this nasal neurorregulation process. The mucociliary clearance, primary defense system of the respiratory system, is composed by the ciliary beat and nasal mucus. These components can be influenced by different nasal neuropeptides and neurotransmitters. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of BoNT-A on the expression of SP, CGRP and neural nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), and its influence on nasal mucociliary clearance in rabbits. METHODS: Healthy New Zealand male rabbits were divided into two groups: the treatment group was challenged with BoNT-A (25UI) in the right nasomaxillary turbinate (NMT) and saline (SF0.9%) in the left NMT. The control group received SF0.9% in the right NMT and no-intervention in the left NMT. We investigated the effects of BoNT-A on SP, CGRP and nNOS expression in the NMT tissue by immunohistochemistry. Each area of interest was subdivided into an internal layer (IL: below the basement membrane) and outer layer (OL: above the basement membrane) for analysis. It was also assessed signs of cellular apoptosis, ciliary beat frequency (CBF), mucus histochemical profile (acidic and neutral glycoproteins) and epithelial thickness (EP-TH). RESULTS: It was observed a significant increase in the amount of apoptotic cells in the BoNT-A-challanged NMT compared with controls (p <= 0.001). The NMT of treatment group which received only SF0.9% showed an increase in the amount of apoptotic cells in the IL compared with controls (NMT SF0.9%, p = 0.035) (NMT no-intervention, p = 0.022), and also an increase in the SP expression in the OL compared with controls (NMT SF0.9%, p = 0.021) (NMT no-intervention, p = 0.040). CGRP expression showed higher expression in the BoNT-A-challanged NMT compared with no-intervention NMT (p=0.008). The CBF, nNOS expression, mucus histochemical profile and EP-TH did not show significant differences. DISCUSSION: The increased CGRP and SP expression could be due to inhibition of vesicular exocytosis by BoNT-A, leading to CGRP and SP intracellular accumulation. No significant differences in CBF or mucus histochemical profile were observed, indicating that the increased CGRP and SP expression was not associated with inflammation. The increase in the amount of apoptotic cells and SP expression in the SF0.9% NMT of treatment group may be due to a central effect of BoNT-A. CONCLUSION: Nasal administration of BoNT-A increased SP and CGRP expression, possibly via inhibition of their release, but did not change the CBF or mucus profile

O transcritoma antisense primário de Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1 / The antisense primary transcriptome of Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1

João Paulo Pereira de Almeida 04 September 2018 (has links)
Em procariotos, RNAs antisense (asRNAs) constituem a classe de RNAs não codificantes (ncRNAs) mais numerosa detectada por métodos de avaliação de transcritoma em larga escala. Apesar da grande abundância, pouco se sabe sobre mecanismos regulatórios e aspectos da conservação evolutiva dessas moléculas, principalmente em arquéias, onde o mecanismo de degradação de RNAs dupla fita (dsRNAs) é um fenômeno pouco conhecido. No presente estudo, utilizando dados de dRNA-seq, identificamos 1626 inícios de transcrição primários antisense (aTSSs) no genoma de Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1, importante organismo modelo para estudos de regulação gênica no domínio Archaea. Integrando dados de expressão gênica obtidos a partir de 18 bibliotecas de RNA-seq paired-end, anotamos 846 asRNAs a partir dos aTSSs mapeados. Encontramos asRNAs em ~21% dos genes anotados, alguns desses relacionados a importantes características desse organismo como: codificadores de proteínas que constituem vesículas de gás e da proteína bacteriorodopsina, além de vários genes relacionados a maquinaria de tradução e transposases. Além desses, encontramos asRNAs em genes pertencentes a sistemas de toxinas-antitoxinas do tipo II e utilizando dados públicos de dRNA-seq, evidenciamos que esse é um fenômeno que ocorre em bactérias e arquéias. A interação de um ncRNA com seu RNA alvo pode ser dependente de proteínas, em arquéias, a proteína LSm é uma chaperona de RNA homóloga a Hfq de bactérias, implicada no controle pós-transcricional. Utilizamos dados de RIP-seq de RNAs imunoprecipitados com LSm e identificamos 91 asRNAs interagindo com essa proteína, para 81 desses, o mRNA do gene sense também foi encontrado interagindo. Buscando por aTSSs presentes nas mesmas regiões de genes ortólogos, identificamos 160 aTSSs que dão origem a asRNAs em H. salinarum possivelmente conservados em Haloferax volcanii. A expressão dos asRNAs anotados foi avaliada ao longo de uma curva de crescimento e em uma linhagem knockout de um gene que codifica uma RNase R, possível degradadora de dsRNAs em arquéias. Encontramos um total de 144 asRNAs diferencialmente expressos ao longo da curva de crescimento, para 56 desses o gene sense também está diferencialmente expresso, caracterizando possíveis mecanismos de regulação em cis por esses RNAs. Na linhagem knockout, encontramos cinco asRNAs diferencialmente expressos e apenas para um desses o gene sense também está diferencialmente expresso, resultado que não nos permitiu inferir um possível papel de degradação de dsRNAs da RNAse R em H. salinarum NRC-1. Nesse trabalho apresentamos um mapeamento completo do transcritoma antisense primário de H. salinarum NRC-1 com resultados que consistem em um importante passo na direção da compreensão do envolvimento da transcrição antisense na regulação gênica pós-transcricional desse organismo modelo do terceiro domínio da vida. / Antisense RNAs (asRNAs) constitute the most numerous class of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) detected by transcriptome highthroughput methods in prokaryotes. Despite this abundance, little is known about regulatory mechanisms and evolutionary aspects of these molecules, mainly in archaea, where the mechanism of double-strand RNA (dsRNA) degradation remains poorly understood. In this study, using dRNA-seq data, we identified 1626 antisense transcription start sites (aTSSs) in the genome of Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1, an important model organism for gene expression regulation studies in Archaea. By integrating gene expression data from 18 RNA-seq paired-end libraries, we were able to annotate 846 asRNAs from mapped aTSSs. We found asRNAs in ~21% of annotated genes including genes related to important characteristics of this organism, such as: gas vesicle proteins, bacteriorhodopsin, translation machinery and transposases. We also found asRNAs in type II toxin-antitoxin systems and using public dRNA-seq data, we show evidences that this phenomenon might be conserved in archaea and bacteria. The interaction of a ncRNA with its target may depend on intermediary proteins action. In archaea, the LSm protein is a RNA chaperone homologous to bacterial Hfq, involved in post-transcriptional regulation. We used RIP-seq data from RNAs immunoprecipitated with LSm and identified 91 asRNAs interacting with this protein, for 81 of these the mRNA of the sense gene is also interacting. We searched for aTSSs present in the same region of orthologous genes in the Haloferax volcanii. We found 160 aTSSs that originated asRNAs in H. salinarum NRC-1 that might be conserved in this two archaea. The expression of annotated asRNAs was analyzed over a growth curve and in a knockout strain for RNase R gene. We found 144 asRNA differentially expressed over the growth curve, for 56 of these the sense gene was also differentially expressed, characterizing possible cis regulators asRNAs. In the knockout strain we found five differentially expressed asRNAs and only one asRNA/gene pair, this result does not allow us to infer a dsRNA degradation in vivo activity for this RNase in H. salinarum NRC- 1. This work contributes to the discovery of the antisense transcriptome in H. salinarum NRC- 1 a relevant step to uncover the post-transcriptional gene regulatory network in this archaeon.

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