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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wirkungen des demographischen Wandels auf die Verkehrsnachfrage in Mitteldeutschland

Selz, Emanuel 18 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Wenn die Bevölkerungszahl abnimmt, dann gelten zunächst einfache Zusammenhänge: weniger Menschen benötigen weniger Wohnraum und weniger Schüler auch weniger Schulplätze. Kann diese Kausalität auch auf den Verkehr übertragen werden? Bedeutet eine verringerte Bevölkerungszahl schlicht und einfach auch, dass es weniger Verkehr geben wird? Schaut man sich die verschiedenen nationalen, regionalen und auch kommunalen Verkehrsentwicklungspläne an, ist man geneigt zu glauben, dass im Verkehr das genaue Gegenteil gilt: Angebotsverbesserungen im Öffentlichen Verkehr, Lückenschlüsse im klassifizierten Straßennetz, Ortsumgehungen, aufwändige und kostspielige innerstädtische Verkehrslösungen, die sehr häufig mit einer immensen Flächenneuinanspruchnahme verbunden sind. Hier werden die Qualität der Verkehrsnetze respektive die Erreichbarkeit deutlich verbessert – ist das die richtige und effizienteste Strategie? Wozu soll dieser Aufwand dienen, wenn die Region schrumpft? Es leitet sich die Notwendigkeit ab, Antworten auf eine ganze Reihe von Fragen zu geben, wie z. B. Wird weniger oder mehr gefahren werden? Werden die Wege kürzer oder länger und wohin können/müssen sich die einzelnen Verkehrssysteme entwickeln?

Planläggning av cirkulationsplatser ur ett säkerhetsperspektiv : En fallstudie av cirkulationsplatser i Gävle

Engblom, Mikael January 2016 (has links)
Planläggning av cirkulationsplatser har blivit ett vanligt inslag i en mängd olika städer världen över för att lösa farliga situationer som kan uppstå i traditionella fyrvägskorsningar. Detta eftersom bilisternas hastighet hålls låg i en cirkulationsplats jämfört med en vanlig fyrvägskorsning vilket i sin tur leder till mindre allvarliga olyckor. Är de oskyddade trafikanternas säkerhetsfördelar vid en cirkulationsplats lika tydliga? Syftet med studien är att undersöka utformningen av trafikmiljöer, med fokus på fotgängares och cyklisters säkerhet i anslutning till cirkulationsplatser. Jag har sett på vilka säkerhetshöjande aspekter som bör tas i beaktande för oskyddade trafikanter. Frågeställningarna i arbetet är - Vilka för- och nackdelar för oskyddade trafikanter finns det med planläggning och konstruktion av cirkulationsplatser? - Vilka säkerhetsaspekter tas i beaktande vid cirkulationsplatser? Forskningen baserar sig på en kvalitativ metod. Datainsamlingsmetoder som använts är observation, intervju och kvalitativ textanalys. I undersökningen deltog tre planerare från Gävle, Eskilstuna och Västerås. I undersökningen lyfts säkerhetsaspekter, samt för- och nackdelar fram som de undersökta kommunerna utgår ifrån i planläggningen av cirkulationsplatser och övergångsställen. I resultatet kan konstateras att det med snabba och relativt enkla metoder och åtgärder är möjligt att förbättra fotgängares och cyklisters säkerhet på passager vid cirkulationsplatser. / Planning of roundabouts have become a common feature in various cities around the world to resolve dangerous situations that may occur in traditional four-way intersections. This is because the motorists’ speed is lower in a roundabout compared to a standard four-way intersection, which leads to less severe accidents. Are vulnerable road users safety benefits at a roundabout as clear? The purpose of the study is to examine the design of traffic environments, with a focus on pedestrian and cyclists’ safety in connection to roundabouts. I have seen on the safety aspects that should be taken into consideration for pedestrians and cyclists. The research questions in my study are: - What are the advantages and disadvantages of vulnerable road users with planning and construction of roundabouts? - Which safety aspects are taken into consideration in roundabouts? The research is based on a qualitative approach. Data collection methods used are observation, interview and qualitative text analysis. The study included three planners from Gävle, Eskilstuna and Västerås. The highlighted safety aspects, advantages and disadvantages presented by the surveyed municipalities proceed from with planning of roundabouts and pedestrian crossings. In the result it can be stated that with fast and relatively simple methods and steps are possible to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety on crossings at roundabouts.

Vertical transportation planning in buildings

Peters, Richard David January 1998 (has links)
This thesis is submitted for the degree of Doctor of Engineering in Environmental Technology. The degree is awarded for industrially relevant research, based in industry, and supported by a programme of development courses. This project aims to contribute to a reduction in the environmental burdens of vertical transportation systems. The author has carried out an environmental assessment showing that the dominating environmental burdens of vertical transportation systems arise from their use of electricity while in operation in buildings. An assessment of traffic demand has concluded that we are probably over-sizing lifts, and are therefore installing systems that consume more energy than necessary. Traffic planning techniques for single and double deck lifts have been reviewed and developed. The kinematics (motion) of lifts has been studied. New formulae have been derived that allow us to plot travel profiles for any input of journey distance, maximum velocity, maximum acceleration and maximum jerk. Taking these journey profiles as inputs, a mathematical model of a DC Static Converter Drive has been developed. The model can be used to calculate the energy consumption of any individual lift trip. A lift simulation program has been developed. The program uses the research in traffic, kinematics and motor modelling as a basis for developing energy saving lift control strategies.

An analysis of the South African Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) policy implementation paradigm

Forshaw, Pauline 06 June 2012 (has links)
M.Phil. / Considerable research on public policymaking has been carried out over the years. A number of theoretical frameworks have been developed to try to understand the complexities of the policy process. Nevertheless, the implementation of policy remains, as deLeon and deLeon (2001) state “the most devilish of wicked problems”. It is this wicked problem that this thesis attempts to comprehend a little better in the context of public transport. There is a broadly expressed belief in South Africa that while we have developed some fairly robust public transport policies, we fall down when it comes to the implementation of these policies. However, policies are not equally complex in nature and surely therefore not equally demanding in implementation. While it is accepted that a number of political, economic and social factors are necessary for policy implementation, it is nevertheless hypothesised that the nature and complexity of a policy will influence the paradigm within which implementation will take place. Furthermore, the ‘success’ of the implementation process needs to be located within the context of the specific implementation paradigm. The objective of this thesis has been to (i) identify and (ii) apply an appropriate policy implementation framework or model to the implementation of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) programme in South Africa to understand the BRT policy implementation process that has emerged thus far and whether its very nature and characteristics place it within a certain policy implementation paradigm.

Medskapande Trafikplanering : En kvalitativ studie om medborgarnas delaktighet

Ljungdahl Ristare, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to examine how citizen participation can contribute to traffic development. The study examines which possibilities and challenges that comes with involving citizen, and how planners see their own role in this involvement. To examine this, planners who work with traffic development in Stockholm municipality have been interviewed regarding their opinions about citizen involvement. The result from the interviews have been divided into different themes and analysed. The study also contains a complementary document study to see how the municipality works with involving citizen in the planning process, with main focus on traffic issues. The study shows that planners sees themselves as experts, but they also think that citizens have knowledges that is necessary to create sustainable traffic solutions. It’s not a question about if they should be involved, instead it’s more about how they should. Planners who worked with traffic development got to describe their own experiences with involving citizens. A major key to reach consensus was to involve and discuss traffic problems and solutions at an early stage. This place expectations at a reasonable level and gave both planners and citizen knowledge about each other’s opinions.

Stockholm's Primary Cycle Paths - Are They for Everyone? : A study of How the Design of the Cycling Infrastructure Affects Perceived Safety and Comfort / Stockholms primära cykelstråk – är de till för alla? : En studie över hur cykelinfrastrukturens utformning påverkar upplevd säkerhet och komfort

Carlsson, Elin, Persson, Joel January 2023 (has links)
The bicycle as a means of transport is an important part of a more transport-efficient society as well as to reach Sweden's and the world's climate goals. It also has other advantages, it is a healthy, flexible, and surface-efficient means of transport that does not cause noise and thus provides socio-economic benefits. For more people to want to cycle, however, a cycling infrastructure that a majority of the population feels safe and comfortable with is required. An understanding of different cyclists' infrastructure preferences is therefore of great importance in planning. The purpose of this report is to investigate whether the cycling infrastructure in the city of Stockholm fulfills the degree of perceived safety and comfort which in turn makes it possible to reach the city's targeted number of cyclists. To investigate this, a literature study was conducted on the relationship between bicycle infrastructure, perceived safety and comfort and choosing the bicycle as a means of transport. Bicycle typologies are then examined to see how these relationships vary within the population. This is applied in a Stockholm context through a case study of the Alvik-KTH route where an inventory was conducted to understand the present conditions regarding bicycle infrastructure. Furthermore, an interview was conducted with officials at the City of Stockholm to understand how planning is done practically in the city and which limitations exist within bicycle planning. The study shows that there are differences in infrastructure preferences between different parts of the population. A majority prefers a traffic-separated cycling infrastructure that they feel is safe and comfortable. Currently, these preferences are not met on a large part of the Alvik-KTH route, whereby it may be difficult to reach the City of Stockholm's target for number of cyclists. The City of Stockholm has ambitions to reach a high standard of cycling infrastructure. This study shows that this standard corresponds to the preferences of a majority of the population to some extent. To meet the preferences to a greater extent, supplementary guidelines and measures are needed, which can be taken from leading cycling nations such as the Netherlands. The City also has a limited budget and a street space where many interests must come together. When and to what extent an improvement of the cycle infrastructure can take place is therefore a matter of political priorities. / Cykeln som transportmedel är en viktig del i ett mer transporteffektivt samhälle och för att nå Sveriges och världens klimatmål. Den har även många andra fördelar, det är ett hälsosamt, flexibelt och yteffektivt transportmedel som inte orsakar buller och av dessa anledningar ger samhällsekonomiska vinster. För att fler ska vilja cykla krävs dock en cykelinfrastruktur som en majoritet av befolkningen känner sig säker och komfortabel med. En förståelse för olika individers cykelinfrastrukturpreferenser är därför av stor vikt i planeringen.  Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka om cykelinfrastrukturen i Stockholms stad uppfyller den grad av upplevd säkerhet och komfort som i sin tur gör det möjligt att nå stadens mål om antal cyklister. För att undersöka detta genomfördes en litteraturstudie kring sambanden mellan cykelinfrastruktur, upplevd säkerhet samt komfort och att välja cykeln som färdmedel. Därefter undersöks cykeltypologier för att se hur dessa samband varierar inom befolkningen. Detta appliceras i en Stockholmskontext genom en fallstudie över stråket Alvik-KTH där en inventering genomfördes för att förstå förutsättningarna för cykelinfrastrukturen. Vidare genomfördes en intervju med tjänstepersoner på Stockholms stad för att förstå hur cykelplaneringen praktiskt går till inom staden och vilka begränsningar som finns. Studien visar att det finns skillnader i infrastrukturpreferenser mellan olika delar av befolkningen. En majoritet föredrar en trafikseparerad cykelinfrastruktur som de upplever är säker och komfortabel. I dagsläget är dessa preferenser inte uppfyllda på en större del av stråket Alvik-KTH varvid det kan bli svårt att nå Stockholms stads mål om antal cyklister. Stockholms stad har ambitioner om att nå en hög standard på cykelinfrastrukturen. Denna studie visar att denna standard till viss del motsvarar de preferenser som en majoritet av befolkningen har. För att i högre grad möta preferenserna behövs kompletterande riktlinjer och åtgärder, vilka kan hämtas från ledande cykelnationer som Nederländerna. Staden har dessutom en begränsad budget och ett gaturum där många intressen ska samsas. När och i vilken utsträckning en förbättring av infrastrukturen kan ske är därför en fråga om politiska prioriteringar.

Cycling as a Cooperative Act: Observing cyclists' interactions with pedestrians at a zebra crossing in Stockholm / Cykling som ett samagerande: Observationer av cyklisters interaktioner med fotgängare vid ett övergångsställe i Stockholm

Prichard, Edward January 2020 (has links)
Cycling is undergoing a welcome renaissance, especially in urban contexts. However, there are tensions, in relation to pedestrians, which could negatively affect cycling’s growth. This thesis observes the social interactions and physical reactions of cyclists when co-present with pedestrians at a zebra crossing in central Stockholm. It uses both in-person and video observations with the films being processed using an observiaire, a relatively novel, quantitative method of capturing human behaviours. The results were explored using ideas on the practice of cycling and the street as a social space. It seems that cyclist’s momentum and desire to save energy is clearly important as cyclists will do almost anything except stop for a pedestrian. However, they also seem to have an ability and wish to cooperate. This could be using waves, nods, or shouts, but also invisible and physical communication, what I term peripheral communication. Overall, the cyclists observed were constantly balancing their desire for efficiency against their consideration of pedestrians.

To Handle Space - A qualitative study of traffic planner´s experiences of planning for pedestrians and cyclists in complex urban settings

Forsberg, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates five traffic planner´s experiences of planning for pedestrians and cyclists in complex urban settings. Three themes, or relations are investigated: priority or hierarchy; separation or conglomeration; and top-down design or bottom-desires. The research was conducted through qualitative interviews to get hold of traffic planner´s experiences and understandings of how to understand space. Firstly, the results show that the traffic planner´s experience that the car still is the norm in the traffic system, but that re-prioritization of space to make pedestrians and cyclists the norm is getting more widely accepted. Secondly, there is a spread understanding that separation of uses and functions are to prefer before creation of shared spaces. Shared spaces are seen to neglect accessibility and separated spaces with overlapping functions are seen to clarify uses. Thirdly, it is meant that it needs to be a mutual relationship between top-down design and bottom-up desires to create space that meet different needs; a purely top-down approach will miss preferable uses of an existing place, and a purely bottom-up approach is understood as a possible hindrance to get things done.

Cyklisters upplevda trygghet - En undersökning om cykeln som ett tryggt transportmedel i Malmö

Lundberg, Frida, Lundholm, Ellinor January 2016 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om cyklisters trygghet och säkerhet. Malmö är en bra cykelstad med många fina cykelstråk och Malmö stad satsar mycket på att få fler invånare att börja cykla. Det är dock viktigt att planera staden så den känns trygg och säker att cykla i. Syftet med vår undersökning blev därför att ta reda på om de som cyklar i Malmö idag känner sig trygga och på vilket sätt tryggheten påverkas av olika faktorer som planerare arbetar med. Vi har gjort snabbintervjuer med cyklister som cyklar dagligen och efter det gjorde vi djupare intervjuer med två av dessa cyklister. Vi har även intervjuat två planerare som arbetar på gatukontoret i Malmö, samt dokumenterat olika platser som upplevs osäkra att cykla på.För att analysera vårt empiriska material har begreppen plats, mobilitet och trafikseparering använts. Definitioner av risk och riskbedömning används också för att förstå hur cyklisters upplevda trygghet påverkas av olika trafiksituationer. Uppsatsen behandlar dessutom hur cykelplanering i Malmö prioriteras och de åtgärder som finns för att öka cyklisternas framkomlighet och säkerhet i staden. / This thesis is about cyclists and their safety in the city. Malmö is a very good city for cyclists with a lot of different bicycle paths and the municipality (Malmö stad) makes a lot of efforts to make more people choose the bicycle as a transport. It is important to plan the city to make it safe and secure for cyclists. The purpose of our essay is therefore to see if the cyclists of Malmö feel safe and in what way the safety is affected by different elements that the planners work with. We have made quick interviews with everyday cycists and with two of them we made deeper interviews. We have also interviewed two planners from the roadworks department in Malmö and documented different places that feels unsafe for the interviewees to use.To analyze our empirical material we use the the concepts place, mobility and traffic separation. We also define risk and risk assessment to better understand how cyclists perceive their safety in different situations in traffic. The essay also discuss how the planning for cyclists are prioritized in Malmö and the existing arrangements for the cyclists passability and safety in the city.

Mobility Management and Climate Change Policies

Robèrt, Markus January 2007 (has links)
Globally, the transport system faces a paradigmatic shift where, in addition to increased local traffic problems, climate change and depletion of fossil oil reserves will foster a successive transition to renewable fuels and a need for more resource-efficient mobility management and communication alternatives. Foresighted countries, cities or companies taking the lead in adapting to these tougher conditions might well not only solve those problems, but also turn the problems into business advantages. This thesis is based on six studies that attempt to develop future strategies based on rigorous principled emission and energy efficiency targets and to modulate the impact of travel policies, technical components and behaviours in economically advantageous ways. The modelling frameworks developed throughout the thesis build on a target-orientated approach called backcasting, where the following general components are applied: (1) target description at a conceptual level i.e. the potential for sustainable energy systems, emissions, costs, behavioural patterns, preferences, etc.; (2) mapping of the current situation in relation to target description; and (3) modelling of alternative sets of policies, technologies, behaviours and economic prerequisites to arrive at target achievement. Sustainable travel strategies are analysed from two main viewpoints. The first four studies focus on company travel planning, where behavioural modelling proved to be an important tool for deriving targetorientated travel policies consistent with employee preferences. The latter two studies focus on strategies and preconditions to meet future emission targets and energy efficiency requirements at a macroscopic regional level by 2030. Backcasting’s role as a generic methodology for effective strategic planning is discussed. / QC 20100816

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