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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upper body pose recognition and estimation towards the translation of South African sign language

Achmed, Imran January 2011 (has links)
Masters of Science / Recognising and estimating gestures is a fundamental aspect towards translating from a sign language to a spoken language. It is a challenging problem and at the same time, a growing phenomenon in Computer Vision. This thesis presents two approaches, an example-based and a learning-based approach, for performing integrated detection, segmentation and 3D estimation of the human upper body from a single camera view. It investigates whether an upper body pose can be estimated from a database of exemplars with labelled poses. It also investigates whether an upper body pose can be estimated using skin feature extraction, Support Vector Machines (SVM) and a 3D human body model. The example-based and learning-based approaches obtained success rates of 64% and 88%, respectively. An analysis of the two approaches have shown that, although the learning-based system generally performs better than the example-based system, both approaches are suitable to recognise and estimate upper body poses in a South African sign language recognition and translation system. / South Africa

Implementing a smalltalk to Java translator

Engelbrecht, Roelof Lourens 05 October 2005 (has links)
A number of essential issues in translating Smalltalk to Java are addressed. The fIrst chapter gives a brief overview of Smalltalk and Java with respect to the relevant language features that will be translated. In the next section a convention is proposed for mapping Smalltalk method selectors to Java method names. The dynamic nature of Smalltalk instance methods is compared with Java's static type model as well as a solution to simulate the dynamic nature of Smalltalk in Java. A Java class hierarchy that parallels the Smalltalk class hierarchy (including the metaclass objects) is suggested. A further proposal is given for translating the dynamic attributes of Smalltalk class methods to the same behaviour to Java. These proposals are used to support ways of mapping both Smalltalk instance methods, as well as Smalltalk class methods to their Java counterparts. Ways of translating Smalltalk class variables, Smalltalk class instance variables and Smalltalk global variables are illustrated. A method for translating Smalltalk blocks to Java inner classes is implemented using Java exceptions to unwind the call stack. Various types of Small talk blocks are translated with increasing complexity. The various types of blocks translated are simple blocks; blocks with references to variables in the enclosing context; blocks with block arguments; blocks that need to refer to their own context executed from other contexts; blocks with multiple exit points as well as nested blocks. Some performance tests to illustrate the impact of using exceptions in Java are also reported. The next section introduces the Small talk grammar with the necessary productions used to implement a parser. Lexical and syntax analysis are explained. A brief overview of a recursive descent parser is given where an example of Smalltalk source code is parsed and all the relevant parse nodes illustrated. The encoding in each parse node to Java source is shown. The last section focuses on similar initiatives being pursued and compares the solutions in the dissertation against them. This dissertation focuses on key areas of the Smalltalk to Java translation process, but a few peculiar and unique Smalltalk features are not addressed. These are discussed in the last section and some suggestions are made on how the translations can be achieved. / Dissertation (MSc (Computer Science))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Computer Science / unrestricted

Estrategias de enseñanza de lengua materna para los estudiantes de Traducción e Interpretación Profesional de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas / Teaching strategies of mother tongue for Professional Translation and Interpreting students of Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

Aviles Buleje, Jean Pierre, Carrión Ayasta, Sergio Javier 10 November 2019 (has links)
En la didáctica de la traducción se destaca la importancia de la enseñanza de lengua materna para la formación los estudiantes. Sin embargo, si bien los estudios se han enfocado en el contenido por desarrollar en los cursos, no se ha abordado la manera en que se enseña en el aula. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar las estrategias de enseñanza de docentes de la línea curricular de Lengua Materna de un programa de traducción e interpretación para resolver problema de redacción de los estudiantes. Se recurrió a una metodología cualitativa exploratoria donde se entrevistó y se observó a los docentes de cuatro cursos de la línea curricular de Lengua Materna en sus sesiones de clase entre abril y mayo de 2019. En el estudio, se concluyó que los docentes utilizaban estrategias propias que generaban andamiaje y estrategias de enseñanza con una base constructivista durante sus clases. Además, se identificó que los problemas principales de manejo de lengua materna eran de producción textual, que se presentaron a nivel de argumentación y ortotipografía. Se espera que este estudio impulse investigaciones posteriores relacionadas a estrategias de enseñanza de la lengua materna en otros programas de traducción e interpretación. / The importance of mother tongue teaching for translation students is emphasized on translation student training studies. However, these studies have not addressed the way in which these contents are taught, although they have focused on the type of content for its courses. The aim of this study is to identify students' textual production problems and to explain the teaching strategies used by the mother tongue teachers of a Translation and Interpretation program. A qualitative exploratory methodology was used to interview the professors of four courses of the Mother Tongue curriculum line and do class observation in their respective class sessions between April and May of 2019. The study concluded that teachers their own teaching strategies which produced scaffolding as well as constructivist-based teaching strategies in their class sessions. In addition, argumentation and orthotypography in textual production were identified as the main problems regarding use of mother tongue. This study is expected to promote further research related to mother tongue teaching strategies in other translation and interpretation programs. / Trabajo de investigación

Percepciones sobre el rol de la enseñanza de la cultura extranjera por parte de los docentes traductores o intérpretes de la carrera de Traducción e Interpretación Profesional de UPC / Perceptions of teaching translators or interpreters of the UPC Professional Translation and Interpreting program about the role of teaching of foreign culture

Hernández Enriquez, Génesis Layla, Morales Llerena, Allison Ximena, Yllisca López, Jeison Anthony 04 November 2019 (has links)
Actualmente, existe un mercado con mayor demanda en el ámbito de la traducción en Perú. En consecuencia, diversos traductores laboran diariamente en este; no obstante, algunos no elaboran un producto final de calidad porque no todos llegan a desarrollar las habilidades que requiere un traductor profesional. Desde esta cuestión, es importante que un estudiante de traducción adquiera la competencia cultural, que forma parte de la competencia traductora, durante su formación profesional. Por ello, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo central explorar las percepciones en común de los docentes traductores o intérpretes de la carrera de Traducción e Interpretación Profesional de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), sobre el rol de la enseñanza de la cultura extranjera en los estudiantes. Cabe señalar que no se ha llevado a cabo ninguna investigación de dicha temática en el contexto peruano; sin embargo, existen estudios similares con un enfoque diferente. Esta investigación surge debido a que algunos alumnos no rescatan la importancia de los cursos de Lengua y Cultura en chino, francés, inglés y portugués —lenguas impartidas en la UPC. Para este fin, se recurrió a las entrevistas para explorar las percepciones de los docentes traductores o intérpretes sobre el rol de la enseñanza de la cultura extranjera en la formación de futuros traductores. A partir del análisis, los participantes corroboraron que la competencia cultural es esencial para la formación de los estudiantes. / Nowadays, there is a broad market within the field of Translation in Peru. As a result, many translators work daily in it; nevertheless, some of them cannot assure a final product of good quality because not all of them develop the skills that a professional translator must have. In this regard, it is important that translation students develop cultural competence, which is part of the translation competence, during their professional training. The main purpose of this research is to provide information garnered from teaching translators or interpreters of the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) about the role of teaching the foreign culture to students from the Professional Translation and Interpreting program. It must be pointed out that no research of this subject has taken place in a Peruvian context. However, there are similar studies with a different approach. This research was conducted because some students are not aware of the relevance of Language and Culture courses in Chinese, French, English, and Portuguese—languages taught at UPC. Interviews were used for this purpose to explore teaching translators and interpreters’ perceptions about the role of teaching the foreign culture during the professional training of future translators. Based on an analysis, it was found that cultural competence is essential for the training of students. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Percepciones de estatus profesional de traductores intérpretes en el mercado peruano e internacional / Perceptions of the Professional Status of Translators and Interpreters Working in the Peruvian and International Markets

Rabanal Salas, Salvador Andres, Soriano Valdivia, Martin Alonso 20 July 2020 (has links)
Debido a que el mercado de traducción e interpretación en el Perú se encuentra en vías de desarrollo, la internacionalización se convierte en la alternativa de carrera deseada por traductores e intérpretes para tener un mayor prestigio. Esto podría llevar a que los traductores que pertenecen a un mercado internacional perciban un mayor estatus ocupacional en comparación con los que pertenecen al mercado peruano de traducción. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo contrastar las percepciones del estatus profesional de los traductores peruanos del mercado nacional con los del mercado internacional según siete dimensiones: formación profesional, experiencia profesional, influencia, aspectos gremiales, visibilidad, reconocimiento social y remuneración. La percepción del estatus profesional de los traductores peruanos permitirá aproximarse a la situación de la profesión en el Perú. Se propone aplicar encuestas utilizando como base de datos asociaciones y escuelas de traducción e interpretación peruanas, además de perfiles de traductores peruanos actualizados en redes sociales como LinkedIn y Facebook. Con la información obtenida de las encuestas, se propone realizar entrevistas semiestructuradas a ocho traductores e intérpretes que se desempeñan en el mercado nacional e internacional. / Given that the translation and interpretation market in Peru is still emerging, internationalization has become the desired career alternative for translators and interpreters to gain more status. Therefore, Peruvian translators who belong to an international market would perceive a higher occupational status compared to those that belong to the local Peruvian translation market. This research aims to contrast the perceptions of the professional status of Peruvian translators working in the local market with those working in the international market according to seven dimensions: professional education, professional experience, influence, group membership, visibility, social recognition. Thus, the perceptions of the professional status of Peruvian translators are crucial to approach the status of the translation profession in Peru. Data collection is devised firstly by means of the implementation of a survey using Peruvian translation and interpretation associations and schools as databases, as well as up- to- date profiles of Peruvian translators in social networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook. Furthermore, using the data obtained from the survey, we will conduct semi-structured interviews to eight Peruvian translators who work in both the local and international markets. / Trabajo de investigación

Criterios de calidad en interpretación simultánea de conferencias (inglés-español) por parte de los intérpretes y destinatarios

Palomino Pereda, Laura Lisset, Barrenechea Alvarez, Daniel Guillermo 12 November 2019 (has links)
En los estudios de calidad en interpretación, se ha discutido ampliamente qué significa calidad y quién la debe evaluar. Generalmente, las investigaciones se han centrado en las perspectivas de los destinatarios y de los intérpretes como evaluadores, pero pocos han considerado ambas perspectivas en simultáneo. Este estudio busca determinar cómo coinciden o se diferencian las valoraciones de calidad de los destinatarios y de los intérpretes mediante el análisis de un conjunto de criterios de calidad valorados en el contexto de interpretación simultánea de conferencias en Lima, Perú. Por ello, se empleó una metodología mixta: se encuestó a 77 destinatarios en siete conferencias especializadas y se entrevistó a diez intérpretes. Se encontró que ambos grupos coinciden en la valoración de la fluidez verbal y acento nativo, pero difieren en la valoración del uso correcto de los términos y la fidelidad del mensaje. Los resultados coinciden parcialmente con los de otras investigaciones, pero se encontraron diferencias en las valoraciones de los destinatarios. Además, indican que, si bien ambos grupos tienen distintas prioridades, sus concepciones de calidad no son muy alejadas. / In Interpreting Studies, there has been a lot of discussion about quality and who should evaluate it. Research has generally focused on the users and interpreters’ perspectives, but few studies have considered both perspectives simultaneously. Using a mixed-methods approach, this study aims at determining the similarities or differences between users and interpreters’ notion on quality by analyzing eleven quality criteria in the context of simultaneous conference interpreting in Lima, Peru. Ten conference interpreters were interviewed and surveyed, and 77 users were surveyed at seven specialized conferences. Both groups coincide in the rating of fluency and native accent but differed in the rating of correct use of terminology and sense consistency with the original. These results are partially in line with other studies’ results, but there are some differences regarding the users’ ratings of quality criteria. Furthermore, although both groups have different priorities, their notions on quality are not very different. / Trabajo de investigación

Collaborative Approaches to Translation in Social Change Movements

Langer, Jocelyn D 13 July 2016 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is on collaborative translation as a reflection of the contexts in which it takes place. I consider a wide range of contexts, including both historical and present day social change movements. Drawing on the principles that were outlined by scholars during the cultural turn in translation studies that took place during the 1980s and 90s, I examine cultural translation as something that can take place on many levels, from the translation of words and sentences to the translation of the values of a movement. As an example of the holistic approaches that are part of cultural translation, I look in-depth at Our Bodies, Ourselves, a feminist book that has been written and translated collaboratively by women all over the world. I then expand my survey of collaborative approaches to include the translation of literary and religious texts, including the translation of Don Quixote into Kichwa, as part of an indigenous movement, as well as historical and present day team translations of Buddhist sutras in the U.S. and China, and numerous collaborative Bible translations spanning centuries and continents. I also explore the relationship between amateur translators, collaborative approaches, and activism in social movements. Part of my aim is to bridge the gaps between translator training and translation theory, practice, and policy. In some cases, amateur translators are a manifestation of the values of a movement; in other cases they are a necessity due to limited financial resources, and activists take a variety of approaches to the problem of budgetary constraints. One approach is collaboration, which can make a translation project economically viable by dividing work amongst volunteers. Another solution is to form worker cooperatives. In addition, the use of technology can help to increase efficiency and save money. Translators in social change movements frequently solve problems and carry out their values by taking holistic approaches. From integrating modern technology and time-tested historical practices to drawing on translation traditions from a variety of cultures, collaborative translation projects demonstrate a wide range of ways in which the values of social change movements can be reflected in the translation process.


Rodriguez-Castro, Monica 23 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Equity in the South African legal system a critical ethnography

Leiper, Jonathan January 2004 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the process of interpreting and the difficulties faced by interpreters in the Magistrates' Court in Grahamstown, South Africa. More particularly, the thesis seeks to establish whether the constitutional guarantee of language equity can be applied to the courts - given the numerous problems with interpreting. Respondents from different spheres of the legal profession were interviewed in order to ascertain their perspectives on the state of interpreting, problems that are encountered by interpreters and attitudes displayed by other members of the legal profession towards interpreters. The methodology used in the thesis is that of a critical ethnography. As such, the research also has a critical focus, seeking to determine the ideologies and interests of different ):articipants in the legal process. On the basis of the data collected, a number of conclusions are drawn. The first is that interpreting in South Africa is in trouble. The system of interpreting is beset by a number of different problems. This study describes four different types of problems that are faced by interpreters: linguistic problems, environmental problems, training and administrative issues, and poor status in the eyes of the other participants in the legal process. Together the cumulative effect of these problems is the undermining of the principle of equity in the justice system. Finally, the thesis provides various practical and achievable solutions to the problems outlined above, specifically those faced by interpreters. The researcher also critically evaluates the efforts and motives of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.

Proposing guidelines for a South African textbook of translation

Van Vuuren, Tania January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. (Language practice)) - Central University of Technology, free State, 2013

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