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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementing tracking and tracing methods for returnable containers / Implementering av spårningsmetoder för återvändningsbara containers

Felix, Ahlström Jönsson January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Increasing information sharing during new product development projects

Eliasson, Mathilda, Azrak, Helena January 2019 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of the research is to increase the understanding of how insufficient information sharing between internal stakeholders can be mitigated during new product development projects. Two research questions were formulated to conduct answers to the purpose.  Why is it crucial to mitigate insufficient information sharing between internal stakeholders during new product development projects? How can potential challenges during new product development projects be mitigated through information sharing between internal stakeholders? Method – To create an understanding of information sharing a literature review was conducted, which formed the foundation of the theoretical framework. Through a case study at SAAB Training & Simulation, interviews were used as the main source for empirical data. Document studies and observations were used to triangulate the findings. The collected data and theoretical framework were analyzed and discussed to propose improvements. Findings – The research findings indicate that an insufficient information flow can cause several challenges related to deadlines, profit and how information is interpreted. It should therefore be a prioritization for an organization to constantly improve how information is shared between internal stakeholders during new product development projects. Additionally, the research analysis suggests that organizations’ need to allocate more time for educational opportunities. Implications – The research highlighted a new perspective on previous research within the area. Through the research analysis statements and theories made by other researchers were further strengthened. The research suggests ways of improving information sharing between internal stakeholders. The result can be used by other industrial organizations working with new product development projects to improve their information sharing to mitigate challenges connected to insufficient information sharing. Limitations – Due to the complexity of information sharing within new product development projects, the research was limited to one case company. Additionally, mainly managers were interviewed which posed a risk that the collected data only provided an overview rather than a deep insight in the processes of sharing information between internal stakeholders. If the authors were to use several organizations and conduct more interviews, the results could increase the credibility and generalizability of the research.

Analys av framtida materialflöde för Ögonkliniken US / Analysis of future material flow for Ögonkliniken US

Hallén, Wilma, Henriksson, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Inom sjukvården är det viktigt att material finns tillgängligt när operationer och ingrepp ska genomföras för att patienter ska få den vård de behöver. För att materialbrist inte ska uppstå krävs bra planering och hantering av material. Det finns ett flertal olika materialstyrningsmetoder som syftar till att undvika materialbrist och uppnå låga kostnader. I dagsläget ligger Ögonkliniken på sjukhusområdet på Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping men då lokalerna är gamla ska kliniken flytta till nya lokaler på Garnisonen, ett område utanför sjukhusområdet. I och med flytten kommer ett nytt materialflöde att uppstå för Ögonklinikens steriliserade material. Detta då Ögonkliniken innan flytten steriliserade allt sitt material själva på avdelningen och efter flytten kommer materialet istället att skickas till Sterilcentralen som ligger på sjukhusområdet för sterilisering. Syftet med studien är därför att skapa en bättre förståelse för det framtida materialflödetmellan Ögonkliniken och Sterilcentralen genom att analysera lämpligheten i olika materialstyrningsmetoder för Ögonklinikens verksamhet. Målet med studien är att kartlägga det framtida materialflödet samt att beräkna mängden material som behöver finnas i flödet för att materialbrist inte ska uppstå för Ögonkliniken. För att besvara syftet utgår studien från fyra frågeställningar: Vilka processer och aktiviteter kommer det framtida flödet att bestå av? Vilka karaktäristiska drag har Ögonklinikens sterila material? Givet de karaktäristiska drag som identifierats i fråga 2, vilken materialstyrningsmetod är mest lämplig? Vilka andra effektermedför valet av materialstyrningsmetodför det framtida flödet? För att kunna besvara frågeställningarna har information och data samlats in genom litteraturstudie, sekundärdata och intervjuer. Sekundärdata som samlats in är efterfrågedata,antal diskprocesser, antal autoklavkörningar och antal omkörda processer och körningar. Det framtida flödet kommer bestå av fyra parter; Ögonkliniken, Sterilcentralen, Stångåbuss och Inre Logistik. Intervjuer har genomförts med samtliga parter, där de har svarat på semistrukturerade intervjufrågor. Studien resulterar i en kartläggning över det framtida flödet, där processer och aktiviteter som flödet kommer bestå av illustreras. Det sterila materialet identifieras ha kort ledtid, ojämn efterfråganoch antingen fast eller varierande beställningsintervall samt beställningskvantitet. Kanban anses vara den mest lämpliga materialstyrningsmetoden att använda för Ögonkliniken. Detta för att kanban lämpar sig bäst för det sterila materialets karaktäristiska drag. De effekter som ett kanbansystem medför är att beställningspunkt och beställningskvantitet bestäms samt att kostnaderna och kapitalbindning kan hållas låga. Dock är inte de transporter som finns idag anpassade för ett kanbansystem, vilket leder till att detta kan behöva åtgärdas för att få ett fungerande kanbansystem. För att ett kanbansystem ska fungera behöver materialet transporteras direkt när behovet uppstår och i dagsläget fungerar inte de avtalade transporter på detta sätt. Då de avtalade transporterna går specifika tider istället. / It is crucial that sterile material is available when surgeries and other medical procedures need to be performed so that the patients receive the required healthcare. To ensure that shortfalls of required material do not occur good planning and efficient material management is required. There are several different material planning methods that can be used to avoid shortfall of material. As of today, Ögonkliniken is located within the hospital area at the university hospital in Linköping. However, Ögonkliniken is being relocated to new facilities located at Garnisonen, which is an area outside of the hospital area.The relocation is due to that the current facilities are old and worn down. Ögonkliniken handled their own sterile material and the sterilization process in their current facilities. When the relocation is complete the used sterile material will be transportedto Sterilcentralen, which is located within the hospital area, for sterilization. After sterilization,the material must be transported back to Ögonkliniken. Hence, a new material flow will emerge because of the relocation. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the new materialflow. This is achieved by analyzing different material planning methods and whether they are suited for Ögonkliniken.The aim of the study is to map the future material flow and to calculate the amount of materialt hat needs to be present in the flow to avoid material shortages at Ögonkliniken. To fulfill the purpose of the study four research questions have been formulated: What activities will the material flow consist of? What specific features does Ögonklinikens sterilized material have? Given the specific features that have been identified in question 2, which material planning method is best suited? What other impacts does the chosen material planning method result in for the future material flow? Toanswer the questions, information and data have been collected through literature study, secondary data and interviews. The secondary data that have been collected are statistics over number of preformed operations, number of washing processes, number of sterilization processes and number of processes that needed to be reprocessed. The future material flow will consist of four departments: Ögonklinken, Sterilcentralen, Stångåbuss and Inre Logistik. All departments have been interviewed where they have been asked semi structured questions. The sterile material has been identified with the following specific features, short lead time, irregular demand and either fixed or varying order interval and order quantity. The best suited material planning method for Ögonkliniken is the Kanban system. This is due to that the sterile material’s specific features match with the method. An implementation of a Kanban system will result in routines for when and what volume should be ordered. The system also allows for the cost of purchased material to be low. However, the way the transports are set up today does not suit a Kanban system. Therefore, the transports may have to be adapted so that the Kanban system will function well. For the Kanban system to work transportation of material must occur when the demand appears and today the transports only allow material to be picked up at specific times.

Utformning och dimensionering av bannära avisning vid rullbana 3 på Stockholm Arlanda Airport / Designing and Dimensioning the De-icing Procedure in Conjunction with Runway 3 at Stockholm Arlanda Airport

Jonsson, Emilia, Wall, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Vid kallt väder behöver flygplan avisas innan start, för att säkerställa att kontamination i form av snö eller is inte förekommer på flygplanet. Syftet med avisning är att säkerställa flygplanets flygförmåga, då kontamination försämrar aerodynamiken. Statens flygplatsverksamhet drivs av Swedavia AB som förvaltar bland annat Stockholm Arlanda Airport. I nuläget sker avisning av flygplan på Arlanda främst vid gate. Swedavia önskar dock implementera en bannära avisningsramp för att effektivisera avisningsmomentet på flygplatsen. Målet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur många parallella avisningsspår som krävs vid en bannära avisningsramp vid rullbana 3 på Arlanda. Syftet med detta är att effektivisera avisningsprocessen. För att uppnå målet med arbetet har en simuleringsmodell över avisningsprocessen skapats i Arena Simulation Software. Modellen simulerar ett prognostiserat trafikprogram som avser en godtycklig dag motsvarande framtidens trafikvolymer. Indata till simuleringsmodellen inkluderar bland annat avisningstid per flygplanskod, taxningshastighet per flygplanskod och antal tillgängliga avisningsfordon. Därtill har trafikprogrammet simulerats i tre olika typer av väder motsvarande kyligt väder, sämre väder med snö samt ett ännu sämre väder som kan antas vara extremfall. Antalet avisningsspår utgår ifrån de förstnämnda vädertyperna. Det är dock av intresse för Swedavia att se hur antalet avisningsspår klarar att hantera trafik under en dag med riktigt dåligt väder. Ett krav från Swedavia är att 98 % av alla flygplan ska hinna igenom simuleringsmodellen på mindre än 17 min i det lättare vädret, samt att 95 % av alla flygplan ska hinna igenom simuleringsmodellen på mindre än 20 min i det sämre vädret. Det resultat som erhållits är att 9 avisningsspår krävs för att ovan nämnda krav ska uppnås för lättare vädret. För att kravet för det sämre vädret ska uppnås krävs även där 9 avisningsspår. I det lättare vädret är det i snitt 1,8 flygplan som spenderar mer än 17 minuter i systemet vid 9 spår. I det sämre vädret är det i snitt 7,9 flygplan som spenderar mer än 20 minuter i systemet. En känslighetsanalys har genomförts för att analysera hur robust modellen är. Resultatet var att antalet spår inte är robust för förändringar i trafiken, åtminstone inte en dubblering samt tredubblering av trafiken. Vid en kraftig ökning av trafiken räcker inte 9 avisningsspår för att uppnå ovan nämnda krav, utan det kräver ökade resurser både i form av avisningsspår och avisningsfordon. Vid en tredubbling av trafiken kan det också konstateras att resurserna inte längre är flaskhalsen, utan antalet rullbanor. Intervjuer har genomförts med respondenter från bland annat Oslo Gardermoen och HelsingforsVanda. Båda dessa flygplatser har en bannära avisning sedan tidigare, och vi har därför kunnat använda dessa flygplatser som inspiration. Den slutsats som arbetet mynnat ut i är att 9 kod C-avisningsspår krävs vid rullbana 3. 9 avisningsspår behövs för att avisningsrampen ska kunna hantera framtida trafikvolymer vid både lättare och sämre väder. Detta resultat gäller dock endast vid givna förhållanden, dvs när trafikprogrammet är precis så som prognostiserat. / In the event of cold weather, aircraft must be de-iced before take-off. This is to ensure all contamination, such as snow and ice, is removed. The purpose of de-icing is to assure the aircrafts ability to fly, as contamination worsens the aircrafts aerodynamics. In Sweden, airport operations are managed by Swedavia AB, who operates Stockholm Arlanda Airport. Today, the de-icing procedure is located at the gate area. However, Swedavia wishes to implement remote de-icing areas near the runways to make the de-icing procedure more effective. The goal of this work is to investigate how many parallel de-icing tracks are needed to reach specific requirements at a remote de-icing area near runway 3 at Arlanda. The requirements are to ensure all aircraft are served within certain time limits. To reach the goal, a simulation model has been made using Arena Simulation Software. The model simulates a prognosticated traffic program of an arbitrary future day. Inputs to the simulation model include, among other things, de-icing times per aircraft code, aircraft taxiing speed, and number of available de-icing vehicles. The simulation model has also been conducted within three different weather categories. These correspond to frosty weather, snowy weather, and more severe weather, which represents the extreme case. The number of de-icing tracks is based on the first two weather categories. However, Swedavia wishes to know how the model performs under the extreme case of the latter weather category as well. Swedavia has a requirement that 98 % of all aircraft must leave the de-icing service within 17 minutes after their arrival in the frosty weather category. For the snowy weather category, 95 % of all aircraft must leave the simulation model within 20 minutes of their arrival. The result is that 9 de-icing tracks are needed to fulfil the requirements. With 9 de-icing tracks, an average of 1,8 aircraft spend more than 17 minutes in the system for the frosty weather. For the snowy weather, 7,9 aircraft spend more than 20 minutes in the system. A sensitivity analysis has been conducted to evaluate the robustness of the model. In this analysis, the traffic was heavily increased to see how the number of de-icing tracks managed higher demand. The result was that the number of de-icing tracks is not robust enough to handle changes in traffic, at least not double- or three-times higher traffic. With a heavy increase in traffic, 9 de-icing tracks are not enough to fulfil the requirements. More resources are needed, not only de-icing tracks but de-icing vehicles as well. When multiplying the traffic by three, it is also clear that the de-icing process no longer is the bottleneck. Instead, the congestion appears by the runway. Interviews have been conducted with, amongst others, respondents at Oslo Airport and Helsinki Airport. Both airports have remote de-icing areas adjoining their runways, and we have therefore been able to use them as inspiration. The conclusion is that Arlanda should implement a remote de-icing area with 9 code C de-icing tracks adjoining runway 3. This is needed to meet future demand in both frosty and snowy weather. However, this result is only valid under the exact input of the prognosticated traffic program.

Logistik och hållbarhetsarbete / Logistics and sustainability

Bachstätter, Mattias, Jasinski, Michelle January 2020 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är hållbarhetsarbete en viktig faktor i företagande. Företag och konsumenter är medvetna om att de måste leva hållbart för att erhålla en hållbar framtid. Inom hållbar utveckling brukar man tala om tre olika dimensioner vilket är ekonomisk, social och ekologisk hållbar utveckling. Denna studie berör hållbar utveckling kopplat till Kjell & Company och dess intressenters åsikter rörande hållbarhet. Kjell & Company har i nuläget initierat 20 hållbarhetsarbeten men har inte klart för sig vilka som är viktiga för företagets intressenter. Intressenterna som deltagit i intressentdialogen i denna studie är kunder, anställda och ägare och är således dessa tre grupper som datainsamlingen utförts på. Ytterligare ett problem är att Kjell & Company inte haft något sätt att visa för sina intressenter vad för slags hållbarhetsarbeten företaget faktiskt bedriver i dagsläget. Studiens mål är därför att presentera vilka hållbarhetsarbeten Kjell & Companys intressenter tycker är viktiga för att företaget ska kunna fokusera extra mycket på dessa och i sin tur presentera och belysa dessa hållbarhetsarbeten i en hållbarhetsredovisning. Dessutom ska rekommendationer kring hållbarhetsarbeten som uppfyller kraven (1) hållbarhetsarbete är viktigt för intressenterna (2) hållbarhetsarbete påverkar företagets logistik presenteras. Syftet med studien är således att ge Kjell & Company information om vilka hållbarhetsarbeten de ska fokusera på. Studien fördjupar sig även i de hållbarhetsarbetena som påverkar företagets logistik. Detta eftersom effekten av effektivare och mer hållbara logistiska processer bidrar till flera fördelar för företaget, där bland lägre kostnader för företaget och större möjligheter att fortsätta utvecklas. De metoder som har använts i studien är litteraturstudie, enkät, semi-strukturerade intervjuer och innehållsanalys, och har på olika sätt bidragit till det resultat som presenteras i studien. Enkätsvaren resulterade i 89 svar från anställda, 8 svar från kunder och 2 svar från ägare, och därmed är endast de anställdas svar representativt och de andra två intressentgruppernas svar endast indikatorer till vad som verkar vara viktigast för dessa. De hållbarhetsarbeten som visat sig viktiga för intressenterna utifrån enkätsvaren presenteras nedan: • Anställda ansåg att ”Förpackningsval hos egna varumärken”, ”Jämställdhet, mångfald och icke-diskriminerande” och ”Integritet och anti-korruption” är de viktigaste hållbarhetsarbetena inom respektive hållbarhetsdimension. • Kunders enkätsvar indikerar att ”Avfall, återvinning och återbruk”, ”Hälsa och säkerhet” och ”Integritet och anti-korruption” är de viktigaste hållbarhetsarbetena inom respektive hållbarhetsdimension. • Ägares enkätsvar indikerar att ”Produktöverensstämmelse med lagar och regler”, ”Jämställdhet, mångfald och icke-diskriminerande” samt ”Ansvarsfull tillverkning” och ”Integritet och anti-korruption” är de viktigaste hållbarhetsarbetena inom respektive hållbarhetsdimension. Enligt de fyra informanterna i intervjuerna var hållbarhetsarbeten ”Hälsa och säkerhet”, ”Jämställdhet, mångfald och icke-diskriminering” samt ”Långsiktig lönsamhet” de viktigaste hållbarhetsarbetena som Kjell & Company bör fokusera på. Utifrån de åsikter som samlats in har sex viktiga hållbarhetsarbeten som påverkar företagets logistik valts ut och analyserats. Urvalet av viktiga hållbarhetsarbeten har främst baserats på anställdas enkätsvar men har även baserats på intervjuerna. De hållbarhetsarbeten som både är viktiga för intressenterna och påverkar företagets logistik är ”Energianvändning och effektivisering”, ”Avfall, återvinning och återbruk”, ”Förpackningsval hos egna varumärken”, ”Långsiktig lönsamhet”, ”Ansvarsfull tillverkning” och ”Hållbart varumärke”. Analysen av dessa sex hållbarhetsarbeten har genererat ett flertal rekommendationer som sedan presenterats i rapporten. / In today’s society, sustainability has become an important factor. Companies and consumers are more aware of sustainable living in order to maintain a sustainable future. The concept of sustainability is divided into three dimensions which are economic, social and ecologic sustainability. This study is done together with Kjell & Company in order to help them examine which sustainable initiatives that are most important for their stakeholders in order to communicate these through a corporate sustainability report. Currently, Kjell & Company have started 20 initiatives of sustainability but do not know which of these that are most important for their stakeholders. The stakeholders involved in this study are consumers, employees, and owners. Another problem is that Kjell & Company does not have a structure of communicating which sustainable initiatives that they are currently working with. The aim of this study is therefore to clarify which sustainable initiatives that is most important for the stakeholders in order to present and elucidate these in a corporate sustainability report. Also, recommendations will be presented regarding sustainable initiatives that meets the two requirements (1) the sustainable initiative is important for the company’s stakeholder and (2) affects the logistic processes in the company. The purpose of this study is to give information to Kjell & Company regarding the most important sustainable initiatives in order to help them focus on what’s important for their stakeholders. This study also examines which sustainable initiatives that effects the company’s logistics. This is done since the importance of more efficient and sustainable logistic processes contributes to lower costs for the company and gives the business opportunities to develop further. The different methods used in this study are literature review, a survey, interviews, and a content analysis. Through the survey, 89 responses were received from the employees, 8 from the consumers and 2 from the owners. Therefore, only responses from the employees are representative for the study while responses from the other two stakeholders are indicators of what seems to be most important regarding sustainability. The most important works of sustainability that has been proven to be the most important for the stakeholders is presented below: • For employees, the most important sustainable initiatives are “Choice of packaging”, “Equality and diversity” and “Integrity and anti-corruption”. • For consumers, the most important sustainable initiatives indicate to be “Waste and recycling”, “Health and safety” and “Integrity and anti-corruption”. • For owners, the most important sustainable initiatives indicate to be “Product equality”, “Equality and diversity” along with “Responsible manufacturing” and “Integrity and anti-corruption”. According to the four informers in the interviews “Health and safety”, “Equality and diversity” and “Long-term profitability” are the most important sustainable initiatives for Kjell & Company to focus on in the future. When the stakeholder’s opinions were collected, six different sustainable initiatives that affect the company’s logistics were chosen and later analyzed. These six sustainable works were selected mostly from the employee’s answers in the survey, but also from the interviews. The sustainable initiatives that both were important for the stakeholders and effects the company’s logistics is “Energy use and efficiency”, “Waste and recycling”, “Choice of packaging”, “Long-term profitability”, “Responsible manufacturing” and “Sustainable brand”. The analysis of these sustainable initiatives has resulted in several recommendations that have been presented in the report.

Optimering av platsutnyttjande för temporär lagring i en crossdocking-terminal : En fallstudie hos Lincargo AB

Lundgren, Hannes, Svensson, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att utreda hur den temporära lagringen av gods i en crossdockingterminal kan förbättras med hjälp av optimerad slotting. Den tillämpade metoden var av abduktiv natur med kvalitativ och kvantitativ empiri, samt en optimeringsbaserad analysmetod med hjälp av programvara. Det erhållna resultatet bestod av tre olika varianter på optimeringsmodellen, där varje variant löstes med fem olika viktningar på internt avstånd mellan baklagringsytorna. Varje lösning resulterade i den mest optimala placeringen av gods som modellen tog fram efter två timmars körning. Resultatet gav främst insikter kring vikten av informationssystem och informationsflöden, jämförelser av praktiskt tillämpade lagringsstrategier gentemot teorietiskt optimerade strategier gällande effektivitet, genomförbarhet och lämplighet. Slutsatserna av studien är bland annat att ju färre restriktioner och ju lägre krav på placeringen av gods desto färre slöserier skapade modellen. Det talar dessutom för värdet av lättillgänglig information för att kunna hantera en blandad baklagring. Utöver det framkom även att en låsning av vissa parametrar kan resultera i ett bättre resultat då problemet är för komplicerat för att köras till optimum. De kortsiktiga rekommendationerna bestod i en föreslagen layout som är realiserbar i dagsläget, vilken kommer frigöra 27,2 m2 i baklagringsyta. De långsiktiga rekommendationerna behandlade behovet av ett förbättrat informationssystem för att möjliggöra bättre framtida layouts genom nuvarande klassindelade lagring, samt även möjligheter till klassindelning baserad på lastbärare. Vidare föreslogs även förändringar för den övergripande terminallayouten för att ge bättre förutsättningar för tillämpning av redan existerande optimeringsmodeller. / The purpose with this thesis was to explore how temporary storage within a cross docking terminal can be improved by optimized slotting. An abductive method was used and the empirical data collected was both qualitative and quantitative in nature. The analysis consisted mainly of the development of an optimization model. The obtained result consisted of three different variants of the optimization model, where each one was solved with five different weights for the internal distance of storage slots. Each run resulted in the most optimal placement of goods that the model could produce in twohours. The results mainly provided insights of the importance of information systems and information flows, comparisons of practical applied storage strategies against theoretically optimized strategies regarding efficiency, feasibility and suitability. The conclusions of the study are, among other things, that fewer restrictions and lower requirements for the placement of goods, the less waste remained. It also emphasise the value of easily accessible information in order to handle a mixed storage. In addition, it was also found that locking certain parameters can result in a better result as the problem is too complicated to be executed to optimum. Long-term recommendations addressed the need for an improved information system to enable better future layouts through current class-based storage, as well as opportunities for class-based load carriers. Furthermore, changes were also proposed for the overall terminal layout to provide better conditions for the application of pre-existing optimization models.

Communication technology and travel demand models

Börjesson, Maria January 2003 (has links)
Transportation planners have traditionally focused on physical travel only, and disregarded the fact that other modes of communication may influence travel demand. However, modern telecommunications are rapidly increasing the accessibility to activities that previously only could be reached by physical transportation. This development calls for methods to analyse interactions between telecommunications and transport systems. The objective of this thesis is to accomplish a better understanding of if and how impacts of information technology could be implemented in travel demand models. An important part of this issue is to investigate what kind of data that is needed. This thesis also aims at investigating whether the Communication Survey, KOM, collected by Swedish Institute for Transport and Communications, SIKA, can be used to improve transport modelling with respect to how modern telecommunications influence travel demand. KOM is a one-day travel and communication diary survey, including information on the respondents telecommuting habits as well as socio-economic status. One problem was the small sample size in KOM, which made the analyses uncertain. Since KOM is collected on a yearly basis, it is still possible to apply similar analysis methods within a few years, using a larger data set, which might enable extended analyses. The small sample in KOM available to date is best suited for general descriptive analyses of communication patterns in Sweden. The main conclusions of the paper are therefore connected to the methods and future data collection. The thesis includes three papers. The first paper tested a model approach that assumes substitution between travel and non-travel based communication, using the KOM database. Travel demand models are in general constructed as nested logit models with frequency, mode and destination choice levels. In the paper, non-travel based modes of communication were included in the choice set of such a model. The non-travel based modes of communication considered were Internet (and e-mail), ordinary mail and telephone contacts. The second and third papers investigate telecommuting. As a first step to reach the goal of forecasting telecommuting, the second paper examined the characteristics of current telecommuters by use of KOM. This was mainly accomplished by estimating a telecommuting adoption model of logit type. However, only 122 employees out of 7578 actually telecommutes full days at home. These telecommuters work primarily in information- and service-based industrial sectors concerned with computers, finance or communication. The difficulties in describing the utility of the telecommunications based alternatives (representing ”no travel”) concerned also the telecommuting adoption model. The third paper used data collected from a working site within the company Ericsson, located in the office district of Nacka Strand in Stockholm during the autumn 2002. The telecommuting frequency was substantially higher at Ericsson than in the workforce as a whole. The propensity to adopt telecommuting was modelled as a function of socio-economic variables and access to technical equipment, work task suitability and management attitudes, as perceived by the employees. The focus was to identify tools that the company can use to promote telecommuting, and to find incentives for the company to promote telecommuting. Technical equipment, suitable work tasks and managers attitude were identified as constraints for telecommuting. / <p>NR 20140805</p>

The impact of additive manufacturing on sustainability of inbound transportation

Carlek, Johan, de Jonge, Lennart January 2020 (has links)
Background: Emerging technologies enables manufacturing companies the opportunity to stay competitive and at the same time focus on increasing their sustainability impact. One such technology is additive manufacturing which has the potential to change the way manufacturing is performed and impact entire supply chains of manufacturing companies. Multiple studies have been done in the twenty-first century regarding additive manufacturing’s sustainability impact on logistics, although there is little research that focus on impact of additive manufacturing on transportation from a sustainable perspective. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the impact additive manufacturing has on the sustainability of inbound transportation. Method: A qualitative research strategy was used to explore the field of study through a multiple case study method. Through two cases, raw material providers and manufacturers within the additive manufacturing industry, data was gathered using semi-structed interviews. Conclusion: Findings from this study shows that additive manufacturing may have a sustainable impact on inbound transportation from an environmental, societal, and economic perspective. Additive manufacturing is more environmentally sustainable than conventional manufacturing for the inbound transportation leg from the raw material supplier to the manufacturing company since the technology requires lower volume of raw material to be transported, it leads to a higher transport efficiency, less frequent transportation need, and requires no return transportation. In economic impact it leads to fuel savings, less frequent transportation with less material, and a reduced inventory holding. Access to remote areas together with easier and safer material handling is the societal impact from using additive manufacturing instead of conventional manufacturing.

Enhancement of in- and outbound logistics flows : A case study at Dagab Inköp &amp; Logistik AB

Audi, Abdelrahman, Raage, Yonis January 2020 (has links)
Background: In today's competitive and dynamic market, companies are trying to find new ways of changing their warehousing and logistics operations to increase the value for customers. Inbound and outbound logistics flows are key channels within warehouses as these encompass activities such as planning and scheduling which align with the flow of goods between enterprises and external associates, i.e. suppliers and customers. Due to the complexity of the logistics operations, the planning of both flows is dealt with separately. In this thesis the CPFR business model will be reconstructed and combined with lean tools in all four phases to achieve the potential enablers.   Purpose: The overarching purpose is to analyze the potential enablers of implementing a reconstructed CPFR business model with the application of lean principles to enhance inbound and outbound logistics flows.   Method: This thesis has conducted a single embedded case study at Dagab Inköp &amp; Logistik. Empirical data has been collected primarily through semi-structured interviews with employees within the organization and Snabbgross, which is wholesale company within the corporation. Respondents that participated had different positions such as operational purchaser, forecast specialist, transportation engineer, and warehouse manager.   Conclusion: This study has distinguished enablers of lean tools and its impact on organisations. Lean is essential to integrate in the CPFR business model in order to ensure enhancement within in- and outbound logistics flows. It has been highlighted that is of importance to integrate lean tools in all four phases of the CPFR model.

Potential analysis of track-and-trace systems in the outbound logistics of a Swedish retailer

Bolte, Nils-Ole, Goll, Daniel Christopher January 2020 (has links)
Supply chain visibility has become a crucial factor for companies in times of globalization and customer satisfaction. Track-and-trace technologies are important tools in order to enhance supply chain visibility. This thesis was written in cooperation with a Swedish retailer and evaluates potential track-and-trace technologies in order to develop a solution to close their current track-and-trace gap in their outbound logistics. Currently the handover point between the retailer and the postal service provider is not clearly defined, so that shipments get lost during the transition. Therefore, a literature review about currently used track-and-trace technologies was carried out. Several technologies with a wide price and applicability range are currently used and have been analysed regarding their strength and weaknesses. A qualitative study in form of interviews was conducted within the Swedish market about how this gap could possibly be closed. Empirical findings show that the existing track-and-trace technologies do not provide a best practice solution. Especially in the field of outbound logistics, several factors and the individual process requirements of a company have to be considered in order to develop an efficient solution, so that the existing track-and-trace gap can be closed. Each company has its unique set of challenges, which have to be solved in order to successfully implement a long- lasting tracking solution. A high dependence from the postal service provider is additionally given since all process steps need to be aligned to guarantee reliability of the data afterwards. In the case of the Swedish retailer, an automatized scanning bow with a separated area for outbound parcels is expected to improve transparency of the handover and lower the total amount of lost shipments. The breakeven point would be reached within the next years, so that operational saving could soon be achieved. Due to the global outbreak of COVID-19, as well as significant problems of the retailer, the practical application could not be tested. It should therefore be part of further academic studies.

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