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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbar last mile distribution : Sustainable Last Mile Distribution

Mild, Axel, Mild, Arvid January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att utforma en distributionscentrals processer för identifiering, sortering och packning av gods, för att möjliggöra en hållbar last mile-distribution med cykel. Varulogistik i städer är en stor utmaning för att främja en hållbar stadsutveckling. Transporter är nödvändiga för att förse verksamheter och invånare med gods. Samtidigt bidrar dessa transporter till negativa miljöpåverkningar, i form av buller och utsläpp. Kommuner har en central roll i att främja en hållbar utveckling på grund av deras planmonopol och möjligheter att reglera trafiken. Ett sätt att minska tyngre trafik i innerstäder är genom införandet av mindre, energieffektiva distributionsfordon för last mile-leveranser av lättare paket. Studien bygger på en mix av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Intervjuer med experter inom området, samt studiebesök hos framgångsrika transportföretag har gett en bred kunskap i området. Tillgång till data inom nuvarande processer har dessutom hjälpt forma de två lösningsförslag som slutligen presenteras i studien. Resultatet av studien framkommer i två lösningsförslag, ett nutidsförslag och ett framtidsförslag. Nutidsförslaget innehåller förändringar i såväl nuvarande processer som införandet av nya. Förslagen som presenteras här är mindre resurskrävande att implementera och ses därför vara möjliga att genomföra i dag. Framtidsförslaget presenterar vidare förbättringar som kan tillämpas inom terminalens processer. Dessa förslag är mer resurskrävande. Trots att studien är utförd efter specifika önskemål från uppdragsgivaren täcker den relevanta områden som är av intresse för alla företag som vill implementera en last mile-lösning med hjälp av cykelfordon.

Tillämpningar av digitalisering på last mile logistics : En multifallstudie

Solomon, Nahom, Georges, Kristian January 2019 (has links)
Over two decades, digitalization has grown considerably and gained momentum around the world. The majority of the world's population uses digital services such as Internet, smartphones and computers. The growth has changed the market, which has led to increased delivery of packages to customers or to wholesalers. Last mile Logistics has had a major impact in digitalization as the purpose is how efficiently packages are delivered to the customer.The purpose of this study was to understand the applications of digitalization on last mile logistics through e-commerce in different industries.For the purpose of the study, data collection of scientific articles and interviews was accomplished. The study consists of five interviews with five different case companies that works with digitalization focusing on the last mile logistics.These interviews highlighted how dependent companies are currently out of digitization in last mile logistics, it was also emphasized how large investments companies make regarding jobs with constant improvements in order to meet customers' needs.In the study's conclusions, it was possible to understand how different businesses implement digitization in different ways, and how these different companies apply digitization on their last mile logistics through e-commerce.

Utveckling av en konceptuell modell för simulering av svensk akutsjukvårds katastrofmedicinska förmåga / Development of a Conceptual Model for Simulation of Swedish Emergency Care Surge Capacity

Andersson, Ola, Sandahl, Emma January 2020 (has links)
I den föränderliga värld vi lever i med nya, ofta komplexa, hot och risker är en god förmåga att handskas med det oväntade viktigt. Sjukvården måste liksom andra ingående aktörer i en räddningsinsats öva och förbereda sig för alla tänkbara scenarier. Möjligheten till att genomföra realistiska övningar på ett sjukhus är begränsade, främst på grund av den etiska faktorn då faktiska patienter löper risk att bli drabbade och påverkas negativt. Katastrofmedicinskt centrum (KMC) utvecklar idag ett stokastiskt simuleringsverktyg för katastrofmedicinsk förmågeanalys (StoF) som ämnar bli ett komplement till det existerande, analoga verktyget Emergo Train System (ETS). I StoF saknas idag en detaljerad beskrivning av vad som sker på sjukhuset vid en katastrofmedicinsk händelse med många skadade. Denna studie bidrar med en konceptuell modell över flödet på och i anslutning till ett sjukhus akutmottagning vid en katastrofmedicinsk händelse. Modellen tillför innehåll och utökad omfattning till den pågående utvecklingen av StoF. Studien har utförts med simulering i fokus men med den konceptuella modelleringen som det primära och huvudsakliga syftet. Stort fokus har även riktats mot att utveckla en modell som är så generisk och allmän som möjligt. Resultatet är en konceptuell modell som beskriver flödet av både vanliga patienter och katastrofpatienter vid en katastrofmedicinsk händelse. Vidare inkluderas även de förändringar som sker i akutsjukvårdskedjans verksamhet då en katastrofmedicinsk händelse inträffar. Modellen som utformats i studien möjliggör identifiering av flaskhalsar i systemet samt genererar utdata i form av patientutfall och kan därmed användas för katastrofmedicinsk förmågeanalys. Modellen har validerats mot simuleringar gjorda med det analoga simuleringsverktyget (ETS) samt nuvarande version av StoF, liksom av experter inom området. Validering av den konceptuella modellen har kunnat konstatera att modellen bedöms uppfylla sitt syfte och vara implementerbar i StoF. / In the ever-changing world we live in with new, often complex, threats and risks, a thoroughability to deal with the unexpected is important. Healthcare, like other stakeholders in a rescueoperation, must practice and prepare for many different scenarios. For emergency services andprehospital care, these exercises and preparedness assessments are often easier to perform as aphysical, real exercise than for hospitals. However, full-scale exercises come with a greatercost, which is a clear disadvantage. The ethical aspect is also of great importance in the choiceof exercise method. For a hospital, it is ethically questionable whether a realistic full-scaleexercise could be carried out on site as actual patients are at risk of being adversely affected.With this as background, it can be concluded that competent, flexible, and dynamic simulationsare very important and useful tools within the studied subject.The stochastic discrete event simulation tool for emergency medical capacity analysis (StoF),which is currently being developed at the Center for Teaching & Research in Disaster Medicineand Traumatology (abbreviated as KMC in Swedish), fulfills this important purpose. StoFdescribes the entire course of events in a disaster scenario, from its occurrence until all patientshave been treated and taken care of. However, further studies are needed regarding the latterparts in the sequence of events, from the point at which patients start arriving to hospitals.This study contributes to a conceptual model of the events taking place at a hospital´semergency department and its related departments during a disaster scenario. Thus, it addscontent and expands the scope to the continuous development of StoF. This corresponds to thepurpose of the study, which is thereby considered fulfilled.The study was carried out on the basis of a simulation study but with a natural focus onconceptual modeling. Great focus has also been put on developing a model that is as genericand general as possible. This is because the model should be able to be used by all Swedishhospitals and regions, regardless of size and configuration.The result of the study is a conceptual model that describes the flow of both ordinary patientsand emergency patients from the disaster event at a hospital during a disaster scenario.Furthermore, the organizational changes being made in the emergency department-relatedoperations in the case of a disaster scenario are also included. The model designed in the studyenables the identification of bottlenecks in the system and generates output in terms of patientoutcomes and can thus be used for analysis of disaster preparedness.The model has been validated against simulations made with the analog simulation tool EmergoTrain System and the current version of StoF, as well as by experts. Validation of the conceptualmodel have been able to determine that the model fulfill its purpose and that it could beimplemented into StoF.

Curbside Management and Routing Strategies that Incorporates Curbside Availability Information

Blixt, Richard, Lindgren, Carl January 2020 (has links)
Vehicles that today are searching for a place to stop impacts other vehicles in cities. It can also be seen that the number of vehicles that desire to conduct a pick-up or drop-off increases with an increased number of ride-hailing services. New technology routing advises for such vehicles could improve the overall performance of a traffic network. This thesis analyses therefore how a routing strategy, that incorporates curbside availability information, can impact the performance. To analyse the effects of how curbside availability information can impact a network, a microscopic traffic simulation model was constructed in PTV Vissim and two different routing strategies were developed and implemented in the model. One strategy that represents the scenario of today where vehicles searches the traffic network while attempting to make a stop at a pick-up and drop-off slot. The second strategy routes vehicles to a slot based on curbside availability information. This strategy directs vehicles to an available slot and therefore reduces the time a vehicle is cruising before a stop has been made. A simulation experiment was set-up to compare the strategies that were developed with different penetration rates of vehicles that desired to stop. The results shows that the average travel time can be reduced with up to 25.2\% when vehicles have information compared to the scenario with no information. Similar findings is identified for average delay per vehicle which is reduced with up to 49.0\% and average traveled distance decreased with up to 15.5\%. The results of this thesis needs however to be studied in a wider context in order to draw reliable conclusions. The thesis propose further investigations whether a strategy that incorporates availability information can be implemented in a real world scenario and further investigations whether an implementation of a strategy like this would be socioeconomic beneficial.

Flaskhalsreducering i en funktionsorienterad produktion via en simuleringsmodell / Reduction of bottlenecks in a function-oriented production by using a simulation model

Gylfe, Johannes, Lekander, Kasper January 2020 (has links)
Gränges AB i Finspång är ett företag som producerar aluminiumband som kan användas iproduktion av värmeväxlare. Bandens processväg genom produktionen beror på slutproduktensegenskaper, vilket gör att produktionen i dagsläget kräver flera transporter fram och tillbaka överområdet. För att förbättra och effektivisera tillverkningen har en investering på 400 MSEKutförts, som förväntas leda till utökad kapacitet samt förbättrat flöde. Investeringen är först ochfrämst en ersättning av befintlig produktion som förhoppningsvis ska leda till fler produceradeband. I och med investeringen blir transportsträckorna kortare, produktionen mer samlad ochrisken för skadat material minskar.Studien syftar till att utföra en flaskhalsidentifiering över den nya produktionen. Syftet är ocksåatt ta fram olika förslag på förändringar i produktionen för att uppnå ett effektivt flöde, undvikaflaskhalsar och maximera antal producerade band. Studien ser endast över delen av produktionensom innefattar kallvalsningen, värmebehandlingen och sträckningen. Jämförelser mellan den nyaproduktionsdelen och den gamla utförs inte i denna studie.I studien kunde en flaskhals identifieras, vilket var kallvalsverk 2731. Detta på grund av storköbildning och hög utnyttjandegrad på resurser för transport och tillverkning. Med hjälp avteorin kring flaskhalsanalys kunde olika förslag tas fram på vilka förändringar som kundegenomföras för att reducera flaskhalsen. Olika experiment genomfördes för att se omförändringarna reducerade flaskhalsen, om eventuellt nya flaskhalsar uppstod och hur olikamätetal som utnyttjandegraden i maskiner påverkades av förändringen. De förändringar somgenomfördes var tillägg av buffertar innan kallvalsverken, att skicka band till det kallvalsverkmed kortast kö, att minska produktionstakten i kallvalsverk 2751, att planera banden in isystemet samt minska värmebehandlingstiden.Varje förändring förutom minskning av värmebehandlingstiden visade förbättringar ochförsämringar av mätetalen när jämförelser utfördes mellan förändringarna och grundmodellen.Kombinationer av förändringarna visade också att det var statistisk signifikant skillnad jämförtmed grundmodellen. De förändringar i systemet som hade störst positiv påverkan på resultatetvar tillägg av buffertar och förändring av logiken att skicka band till det valsverk med kortast kö.När en kombination av dessa förändringar utfördes ökade antalet producerade band med 2500under simuleringsperioden. Även kombinationen av tillägg av buffertar, förändring av logikenför band med reduktion fyra samt minskad produktionstakt i 2751 hade en stor positiv påverkan.I detta fall ökade antalet producerade band med ungefär 2000 i jämförelse med grundmodellenmen medelväntetiderna i köerna sänktes betydligt mer än vid den andra lyckade kombinationen.En övergripande slutsats är att mängden förändringar har ingen betydelse utan det är kvalitén påförändringarna som avgör om mätetalen förbättras. En rekommendation till Gränges är därför attgöra en avvägning kring vilka mätetal som är viktigast och på så sätt ta det beslut kring vilkaförändringar som ska utföras för att gynna de mätetalen bäst. / Gränges AB is a company in Finspång that produce rolled aluminum products for heatexchangers. The product's process path through the chain depends on the properties of the finalproduct, which means that production currently requires multiple transports back and forthacross the production-area. To improve the production, an investment of SEK 400 million hasbeen made, which is expected to increase the capacity and improve flow. The investment is areplacement of existing production which hopefully will lead to increased number of productsproduced. As a result of the investment, the transport distances at the area will be shorter and therisk of damaged material will be reduced.The study aims to perform a bottleneck identification in the new production at Gränges. The aimis also to develop various proposals for changes in production to achieve an efficient flow, avoidbottlenecks and maximize the number of produced products. The study only looks at the part ofthe production that includes the cold rolling, annealing and distention. Comparisons between thenew production part and the old productions part is not performed in this study.A bottleneck was found, which was the cold-rolling machine called 2731. The bottleneck wasidentified by a large queue and a high utilization rate on its internal transport. Using the theory ofbottleneck analysis, various changes could be made to reduce the bottleneck. Severalexperiments were made to see if the changes reduced the bottleneck and if any new bottlenecksoccurred. The experiments were also made to see how different result values, as the utilizationrate for the machines, were affected. The changes that were implemented were buffers before thecold rolling machines, change of logic for products with reduction four, reduce the productionrate in cold rolling machine called 2751, to plan the input in the system and to reduce theannealing time for some of the annealing programs.Each change except reduction of the annealing time showed either a positive or negative changefor the result values when comparisons were made between experiments and the basic model.The changes in the system that had the most positive impact on the result were the addition ofbuffers and the change of logic when transporting products to the cold-rolling machine with theshortest queue. When a combination of these changes was performed, the number of productsproduced increased by 2500 during the simulation period. The combination of adding buffers,change the logic for products with reduction four and reduced production rate in 2751 also had agreat positive impact. In this case, the number of products produced increased by 2000 comparedto the basic model, but the average waiting times in the queues were reduced significantly morethan in the other successful combination. An overall conclusion is that the amount of changesdoes not matter, it is the quality of the changes that determines whether the result values areimproved or not. Therefore, a recommendation to Gränges is to make a trade-off about whichresult values that are most important and making the decision that favors them most.

Evaluation of Arrival Sequencing at Arlanda Airport

Smetanová, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
This work presents an analysis of arrival sequencing at Stockholm Arlanda airport. Thesequencing of arrivals is very important part of air traffic control management and assuressafe space and time distancing of arriving aircraft. In this work we use historical flight datafrom Opensky Network database. The historical flight data contains the information about allthe arrivals of the year 2018. The aim of this work is to propose the key performanceindicators (KPIs) for evaluation of the arrival sequencing at Stockholm Arlanda airport. Thethree KPIs we are considering in this work are the minimum time to final, spacing deviationand sequence pressure. We choose data subsets of different size representing different trafficsituations. We visualize the results and summarize them in tables which assures better clarityfor the comparison of the same KPIs for different data subsets. In addition, we demonstratehow the proposed KPIs can be used for evaluation of optimization results from related study.We conclude that the proposed KPIs are very useful for analysis of the arrival aircraftsequencing and help to uncover inefficiencies within the terminal manoeuvring area (TMA).

Förpackning och förpackningsavfall : Vem bär ansvar i en tänkt försörjningskedja för en plastförpackning för livsmedel / Packaging and packaging waste : Who is responsible for a plastic packaging for food in a conceived supply chain

Petersson, Louise, Johansson, Michelle January 2018 (has links)
An increased use of packaging has contributed to an increase of packaging waste. The purpose of this study is to identify how different organizations and consumer in a conceived supply chain affect waste disposal of packaging, how organizations and consumer can act and what obstacles and opportunities they encounter to contribute to a more environmentally friendly food packaging. The aesthetic ability of plastics, low weight and that the material is relatively inexpensive contributes to increase the use of plastic for packaging every year, as well as plastic packaging waste. Plastics can cause damage to animals and nature when the waste goes to landfill, and the raw material extraction of fossil raw materials continues if the packaging material is not minimized, reused or recycled. A certain packaging design and choice of material can contribute to increased profitability for the company, e.g. through resource minimization, marketing advantages and easier handling of packaging in the logistics flow. The design can also attract consumers to purchases as well as contribute to reuse, recycling, energy recovery or landfill waste of packaging. The increase in packaging has contributed to policy guidelines on waste management and statutory producer responsibility has develop. Food manufacturers are therefore responsible for the packaging they sell on the market even after consumers have used the product, which means they are responsible for establish collection- and recycling stations as well as waste minimization for packaging. The empirical research consists of ten interviewed companies and an anonymous consumer survey, which is divided into six different positions that may exist in a supply chain. All interviews and consumer research have touched upon subjects such as materials, recycling and environmental work that are associated with packaging. Due to the position of the different organizations and consumer in the supply chain and their views, actions and knowledge in different areas of the report, there is a variation in the collected data. Despite the organizations different viewpoints of packaging, packaging design and its environmental impact is influenced and influence all the organizations and consumer in the supply chain. To reduce the environmental impact of packaging the organization and consumer should consider packaging design, choice of materials and contribute to more sustainable actions for organizations and consumer. For example, through collaborations, reduced raw material extraction through material minimization, reuse and/or recycling, marketing, sorting waste and recycling processes. / Ökad användning av förpackningar har bidragit till att avfall från förpackningar har ökat. Syftet med denna rapport är att identifiera hur olika aktörer i en tänkt försörjningskedja påverkar avfallshanteringen av förpackningar, hur dessa aktörer kan agera och vilka hinder och möjligheter de står inför för att bidra till en mer miljövänlig livsmedelsförpackning. Plastens estetiska förmåga, låga vikt och att materialet är relativt billigt bidrar till att användningen av plast till förpackningar ökar för varje år likaså förpackningsavfall av plast. Plast kan orsaka skada på djur och natur när avfallet går till deponi samt att råvaruutvinningen av fossila råvaror fortsätter om förpackningsmaterialet inte minimeras, återanvänds eller återvinns. En viss förpackningsdesign och materialval kan bidra med ökad lönsamhet för företaget, exempelvis genom resursminimering, marknadsföringsfördelar och enklare hantering av förpackning i logistikflödet. Utformningen kan dessutom locka konsumenter till inköp samt bidra till återanvändning, återvinning, energiutvinning eller deponi av förpackning. Ökningen av antal förpackningar har bidragit till att politiska riktlinjer angående avfallshantering samt att ett lagstadgat producentansvar har utvecklats. Livsmedelsproducenter har därför ansvar för de förpackningar som de säljer på marknaden även efter att konsumenter använt produkten, vilket innebär att de har ansvar att upprätta insamling- och återvinningsstationer samt avfallsminimering för förpackningar. Den empiriska forskningen består av tio intervjuade företag samt en anonym konsumentundersökning som är uppdelade över sex olika positioner, som kan finnas i en försörjningskedja. Samtliga intervjuer och konsumentundersökningen har berört områden så som material, återvinning och miljöarbete som är förknippat med en förpackning. På grund av de olika aktörernas position i kedjan samt deras syn, agerande och kunskap inom olika områden av vad som berörs i rapporten varierar den insamlade datan. Trots aktörernas olika syn på förpackningar påverkas och påverkar samtliga aktörer utformningen på förpackningar och dess miljöpåverkan. Ett sätt att minska förpackningens miljöpåverkan är att aktörerna tar hänsyn till förpackningens design, materialval samt ett mer hållbart agerande som var och en av aktörerna kan bidra till. Exempelvis genom samarbeten, minskad råvaruutvinning genom materialminimering, återanvändning och/eller återvinning, marknadsföring, källsortering samt återvinningsprocesser.

An Operations Research Approach for Daily Emergency Management

Matinrad, Niki January 2019 (has links)
Emergency services play a vital role in society by providing help to affected people and minimizing damage to public and private assets as well as the environment during emergencies. However, these organizations deal with problems of increasing demand uncertainty and resource shortage over time. These problems lead to the creation of many other problems, such as longer response times, lower survivability of victims and patients, and more severe damage to properties and the environment. Acquiring more information about future emergency demand, such as factors affecting this demand, can contribute to reduction of the effects of increasing demand uncertainty. The introduction of volunteers as a new type of emergency resource, which has gained attention in the past few years, can be a solution to the problem of increasing resource shortage. The aim of this thesis is to provide operations research-based models and methods that can assist medical emergency services in daily emergency management. The aim is supported by two objectives: 1) to develop a forecasting model and 2) to develop models for the dispatch of volunteers. Three separate studies with a focus on these objectives are conducted, and the results are described in three papers. In the first paper, a forecasting model for predicting the volume of ambulance calls per hour and geographic location for three counties in Sweden is presented. The model takes into consideration geographical zones with few or no population and very low call frequency. Comparative results based on the real data of ambulance calls show that the proposed model performs better than the model that is currently used in some parts of Sweden for operational and tactical planning of emergency medical services. In addition to performance improvement, the proposed model provides information about the factors affecting ambulance demand. In the second paper, the use of volunteers in response to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) cases is considered, and a deterministic optimization model for their dispatch is provided. The model benefits from a survival function for determining dispatch decisions. The effect of arrival times of volunteers on the survivability of patients is also considered. The results show that, in terms of achieved survivability of patient based on the applied survival function, the proposed model performs better than simple decision rules used today. The third paper presents a probabilistic method for the dispatch of volunteers to OHCA cases. This method considers the uncertainties associated with the actions of volunteers once they are assigned a task. The proposed method uses a survival function as the objective of dispatch decisions. The results of the method are compared to the static dispatch method that is currently used in an operational system in Sweden for the utilization of volunteers in OHCA cases. Comparative results based on real data show that, with respect to used survival function, the proposed method contributes to higher survivability of OHCA patients than the static dispatch method. The models and method in this thesis focus on solving real-world problems and use real data for that purpose when available. Some simplifications were considered in the development process. Nevertheless, these models and method have the potential to be beneficial for medical emergency services in practice and can be used as a base for dynamic resource management systems. Such systems can be helpful for both tactical and operational planning of emergency resources.

Last Mile Delivery of Swedish Retailers : A study on Swedish Omni-channel retailers and E-tailers / Sista milen i svensk detaljhandel

Binadam, Zulnasree, Balan, Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore last mile delivery practices among large and medium Swedish omni-channel (OC) retailers and e-tailers. Also, the study aims at analyzing what similarities and differences exist between the two types of retailers. Method: A literature review was carried out in order to gain more knowledge about the topic and develop a theoretical framework, used for analyzing data. Also, a quantitative study was conducted through electronic surveys (secondary data) and website observations (primary data). The 100 retailers were large and medium OC retailers and e-tailers and were selected based on a probability sample.  Findings: The study has shown that there are plenty of similarities and differences between the two kinds of retailers. Some of the delivery practices and options that OC retailers and e-tailers perform similarly are unattended HD (unattended home delivery), attached C&C (click and collect), drop shipping, free solitary C&C (click and collect). There are also differences between retailers when it comes to attended HD, time slot, eco delivery or LTL-Courier (Less Than Truckload-courier). E-tailers offer more competitive remote deliveries with more free remote delivery options. OC retailers leverage on both store network and remote delivery services. Thus, OC retailers can learn how to cope with e-commerce growth and adapt their delivery services as e-tailers do. Limitations: This study has a geographical focus on Swedish OC retailers and e-tailers. The data that was collected has been limited to the logistics variables: delivery mode, velocity, time slot, slot price differentiation, delivery fee, eco delivery, picking location, delivery area and transport service. Theoretical implications: This study is an important step towards contributing to academic theoretical literature regarding last mile delivery practices. Based on the previous frameworks, new logistical variables were added, such as more velocities, delivery fee, eco delivery and drop shipping. These contributions were helpful in the process of exploring characteristics about retailers and how they differ from each other. Managerial implications: This research is valuable for managers and retailers in order to find the best logistical strategy. It could be beneficial for OC retailers who face challenges that e-commerce brings and compete with e-tailers. Keywords: Last-mile delivery, Retailing, Omni-channel, E-tailers, E-commerce. Paper type: Research paper

Identification and evaluation of solutions for long-haul electric road freight.

Lundström, Amanda, Lindén, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Road freight transportation is important for the development of the global economy and, at the same time, one of the most destructive businesses when it comes to the environment and human health. As societies evolve, the need for freight transportation increases and the transport demand cannot in a sustainable way be fulfilled with the use of diesel trucks as it is done today. For the sake of our environment, the electrification transition needs to ramp up. However, when it comes to covering long distances with an electric truck, problems arise due to the lack of sufficient driving strategies, technology, and infrastructure adapted to the needs for long-distance electrified transportation. Therefore, different battery-electric truck solutions need to be evaluated to identify an economically, socially, and environmentally friendly way of operating. Consequently, the purpose of this master's thesis is the following:  From a carrier operation perspective, identify different solutions for electrified long-haul transportation and evaluate how cost competitive they are based on triple bottom line. To fulfill this purpose the study was divided into two steps, where the first one was to, through literature and interviews, identify different solutions for electric long-haul transportation and external parameters affecting these solutions. The parameters and solutions were then combined with different distances into focus cases. The second step consisted of identifying both internal and external cost drivers, which were used to create a cost model that considered environmental, economic, and social sustainability. The cost model was then used to evaluate the different focus cases to determine their competitiveness. The solutions were based on wire charging, a 300-, 450-, or 624 kWh battery, and were operated either through trailer swap or point-to-point. The external parameters that were the most important ones were battery degradation, the electricity market, and prerequisites for effective logistics. These were all combined into focus cases which were evaluated on the distances 300-, 400-, 500-, and 600 km. The cost model that was used included both internal and external costs to cover the economic, environmental, and social perspectives in the evaluation. To evaluate the focus cases and be able to compare it to a diesel solution the model considered the costs that differ between a battery electric truck and a diesel truck, which at an overall level was electricity cost, charging infrastructure, batteries, salary when charging, environmental, and social costs. For the distance of 300 km, the most competitive combination was wire charging, 300 kWh battery, and trailer swap. For the distances 400- and 500 km the best combination was wire charge, 450 kWh battery, and trailer swap. The best solution for 500 km was wire charge, 624 kWh battery, and trailer swap. The conclusion is, from a carrier operation perspective, that the most competitive solution to use is based on trailer swap, including a battery with a capacity that is adapted to the distance where the batteries can be charged through wire charging at a charger with a high utilization factor. Finally, for shorter distances, a battery electric truck is cost-competitive against a diesel truck. However, at longer distances a battery electric truck's competitiveness in comparison to a diesel truck gets worse, but at all distances the battery electric truck solution is both socially and environmentally beneficial in comparison to a diesel alternative.

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