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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cláusula de la nación más favorecida en los CDI: herramienta para la potencial disminución de las retenciones del impuesto a la renta aplicables a Chile y Canadá / The most-favoured-nation clause in tax treaties: tool for potential reduction of withholding income tax applicable to Chile and Canada

Villagra Cayamana, Renée Antonieta, Villagra Cayamana, Jorge Antonio 10 April 2018 (has links)
Tax treaties to avoid the double taxation signed by a country have consequences for the future, but they can also modify the terms of treaties that are already in force, in case these contain most-favoured-nation clauses. In this line, taxpayers and companies, particularly, as well as the Tax Administration must be alert, regarding topotential modifications of the terms of the Peruvian tax treaties already in force; mainly about the withholding tax rate applied to royalties in the Convention subscribed with Chile and the withholding tax rates applied to dividends, interests and royalties in the Convention subscribed with Canada, taking into account that both of the mentioned tax treaties contain most-favoured-nation clauses for those kind of income. The Ministry of Economy, as the entity in charge of negotiations of the bilateral conventions, according to Law Decree 25883, has the responsibility of negotiating future treaties with full knowledge that the terms to be included could also cause the effect to decrease the withholding tax rates of the income tax in respect to conventions already in effect, as a consequence of the most-favoured-nation clause they contain. / Los convenios para evitar la doble imposición (CDI) que suscribe un Estado tienen efecto en el futuro. Sin embargo, también pueden modificar los términos de los convenios ya vigentes, en la medida que estos últimos contengan cláusulas de la nación más favorecida. En tal sentido, los contribuyentes y en particular el sector empresarial, así como la Administración Tributaria,tienen que estar alertas respecto a las potenciales modificaciones de los términos de los CDI vigentes en el Perú. En particular, se debe tener en cuenta la tasa de retención de regalías contenida en el CDI con Chile y las tasas de dividendos, intereses y regalías contenidas en el CDI con Canadá, debido a que, para tales tipos de rentas, ambos convenios incluyen cláusulas de la nación más favorecida. El Ministerio de Economía, como ente encargado de la negociación de CDI bilaterales —en virtud del decreto ley 25883— tiene la responsabilidad de negociar futuros CDI. Ello debe realizarse con el conocimiento pleno de que los términos por pactarse no solo repercutirán para el futuro, sino que pueden significar disminución de tasas de retención del impuesto a la renta respecto a CDI preexistentes ya vigentes, en función de las cláusulas de la nación más favorecida.

The Hierarchy of Human Rights International Treaties / El rango de los Tratados sobre Derechos Humanos

Montoya Chávez, Victorhugo, Feijóo Cambiaso, Raúl 12 April 2018 (has links)
An issue that has sparked heated debate over the years is undoubtedly the hierarchy of international treaties in the Peruvian legal system. the critical point is whether these treaties have Constitutional status. thus, the authors seek the answer based on the hierarchy of laws and how Human Rights Treaties are defined nowadays. Furthermore, they analyze the arguments defending their constitutional status in order to arrive to a firm conclusion that considers the globalization process that Law is going through. / Un tema que ha despertado un gran debate a lo largo de los años, es sin duda el rango de los tratados internacionales en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano. el punto álgido sobre la discusión es si dichos tratados tienen el mismo peso que la Constitución. De esta manera, los autores buscan responder a la interrogante basándose en la jerarquía normativa y cómo se entienden hoy en día los tratados sobre Derechos Humanos. Además, analizan los argumentos que defienden su rango constitucional, para finalmente emitir una sólida conclusión considerando el proceso de globalización por el que transcurre el Derecho en la actualidad.

A arbitragem como mecanismo suplementar de solução de controvérsias nos acordos contra a bitributação celebrados pelo Brasil / Arbitration as a way to solve controverses in Brazilian double tax treaties

Alexandre Luiz Moraes do Rêgo Monteiro 06 May 2014 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em analisar a necessidade, a viabilidade e demais aspectos práticos inerentes à inserção de uma cláusula prevendo a submissão compulsória de litígios não solucionados pelo procedimento amigável, único método existente nos acordos de bitributação celebrados pelo Brasil, à arbitragem (mandatory arbitration), como forma de incrementar os mecanismos de solução de controvérsias hoje disponíveis nos acordos de bitributação. Para alcançar essa finalidade específica, iniciou-se o estudo (Capítulo 2), após breve introdução, a partir de uma aferição das espécies de controvérsias oriundas da interpretação e aplicação dos acordos de bitributação, notadamente em relação aos tratados celebrados pelo Brasil. Ato contínuo, procurou-se, no Capítulo 3 da tese, examinar mais detidamente o instituto do procedimento amigável, de maneira a demonstrar, ao final, as diversas deficiências inerentes ao referido mecanismo. Como forma de aprimorar o modelo de solução de controvérsias então existente, analisou-se, no Capítulo 4 da tese, as diversas propostas de inserção de uma arbitragem compulsória e suplementar ao procedimento amigável (two-step approach), entre elas a Convenção Europeia de Arbitragem (Convenção 90/436/EEC), bem como também os modelos de arbitragem apresentados pela OCDE e ONU, em seus respectivos modelos de convenção. Constituiu objeto precípuo de análise, igualmente, a aferição da experiência internacional existente em relação ao tema, mais especificamente nos acordos celebrados pelos Estados Unidos, Áustria, Alemanha. Reino Unido e Holanda. No Capítulo 5, por sua vez, com o objetivo específico de incrementar a eficácia do mecanismo, tratou-se de aspectos práticos inerentes à inclusão da arbitragem nos acordos celebrados pelo Brasil, mormente no que atine (i) ao escopo das convenções arbitrais, (ii) à ata de missão dos árbitros, (iii) à constituição do painel arbitral, (iv) ao sigilo e confidencialidade, (v) à escolha do procedimento aplicável e a instrução do processo, (vi) à definição da sede do tribunal, (vi) à participação do contribuinte, (vii) à aferição dos requisitos inerentes à sentença arbitral, (viii) à logística e aos custos do processo, bem como, também, (ix) à fonte jurídica disponível para a resolução dos litígios. No Capítulo 6, por sua vez, procurou-se demonstrar a inexistência de qualquer óbice à utilização do referido mecanismo de solução de controvérsias nos tratados celebrados pelo País. Feita a referida análise, tratou-se, no Capítulo 7, do tema atinente ao reconhecimento e execução da sentença arbitral, bem como de sua eventual relação com a Convenção de Nova Iorque. Por derradeiro, apresentou-se uma síntese conclusiva do raciocínio desenvolvido ao longo da tese em relação aos tópicos analisados. / The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the necessity, feasibility and other practical matters inherent to the negotiation and inclusion of a mandatory arbitration clause in Brazilian double tax treaties that could be triggered in cases where mutual agreement procedure, the only mechanism to solve disputes in such treaties, is not able to eliminate the controversies that may arise in this field. After a brief introduction, we began our study, on Chapter 2, by studying the main types of controversies derived from the interpretation and application of double tax treaties, specially with regard to the Brazilian experience. In this sense, we examined, on Chapter 3, the contours of the mutual agreement procedure in a way to demonstrate, in the end, the relevant deficiencies inherent to the such dispute resolution mechanism. On Chapter 4, we analyzed the different ways that such a mandatory arbitration clause, ancilar to the mutual agreement procedure (two-step approach), was inserted in the international context, namely in the EU Arbitration Convention (Convention 90/436/EEC), as well as in the OECD and UN proposals, with regard to their respectively model conventions. Also, we studied the international experience in the field, specifically in relation to the development observed in the tax treaty policies of some countries, such as the United States, Austria, Germany, United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Subsequently, on Chapter 5 we explored the more practical matters related to such a mandatory arbitration clause, specially with regard to (i) the scope of the arbitration clause, (ii) the specific terms of reference, (iii) the selection of the arbitrators, (iv) confidenciality, (v) the establishment of procedural and evidentiary rules, (vi) the seat of the arbitration, (vii) the taxpayer participation in the procedure, (viii) the minimum requirements related to the award, (ix) the logistical arrengements and costs, (x) and the source of law that can be used by the arbitrators. On Chapter 6, we tried to demonstrate the absence of any constitucional barrier preventing the use of arbitration as a means of solving controversies related to taxation, specially with regard to Brazilian double tax treaties. On the last Chapter (Chapter 7), we dealt with the issues related to the recognition and enforcement of the award under Brazilian rules and also with regard to the New York Convention. Lastly, we presented a conclusive synthesis of the study.

A recepção dos tratados internacionais em matéria tributária pelo ordenamento jurídico brasileiro

Faria, Bianca Castellar de January 2006 (has links)
A presente dissertação objetiva analisar a forma de recepção dos tratados internacionais em matéria tributária pelo ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Para isso, é fundamental verificar a relação entre o direito internacional e o direito interno, por meio da análise das teorias monista e dualista. Apresenta-se o Direito Tributário Internacional como uma das variações do Direito Internacional Público, com o objetivo de introduzir a matéria tributária. Estudam-se os tratados como uma das principais fontes do direito internacional e o modo como o Poder Executivo e o Poder Legislativo participam de sua ratificação. Detalham-se, assim, os objetivos e os métodos dos tratados internacionais em matéria tributária, os quais visam a evitar a ocorrência do fenômeno jurídico da bitributação. Concluída a análise do procedimento de internalização desses tratados pelo ordenamento brasileiro, há a possibilidade de surgirem conflitos entre a norma internacional recepcionada e a lei interna anterior ou superveniente. E, por essa razão, apresentam-se os critérios gerais e específicos adotados pela doutrina e pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal para solucionar antinomias jurídicas. / The present dissertation aims to analyze the form of reception of international tax treaties by the Brazilian domestic order. For this to happen, it is important to verify the form as the international law is related with the domestic law. By presenting the International Tax Law as one of the branches of the Public International Law, it is also relevant to study the international treaties as one of the main sources of the International Law, along with the way how the Executive and the Legislative participate of its ratification. Besides that, the dissertation also points for international tax treaties objectives and methods to avoid the double taxation. After the reception of these international treaties, it can appear conflicts with the internal order. And that is te reason to study the general and specific methods adopted by the doctrine and the Federal Supreme Court to solve the legal antinomies.

A titularidade das indicações geográficas no Brasil. Um estudo comparado a partir das IGs de vinhos finos e espumantes

Colloda, Andresa 13 September 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como tema o instituto das Indicações Geográficas (IGs), signo distintivo da área do Direito denominada Propriedade Intelectual, situada no campo da propriedade industrial que, no Brasil, é regulada pela Lei de propriedade industrial 9.279, de 14 de maio de 1996. As IGs relacionam um produto ou a prestação de um serviço ao seu local de origem e têm importância estratégica para os envolvidos, protegendo produtos ou serviços desde a elaboração até sua comercialização. As IGs possuem papel destacado no mundo, especialmente no setor da vitivinicultura, e na Serra Gaúcha onde estão localizadas as primeiras IG’s para vinhos finos e espumantes do Brasil, o que motivou, de forma decisiva, a escolha desse tema. O objetivo da dissertação foi analisar a titularidade das IGs no Brasil, comparando a legislação brasileira com a de Portugal e da Argentina, além da legislação de organismos internacionais. A normatização das IGs no Brasil iniciou no século XIX, porém, foi no fim do século XX, em consonância com o avanço dos acordos multilaterais, que a atual lei que regula o sistema de Propriedade Industrial e, consequentemente das IGs, foi aprovada. Mas foi somente em 2002, que o Brasil registrou sua primeira IG nacional, a Indicação de Procedência Vale dos Vinhedos. O estudo evidenciou que tanto na Argentina quanto em Portugal existe legislação específica para IGs de vinhos que abarcam mais aspectos e de forma mais precisa. A aplicação afirmativa do instituto das IGs no Brasil é recente e o estudo comparativo evidenciou que a legislação brasileira possui lacunas e aspectos não definidos explicitamente, além do que o direito à titularidade das IGs não é implementado na forma como previsto em lei. Uma revisão das normas que regem o sistema de Propriedade Industrial e que oportunize e implemente o amparo legal pode propiciar um avanço na proteção das regiões, dos produtos e dos produtores e pode consolidar, cada vez mais, o instituto das Indicações Geográficas no Brasil. / This dissertation is about Geographical Indications (GIs), a distinctive feature of the Law area known as Intellectual Property, belonging to the field of industrial property, which is, in Brazil, regulated by the Industrial Property Law, number 9279, from May 14, 1996. GIs relate a product or the provision of a service to their place of origin and have strategic importance for those involved, protecting products or services since the development up to the commercialization. GIs have a prominent role in the world, especially in the sector of viticulture, and to the Serra Gaúcha, where are located the first GIs to fine wines and sparkling wines from Brazil, which led, in a decisive way, to the choice of this theme. The aim of this dissertation was to analyze the ownership of GIs in Brazil, comparing the Brazilian legislation with Portugal´s and Argentina´s, in addition to legislation of international organizations. The standardization of the GIs in Brazil began in the nineteenth century, but was in the late twentieth century, in line with the advancement of multilateral agreements, that the current law that regulates the Industrial Property system, and consequently of GIs, was approved. But it was only in 2002 that Brazil had its first national GI, the Indication of Origin of Vale dos Vinhedos. The study showed that both Argentina and Portugal have specific legislation for GIs of wines that covers more aspects and are more specific. The effective application of the GIs in Brazil is recent, and the comparative study showed that Brazilian legislation has gaps and issues not explicitly defined, and in addition, the right to the ownership of GIs is not implemented in the way foreseen by law. A review of the rules governing the Industrial Property system that oportunize and implement the legal support may provide a breakthrough in the protection of regions, products and producers, and can consolidate, increasingly, the Geographical Indications in Brazil.

Os \"contextos\" na interpretação e aplicação de acordos de bitributação / The contexts to the interpretation and application of tax treaties.

Luís Flávio Neto 10 April 2015 (has links)
O tema da presente tese é o contexto referido no art. 3 da CM-OCDE para a interpretação e aplicação de termos não definidos nos textos de convenções fiscais. O Brasil e os seus acordos de bitributação são adotados como referenciais, embora também seja investigada a jurisprudência de uma série de outros países quanto à interpretação e aplicação de suas convenções fiscais. A Introdução apresenta o tema, o problema, a hipótese, o objetivo e as principais questões analisadas na tese, seguidas de considerações propedêuticas necessárias ao desenvolvimento de todo o trabalho. O Capítulo I se ocupa: (i) do sentido de contexto referido no art. 3 da CM-OCDE; (ii) do seu relacionamento com a cláusula de reenvio ao Direito doméstico prevista no mesmo dispositivo e; (iii) dos critérios formais, funcionais e materiais de reconhecimento de evidências sob o escopo do contexto. O Capítulo II analisa o chamado contexto intrínseco e identifica: (i) quais evidências seriam abrangidas pelo contexto intrínseco, a exemplo do texto do acordo de bitributação, seu preâmbulo e anexos, documentos elaborados em conexão com o tratado, protocolos e acordos posteriores celebrados pelos Estados contratantes, bem como; (ii) quais técnicas seriam úteis à exploração de tais evidências, como métodos sintáticos, semânticos de interpretação do texto do acordo como um todo, testes comparativos da função e do sentido dos termos no acordo de dupla tributação como um todo, a identificação dos objetivos e propósitos do acordo a partir de detalhes de cada uma de suas partes. O Capítulo III analisa o chamado contexto extrínseco primário, especialmente com vistas aos procedimentos amigáveis, às práticas seguidas pelos Estados (autoridades fiscais, judiciárias e legislativas) para a aplicação de acordos de dupla tributação e aos parallel treaties. O Capítulo IV aborda o chamado contexto extrínseco secundário, que compreende as decisões de Cortes nacionais de terceiros Estados, a doutrina dos publicistas mais qualificados das diferentes Nações, a Convenção Modelo da OCDE e os seus respectivos Comentários, os trabalhos preparatórios, os atos unilaterais quanto à intenção dos Estados contratantes e as circunstâncias relacionadas à conclusão da convenção fiscal. / This thesis deals with the context referred to in the art. 3 (2) of the OECD Model Tax Convention to interpretation and application of terms not defined in tax treaties. It adopts the Brazilian system and its tax treaties as reference, although it also analyzes the cases law from a number of other countries regarding the interpretation and application of its tax treaties. The Introduction presents the theme, the problem, the hypothesis, the goal and the key issues addressed by the thesis, followed by propaedeutic considerations needed to develop the whole study. The Chapter I deals with: (i) the meaning of context referred to in the art. 3 (2) of the OECD Model Tax Convention; (ii) the precedence between the context and the domestic law (general renvoi clause) and; (iii) the formal, functional and material criteria for recognition of evidences under the scope of the context. The Chapter II examines the so-called intrinsic context, in order to: (i) identify some evidences under its scope, such as the tax treaty text, its preamble and annexes, materials prepared in connection with the convention, protocols and subsequent agreements concluded by the Contracting States, as well as; (ii) which methods would be useful to handle such materials, such as syntactic and semantic methods, comparative tests of the function and meaning terms at the whole treaty, as well the identification of the objectives and purposes of the agreement from the details of each of its parts. The Chapter III analyses the so-called primary extrinsic context, which includes mutual agreement procedures, practices followed by the fiscal, judicial and legislative authorities for the application of tax treaties and the parallel treaties. The Chapter IV deals with the so-called secondary extrinsic context, which comprises decisions of national courts of third States, the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations, the OECD Model Tax Convention and their Commentaries, preparatory works, unilateral materials about the intention of the parts and circumstances occurred at the time of the conclusion of the tax treaty.

The Attitute of Asian and African States toward the evolution of the United Nations International Law Commission and the formulation of rules on the Law of Treaties

Khan, Muntaz Alam January 1977 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Experiences of unaccompanied minors: an exploratory study conducted with refugee children

Magqibelo, Lungile January 2010 (has links)
Magister Artium (Child and Family Studies) - MA(CFS) / The main aim of this study was to explore lived experiences of unaccompanied foreign minors in South Africa from a social work perspective. An important goal was to also explore the lack of guidelines on how to assist these young people. This study was conducted in a Children's Shelter, which is situated in the North-Eastern outskirts of Polokwane, where a group of unaccompanied refugee children from Zimbabwe were living. This study was qualitative and explorative in nature. Non-probability sampling was used to select participants for the study. Ten children were selected, ranging from age 14 to 18 years. Semi-structured interviews with the children and a focus group discussion with five care workers were held. Thematic analysis was used. The findings of this study revealed that services by government social workers are limited compared to those from social workers employed with nongovernmental organisations. It is hoped that this study will assist government and other role players in planning, advocacy and policy development related to the issues affecting unaccompanied refugee children. / South Africa

Taxing recurrent services rendered by a foreign company to an associated enterprise in South Africa

Costa, David Patrick Anthony January 2013 (has links)
The objective of the study was to investigate the right of the South African Government to tax the income earned by a foreign company when rendering services in South Africa to a South African associated enterprise on a recurrent basis, together with the right to tax the amounts paid to the employees of the permanent establishment for services rendered in South Africa. At the same time the research investigated whether the services rendered by a foreign company to an associated enterprise in South Africa on a recurrent basis would constitute a permanent establishment, as this is essential before South Africa may tax either the foreign company or the employees of the permanent establishment (where such employees are not resident in South Africa).The research was conducted by means of a critical analysis of documentary data and data from a limited number of interviews with academics and the authors of textbooks and articles. In order to limit the scope of the research, a number of assumptions were made. Conflicting viewpoints underlying certain of these assumptions were discussed. Some of the important conclusions reached are that the provisions of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties should be taken into account when interpreting South African legislation (including Double Tax Agreements), and that the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Commentary may be relied upon when interpreting OECD based Double Tax Agreements in South Africa. No conclusion was reached on whether to apply an ambulatory or a static basis of interpreting the OECD Commentary, however. The final conclusion of the research is that the services rendered in South Africa on a recurrent basis would be geographically and commercially coherent and consequently meet the "location test'. It is clear that as the services are rendered regularly and recurrently, they would be regarded as having the necessary permanence and would meet the 'duration test'. The place of business would therefore be regarded as being fixed (having the necessary degree of permanence). As the services would be rendered at the place of business of the South African entity, they would be regarded as being rendered 'through' the place of business and the foreign entity would be regarded as having a permanent establishment in South Africa (as defined in Article 5(1) of the OECD Model Tax Convention}. The South African Government would therefore be entitled to tax the income attributable to the permanent establishment and the income earned by the non resident employees, who rendered services in South Africa for the permanent establishment. Once the entitlement to tax exists, South African legislative rules determine how South Africa proceeds to tax the income.

L'impact de la mobilité internationale sur la fiscalité des personnes physiques / The impact of international mobility on individual tax payers

Esmenjaud, Juliette 08 July 2016 (has links)
Cette Thèse a pour objet d’identifier les règles qui s’appliquent aux travailleurs mobiles qui s’impatrient en France et ceux qui s’expatrient hors de France et d’en déterminer les conséquences fiscales. Une des problématiques majeures sera celle de la détermination de la résidence fiscale de ces individus mobiles afin d’en déduire les règles qui s’appliquent à eux, tout en tenant compte de la spécificité de chaque situation. Il conviendra de s’intéresser aux mesures et régimes issus de notre droit interne mais aussi à ceux issus du droit conventionnel. En effet, les Conventions fiscales prévoient des règles spécifiques afin que les contribuables ne soit pas imposés plus d’une fois sur les mêmes revenus. Il conviendra de mesurer le champ d’application des règles fiscales particulières prévues pour ces travailleurs dans le contexte de mobilité internationale que nous connaissons / The purpose of this Thesis is to identify the applicable rules for mobile workers, defined as individuals who chose to either move to France for work or become expatriates working abroad, and the tax consequences related to such mobility. One of the main points will be to determine the tax residency of such individuals in order to identify the applicable treatments, by taking into account the specificity of each situation. We will examine the rules and special treatments raised by not only our internal law but by tax treaties as well. Indeed, tax treaties set forth special rules in order to avoid tax payers from being taxed several times on the same income. We will identify the particular tax rules’ field of application that applies for these workers in the context of international mobility

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