Spelling suggestions: "subject:"triple helix"" "subject:"triple felix""
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Innovativ företagsmiljö : Utvecklingsprojektet Ebbepark och innovationssystemet Triple-HelixDruid, Albin, Duwa, Olle January 2020 (has links)
This thesis investigates the municipality of Linkopings role in the development project Ebbepark. How an innovative business-environment can facilitate trilateral networks in the Triple-Helix. The thesis aims to compare intentions and outcome of the development project. The theory of the Triple-Helix constitutes the theoretical framework, of which the study relates to. With the use of a thematic analysis of qualitative data gathered from interviews, an insight is given to government officials own beliefs and convictions about Ebbepark. An additional document analysis of the development projects visionary- and general plan, generates an understanding of the projects initial intentions. A tangible difference in outcome, is Linkopings University involvement in Ebbepark. Initially the plan was to establish a physical presence in order to strengthen the innovative space. The University decided to centralize their operations on campus, which can be seen as limiting in regard to facilitating the Triple-Helix. / Studien undersöker hur Linköpings kommun har arbetet med projektet Ebbepark och hur en organisationsöverskridande samverkan, s.k.Triple-Helix, kan faciliteras. Uppsatsen ämnar undersöka och besvara hur projektets initiala intentioner skiljer sig från utfallet av Ebbepark. Teorin för Triple-Helix utgör det teoretiska ramverk som studien förhåller sig till. En tematisk analys av intervjuer ger insyn till tjänstemäns egna övertygelser angående projektet. Kompletterande dokumentanalys av projektets förarbete skapar förståelse för visionerna och Ebbeparks helhetsplan. Ett exempel på skillnader mellan planerade intentioner och utfallet, är Linköpings universitets roll. Från att vara engagerade om en fysisk närvaro i Ebbepark för ökat innovationsskpande, till att centralisera sin verksamhet inom campusområdet. Det leder till en minskad akademisk närvaro, något som kan minska möjligheterna för en Triple-Helixsamverkan.
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The Role of Institutions for the Development of Science Parks : The Case of Regional Science Parks in ThailandTantanasiriwong, Kasem January 2016 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the understanding of the role of institutions as a factor for the development of Science Park projects. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted to find out the institutional factors given by Science Park Promotion Agency (SPA), supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand in response to Regional Science Parks in Thailand. Research findings show that steady standard of practice, explicit governance, continued budget allocation and capacity building are regarded crucial. Yet, other empirical results suggest that some institutions should be adjusted in a holistic manner in order to accelerate the innovation process in the long run. Furthermore, the results illustrate a growing tendency of interplay between different roles of institutional spheres - academia, industries and public sectors. Overall, this thesis tends to benefit policy-makers involving in the Science Park development project, helping them perceive the implications of their on-going measures to Regional Science Park and related national innovation systems.
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Triple Helix Relations in Local and International Scientific Collaborations: A Case Study of Thailand, the United States, and ChinaPetri, Bunyakiat 04 November 2024 (has links)
Local and international scientific collaborations are crucial for innovation and sustainable development. However, there is a gap in understanding how these collaborations affect national innovation ecosystems. This study examines the dynamics of Triple Helix Relations, focusing on collaborations within Thailand and its international partnerships with the United States and China from 2006 to 2022. I use Shannon's mutual information, enhanced by Loet Leydesdorff, to analyze the synergy among various local sectors and conduct interviews with eighteen researchers and policymakers, utilizing Latour and Woolgar's cycle of credibility. The study delves deeply into the complexities of collaboration dynamics and motivations. The analysis reveals nuanced patterns of collaboration, spanning both within Thailand and across international boundaries.
I distinguish collaborations based on the nationality of partners (Thai-China vs. Thai-U.S.) and subject areas (engineering, medicine, agricultural and biological sciences). The findings show significant variation in collaboration patterns depending on these factors. Universities are the main contributors to scientific publications, while the Thai government is more active in medicine and collaborations with the United States. Industry is more engaged in agricultural, biological sciences, and engineering, especially with China.
One recurring theme that emerges from our interviews is the importance of relationship networks as significant assets in collaborative endeavors. Different credibility resources and networks yield varying levels of negotiation power and influence dynamics in different collaborative settings. Understanding these dynamics could assist smaller countries like Thailand in devising strategies to maximize the benefits of international collaborations. Despite the opportunities globalization presents, I observe a decline in local collaborative synergy among Thailand's three sectors, university, government, and industry. Local collaborations are mostly bilateral, indicating a need for greater involvement from the third sector to foster sustainable growth and development.
This study demonstrates the use of STS concepts and various analytical tools, such as co-authored publications and Shannon's mutual information, to showcase collaboration trends and synergy among local sectors in Thailand. The study also includes case studies from diverse countries to consider different conditions affecting collaboration dynamics. Emphasizing recent data, the study aims to capture the evolving landscape of international and local scientific collaborations comprehensively. / Doctor of Philosophy / Scientific collaborations, both local and international, are vital for driving innovation and sustainability worldwide. However, there remains a significant gap in our understanding of how these collaborations impact national innovation ecosystems. This study examines the connections in research collaboration among local sectors within Thailand and the international collaborations involving Thailand, the United States, and China from 2006 to 2022. This study uses tools such as co-authored citations, Shannon's mutual information, and interviews with several researchers and policymakers to gain an understanding of research collaboration dynamics and motivations.
I found that collaboration varies depending on the research partners involved and the areas of study. For example, universities publish most scientific papers in general, while the government is more active in medicine and with the United States. On the other hand, industry is more active in agriculture, biology, and engineering, especially when working with China. The interviews also showed that having connections with other researchers is crucial for successful collaborations. Different networks and credibility resources give different levels of power and influence in these partnerships. Understanding this can help smaller countries like Thailand make the most of their international collaborations.
Despite the benefits of working globally, it is noticed that local collaborations in Thailand are decreasing, mainly sticking to bilateral partnerships between sectors. This shows the need for more involvement from different sectors to promote sustainable economic growth. The study also shows how using different tools helps us understand collaboration trends better. By looking at real-life examples from different countries, this study hope to provide a clear picture of how scientific collaborations are changing over time.
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Förväntningar på fördelar med projektsamarbeten : En fallstudie i utvecklingssamarbete mellan näringsliv, högskola och offentlig projektägare / Interorganizational cooperation, motives and benefits : A case study in corporate expectations of participation in development projects in Triple Helix structureJakobsson, Emma, Myhrman, Linnéa January 2017 (has links)
Offentlig projektägande är ett sätt att öka takten på miljöinnovationer och bidrar förutom till ett hållbarare samhälle även med tillväxt. Projektsamarbeten mellan näringsliv, offentlig aktör och högskola faller inom modellen Triple Helix och anses vara en effektiv form av samverkan där satsade resurser kan ge större avkastning. Deltagande i dessa projektsamarbeten kan stärka sin konkurrenskraft tack vare exempelvis genom tillgången till aktuell information och genom ett aktivt miljöarbete. Projektägarna upplever dock svårigheter att få deltagare till sina projektsamarbeten inom miljöutveckling. En ökad förståelse för företagens förväntningar kan bidra till en tydligare kommunikation kring de fördelar som kan uppstå. Kunskapen om vilka förväntningar som finns kan möjliggöra för projektägarna att tillföra ytterligare fördelar vilket gynnar företagen så väl som projektägarens möjlighet att värva framtida deltagare, och inte minst gynnar det miljöutvecklingen. Det finns en tydlig värderingsproblematik kring fördelar som kontaktskapande, "Grön Marknadsföring" och lärande vilket försvårar beslutsfattandet kring beslut som till stor del består av mer abstrakta fördelar än de som kan värderas i monetära termer. Det aktuella forskningsläget kartlägger upplevda fördelar efter att de uppstått och det finns därför en tydlig kunskapslucka kring hur företag resonerar när de ställs inför beslutet om deltagande i projektsamarbeten inom miljöutveckling. Studien har använt ett hermeneutiskt tolkningsperspektiv och ett kvalitativt angreppssätt med en fallstudie som forskningsdesign. Fallstudien har genomförts i ett projektsamarbete där projektmålet är att ta fram ett verktyg för ledningsarbete med kontinuerliga energibesparingar. Sex företag deltar och semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med alla sex verksamhetsledarna som representerar företagen i projektet. Studien visar att alla deltagande företag har mål som liknar projektsamarbetets och att företagsidentiteten påverkar beslutet att delta. Det fanns ekonomiska motiv för deltagandet men hälften av verksamhetsledarna angav dessa sekundära. Fördelar som att projektsamarbetet anses imageförstärkande, utbyte av erfarenheter och skapande av kontakter som förväntas kunna nyttjas även efter projektets slut värderades i dessa fall högre. Vi ser att projektägaren kan tillföra fler upplevda fördelar genom att synliggöra företagens aktiva miljöarbete på ett tydligare sätt och underlätta de sociala relationerna att formas. För att attrahera deltagare är det viktigt för företagen att andra företag vill delta och att de känner tillit till projektägaren. / Public project ownership is a way to speed up the environmental innovation and contributing with a more sustainable society and development. Project collaboration between business, public and college belongs to the Triple Helix model, which is considered to be an effective form of collaboration where invested resources can give greater returns. Companies participating in this kind of collaborative can improve their competitiveness, for example through the availability of new information and through active environmental work. Despite these benefits, project owners find it difficult to recruit participants to such projects in environmental development. Increased understanding of business expectations can give opportunities to a better communication from the project owner about the benefits that may arise. The knowledge about what expectations there is can enable for the project owners to add further benefits, which benefit the companies as well as the project owner's ability to recruit future participants, and not to forget increase the environmental development. However, there is a clear valuation issue about benefits such as contact creation, "Green Marketing" and learning. The valuation problem makes decision making difficult for decisions about abstract benefits, rather than those that can be clearly valued in monetary terms. The study has used a hermeneutic interpretation perspective and a qualitative approach with a case study that used research design. The case study has been carried out in a project collaboration, where the project objective is to develop a tool for management work with continuous energy savings. Six companies participated in the project and interviews have been conducted with all six business leaders. The study shows that all participating companies have goals similar to project collaboration and that corporate identity influences the decision to participate. There were economic motivations to participate but they prioritized differently. Advantages expected from project collaboration include image, sharing experience and new contacts to use in the future. We see that the project owner can provide more perceived benefits by making clearer business active environmental work more visible and facilitating social relations. To attract participants, it is important for companies that other companies want to participate as well and that they trust the project owner.
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On the Road to Collaboration : A case study on the support needed for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Stockholm automotive industry / Vägen till samarbete : En fallstudie om det stöd som behövs för små och medelstora företag i Stockholms fordonsindustriRhenman, Emelie, Sohlman, Josefine January 2021 (has links)
Collaboration is a potential for companies to mitigate risk and use different competencies to create possible solutions. This paper identifies that the automotive industry is going through a rapid transformation and needs collaboration as a way to keep up with the fast pace of change. Using a case study based on the automotive industry in the Stockholm region and with a focus on small and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs, companies with less than 250 employees), this paper aims to address how the regional government can facilitate cooperation 1) within the automotive industry and 2) between the regional government and the automotive industry to keep up with the industrial transformations in the year 2030, by identifying the needs of the industry, highlighting potential collaboration engagement practices, and addressing how the regional government can facilitate collaboration. The paper has identified the needs based on product and production development, business model development, and skill development. For product and production development, SMEs need to create new products or find new markets, adapt products to environmental pressures, produce new products quickly, work closer to the customer, move production closer to the customer, and digitalize and automate production. For business model development, companies need to use sustainability as the core of the business model and include services as part of their portfolio. Finally, for skill development, SMEs need to find skills that meet the market, upskill continuously, develop more problem-solving and analytical skills. This study concludes that there are various activities that the regional government can perform, but need assistance from other actors. Firstly, they could strategize with other regional stakeholders, simplify collaboration within the industry, and increase communication and transparency with all industry actors to facilitate collaboration within the industry. Secondly, they could contribute to infrastructure, foster cluster expansion, and contribute to international competitiveness to aid collaboration between the regional government and the industry. The regional government should aim to execute these activities, but need support from relevant stakeholders, to help with the transition to a different industrial environment. / Samarbete är en möjlighet för företag att mildra risker och använda olika kompetenser för att skapa möjliga lösningar. Denna studie identifierar att fordonsindustrin genomgår snabb omvandling och behöver samarbete som ett sätt att hålla jämna steg med den snabba förändringstakten. Med hjälp av en fallstudie baserad på fordonsindustrin i Stockholmsregionen och med fokus på små och medelstora företag (SMF, företag med färre än 250 anställda) syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur den regionala verksamheten Region Stockholm kan underlätta samarbete 1) inom fordonsindustrin och 2) mellan regionala myndigheten och fordonsindustrin. För att industrin ska kunna hålla jämna steg med de industriella omvandlingarna mot 2030, görs detta genom att identifiera branschens behov, lyfta fram potentiella samarbetsaktiviteter och föreslå hur den regionen kan underlätta samarbete. Studien har identifierat behoven i fordonsindustrin baserat på produkt- och produktionsutveckling, utveckling av affärsmodeller och kompetensutveckling. För produkt- och produktionsutveckling måste små och medelstora företag skapa nya produkter eller hitta nya marknader, anpassa produkter till miljöpressen, producera nya produkter snabbt, arbeta närmare kunden, flytta produktionen närmare kunden och digitalisera och automatisera produktionen. För utveckling av affärsmodeller måste företag använda hållbarhet som kärna i affärsmodellen och inkludera tjänster som en del av sin portfölj. Slutligen, för kompetensutveckling, måste små och medelstora företag hitta färdigheter som möter marknaden, fortlöpande utveckla kompetens samt utveckla mer problemlösnings- och analytiska färdigheter. Denna studie drar slutsatsen att det finns olika aktiviteter som regionen kan utföra, men att de behöver hjälp från andra aktörer. För det första kan de skapa strategier med andra regionala intressenter, förenkla samarbetet inom industrin och öka kommunikationen och transparensen med alla branschaktörer för att underlätta samarbete inom fordonsindustrin. För det andra kan bidra till infrastruktur, främja klusterutveckling och bidra till internationell konkurrenskraft för att underlätta samarbete mellan den regionala verksamheten och industrin. Regionen bör sträva efter att genomföra dessa aktiviteter, men behöver stöd från relevanta intressenter för att hjälpa till med övergången till en förändrad industriell miljö.
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Overcoming the Valley of Death : How to Better Support Hardware Scaleups in the Swedish Innovation System / Övervinna dödens dal : Hur gårdvaruscaleups kan städjas bättre i det svenska innovationssystemetMolin, Lucas January 2020 (has links)
Innovation has emerged in the latest decades as the key driver of economic growth. The Swedish Government has made innovation a key focus and supports a multitude of initiatives to improve the innovation capacity of Sweden. This thesis provides a multiple case study on hardware scaleups, to evaluate how they could be better supported in overcoming the valley of death by the Swedish innovation system. Through the framework of triple helix, actors representing all key areas were interviewed to achieve a holistic view on the system. Through interviews with both scaleups and other actors in the system, a picture of a gap between scaleups and existing infrastructure emerges. The findings show that improving the facilitation of connections between hardware scaleups and Swedish suppliers, improving the access to production competence, and simplifying the access to existing resources in the innovation system are all key to a better facilitation of hardware scaleups growth in Sweden. / Innovation har växt fram under de senaste decennierna som den främsta drivkraften för ekonomisk tillväxt. Den svenska staten har satt innovation i fokus, och stödjer en bredd av initiativ för att öka Sveriges innovationskapacitet. Detta examensarete består av en multipel fallstudie på hårdvaruscaleups för att utvärdera hur deras tillväxt bättre kan faciliteras av det svenska innovationssystemet. Genom intervjuer med både scaleups och andra aktärer i systemet framkommer en bild av en värld där scaleups inte tar del av existerande innovationsinfrastruktur i full grad. Studiens resultat visar att förbättrad facilitering av förbindelser mellan hårdvaruscaleups och underleverantörer, förbättrad tillgång till produktionskompetens, och en förenkling av användandet av existerande resurser i det svenska innovationssystemet är tre centrala faktorer för att bättre facilitera tillväxten för hårdvaruscaleups i Sverige.
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Contribution of university-industry linkages (UILs) to tourism clusters : multiple-case studies in ThailandPrasunpangsri, Siriluk January 2013 (has links)
This research develops a theoretical framework explaining how University-Industry Linkages (UILs) affect the performance of tourism clusters in Thailand. Significant external and internal factors affecting Thai tourism industry are examined. The research questions are significant given the importance of successful tourism cluster through University-Industry Linkages (UIL). These questions recognized tourism clusters, the role of university, the linkages between university and industry, influential factors are contextual, and as a result, the author explores four tourism clusters in Thailand and using multiple case studies explains the nature and character of tourism cluster and University-Industry Linkages (UILs) between tourism cluster and its universities. The findings demonstrated that UILs, strategic entrepreneurship and leadership play key role to successful tourism cluster in developing countries.
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Unlocking Potentials of Innovation Systems in Low Resource SettingsEcuru, Julius January 2013 (has links)
This study examined the dynamics, challenges and opportunities of developing innovation systems in low resource settings with a particular focus on Uganda. It applied perspectives of technoscience and concepts of innovation systems, triple helix as university-industry-government relationships, mode 2 knowledge production and situated knowledges in understanding the context, identifying key policy issues and suggesting ways to address them. A mixed methodology combining both quantitative and qualitative methods was used in the study. It involved review of key policy documents, key informant interviews, focus group discussions and meetings with scientists, business leaders in the target organizations and firms, community members as well as observations of production processes in firms. Findings underscore the need for greater interaction and learning among actors in the emerging innovation systems in Uganda and eastern Africa. An opportunity for this to happen may be the growing number of entrepreneurial initiatives at the university and some public research organizations in the country. These entrepreneurial initiatives are driven by scientists, who are enthusiastic about moving their research results and innovations to market. This makes it plausible, in low resource settings like in Uganda, to promote the university working closely with public research organizations and firms as a locus for research and innovation. However, enabling conditions, which foster interaction and learning among actors, should be put in place. First, there is need to formulate specific policies and strategies with clear goals and incentives to promote growth of particular innovation systems. Second, a clear national policy for financing research and innovation is needed, which involves on the one part core funding to universities and research organizations, and on the other, competitive grants for research and innovation. Third, business incubation services should be established and/or supported as places where entrepreneurial scientists and other persons develop and test their business ideas and models. Fourth, there is need for institutional reforms to make administrative processes less bureaucratic, more costeffective and efficient. These reforms are necessary for example in processes involving procurement and financial management, research project approvals (for ethics and safety), technology assessments, contracting and licensing and other registration services. The findings and conclusions from this study demonstrate that technoscientific perspectives and innovation systems approaches can be adapted and used as a framework for identifying and explaining conditions that promote or hamper innovation in low resource settings as well as policy options to address them.
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Dynamics of biotechnology entrepreneurship in South Africa and BrazilAlagbaoso, Manessah Obinali 04 August 2014 (has links)
Biotechnology entrepreneurship is a relatively new and distinct field of
entrepreneurship. Most current empirical research is conducted in the developed
economies and cannot be directly extrapolated to the developing economies. The
paucity of empirical research and the lack of a conceptual framework for
biotechnology entrepreneurship constitute gaps that this research addressed through
the development of a proposed theoretical framework of biotechnology
entrepreneurship based on empirical research conducted within the context of the
developing economies of South Africa and Brazil.
The current methodological approaches to research in biotechnology
entrepreneurship predominantly make use of a nomothetic philosophical approach
and employs quantitative methods. Current research is also often based on surveys
conducted within one developing economy context. Consequently, few studies in
biotechnology entrepreneurship use the qualitative multiple case study approach.
This methodological gap is addressed in this research through the use of qualitative
multiple case studies, in the idiographic philosophical tradition, in two developing
economies; South Africa and Brazil. The data collection process included in-depth
interviews, documents review and observations, which improved the quality of the
research through data triangulation.
Ten themes were identified, which formed the basis for developing the proposed
theoretical framework. In addition, seven factors that influence the process of
biotechnology entrepreneurship in South Africa and Brazil were identified as
regulation; funding; infrastructure; skills; entrepreneurial and commercialisation
capabilities; market for biotechnology products; and social development.
This research shows that the individual-opportunity nexus of entrepreneurship does
not entirely hold for biotechnology entrepreneurship in South Africa and Brazil.
Instead, there is a nexus of research and development; and a governmentincentivised
environment that is conducive for biotechnology entrepreneurship.
The policy implications of these dynamics in South Africa and Brazil; as well as implications for the other stakeholders in the biotechnology industry are articulated as being linked to the control of the factors that influence biotechnology entrepreneurship by the various stakeholders. Hence, the implications for government are predominantly linked to regulation and infrastructure; and the implications for the other stakeholders are predominantly linked to funding and skills.
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Contribuições ao estudo da gestão do conhecimento e da colaboração universidade-empresa-governo: proposição conceitual e estudo de casos em Institutos Nacionais de Ciência e Tecnologia no Brasil / A conceptual proposition and case studies conducted at Brazilian National Institutes of Science and Technology for the analysis of knowledge management and university-industry-government collaborationRibeiro, Suzana Xavier 13 July 2017 (has links)
O propósito desta tese é investigar como a gestão do conhecimento e a colaboração universidade-empresa-governo incluindo as três hélices se relacionam influenciando o desempenho das organizações. Como principal contribuição, pretende-se propor um modelo analítico que relaciona as teorias da Gestão do Conhecimento e da Tripla Hélice, modelo mais referenciado para aprofundar esse tipo de cooperação, e as dimensões propostas (que são a estrutural, a relacional, a cognitiva e o contexto), considerando as particularidades do contexto brasileiro. No ambiente competitivo contemporâneo, a capacidade de as organizações criarem e utilizarem o conhecimento torna-se cada vez mais fundamental para a busca da vantagem competitiva sustentável, o que leva inclusive à busca de novas formas de arranjos interorganizacionais. A escolha do tema se justifica pela escassez de pesquisas empíricas que relacionem os tópicos de gestão do conhecimento e de colaboração universidade-empresa-governo de forma integrada com foco no contexto brasileiro. Os representantes desse tipo de colaboração selecionados para compor o estudo são Institutos Nacionais de Ciência e Tecnologia (INCTs). Como técnica qualitativa de análise de dados foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo categorial. Os principais resultados mostram que a estrutura organizacional (estrutural) influencia tanto o relacionamento entre os integrantes (relacional) quanto o fluxo de conhecimento (cognitiva), bem como os elementos relacionais (cultura colaborativa, confiança e liderança) facilitam o compartilhamento de conhecimento. Além disso, o contexto afeta essas três outras dimensões. Como principais barreiras no processo de transferência de conhecimento são identificadas as diferenças culturais, a burocracia e a realidade socioeconômica, e como facilitadores a presença de parques tecnológicos e incubadoras, a proximidade geográfica entre universidade e empresa e os incentivos governamentais. / This thesis focuses on an investigation into the way knowledge management and university-industry-government collaboration influence the performance of organizations. As the main contribution, an analytical model that relates the theories of Knowledge Management and the Triple Helix, the most referenced model for such cooperation, and the structural, relational, cognitive dimensions, as well as the context is proposed. The model takes into consideration the particularities of the Brazilian context. In todays competitive environment, the ability of organizations to create and use their knowledge has become fundamental for their pursuit of sustainable competitive advantages and new forms of organizational arrangements. The choice of the topic is justified by the scarcity of studies on the identification and analyses of the main aspects of this form of collaboration in an integrated way and focused on the Brazilian context. A categorical content analysis was used as a qualitative technique applied for a multiple case study of National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCTs). The results show both context and organizational structure (structural dimension) influence the relationship between members (relational dimension) and flow of knowledge (cognitive dimension) and the relational elements (collaborative culture, trust and leadership) facilitate knowledge sharing. Cultural differences, bureaucracy and socioeconomic reality were identified as the main barriers in the process of knowledge transfer, whereas facilitators included presence of science parks and incubators, geographical proximity between university and business and government incentives.
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