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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Code-switching, Structural change and Convergence: A study of Sesotho in contact with English in Lesotho

Semethe, Mpho Maboitumelo 21 February 2020 (has links)
This study investigates whether code-switching practices among Sesotho-English bilinguals promote convergence between Sesotho and English. First, the study identifies different types and patterns of code-switching between Sesotho and English and analyses them using Myers-Scotton’s (1993) Matrix Language Frame model and Myers-Scotton and Jake’s (2000) 4-M model. Second, it applies the ML turnover in order to detect convergence in Sesotho-English code-switching data and to observe which direction it takes. The study also explores other factors contributing to change in the structure of Sesotho, which are not necessarily influenced by convergence. In conducting this study, data was collected through interviews that were held with younger bilingual speakers from different tertiary institutions in and around Maseru (Lesotho) and through recorded youth-centred phone-in radio programmes. Findings from the analysis of data reveal simple to complex Sesotho-English code-switching performance of various types and strategies. Findings also show through the existence of composite language in Sesotho-English code-switching that there is a turnover in the ML, which indicates a development of an asymmetrical convergence between Sesotho and English. It was also discovered that, although other changes in the Sesotho structure are not English influenced, they are enhanced mostly by younger urban bilingual speakers’ frequent “looser” approach to Sesotho. This is an indication that Sesotho’s susceptibility to change correlates strongly with age; that is, both the length of time contact between Sesotho and English has existed, and the generation in which change is mostly found. This thesis adds and documents a different perspective to the previously recorded changes on Sesotho-English contact in Lesotho.

En enkätstudie om användningen av digitala lösningar bland tillverkande industrier i Sverige

Coban, Esra, Torstensson, Emma, Rylander, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
In today's industry sector, it has become increasingly common for manufacturers to use digital systems to support their services. Companies that do not respond to this development risk being threatened as competitors can offer more responsive and customized offers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of digital solutions among manufacturing industries in Sweden. The study also aims to investigate whether there is any link between the utilization of digital solutions and the total turnover in year 2017. The German research institute Franunhofer ISI has carried out a survey of manufacturing industries in Europe. This survey is called EMS and stands for European Manufacturing Survey. The study is based on the answers from manufacturing industries in Sweden and is the empirical data in the study. To answer the study's questions, the SPSS program was used. SPSS is a digital computer program that analyzes statistics. Two ANOVA tests were conducted to see whether there is a link between the level of use of digital solutions and the total turnover of businesses in year 2017. In the second test the utilization of digital solutions and type of manufacturing industry were compared. A test for pairs of observations is also carried out to see if there is a link between the different solutions. The result indicated that IT systems for controlling/planning production (as part of business systems or separate systems) are the most widely used digital solution among all manufacturing industries in Sweden. It appeared that there are three digital solutions that link the total turnover of industries in year 2017 and the level of use of digital solutions.

The Effects of Organization-Oriented Perfectionism on Turnover Intentions, Counterproductive Work Behaviors, and Prosocial Behaviors in the Workplace

Hardy, Eleanor G. 21 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskors varaktighet inom profession och arbetsplats - En litteraturöversikt / Factors that influence nurse´s duration in profession and workplace - A literature revie

Björlin, Magdalena, Lovén, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskebristen är ett växande problem samtidigt som vårdbehovet hos befolkningen ökar. I Sverige rapporterar endast en region en balanserad situation med tillgång på grundutbildade sjuksköterskor, vilket kan innebära framtida utmaningar i att bemöta efterfrågan på vård. Brist på sjuksköterskor har visat sig ha en negativ inverkan på vårdkvalitet samt patientsäkerhet, vilket gör det angeläget att behålla befintligt antal sjuksköterskor. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten är att beskriva faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskor att lämna respektive stanna kvar inom sin profession och arbetsplats inom hälso- och sjukvården. Metod: Litteraturöversiktens resultat har baserats på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar, varav nio kvalitativa och sex kvantitativa artiklar, publicerade under tidsperioden 2011 till 2021. Artiklarna söktes fram i databaserna CHINAL, PsycINFO och PubMed. Resultat: I resultatet presenteras två huvudkategorier. I kategorin Arbetsmiljö framkom det att stöd från kollegor och ledning påverkar sjuksköterskors varaktighet i sin anställning och att tillfredställelsen till arbetet ökar vid upprätthållande av god och säker vård. I kategorin Individuella faktorer framkom det att personlig och professionell utveckling är viktigt för att skapa trygghet och säkerhet i arbetsrollen. Det framkom också att det är viktigt att privatlivet inte ska påverkas av arbetet. Slutsats: Faktorerna som nämns i litteraturöversiktens resultat kan bidra till att öka möjligheten att skapa attraktivare arbetsplatser och förlänga sjuksköterskors varaktighet på arbetsplatsen. Det i sin tur kan resultera i ökad vårdkvalitet och patientsäkerhet samt även bevara professionens förtroende. / Background: The nurse shortage is a growing problem. Only one region in Sweden is reporting to have a balanced situation with access to educated nurses. The shortage of nurses has shown to have a negative effect on the quality of care and patient saftey, which makes it urgent to keep the existing number of nurses.Aim: The aim with the literature review is to describe factors which can influence nurses to leave or stay within the profession and workplace in health care.Method: The literature review is based on 15 research articles, published during the time-period 2011 to 2021. Databases that have been used is CHINAL, PsycINFO and PubMed.Results: In the result two main categories are presented. In the category Work environment it emerged that support from colleagues and management influences nurses' stay at the workplace and being satisfied at work contributes to maintain good and safe care. In the category Individual factors it emerged that personal and professional development are important to become comfortable and confident working as a nurse. It also emerged that it is important with recovery and that the personal life was not affected by work.Conclusion: The factors mentioned in the literature review result can contribute to increase the possibility to create more attractive workplaces, and thereby prolong nurses’ stay at the workplace. That in turn can result in improved quality of care and patient safety and thereby also keep the profession’s credibility.

Belöningar, autonom motivation och dess påverkan på turnover intentions : - en studie på fastighetsmäklare i Stockholm

Lundh, Lizette, Nordenhaag, Gabriel January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Belöningar, autonom motivation och dess påverkan på turnover intentions - en studie på fastighetsmäklare i Stockholm Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Lizette Lundh och Gabriel Nordenhaag Handledare: Jonas Kågström och Martin Ahlenius Datum: 2021 - Juni   Syfte Syftet med studie är att undersöka om autonom motivation spelar en medierad roll mellan monetära och icke monetära belöningar på turnover intention bland fastighetsmäklare i Stockholm.   Metod Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en kvantitativ forskningsmetod där en internetbaserad webbenkät har skickats ut via programmet Qualtrics. Enkäterna ligger till grund för empirin i resultatet och analysen. 142 användbara svar från fastighetsmäklare samlades in och av dessa gjordes en deskriptiv analys, korrelationsanalys och en strukturell ekvationsmodell. Dessa analyser gjordes med hjälp av systemet Smart PLS. Därefter analyserades all data från resultatet mot relevanta teorier och tidigare studier.   Resultat & slutsats Resultatet av studien visar att monetära och icke-monetära belöningar ökar mängden autonom motivation en person upplever till sitt jobb. Den autonoma motivationen har sedan en negativ påverkan på turnover intention. Studien visade dock att monetära och icke-monetära belöningar har en starkare negativ påverkan på turnover intention när de inte medieras av autonom motivation. Därför har författarna dragit slutsatsen att autonom motivation inte har en mederande roll mellan belöningar och turnover intention.   Uppsatsens bidrag Det mest framhävande studien visade var att monetära belöningar visades ha störst total påverkan på både turnover intentions och autonom motivation. Det innebär att monetära belöningar är den faktor som har störs negativ påverkan på turnover intention hos fastighetsmäklare i Stockholm. Pengar påverkar således fastighetsmäklarnas inre motivation mest samt deras benägenhet till att vilja lämna arbetsplatsen. Resultatet visar även att icke monetära belöningar, kompetensutveckling, autonomistöd och bekräftelse, har en starkare egen påverkan på turnover intention än om det medieras av autonom motivation. Det innebär att icke-monetära belöningar inte medieras av autonom motivation. Studiens resultat påvisar tydliga skillnader mellan män och kvinnor. Det förtydligar vikten för en organisation att förstå vad som verkligen motiverar deras anställda och prioritera humankapitalet. Inte förrän då går det att påverka deras anställdas turnover intentions och uppnå framgång.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning I resultatet framgår det att när alla motivationsfaktorerna som använts i studien drogs som en egen korrelation till turnover intention uppfylldes bara 0.512 för kvinnor och 0.580 för män. Dessa siffror visar hur stor del av turnover intention som blivit uppmätt genom studien. Det ger indikationer på att det finns fler faktorer som inte är med i den här studien men som har en betydande roll för turnover intention. Det vore därför intressant att undersöka vidare kring vilka dessa faktorer är och vilken påverkan de har på fastighetsmäklares avsikt att lämna arbetsplatsen.   Nyckelord Turnover intentions, autonom motivation, monetära belöningar, autonomistöd, bekräftelse, kompetensutveckling, fastighetsmäklare.

Arbetsrelaterad stress och intention att lämna anställning hos vårdpersonal : en litteraturstudie / Occupational stress and turnover intention in nurses : a literature review

Hallin, Maria, Långvall, Zarah January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Brist på vårdpersonal är ett globalt problem. Vårdpersonalens intention att lämna sin anställning påverkar både patienter och samhället negativt och en av faktorerna som påverkar detta är arbetsrelaterad stress. Syfte: Syftet var att kartlägga faktorerna vårdpersonals arbetsrelaterade stress och intention att lämna sin anställning samt sambandet dem emellan.  Metod: Tio artiklar med en kvantitativ metod inkluderades i studien. Samtliga artiklar genomgick kvalitetsgranskning, analys och har sammanställts. I sökningarna användes databaserna Pubmed, Cinahl, APA PsycInfo och Scopus.  Resultat: Samtliga artiklar visade att vårdpersonal upplevde arbetsrelaterad stress och att det fanns vårdpersonal med intention att lämna anställning. De visade även ett signifikant positivt samband mellan dessa faktorer.  Konklusion: Resultatet i denna litteraturstudie belyser ett globalt problem och kan användas för att öka medvetenheten om detta. För att hitta en lösning behövs systematiska interventioner i organisationen och området behöver vidare forskning för att validera denna kunskap och tydliggöra problemets natur. Arbetet med detta kan få betydelse för både vårdtagare och vårdgivare. / Background: Nurse shortage is a global problem. Nurse’s turnover intention has a negative effect on both patients and society and one of the factors affecting this is occupational stress. Aim: The aim was to map nurse’s occupational stress and turnover intention and the correlation between these factors. Methods: Ten articles using a quantitative method were included in the study. All of the articles have gone through a quality review, analysis and compilation. The article searches were conducted using the databases Pubmed, Cinahl, APA PsycInfo and Scopus.  Results: All of the ten articles showed that nurse’s experienced occupational stress and that there were nurse’s with turnover intention. They also indicated a significant positive correlation between these factors.  Conclusion: The results of the literature review illuminates a global problem and can be used to increase awareness about it. To find a solution, systematic interventions are needed in the organization and the subject needs further research to validate this knowledge and clarify the nature of the problem. This work can have significance for both caretakers and caregivers.

Ghana’s Fourth Republic and Transition to Democracy : A study by the “Two-turnover test” of Ghana’s transition to democratic governance

Idun, Zaccheus January 2022 (has links)
Transition to democracy have been a complex and difficult process for many thirdwave democratic countries across the globe. In Ghana, past military governments, role of political parties, rule of law, ethnocentrism and human rights abuses and have played a key role in Ghana’s 1992 Constitution and fourth attempt to democratic governance. In addition, eight successful national elections and five change of governments from 1992-2020 have made Ghana one of the shining examples of democracy in West Africa. The aim of this study has been tounderstand and assess the impact of national elections and change of government in Ghana’s transition to democracy from 1992-2020. To achieve this, I have selected secondary sources from academic books, journals, reports, and have implemented Samuel Huntington’s “Two-turnover test” theoretical concept to examine how national elections and change of governments have contributed to Ghana’s transition to democracy from 1992 -2020. My key finding is that national elections and change of governments have not completely contributed positively to the transition to democracy in Ghana.

On the Mechanism of Plasma Membrane Turnover in the Salt Gland of Ducklings - Implications From DNA Content, Rates of DNA Synthesis, and Sites of DNA Synthesis During the Osmotic Stressing and Destressing Cycle

Hossler, Fred E. 01 October 1982 (has links)
This study provides information on the rates of DNA synthesis, sites of DNA synthesis, and DNA content of the avian salt gland during the osmoticstressing (plasma membrane synthesis) and destressing (plasma membrane turnover) cycle, in an effort to better understand the relationship of cell turnover to the initial events in plasma membrane amplification, differentiation, and turnover. The rate of DNA synthesis increases 12-24 h after the onset of osmotic stress, is maximal at about 24 h of osmotic stress, and decreases thereafter in fully stressed and destressed glands. The maximum DNA and protein content, and the maximum protein/DNA ratio are obtained after about 3 days of stress. Autoradiograms show that at 24 h of stress 70-80% of DNA synthesis occurs in connective tissue cells and 20-30% in parenchymal cells, but by 6 days of stress, synthesis occurs about equally in these cell groups. Because destressing is characterized by a large decrease in plasma membrane and in glandular protein, but by little DNA turnover or loss, the loss of plasma membrane is likely due to some type of cell dedifferentiation rather than cell turnover.

Striatal Dopamine Turnover and MIF-I

Kostrzewa, Richard M., Fukushima, Hideki, Harston, Craig T., Perry, Kenneth W., Fuller, Ray W., Kastin, Abba J. 01 January 1979 (has links)
Because of conflicting reports of the actions of the antiparkinsonian agent L-prolyl-L-leucyl-glycine amide (PLG, MIF-I) on the turnover of Striatal dopamine (DA), this process was reinvestigated. In the present series of studies, it was found that neither our MIF-I (200 ng ICV) nor the MIF-I used by Versteeg et al. [25]was effective in altering the rate of decline of endogenous DA in the caudate nucleus of rats pretreated with α-methyl-p-tyrosine (300 mg/kg IP). In addition, our MIF-I (1 mg/kg IP) did not change endogenous dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) or homovanillic acid (HVA) in rat striatum. These studies indicate that MIF-I does not alter the turnover rate of DA in nigrostriatal neurons. It is possible that MIF-I or some substance released by MIF-I acts at a posfsynaptic receptor site.

Who Is Likely to Quit Nursing Jobs? A Study in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Yavas, Ugur, Karatepe, Osman M., Babakus, Emin 01 January 2013 (has links)
The study reported in this article examines the nature of relationships between organizational and personal resources and nurses' turnover intentions. A sample of 124 nurses in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus serves as the study setting. Results of the study reveal that a form of organizational support (empowerment) and two personal resources (customer orientation, job resourcefulness) are the best predictors of turnover intentions. Implications of these results are discussed and avenues for future research are offered.

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