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Mezinárodněprávní ochrana uprchlíků a role UNHCR / International legal protection of refugees and the role of the UNHCRZáhorková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Po krátkém historickém přehledu se věnuji především otázce, kdo je z hlediska mezinárodního práva uprchlíkem, jak se jím stává a jak se posuzují jednotlivá kritéria k udílení statusu uprchlíka, tedy otázce, která je vůbec předpokladem pro to, aby určitá osoba mohla požívat mezinárodní ochrany. Vysvětluji jednotlivé pojmy definice uprchlíka zachycené v Úmluvě z roku 1951 v souvislosti se závěry Výkonného výboru UNHCR, Příručkou postupů a kritérií UNHCR pro určování právního postavení uprchlíků a následná Doporučení v oblasti mezinárodní ochrany vydaná UNHCR. Tyto dokumenty nabízejí vodítko pro výklad a aplikaci Úmluvy z roku 1951 a měly i značný vliv na koncipování textu Kvalifikační směrnice. Současně jsem se snažila poukázat na určité mezery této specifické úpravy. Dále především srovnávám definice uprchlíka v Úmluvě o právním postavení uprchlíků z roku 1951 a definice uprchlíka v tzv. Kvalifikační směrnici a postoji UNHCR k této směrnici. A v poslední kapitole popisuji funkci UNHCR v mezinárodní ochraně uprchlíků. Cílem této práce je tedy všeobecné uvedení do uprchlické problematiky a to jak v univerzální rovině tak v rovině evropské a funkci UNHCR v mezinárodněprávní ochraně uprchlíků. Zvýšit tak obecné povědomí o mezinárodním chápání uprchlického problému a toto chápání dále prohlubovat ve prospěch...
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Les règles d’origine préférentielles de l'UE et l’analyse de leur application en matière de marchandises d'importationLi, Fheng-Ying 29 June 2013 (has links)
Les règles d'origine sont employées pour définir l'endroit où un produit était manufacturé. Pour comprendre l'évolution du commerce, particulièrement lorsqu'il s'agit des accords unilatéraux et bilatéraux, la connaissance des règles d'origine préférentielles et le cumul est nécessaire. Les règles d'origine préférentielles jouent un rôle légitime dans la prévention des déviations commerciales. L'UE a le plus grand nombre d'accords commerciaux préférentiels avec un niveau élevé d'harmonisation des lois d'origine, par exemple l'accord économique d'association (EPA) pour 78 pays ACP et le système du cumul pour l'Euromed. Comme nous savons, la subvention pour le produit d'agriculture tel que le sucre de l'UE et le coton des Etats-Unis sont la raison principale qui cause la pauvreté des PMA. Ainsi, les objets principaux de cette dissertation est veulent trouver : Est-ce que l'UE emploie vraiment sincèrement les règles d'origine préférentielles pour aider les PMA ou veut juste garder leurs avantages coloniaux historiques? Pourquoi les pays membre de l'UE contre la nouvelle politique de la commission à la CJUE après les plaignantes a pris la consultation à l'OMC par le même produit ? Comment les règles d'origine préférentielles de l'UE garde-t-elle l'harmonie avec leurs pays membres et les Etats membres de l'OMC? Pourrions-nous trouver une solution de s'améliorer ou remplacer les règles d'origine préférentielles de l'UE pour empêcher un autre cas se produire dans l'OMC et le CJCE pour le même produit? Nous trouverons la réponse à la conclusion. / Rules of origin are used to define the place where a product was manufactured. To understand the evolution of trade, especially in the cases of unilateral and bilateral trade agreements, the knowledge of the preferential rules of origin and cumulation is necessary.The preferential rules of origin play a legitimate part in the prevention of the commercial deviations. The EU has the largest number of preferential trade agreements with a high degree of harmonization of origin laws, for example the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) for 78 ACP countries and the system of cumulation for EURO-MED.As we know, the subsidiary for agriculture product such as sugar and cotton of EU and USA are the main reason which causes the poverty of LCDs. So, the mains purpose of this dissertation is want to find: Does EU really sincerely uses the preferential rules of origin (PROO) to help the LCDs or just want to keep their historical colonial benefits? Why the EU member against the EU commission's newly policy after the WTO member by the same product? How the EU PROO does keep harmony with their member countries and the WTO's member countries? Could we find a way to improve or replace the PROO of EU for the same product to prevent another case happen both in WTO and CJCE? We have found the answer at the Conclusion.
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Produktionskostnaderna och dess inverkan på köparens slutpris av en bostadsrätt / Production cost and its impact on buyers final price of a condominiumHasanovic, Abid, Tikkanen, Kristian January 2018 (has links)
Rapporten är skriven i samarbete med företaget X som på egen vilja velat förbli anonyma. På samma sätt kommer alla intervjupersonerna förbli anonyma. De tre nybyggnationsprojekten som finns belägna i Alingsås, Trollhättan och Göteborg kommer delvis förbli anonyma med hänsyn av företagets vilja. För att hantera den bostadsbrist som finns i Sverige behöver det byggas totalt 710 000 bostäder mellan år 2016–2025 vilket innebär att det behöver byggas 71 000 st bostäder per år. Studier har visat på att Sveriges befolkning antas öka med drygt 1,2 miljoner fram till år 2025. Samtidigt som det behöver byggas fler bostäder så ökar även produktionskostnaderna. Mellan år 2000–2016 ökade markkostnaderna för bostadsrätter från 231 600 kronor till 918 300 kronor, samtidigt ökade byggkostnaderna under samma intervall från 1 345 400 kronor till 2 592 900 kronor. För att svara på forskningsfrågorna har en fallstudie genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer, resultatrapporter och beräkningar. Intervjuerna genomförde för att ta reda på vilka produktionskostnader som anses vara kostnadsdrivande, men även för att få svar kring vilka faktorer som påverkar slutpriset av en nyproducerad bostadsrätt. Undersökningen berör vilka produktionskostnader inom byggprocessen som påverkar slutpriset av en nyproducerad bostadsrätt. Vidare genomfördes beräkningar utav resultatrapporter för att identifiera vilken del som utgör den största andelen av projektkostnader. En identifiering av produktionskostnader inom byggprocessen har genomförts och en procentuell fördelning av de tre övergripande delarna, vilka är markförvärv och kommunala avgifter, byggherrekostnader samt byggkostnader genomfördes, utifrån försäljningspriset per kvadratmeter. Resultatet visar att de största kostnadsdrivande faktorerna för slutpriset av en nyproducerad bostadsrätt är marknadsvärdet och läget. / The report is written in cooperation with company X, whom, on its own will, wished to remain anonymous. Similarly, all interviewees will remain anonymous. The three new construction projects located in Alingsås, Trollhättan and Gothenburg will remain partially anonymous, considering the company's will. To handle the housing shortage in Sweden, a total of 710,000 housings need to be built between 2016-2025, which means that 71,000 homes are to be built per year. Studies have shown that Sweden's population is expected to increase by just over 1.2 million by 2025. While more housing is being built, production costs are also increasing. Between 2000 and 2016, land costs for housing rights increased from SEK 231 600 to SEK 918 300, while construction costs increased in the same range from SEK 1,345,400 to SEK 2,592,900. In order to answer the research questions, a case study has been conducted using qualitative interviews, results reports and calculations. The interviews conducted to find out which production costs are considered cost driving but also to get answers about what factors affect the final price of a newly created housing right. The survey concerns which production costs in the construction process affect the final price of a newly created housing right. Furthermore, calculations were made of result reports to identify which part constitutes the largest proportion of project costs. An identification of production costs in the construction process has been carried out and a percentage breakdown of the three main components, which is land acquisition and municipal fees, construction costs and construction costs, based on the sales price per square meter. The result shows that the largest cost-driving factors for the final price of a newly created housing right are the market value and the position.
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Extension of a 5G Ran Simulator by Modeling User EquipmentSjöstrand, Johan January 2019 (has links)
With the upcoming release of the fifth generation of cellular networks, 5G, it is expected to be a lot more connected devices. As a consequence, the importance of the capacity of the networks is increased, especially the radio access network (RAN), which will be changed a lot from previous generations. The best method to ensure a RAN has enough capacity for its targeted area is a simulation, and therefore, there is a demand for such a simulator. The development of a simulator for RAN started last year in another thesis with the possibility to model nodes, links, and set loads. In this thesis, the functionality is extended with the addition of mobility and user equipment (UE) to create load to more accurately simulate the network traffic. Roads are added as an entity to allow mobility, and cells are modeled to determine coverage. Most requested functionality was implemented, with the main difficulties being integrating the new code into the existing code base. The simulator was then evaluated, both the validity of the model and the performance. To improve the simulator for its purpose, even more, functionalities such as geography elements like buildings or mountains blocking the signal should be considered. Another improvement would be to make links and cells less reliable. The simulator is modeling the perfect day scenario at the moment which does not always reflect upon reality.
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Extending IMS specifications based on the charging needs of IPTVÖstergaard, Stefan January 2006 (has links)
<p>With the standardization of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), the telecommunications scene becomes more and more converged and in the future we will most likely access our services from all kinds of devices and link them together. One important future access method that has so far been left out of the standardization is television. There is a need for Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) to work together with IMS and this thesis focuses on one aspect of that convergence, namely charging.</p><p>The problem explored in this thesis is if there is an efficient way of charging for IPTV services while taking advantage of the IMS charging functionality and this is done for two aspects of the problem. First, the possiblilty of an efficient Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) signaling schema is investigated and then a good charging Application Programming Interface (API) to be used when developing applications is investigated. The findings of these two investigations are then tested and improved during the implementation of a demo application.</p><p>This thesis delivers specifications for a signaling schema that enables a Set-Top Box (STB) to pass charging information to an IMS network via INFO requests inside a special charging session. The schema is small and extendable to ensure that it can be modified further on if necessary. The thesis also delivers an encapsulating and intuitive charging API to be used by developers who want to charge for their services.</p>
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Extending IMS specifications based on the charging needs of IPTVÖstergaard, Stefan January 2006 (has links)
With the standardization of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), the telecommunications scene becomes more and more converged and in the future we will most likely access our services from all kinds of devices and link them together. One important future access method that has so far been left out of the standardization is television. There is a need for Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) to work together with IMS and this thesis focuses on one aspect of that convergence, namely charging. The problem explored in this thesis is if there is an efficient way of charging for IPTV services while taking advantage of the IMS charging functionality and this is done for two aspects of the problem. First, the possiblilty of an efficient Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) signaling schema is investigated and then a good charging Application Programming Interface (API) to be used when developing applications is investigated. The findings of these two investigations are then tested and improved during the implementation of a demo application. This thesis delivers specifications for a signaling schema that enables a Set-Top Box (STB) to pass charging information to an IMS network via INFO requests inside a special charging session. The schema is small and extendable to ensure that it can be modified further on if necessary. The thesis also delivers an encapsulating and intuitive charging API to be used by developers who want to charge for their services.
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The role of political culture in shaping Canadian, EU and US disarmament initiavesAl-Fattal, Rouba January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Analýza řídicích procedur v mobilních sítích čtvrté generace / Analysis of control procedures in 4th generation mobile networksSchaller, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis are procedures in EPS network related to the operation of mobile terminals. In the introduction of my work I described the EPS system, including the quality of services and bearers. The following section focuses on control procedures in the EPS system such as attach network procedure, detach procedure, service request, handover or tracking area procedure. Further, three technologies for Internet of Things were described, namely EC-GSM-IoT, LTE-M and NB-IoT. All the procedures mentioned above were also captured in the experimental VUT EPS network and analyzed by TravelHawk using software M5 and Wireshark. Theoretical and practical findings were subsequently used out for setting of laboratory task for subject MKPM.
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Le règlement européen sur les successions et nouvelles perspectives pour les systèmes juridiques nationaux / The European Regulation on Successions and Wills and new perspectives for national legal systemsDebernardi, Giovanna 31 May 2017 (has links)
Le Règlement (UE) n° 650/2012 du 4 juillet 2012 apporte une véritable révolution dans le domaine des successions internationales. Depuis toujours, en effet, cette matière a donné lieu à d’innombrables difficultés et divergences entre les systèmes juridiques nationaux, notamment au sein de l’Union européenne où la nécessité de garantir la liberté de circulation des personnes a rendu indispensable la mise en place d’une réforme commune du droit international privé des successions. C’est alors dans cette perspective qu’est intervenu le nouveau Règlement « Successions », voué à garantir une protection effective et certaine des droits successoraux des citoyens de l’Union. Or, bien que la prévision de règles de conflits communes reste certes son objectif premier, celle-ci ne constitue pas le seul dessein poursuivi par cet instrument. En effet, ce dernier semblerait viser à un résultat ultérieur et davantage plus ambitieux : le rapprochement des droits nationaux. Pour ce faire, le législateur européen a fait recours à deux moyens : d’une part un instrument de droit international privé traditionnel et inéliminable, l’ordre public ; d’autre part un instrument de droit matériel, innovant et totalement de dérivation européenne tel le certificat successoral. Dès lors, le Règlement n° 650/2012 ne limiterait pas son action au seul domaine du droit international privé pur, mais contribuerait également à une progressive convergence des droits internes aux États membres, en favorisant ainsi le développement d’un véritable et effectif espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice au sein de l’Union. / Regulation (EU) n° 650/2012 of 4 July 2012 led to a considerable revolution in the field of international successions. Indeed, such a subject has always caused several divergences among national legal systems, especially at the European level where the need for a proper functioning of the free movement of persons have led to an essential common reform of private international succession law. As a results, rules governing cross-border successions have been globally harmonised and citizens are finally able to organise their succession in advance. Nonetheless, Regulation n° 650/212 should not be limited to the only harmonisation of conflicts-of-laws rules ; these latter are certainly its primary objective, but not the only one. Indeed, the new instrument should aim at a more ambitious goal : the convergence of national legal systems. In order to achieve such a purpose, the European legislator has provided for two different means : on one side a typical and essential instrument of private international law like the public policy ; on the other side a new and unique instrument of substantial law such as the European certificate of succession. As a consequence, the new Regulation should not leed to a sample unification in the field of the private international law, but would also contribute to a progressive uniformisation of national rules of Member States. It could thus represent a remarkable achievement in the historical European project for the maintenance and development of an area of freedom, security and justice inside the Union.
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Service Mobility in Mobile NetworksAssasa, Hany January 2014 (has links)
In the current mobile network architecture, network traffic between user equipment (UE) and services deployed on the public cloud is tromboned towards the anchor point which could lead to network congestion. Deploying services closer to the UE, for example near the eNodeB, is a potential solution. The services are deployed on small scale data centers connected to, or collocated with the eNodeB, called ’eNodeB-Cloud’ (eNBC). Mobility of UEs presents a challenge for deploying services in an eNBC. When the UE is handed over from one eNodeB to another, seamless migration of UE context between the service instances running in different eNBCs needs to be ensured. In this thesis, we propose a Platform as a Service framework to enable UE context migration between eNBCs. The architecture consists of handover signaling mechanism, network session migration technology, context transfer protocol and a set of APIs towards the service. The evaluation of the prototype implementation shows that virtualization causes some extra delays to the UE context migration time. Whereas when virtualization is omitted, the time taken to migrate a UE context between two eNBCs is in the order of 12 ms on average, which is within the limit of handover interruption time between two LTE-eNodeBs.
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