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Analysis and Comparison of eLearning StandardsChen, Pin-Chung 18 July 2002 (has links)
Along with the development of Internet and information technology, there has been a huge revolution on the style of learning, since we¡¦ve entered a new century of elearning. At the present time, the learning resources accumulating in the Internet has been richer gradually. However, it also shows the problem about the difficulties of the management and integration of learning resources. Plenty of problems should be resolved, such as the difficulty on seeking resources and tests, low reusability, incapability of the transformation on different learning platforms, etc. On purpose to resolve these problems, various kinds of standards have been presented by many organizations. Although these standards are still under development, however, undoubtedly, they will play a very important role on the progress of the elearning. Because of the shortage of understandings and researches of this respect, we will have some discussions about the present problems resolved by the standards of elearning and the methods used upon them. Bereday¡¦s Comparative Method is adapted in this research. Four specific phases described as follows: Description Phase: Thoroughly and objectively describing each elearning standard. Interpretation Phase: Interpreting the meaning contained in the elearning standard according to the perspective of modularity, management, and continuity. Juxtaposition Phase: Defining the items on the comparison of each dimension based on content, quiz, leaner, and platform, and then concluding the key points of each standard in each item. Comparison Phase: Comparing each elearning standard item by item that is listed in the Juxtaposition Phase.
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Det iscensatta jaget i Ulf Lundells dagboksroman VardagarStrandberg, Per January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Ionospheric Disturbances: Midlatitude Pi2 Magnetospheric ULF Pulsations and Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric DisturbancesFrissell, Nathaniel A. 01 June 2016 (has links)
The ionosphere is an electrically charged atmospheric region which is coupled to the sun, the magnetosphere, and the neutral atmosphere. The ionospheric state can significantly impact technological systems, especially those which utilize radio frequency energy. By studying ionospheric disturbances, it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of not only the ionosphere itself, but also the natural and technological systems it is coupled to. This dissertation research utilizes high frequency (HF) radio remote sensing techniques to study three distinct types of ionospheric disturbances. First, ground magnetometers and a new mid latitude SuperDARN HF radar at Blackstone, Virginia are used to observe magnetospheric Pi2 ultra low frequency (ULF) pulsations in the vicinity of the plasmapause. Prior to these pulsations, two Earthward moving fast plasma flows were detected by spacecraft in the magnetotail. Signatures of inner magnetospheric compression observed by the Blackstone radar provide conclusive evidence that the plasma flow bursts directly generated the ground Pi2 signature via a compressional wave. This mechanism had previously been hypothesized, but never confirmed. Next, ten SuperDARN radars in the North American Sector are used to investigate the sources and characteristics of atmospheric gravity waves (AGW) associated medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) at both midlatitudes and high latitudes. Consistent with prior studies, the climatological MSTID population in both latitudinal regions was found to peak in the fall and winter and have a dominant equatorward propagation direction. Prior studies suggested these MSTIDs were caused by mechanisms associated with auroral and space weather activity; however, it is shown here that the AE and Sym-H indices are poorly correlated with MSTID observations. A new, multi-week timescale of MSTID activity is reported. This leads to the finding that MSTID occurrence is highly correlated with an index representative of polar vortex activity, possibly controlled by a filtering mechanism that is a function of stratospheric neutral wind direction. Finally, a case study of a radio blackout of transionospheric HF communications caused by an X2.9 class solar flare is presented. This study demonstrates the potential of a novel technique employing signals of opportunity and automated receiving networks voluntarily created by an international community of amateur radio operators. / Ph. D.
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Politisk kommunikation på Instagram ur ett visuellt perspektiv : Hur används personifierade budskap på Instagram med en fallstudie på Ulf Kristersson / Political communication on Instagram from a visual perspective : How is personified messages used on Instagram with a case study on Ulf KristerssonWester, Olle, Weilander, Henrik, Brasch Flodén, Alicia January 2023 (has links)
Studien ämnar att utröna vilka semiotiska verktyg som används för att konstruera en bild av UlfKristersson på hans Instagramsida samt hur budskap blir personifierade. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ textanalys i form av en visuell textanalys. Inom detta ämne visar tidigare forskning på att trovärdigheten är av stor betydelse eftersom innehållet granskas kritiskt. Allt mer kreativa metoder och teorier skapas för att få publikens uppmärksamhet, dock blir detta en utmaning för demokratin, menar Edgerly och Thorson (2020). De beskriver den nuvarande media omgivningen som kaotisk och att det finns ett överflöd av politiska aktörer som konkurrerar om publikens uppmärksamhet. Detta är inte endast något som påverkar medborgarskap, men även demokratin, särskilt med det nya fenomenet “politiska influerare”. För att analysera den politiska kommunikationen ur ett visuellt sammanhang ämnar studien att använda en visuell textanalys. För den visuella textanalysen användes en socialsemiotisk metod för att tolka och förstå samband mellan semiotiskt material eller visuella element och förstå hur och vilken mening som skapas genom den visuella kommunikationen. En retorisk analys användes också för att se vilken retorik som används genom den visuella kommunikationen. I enlighet med analysen kunde slutsatsen dras att de teman som identifierades ger åskådaren en bild av Ulf Kristersson där han representerar det politiska partiet “Moderaterna”. Denna representation sker genom personifiering där Ulf Kristersson står för argument och teman som partiet vill reflektera. Dessa argument identifierades genom denotation och konnotation samt kategorisering för att gruppera bilder med liknande grundlig kommunikation, exempelvis bilder som kopplar an något om den svenska militären eller Ulf Kristersson hemma med sin familj. / This study means to find what semiotic tools are used to construct an image of Ulf Kristersson on his Instagram page, and how messages are personified. This is done through a qualitative textanalysis in the form of a visual text analysis. In this subject, earlier research indicates credibility is of importance because content must be thoroughly examined. More and more creative methods and theories are created to catch the attention of the audience, this, however, becomes a challenge for democracy, argues Edgerly and Thorson (2020). They describe the current media environment as chaotic and that there’s an abundance of political figures competing for the audience’s attention. This is not something that only affects citizenship, but also democracy, especially thanks to the new phenomenon “political influencers”. To analyze political communication in a visual manner, the study aims to use a visual textanalysis as its method. For the visual text analysis, a social semiotic method was used to interpret and understand the connection between semiotic material or visual elements and understand how and what meaning is created through the visual communication. A rhetorical analysis was also used to determine what rhetoric was used through visual communication. With the analysis, the conclusion could be made that the themes that were identified give the viewer an image of Ulf Kristersson where he represents the political party “Moderaterna”. This representation is done through personification where Ulf stands for the arguments and themes that the party wants to reflect. These arguments were identified through denotation and connotation as well as categorization to group photos together that communicate the same basic themes, such as pictures that show the Swedish military in some way or Ulf simply spending time with his family at home.
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De konflikt-gestaltade partiledarna : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svenska mediers gestaltning av Stefan Löfven, Ulf Kristersson och Jimmie Åkesson veckan innan riksdagsvalet 2018 / The conflict-framed party-leaders : A quantitative study of the framing of Stefan Löfven, Ulf Kristersson and Jimmie Åkesson in swedish media a week before the general election 2018Bergman, Josefin, Bengtsson, Clara January 2019 (has links)
“De konflikt-gestaltade partiledarna” är en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladets gestaltning av Stefan Löfven, Ulf Kristersson och Jimmie Åkesson den sista veckan innan riksdagsvalet 2018. Studien fokuserar på förekomsten av konflikt-gestaltning och typ av tonalitet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur gestaltningen yttrar sig och vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan de tre partiledarna och mellan de fyra tidningarna. De teorier och tidigare forskning studien utgår ifrån är teorierna dagordningsteorin och gestaltningsteorin samt forskning om tabloidisering, partipress, political bias, nyhetsvärdering och nyhetsurval. Dessa teorier och tidigare forskning hjälper studien att förklara och förstå de val tidningarna gör när de gestaltar partiledarna. Vart fjärde år är det riksdagsval i Sverige. 2018 års riksdagsval blev ett utav de jämnaste valen i svensk historia. Tidigare forskning visar att medier har stor makt över vad medborgare anser vara viktigt och vad medborgare har för bild av det politiska samhället. Vilken typ av bild det svenska folket fick av Stefan Löfven, Ulf Kristersson och Jimmie Åkesson i de största svenska tidningarna inför valet är därför viktigt att undersöka. Resultatet av studien visar att det förekommer mycket konflikt-gestaltning och negativ tonalitet i de texter i tidningarna där de tre partiledarna nämns. Kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressen använder sig av mer negativ tonalitet än vad morgontidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet gör. Tidningarna skiljer sig även åt vad gäller vilken person de fokuserat på den sista veckan innan valet. Stefan Löfven är huvudfokus i Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet och Jimmie Åkesson är huvudfokus i Aftonbladet och Expressen. Resultatet mellan de tre partiledarna har inte lika stora skillnader. Det man dock kan konstatera är att Stefan Löfven nämns mer i texter med positiv och balanserad tonalitet än de andra två partiledarna. Jimmie Åkesson nämns något mer i texter med negativ tonalitet. Slutsatserna i studien är att det råder stora skillnader mellan morgon- och kvällstidningarna. Detta speglar den tidigare forskningens slutsatser kring tabloidisering, olika styrfält och partipress. / "The conflict-framed party-leaders" is a quantitative content analysis of Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet's framing of Stefan Löfven, Ulf Kristersson and Jimmie Åkesson the last week before the general election in Sweden 2018. The study focuses on the occurrence of the conflict-frame and type of tonality. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the framing looks and what similarities and differences that exist between the three party-leaders and between the four newspapers. The theories and previous research this study is based on is the framing theory, agenda-setting theory and research about tabloidization, party press, political bias and news selection. These theories and previous research help the study to explain and understand the choices the newspapers make when framing the three party-leaders. Every fourth year there is a general election in Sweden. The 2018 general election became one of the most even elections in Swedish history. Previous research show that media have great power over what citizens consider to be important and what kind of image citizens have of the political society. What kind of image the Swedish people received of Stefan Löfven, Ulf Kristersson and Jimmie Åkesson in the largest newspapers before the election is therefore important to analyze. The results of this study show that the conflict-frame and negative tonality generally occurs a lot in the framing of the three party-leaders. Aftonbladet and Expressen use more negative tonality than Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. The newspapers also differ in terms of which person they focused on the last week before the election. Stefan Löfven is the main focus in Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, and Jimmie Åkesson is the main focus in Aftonbladet and Expressen. The results between the three party-leaders do not have as much differences as the newspapers. What we can note however, is that Stefan Löfven is mentioned more in texts with positive and balanced tonality than the other two party-leaders. Jimmie Åkesson is mentioned a bit more in texts with negative tonality. The conclusions of this study are that there are major differences between the newspapers. This reflects the findings of the previous research on this subject.
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ULF Waves in the Magnetosphere and their Association with Magnetopause Instabilities and OscillationsNedie, Abiyu Z Unknown Date
No description available.
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Ovlivnění slunečního větru v zemském forešoku / Solar Wind Modification in the Earth ForeshockUrbář, Jaroslav January 2019 (has links)
Title: Solar Wind Modification in the Earth Foreshock Author: Jaroslav Urbář Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Supervisor: Prof. Zdeněk Němeček, Department of Surface and Plasma Science Abstract: The thesis presents statistical studies of the solar wind deceleration and deflection in the foreshock and its potential causes. The multi-point observa- tions from the THEMIS mission in the foreshock are compared with a Wind solar wind monitor with motivation to estimate different factors influencing evolution of solar wind speed and its deflection. We have found a systematic deceleration of the solar wind mainly due to its proton component with a decreasing distance to the bow shock that is controlled by the compressibility and the level of magnetic field fluctuations in the ULF wave range associated with the flux of reflected and accelerated particles. We can conclude that the reflected particles excite waves of large amplitudes that decelerate the solar wind protons throughout the foreshock as well as in front of the Moon. Keywords: Earth foreshock; reflected protons; solar wind proton velocity recon- struction; deceleration; ULF waves 1
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"Brott, Kristersson och kvällspressen" : En multimodal kritisk diskursanalys av Ulf Kristersson och kvällspressen inom brott och rättsväsende / "Crime, the evening press & Kristersson" : A multimodal critical discourse analysis of Ulf Kristersson and the evening press in crime and justiceLehto, Fredrik, Olsson, Albin January 2024 (has links)
The thesis ”Crime, the evening press & Kristersson - A multimodal critical discourse analysis of Ulf Kristersson and the evening press within crime and justice” aims to analyze the role the evening press is playing in the portrayal of Kristersson in the field of crime and justice, aswell as analyze Kristersson's use of discursive tools when discussing various events in said field before and after the 2022 election campaign. Applied theories include framing theory and populist rhetoric, in order to explore how media frames Kristersson, as well as studying Kristersson’s populist political style. A multimodal critical discourse analysis is employed in order to analyze quotes, pictures, and the structure of the selected articles. The analysis revealed a broad use of discursive tools, among those a strategic use of transitivity. Kristersson tends to diffuse the distribution of responsibility, either to evade accountability or to protect other actors. Additionally, he tends to avoid mentioning any active subject, highlighting victims of a crime or making his statement cryptic and unclear. Generally, Kristersson was portrayed either in a neutral or positive way, often bolstering a character beneficial to him. The articles often feature pictures portraying Kristersson in a suit, sometimes accompanied with a Swedish flag in the background. These images can create and reinforce an image of him as a patriotic and dependable leader. Furthermore, surrounding articles often contribute to this image and amplify the message he intends to convey by presenting related topics with relevant pictures.
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Polar Cap Ionospheric Oscillations in the ULF Frequency Range Observed With SuperDARN HF Radar2013 August 1900 (has links)
Pc3-4 waves are recorded as geomagnetic pulsations with periods of 6-100s. They are generated at the bowshock and propagate to mid and auroral latitudes as Alfvén waves along closed magnetic field lines. At these latitudes Pc3-4 waves have been studied on the ground using magnetometers and in the ionosphere using HF radar. These waves have also been observed using magnetometers at polar latitudes even though there is no known propagation mechanism to the “open” field lines of the polar cap regions.
In this work we used PolarDARN stations at Rankin Inlet and Inuvik to attempt the first study of Pc3-4 waves in the polar cap regions using radar. In ground scatter data, Doppler velocity oscillations with frequencies in the Pc3-4 range were found to be a common daytime occurrence. The oscillations are spatially coherent and in phase along the beam’s line of sight, matching lower latitude observations. However, upon further study it became apparent that the characteristics of the oscillations are different from those known for Pc3-4 waves.
The observed oscillations have a diurnal trend that shows peaks in activity at 7:00 and 14:00MLT, where Pc3-4 oscillations have a diurnal peak at 10:30-11:00 MLT. In addition, poor coherence was observed between oscillations in radar and ground magnetic field variations at the nearby Taloyoak magnetometer. Further confounding the problem, we found that although the oscillations were coherent along the line-of-sight of the radar, poor coherence is observed when comparing
oscillations in different beams separated by similar spatial scales. This finding counters both the spatial coherence observed along the beam’s line of sight and the spatial coherence of Pc3-4 waves
at auroral latitudes. We conclude that it is unlikely that the observed oscillations are the result of Pc3-4 ULF waves. We instead propose that the observed Doppler velocity oscillations are caused by a change in the ionization along the ray’s path due to auroral particle precipitation.
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“Media’s war on women in politics?” : A quantitative content analysis of Swedish print media’s portrayal of Anna Kinberg Batra and Ulf KristerssonFuglstad, Siri January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to achieve a deeper understanding of how media portrays politicians and examine whether media is gender-biased. This is done by carrying out a case study within the Swedish context, which compares print media’s portrayal of the Moderate party’s former leader Anna Kinberg Batra with their current leader Ulf Kristersson. A quantitative content analysis is applied on 330 articles from four Swedish newspapers. By examining previous literature, a theoretical framework is constructed using theories on framing, the gender system as well as media’s treatment of female and male politicians which is later operationalized. In brief, the results of the study show there are differences in certain parts of media’s portrayal of Kinberg Batra and Kristersson, however they were not always as substantial and obvious as previous literature had indicated.
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