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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

cARcassonne for Hololens 2 - Improving UX through UI

Wilken, Kevin Bjørn Roulund January 2023 (has links)
This paper aims to improve the UX of the AR game cARcassonne for the Hololens 2 by making changes to its UI. Previous research and existing games are analyzed to determine the changes to the UI. A questionnaire is developed using said research as well as research of other UX measuring methods such as the GEQ and UPEQ. The results show an increase in UX, but also that the AR game has problems for new users. It is discussed that UI is actually not the main problem in the UX, but rather the technology of the Hololens 2.

Impact of applications on water consumption

Corazza, Junior January 2022 (has links)
Water scarcity is a growing problem on Earth. One of the goals in Agenda 2030, whichall of the UN members adapted is to make clean water accessible by everyone and ensuresustainable water withdrawals. In order to take a step towards the solution, a companynamed Quandify has developed smart water meters to measure households’ water consumptionwhich can be installed by anyone.In this bachelor’s thesis, the author collaborates with Quandify to develop a proofof concept (POC) to investigate if it was possible to create a mobile phone applicationthat could help residents reduce their water consumption. The author uses state of artsuggestions in persuasive technology literature and usability heuristics for user interactiondesign and implements it into the application to increase the chance of user behaviourchange towards water consumption.The result is a mobile phone application where the users get inspiration and tips onhow to reduce their water consumption and lets the users see their water consumptionin real-time. The report also includes a small POC user study to rate the mobile phoneapplication with respect to usability heuristics.

Towards stress-less UX design: How job search systems contribute to job search stress?

Come, Amarildo, Javaid, Muhammad January 2022 (has links)
Unemployment has long been considered a risk factor for mental health. While jobsearch is an extremely draining and stressful process, the job-search systems thatjobseekers use do not have to be. Among the many pressuring factors that are known tocontribute to stress, it remains unexplored how job search systems UX impactsjobseekers. This study aimed at identifying and understanding job search systemsrelated stressors based on existing stressor characteristics and on stressless designheuristics. To achieve this goal, semi-structured interviews were conducted incombination with a survey. Thematic analysis was performed to identify themes; and asurvey was conducted to gather the broader sentiment on job search experience.The results show that existing stressless design heuristics are effective in thinkingdesign for stress; as new themes emerged, three new heuristics are proposed.The 3 main stressors identified are related to poor UX in terms of feedback systems,complex interactions to fill in application forms, poor job description quality combinedwith a wanting job search capability. The major reasoning for the identified stressors isthat they are perceived as hindrances towards the main goal – getting a job.Stressor’s impact appears in the form of lowering job search engagement and makingjobseekers develop a negative attitude towards online job search.One important finding is that these stressors only become visible over time; this mighthave an implication on how software is tested and evaluated for stress. The findingswere discussed in view of previous studies, practical and scientific implications arepresented as well as suggestions for future research.

Improving Task Performance in User Experience Writing : a validation of two methods in digital and in-person user contexts

Holm, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
User Experience (UX) Writing is part of the product’s overall user experience design. It can be a part of a product content strategy as much as the visual design. The base for any UX centered profession is the understanding of usability — the practice of making products or services easy to use for the intended target group. The difference between the UX designer and UX writer is that the writer contributes with an in-depth understanding that textual content contributes to an overall better user experience along with the product brand. This study includes two UX writing usability evaluation methods for a defined functional service application. By performing the UX writing methods through an online form as well as in an in-person user interview, the validity of transforming an established method into an online tool was investigated. The liabilities of both contexts were evaluated and future developments are suggested. To accomplish this, a literature review was conducted and an online tool was developed. This was used to gather data from 20 users, 10 in the online context and 10 in the in-person context. The datasets were then compared for validation, which in turn served as a foundation for further discussing the possibilities of using an online tool in this situation. The conclusion is multifaceted. The in-person user tests require resources in terms of time for the UX writer, finances in terms of compensation for the users and result in a smaller data set. Digital user tests also require time and resources, but can generate a much larger data set, seeing as it provides a data set of the same quality level as the in-person user tests. Considering the advantages of an online tool, it can provide a valid replacement for in-person user tests, if one considers that the assets outweigh the minor liabilities. However, the potential of a future collaborative dataset and all the further developments suggested in this paper are what is truly worthwhile investigating further. / User Experience (UX) Writing, att anpassa text efter användaren, är en vital del av produktens övergripande användarupplevelse. Det kan vara en del av en produkts innehållsstrategi lika mycket som den visuella designen. Basen för alla användarcentrerade yrken är förståelsen för användbarhet den praxis att göra produkter eller tjänster lättanvända för den avsedda målgruppen. Skillnaden mellan en UX-designer och en UX-skribent är att skribenten bidrar med en djupgående förståelse för att även textinnehåll bidrar till en övergripande förbättrad användarupplevelse, tillsammans med produktens varumärke. Denna studie innehåller två utvärderingsmetoder inom UX writing, för en definierad service-applikation. Genom att utföra metoderna genom en online-formulär samt i en personintervju undersöktes validiteten kring att omvandla en etablerad intervjumetod till ett onlineverktyg. Svagheterna i båda sammanhangen utvärderas och framtida utveckling föreslås. För att uppnå detta genomfördes en litteraturöversikt och ett onlineverktyg utvecklades. Detta användes för att samla in data från 20 användare, 10 i ett onlinesammanhang och 10 i ett intervjusammanhang. Datan jämfördes sedan för validering, vilket i sin tur fungerade som grund för att ytterligare diskutera möjligheterna att använda ett onlineverktyg i denna situation. Slutsatsen är mångfacetterad. De personliga användartesterna kräver resurser i form av tid för UX-skribenten, kostnader vad gäller ersättning för deltagare, och resulterar i ett mindre dataset. Digitala användartester kräver också tid och resurser, men kan generera ett mycket större dataset, eftersom den ger ett dataset av samma kvalitetsnivå. Med tanke på fördelarna med ett onlineverktyg kan det fungera som en giltig ersättning för personliga användartester, om man anser att styrkorna överstiger de mindre svagheterna. Dock är potentialen i en framtida kollaborativt dataset och all ytterligare utveckling som föreslås i denna studie det som är verkligen värt att undersöka ytterligare.

Behind the Chatbot : Investigate the Design Process of Commercial Conversational Experience

Wang, Linxi January 2019 (has links)
The messaging-based conversational interfaces, commonly called Chatbots, have seen massive growth lately. With the proliferation of Chatbots, there is a growing demand for a better understanding of the design practices behind conversational user experience. This thesis looked into the design process of a Chatbot-based project built on the RCS business messaging platform, and the workflow was investigated through contextual inquiry and critical incident interview techniques. The challenges experienced by practitioners from different disciplines are detailed, with a focus on their respective work tasks and practices. / De meddelandebaserade konversationsgränssnitten, vanligtvis kallade Chatbots, har sett en enorm tillväxt den senaste tiden. Med spridningen av Chatbots finns det en växande efterfrågan på en bättre förståelse för designmetoderna bakom konversationsanvändarupplevelse. Denna avhandling tittade på designprocessen för ett Chatbot-baserat projekt byggt på RCS-affärsmeddelandeplattformen, och arbetsflödet undersöktes genom kontextuell undersökning och tekniker för intervjuad kritisk incident. Utmaningarna som utövarna från olika discipliner upplever är detaljerade med fokus på sina respektive arbetsuppgifter och arbetsmetoder.

Encouragement for sustainable pension : A better understanding for sustainability in regards to pension savings / Uppmuntran till hållbar pension : En bättre förståelse för hållbarhet i relation till pensionssparande

Lindberg, Samuel January 2017 (has links)
Sustainability is more relevant than ever and has forced the pension industry to acknowledge new types of responsibilities during the last decades. Sustainable pension is based on the investing strategy, social responsible investment (SRI), which implies that pension funds should not solely focus on a good return of their investment, but also care for the social and economical welfare. Research has been conducted on the area of SRI and pension during the last decades but a gap has been identified as to how this research was eventually communicated to the customers. This thesis addresses this in two parts for the target group business customers. Firstly, to meet future demands in the pension industry, a better knowledge is needed of how the business customers understand what sustainable pension really is. This thesis aims to address this by answering the question “What are business customers’ understandings of sustainability and pensions?” Secondly, customers increasingly ask what impact their money is having on sustainability. In answer to this demand, a prototype with a concretization of sustainable pension savings was developed and evaluated, following a Human-Centered Design process throughout the thesis project. Interviews were conducted with pension experts and business customers. Results showed that business customers do not make a connection between sustainability and pension, that sustainability is diffuse and hard to understand in the financial setting, and that pension is too far from the operative business and perhaps the employees’ own responsibility. When explained, the belief was that sustainable pension is something positive. But preconceived notions about it being expensive and non-lucrative are factors that discourages. The final evaluation of the prototype was done with a user test that featured three of the four business customers from the interviews. Results pointed to that the business customers think that sustainable pensions became more understandable, that sustainable pension became more concrete, that it was interesting, fresh and that it broke new ground. The user test also revealed that rebound effects is a potential risk with sustainable pension, as participants expressed that they feel better and compensated with their own CO2 emission after they learned about the positive effects of a sustainable pension. / Hållbarhet är mer relevant än någonsin och har tvingat pensionsbranschen att erkänna nya typer av ansvar under de senaste decennierna. Hållbar pension är baserat på investeringsstrategin, ”social responsible investment” (SRI), som medför att pensionsfonder inte enbart ska fokusera på god avkastning, utan även ta hänsyn till social och ekonomisk välfärd. Forskning har utförts på området SRI ihop med pension under de senaste decennierna och ett kunskapsglapp har blivit identifierat kring hur denna forskning sedermera har kommunicerats vidare till kunderna. Den här avhandlingen adresserar det här i två delar för målgruppen företagskunder. För det första, för att möta framtida krav i pensionsbranschen, behövs det en bättre kunskap för hur företagskunders förståelse för hållbar pension är. Den här avhandlingens mål är att ta sig an detta genom att besvara frågan: ”Vad är företagskunders förståelse för hållbarhet och pension?”. För det andra, kunder frågar allt mer frekvent vilken skillnad deras pengar gör för hållbarhet. För att svara på detta har en prototyp med konkretiseringar av hållbar pension utvecklats och utvärderats. Prototypen följde en Human-Centered Design process genom hela projektet. Intervjuer utfördes med pensionsexperter och företagskunder. Resultat visade att företagskunder inte kopplar hållbarhet till pension, att hållbarhet är diffust och svårt att förstå i en finansiell kontext, och att pension är alldeles för långt från den operativa verksamheten och möjligtvis den anställdes eget ansvar. När det förklarades, upplevdes hållbar pension som någonting positivt. Men förutfattade meningar att det skulle vara dyrt och icke lukrativt är faktorer som avskräcker. Den slutgiltiga utvärderingen av prototypen gjordes med ett användartest med representanter från tre av de fyra företagen från intervjuerna. Resultaten pekade på att företagskunder tyckte att hållbar pension blev mer lättförståeligt, att hållbar pension blev mer konkret, att det var intressant, fräscht och att det bröt ny mark. Användartestet avslöjade också att ”rebound effects” är en potentiell risk med hållbar pension, då deltagarna uttryckte att det kändes bättre och att de blev kompenserade för deras egna CO2 utsläpp efter att de fick veta de positiva effekterna av hållbar pension.

One dashboard does not fit all : Promoting User Engagement through Dashboard Design in an Energy Monitoring Platform / Inte en instrumentpanel för alla : Uppmuntra användarengagemang genom designen av en instrumentpanel i en energiövervakningsplattform

Vedin, Erika January 2022 (has links)
Abstract A dashboard can be described as a compact first impression of a digital product or service. In any organization, a well-designed and user-centered dashboard can be a powerful tool to engage users in the organization’s processes and goals. In this study, a dashboard of an energy monitoring platform has been examined. This dashboard is used by a wide array of people working in different facility management organizations. The defined problem is the dashboard’s shortness of engagement with the users. The study’s purpose is to examine how to increase engagement with the users in the dashboard view. This has been done by applying practices and methods of User Experience (UX) and User-centered design. With the Double Diamond Design Process (DDDP) as an outset, user needs and goals in relation to the dashboard has been explored. Data collection has been done with a mixed method design, consisting of a pre-study, user interviews and a survey. An inductive data analysis has led to three key themes being identified: Deviations, Context and Customization. These themes represent the three main sources of potential for a more engaging dashboard on a user level. What was concluded by this was that the dashboard must resonate with the individual user on a level more closely related to the user’s organizational role and goals, needs. By adapting to the user context, making deviations prominent in the visual field, and allowing for customization of features, an engaging dashboard can be developed in any organizational context.

Uncovering the Recycling Distraction: a Graphic Designer’s Journey Designing a Website to Challenge Recycling-Based Individualism

Gruebel, Rhys January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Investigating teacher-student interaction problem using video conferencing tools and its’ effect on Students’ motivation in online education : A prototype for showing solution

Osatian, Peyman, Azimi, Mahsa January 2023 (has links)
The worldwide crisis, Covid-19 had a tremendous influence on education system. Many higher education systems forced to change into emergency online education while challenges and problems facing in online learning process affected not only students’ population but also lots of teachers. Video conferencing tools as a technology which help users to have virtual meetings need to be effective and user friendly to provide the learning process with the same quality as face-to-face education. The goal of this study is researching about one of the important problems in online learning process which is teachers-students interaction. The primary goal of this research is to find the pain points in students-teachers interaction and students’ motivation and our secondary goal is investigating the effects of this interaction on students’ motivation and providing a solution in video conferencing tools to solve this issue using a prototype. We are using mixed methodology which is including both quantitative and qualitative methodology. Collected data from existing studies and literature review, surveys, and interview are methods which are used. Based on our research questions and the methodology for collecting data the following are studied: 1. The pain points and challenges regarding teachers’ interaction and students’ motivation in online learning 2. The effects of students-teachers interaction in students’ motivation 3. The features in video conferencing tools which can improve this interaction. All the findings present in a prototype using Figma with the goal of improving user experience of video conferencing tools for online learning purpose and solve existing problems. This prototype presented to students and teachers to get their feedbacks through an interview. With the importance of online learning in the future education, more research is needed to explore other aspects which has effect on students’ motivation and presenting other solution or features or using another research methods will bring more value to this subject.

Exploring how personalized garden information in a user interface can increase the incentive of gardening

Dimberg, Felix January 2021 (has links)
Gardening has been proven to have multiple health benefits, both mentally and physically. It is a common activity and it’s estimated that almost 78% of home-owners in the USA do it on a regular basis. Cities are growing and have created the challenge to make room for new green spaces to preserve the current biodiversity. This makes preserving or creating garden diversity more important than ever. This study investigates if a user interface could potentially impact and create incentive in gardening for users, with the help of personalized garden information. A prototype was developed and tested in collaboration with Husqvarna Group. The prototype was tested on 5 participants over a 10 day period combined with a qualitative interview to find out if it generated incentive for gardening. The study was done as a conceptual proof of concept and the results were evaluated using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The result implied that the conceptual solution would be perceived useful and accepted on the condition that it provides a personalized user experience. Future research is suggested to look into how to achieve a personalized user experience for user interfaces for gardening. / Trädgårdsarbete har visat sig ha flera hälsofördelar, både mentalt och fysiskt. Det är en vanligt förekommande aktivitet och det uppskattas att nästan 78% av att alla husägare i USA gör det regelbundet. Moderna städers tillväxt har resulterat i en utmaning att skapa nya grönområde för att bevara den nuvarande biologiska mångfalden. Den tillväxten gör det viktigare än någonsin att bevara eller skapa ny biologisk mångfald i trädgårdarna. Denna studie undersöker om mobila gränssnittet potentiellt kan påverka och skapa incitament i trädgårdsarbete för användare med hjälp av personlig information om trädgården. En prototyp utvecklades och testades i samarbete med Husqvarna Group. Prototypen testades på 5 deltagare under en 10-dagarsperiod i kombination med en kvalitativ intervju. Detta för att ta reda på om det genererade incitament för trädgårdsarbete. Studien gjordes som ett konceptet-test och resultaten utvärderades med efter: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Resultatet visade att den konceptuella lösningen skulle upplevas användbar och accepterad, under förutsättning att den ger en personlig användarupplevelse. Framtida forskning föreslås att undersöka hur man kan uppnå en personlig användarupplevelse med gränssnittet för trädgårdsarbete.

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