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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wayfinding ur ett serviceperspektiv : En studie av digitala artefakter i en företagsmiljö

Olsson, Linn January 2017 (has links)
En utvärderande studie av digitala touchpoints i ett besöksflöde. Teorier som nyttjas i studien är mentala modeller, situerad kognition och externa reprepresentationer. I metodvalet utvärderas kontextuell design samt service walkthrough angående vilken metod som är mest lämplig.  Totalt deltog 15 testdeltagare i en uppgiftsbaserad testning med kontextuell design, service walkthrough med paus och service walkthrough utan paus. Resultatet visar att alla digitala touchpoints möter testdeltagarnas bild tillräckligt bra för att de ska klara den uppgiftsbaserade testningen. Efter detta följer en diskussion angående hur teorierna kan länkas till resultatet och med detta även hur flödet kan förbättras och vad man ska tänka på vid vidareutveckling av systemet.

Storing Stories : Digital Render of Momentous Living Archives

Nordin, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Storytelling presented in digital archives can provide indigenous communities with a voice needed to tell stories and thus enhance the society’s understanding for that community. The objective was to evaluate a digital archive prototype from a perspective of rendering Sami stories and storytelling. This was done by collecting data with the method Research through Design where a prototype was designed and demonstrated in two steps to the indigenous people of Scandinavia known as the Sami people. The findings suggest that the prototype can render Sami storytelling to some extent but that digital archives, in regard to indigenous cultures, must be designed with sensitive ethicalities in mind. These digital archives must also be designed so that immersive stories can be rendered whilst also providing the indigenous people the right to be prosumers in order to provide them the empowerment to own their own culture. These issues and future research are discussed in the paper.

"Man kan UX:a allt" : En studie i yrkesidentiteter hos UX-bibliotekarier / "You can apply UX to anything" : A study on the professional identity of UX Librarians

Segerhag, Klara, Enestubbe, Philip January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine the professional identities oflibrarians with special focus on User Experience (UX). To achieve this aimwe have used the four professional identities described by Jenny Lindberg,the communicative identity, the technical identity, the academic identity andthe conservative identity. We have interviewed seven librarians at fivedifferent academic libraries in Sweden that works with UX. In the analysis ofour empirical material we found that the identity most represented among theinformants was the communicative identity while the conservative identitywas seen by the informants as their anthesis. Furthermore we added apotential fifth identity, the progressive identity.

Designing a website to mitigate involuntary loneliness

Wiktorson, Erika, Thiel, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Involuntary loneliness is today considered to be a public health problem, and studies show that feeling lonely can have major negative effects on one's health. Project Omtanke and the social administration in Helsingborg has mapped a big problem with loneliness in Helsingborg, and has come to the conclusion that they need a website with the purpose of mitigating loneliness. Thus, this research project explores how a website should be designed to make people feel less lonely.  This thesis essay explores the research question with the approach Research Through Design (RtD). The research was conducted by conducting user research, creating a prototype and validating the design with users.  This thesis has come to the conclusion that a website with the purpose of supporting lonely individuals should include content providing help and support to all relevant target groups, such as educational content and help alternatives. It should also be designed with the goal to decrease the gap between available help and the people in need of help, by increasing awareness and reassuring personal relevance of available help. The website should also include functions that promote social contact between people, and be designed with the goal of being perceived as inclusive. The website prototype that was created in this thesis was well received by potential users. The users expressed in the validation of the website that they would like to use it, and that they believe it could help them with their loneliness.

Bedömningsverktyg som stöd för maturitymodeller : Med fokus på Nielsen UX maturitymodell / Assessment tool for supporting maturity modells

Friberg, Olivia, Enerås, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
1993 tillkom den första maturity modellen då ramverket Capability Maturity Model (CMM) togs fram i syfte att hjälpa utvecklare att öka mognaden av sina mjukvaruprocesser (Paulk et. Al 1993). Sedan dess har en mängd maturity modeller tillkommit i syfte att stötta utvärdering och förbättring av diverse processer. Trots de oundvikliga fördelar maturity modeller för med sig så går det att finna en del kritik gällande tillämpningen av dem. I denna studie har vi valt att uppmärksamma behovet av ett lättanvänt tillämpningssätt av maturity modeller. För att undersöka det har ett kvantitativt bedömningsverktyg som grundar sig i Nielsen UX maturity model tagits fram. I studien får fyra företag testa bedömningsverktyget i syfte att se om verktyget anses användbart och underlättar implementeringen av den underliggande maturity modellen. Efter testet har alla respondenter ingått i en kvalitativ undersökning där upplevelsen av verktyget undersökts. Utifrån det framtagna resultatet går det att se en framtida potential och värde i bedömningsverktyget men för att nå dit krävs det först vidareutveckling för att nå upp till vad teorin anser vara användbart. Kritik som mottagits under studiens gång riktades flera gånger mot val av underliggande maturity model. Flera företag påstod att modellen vara föråldrad och därför sänkte intresset för verktyget. Däremot menar majoriteten av respondenterna som deltog i undersökningen att de kan se bedömningsverktyget som ett hjälpfullt medel vid implementeringen av maturity modellen men att det återigen behövs vidare utveckling först.

Anticipating a future with digital assistants : Futuristic Autobiographies to explore stress management

Danielsson, Johannes, Säljedal, Klara January 2021 (has links)
Digital assistants such as Google Assistant and Alexa are becoming more and more common in people's homes through smart speakers. Technologies that assist with stress management have increased as well, leading to an abundance of stress management applications for different devices. However, there is a limited amount of research regarding how advanced digital assistants could support stress management and be integrated into users' daily activities. Therefore, our study explores how people anticipate that they would relate to an advanced digital assistant in the future and how they would integrate it into their everyday activities for stress management. Our study shows that important aspects of digital assistants relate to their objectivity, personalization, and adaptability in terms of type of interaction in different contexts. The study also finds that privacy and control, such as a mute function or an on & off function, are desired in order to adjust the digital assistant and integrate it into everyday activities. Finally, stress management with digital assistants is highly personal and how users would relate to and integrate digital assistants into their everyday activities for stress management is unique to each user.

Improving the User Experience in Data Visualization Web Applications

Alexander, Granhof, Jakob, Eriksson January 2021 (has links)
This paper is a literature study with an additional empirical approach to research how to improve user experience in data visualization web applications. This research has been conducted in collaboration with Caretia AB to improve their current data visualization tool. The research studies previous research on the topics of UI design, user experience, visual complexity and user interaction in the attempt to discover what areas of design and intuitivity that improves the user experiences in these kinds of tools. The findings were then tested together with Caretia through a proof-of-concept prototype application which was implemented with said findings. The conclusion of the results is that mapping ontology groups and prior experience as well as reducing visual overload are effective ways of improving intuitivity and user experience.

Högt teknologiskt förtroende för en blockkedjebaserad tjänst inom informationshantering : UX designprinciper

Larsson, Fredrik, Skeppar, Bertil January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att skapa djupare förståelse över UX designprinciper för att designaför högt teknologiskt förtroende på en digital tjänst som baseras på blockkedjeteknologi inominformationshantering. Studien syftar också till att skapa förståelse över om det är möjligt attskapa en blockkedje baserad digital tjänst med högt teknologiskt förtroende för personer somska genomföra en begagnad bilaffär.Studien använder teorier kring Människa-Dator-Interaktion, användarupplevelse design,användbarhet och användargränssnittsdesignFör att svara på undersökningens syfte genomfördes en designstudie där en interaktivhigh-fidelity prototyp togs fram. Prototypen bestod av ett mobilt gränssnitt av en tjänst somtillgängliggör fordonsinformation för personer som ska köpa en begagnad bil. Designarbetetpåbörjades med att försöka förstå problemet genom sex intervjuer med personer som harerfarenhet av handel med begagnade bilar för att ta fram en behovsinventering. Vidare såanalyserades data från intervjuerna sedan i en tematisk analys vilket resulterade i olika citatsom placerades i sex övergripande teman information om ägare, tjänster och hjälpmedel,enheter, information om besiktning, kontrollera ifall bil är servad, övrig fordonsinformation.Tematiska analysen resulterade i en behovsinventering på behov för personer som skagenomföra en handel med ett begagnat fordon. Under designarbetet utfördes också enexpertutvärdering med fem UX-experter.Studiens slutsats presenterar följande fem olika UX-designprinciper: (1) skapa enlandningssida, (2) feedback är mycket viktig under autentiseringsprocessen, (3) olikaetiketter för varje informationstyp, (4) tydlig feedback vid filtrering av information, och (5)tydliggör vart informationen kommer ifrån. / The purpose of this thesis is to create a deeper understanding about UX design principleswhen designing a trustworthy digital service based on blockchain technology within the fieldof information management. The purpose also includes to create an understanding about thepossibility of creating a blockchain based digital service that is trustworthy for people goingthrough with a secondhand car transaction.The study uses theories around Human-Computer-Interaction, User Experience design,Usability and User-Interface design.To answer the purpose of the study, a design study was conducted in which an interactivehigh-fidelity prototype was developed.The prototype consisted of a mobile user-interfacedemonstrating a service that makes information about cars available to people that are goingthrough with a secondhand car transaction. The design work began with trying to understandthe problem through six interviews with people who have previous experience tradingsecond-hand vehicles to produce a need`s inventory. The data from the interviews was usedin a thematic analysis that led to six general themes: information about owner, services andutilities, devices, information about inspection, control if a car has gone through a carservice, additional car information. The thematic analysis resulted in an inventory of needsfor people that is going to go through a transaction of a secondhand car. In the design process,an evaluation was performed with five UX-experts.The conclusion presents the following five different UX-design principles: (1) create alandingpage, (2) feedback is very important during the authentication process, (3) differentlabels for every type of information, (4) clear feedback when filtering information, and (5)clarify where the information is coming from.

This SUX! The Sustainable UX Design Toolkit : Towards sustainable development goals in UX practice

Markmann, Alice January 2021 (has links)
UX designers define digital products that shape our modern world. They are at the very beginning of product development and can directly influence the impact the products generate. However, little attention is paid to sustainability values in day-to-day business, which has a counterproductive effect on all dimensions of sustainable development. This thesis explores how a digital co-design toolkit can help UX design (UXD) practitioners find ways to integrate sustainable values into their daily work. Thematically, this project focuses on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On the one hand, to ensure a holistic point of view on the topic of sustainable development. On the other hand, to provide an approach to contribute to the SDGs from the UXD field. This research builds upon Sustainable Interaction Design (SID) theories, and a participatory design approach is pursued using a co-design process. The result of this work is a digital toolkit, which is designed for a collaborative online whiteboard platform for UX practitioners. The thesis contributes knowledge to the field of Interaction Design by proposing a toolkit for sustainable UX design.

Usability - Bericht: Beitrag zur Usability Evaluation Challenge 2010 der Gesellschaft für Informatik

Waegner, Lars, Schupp, Philipp, Lahr, Lisa, Mau, Janina, Richter, Julia, Pilz, Ina, Wolf, Annett 28 February 2011 (has links)
Der vorliegende Usability-Bericht entstand im Rahmen eines Multimedia-Tutoriums, das dazu vorgesehen ist, praktisch umzusetzen, was in anderen Seminaren über Multimediapsychologie, Diagnostik der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, Softwaregestaltung und –evaluation sowie Screendesign theoretisch vermittelt wurde. Der Wettbewerb zur Evaluation der Webseite des Fachbereichs Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (FB MCI) der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) bot uns durch die Aufgabenstellung eine geeignete Möglichkeit, übergreifendes theoretisches und psychologisch fundiertes Wissen an einem realen Beispiel anzuwenden und somit in die Praxis umzusetzen. Unser Team, bestehend aus sieben angehenden Usability-Experten, hat die Webseite des MCI ausführlich inspiziert und mit ausgewählten Methoden systematisch evaluiert. Dazu wurden in einem Auswahlprozess zwei geeignete Methoden gewählt. Unser Vorgehen ist in einem Projektplan festgehalten. Die Ergebnisse der Evaluation, deren Erhebung und die verwendeten Methoden sind in diesem Bericht ausführlich protokolliert.:1. Einleitung 2. Erläuterung angewendeter Methoden 2.1. Heuristische Evaluation 2.2. Card Sorting 3. Projektplan 4. Wichtigste Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen – Zusammenfassung 5. Heuristische Evaluation 5.1. Auswahl und Spezifikation der Heuristiken 5.2. Darstellung des Vorgehens 5.3. Erläuterung zu den Tabellen 5.4. Erläuterung zu Schweregrad und Behebbarkeit 5.5. Ergebnisse heuristische Betrachtung: Übersicht 5.5.1. Heuristische Betrachtung: Gesamte Homepage 5.5.2. Heuristische Betrachtung: Startseite 5.5.3. Heuristische Betrachtung: Hauptnavigation 5.5.4. Heuristische Betrachtung: Fachgruppen 5.5.5. Heuristische Betrachtung: Arbeitskreise 5.6. Visualisierung ausgewählter Verbesserungsvorschläge 6. Card Sorting 6.1. Psychologische Fundierung 6.2. Darstellung des Vorgehens 6.3. Auswertung 6.3.1. Ergebnisse Hauptmenü (Gruppe A) 6.3.2. Ergebnisse Fachgruppen und Arbeitskreise (Gruppe B) 7. Design-Vorschläge 8. Evaluation der Barrierefreiheit nach BITV 9. Schlusswort 10. Literaturverzeichnis Anhang A) Heuristiken B) Auswertung Card Sorting Gruppe A C) Auswertung Card Sorting Aufgabe A D) Auswertung Fachgruppen und Arbeitskreise (Gruppe B)

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