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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förbättringsarbete för användbarhet i en webbshop : Förbättrad användbarhet genom ökad effektivitet samt tillfredsställelse

Ericsson, Katarina January 2019 (has links)
Alla verksamheter har förbättringsmöjligheter och dessa behöver analyseras för att nå en förbättring. VVSteknik har idag en webbshop där de vill hitta dessa förbättringsmöjligheter och göra den mer användarvänlig och effektiv. I utvecklandet av mjukvara har själva användarna ofta glömts bort, antingen helt eller tagits in för sent i utvecklingen. Detta resulterar i otillräckliga system som skapar missnöjda användare. Denna studie har testat att använda en ny metod grundat på befintliga metoder och applicerat på arbetet. För att uppnå förbättring har det valts att samarbeta med användarna på VVSteknik själva som får ge sina åsikter genom hela studien. Den arbetsmetoden heter UCD, User Centered Design vilken är en agil metod som involverar användare i utvecklingen. För att uppnå förbättring om användbarhet genom tillfredsställelse samt effektivitet har denna metod applicerats. Metoden har innefattat intervjuer av interna användare, testning och reflektioner som genomförts av både interna och externa användare, samt SWOTanalysering som grundats i svaren från reflektionerna för att se om förbättring har skett. Resultatet på studien visade på förbättring i användbarheten främst i designen. Den blev smidigare, tydligare, enklare att använda, fick ett naturligare arbetsflöde som några av de förbättringar som användarna själva angav. Detta resulterade i en förbättring och visar därmed på en lämplig metod. / All operations have opportunity improvements and these need to be analyzed to reach an improvement. VVSteknik has a web shop today where they want to find these improvements to make it more user-friendly and effective. In the development of software has the users themselves often been forgotten, either entirely or been asked to take part too late in the development. This results in insufficient systems that create dissatisfied users. This study has tested to use parts of existing methods and made an own method and applied to the work. In order to reach improvement is has been chosen to work with the users at VVSteknik themselves, to give their opinions throughout the study. This method of work is called UCD, User Centered Design which is an agile method that involves the users in the development. To achieve improvement for usability and efficiency has this method been used. The method has included interviews of the internal users, testing and reflections that has been conducted by both internal and external users, as well a SWOT-analysis that was based on the answers from the reflection to see if an improvement has occurred. The result of the study showed improvement in usability, foremost in the design. It became more distinct and obvious, easier to use and a more natural workflow as a few of the improvements the users stated. This resulted in an improvement and thus showed a suitable method.

Patient Empowerment and User Experience in eHealth Services : A Design-Oriented Study of eHealth Services in Uppsala County Council

Andersson, Johan, Kjerrman, Viktor January 2013 (has links)
In November 2012 Uppsala County Council (UCC) introduced an eHealth service, ‘My Health Record’, that gives all inhabitants over age 18 in Uppsala County access to their health records online. However, this service has not been evaluated before this study. We conducted an interview study, based on User Experience (UX) and Patient empowerment, with users of ‘My Health Record’ to get their opinions, and to see if and how the service can be improved. Our findings shows that the users are positive to the service and the aspects that can be improved mostly concern information and communication. Based on these results, we propose design principles as well as concrete design proposals which can be useful for re-designing the service as well as inspiration for similar projects. Additionally, an interesting finding is that the interviewees had very few opinions and complains on the actual interface, which could mean that the content (the health record) is so interesting that the interface becomes almost “invisible”. A conclusion we make is that UX and Patient empowerment is a good fit for each other, and that UX has advantages over traditional usability in services like this.

Applying cross-channel user experience design theory to practice : A case study of a public transportation company in Sweden

Lång, Ida, Schlegel, Anne January 2015 (has links)
The emergence of digital technology, social media and ubiquitous computing in the 21stcentury changed customer behavior and created new possibilities, but also challenges, forcompanies offering their services. The new customer generation is more tech-savvy thanever before, and therefore places higher demands on companies to have well-designed experienceswith services that can be consumed through various channels. This study investigatesthese service environments to see if they are actively shaped to cross-channel ecosystemsby the companies or if the companies react to the demands of their customers. Furthermore,the goal of this thesis is to find out how the current theory of cross-channel userexperience can assist in formulating design strategies for service ecosystems. To determinethis, the authors conducted a theoretical analysis of the current IS literature and created,based on that, a cross-channel user experience design framework. Within a case study of aSwedish transportation company, company and user interviews, direct observations of theavailable service artifacts, analysis of documentation, and the design of the user journeyswere executed to assess the as-is ecosystem. On the basis of these results, it was proventhat cross-channel ecosystems are shaped based on user demands. The created frameworkwas applied to formulate a language of critique of the cross-channel user experience designof the underlying case study, and the framework was proven to be applicative to practiceafter adjusting it to its final version.

Usability - Bericht

Waegner, Lars, Schupp, Philipp, Lahr, Lisa, Mau, Janina, Richter, Julia, Pilz, Ina, Wolf, Annett 09 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Der vorliegende Usability-Bericht entstand im Rahmen eines Multimedia-Tutoriums, das dazu vorgesehen ist, praktisch umzusetzen, was in anderen Seminaren über Multimediapsychologie, Diagnostik der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, Softwaregestaltung und –evaluation sowie Screendesign theoretisch vermittelt wurde. Der Wettbewerb zur Evaluation der Webseite des Fachbereichs Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (FB MCI) der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) bot uns durch die Aufgabenstellung eine geeignete Möglichkeit, übergreifendes theoretisches und psychologisch fundiertes Wissen an einem realen Beispiel anzuwenden und somit in die Praxis umzusetzen. Unser Team, bestehend aus sieben angehenden Usability-Experten, hat die Webseite des MCI ausführlich inspiziert und mit ausgewählten Methoden systematisch evaluiert. Dazu wurden in einem Auswahlprozess zwei geeignete Methoden gewählt. Unser Vorgehen ist in einem Projektplan festgehalten. Die Ergebnisse der Evaluation, deren Erhebung und die verwendeten Methoden sind in diesem Bericht ausführlich protokolliert.

Patienternas kommunikationsväg in i vården : vårdperspektivet

Sivermalm-Durefors, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
Regeringens målsättning är att Sverige ska vara världsledande inom e-hälsa 2025. IT-utvecklingen inom vården innebär möjligheter att effektivisera processer som kommunikationen mellan vårdpersonal och patienter.  Digitala lösningar inom vården kan effektivisera verksamheter, sänka kostnader, öka delaktigheten och stödja kommunikation mellan patient och verksamheter.     Cambio Healthcare Systems AB har idag ett vårdinformationssystem med bland annat funktionen Messenger, en meddelandefunktion mellan vårdpersonal. Cambio vill nu undersöka möjligheterna att vidareutveckla Messenger för interaktion mellan patient och vårdpersonal. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på hur man från vårdperspektivet ser på detta.       De frågeställningar som studien utreder är: Vilka inställningar finns till att involvera Messenger som interaktionsmetod mellan patient-vårdpersonal? Hur vill vårdpersonalen arbeta kring patientkommunikation i COSMIC? I vilka sammanhang är det relevant att kommunicera med patienter via meddelanden? Hur bör patientmeddelanden presenteras i COSMIC?     Studien har antagit en kvalitativ ansats där data samlats in med yrkesverksamma personer inom vården. Datainsamlingen i studien bestod av intervjuer, observationer och tidigare transkriberat material från Cambio. Totalt består studien av tolkningar utifrån 22 yrkesverksamma personer inom vården. Resultaten presenteras som uppkomna teman och kategorier genom en tematisk analys.     Vårdpersonalen ställer sig positiva till att involvera Messenger som interaktionsmetod mellan patient-vårdpersonal men betonar att endast om det görs på rätt sätt. Det får inte bli ännu en inkorg utöver det som idag redan finns, men att ha allting inom COSMIC vore såklart fördelaktigt. Om en meddelandefunktion interageras i COSMIC ska detta presenteras på ett annat ställe än det redan befintliga. Det man måste lösa är hur det ska interageras utan att bli en ytterligare arbetsbelastning för vårdpersonalen. Det måste även göras tydliga ramar kring vilka typer av information som ska gå via meddelanden, fördelaktiga ärenden via meddelanden var enligt studien tidbokningar, receptförnyelser och uppföljningar med patienter. Utifrån studiens resultat dras även slutsatsen att det första steget bör vara att koncentrera sig på en funktion som endast tillåter vårdpersonalen att initiera patientkontakt samt kunna skicka information till patienter digitalt men att patienten inte kan ta den första kontakten.

Tillit vid mCommerce : Hur presenteras betalningslösningar på e-handelsplattformar i Sverige och hur påverkar presentationen kundens tillit / Trust in mCommerce : How do different e-commerce platforms in Sweden present their payment solutions and how does the presentation effect the customers' trust

Flennfors, Martin January 2017 (has links)
E-handel är numera en integrerad del av vår vardag och 65 % av de som använder internet handlar via e-handel. E-handel är ett värdeutbyte mellan flera parter och Business to Consumer (B2C) är det denna rapport fokuserar på. Vad som oftast utbyts är betalning mot en vara eller tjänst. För allt fler sker e-handeln via smartphone (mCommerce) och denna e-handel förväntas öka ytterligare. Tillit är en förväntan på den andra parten att uppfylla sin del av det förväntade avtalet. I fallet e-handel inkluderas även e-handelsplattform-artefakten i tilliten. Tilliten till en e-handel beror bland annat på hur betalningslösningar presenteras i e-handelsplattformen. Denna rapport har undersökt Sveriges 105 vanligaste e-handelsplattformer och hur dessa presenterar sina betalningslösningar samt hur olika deltagares (10 i första samt 18 i andra experimentet) tillit varierade beroende på hur betalningslösningar presenterades. Rapporten visar att få e-handlare presenterar sina betalningslösningar för smartphoneanvändare och att tilliten till e-handelsplattformen samt att viljan att göra ett köp är lägre då betalningslösningar ej presenteras. Rapporten föreslår vidare forskning i området och ger en indikation till utvecklare att visa betalningslösningar för att öka tilliten vid e-handel via smartphone.

Trust in human-computer relationships : Do cross country skiers have trust towards a physical intelligent tutoring system as an accurate feedback on performance?

Thorsén, Karolina, Lindström, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Trust is one of the attitudes that can affect the intentions and the behavior of a human using a system. Misusing a system can have safety- as well as economic consequences, this is why it is important that a user develops calibrated trust towards a system. In this report, the research question is: how much trust cross country skiers have towards a physical intelligent tutoring system (PITS)? Six biological males (age 24 to 50) roller skied on a mechanical treadmill and received feedback from the PITS on a TV-screen. Experience of using the PITS was evaluated with an instrument in a semi-structured interview. The instrument measured the participants overall perceived trust (OPT) for the system, and the participants were asked to further their thoughts about the statements. The data was transcribed, coded, and categorized in a thematic analysis. The result showed that a majority of the participants had low OPT for the PITS, and the thematic analysis showed that the minority with higher levels of OPT focused on the choice of an elite skier as the reference skier. One of the problems with the instrument was that it was developed for evaluation in long term usage, and not first time usage as in this study. The result of this report can be used for further development of the PITS and a reminder on why trust needs to be considered when creating user experiences.

Presenting information through a dashboard for Smart Video evaluations : The process of developing a design for a marketing dashboard

Katarina, Hägglund January 2018 (has links)
Using the internet for watching videos or online shopping keeps growing, along with video advertisement to increase online sales. To know if the video actually increases the online sales, the owner of a video ad wants to do follow ups on how the video is doing, and get statistics. A different solution from the original video ads is Smart Video. It is an interactive video player with a clickable slideshow of products. This video can get even more types of statistics than a normal video, and today that statistic is not accessible for the Smart Video clients, without the help of someone from the Smart Video team that can create a report for them. The purpose of this thesis was to relieve the workload of the Smart Video team and to create a dashboard that shows all information that the clients find relevant about their videos. This paper is about the process of developing a design for a marketing dashboard, that follows the guidelines of information dashboard design by Stephen Few. The process included interviews, multiple designs, prototypes, and evaluations, before ending up with a prototype of a desktop solution that follows the aesthetics of Smart Video and can be realizable with the current technology.

Designing for usability of 3D configuration in E-commerce : Interactive design of 3D in web applications / Design för användbarhet i 3D-konfigurering inom e-handel : Interaktiv design av 3D i webbapplikationer

Axelsson, Alfred January 2017 (has links)
Mass production of consumer products is both wasteful and limit the consumers' power to influence the design of what they are buying. When shopping for a product, the customer must choose between a range of specific products with limited variations. What if the customer could make all the design choices, creating and buying the product according to his or her own needs? A 3D product generator holding a configurable model of a product was created to replace static content in online stores and give creative power to customers. This work aimed at creating an effective 3D product generator by evaluating how users experience the design of and interaction with it, and finding general design goals when introducing interactive 3D content in static 2D environments. A prototype of a 3D product generator in a generic online storefront was implemented in two iterations, improving on and evaluating the design through usability testing. The evaluation of the final prototype suggested that the interface was indeed effective in both design and interaction. This work concludes that user feedback is crucial to creating a successful user experience, which in turn is important when creating interfaces for product configuration.

Designriktlinjer för en bättre användarupplevelse av notifikationer : En studie om notifikationsdesign och användare / Design guidelines for a better user experience of notifications : A study on notification design and users

Rejhagen, Amanda, Karaoghlanian, Isabella January 2016 (has links)
Notifications are known to effectively improve the access to information and draw the users attention. Social media seems to be a popular domain for mobile users. The users seem to receive a lot of different notifications of social media. This is the reason why the data gathering source of this study is Instagram. The user experiences related to notifications are divided, as some people experience them as stressful and others seem to experience them as affirmative. The user experience depends on the context, content and what the notifications are triggered from. This study is done to identify the problems with the notification design. As a result, the study showed that the most common problems concern how the notification are shown to the users and its content. Suggestions of guidelines are created for future designers to improve the user experience of notifications.

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