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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smartwatches in the elderly care - a design intervention approach

Bansell, Marianne January 2018 (has links)
This thesis project is exploring future smartwatch use within elderly care. The user-centered designing phase uses a design intervention approach, where design and research happen simultaneously.The research question is: “How can a smartwatch be used within the elderly care, based on the existing TES mobile phone app, and how can these interactions be designed as smartwatch features?”. The results are four iteratively explored design opportunities, presented as design propositions with concept sketches, and two prototypes.The main participants in the field studies and workshops are end-users, caregivers within the elderly home care and an elderly care center. The outcome shows they are positive towards an imagined future containing smartwatches as a work tool. They see advantages with the wearable and glanceable technology, like freed hands, less to carry and simpler interactions in comparison to a smart phone.The study also shows positive effects of using interaction design for a company’s design process, and exploration of new technology.

IKEA flytt[AR] in

Kornblad, Moa January 2018 (has links)
Digitaliseringens framfart tillsammans människors allt högre förväntningar på teknisk utveckling, kvalitet och effektivitet ställer större krav på företag att skapa tillfredsställande användarupplevelser av produkter och tjänster. Applikationen IKEA Place är framtagen för att möta konsumenterna på deras villkor och genom tillfredsställande användarupplevelser påverka deras köpbeslut. För att ta reda på om och hur användarupplevelsen av IKEA Place påverkar användarnas intentioner att köpa produkter från IKEA har en enkätundersökning och två fokusgruppsdiskussioner genomförts. Som en del av fokusgruppmetoden genomfördes användartester där de nio deltagarna fick interagera med applikationen på ett ändamålsenligt sätt. För att en applikation ska accepteras och användas krävs det att olika kvaliteter tillfredsställer användaren och hjälper denne att nå sitt mål med användandet. Enkätundersökningen, fokusgruppdiskussionerna och användartesterna tyder på att användarupplevelsen av IKEA Place är otillfredsställande och att den i nästan obetydligt liten utsträckning påverkar användarnas köpintentioner. / The expansion of digitalization and people’s increased expectations for technical development, qualities and efficiency puts higher demand on companies to create satisfying user experiences of products and services. The application IKEA Place is produced to meet the consumers on their terms and assist with good user experience to affect their intentions to buy. To find out if and how the user experience of IKEA Place affects users' intentions to buy products from IKEA, one survey and two focus groups were conducted. User tests, where all of the nine participants interacted with the application in an appropriate way, were executed as a part of the focus group method. For an application to be accepted and used, several different qualities needs to satisfy the user and help him or her to reach the goal of the usage. The survey, the focus group discussions and the user tests indicates that the user experience of IKEA Place is unsatisfying. Additionally, the application barley affects the users’ intentions to buy at all.

En User experience utvärdering av Axis Communications “external-corporate” hemsida baserat på användarintervjuer och heuristiker.

Björkdahl, Filippa January 2018 (has links)
User experience forskning blir allt mer viktigt den här tiden under den digitala eran där det är konstant utveckling och framsteg av digitala produkter. Denna typen av produkter introducerar ett behov av att designa och utveckla dess gränssnitt där informationen presenteras på bästa möjliga sätt och skapar möjligheter till interaktion för att möta användarens behov. Den interaktiva upplevelsen som en digital produkt erbjuder via gränssnittet avgör i stor utsträckning framgången av produkten. Användarens upplevelse av gränssnittet är en mycket större del av utvecklingen idag än tidigare. Vikten av att ta ansvar för kundupplevelsen och sätta denna i centrum blir som en överlevnadsteknik för hemsidor. Även om det finns många olika sätt att utvärdera användarupplevelsen som erbjuds av webbplatser, så är det en utmaning att skapa ett teoretiskt verktyg som tillämpas för att utvärdera User experience för kunskapsintensiva informtionsutrymmen.Syftet med denna avhandling är att utveckla ett teoretiskt verktyg baserat på heuristiker inom forskningsområdet user experience. Att bidra till en ökad förståelse för vad User experience är och för att se vilka heuristiker som kan appliceras för att utforska en användares förståelse av ett webbgränssnitt. För att grunda detta forskningsarbete och ge konkreta resultat har en fallstudie valts som metod för att komplettera litteraturstudien. Kundernas erfarenhet av att interagera med företaget Axis Communications valdes som ett relevant fall. Axis Communications utvecklar nätverkskameror och programvara för säkerhet och videoövervakning. Användbarhetsstudier utfördes med distributörer av Axis Communications produkter och genomfördes i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer och med hjälp av think-aloud teknik för att undersöka produkt och information sökande strategier. Resultaten från denna studie i samband med den heuristik som utvecklades som en följd av litteraturstudien användes för att se över användbarheten av Axis Communications externa hemsida. Fem nya heuristiker utvecklades som ett viktigt verktyg för att bestämma och designa användarupplevelsen av corporate webbplatser som hanterar kunskapsintensiva informationsutrymmen. Även om resultaten från fallstudier är svåra att generalisera, så har det teoretiska verktyget som skapats i detta forskningsarbete möjliggjort en form av generalisering, men viktigast introducerar forskningsfrågor för framtida arbete. / User experience research is becoming more important during this time of the digital era where there is constant advancements in digital products. Such advanced digital products introduce a need to design and develop its interfaces where information is presented in the best way possible and creates possibilities for interaction to meet the users needs. The interactive experience offered by a digital product through its interface to a large extent determines the success of such products. The user's experience of the user interface is a much larger part of the development today, than it was before. The importance of taking responsibility for the customer experience and putting this into focus becomes a survival technique for websites. While there are standard techniques to understand the user experience offered by websites, the lack of a theoretical tool to determine and design user experiences for information spaces containing knowledge-intensive information is a challenge. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a theoretical tool based on heuristics researched in the field of user experience. To contribute to a common understanding for what User experience is and to see which heuristics can be applied to explore a users understanding of a website. To ground this research work and to have concrete results, a case study has been chosen as an method to complement the literature review. Customer experience in interacting with Axis Communications’ corporate website was chosen as a relevant case. Axis Communications develops network cameras and software for physical security and video surveillance industries. Usability studies were conducted with distributors of Axis Communications products in form of semi-structured interviews and using think-aloud technique to investigate the product and information seeking strategies. The results from this study in conjunction with the heuristics developed as a result of the literature study was used in reviewing the usability of Axis Communications’ corporate website. Five new heuristics were developed as an important tool for determining and designing the user experience of corporate websites dealing with knowledge-intensive information spaces. While results from case studies are difficult to generalise, the theoretical foundations upon which this research work was built enables some form of generalisation but more importantly puts forth interesting research questions as future work.

Physical vs Digital Tabletop Games

Larsson, Andreas, Ekblad, Jonas January 2020 (has links)
This paper shows the difference in User Experience between Physical and Digital tabletop games. The goal of the project is to get an understanding of how and why playing tabletop games differentiates depending on the platform. Seven tabletop games have been chosen from different genres with an official digital adaptation. We’ve measured four key factors, Usability, Aesthetics, Social Connectivity and Engagement. The key factors have been used to gather User Experience metrics that were used to compare the digital and physical versions of the tabletop games. The result from this thesis is that physical tabletop games have a higher rating than the digital versions in all key factors except in usability where the differences were miniscule. Games that rely on imperfect information offer a much higher social connectivity and engagement when it’s played around a table. Games relying on tile-placement offers a higher usability and engagement when played digitally due to the assistance provided by the game. Physical tabletop games are the preferred option of the two but the accessibility of the digital versions makes them remain relevant.

Algoritmer - En modern vidskepelse : En kvalitativ studie av hur medvetenheten av YouTubes algoritmer påverkar användarupplevelsen

Eriksson, Hampus, Ekengren, Anton, Askeljung, Valdemar January 2021 (has links)
Recommended content is a big part of many people's everyday lives and shapes users' experience (UX) and media consumption on a daily basis. With a varied amount of knowledge about how algorithms affect people's media consumption, the decision-making process is influenced to varying extents. The focus of this study is therefore to examine the diversity of variations that exist around the perception of YouTube's algorithms and its influence on the users’ experience. We conducted a quantitative study in the form of a questionnaire, as well as semi-structured interviews to answer the questions of how the users assumptions regarding the recommendation algorithm on YouTube affects the user experience. The study suggests that the ignorance that arises as a result of the lack of transparency shown between algorithm and user, contributes to the user experience being influenced by the assumptions. To a large extent, we can see that these approaches depend on the mental models that users have built, which are often based on the assumptions made in the light of users' own experience.

Visualising the Digital Landscape at Inter IKEA : A User-centred Approach to Data Visualisation

Ingelsten, Olof January 2023 (has links)
This thesis presents a user-centred approach to data visualisation through a design project in collaboration with Inter IKEA Älmhult. Interaction Design is often included at the end of visualisation processes, but how could Interaction Design be included to affect the entire design process? The design presented here shows how approaching complex datasets from user perspectives allows Interaction Designers to contextualise data and design interactions that empower users. This was done by designing a proof-of- concept visualisation that displayed an overview of Inter IKEA’s digital solution landscape. As a result of the design process, a discussion of governance, employee ethics, data management, and accountability was brought up. The implication of a user-centred visualisation design for companies is better awareness of democratic data access and more efficient internal processes. The implication for Interaction Design is a future design space that encompasses Data Visualisation, Interactive Visualisations, and Software Development Governance.

Utilizing modern technology to promote tourism and reduce physical contact / Utnyttja modern teknologi för attfrämja turism och minska fysiskkontakt

Gustafsson, Johan, Wallgren, Petter January 2021 (has links)
Tourism is an important factor for economic growth. Unfortunately, the on going COVID-19 pandemic has struck hard on the tourism sector due to the lockdowns and travel restrictions. The lockdowns have also led to an increasing isolation among people which in the long term can lead to a decline in people’s psychological wellbeing.Together with Cybercom Group AB, an idea to solve this problem was to developan application with the intention to nurture the tourism sector and get people out of their homes while keeping the human interactions at a satisfactory level. The main feature of the application developed was a scheduler that carefully planned out people’s daily activities depending how crowded a specific location was. An application such as the one developed could lead to an increase in foot traffic while simultaneously decreasing the amount of physical contact between people. The result of this thesis mainly focuses on the developed application but more specifically the developed algorithms to schedule your day using crowd data. The algorithmdeveloped, the Optimal Time Slot Algorithm, averaged a crowding value of18,8% while the average of the best possible crowding value was 17,8%. / Turism är en viktig faktor för ekonomisk tillväxt. Tyvärr så har den pågående COVID-19 pandemin slagit hårt mot turismsektorn till följd av nedstängningar och restriktionerpå resande. Nedstängningarna har även lett till en ökad isolering hos personersom långsiktigt kan leda till en försämring av människors psykologiska välmående.Tillsammans med Cybercom Group AB växte en idé fram om att utveckla enapplikation som har till uppgift att främja turismsektorn och hjälpa folk att ta sig utur sina hem samtidigt som de undviker trängsel. Huvudfunktionen hos den utvecklade applikationen var en planerare som noggrantplanerar en persons dagliga aktiviteter beroende på hur mycket folk det var på denspecifika platsen vid ett visst tillfälle. En applikation likt den som utvecklats kan ledatill en ökad mängd personer i rörelse i kombination med att minska mängden fysiskkontakt mellan människor. Resultatet av detta examensarbete fokuserar huvudsakligen på den utvecklade applikationenoch specifikt de algoritmer som utvecklats för att planera din dag genomträngseldata. Den framtagna algoritmen, Optimal Time Slot Algorithm, resulteradei ett trängselsnitt på 17,8% där 18,8% var snittet av det bästa möjliga resultatet.

Procurement of a new system, merging public agency aspects and system users : A design case study at the Swedish Tax Agency

Lennartsson, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
The objective with this study was to find what limitations and challenges there are when creating a new development and design on internal systems at a governmental agency. Developing a system within a governmental agency is dependent on defined requirements to develop an approved system. The “Regleringsbrev”, required aspects and the government constitutes the decision support at an agency. A governmental agency offered to be part of the inquiry of this thesis with a system utilized by caseworkers that was investigated. The method used was a concept study and a design study which included a survey of the agency’s requirements and a User-Centered Design approach to merge users in the design process. Based on the results from the concept study a prototype was created and evaluated. The prototype had four functions that would satisfy both the users and the agency's requirements; handling submitted paper applications, viewing tax percentage data when making a decision, text proposals, and the number of clicks. The study provides insight of the process in making a development within a governmental agency. Suggestions to the appointed problem shows potential in further investigating the system, and also how other agencies cope with developing new systems. / Målet med denna studie har varit att hitta vilka begränsningar och utmaningar som uppkommer när man skapar en nyutveckling och design på interna system hos en myndighet. Att utveckla ett system inom en statlig myndighet är beroende av definierade krav för att möjliggöra ett godkänt system. Regleringsbrevet, nödvändiga aspekter samt regereingen utgör beslutstödet hos en myndighet. En av Sveriges myndigheter erbjöd sig att delta i denna undersökning med ett system som används av handläggare på myndigheten. Metoden som användes var en konceptstudie och en designstudie som inkluderade en kartläggning av myndighetskrav samt en användarcentrerad strategi för att involvera användarna i undersökningen. Baserat på resultaten från den genomförda konceptstudie skapades och utvärderades en prototyp. Prototypen hade fyra funktioner som skulle tillgodose både användarnas och myndighetens krav: Hantering av inlämnade pappersansökningar, visning av skattebeslut, textförslag samt antalet musklick. Studien ger inblick i processen att göra en utveckling inom en statlig myndighet. Förslag på det utsedda problemet visar potential i att ytterligare undersöka systemet samt hur andra myndigheter sköter utveckling av nya system.

Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality Shopping for Furniture : A Comparative Study with Web-based Retail / Möbelhandel i virtuell verklighet : En jämförande studie av handel i webb och VR

Erlander Klein, Ludvig January 2023 (has links)
Today there are two main ways of shopping; on a website or in a physical store, and each of them comes with its own benefits and downsides. A prototype for a store in virtual reality (VR) was created to take advantage of the unique aspects of VR, it created a shopping experience that is an improvement over web stores and has some advantages over physical stores too. According to studies done regarding visual search, 3D information such as stereoscopy can make visual search easier. This is something that was taken advantage of when creating the prototype for this work, by implementing a unique navigation and product search system. The furniture are displayed in virtual miniature showrooms, which the user can transport themselves into. By selecting a piece of furniture, alternative furniture are displayed in a grid, which can be selected to swap out the previously selected piece of furniture. This means that the user can inspect each piece of furniture in a realistic setting and scale. The grid also can be used to visualize information depending on two parameters. By taking advantage of the third dimension in VR, the value based on these parameters is visualized by the placement in height of each piece of furniture. The testing compared this VR prototype to the IKEA web store, by having the test subjects do three tasks in both mediums. Data was collected by using a questionnaire and a SAM scale. The VR store had a significantly higher valence compared to the web store, and most test subjects responded that it was likely that they would consider using a VR store over a web store. From this, it can be concluded that the VR store had an enhanced user experience compared to the web store. It was not possible to draw any conclusions regarding visual search when comparing the VR store and the web store, because the results were not conclusive enough. The test subjects found it easier to make decisions in the VR store, especially when using two parameters. This work has shown that a VR store can be created which is preferable to a web store in many ways. It can be more fun and engaging, and enable things that are only possible in VR, like sorting in three dimensions. It can also successfully incorporate some of the best qualities of retail stores, like the physical inspection of products.

Phinder : Ett hjälpmedel för tvärvetenskapliga forskningsarbeten

Karlsson, Dennis January 2023 (has links)
The task for this work was assigned by Erik Nyberg, a researcher at LTU (Luleå University of Technology). The task is to solve the problem for doctoral students in finding interdisciplinary research projects due to their limited network. Erik Nyberg has personal experience with this issue from his own time as a doctor- al student. The purpose of the work can be summarized as solving this task, and the goal is to meet the needs of potential clients by creating an interface. The work has been conducted using an established design process and has utilized relevant methods such as personas, brainstorming, and various detailed prototypes to create a solution that addresses the prob- lem. Relevant literature has also been examined to gain insight into the requirements for creating a user interface and the aspects that need to be considered during the design phase. Areas explored during the literature review include usability, user experience, emotional design, and accessibility. The result of the work is a user interface in the form of a job bank for doctoral students, researchers, and other potential users. The job bank facilitates easy networking between users and promotes continued interdisciplinary research. The final result has been based on a previous prototype that has been evaluated through user testing. In the user testing, the prototype has been evaluated based on the theory that was investigated. / Uppgiften för detta arbete tilldelades av Erik Nyberg, en forskare vid LTU (Luleå tekniska universitet). Up- pgiften är att lösa problemet för doktorander att hitta tvärvetenskapliga forskningsprojekt på grund av deras begränsade nätverk. Erik Nyberg har personlig erfarenhet av denna problematik från sin egen tid som doktorand. Syftet med arbetet kan sammanfattas som att lösa denna uppgift, och målet är att tillfredsställa behovet hos potentiella uppdragsgivare genom att skapa ett gränssnitt. Arbetet har genomförts med hjälp av en etablerad designprocess och har använt sig av relevanta metoder som tex personas, brainstorming och olika detaljerade prototyper för att skapa en lösning som adresser- ar problemet. Relevant litteratur har också undersökts för att få insikt i vad som krävs för att skapa ett användargränssnitt och vilka aspekter som behöver beaktas under utformningen. Områden som har un- dersökts under litteraturundersökningen är användbarhet, användarupplevelse, emotionell design och tillgänglighet. Resultatet av arbetet är ett användargränssnitt i form av en platsbank för doktorander, forskare och andra potentiella användare. Platsbanken underlättar enkelt kontaktskapande mellan användare och främjar fortsatt tvärvetenskaplig forskning. Det slutgiltiga resultatet har baserats på en tidigare prototyp som har utvärderats med hjälp av ett användartest. I användartestet har prototypen utvärderats utifrån den teori som undersökts.

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