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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring how personalized garden information in a user interface can increase the incentive of gardening

Dimberg, Felix January 2021 (has links)
Gardening has been proven to have multiple health benefits, both mentally and physically. It is a common activity and it’s estimated that almost 78% of home-owners in the USA do it on a regular basis. Cities are growing and have created the challenge to make room for new green spaces to preserve the current biodiversity. This makes preserving or creating garden diversity more important than ever. This study investigates if a user interface could potentially impact and create incentive in gardening for users, with the help of personalized garden information. A prototype was developed and tested in collaboration with Husqvarna Group. The prototype was tested on 5 participants over a 10 day period combined with a qualitative interview to find out if it generated incentive for gardening. The study was done as a conceptual proof of concept and the results were evaluated using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The result implied that the conceptual solution would be perceived useful and accepted on the condition that it provides a personalized user experience. Future research is suggested to look into how to achieve a personalized user experience for user interfaces for gardening. / Trädgårdsarbete har visat sig ha flera hälsofördelar, både mentalt och fysiskt. Det är en vanligt förekommande aktivitet och det uppskattas att nästan 78% av att alla husägare i USA gör det regelbundet. Moderna städers tillväxt har resulterat i en utmaning att skapa nya grönområde för att bevara den nuvarande biologiska mångfalden. Den tillväxten gör det viktigare än någonsin att bevara eller skapa ny biologisk mångfald i trädgårdarna. Denna studie undersöker om mobila gränssnittet potentiellt kan påverka och skapa incitament i trädgårdsarbete för användare med hjälp av personlig information om trädgården. En prototyp utvecklades och testades i samarbete med Husqvarna Group. Prototypen testades på 5 deltagare under en 10-dagarsperiod i kombination med en kvalitativ intervju. Detta för att ta reda på om det genererade incitament för trädgårdsarbete. Studien gjordes som ett konceptet-test och resultaten utvärderades med efter: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Resultatet visade att den konceptuella lösningen skulle upplevas användbar och accepterad, under förutsättning att den ger en personlig användarupplevelse. Framtida forskning föreslås att undersöka hur man kan uppnå en personlig användarupplevelse med gränssnittet för trädgårdsarbete.

Affordances and challenges when creating a digital experience for people using smart watches with the intent of purchasing groceries

Hedberg, Evelina January 2020 (has links)
New technology is revolutionizing the retail industry by providing new conditions and questioning the traditional way of shopping. Wearable devices have gained popularity lately and smartwatches are one of the most popular among them [12]. However, little research has been made in the area of creating experiences for grocery retail purchases using smartwatches, which is where this study aims to contribute. Through establishing what affordances and challenges there might be when creating a digital experience for people using smart watches with the intent of purchasing groceries. With the support from CompanyX, one of the leading companies with their core business in grocery retail, the study was built around Apple Watch users as the target group. An experience-centered design method was used to incorporate the end user at each stage of the design process. A high fidelity prototype was created based on the decoded material from the semi-structured interviews performed. The prototype was then evaluated in a remote setup using both in-depth test sessions and a broader evaluation questionnaire. The results showed that the prototype proposed added value for the user by providing an experience that would encourage a more structured and inspirational way of purchasing groceries. The attitude towards the prototype was positive. However, further improvements are suggested and discussed aiming to suit the limited interaction options of a smartwatch, better. The study provides insights in what the attitude looks towards different types of functionalities aiming to create an enhanced grocery shopping experience among Apple Watch users. / Nya tekniska förutsättningar revolutionerar handelsmarknaden genom nya förutsättningar som ifrågasätter traditionellt sätt att handla på. Teknologier som Wearables har under de senaste åren blivit mycket populära där de vristburna enheterna är de som står ut särskilt i popularitet. Dock har lite studier gjorts på hur man med hjälp av Wearables skulle kunna skapa en upplevelse ämnad att underlätta shoppingupplevelsen hos personer som handlar matvaror. Vad öppnar en smartklocka upp för förutsättningar och vad finns det för utmaningar att skapa en upplevelse med hjälp av en smartklocka? Med stöd från CompanyX, en av Sveriges ledande företag inom dagligvaruhandel, byggdes studien kring Apple Watch-användare. Användaren var central genom hela studien då den var byggt runt användarbeteenden och användarupplevelser. En prototyp skapades baserat på de resultat som fastställdes kring användandet, samt testad på slutanvändarna. Resultaten visade att prototypen skapade värde för användaren då den uppmuntrade till ett mer strukturerat samt inspirerande sätt att handla matvaror på. Prototypen togs emot positivt men skulle gynnas av ytterligare förbättringar och design iterationer främst kring smartklockans begränsade interaktionsmöjligheter. Studien bidrar med insikter kring hur attityden ser ut kring skapandet av en användarupplevelse för matvaruhandel i en smartklocka hos Apple Watch användare.

Cool grotta! : En fallstudie om användarupplevelse i webbaserade virtuella turer / Cool Cave! : A Case Study About User Experience in Web-based Virtual Tours

Falk Faye, Fannie, Lundberg, Galina January 2021 (has links)
I dagens samhälle har fler och fler verksamheter inom kulturkontexten utforskat nya sätt att presentera sitt innehåll för publiken. Ett sådant är webbaserade virtuella turer där möjlighet skapas för en intresserad allmänhet att besöka unika platser, ta del av kunskaper på ett interaktivt sätt och pröva nya sätt att besöka ett museum eller en historisk plats. För att locka besökare, och vara ett komplement till vanliga museer och platser med kulturarv, behöver dessa turer skapa en virtuell miljö där användaren upplever ett sömlöst flow och känner en stark inlevelse, engagemang och närvaro i den virtuella platsen. Samspelet mellan dessa element anses vara viktiga för individens helhetsupplevelse och användarupplevelse av webbaserade virtuella turer. Därför ligger intresset i den här studien på att undersöka hur en känsla av närvaro, inlevelse och engagemang påverkar användarupplevelsen under sådana turer. Genom analys av dessa element var studiens mål att utveckla riktlinjer för att uppnå en god användarupplevelse och förbättra värdet av webbaserade virtuella turer. För att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor tillämpades kvalitativa och en kvantitativ metod. Datainsamlingen baserades på en specifik webbaserad virtuell tur genom världens största grotta, Son Doong. Studiens kvalitativa metoder i form av användartester och semistrukturerade intervjuer omfattade tio informanter. Den kvantitativa metoden System Usability Scale (SUS) kompletterade det empiriska materialet med information om användbarheten av den testade turen.  Medan resultatet av SUS demonstrerade en hög grad av användbarhet av den studerade turen, visade de samlade resultaten av användartest och intervjuer på vilket sätt känslan av närvaro, inlevelse och engagemang påverkar användarupplevelsen. Studiens resultat indikerar att en god användarupplevelse av webbaserade virtuella turer kan uppnås genom god navigation, spännande berättande, variation vid presentation av innehållet, möjlighet att interagera med den virtuella miljön, individanpassad upplevelse och bred funktionalitet. Dessa insikter från studiens datainsamling har sammanställts i ett antal riktlinjer som ger förslag på vad en webbaserad virtuell tur kan innehålla för att skapa en god användarupplevelse. / Nowadays, more and more organizations within the cultural context have been exploring new ways of presenting their content to the audience. One such way is web-based virtual tours that create opportunities for the interested public to discover unique places, obtain new knowledge in an interactive way or try an entertaining way to visit a museum or a historical place. To attract visitors and be a complement to regular museums and places of heritage, these tours need to create a virtual environment where users experience a seamless flow and feel a strong sense of immersion, engagement, and presence in the virtual place. The synergy between these factors is considered to be an important one for user experience in web-based virtual tours. Therefore, the interest of this study lies in exploring how a sense of presence, immersion, and engagement influence user experience in these tours. By analyzing these elements, the study’s goal was to develop guidelines that would help achieve a good user experience and enhance the value of web-based virtual tours. To answer the research questions, the study applied qualitative and quantitative methods. Data collection was based on a specific web-based virtual tour of the World's largest cave, Son Doong. Qualitative methods of the study, user tests, and semi-structured interviews, included ten individuals. System Usability Scale (SUS), the quantitative method of the study, completed the empirical material with information regarding the usability of the tested virtual tour.  While the result of SUS demonstrated a good level of usability of the studied tour, the collected results from the user tests and interviews revealed in what way and how the sense of presence, immersion, and engagement influence the user experience. The study results indicate that a good user experience in web-based virtual tours could be achieved by good navigation, compelling storytelling, variation in presenting the content, opportunities to interact with the virtual environment, customization of own experience, and broad functionality. These insights from the study results have been summarized in several guidelines that suggest what a web-based virtual tour should include to create a good user experience.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Implementing a UI Library in FinTech Applications / Implementing a UI Library in FinTech Applications : An Evaluation of the Effectiveness

Hallberg, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Implementing new technology into a complex software developing environment comes with many challenges in terms of code, user interface design, and developer experience. It is well-established that the pressing demand for security and regulations within financial technology makes it even more essential to implement new technologies with care and minimised risks. This work aims to determine the effectiveness of such implementations. Specifically, it evaluates the effectiveness of implementing a UI library in a FinTech application to find the most suitable approach. In this context, a UI library defines as a robust set of user interface components available in one place and a FinTech application as an application in financial technology with complex developing infrastructure. In order to successfully evaluate the effectiveness of implementing a UI library in a FinTech application, a thorough literature survey was performed to identify decisive factors relating to code quality, user interface, and developer experience. In a case study in which a FinTech company served as an example, a solution consisting of their product and UI library was developed. The solution was tested by collecting data from code evaluation, questionnaires, and interviews. The result shows that the solution has higher code quality, fulfils the FinTech UI requirements, and perceived as an improvement of the development infrastructure.  On this basis, the utilised methodology and the recognised factors in this work should be taken into account to identify the most suitable approach when implementing a UI library in a FinTech application.

Användarupplevelse i digitala miljöer : En kvalitativ studie om vad som skapar engagemang inom digitala sociala nätverk / User experience in digital environments : A qualitative study on what creates engagement within digital social networks

Stövander, Fanny January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar undersöka användarupplevelse i digitala miljöer med inriktning engagemang inom digitala sociala nätverk. Studien syftar till att ge en fördjupad förståelse kring området användarupplevelse inom hedoniska motivationssystem (HMS) med fokus på vad som skapar engagemang inom digitala sociala nätverk. Som ett hjälpmedel att på ett strukturerat sätt förklara användarupplevelser och hur engagemang uppkommer har det teoretiska ramverket Hedonic-motivation System Adoption Model, HMSAM, applicerats. De begrepp som användes var användarvänlighet, upplevd användarnytta, nyfikenhet, glädje, kontroll och fördjupat engagemang. För att bättre förstå begreppet fördjupat engagemang har även flow-teorin fungerat som teoretisk bas. Då studien syftade till att ge en fördjupad förståelse kring ett fenomen har dess ansats varit kvalitativ där semi-strukturerade intervjuer använts som datainsamlingsmetod. En innehållsanalys kopplat till teman användes i syfte att strukturera och tematisera den insamlade empirin. Resultatet visade att intresse nämndes inom samtliga teman och hade en stark korrelation till uppkomsten av engagemang. Detta var dock beroende av dess konsumerande kontext. Om det konsumerades i en kontext som inte främjar det fördjupade engagemangets uppkomst, tenderar det att förlora dess betydelse. Vidare framkom att kontroll spelar en viktig roll i sammanhanget då en upplevd bristande kontroll bidrar till en negativ användarupplevelse. Detta visades dock vara komplext då ett fördjupat engagemang delvis innefattar en bristande kontroll i form av förlorad självmedvetenhet och tidsuppfattning. Det spekuleras om de övertygande tekniker som används i dessa digitala sammanhang kan ha någon koppling till den upplevda negativa kontrollbristen. Studien kan ses som ett första steg i en designprocess för framtagande av digitala sociala tjänster med användaren i fokus, med inriktning engagemang och positiv användarupplevelse. / This study aims to examine user experience in digital environments with a focus on engagement within social networking sites. The study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the area of ​​user experience in hedonic motivation systems with a focus on what creates engagement in social networking sites. As a tool to explain user experiences in a structured way and how engagement arises, the theoretical framework Hedonic-motivation System Adoption Model, HMSAM, has been applied. The concepts used were perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, curiosity, joy, control, and immersion. To better understand the concept of the strong engagement named immersion, flow theory has also served as a theoretical basis. Since the study aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of a phenomenon, its approach has been qualitative where semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection method. A content analysis linked to themes was used to structure and thematize the collected empirical data. The results showed that interest was mentioned in all themes and had a strong correlation to the emergence of engagement. However, this was dependent on its consuming context. If it was consumed in a context that does not promote the emergence of immersion, it tends to lose its significance. Furthermore, it emerged that control plays an important role in the context as a perceived lack of control contributes to a negative user experience. However, this proved to be complex as immersion partly includes a lack of control in the form of loss of self-consciousness and time distortion. It is speculated that persuasive technology that is used in these digital contexts may have some connection to the perceived negative lack of control. The study can be seen as a first step in a design process for the development of user-centered social networking sites, with a focus on engagement and positive user experience.

Analyzing player experience of multi-platform games : A case study of a single-player game

Klint, Robin January 2022 (has links)
The player experience (PX) of games can be inspected in various ways to help developers understand the essential ingredients for a successful and engaging game design. Users are even able to experience games on a variety of different gaming platforms, which presents more ways of interaction compared to games that are restricted to only a single gaming platform. The overall chain of interactions between games and platforms, becomes a central design target to understand the complex nature of digital games. However, there are a limited number of studies that investigate how the gaming platforms affects the general PX, and how to conduct an effective evaluation on a game that exists on several platforms. The purpose of this thesis is to research the general PX of these multi-platform games and to generate information about a topic of interest where there is not much prior knowledge. This was done through a single case study using participants and measure their overall PX when played on two different platforms. This process used playability heuristics based on literature focusing on PX and usability, along with semi-structured interviews and observations. The data from this case study would then be discussed to serve as a base for a future hypothesis to be studied, and to discuss how research around multi-platform gamescan be managed and assist game developers in their process of creating an enjoyable PX.Besides presenting how games developed for several platforms can affect the evaluation of the PX, the study also presents findings for how players personal preference for gaming platforms can impact both their performance, and their opinions of a games design.

Bridging the Age Gap Between Streaming Platforms : Improving User Experience for In-between Users

Victor, Winnhed January 2016 (has links)
The media consumption on the Internet is increasing rapidly and people at all ages are getting used to live in an on demand world. Due to this, streaming platforms have to appeal to a broad audience containing children, teenagers and adults. One approach to appeal a broad target audience is to divide the streaming platform into two separate platforms, where one is aiming for children and the other one, for the rest of the users. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the user experience can be improved, to help users of ages 10-13 years old to find their way from one streaming plat- form, to another as they are growing up. The thesis investigate how existing streaming platforms appeal to a broad audience and determines reasons of why a gap can be created between streaming platforms. Based on interviews, work- shops, user tests as well as literature, a final prototype and a set of concluding suggestions have been produced as a result of this study.

Designing a Voice Controlled Interface For Radio : Guidelines for The First Generation of Voice Controlled Public Radio / Utforming Av Ett Röststyrt Gränssnitt för Radio : Riktlinjer för Den Första Generationen av Röststyrd Public Service-Radio

Päärni, Anna January 2017 (has links)
From being a fictional element in sci-fi, voice control has become a reality, with inventions such as Apple's Siri, and interactive voice response (IVR) when calling your doctor's office. The combination of radio’s strength as a hands-free medium, public radio’s mission to reach across all platforms and the rise of voice makes up a relevant intersection; voice controlled public radio in Sweden. This thesis has aimed to investigate how radio listeners wish to interact using voice control to listen to on-demand radio content. Additionally, what does public radio need to consider when implementing the UX for voice control? A questionnaire, Google Analytics-data from Sveriges Radio’s mobile app and website, and an interview with National Public Radio were used to determine four initial functions voice controlled on-demand. The functions were turned into four scenarios, used as the basis for a workshop and brainstorming session. Three of these scenarios were then selected to be the foundation for a Wizard of Oz-prototype, which six users evaluated. The results indicate that to create a viable voice user interface (VUI) for radio, there needs to be a profile for the user to create a personalized experience, with filtered searches created by user behaviour and preference settings. The VUI also needs to allow synonyms for program names, as well as keyword tag material for clustering similar material and to enable personalized user searches. This keyword-system can further be utilized to give user recommendations based on behaviour and preferences. A companion application with a graphical user interface (GUI) can be used for such functionality as settings, help, queuing and creating playlists. Finally, the system needs to ensure that the users are taken care of and guided. A radio host can be used as a basis for the system's persona, to create a consistent and familiar interface. Aspects to examine in the future are more extensive user testing for the VUI design, filter bubbles, ensuring that the user data is not misused or leaked, dimensions of the system's persona, the future of radio and the progress of IPAs.

AI - en samarbetspartner eller rival : En kvalitativ studie om vad som påverkar UX-designers inställning till och användning av AI. / AI - a partner or a rival : A qualitative study on what influences UX designers' attitudes towards and use of AI.

Victorin, Fanny, Hellman, Elsa January 2024 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har artificiell intelligens (AI) blivit ett välkänt och etablerat begrepp i samhället och det har förändrat sättet som människor interagerar med teknik på. Användarna ställer allt högre krav på dagens UX-designers och designprocessen är tidskrävande. För att underlätta och effektivisera arbetet har fler och fler designers fått upp ögonen för hur AI kan vara en användbar designassistent. För UX-designern skapar AI möjligheten att automatisera repetitiva och tidskrävande uppgifter så att man istället kan fokusera på designutmaningarna. Trots en omställning mot en mer AI-involverande IT-bransch samt de många möjligheterna och förväntade fördelarna med att involvera AI i UX-designprocessen finns det UX-designers som inte använder AI. De riskerar att snart räknas som föråldrade och oattraktiva på arbetsmarknaden. Med ett syfte att undersöka UX-designers inställning till AI och vad som avgör om de använder AI i arbetet eller inte utformades en kvalitativ undersökning. Sju yrkesverksamma UX-designers intervjuades kring frågor och teman inspirerade av ramverket Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Resultatet analyserades därefter tematiskt. Resultatet visade att de flesta av deltagarna använde ChatGPT i jobbet och var positiva till AI. De trodde eller visste att AI hade potentialen att effektivisera deras jobb. Det fanns dock bekymmer kring kvaliteten på AI-genererat material, datasäkerhet och AI:s eventuella fördomar. Det fanns också en oro kring den okontrollerade utvecklingen av AI. De UTAUT-teman som verkade påverka deltagarnas användning av AI mest var förväntad prestanda, underlättande förhållanden och social påverkan, och dessa resultat gick delvis i linje med tidigare undersökningar. Tidsbrist samt brist på intresse, inspiration från designkollegor och kunskap om hur AI-verktyg appliceras i UX-designprocessen var tydliga mönster. Trots detta svarade alla deltagare att de troligen skulle använda AI inom de kommande månaderna. De flesta av deltagarna var inte oroliga för att AI skulle ta över UX-designrollen, men menade samtidigt att man måste lära sig att använda AI för att fortsätta vara relevant i framtiden som UX-designer. / During the last few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a well-known and established concept in society, changing the way people interact with technology. Today’s UX designers face increasing demands and expectations from users and the design process is time-consuming. To facilitate and make the designer's work more efficient, more and more designers have shown increased interest in how AI can be a useful design assistant. For UX designers AI creates an opportunity to make some repetitive and time-consuming tasks automated, allowing them to focus on design challenges instead. Despite a more AI-involved IT industry and the many opportunities and expected benefits of involving AI in the UX design process, there are UX designers who do not use AI. They risk being considered outdated and unattractive on the job market soon. This study aims to examine UX designers’ attitudes towards AI and what determines whether they use AI in their work or not by conducting a qualitative study. Seven professional UX designers were interviewed on questions and themes inspired by the framework Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The results were then analyzed thematically. The results showed that most of the participants used ChatGPT in their work and were positive about AI. They believed or knew that AI had the potential to make their job tasks more efficient. However, there were concerns about the quality of AI generated material, data security and potential biases of AI. There was also concern about the uncontrolled development of AI. The UTAUT themes that seemed to influence participants' user behavior towards AI the most were Expected Performance, Facilitating Conditions, and Social Influence. These results partly aligned with previous research. The lack of time, interest, inspiration from design colleagues and knowledge about how to implement AI tools in the UX design process were the most prominent patterns. Nevertheless, all participants stated that they would likely use AI in the coming months. Most participants were not worried that AI would take over the role of UX designers, but they argued that you have to learn to use AI to remain relevant in the future as a UX designer.

Enhancing the User Experience in Internal Systems : A case study investigating design considerations for Administration Portals when UX resources are limited

Drahosch, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
UX resources are often allocated to customer-facing products and services rather than internal systems within organizations. However, the lack of good user experience (UX) of internal systems, particularly administration portals, could impact efficiency, satisfaction and productivity of the employees. Despite this importance these systems may not get the same level of attention and investment in UX design along with organizations' lack of understanding human-machine interaction. Therefore this study investigates which design aspects organizations without UX resources should consider when implementing the UX design in their administration portals. To explore this a review of existing literature was made along with a pre-study to collect opinions from the users. By that a prototype was created followed by an iterative design process. The prototype went through three iterations as each iteration consisted of 1) interview and observation, 2) ideation, 3) prototyping, and 4) testing. Each iteration had five users that performed a task and the possibility to explore on their own. Followed by a semi-structured interview with questions based on the seven stages of action model, also including open questions and likert scale questions.  The study’s results align with previous studies regarding that implementing design principles will improve the user experience and balancing functionality with visual presentation is enhancing for user-friendly visualizations. The most important findings concluded in using visual hierarchy, transparent error handling, customizable interface, layered information and signaling what will happen when interacting with an element. However, the conclusion conveys that the findings may differ in other contexts and with different participants or an increased amount, as it is also suggested as future work.

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