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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det är A och O" eller? : En studie om konsulters resonemang kring användarmedverkan vid systemutveckling

Brocker, Johanna, Karlsson, Andreas January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte: Undersökningen har ämnat kartlägga resonemanget hos systemutvecklare angående användarmedverkan vid systemutveckling både i fråga om hur det används och hur synen på användarmedverkan ter sig. Med begreppet användarmedverkan syftas i denna studie all inblandning av användare vid utvecklingsprocessen från start till slut samt eventuellt efterarbete. Med användare menas både slutanvändare som kund och annan lämplig person som kan vara potentiell användare och som inte är en medlem av utvecklingsteamet. Inriktningen har varit på utvecklare inom konsultföretag i Örebro som arbetar med systemutveckling. Metod/ansats/frågor: En kvalitativ ansats har utförts där fyra huvudkategorier av frågor har ställts upp för respondenterna i semi-strukturerade intervjuer. De fyra kategorierna är som följer: hur det arbetas med användarmedverkan, varför det arbetas på angett sätt, hur det har arbetats med användarmedverkan tidigare samt hur det skulle vara önskvärt att arbeta under idealtypiska förhållanden. Analysmetoden av de utförda intervjuerna har ställts mot ett ramverk av kategorier som även byggt upp intervjufrågorna. Det sammanställda resultatet har jämförts med tidigare forskning om användarmedverkan och med fallstudier kring användarcentrerade ansatser i företag som arbetar med systemutveckling. Resultat: Konsulterna ansåg att användarmedverkan är väldigt viktigt vid systemutveckling men upplever att de inte har möjlighet att jobba med användarmedverkan i den utsträckning de önskar. De anser dessutom att kunden prioriterar bort användarmedverkan i vissa delar av utvecklingen.

From Mob Programming to Mob Development : User-Centred Design in Collaborative Software Development

Anderfelt, Victor January 2020 (has links)
Mob programming is a collaborative software development method that has gained increasing attention in both industry and research. While the focus of mob programming is on the benefits of teams programming together, there are also potential benefits for other aspects of the software development process. However, there is a lack of research on the use of the method outside the domain of programming. This study explores user-centred design (UCD) in mob programming through a case study of three software development teams at Sveriges Television, a Swedish public broadcasting company. Results show that the teams use the method for a variety of tasks in their daily work, calling for a rebranding of the method to mob development to encompass the broader scope. The integration of UCD is analysed through the principles of user-centred agile software development. The results indicate that a revision of these principles is needed to include the cross-functional and social factors that mob development adds to the software development process.

Användarbehov i samhällsplanering : en fallstudie av användarcentrerade metoder / Meeting user needs in social planning : A case study of user-centered design methods

Wallgren, Lydia January 2015 (has links)
Public participation in urban planning is meant to increase democracy in the planning process. Even though all citizens have the option to participate in urban planning debates, few seize their chance to partake. This thesis describes a study on how user needs are met and prioritized in design processes concerning urban planning. The aim was to determine whether user-centered design (UCD) methods could be used as an avenue for public participation in urban planning and ultimately invite more citizens into the planning process. The thesis details a design process where a team worked to develop Farsta, a suburb of Stockholm. The design problem was the question of how Farsta could become an attractive business location. Four concepts were developed and presented to the client. One of the concepts was chosen for further development. In the design process, three different UCD methods were used (interviews, observations and a workshop). The data from these methods were triangulated in the thesis to define user needs. These user needs were then mapped to the different concepts. Based on the mapping, the concept that met the largest number of the user needs could be established. The study showed that the concept that met the most user needs was not the concept that the design team chose to develop further after the presentation to the client. A possible explanation for this is the fact that the client preferred another concept. Thus, the client's wishes and the concept's feasibility were in this case prioritized higher than the users' needs. Despite this, UCD is found to have the potential to invite more citizens into the planning process since people who do not participate in the urban planning debates today could partake through UCD methods. But this demands deliberate efforts from the designer to find and include these user groups. / Allmänhetens deltagande i stadsplanering är tänkt att öka demokratin i planeringsprocessen. Men även om alla medborgare har möjlighet att delta i stadsplaneringsdebatter tar få chansen. Detta examensarbete beskriver en studie om hur användarnas behov tillgodoses och prioriteras i designprocesser som rör stadsplanering. Syftet var att undersöka om användarcentrerad designmetodik (UCD) kan användas som ett komplement till medborgardialog i stadsplanering för att på så sätt öka med- borgarnas möjlighet till påverkan. I examensarbetet studerades en designprocess där ett designteam arbetade med utveckling av Farsta, en förort till Stockholm. Uppdraget för designteamet var att undersöka hur Farsta kan bli en attraktiv lokaliseringsort för företag. Fyra koncept utvecklades och presenterades för uppdragsgivaren. Ett av koncepten valdes för vidare utveckling efter presentationen. I designprocessen användes tre olika UCD-metoder (intervjuer, observationer och en workshop). Data från dessa metoder triangulerades i examens- arbetet för att definiera användarnas behov. Användarbehoven mappades sedan till de olika koncepten och baserat på mappningen fastställdes vilket koncept som tillgodosåg flest användarbehov. Studien visade att det koncept som tillgodosåg flest användarbehov inte var det som designteamet valde att utveckla vidare efter presentationen till uppdragsgivaren. En förklaring till detta tros vara att uppdragsgivaren föredrog det koncept som slutligen valdes. Uppdragsgivarens önskemål och konceptets genomförbarhet prioriterades alltså i detta fall högre än användarnas behov. Trots detta dras slutsatsen att UCD har möjligheten att inkludera fler i planeringsprocessen. Personer som inte kan eller vill delta i traditionella medborgardialoger skulle kunna komma till tals genom användarcentrerade metoder. Men detta kräver ett aktivt arbete från designerns sida för att definiera och söka upp dessa personer.

Designing an interface for a teleoperated vehicle which uses two cameras for navigation.

Rudqwist, Lucas January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish fire department have been wanting a robot that can be sent to situations where it’s too dangerous to send in firefighters. A teleoperated vehicle is being developed for exactly this purpose. This thesis has its base in research that previously has been conducted within Human-Robot Interaction and interface design for teleoperated vehicles. In this study, a prototype was developed to be able to simulate the experience of driving a teleoperated vehicle. It visualised the intended interface of the operator and simulated the operating experience. The development followed a User-Centered Design process and was evaluated by users. After the final evaluation a design proposal, based on previous research and user feedback, was presented. The study discusses the issues discovered when designing an interface for a teleoperated vehicle that uses two cameras for maneuvering. One challenge was how to fully utilize the two video feeds and create an interplay between them. The evaluations showed that users could keep better focus with one larger, designated main feed and the second one being placed where it can be easily glanced at. Simplicity and were to display sensor data were also shown to be important aspects to consider when trying to lower the mental load on the operator. Further modifications to the vehicle and the interface has to be made to increase the operators awareness and confidence when maneuvering the vehicle. / Det svenska brandförsvaret har varit i behov utav en robot som kan användas i situationer där det är för riskfyllt att skicka in brandmän. Ett radiostyrt fordon håller på att utvecklas för exakt detta syfte. Detta arbete baseras på den forskning som tidigare genomförts inom Människa-Datorinteraktion och gränssnitts-design för radiostyrda fordon. I denna studie utvecklades en prototyp för att simulera känslan av att köra ett radiostyrt fordon. Det visualiserade det tänka gränssnitten för operatören och simulerade körupplevelsen. Utvecklingen skedde genom en Användarcentrerad designprocess och utvärderades med hjälp utav användare. Efter den slutgiltiga utvärderingen så presenterades ett designförslag som baserades på tidigare forskning och användarnas återkoppling. Studien diskuterar de problem som uppstår när man designar ett gränssnitt för ett radiostyrt fordon som använder två kameror för manövrering. En utmaning var hur man kan till fullo utnyttja de två kamerabilderna och skapa ett samspel mellan dem. Utvärderingarna visade att användarna kunde hålla bättre fokus med en större, dedikerad kamerabild och en mindre sekundär kamerabild som enkelt kan blickas över. Enkelhet och var sensordata placeras, visade sig också var viktiga aspekter för att minska den mentala påfrestningen för operatören. Vidare modifikationer på fordonet och gränssnittet behöver genomföras för öka operatörens medvetenhet och självförtroende vid manövrering.

Visualizing future buildings : User-centered design process and evaluation of a sensor-based MAR prototype / Visualisering av framtida byggnader : En avändarcentrerad designprocess och utvärdering av en sensorbaserad MAR prototyp

Lindström, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) is an emerging technology that, when done right, can offer the users a rich experience. However, as with most emerging technologies, it is primarily technology-driven, often leaving the user needs aside. In this study a sensor-based MAR prototype was developed and evaluated, following a User-Centered Design process. The prototype visualized a future building in the city of Stockholm, Sweden. However, sensors in today’s smartphones are not perfect, which is a problem when used as tracking method to augment 3D-content. Also, developing a MAR experience includes some challenges and issues that need to be addressed in order to develop a good experience for the user. One of those challenges is to test and validate ideas at an early stage of the development. Usually when following a User-Centered Design process, prototyping is a useful tool for testing and validating. Though, even the simplest MAR experience requires an advanced infrastructure, which is expensive and time-consuming to develop. In this study both the inherited problems of smartphone sensors and the challenges regarding MAR development were taken into account during the development. To counteract these problems, cleverly designed functions were implemented. To evaluate the final version of the prototype, a user test was conducted in an urban environment. The most important lessons learned during this study were that today’s smartphones do not provide robust and accurate sensor data in an urban environment. Resulting in incorrect placement and flickering of the augmented 3D-object. Also, the functions that were developed to counteract these problems helped in some degree, indicating the potential of overcoming hardware problems with cleverly designed functions. Last, using existing AR framework to produce an interactive and AR-enabled prototype, to a low cost and relatively fast, proved successful. / Mobil förstärkt verklighet (Mobile Augmented Reality, eller MAR) är en teknik på frammarsch som utvecklas i snabb takt. MAR har möjligheten att leverera en rik upplevelse till användaren. Dock är utvecklingen av MAR, likt de flesta tekniker under snabb utveckling, teknikdriven vilket ofta medför att användarens behov glöms bort. I denna studie står användaren i fokus när en sensorbaserad MAR-prototyp utvecklas och utvärderas. Allt detta sker med hjälp utav en användarcentrerad designprocess och prototypen används för att visualisera en kommande byggnad i Stockholm, Sverige. Vid utveckling av en sensorbaserad MAR-upplevelse står man inför ett flertal utmaningar och problem som alla behöver adresseras för att kunna leverera en bra upplevelse till användaren. Dels finns hårdvaruproblem så som att sensorer i dagens smartphones är långt ifrån perfekta, detta medför problematik i placeringen utav 3D-objekt som baseras på sensordata. En annan utmaning är att testa och validera idéer i ett tidigt skede av utvecklingen. Vanligtvis när man följer en användarcentrerad designprocess är tidiga prototyper ett användbart verktyg för testning och validering. Dock kräver även den enklaste MAR-upplevelsen en avancerad infrastruktur, som är både dyr och tidskrävande att utveckla. I denna studie tas dessa problem och utmaningar i beaktning redan i ett tidigt utvecklingsstadium. Väldesignade funktioner utvecklas för att motverka och minska inverkan utav dessa problem. För att utvärdera den slutgiltiga prototypen utfördes ett användartest i stadsmiljö. En viktig lärdom från denna studie är att dagens smartphones inte erbjuder tillräckligt robust och precis mätning av sensordata i stadsmiljö för att leverera en bra användarupplevelse. Detta resulterade i felaktig och hoppande/skakig placering av 3D-objekt. De funktioner som utvecklades för att motverka problemen med MAR hjälpte i viss utsträckning, dessa påvisade en potential att överkomma hårdvarubrister med smarta och väldesignade funktioner. Att använda AR-ramverk för att producera interaktiva MAR-prototyper, till en låg kostnad och med relativt kort utvecklingstid, visade sig lyckat.

Medierat Brus: En studie i information overload & sociala medier

Grimberg, Christian, Ljungberg, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
Det har länge dividerats om hur den teknologiska utvecklingen påverkar oss. Marshall McLuhan och Alvin Toffler ifrågasatte vårt beteende och berättade om hur teknikens utveckling kommer att påverka oss redan på 1960-talet. Det har också myntats uttryck som information overload och infobesity som uttrycker den stress människor upplever när de inte längre kan bearbeta den information de konstant tar del av. Sociala medier är en stor bidragande faktor till det rådande tillståndet av information overload. Det råder inte heller några tvivel om att vår användning av sociala medier mer eller mindre påverkar våra medvetna beslut och vår kommunikation.Information overload är inget nytt begrepp, och i dagens informationssamhälle är det inte bara massmedia som står för den informationsspridning som sköljer över befolkningen utan de är själva delaktiga i att skapa den enorma mängd information och kommunikation de tar del av varje dag. Medierad kommunikation är under ständig utveckling och tar en stor plats i vårt vardagsliv. Det är inte enbart den klassiska masskommunikationen som fångar användarnas uppmärksamhet utan det är möjligheten att själva vara med och bidra till kommunikation och information som är intressant för användaren.Det är av vår uppfattning att de moderna kommunikationsverktygen påverkar vårt varande, både i den digitala och den verkliga världen, och det är denna påverkan som är i fokus för denna studie. / Today’s interactive media invites users to take part in a massive exchange of information and the idea and desire to filter information has always been in question. This thesis will discuss the problems with information overload and the effects it has on users of social media. With critical design as a point of view we aim to point out some of these effects in an attempt to create a debate within the interaction design community. The first chapter will discuss the theories underlying mediated communication, information overload, user centered design and critical design. The following chapters will discuss methodology and implementation of these methods. Bodystorming and user studies will function as our main methods to map out the behavioural changes that come from information overload. The result of our user studies indicates that the communication often becomes impersonal and that the activity itself becomes more important than the content of the message. Our final results will not present a solution to the problem area but will give an example on how to focus design work to avoid creating unpleasant user experiences of social and interactive media.

Engajamento por meio de elementos de jogos em comunidades online de colaboração aberta / Engagement through game elements in open collaboration online communities

Ana Paula Oliveira Bertholdo 06 December 2018 (has links)
Galerias, Bibliotecas, Arquivos e Museus (GLAMs) têm enfrentado o desafio de envolver os usuários na seleção, catalogação, contextualização e curadoria de coleções por meio de crowdsourcing. Esse novo modo de interação se estende além do acesso passivo e pode levar a um nível mais profundo de engajamento com coleções. Como a participação do usuário é a chave para o sucesso nesse contexto, GLAMs precisam criar e manter sistemas de colaboração aberta. Contudo, tais sistemas precisam fomentar um senso de comunidade em torno dos artefatos e as comunidades dependem, dentre outros fatores, do engajamento de colaboradores. O termo engajamento indica a profundidade de investimento de um ator quando interagindo com um sistema digital. Para promover o engajamento dos usuários com comunidades online, tem-se discutido o uso da gamificação. Gamificação é o uso de elementos de projeto de jogos em contextos que não são jogos e tem como meta estimular a participação e engajar pessoas. Nos estudos teóricos sobre gamificação, a motivação intrínseca e a autodeterminação do usuário são as principais bases para a construção de aplicações. No entanto, a maior parte da literatura que descreve a implementação de gamificação utiliza elementos de recompensa, como pontos, distintivos e quadros de liderança, associados à pontificação, um subconjunto da gamificação; e não apresenta o monitoramento e a análise de cada elemento de jogo inserido durante o desenvolvimento, de modo a avaliar o impacto no comportamento dos usuários. Há também a necessidade de explorar como a gamificação pode ser implementada em domínios específicos. Esta pesquisa propõe uma abordagem para integrar gamificação e avaliação de engajamento durante o desenvolvimento de comunidades online de colaboração aberta. Nesse contexto, uma pesquisa-ação foi realizada no domínio de uma GLAM sobre arquitetura e urbanismo, chamada Arquigrafia, para investigar as práticas atuais de gamificação e uma proposta de abordagem. As métricas de engajamento foram analisadas estatisticamente por meio de pesquisas quantitativas experimentais e não-experimentais sobre dados coletados em três anos de monitoramento (2015-2018). Os resultados indicam que o uso de elementos de jogos em uma comunidade online de colaboração aberta, no domínio de GLAMs, tem um efeito positivo sobre o engajamento de usuários sob certas condições, as quais são consideradas na proposta de abordagem desta tese. / Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAMs) have faced challenges for involving users in the selection, cataloging, contextualization and curation of collections through crowdsourcing. This new mode of interaction extends beyond passive access and can lead to a deeper level of engagement with collections. Because user engagement is the key to success in this context, GLAMs need to create and maintain open collaboration systems. However, such systems need to foster a sense of community around artifacts, and communities depend, among other factors, on colaborators engagement. The term engagement indicates the depth of an actor\'s investment when interacting with a digital system. To promote the engagement of users with online communities, the use of gamification has been discussed. Gamification is the use of game design elements in contexts that are not games and aims to stimulate participation and engage people. In the theoretical studies on gamification, intrinsic motivation and self-determination of the user are the main bases for the construction of applications. However, most of the literature describing the implementation of gamification uses reward elements, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, associated with pontification, a subset of gamification; and does not present the monitoring and analysis of each game element inserted during the development, in order to evaluate the impact on the behavior of the users. There is also a need to explore how gamification can be implemented in specific domains. This research proposes an approach to integrate gamification and evaluation of engagement during the development of open collaboration online communities. In this context, an action research was carried out in the domain of a GLAM on architecture and urbanism, the Arquigrafia project, to investigate current practices of gamification and an approach proposal. Engagement metrics were statistically analyzed using experimental and non-experimental quantitative research of data collected over three years of monitoring (2015-2018). The results indicate that the use of game elements in an open collaboration online community in the GLAM domain has a positive effect on user engagement under certain conditions, which are considered in the approach proposal of this thesis.

Engajamento por meio de elementos de jogos em comunidades online de colaboração aberta / Engagement through game elements in open collaboration online communities

Bertholdo, Ana Paula Oliveira 06 December 2018 (has links)
Galerias, Bibliotecas, Arquivos e Museus (GLAMs) têm enfrentado o desafio de envolver os usuários na seleção, catalogação, contextualização e curadoria de coleções por meio de crowdsourcing. Esse novo modo de interação se estende além do acesso passivo e pode levar a um nível mais profundo de engajamento com coleções. Como a participação do usuário é a chave para o sucesso nesse contexto, GLAMs precisam criar e manter sistemas de colaboração aberta. Contudo, tais sistemas precisam fomentar um senso de comunidade em torno dos artefatos e as comunidades dependem, dentre outros fatores, do engajamento de colaboradores. O termo engajamento indica a profundidade de investimento de um ator quando interagindo com um sistema digital. Para promover o engajamento dos usuários com comunidades online, tem-se discutido o uso da gamificação. Gamificação é o uso de elementos de projeto de jogos em contextos que não são jogos e tem como meta estimular a participação e engajar pessoas. Nos estudos teóricos sobre gamificação, a motivação intrínseca e a autodeterminação do usuário são as principais bases para a construção de aplicações. No entanto, a maior parte da literatura que descreve a implementação de gamificação utiliza elementos de recompensa, como pontos, distintivos e quadros de liderança, associados à pontificação, um subconjunto da gamificação; e não apresenta o monitoramento e a análise de cada elemento de jogo inserido durante o desenvolvimento, de modo a avaliar o impacto no comportamento dos usuários. Há também a necessidade de explorar como a gamificação pode ser implementada em domínios específicos. Esta pesquisa propõe uma abordagem para integrar gamificação e avaliação de engajamento durante o desenvolvimento de comunidades online de colaboração aberta. Nesse contexto, uma pesquisa-ação foi realizada no domínio de uma GLAM sobre arquitetura e urbanismo, chamada Arquigrafia, para investigar as práticas atuais de gamificação e uma proposta de abordagem. As métricas de engajamento foram analisadas estatisticamente por meio de pesquisas quantitativas experimentais e não-experimentais sobre dados coletados em três anos de monitoramento (2015-2018). Os resultados indicam que o uso de elementos de jogos em uma comunidade online de colaboração aberta, no domínio de GLAMs, tem um efeito positivo sobre o engajamento de usuários sob certas condições, as quais são consideradas na proposta de abordagem desta tese. / Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAMs) have faced challenges for involving users in the selection, cataloging, contextualization and curation of collections through crowdsourcing. This new mode of interaction extends beyond passive access and can lead to a deeper level of engagement with collections. Because user engagement is the key to success in this context, GLAMs need to create and maintain open collaboration systems. However, such systems need to foster a sense of community around artifacts, and communities depend, among other factors, on colaborators engagement. The term engagement indicates the depth of an actor\'s investment when interacting with a digital system. To promote the engagement of users with online communities, the use of gamification has been discussed. Gamification is the use of game design elements in contexts that are not games and aims to stimulate participation and engage people. In the theoretical studies on gamification, intrinsic motivation and self-determination of the user are the main bases for the construction of applications. However, most of the literature describing the implementation of gamification uses reward elements, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, associated with pontification, a subset of gamification; and does not present the monitoring and analysis of each game element inserted during the development, in order to evaluate the impact on the behavior of the users. There is also a need to explore how gamification can be implemented in specific domains. This research proposes an approach to integrate gamification and evaluation of engagement during the development of open collaboration online communities. In this context, an action research was carried out in the domain of a GLAM on architecture and urbanism, the Arquigrafia project, to investigate current practices of gamification and an approach proposal. Engagement metrics were statistically analyzed using experimental and non-experimental quantitative research of data collected over three years of monitoring (2015-2018). The results indicate that the use of game elements in an open collaboration online community in the GLAM domain has a positive effect on user engagement under certain conditions, which are considered in the approach proposal of this thesis.

Determining the Factors Contributing to Electronic Referral System Adoption by Radiation Oncologists through User-centred Design

Chandran, Arun 21 November 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to utilize usability engineering methods in order to identify facilitators and barriers to electronic referral system adoption by radiation oncologists at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and provide recommendations for electronic referral system design. Analyses included workflow analysis of radiation oncologists reviewing referrals, belief elicitation interviews with radiation oncologists, a heuristic evaluation of an existing electronic referral system interface, and cognitive walkthrough of that interface with radiation oncologists. Based on these findings, the system interface was redesigned using mock-up software to address identified usability issues. The existing and redesigned interfaces were compared using observational usability testing with radiation oncologists. The redesigned system interface yielded reduced task times and enhanced user satisfaction as compared to the existing interface. Thus, user-centred design was useful in determining facilitators and barriers to e-referral adoption.

Determining the Factors Contributing to Electronic Referral System Adoption by Radiation Oncologists through User-centred Design

Chandran, Arun 21 November 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to utilize usability engineering methods in order to identify facilitators and barriers to electronic referral system adoption by radiation oncologists at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and provide recommendations for electronic referral system design. Analyses included workflow analysis of radiation oncologists reviewing referrals, belief elicitation interviews with radiation oncologists, a heuristic evaluation of an existing electronic referral system interface, and cognitive walkthrough of that interface with radiation oncologists. Based on these findings, the system interface was redesigned using mock-up software to address identified usability issues. The existing and redesigned interfaces were compared using observational usability testing with radiation oncologists. The redesigned system interface yielded reduced task times and enhanced user satisfaction as compared to the existing interface. Thus, user-centred design was useful in determining facilitators and barriers to e-referral adoption.

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