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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

PathMeld: A Methodology for The Unification of Metabolic Pathway Databases

Rajasimha, Harsha Karur 29 December 2004 (has links)
A biological pathway database is a database that describes biochemical pathways, reactions, enzymes that catalyze the reactions, and the substrates that participate in these reactions. A pathway genome database (PGDB) integrates pathway information with information about the complete genome of various sequenced organisms. Two of the popular PGDBs available today are the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) and MetaCyc. The proliferation of biological databases in general raises several questions for the life scientist. Which of these databases is most accurate, most current, or most comprehensive? Do they have a standard format? Do they complement each other? Overall, which database should be used for what purpose? If more than one database is deemed relevant, it is desirable to have a unified database containing information from all the shortlisted databases. There is no standard methodology yet for integrating biological pathway databases and, to the best of our knowledge, no commercial software that can perform such integration tasks. While XML based pathway data exchange standards such as BioPAX and SBML are emerging, these do not address the basic problems such as inconsistent nomenclature and substrate matching between databases in the unification of pathway databases. Here, we present the PathMeld methodology to unify KEGG and MetaCyc databases starting from their flat files. Individual PGDBs are transformed into a unified schema that we design. With individual PGDBs in the common unified schema, the key to the PathMeld methodology is to find the entity correspondences between the KEGG and MetaCyc substrates. We present a heuristic driven approach for one-to-one mapping of the substrates between KEGG and MetaCyc. Using the exact name and chemical formula match criteria, 82.6% of the substrates in MetaCyc were matched accurately to corresponding substrates in KEGG. The substrate names in the MetaCyc database contain html tags and non-characters such as <sub>, <sup>, <i>, <l>, &, and $. The MetaCyc chemical formula are stored in lisp format in the database while KEGG stores them as continuous strings. Hence, we subject MetaCyc chemical formulae to transformation into KEGG format to make them directly comparable. Applying pre-processing to transform MetaCyc substrate names and formulae improved substrate matching by 2%. To investigate how many of the remaining 17:4% substrates are indeed absent from KEGG, we employ a standard UNIX based approximate string matching tool called agrep. The resulting matches are curated into four mutually exlusive groups: 3:83% are correct matches, 3:17% are close matches, and 7:45% are incorrect matches. 3:68% of MetaCyc substrate names are not matched at all. This shows that 11:13% of MetaCyc substrate names are absent in KEGG. We note some of the implementation issues we solved. First, parsing only one flat file to populate one database table is not sufficient. Second, intermediate database tables are needed. Third, transformation of substrate names and chemical formula from one of the component databases is required for comparison. Fourth, a biochemist's intervention is needed in evaluating the approximate substrate matches from agrep. In conclusion, the PathMeld methodology successfully uni¯es KEGG and MetaCyc °at ¯le databases into a uni¯ed PostgreSQL database. Matching substrates between databases is the key issue in the uni¯cation process. About 83% of the substrate correspondences can be computationally achieved, while the remaining 17% substrates require approximate matching and manual curation by a biochemist. We presented several di®erent techniques for substrate matching and showed that about 10% of the MetaCyc substrates do not match and hence are absent from KEGG. / Master of Science

The 38th International Workshop on Unification UNIF 2024

Fernández Gil, Oliver, Escobar, Santiago 18 July 2024 (has links)
This volume contains the contributions presented at the 38th International Workshop on Unification (UNIF 2024). UNIF 2024 was a satellite event of the Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE), affiliated with the 12th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2024). It took place on July 2, 2024, in Nancy, France.

Un théorème no-go pour les théories supersymétriques pleinement unifiées brisées par un vide métastable

Leboeuf, Jean-Samuel 24 April 2018 (has links)
Le modèle standard, bien qu’étant la théorie la plus complète et précise jamais conçue, mène toutefois à plusieurs problèmes et questions non résolues, tels le problème de la hiérarchie ou de l’origine de la masse des neutrinos. Parmi les solutions avancées, les plus populaires sont sans doute les théories de grande unification et l’ajout de la supersymétrie. L’inclusion simultanée de ces deux extensions du modèle standard semble d’ailleurs encouragée par l’unification des constantes de couplage. Toutefois, briser la supersymétrie constitue un obstacle de taille à la réalisation de modèles réalistes et nécessite donc l’introduction d’un secteur caché, découplé du modèle standard. Le présent mémoire a pour objectif de tester une unification totale du secteur caché et du modèle standard supersymétrique minimal unifié sous la bannière des théories supersymétriques pleinement unifiées. Pour délimiter l’étude de tels modèles, deux hypothèses sont posées : le mécanisme de brisure de supersymétrie du secteur caché est le mécanisme Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih et les brisures de symétrie jaugée surviennent par un mécanisme de Higgs avec un potentiel quartique. Un théorème no-go est par la suite démontré, stipulant qu’il est impossible d’avoir une théorie supersymétrique pleinement unifiée soumise à ces deux conditions. / The Standard Model, while being the most complete and precise theory ever built, possesses many flaws for which several solutions exist. Among the most popular are the Grand Unified Theories and supersymmetry. The introduction of both extensions simultaneously yields an even more elegant solution, since the coupling constants of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model seems to converge into one unique point. However, the challenge that supersymmetry breaking represents is an obstacle to realistic model building and forces the need to break supersymmetry in a new sector, decoupled from the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. This memoir aims to resolve this problem by suggesting the complete unification of the decoupled sector with the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model under the denomination Fully Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories. To begin the study of such models, two assumptions are made: the supersymmetry breaking mechanism is the Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih mechanism, and the symmetry breaking mechanism is the Higgs mechanism with a quartic potential. Then, a no-go theorem is proved, showing that it is impossible to have a Fully Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theory for which these two conditions are satisfied.

L'harmonisation du droit pharmaceutique en Afrique de l’Ouest : le cas de l’UEMOA / The harmonization of pharmaceutical right in West Africa : the case of UEMOA

Palgo, Diane Horélie 17 December 2018 (has links)
La protection de la santé par l’instauration d’une sécurité sanitaire dépend largement d’une organisation du marché pharmaceutique et de l’instauration d’un marché pharmaceutique commun. En Afrique de l’Ouest, particulièrement au sein de l’UEMOA, l’absence d’un tel marché facilite l’essor du marché illicite du médicament et empêche une libre circulation des produits de santé entre les États membres. Pourtant, le développement économique implique un système de santé efficace et sécurisé. Progressivement, émerge une prise de conscience des États membres de l’UEMOA de la nécessité de conjuguer leurs efforts pour une meilleure protection de la santé ; l’intégration juridique ainsi recherchée pouvant se réaliser au travers de plusieurs moyens : l’harmonisation, l’unification et l’uniformisation. L’harmonisation est le moyen d’intégration juridique que l’UEMOA a choisi pour mettre en place des normes plus efficaces et plus élaborées. Le rapprochement par harmonisation des réglementations pharmaceutiques devient ainsi un objectif primordial, en vue de l’instauration d’une sécurité sanitaire dans la zone communautaire. Pourtant, cette harmonisation, pour atteindre son objectif d’amélioration des systèmes pharmaceutiques, suppose un cadre juridique élaboré. Un processus d’harmonisation est alors mis en place et concrétisé par l’adoption de plusieurs instruments juridiques communautaires : directives, règlements et décisions. Cependant, l’UEMOA n’est pas la seule organisation sous-régionale qui vise pour objectif l’harmonisation du droit pharmaceutique dans la zone. D’autres organisations régionales et sous-régionales telles que la CEDEAO et l’UA, dont sont membres les États de l’UEMOA, visent également un rapprochement par harmonisation du domaine pharmaceutique. S’ajoutent alors aux difficultés de fonctionnement, au niveau interne et communautaire, des obstacles externes liés à l’appartenance des États de l’UEMOA à ces deux organisations. Ces obstacles vont compromettre l’efficacité du processus d’harmonisation. Il s’ensuit alors une nécessité de revoir le choix de l’instrument juridique de rapprochement, quitte à s’aventurer vers un rapprochement mixte des réglementations pharmaceutiques par une combinaison de deux moyens d’intégration juridique : l’harmonisation et l’unification. / Health protection, the setting up of health security highly depend on an organization of the pharmaceutical market by the establishment of a common pharmaceutical market. In West Africa, particularly within WAEMU, the absence of such of market eases the rise in illicit drug market and impedes a free movement of health products between States. Yet, economic development involves an effective and secured health system. WAEMU’s member States awareness is emerging gradually, hence the necessity to join forces for better health protection ; therefore the long-awaited legal integration can be done through several means ; harmonization, unification, standardization. Harmonization is the means of legal integration that WAEMU has chosen to set up more effective and elaborate standards. Reconciliation through the harmonization of pharmaceutical regulations therefore becomes a key objective, with a view to setting up health security within the community zone. Yet, this harmonization, to achieve its objective of improving pharmaceutical systems, implies an elaborate legal framework. A process of harmonization is therefore set up and materialized by the adoption of several community legal instruments : guidances ; regulations, decisions. However, it should be noted that WAEMU is not the only sub-regional organization that has objective the pharmaceutical right harmonization. Other regional and sub-regional organizations such as ECOWAS, AU, of which WAEMU States are member, target also a reconciliation by the harmonization of the pharmaceutical area. In addition to the operating difficulties, at internal and community level, there are some external impediments related to the belonging of WAEMU States to those both organizations. Those obstacles will jeopardize the effectiveness of the harmonization process. Consequently, it is necessary to reconsider the choice of reconciliation legal instruments, even if that means venturing into a mixed reconciliation of pharmaceutical regulations through a combination of two means of legal integrations : harmonization and unification.

Monnaie, pouvoir et Etats : le régime politique de la monnaie européenne / Money, Power and States : The Political Regime of European Money

Mathieu, Alban 14 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’analyser le régime politique de la monnaie européenne. Ce concept fait référence aux manifestations du pouvoir au sein de la monnaie selon trois modalités, à savoir (i) la construction des règles d’émission, de circulation et de distribution, (ii) la réalisation des politiques budgétaires et économiques et (iii) la crise. Nous mobiliserons le cas de l’unification monétaire canadienne (1841-1867) afin de souligner les caractéristiques clés del’unification monétaire européenne et pour juger de la pertinence de notre concept. Les négociations intergouvernementales de 1989 à 1992 correspondent à un point temporel qui met en évidence les logiques de pouvoir entre les exécutifs français et allemand. Ces logiques ont déterminé la mobilité des biens, des services, des personnes et des capitaux (interne et externe), le régime de change (interne et externe), les objectifs et les missions de la banque centrale, l’existence ou non d’un Etat central, ses modalités d’endettement et la présence de transferts fiscaux qui se sont stabilisés dans un compromis socio-politique. Il en a découlé un cadre de politique budgétaire qui, par son interaction avec les caractéristiques précédentes, oblige les Etats membres à mettre en place des politiques économiques spécifiques. La désinflation compétitive et les politiques procycliques questionnent la reproduction de l’ordre économique, c’est-à-dire l’accumulation du capital qui permet une reconnaissance des dettes émises à la période précédente. Cette insoutenabilité du régime politique de la monnaie européenne a provoqué une crise, qui se résoudra selon le contexte institutionnel mis en place lors du compromis socio-politique. En raison de l’absence d’un Etat européen, il est impossible de modifier les caractéristiques de ce compromis, compromettant ce régime politique de la monnaie. / This dissertation intends to analyze the political regime of the European money. This concept refers to the expressions of power pertaining to money according to three modalities, namely (i) the construction of issue, circulation and distribution rules, (ii) the implementation of economic and fiscal policies and (iii) the crisis. The Canadian monetary unification (1841-1867) will serve as a case to show key characteristics in the European monetary unification and provide relevance to the proposed concept. Intergovernmental negotiations from 1989 to 1992 correspond to a period of time which highlights power relationships between the French and German executive. These relationships determined a set of parameters: exchange rate regime (external and internal), the regulation of capital and labour, product and services mobility (external and internal), the existence of a centralized State, indebtedness arrangements for States, central bank organization, and fiscal transfers which stabilized in a socio-political compromise. That resulted in a fiscal policy framework that, by its interaction with the previous parameters, require the State to establish specific economic policies. Competitive disinflation and procyclical policies interrogate the reproduction of economic order, which consists of capital accumulation to pay back debts issued in the previous period. This non-sustainability of the political regime of the European money provokes a crisis, which will be resolved according the institutional context built by the socio-political compromise. Due to the lack of a European State, modifying these compromise characteristics is almost impossible thus, jeopardizing this regime.

Aspects de théories supersymétriques unifiées en dimension supplémentaires / Aspects of extra dimensional supersymmetric unified theories

Fichet, Sylvain 23 September 2011 (has links)
Bien que l'on ne sache pas (encore) quel phénomène unitarise la diffusion WLWL à l'échelle du TeV, les données indirecte actuelles favorise le boson de Higgs. Etant donné que cette particule scalaire pourrait être aussi lourde que la masse de Planck, comment peut-on expliquer sa légèreté ? La supersymmétrie (SUSY), brisée à l'échelle du TeV, peut effectuer cette stabilisation, et permettre du même coup l'existence de Théories de Grande Unifications (GUTs). Ces SUSY GUTs réalisées dans une dimension supplémentaire compactifiée, peuvent être particulièrement simples. De plus, elles peuvent être prises comme limite basse énergie d'une théorie de cordes. Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de tels modèles de SUSY GUTs. Nous avons étudié, développé et étendu certains aspects de la classe de modèle d'Unification Jauge-Higgs, et de la classe de modèle d'Unification Holographique. Différents aspects de la physique basse-énergie ont été étudiés, incluant spectre de masses, physique des saveur, matière noire, et phénoménologie au LHC. / Although one does not know (yet) which phenomenon unitarizes WLWL scattering at the TeV scale, indirect data currently favors the Higgs boson. Since such a scalar particle is susceptible to become as heavy as the Planck mass, how can one explain its lightness ? Supersymmetry (SUSY), broken at the TeV scale, can do this stabilization, providing in the same time models of Grand Uni fied Theories (GUTs). These SUSY GUTs, combined with extra spatial dimensions compacti fied on an interval, can be particularly simple. Moreover they can be seen as the low energy limit of some string theory. This thesis is devoted to the study of such models of SUSY GUTs on flat and warped orbifolds, trying to cover the range from models to experimental constraints. We studied, developed and extended certain aspects of two interesting frameworks of this type: a framework with gauge-Higgs uni fication, and the framework of holographic grand uni fication. We investigated several aspects of the low-energy implications, including mass spectra, flavour constraints, dark matter and LHC phenomenology

La présence française au Maroc et la naissance du nationalisme marocain (XIXème-XXème siècles) : aspects juridiques, institutionnels et politiques

El Mhindi, Mustapha 17 December 2011 (has links)
La thèse s'inscrit dans une approche liant l'histoire des institutions et l'histoire des idées politiques et s'attache à la manière dont le Maroc a construit son univers politique et pensé son rapport au pouvoir. La France estimait qu'il fallait mettre en place un protectorat et non une administration directe, de type colonial. En fait, la France rejetait l'administration directe de l'Empire Chérifien et cherchait une formule d'association et de contrôle dans le but d'établir l'ordre et l'unité dans le pays. Avec la mis une place du protectorat, la France a connu de nombreuses résistantes, aussi bien armées que politiques. A partir des années 1930, des aspirations nationalistes voient le jour. La recherche d'une identité et d'une unité nationale reste ainsi le principal motif de la résistance marocaine. Le milieu des années trente voit la naissance d'une conscience de plus en plus forte dans le combat pour l'indépendance. La thèse propose de donner une vue d'ensemble sur les différentes phases de la lutte engagée par le mouvement national marocain.Elle a pour ambition également d'analyser les divers aspects du régime issu du traité de 1912 et de mettre en lumière la crise franco-marocaine chronique. Dans ce contexte politique et juridique, la France a t-elle réussi à unifier le Maroc ? Peut-on considérer sa domination territoriale comme un changement de système ? Et comment peut-on identifier les principaux changements que cette situation historique a produit dans le système politique et institutionnel marocain ? / The subject of our research project lies within the scope of a political approach which looksinto how Morocco organises its political universe and conceives its relation to power.France deemed it necessary to set up a protectorate rather than a system of direct rule. De facto, France rejected the direct administration of the Christian Empire and sought a balance of "association" and "control" with the view of re-establishing order and unity within the country.From the moment the protectorate was first mentioned, France witnessed many a resistance, be they armed or political. From 1930 onwards, nationalist aspirations emerged. The quest for national identity and unity would stand as the chief explanation for Moroccan resistance. The mid 1930s saw the beginning of an ever-growing national awareness regarding the struggle for independence. This thesis strives to draw up an overview of the various stages of that same devoted struggle. It also aims at analysing the many aspects of the colonial system which resulted from the treaty of 1912, and shedding light on the French-Moroccan crisis.Within this socio-political context, did France succeed light in uniting Morocco ?May we envisage its territorial supremacy as a change of systems ? And how may we identify the main evolution within the Marocco political system ?

The European Union and the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa : comparative perspectives on their institutional frameworks and legal orders

Madaleno, Jose Miguel Ferreira January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

Quantitative Variants of Language Equations and their Applications to Description Logics

Marantidis, Pavlos 10 October 2019 (has links)
Unification in description logics (DLs) has been introduced as a novel inference service that can be used to detect redundancies in ontologies, by finding different concepts that may potentially stand for the same intuitive notion. Together with the special case of matching, they were first investigated in detail for the DL FL0, where these problems can be reduced to solving certain language equations. In this thesis, we extend this service in two directions. In order to increase the recall of this method for finding redundancies, we introduce and investigate the notion of approximate unification, which basically finds pairs of concepts that “almost” unify, in order to account for potential small modelling errors. The meaning of “almost” is formalized using distance measures between concepts. We show that approximate unification in FL0 can be reduced to approximately solving language equations, and devise algorithms for solving the latter problem for particular distance measures. Furthermore, we make a first step towards integrating background knowledge, formulated in so-called TBoxes, by investigating the special case of matching in the presence of TBoxes of different forms. We acquire a tight complexity bound for the general case, while we prove that the problem becomes easier in a restricted setting. To achieve these bounds, we take advantage of an equivalence characterization of FL0 concepts that is based on formal languages. In addition, we incorporate TBoxes in computing concept distances. Even though our results on the approximate setting cannot deal with TBoxes yet, we prepare the framework that future research can build on. Before we journey to the technical details of the above investigations, we showcase our program in the simpler setting of the equational theory ACUI, where we are able to also combine the two extensions. In the course of studying the above problems, we make heavy use of automata theory, where we also derive novel results that could be of independent interest.

La dévolution ab intestat de la succession : étude comparée des droits français et libanais / The transmission of intestate estates : comparative study between French and Lebanese laws

Baltahji, Ahmad 08 September 2016 (has links)
La France est un pays laïc. Son système successoral aussi est d'identité laïque. La loi successorale s'applique à tous les français sans distinction de sexe et de religion. En revanche, le Liban est un pays multiconfessionnel. En matière des statuts personnels dont la succession fait partie, il est soumis aux règles religieuses et civiles. Pour les musulmans libanais, ces règles sont issues du Coran. En revanche, les chrétiens et les juifs libanais appliquent une loi laïque inspirée de l'ancien Code civil français. Face à cette situation, le principe de l'égalité de tous devant la loi- garantie par la constitution libanaise- est loin d'être respecté. Depuis longtemps, le droit français est une source d'inspiration du droit libanais. Tel est le cas du Code des contrats et des obligations libanais qui fut le fruit du travail du doyen JOSSERAND, ce Code étant toujours en vigueur au Liban. Dès lors, comment le législateur libanais peut-il moderniser et réformer les lois religieuses pour qu'elles soient en harmonie avec les autres lois du pays ? L'élaboration d'une loi successorale unique à la lumière du droit français serait-elle possible et souhaitable? / France is a lay country. Thus its laws governing system of estates upon death are ruled by the principle of identity. Such laws apply to all French nationals irrespective of sex and religion. On the contrary, Lebanon is a multi-religious country. As regards matters relating to transmission of property upon death, the lebanese are governed by their religious and civil laws. For a Lebanese Moslem such rules are comprised in the Koran. Christian and Jewish Lebanese are subject to a lay legal system which sprang from French civil code. As a result, the principle of equality- of all before the law- warranted by the Lebanese constitution-is far from respected. For a long while now, French law has been a source of inspiration for Lebanese law. For exemple, the Lebanese contracts and debts code which resulted from the work of Dean JOSSERAND, the said code being still law in Lebanon. This being so, how can the Lebanese law maker modernise and reform the religious laws to bring them in line with the other laws of the country ? Would the elaboration of a unified Lebanese law of transmission of property upon death in the light of French law be feasible ?

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