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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Longitudinal evaluation of sleep-related breathing disorders in an orthodontic population

Mandu, Manuela 06 1900 (has links)
Introduction: Les troubles respiratoires du sommeil (TRS), qui représentent une préoccupation croissante pour la santé, ont des effets significatifs sur la santé, le comportement et la performance académique chez l’enfant. Les malformations craniofaciales, l’hypertrophie adéno-amygdalienne et l'obésité, représentent des facteurs de risque importants dans le développement de cette condition. Les symptômes des TRS ont été étudiés dans une étude prospective chez les enfants et adolescents durant leur traitement orthodontique dans un milieu universitaire. Cette étude a cherché à décrire la prévalence et les facteurs de risque principaux des TRS, ainsi que l'impact des différentes interventions orthodontiques sur les symptômes TRS. Matériel et méthodes: dans une étude cohorte prospective, un groupe de 168 sujets âgés de 12 à 21 ans ont été soumis, quatre ans après la prise de données initiale, à un examen craniofacial en plus d'être administré des questionnaires qui ont recueilli des données sur la situation socio-démographique, le bruxisme et les troubles d’ATM, le sommeil et le comportement diurne, et les facteurs neuropsychologiques. Résultats: l'indice de masse corporelle a été augmenté mais est demeurée dans la même catégorie aux deux moments de l'enquête. Il ya eu une augmentation du serrement des dents et des symptômes de l'ATM, une diminution de la taille des amygdales, et une augmentation de la somnolence diurne. La prévalence des TRS n'a pas changé entre l’étude initiale et l’étude de suivi. Aucune intervention orthodontique s'est avérée avoir un effet cliniquement significatif sur les voies aériennes supérieures. Conclusions: la prévalence des symptômes TRS était constante par rapport aux valeurs de base pour la population étudiée, mais a augmenté si rapportée à la population générale. Les traitements orthodontiques ne montrent aucun effet sur les TRS. Mots-clés : apnée du sommeil, craniofacial, prévalence, ronflement, traitement orthodontique, voies aériennes supérieures / Introduction: Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), a growing health concern, has significant effects on a child’s health, behaviour, and scholastic performance. Craniofacial malformations, along with adenotonsillar hypertrophy and obesity, represent important risk factors in the development of this condition. SDB symptoms in children and adolescents followed for orthodontic treatment in a university setting have been investigated in this prospective study. The aims of this study were to describe the prevalence and main risk factors of SDB and the impact of different orthodontic interventions on the SDB symptoms. Materials and methods: in a prospective cohort study, four years following an initial evaluation, a group of 168 subjects aged 12-21 years underwent a craniofacial examination in addition to being administered self-completed questionnaires that collected information on socio-demographic and psychosocial factors, bruxism and temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, sleep and daytime behaviour, and neuropsychological factors. Results: Body mass index (BMI) was slightly increased but remained in the same category at the two time points of investigation. There was an increase in tooth clenching and TMJ symptoms, a decrease in tonsils’ size, and an increase in daytime sleepiness. Prevalence of SDB did not change between baseline and follow-up studies. No orthodontic treatment intervention proved to have any clinically significant impact on the upper airway. Conclusions: SDB symptoms prevalence was constant when compared to the baseline values for the studied population, but increased if reported to the general population. Regular orthodontic treatment didn’t show any effect on SDB symptoms. Keywords : craniofacial, orthodontic treatment, prevalence, sleep apnea, snoring, upper airway

Struktur und Dimension des oropharyngealen Luftweges im Digitalen Volumentomographen (DVT) / Analyzing of the structure and dimension of the oropharyngeal airway using a digital volume tomography (DVT)

Schlick, Christoph 07 October 2014 (has links)
Abstract Schlick, Christoph Struktur und Dimension des oropharyngealen Luftweges im Digitalen Volumentomographen (DVT) Fragestellung. Auf der Basis vorhandener DVT-Datensätze sollte der Luftweg im Bereich des orofazialen Systems vermessen werden. Die dabei gemessenen Parameter dienten der Erstellung von Normwerten in horizontaler Körperposition mit Schwerpunkt der Ermittlung geschlechtsspezifischer Unterschiede. Des Weiteren sollten die Zusammenhänge anatomischer Faktoren des aufsteigenden Unterkieferastes und der Luftwegsdimension dargestellt werden. Methodik. Die Bestimmung des oberen Luftweges wurde an 129 Patienten (65 Frauen und 64 Männer), im Alter zwischen 30 und 68 Jahren, mittels des Digitalen Volumentomographen NewTom QR-DVT 9000© vorgenommen. Dabei mussten die anatomischen Strukturen von der Nasallinie bis zum Hyoid abgebildet sein. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung wurden unteranderen folgende Parameter bestimmt: die Hartgaumenlänge, die Weichgaumenlänge und Weichgaumenbreite, die Länge des kollapsfähigen Segments, der Abstand von Hyoid zur Nasallinie, die sagittalen Dimension auf Höhe des Inzisialpunktes (MPW), auf Höhe des dorsalsten Punktes der Zunge (TPW) und auf Höhe der Vallecula glossoepiglottica (LPW), sowie die Neigung des Unterkieferastes zur mediosagittalen Ebene (Winkel α und Winkel β). Resultate: Bei Messungen in der mediosagittalen Ebene wurden signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern festgestellt: bei der Hartgaumenlänge, bei der Weichgaumenlänge und Weichgaumenbreite, die Länge des kollapsfähigen Segments und beim Abstand von Hyoid zur Nasallinie. Auch bei den Luftwegsdimensionen gab es signifikante Unterschiede und zwar in der sagittalen Dimension auf Höhe des Inzisialpunktes, auf Höhe des dorsalsten Punktes der Zunge und auf Höhe der Vallecula glossoepiglottica. Auch bei den Querschnittsflächen konnte signifikante Unterschiede festgestellt werden: auf Höhe des Inzisialpunktes, auf Höhe des dorsalsten Punktes der Zunge und auf Höhe der Vallecula glossoepiglottica. Keine signifikante Unterschiede konnte in den transversalen Durchmessern, beim Luftquerschnitt auf Höhe des Isthmus und bei der Neigung des Unterkieferastes zur mediosagittalen Ebene (Winkel α und Winkel β) festgestellt werden. Schlussfolgerung. Insgesamt konnte man feststellen, dass es zahlreiche anatomische Unterschiede in Bezug auf den oberen Luftweg zwischen den beiden Geschlechtern gibt. Der hohe Frauenanteil ermöglichte eine höhere Aussagekraft in Bezug auf den Geschlechtervergleich. Die wichtigsten signifikanten Unterschiede waren vor allem Weichgaumenlänge und- breite, die Länge des kollapsfähigen Segments, der Abstand von Hyoid und Nasallinie, Querschnitte und sagittale Ausdehnung des Luftweges auf Höhe der dorsalsten Stelle der Zunge und auf Höhe der Vallecula glossoepiglottica. Hier waren die Ergebnisse bei den Männern deutlich größer. Dagegen war der Luftweg auf Höhe des Inzisialpunktes bei den Frauen größer. Auch die Rolle der Körperposition muss bei der Auswertung miteinbezogen werden. Die Körperposition scheint nur im Bereich hinter dem Velum einen Einfluss auf die Luftwegsdimension zu haben. In liegender Position scheinen die Luftwegsquerschnitte deutlich kleiner zu sein als in aufrechter. Das NewTom QR-DVT 9000© liefert wertvolle Informationen über die Luftwegsdimensionen in horizontaler Lage.

Stabilité des voies aériennes supérieures et intégration centrale / Upper airways stability and central integration

Attali, Valérie 17 September 2015 (has links)
Le syndrome des apnées obstructives du sommeil (SAOS) est caractérisé par des épisodes répétitifs de collapsus des voies aériennes supérieures (VAS) durant le sommeil. Au cours du SAOS les propriétés mécaniques des voies aériennes supérieures sont altérées, dans le sens d'une réduction de leur capacité à laisser passer l'air, ce qui peut être assimilé à une "charge" inspiratoire. Les apnées obstructives ne se produisent jamais à l'éveil, suggérant qu'il existe, des mécanismes protecteurs d'origine corticale, de type " compensation de charge ", liés à l'éveil. Ce travail permis de caractériser ces mécanismes chez le sujet sain et le patient SAOS. Une première étude a décrit la relation pression/débit des VAS à l'éveil afin d'approcher le phénomène de compensation de charge, avant et après un traitement modulant le contrôle neurovégétatif des VAS par la compression du ganglion ptérygopalatin. La deuxième étude a mis en évidence à l'éveil chez les patients SAOS, une activité corticale motrice liée à la respiration (présence de potentiels électroencephalographiques - PPI), dont l'origine semble liée à la dysfonction des VAS, et qui est susceptible d'expliquer l'augmentation du niveau de contrôle respiratoire central connu dans le SAOS. La troisième étude a mis en évidence un phénomène de filtrage des sensations respiratoires à l'éveil chez des patients SAOS, avec restauration des ces sensations sous orthèse d'avancée mandibulaire, permettant de relier l'amélioration des propriétés mécaniques des VAS à l'intégration centrale des sensations respiratoires. Enfin la relation pression/débit a fait l'objet de deux modélisations. / The obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) involves recurrent sleep-related upper airways (UA) collapse. UA mechanical properties and neural control are altered imposing a mechanical load on inspiration. UA collapse does not occur during wakefulness, hence arousal-dependent compensation. Three studies in healthy and apnoeic patients allowed characterizing it. From upper-airway pressure-flow relationships, the first study described local compensation mechanisms, before and after a neurovegetative modulation based on ptérygopalatin node compression. The second study showed a respiratory-related cortical activity that could contribute to the increased neural drive to upper airway and to inspiratory muscles that has previously been described in OSAS, and could therefore contribute to the arousal-dependent compensation of upper airway abnormalities. The third study showed a sensory gating-out process of breathing sensations in OSAS that could be reversed by mandibular advancement device, allowing linking upper-airway stability improvement to central integration of respiratory sensations. Finally, upper-airway pressure-flow relationship was approached by two models.

Avaliação por meio da tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico de vias aéreas superiores de pacientes com atresia de palato, que possuem mordida cruzada posterior / Evaluation by means of cone beam computed tomography of the upper airways of patients with atresia of the palate, which have posterior crossbite

Angelica Maria Hernandez-Zanet 24 July 2012 (has links)
A atresia do palato ou deficiência maxilar transversa tem comprovado a sua influência na relação craniofacial e respiratória, por isso, diversos métodos de expansão palatina têm sido estudados para que haja uma melhora significativa, principalmente dos fatores respiratórios destes pacientes. O uso da tomografia por feixe cônico iniciou um novo conceito de estudo cefalométrico em terceira dimensão, no qual se consegue avaliar o paciente em todos os planos, sem que haja sobreposições de estruturas, podendo avaliar com precisão as relações craniofaciais, as vias aéreas e a relação destas estruturas. Portanto, o uso da tomografia computadorizada com ênfase na área ortodôntica, nos permite realizar um diagnóstico completo pré-tratamento ortodôntico, no qual objetivamos avaliar a correlação entre mordida cruzada posterior e a obstrução das vias aéreas superiores por meio de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico (TCFC). Foram utilizadas TCFC de arquivo de 32 pacientes com idade entre 6 e 14 anos, divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de 16 crianças com mordida cruzada posterior e o grupo controle . O critério de exclusão da amostra foi a realização de tratamento ortodôntico prévio, ter realizado cirurgia no complexo maxilo mandibular ou ser portador de alterações patológicas na região. Foi realizada a comparação das medidas da largura e da altura do palato em relação às medidas lineares e ao volume segmentado e total das vias aéreas superiores dos pacientes com e sem mordida cruzada posterior. No grupo com mordida cruzada, para a correlação das medidas ENP-AD2, ENP-AD1 com o volume da Baixa Naso Faringe (BNF), teve correlação moderada com a largura do palato (0,05 < p=0,089 < 0,10). Entretanto, no grupo de mordida cruzada, foi observada correlação significante entre a largura do palato e o volume total (VT). Em ambos os casos, a correlação foi positiva (r=0,786 para largura do palato com o Volume da Alta Velo Faringe (AVF) e r=0,662 para largura do palato com o VT), isto é, quanto maior a largura do palato, maior o Volume AVF e maior o VT. Estes resultados demonstram a importância do uso da TCFC, pois não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nas medidas lineares do grupo com mordida cruzada posterior e o grupo controle. Concluiu-se neste trabalho que apenas as medidas lineares não fornecem informações suficientes para a avaliação das vias aeras superiores; a profundidade do palato não possui correlação com as alterações das vias aéreas em pacientes com atresia maxilar; o grupo com mordida cruzada posterior apresentou moderada correlação da largura do palato com as medidas ENP-AD2, ENP-AD1 e o Volume da Baixa Naso Faringe; o grupo com mordida cruzada posterior apresentou correlação positiva da largura do palato com o volume da Alta Velo Faringe e com o Volume Total. / The palate atresia or transverse maxillary deficiency has proven its influence in relation craniofacial and respiratory therefore various methods of palatal expansion have been studied so there is a significant improvement, especially respiratory factors of these patients. The use of cone beam computed tomography initiated a new concept of three-dimensional cephalometric study, in which we can assess the patient at all levels, without overlapping structures, and can accurately assess the relations craniofacial, the airways and the relationship these structures. Therefore, the use of computed tomography with emphasis on orthodontic allows us to carry out a full pre-orthodontic treatment, in which we aimed to evaluate the correlation between posterior crossbite and obstruction of the upper airways by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). We used CBCT file of 32 patients aged 6 to 14 years, divided into two groups: a group of 16 children with posterior cross bite and control groups. The exclusion criteria of the sample was the realization of previous orthodontic treatment, having undergone surgery on mandibular complex maxillo or be in possession of pathological changes in the region. Was performed comparing measurements of the width and height of the palate in relation to linear measurements and volume segmented and total upper airway of patients with and without posterior cross bite. In the group with crossbite, for correlating the ENP-AD2, ENP-AD1 with the volume of Lower Pharynx Naso (BNF), had a moderate correlation with the width of the palate (0.05 <p = 0.089 <0.10). However, in the group of crossbite was no significant correlation between the width of the palate and the total volume (VT). In both cases, positive correlation was found (r = 0.786 for the width of the palate with the volume of the high speed Pharynx (AVF) and r = 0.662 for the width of the palate with VT), i.e., the larger the width of the palate, more Volume AVF and the higher the VT. These results demonstrate the importance of using CBCT, since there were no significant differences in linear measurements of posterior crossbite group and the control group. It was concluded in this study that only the linear measurements do not provide sufficient information to evaluate upper airway Aeras, the depth of the palate has no correlation with changes in the airways of patients with maxillary atresia, the group with posterior crossbite showed moderate correlation the width of the palate with measures ENP-AD2, AD1 and ENP-Low Volume Pharynx Naso, the group with posterior cross bite was positively correlated with the width of the palate volume of Alta Velo Pharynx and the Total Volume.

Étude tridimensionnelle de l'os hyoïde et de ses relations avec les voies aériennes supérieures (VAS) : influences des paramètres biologiques et de la typologie faciale / Three-dimensional study of the hyoid bone and of its relationships with upper airway : influences of biological parameters and facial types

Nguyen, Thi Thuy Nga 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les variations affectant les dimensions et la forme de l’os hyoïde sont analysées chez le vivant à partir de tomodensitométries volumétriques en faisceau conique (CBCT) et complétées par des téléradiographies. Ces variations sont mises en relation avec différents paramètres biologiques (âge, sexe, population). La documentation regroupe 94 enfants et 83 adultes issus de 2 échantillons de populations, Française et Vietnamienne. Pour la première fois, l’existence d’une croissance différentielle de l’os hyoïde entre filles et garçons est mise en évidence, en termes d'amplitude et de chronologie des modifications osseuses. Chez l’adulte, la fusion des grandes cornes au corps de l'os hyoïde intervient dans l’évolution des dimensions de l'os mais ce processus biologique ne présente aucune loi prédictive. Aucune différence significative de l'âge de cette fusion n’est observée entre hommes et femmes et les facteurs l’influençant restent inconnus. Des variations affectant les dimensions et la forme de l'os hyoïde entre populations sont identifiées. La classification de la morphologie de l'os hyoïde selon 6 catégories qui est proposée consitue un outil pour l’étude des séries archéologiques. Des corrélations significatives entre les dimensions de l'os hyoïde et les voies aériennes supérieures sont observées, confirmant leurs relations étroites et réciproques, tant anatomique que fonctionnelle. Tous ces paramètres, évalués dans différents types faciaux, montrent en revanche des manifestations plus complexes qui nécessitent plus de recherche pour affiner les résultats. / In this study, variations of size, shape and position of the hyoid bone are analyzed with different biological parameters (age, sex, population) from Cone Beam CT and reconstitued radiographs of living people. The study sample includes 94 children and 83 adults from two populations French and Vietnamese. The results bring the first evidence of a differential growth of the hyoid bone between girls and boys in terms of magnitude and timing of bone changes. In adults, the fusion of the greater cornua with the hyoid body is involved in the dimensional changes of the bone but no significant influencing factor (like sex or population) for this biological process can be confirmed. Variations of dimension and shape of the hyoid bone between populations are identified. Within the study, a new morphological classification of the hyoid bone based on metric data is proposed. This classification distinguishes 6 categories of shape and constitutes a tool for studies of archaeological series. Significant correlations between dimensions and position of the hyoid bone and upper airways is observed, thus confirming their close mutual relationships, both anatomical and functional. All these parameters, analyzed in different facial types, show, however, a complex interaction that requires more research to refine the results.

Efeito da hemodiálise na colapsabilidade das vias aéreas superiores em pacientes com doença renal crônica / Effect of hemodialysis on the upper airway collapsibility in patients with chronic kidney disease

Fonsêca, Nina Teixeira 16 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2018-06-19T17:48:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Nina Teixeira Fonseca.pdf: 4441067 bytes, checksum: c9f9edd5e35ac829504bbbe923461f01 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-19T17:48:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nina Teixeira Fonseca.pdf: 4441067 bytes, checksum: c9f9edd5e35ac829504bbbe923461f01 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-16 / Introduction: Currently, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most serious public health problems, becoming a global epidemic. It is also known that the volume of the rostral fluid displaced during the night, from the lower limbs is associated with increased neck circumference and severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD). Objectives: To determine the prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness, the degree of collapsibility of the upper airways (UA) through the negative expiratory pressure (NEP) test in patients with CKD undergoing HD. Methods: A cross-sectional clinical study involving patients with CKD undergoing HD. It used the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and held the NEP test before and after the performance of the HD sessions. Results: It was observed that 70% of CKD patients undergoing HD exhibit excessive daytime sleepiness. The mean circumference of the neck pre dialysis was 38.60 ± 4.32 cm whereas after dialysis was 37.92 ± 3.89 cm and the weight of the pre hemodialysis patients had an average of 72.4 ± 21 15 kg and 70.64 ± 21.21 kg after hemodialysis. The average value V0,2 was 19.98 ± 11.77% before dialysis and 28.60 ± 21.98% after dialysis. Conclusion: Patients with CKD undergoing HD have excessive daytime sleepiness and increased expiratory flow after the NEP test. The NEP test can be stated as intervention assessment tool along the upper airway in the direction of increased expiratory flow. / Introdução: Atualmente, a doença renal crônica (DRC) é um dos mais sérios problemas de saúde pública, tornando-se uma epidemia global. Sabe-se também que o volume de fluido rostral deslocado durante a noite, proveniente dos membros inferiores, está relacionada ao aumento da circunferência do pescoço e a gravidade da apnéia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) em pacientes com DRC submetidos a hemodiálise (HD). Objetivos: Verificar a prevalência de sonolência excessiva diurna e o grau de colapsabilidade das vias aéreas superiores (VAS) através do teste de pressão negativa expiratória (PNE) em pacientes com DRC submetidos a HD. Método: Foi realizado um estudo clinico transversal envolvendo pacientes com DRC submetidos a HD. Foi utilizado a escala de sonolência de Epworth e realizado o teste de PNE antes e após a realização das sessões de HD. Resultados: Foi observado que 70% dos pacientes com DRC submetidos a HD apresentam sonolência diurna excessiva. A média da circunferência do pescoço pré hemodiálise foi de 38,60 ± 4,32 cm, enquanto que pós hemodiálise foi de 37,92 ± 3,89 cm e o peso dos pacientes pré hemodiálise apresentou uma média de 72,4 ± 21,15 kg e de 70,64 ± 21,21 kg pós hemodiálise. O valor médio de V0,2 foi de 19,98 ± 11,77% pré diálise e de 28,60 ± 21,98% pós diálise. Conclusão: Pacientes com DRC submetidos a HD apresentam sonolência excessiva diurna e aumento do fluxo expiratório verificado pelo teste de PNE. O teste de PNE pode ser indicado como instrumento de avaliação de intervenções junto as vias aéreas superiores no sentido de aumento do fluxo expiratório.

Análise da colapsabilidade das vias aéreas superiores em pacientes com doença renal em estágio terminal / Analysis of collapsibility of the higher airways in patients with renal disease in hemodialysis

Silva, Anderson Soares 27 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2018-07-18T21:07:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Anderson Soares Silva.pdf: 1994888 bytes, checksum: 0d17fc79f295d4a5c192dd3d298390d0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-18T21:07:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Anderson Soares Silva.pdf: 1994888 bytes, checksum: 0d17fc79f295d4a5c192dd3d298390d0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-27 / Introduction: Currently, end stage renal disease (ESRD) is one of the most serious public health problems, becoming a global epidemic. It is also known that the amount of nocturnal rostral fluid displacement from the lower limbs is related to increased neck circumference and the severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in patients with end-stage renal disease. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out to verify the degree of upper airway collapsibility in patients with ESRD. Negative expiratory pressure and baseline nocturnal polygraphy will be performed before and after the hemodialysis session. Results: There was a significant difference in pre and post hemodialysis in the various apnea / hypopnea index, neck circumference, waist circumference, percentage of exhaled flow at the time of 0.2 seconds (V0.2) sitting and lying down. The VO, 2 sitting pre-hemodialysis presented a correlation with the pre-AHI (p = 0.047, r = -0.953) and post hemodialysis (p = 0.010; r = -0.990). In addition, V0.2 after hemodialysis showed a correlation with AHI after hemodialysis (p = 0.029; r = -0.971). Discussion: The NEP test was promising for clinical use, since it has a rapid application and presents information relevant to the collapse of the airway of patients with suspected OSA. / Introdução: Atualmente, a doença renal em estagio terminal (DRET) é um dos mais sérios problemas de saúde pública, tornando-se uma epidemia global. Sabe-se também que a quantidade de deslocamento do fluido rostral durante a noite, proveniente dos membros inferiores, está relacionada ao aumento da circunferência do pescoço e a gravidade da apnéia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) em pacientes com doença renal em estágio final. Método: Foi proposto um estudo clinico transversal com o objetivo de verificar o grau de colapsabilidade da via aérea superior em pacientes com DRET. Foi realizado o teste da pressão expiratória negativa (NEP) e a poligrafia basal noturna domiciliar antes e após a sessão de hemodiálise. Resultados: Houve diferença significativa em pré e pós hemodiálise nas váriaveis índice de apneia / hipopneia, circunferência de pescoço, circunferência de cintura, porcentagem de fluxo exalada no momento de 0,2 segundos (V0,2) sentado e deitado. O VO,2 sentado pré hemodiálise apresentou correlaçao com o IAH pré (p= 0,047; r= -0,953) e pós hemodiálise (p=0,010; r= -0,990). Além disso, o V0,2 pós hemodiálise apresentou correlação com IAH pós hemodiálise (p=0,029; r= -0,971). Discussão: O teste da NEP foi promissor para o uso clínico, uma vez que ele possui uma aplicação rápida e apresenta informações relevantes para a colapso da via aérea dos pacientes com suspeita de AOS.

Efeitos da expansão rápida da maxila cirurgicamente assistida na síndrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono, na sonolência diurna e na morfologia da via aérea / Effects of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion on obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, on daytime sleepiness and on airway morphology

Vinha, Pedro Pileggi 22 May 2015 (has links)
A apneia obstrutiva do sono é uma síndrome que produz múltiplas comorbidades, aumentando significativamente a taxa de mortalidade dos seus portadores. A atresia maxilar vem sendo descrita como um dos fatores etiológicos da SAOS, entretanto não existem estudos que demonstrem a eficácia no tratamento em adultos com consequente redução dos eventos obstrutivos durante o sono. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal a verificação da expansão rápida da maxila cirurgicamente assistida (ERMCA), nos eventos obstrutivos do sono e demais parâmetros polissonográficos, na sonolência diurna e no comportamento morfométrico da via aérea. A amostra foi realizada em indivíduos adultos com apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS), atresia maxilar e mordida cruzada. O método adotado foi um ensaio clínico prospectivo com 16 participantes (7 mulheres / 9 homens) com idade de 40,23 ± 10,23, todos portadores de SAOS comprovada por polissonografia (PSG) de noite toda (IDR superior a 5), atresia maxilar e mordida cruzada posterior. Previamente todos participantes foram submetidos a uma tomografia computadorizada (TC) da via aérea superior e foi aplicado o teste da Escala de Sonolência de Epworth (ESE). Todos os pacientes foram então submetidos à ERMCA, e posteriormente, todos os exames foram refeitos para comparação. Foi constatada uma redução no IDR de 35,46 ± 38,54 para 16,07 ± 19,73, uma redução média de 54,68% (p=0,0013) e no IAH em 56,24% (33,23 ± 39,54 para 14,54 ± 19,48: p=0,001), uma redução dos índices de microdespertares e dessaturação, além da melhora de diversos parâmetros polissonográficos. O ESE apresentou uma melhora de 12,50 ± 5,32 para 7,25 ± 3,53 (p<0,001). A via aérea total ampliou em média 23,99% (p=0,016), mas de uma maneira mais expressiva na sua metade inferior (28,63% p=0,008). Em relação aos resultados obtidos por meio da ERMCA observou-se uma melhora da SAOS, redução dos índices relacionados aos distúrbios respiratórios durante o sono, de microdespertar e de dessaturação, ampliação da via aérea, principalmente na metade inferior, além de melhorar a sonolência diurna, devolvendo- a para a normalidade. / Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a condition that produces multiple comorbidities, significantly increasing the mortality rate of affected individuals. Maxillary atresia is being described as one of the etiological factors of OSAS, although there are no studies demonstrating the efficacy of treatment in adults with a consequent reduction of obstructive events during sleep. The main objective of the present study was to determine the effects of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) on obstructive sleep events and all other polysomnography (PSG) parameters, on daytime sleepiness and on the morphometric behavior of the airways. The study was conducted on adult individuals with OSAS, maxillary atresia and crossbite. The method involved a prospective clinical assay with 16 participants (7 women/9 men) aged 40.23 ± 10.23 years, with OSAS confirmed by all-night PSG (respiratory disorder index (RDI) higher than 5), maxillary atresia and posterior crossbite. All participants were first submitted to computed tomography of the upper airways and to the Epworth Sleepines Scale (ESS) test. All patients were then submitted to SARME and all exams were later repeated for comparison. RDI was reduced from 35.46 ± 38.54 to 16.07 ± 19.73, (a mean reduction of 54.68%, p=0.0013), the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was reduced from 33.23 ± 39.54 to14.54 ± 19.48 (a mean reduction of 56.24%, p=0.001), and micro-awakenings and desaturation were also reduced. The ESS score improved from 12.50 ± 5.32 to 7.25 ± 3.53 (p<0.001). Mean total airway area was increased by 23.99% (p=0.016), although in a more expressive manner in the lower half (28.63%, p=0.008). The results obtained by SARME revealed an improvement of OSAS, a reduction of the indices related to respiratory disorders during sleep, of micro-awakennings and of desaturation, as well as airway expansion, especially in the lower half, and improvement of daytime sleepiness with a return to normality.

Estudo retrospectivo dos efeitos da expans?o r?pida maxilar assistida cirurgicamente atrav?s de tomografia computadorizada Cone Beam

Favoreto, Andr? Xavier Padilha 07 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Odontologia (odontologia-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-11-13T11:21:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ANDRE_XAVIER_PADILHA_FAVORETO_DIS.pdf: 4813223 bytes, checksum: 0ef272778a4eecc19798203feb8449ef (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2018-11-13T16:37:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ANDRE_XAVIER_PADILHA_FAVORETO_DIS.pdf: 4813223 bytes, checksum: 0ef272778a4eecc19798203feb8449ef (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-13T17:02:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANDRE_XAVIER_PADILHA_FAVORETO_DIS.pdf: 4813223 bytes, checksum: 0ef272778a4eecc19798203feb8449ef (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-07 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This retrospective study aims to evaluate the morphological changes produced after and surgically assisted maxillary rapid expansion (ERMAC). A three-dimensional evaluation was performed with CBT and scanning of the intraoral and gingival models at the preoperative (T0) and postoperative (T1 and T2) moments in order to evaluate linear and angular movements with bone and dental changes underlying. The possible morphological alterations of the related structures were evaluated: nasopharynx volume, oropharynx volume in relation to ERMAC. The sample consisted of 15 individuals (8 males and 7 females aged 19 to 54 years) submitted to MRS. In general, ERMAC produced a significant increase in all linear distances of the maxilla. There was a greater expansion of the maxilla in the anterior region than in the posterior one. The ERMAC produced a significant increase of the skeletal dimensions of the maxilla in the transversal direction. In the airways, there was a significant increase in all patients and the greatest effects of ERMAC occurred at the dental level, with the buccal inclination of the first molars and the upper premolars being observed. / Objetiva-se com este estudo retrospectivo avaliar as altera??es morfol?gicas produzidas ap?s e expans?o r?pida maxilar assistida cirurgicamente (ERMAC). Realizou-se uma avalia??o tridimensional com TCCB e escaneamento dos modelos de gesso e dos dentes intraoral no momento pr?-operat?rio (T0) e p?s-operat?rio (T1 e T2) a fim de avaliar os movimentos lineares e angulares com as altera??es ?sseas e dent?rias subjacentes. Avaliou - se as poss?veis altera??es morfol?gicas das estruturas correlatas: volume da nasofaringe, volume da orofaringe com rela??o a ERMAC. A amostra constituiu-se de 15 indiv?duos (8 homens e 7 mulheres com idades entre 19 e 54 anos) submetidos a ERMAC. De modo geral, a ERMAC produziu aumento significativo de todas as dist?ncias lineares da maxila. Houve maior expans?o da maxila na regi?o anterior do que na posterior. A ERMAC produziu aumento significativo das dimens?es esquel?ticas da maxila no sentido transversal. Nas vias a?reas houve aumento significativo em todos os pacientes e os maiores efeitos da ERMAC ocorreram no n?vel dent?rio, sendo observada a inclina??o vestibular dos primeiros molares e nos pr?-molares superiores.

Význam fyzioterapie v prognóze pacientů s Pierre Robinovou sekvencí / The importance of physical therapy in prognosis in patients with Pierre Robin sequence

Sedinová, Monika January 2018 (has links)
Clefts of orofacial komplex are the most common birth development defects. One of them is Pierre Robin sequence, which is characterized by presence of micrognathia, glossoptosis and upper airway obstruction. Because of these symptoms, isolated cleft palate "U" or "V" shaped can be part of the diagnose. Other clinical manifestations are feeding difficulties, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and / or gastroesophageal reflux disease. The aim of the treatment is to secure the airway and the child's thriving after birth by using conservative or invasive treatment methods. Choosing of methods and procedures should be established by multidisciplinary cooperation. The other part of diploma thesis is trying to find out, which clinical manifestation are the most common in patients from the Czech Republic compare to foreign patients and the differences in management of the treatment. Furthermore we are trying to investigate, whether there is higher percentage of patients with delayed neuromotor development among PRS patients, which are under physical therapy. The last part is trying to find out the relationship between the poor posture and PRS diagnose in children age 4 - 6 years.

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