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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vins, vignes, urbanité et urbanisation en chine : usages du vin et de la vigne à Dalian, Liaoning / wines, wineyard, urbanity and urbanism in china, dalian, liaoning

Wang, Yinan 30 June 2018 (has links)
La demande chinoise de vins a profondément marquée le marché du vin depuis la dernière décennie. Cette demande est surtout analysée jusqu'à présent de maniére macro-économique et macro-géographique. Notre thèse s'attache a décrire plus finement cette demande en s'appuyant sur des enquêtes et observations participantes la constitution de la demande chinoise à partir essentiellement de la province du Liaoning. Enfin, un aspect peu connu jusqu'à aujourd'hui est abordé, toujours dans le Liaoning, la place de l'imaginaire du vin dans l'aménagement régional, tant rural qu'urbain. / The thesis is for the object to show that the Chinese demand that has wine in the French vineyard. Geographical analysis distinguishes the diversified demands and enter at a time of social and cultural geography of the appropriation of wine in China and different effects in the vineyards.

Entrecruzamentos : desconstrução e hospitalidade na estação Niterói Trensurb

Grub, Julian January 2018 (has links)
A tese apresenta-se na forma de um relato, de uma reflexão, de uma experiência desenvolvida a partir da disciplina de Projeto Arquitetônico II da UFRGS, tendo como hipótese a possibilidade de uma abertura de significado das arquiteturas de conexão em direção ao acolhimento pelo entrecruzamento da experiência dos alunos e das ideias do filósofo Jacques Derrida, tendo como estudo de caso a Estação Niterói-Rio Branco, de Canoas. Os exercícios praticados pelos alunos nos espaços da estação procuraram ser uma forma de “rasura e apagamento” sobre a “escrita” original da obra, transformando as ações em dispositivos desconstrutores e possibilitando que essas obras de conexões tragam em si o gesto de hospitalidade. A força inventiva dos alunos apresentou-se na forma de instalações de equipamentos provisórios e definitivos e festas de integração nas praças da estação, denunciando o abismo existente entre o projeto da estação e a realidade vivenciada. Assim, num processo de ressignificação, as arquiteturas de conexões podem tornar-se o meio, o facilitador, o dispositivo de hospitalidade, contribuindo sensivelmente no papel social? Conclui-se que a aproximação entre filosofia e arquitetura mostra-se como um caminho para o questionamento e crítica das práticas projetuais, na direção de uma abordagem mais sensível e humana. As ações dos alunos vêm para alertar sobre a hostilidade das nossas cidades e o abandono e omissão de seus habitantes. / The thesis presents itself as a reflection from the experience in the discipline of Project II in the Architect Faculty of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS. The hypothesis is that it is possible an opening of meaning of the connection architectures towards the host. It is possible through cross-linking the student´s experience and the ideas of the philosopher Jacques Derrida. The thesis had as case study the Niteroi-Rio Branco station, in the municipality of Canoas – RS. The student´s exercises in the spaces of the station sought to be a form of "erasure and erasure" on the original "writing" of the architectural work, transforming the actions into deconstructing devices and enabling these architectural works of urban connections to betray the gesture of hospitality. The inventive strength of the students was presented in the form of provisional and definitive equipment installations and integration parties in the squares of the station, denouncing the abyss existing between the project of the Station and the reality experienced. Thus, in a process of resignification, the architectures of urban connections can become the facilitator, the hospitality device, contributing significantly to the social role? It is concluded that the approximation between philosophy and architecture is shown as a way for the questioning and the critique of the project practices towards a more sensitive and human approach. The actions of the students come to warn about the hostility of our cities and the abandonment and omission of its inhabitants. In this sense, the thesis presents itself as a questioning and a criticism to the fact of thinking architecture by the principle of efficiency, forgetting the responsibility of accepting unconditionally the other.

Traverser le seuil de la ville orthodoxe juive : repères et pratiques de l’entre-soi à travers le cas d’étude d’Elad, Israël / Cross the limits of a Jewish Orthodox town : practices between peers through the case study of Elad, Israel

Meron, Nava 24 January 2017 (has links)
Dans le judaïsme, les gestes quotidiens des religieux sont imbriqués dans leur environnement spatial. L’individu pratique ses rites et ses préceptes dans la sphère intime, privée d'abord, puis dans la sphère publique. Son calendrier génère des temps de partage réservés pour les initiés ; un étranger ne pourra ni les suivre ni les comprendre, pas même les respecter sans connaissances préalables. La rencontre avec autrui crée l’occasion d’introspection sur son héritage, sa culture, ses repères, ses pratiques et ses limites. Autant de repères spatio-temporels qui se retrouvent dans la ville lorsqu’on apprend à les reconnaitre. La société juive orthodoxe en Israël traverse une révolution interne depuis une décennie ; Internet transperce la couche de protection hermétique de ce monde réfractaire à la modernité. De nouveaux positionnements et questionnements préoccupent les dirigeants quant à l’impact de cet outil. L’augmentation constante du nombre d’internautes issus de cette société racontent un nouveau chapitre sur son fonctionnement, sur la visibilité nouvelle qu’elle doit gérer avec l’exposition de ses membres à un extérieur menaçant et peu contrôlable mais aussi sur un nouveau droit de regard de l’extérieur vers l’intérieur. Cette observation de l’équilibre fragile entre le site physique et sa représentation à travers le site internet a été le terrain d’étude de mon travail dans la ville d’Elad en Israël de ce début du XXIe siècle. / In Judaism, the everyday gestures of religious people are nested in their space environment. The individual practices his rituals and guidelines first in his intimate sphere, then in the public one. His calendar generates sharing time with initiated members; a stranger wouldn’t know what to do nor how to respect them without prior knowledge. Meeting the other provides an occasion for introspection about one’s heritage, culture, signs, practices and limits. All marks of time and space one has to get familiar with in order to feel familiar in town. The Israeli Orthodox Jewish society is going through an interior revolution within the last decade; Internet has pierced the hermetic protection cover of this world refracted to modernity. Leaders are questioning the impact of this tool and how to deal with it while the number of users increases exponentially. Information cannot be controlled anymore and inspection from the outside is now possible while it wasn’t before. This fragile balance between the physical site and its virtual representation via the web, has been my field work in the town of Elad, Israel, at the beginning of the XXIst century.

Mobilité internationale et dynamiques résidentielles à Bogotá (Colombie) / International mobility and residential dynamics in Bogotá (Colombia)

Córdoba Aldana, John Harold 23 January 2014 (has links)
La métropole de Bogotá présente une mobilité internationale croissante, caractérisée par une importante émigration au cours des deux dernières décennies, le retour d’anciens émigrants colombiens à différentes périodes et dans une moindre mesure, l’arrivée d’immigrants internationaux. Ces mouvements de population ont des effets directs et indirects sur les dynamiques résidentielles. La thèse les analyse à partir de la structure urbaine de la métropole, des stratégies migratoires et résidentielles, de l’évolution des pratiques et représentations urbaines et des modes de vie plus ou moins visibles dans certains quartiers de l’aire métropolitaine. Cette recherche se fonde sur une diversité de sources quantitatives et qualitatives : documents officiels, recensements de la population, enquête sur la mobilité spatiale réalisée en 2009 à Bogotá puis complétée par un travail de terrain dans deux villes européennes (Barcelone et Paris) dans lecadre du projet ANR METAL. Les processus spatiaux sont analysés aux échelles nationale, métropolitaine, de 12 zones d’enquête et de 4 secteurs localisés de la ville. L’appareil théorique et méthodologique permet de définir quatre types de trajectoires migratoires à Bogotá : le retour, l’itinérance, l’immigration internationale et la circulation. Chaque type de trajectoire présente des relations spécifiques avec les dynamiques résidentielles. L’étude des processus spatiaux à partir de la mobilité internationale contribue à une meilleure compréhension et gestion des facteurs du changement urbain à différentes échelles dans la capitale colombienne / Bogotá, the capital city of Colombia, is in a context of increasing international mobility. Such mobility is characterized by three main factors: a large population outflow in the last twenty years, the return of former Colombian emigrants during different periods of time and, to a lesser extent, the arrival of international immigrants. These movements have both direct and indirect effects on residential dynamics as indicated by four main issues: the changes on broad urban structure, the adjustment of migration and residential strategies, the modification of urban practices and representations and, the more or less visible, change on the way of life in certain neighborhoods in the metropolitan area. This research provides a multiscalar analysis in which the national, metropolitan, and local scales (12 survey areas and 6 emphasis areas) are considered. Hence, it combines various data sources like public policy reports, population censuses, and a survey on spatial mobility conducted within the ANR METAL project accomplished in 2009 in Bogotá and two European cities (Barcelona and Paris). The analysis of the data reveals four types of migratory trajectories in Bogotá: the return, the itinerancy, the international migration and the circulation associated with residential dynamics. Taking into account the role played by the international mobility in Bogota´s spatial processes, contributes to a better understanding and management of factors that shape the urban change at different scales

L'action urbaine écologique de Bordeaux Métropole : le plafond de verre de la nature ou la conflictualité tacite des pratiques de l'aménagement / The Ecological Glass Ceiling : the Latent Conflict of Urban Planning Practices in Bordeaux Métropole (France)

Touchard, Ophélie 05 March 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d’étudier la prise en compte des écosystèmes urbains dans les pratiques publiques de l’aménagement de Bordeaux Métropole. À travers une approche interdisciplinaire à la croisée de l’urbanisme et de la science politique, cette analyse s’inscrit à la suite des recherches sur les visions plurielles de la nature comme espace de l’urbain et vise à mieux comprendre la faiblesse actuelle de l’action environnementale publique. L’approche retenue contribue ainsi à croiser action urbaine et action publique environnementale dans ce que nous qualifions d’action urbaine écologique. Les résultats de cette recherche s’appuient sur la mise en place d’une recherche-action, menée de 2014 à 2017 avec la Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux (aujourd'hui Bordeaux Métropole). Il s’agissait de rentrer au cœur des pratiques professionnelles et décisionnelles de l’aménagement public bordelais, pour mieux décomposer les habitudes, les raisonnements et les logiques urbaines, en particulier celles qui représentaient des obstacles à la mise en place d’une action urbaine écologique. Nous verrons que l’action urbaine écologique de Bordeaux Métropole illustre de manière singulière le traitement ambigu actuel de la nature administrée et aménagée. La pluralité des interventions de l’intercommunalité bordelaise en matière de nature urbaine n’aboutit d’abord pas à une dimension intégrée et proactive de l’aménagement métropolitain. Elle se heurte à ce que nous appellerons un plafond de verre de la nature, qui nous amènera ensuite à soulever les logiques de la conflictualité tacite des pratiques écologiques de l’urbain. Nous mettrons enfin en évidence l’impensé spatial des pratiques aménagistes bordelaises qui se cache derrière les obstacles à la mise en place d’une action urbaine écologique. / In the light of the contemporary urban planning action, this Phd offers to examine the integration of ecosystems in the urban planning practices of Bordeaux Métropole (France). Relying on an interdisciplinary approach of urban planning and political science, this analysis is part of the research on the plural visions of Nature as an urban space and aims to improve understanding the current weakness of environmental policy actions. An action-research project (2014-2017) with the Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux (nowadays Bordeaux Métropole) enabled to unfold an ethnographic immersion of urban planning public practices. The case of Bordeaux Métropole illustrates the contradictory management of the environmental challenge in urban areas. The increasing integration of ecological practices does not succeed in implementing a sustainable and operational dimension of spatial planning. There is a tacit and latent conflict of the ecological urban practices of what we could call an « Ecological Glass Ceiling ». Contemporary urban planning practices seems to encounter difficulties to characterize an ecological spatial policy framework which is nor a regulatory and dual zoning (natural areas), neither a wide and scientific concept (biodiversity). Through this Glass Ceiling hypothesis, we will thereby observe how urban ecosystems are still remained unconceived in the on-going urban planning practices.

« Mériter » la ville globalisée : la production des espaces urbains en centre-ville, entre discours et pratiques micro-locales : Naples et Le Caire / "Deserving" the globalized city : the production of urban spaces in the city centre, between discourse and micro-local practices : Naples and Cairo

Pappalardo, Marta 02 December 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche interroge les pratiques discursives de domination et d’altérisation dans la production urbaine. Notre analyse prend le départ du questionnement de la globalisation dans la planification urbaine et de son articulation au niveau micro-local. Notre hypothèse est que les groupes dominants utilisent les pratiques populaires comme argument de délégitimation des populations pauvres dans les « visions » de la ville globalisée. Cette stigmatisation se nourrit des stéréotypes de la ville en retard et de l’immobilisme de ces « groupes subalternes », mais également des conflits entre les habitants du centre pour l’appropriation de l’espace au quotidien. La domination exercée résulte alors d’un enchevêtrement complexe entre des conditions sociales réelles et des discours stéréotypés. Cette recherche suit une démarche interdisciplinaire, qui croise les approches à la ville propres à l’architecture avec le regard sociologique. Le choix des terrains d’étude se porte sur deux métropoles, Le Caire (Égypte) et Naples (Italie). Malgré de profondes différences de contexte, les questions s’imbriquent : l’attractivité touristique qui passe par le changement de population, la patrimonialisation de l’architecture des centres, et un urbanisme hanté par le mythe d’une grandeur déchue. À travers l’étude des pratiques micro-locales d’occupation du logement et de l’espace urbain, ainsi que du processus de construction et de manipulation d’une condition de « subalternité métropolitaine », il apparaît que si d’un côté les aménageurs revendiquent le monopole de la prise de décision, de l’autre les habitants mettent en place une production de l’espace urbain « par le bas ». / This research examines the discursive practices of domination and othering in urban production. Our analysis opens with the questioning of globalization in urban planning and its relationship with the micro-local level. Our hypothesis is that dominant groups use popular practices as an argument of delegitimization of the poor in the "visions" of the globalized city. This stigma is fuelled by the stereotypes of the undeveloped city and the immobilism of these "subaltern groups", but also by the conflicts between the inhabitants of the centre for the appropriation of space in everyday life. Thus, the domination results as a complex tangle between real social conditions and stereotypical discourses. This research follows an interdisciplinary approach, which crosses the architecture-specific analysis of the city with a sociological perspective. We chose as our case studies two cities, Cairo (Egypt) and Naples (Italy). Despite the profound differences in context, many issues overlap: the touristic appeal depending on the exclusion of a part of the population, the politics of heritage of the city centres, and an urban planning haunted by the myth of fallen greatness. Through the study of micro-local practices of domestic and urban space, and the process of construction and manipulation of a condition of "metropolitan subalternity", it appears that if, on the one hand, developers claim the monopoly of decision making, on the other, inhabitants develop a production of urban space "from below".

Práticas urbanas: construção social dos espaços da cidade / Urban practices: social construction of city spaces

Tomé, Lúcia Aparecida 18 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-08-01T15:30:28Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Lúcia Aparecida Tomé - 2018.pdf: 5604879 bytes, checksum: 1bf3afd7e65cbb6b30552cbb54f7e517 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-08-01T15:32:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Lúcia Aparecida Tomé - 2018.pdf: 5604879 bytes, checksum: 1bf3afd7e65cbb6b30552cbb54f7e517 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-01T15:32:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Lúcia Aparecida Tomé - 2018.pdf: 5604879 bytes, checksum: 1bf3afd7e65cbb6b30552cbb54f7e517 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-18 / This study is a reflexion on the ways of experiencing the city that come up as answers to urban issues in a critical and creative manner. And they do so erratically in the history of the modern city, from the nineteenth century to the present day. These actions, emphasized here, resulted in positions of profound influence in the conceptualization of public art and urban practices. By thinking over the sphere of urban thought in the form of creating responses and products for the city planning and the way in which the application of its propositions are subverted, the study also perceives differences between the dominant order that establishes it and the society with its processes of use that subvert and appropriate this urban production in a way that is not cataloged or predictable. Thus, through these urban practices, a "social constructionism" is present in the city, perpetuating the existence of the public space as a space for citizen presence. The reflexion is based on readings of the potential discourse taken from experiences of artistic work and actions in different contexts and supported by the theoretical basis of thinkers who – through interdisciplinarity – promote the understanding of these relations of society and the public space instrumented by public art and by practices that denounce a proper way of making consumption of a production instituted by a dominant order of thought. From the perspective that considers the city with its dynamics and the reflexions that refer to it, this text adds an analysis to the construction of the public space instrumented by the urban practices. / Este estudo é uma reflexão sobre modos de vivenciar a cidade que se apresentam como respostas às questões urbanas de maneira crítica e criativa. E o fazem como uma “errância” pela história da cidade moderna, a partir do século XIX até os dias atuais, cujas ações, aqui enfatizadas, resultaram em posturas de influência profunda na conceituação da arte pública e as práticas urbanas. Ao refletir sobre a esfera do pensamento urbanístico na forma de construção das respostas e da produção para o planejamento das cidades e o modo como a aplicação de suas proposituras são subvertidas, o estudo também percebe diferenças entre a ordem dominante que a estabelece e a sociedade com seus processos de utilização, que subvertem e se apropriam dessa produção urbanística de maneira não catalogada ou previsível. Dessa forma, depreende-se, através dessas práticas urbanas, um “construcionismo social” presente na cidade, perpetuando a existência do espaço público como espaço de presença cidadã. A reflexão se vale de uma leitura do potencial discursivo de experiências do fazer artístico e de ações em diferentes contextualidades, sustentada pelo cabedal teórico de pensadores que, em interdisciplinaridade, promovem a compreensão dessas relações da sociedade no espaço público, instrumentalizadas pela arte pública e por práticas que denunciam uma maneira própria de fazer o consumo de uma produção instituída por uma ordem de pensamento dominante. Sob a perspectiva que considera a cidade com suas dinâmicas e as reflexões que a ela se referem, este texto acrescenta uma análise sobre a construção do espaço público instrumentalizada pelas práticas urbanas.

Isso não é um evento uma análise sobre a dinâmica de uso dos espaços públicos contemporâneos: estudo de caso - o Largo da Batata / This is not event an analysis of the dynamics of use of contemporary public spaces: case study - Largo da Batata

Sobral Rodrigues, Laura 04 May 2018 (has links)
Nesta dissertação analisa-se o processo pelo qual as práticas urbanas socioespaciais colaborativas da sociedade civil agem sobre um espaço público aberto, transformando-o, pelo seu uso, em um espaço \"comum\". Estamos em um momento histórico no qual o planejamento urbano tradicional, reconhecido comumente como um processo top-down, está cada vez mais dividindo seu espaço com as práticas ditas bottom-up. Nesse sentido, este trabalho se propõe a ser um estudo do uso contemporâneo do Largo da Batata, em São Paulo, compreendendo o período do final da década de 1990 até 2017, com especial destaque para o momento em que a região teve seu acesso reaberto ao público em 2013. Público este que, por sua vez, começou a se apropriar do lugar. A investigação é sobre os processos de uso propositivo dos espaços públicos -- praças, ruas e parques -- por parte da população, tendo como objetivo a identificação de como essas práticas urbanas coletivas produzem, pelo seu uso, lugares com qualidades diversas das previamente conhecidas e mapeadas, permitindo o encontro de diferentes tipos de pessoas e de cuidado comum. Para tal, esta dissertação pretende investigar novos campos de ação dentro da profissão de urbanista, e mesmo novos métodos no que se refere ao planejamento urbano participativo e à criação de plataformas para a autogestão e a gestão compartilhada. Conclui-se que ampliar os horizontes da análise socioespacial de insurgências cidadãs no espaço público pelo olhar do urbanismo pode aproximar o debate acadêmico do ativismo cidadão e comunitário, e também contribuir para a investigação de possibilidades de colaboração entre urbanismo tradicional e urbanismos táticos, revelando um caminho do conhecimento em construção. / In this dissertation, the process of civil society\'s collaborative spatial practices influence on an open public space, transforming it into a \"common\" space, is analyzed. This is a historical moment in which traditional urban planning, recognized as a top-down process, is often divided more closely with bottom-up practices. In this sense, this work proposes to be a study of the contemporary usage of the Largo da Batata, in São Paulo, comprising the period from the late 1990s to 2017, with special emphasis on the moment when the square area was reopened to the public in 2013 - when the place was appropriated to the public. The investigation is about the processes of the usage of public spaces - squares, streets and parks - by the populace, with an objective to identify how these urban practices through the use of these places produce qualities different from those previously known and mapped, allowing the encounter of different types of people and common care. In order to do so, this work intends to investigate new fields of action within the urbanist profession, and even new methods regarding participatory urban planning and the creation of platforms for self-management and shared management. It is concluded that widening the horizons of socio-spatial analysis of citizen insurgencies in the public space through the view of urbanism can bring the academic debate closer to citizen and community activism, and also contribute to the investigation of possibilities of collaboration between traditional urbanism and tactical urbanisms, revealing a path of knowledge under construction.

Casablanca, une "ville à l'envers". Urbanités métropolitaines au prisme de la marginalité sociale au Maroc / Casablanca, an "inside out city". Metropolitan urbanities throught the social marginality in Morocco

Anglade, Marie-Pierre 14 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur les mécanismes d’ajustement des différentes urbanités en présence à Casablanca, principale métropole du Maroc, par le biais de l’étude de l’appropriation d’espaces publics par des pratiques déviantes. La question des rapports mutuels entre les citadins déviants et l’ensemble des acteurs de la ville (citadins ordinaires et acteurs institutionnels de l’aménagement), incarnée dans le processus d’aménagement urbain du centre-ville à partir de 2002, permet de mettre en évidence l’importance de la visibilité de la transgression des normes sociales. Ces projets contraignant les citadins déviants à réadapter leurs lieux de vie à l’injonction à une urbanité policée sont analysés au regard des limites des compétences des citadins en situation de vulnérabilité et interrogent l’aménagement dans sa capacité à intégrer toutes les composantes sociales de la ville. Dans une démarche de type ethnographique, explorer l’articulation du lien social à la morphologie urbaine permet de comprendre les transformations des valeurs à l’oeuvre dans des situations de déviance, révélatrices de changements affectant les formes familiales et l’ensemble de la société marocaine, pour les hommes et les femmes en quête d’individuation. / This research is a study of the adjustment of different urbanities present in Casablanca, Morocco’s main metropolis, where public spaces are appropriated by city-dwellers for their deviant practices. The issue of mutual relations among the city-dwellers and all the city stakeholders (ordinary city-dwellers and institutional players involved in planning) embodied in the urban planning process of the city center since 2002 highlights the importance of visibility of the transgression of social norms. The development projects, which force deviant city-dwellers to readjust their living places to a constraining civilized urbanity, are analyzed in terms of the limitations of the competencies of these city-dwellers, who are in a vulnerable situation. The projects also call into question urban planning in its ability to incorporate all the social components of the city. Using an ethnographic approach to explore the relationship of social ties with urban morphology helps to understand the transformations of values at play in situations of deviance, which reveal changes in family structure and the entire Moroccan society for men and women in search of individuation.

Isso não é um evento uma análise sobre a dinâmica de uso dos espaços públicos contemporâneos: estudo de caso - o Largo da Batata / This is not event an analysis of the dynamics of use of contemporary public spaces: case study - Largo da Batata

Laura Sobral Rodrigues 04 May 2018 (has links)
Nesta dissertação analisa-se o processo pelo qual as práticas urbanas socioespaciais colaborativas da sociedade civil agem sobre um espaço público aberto, transformando-o, pelo seu uso, em um espaço \"comum\". Estamos em um momento histórico no qual o planejamento urbano tradicional, reconhecido comumente como um processo top-down, está cada vez mais dividindo seu espaço com as práticas ditas bottom-up. Nesse sentido, este trabalho se propõe a ser um estudo do uso contemporâneo do Largo da Batata, em São Paulo, compreendendo o período do final da década de 1990 até 2017, com especial destaque para o momento em que a região teve seu acesso reaberto ao público em 2013. Público este que, por sua vez, começou a se apropriar do lugar. A investigação é sobre os processos de uso propositivo dos espaços públicos -- praças, ruas e parques -- por parte da população, tendo como objetivo a identificação de como essas práticas urbanas coletivas produzem, pelo seu uso, lugares com qualidades diversas das previamente conhecidas e mapeadas, permitindo o encontro de diferentes tipos de pessoas e de cuidado comum. Para tal, esta dissertação pretende investigar novos campos de ação dentro da profissão de urbanista, e mesmo novos métodos no que se refere ao planejamento urbano participativo e à criação de plataformas para a autogestão e a gestão compartilhada. Conclui-se que ampliar os horizontes da análise socioespacial de insurgências cidadãs no espaço público pelo olhar do urbanismo pode aproximar o debate acadêmico do ativismo cidadão e comunitário, e também contribuir para a investigação de possibilidades de colaboração entre urbanismo tradicional e urbanismos táticos, revelando um caminho do conhecimento em construção. / In this dissertation, the process of civil society\'s collaborative spatial practices influence on an open public space, transforming it into a \"common\" space, is analyzed. This is a historical moment in which traditional urban planning, recognized as a top-down process, is often divided more closely with bottom-up practices. In this sense, this work proposes to be a study of the contemporary usage of the Largo da Batata, in São Paulo, comprising the period from the late 1990s to 2017, with special emphasis on the moment when the square area was reopened to the public in 2013 - when the place was appropriated to the public. The investigation is about the processes of the usage of public spaces - squares, streets and parks - by the populace, with an objective to identify how these urban practices through the use of these places produce qualities different from those previously known and mapped, allowing the encounter of different types of people and common care. In order to do so, this work intends to investigate new fields of action within the urbanist profession, and even new methods regarding participatory urban planning and the creation of platforms for self-management and shared management. It is concluded that widening the horizons of socio-spatial analysis of citizen insurgencies in the public space through the view of urbanism can bring the academic debate closer to citizen and community activism, and also contribute to the investigation of possibilities of collaboration between traditional urbanism and tactical urbanisms, revealing a path of knowledge under construction.

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