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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Política del agua, controversias socio-técnicas y conflictos territoriales en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (2006-2015) / Water policy, socio-technical controversies and territorial conflicts in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (2006-2015) / Politique de l'eau, controverses socio- techniques et conflits territoriaux dans l'Aire Métropolitaine de Buenos Aires (2006-2015)

Tobias, Melina 29 March 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les enjeux de la mise en œuvre de la politique de l'eau et de l'assainissement dans l'Aire métropolitaine de Buenos Aires (AMBA) au cours de la dernière décennie. Plus précisément, on étudie les scénarios de controverses et conflits qui ont conduit à l'émergence de nouveaux acteurs dans la région responsable de la gestion des ressources. La thèse est organisée en trois axes: l'institutionnelle, axée sur l'étude des modifications dans le scénario des acteurs en charge de la gestion de l'eau depuis la création de l'entreprise publique de l'eau et de l'assainissement AySA, et l'Autorité de Bassin Matanza- Riachuelo. L'environnement, consacré à analyser controverses générées par les différentes visions présentes par ces deux organismes et l'importance qui acquiert le regard de l'environnement à l'intérieur de la provision des services par rapport à la vision sanitaire traditionnelle du secteur. Et, la dimension socio-territorial qui vise à décrire l'accessibilité à l'eau et à l'assainissement dans la région, caractérisant les zones les plus touchées par le manque de service et les conflits qui émergent là, exigeant le droit à l'accès à l'eau?Pour répondre à ces dimensions on a choisi une stratégie méthodologique mixte qui permit combiner les sources et les approches qualitatives et les quantitatives. Nous avons principalement effectué des entretiens en profondeur à des fonctionnaires, des experts et des membres d'organisations sociales. Nous avons analysé la documentation technique sur les plans de œuvres, et nous avons utilisé des sources statistiques nationales pour étudier l'évolution de la couverture sur le territoire.L'hypothèse qui guide la recherche constate que, si bien que la création de ces deux organismes a produit une transformation dans la politique de l'eau et de l'assainissement à Buenos Aires, l'inertie du système de réseau centralisé et les limitations de la gestion territoriale de la part de l'autorité du bassin versant Matanza Riachuelo, limite la portée de cette transformation. / The thesis analyzes the challenges presented by the implementation of water and sanitation policy in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA) during the last decade (2006-2015). More precisely, it studies the scenarios of controversy and conflict that led to the appearance and raise of new actors in the region that became responsible for managing the resources.The thesis is organized in three dimensions: the institutional one, focused on studying the transformations in the framework of actors responsible for water management in the region, starting with the creation of the AySA drinking water and sanitation company and the Matanza Riachuelo Watershed Authority. The environmental, aimed at analyzing the controversies generated by the different visions present in the management of water through these two organisms and the weight that acquires the environmental view within the provision of the service against the traditional sanitary view of the sector. And the socio-territorial, which seeks to describe accessibility to water and sanitation in the region, characterizing the areas most affected by the lack of service and the conflicts that arise there, in claiming the right to water.To address these dimensions, we opted for a methodological strategy that complement qualitative and quantitative approaches and sources. We have conducted in-depth interviews with officials, academics and members of social organizations; We have analyzed technical documentation on the plans of works, and we have appealed to national statistical sources to study the evolution of the coverage in the territory.The hypothesis that guides the investigation indicates that although the creation of these two organisms implies a transformation in the politics of water and sanitation in Buenos Aires, the inertia of the centralized system of networks and the limitations in the territorial management of the basin authority , Crossed by the criminalization of the Riachuelo pollution, limit the scope of this transformation. / La tesis analiza los desafíos que presenta la implementación de la política del agua y saneamiento en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires durante la última década. Más precisamente estudia los escenarios de controversia y conflicto que supuso la aparición de nuevos actores en la región encargados del manejo del recurso.La tesis se organiza en tres dimensiones: la institucional, centrada en estudiar las transformaciones en el entramado de actores encargados del manejo del agua a partir de la creación de la empresa de agua potable y saneamiento AySA y la Autoridad de Cuenca Matanza Riachuelo. La ambiental, destinada a analizar las controversias generadas por las distintas visiones presentes en estos dos organismos y el peso que adquiere la mirada ambiental dentro de la provisión del servicio frente a la tradicional visión sanitarista del sector. Y la socio-territorial, que busca describir la accesibilidad al agua y saneamiento en la región, caracterizando las áreas más afectadas por la falta del servicio y los conflictos que allí emergen, en reclamo del derecho al agua.Para atender a estas dimensiones optamos por una estrategia metodológica que permita complementar fuentes y enfoques cualitativos y cuantitativos. Principalmente hemos realizado entrevistas en profundidad a funcionarios, académicos y miembros de organizaciones sociales; hemos analizado documentación técnica sobre los planes de obras, y hemos apelado a fuentes estadísticas nacionales para estudiar la evolución de la cobertura en el territorio. La hipótesis que guía la investigación señala que si bien la creación de estos dos organismos supone una transformación en la política del agua y saneamiento en Buenos Aires, la inercia del propio sistema centralizado de redes y las limitaciones en la gestión territorial de la autoridad de cuenca, atravesada por la judicialización de la contaminación del Riachuelo, limitan el alcance de dicha transformación.

Modeling and Analysis of Water Distribution Systems

Manohar, Usha January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In most of the urban cities of developing countries piped water supply is intermittent and they receive water on alternate days for about few hours. The Unaccounted For Water (UFW) in these cities is very high due to aged infrastructure, poor management and operation of the system. In the cities of developing countries, supplied water is not able to meet the demand and there is huge gap between supply and demand of water. To meet the water demand people are depending on other sources of water like groundwater, rain water harvesting, waste water treatment, desalination etc. Huge quantity of groundwater is extracted without any account for the quantity of water used. The main challenge for water authorities is to meet the consumer demands at varying loading conditions. However, the present execution of decisions in the operational management of WDS is through manual control. The manual control of valve throttling and control of pump speed, reduces the efficiency and operation of WDS. In such cases, system modeling coupled with automated control can play a significant role in the appropriate execution and operation of the system. In the past few decades, there has been a major development in the field of modeling and analysing water distribution systems. Most of the people in Indian mega cities are facing water problems as they are not able to receive safe reliable drinking water. In rapidly growing cities, the water resources management has been a major concern for the Government. There is always a need to optimize the available water resources when the rate of demand constantly beats the rate of replenishments. Mathematical modeling of WDS has become an indispensible tool since the ages to model any type of WDS. Development of mathematical models of WDS is necessary to analyse the system behavior for a wide range of operating conditions. Using models, problems can be anticipated in proposed or existing systems, and solutions can be evaluated before time, money, and materials are invested in a real-world project. In the present study, we have developed a model of WDS of a typical city like Bangalore, India and analysed them for several scenarios and operating conditions. Bangalore WDS is modeled using EPANET. Before a network model is used for analysis purpose, it must be ensured that the model is predicting the behavior of the system with reasonable accuracy. The process of matching the parameters of the developed model and the field observed data is known as calibration. All WDS require calibration for effective modeling and simulation of the system. Demand and roughness are the most uncertain parameters and they are adjusted repeatedly to get the required head at nodes and flow in the pipes. The calibration parameters usually include pipe roughness, valve settings, pipe diameter and demand. Pipe roughness, valve settings and pipe diameter are associated with the flow conditions and the demands relate to the boundary conditions. For Bangalore WDS, the values of roughness coefficient and demand are available; and the values of valve settings are not available. Hence, this value is estimated during calibration process. Dynamic Inversion (DI) nonlinear controller with Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) features (DI-PID) is used for calibrating WDS for valve settings on the basis of observed flow and roughness coefficient. From the obtained results it is observed that, controllers are capable of achieving the target flow to all the GLRs with acceptable difference between the flow meter readings and the simulated flow. After calibrating any real WDS to the field observed data, it will be useful for water authorities if the consumer demands are met up to certain extent. This can be achieved by using the concept of equitable distribution of water to different consumers. In the urban cities of developing countries, often large quantities of water are supplied to only a few consumers, leading to inequitable water supply. It is a well known fact that quantity of water supplied from the source is not distributed equitably among the consumers. Aged pipelines pump failures, improper management of water resources are some of the main reasons for it. Equitable water to different consumers can be provided by operating the system in an efficient manner. Most of the urban cities receive water from the source to intermediate reservoirs and from these reservoirs water is supplied to consumers. Therefore, to achieve equitable water supply, these two supply levels have to be controlled using different concepts/ techniques. The water requirement of each of the reservoirs has to be calculated, which may depend on the number of consumers and consumer category. Each reservoir should receive its share of water to satisfy its consumer demand and also there must be provision to accommodate shortages, if any. The calibrated model of Bangalore WDS is used to achieve equitable water supply quantity to different zones of Bangalore city. The city has large undulating terrain among different zones which leads to unequal distribution of water. Dynamic Inversion (DI) nonlinear controller with Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) features (DI-PID) is used for valve throttling to achieve the target flows to different zones/reservoirs of the city at different levels. Equitable water distribution to different reservoirs, when a part of the source fails to supply water is also discussed in this thesis. From the obtained results it is observed that, controllers were responding in all the cases in different levels of targets for such a huge network. When there is change in supply pattern to achieve the equitable supply of water to different zones, the hydraulics of the WDS will change. Therefore, it is necessary to understand whether the system is able to handle these changes. The concept of reliability can be used to analyse the performance of WDS for wide range of operating conditions. Reliability analysis of a WDS for both normal and likely to occur situations will give a better quality of service to its consumers. Calculating both hydraulic and mechanical reliability is important as the chances of occurrence of both the failure scenarios are equal in a WDS. In the present study, a methodology is presented to model the nodal, system and total reliability for water supply networks by considering the hydraulic and mechanical failure scenarios. These two reliability measures together give the total reliability of the system. Analysing a real and complex WDS for the probable chances of occurrence of the failure scenarios; and then to anlyse the total reliability of the system is not reported in the literature and this analysis is carried out in the present study for Bangalore city WDS. The hydraulics of the system for all the operating conditions is analysed using EPANET. Hydraulic reliability is calculated by varying the uncertain independent parameters (demand, roughness and source water) and mechanical reliability is calculated by assuming system component failures. The system is analysed for both the reliability scenarios by considering different chances of failure that may occur in a real WDS; and hence the total reliability is calculated by making different combinations of hydraulic and mechanical failure scenarios. Sensitivity analysis for all the zones is also carried out to understand the behavior of different demand points for large fluctuation in hydraulics of the system. From the study, it is observed that, Hydraulic reliability decreases as the demand variation increases. But, as the roughness variation increases, there is no much change in the nodal or system reliability. Consumer demand or reliability of the WDS can be increased by saving the water lost in the system. This can be achieved by tracking the water parcel from the source till the consumer end, which will give an idea about the performance of different stages and zones in achieving the target flows. Huge quantity of water is lost in WDS and hence it is necessary to account for the water lost at different levels, hence the system can be managed in a better way. In most of the intermittent water supply systems demand is controlled by supply side; there is also a need to understand the demand variation at the consumer end which in turn affects the supply. Matching this varied supply-demand gap at various levels is challenging task. To get a better control of such problem, water balance (WB) equations need to be derived at various levels. When we derive these WB equations it should be emphasized that UFW is one of the major component of this equation. Given this back ground of the complex problem, for a typical city like Bangalore, an attempt is made to derive WB equations at various levels. In the present study, stage-wise and zone-wise WB is analysed for different months based on the flow meter readings. The conceptual model developed is calibrated, validated and also the performance of the model is analysed by giving a chance of error in the flow measurement. Based on all the above observations, stage-wise and zone-wise water supply weights are also calculated. From the study it is found that, there is no much loss of water in all the four stages of supply. Water loss is minimal of about 3 % till water reaches from source to GLRs. Water is transferred between the stages during some days of the month, may be due to shortage of water or due to unexpected demand. Huge quantity of water is lost in the distribution main which is of about 40 to 45% for all the moths which is analysed. This type of model will be extremely useful for water supply managers to manage their resources more efficiently and this study is discussed in detail as a part of this thesis. As mentioned above, huge quantity of groundwater is used in urban cities and the quantity of water extracted is not accounted. In the present study, zone wise and sub zone-wise piped water and ground water used in different parts of the cities is analysed with the help of available data. From the study it is observed that, the quantity of piped water supply and UFW is consistent for the time period analysed and the quantity of water withdrawn from the borewells are varying considerably depending on the yield of the borewlls in different zones. The main components of urban water supply are piped water, ground water, rainfall and runoff generated, UFW, waste water produced and other water quantities which may be minute. In future, to manage the water resources properly, integrated water management is necessary in city scale which will give an idea about the total water produced and the water utilized at the consumer end. Therefore, integrated water management concept is carried out in Hebbal region, (a small part of Bangalore) using the available data. From the analysis we noticed that, domestic water supplied to North sub zones are better when comparing to East sub zones. This type of total water balance can be studied in other parts of Bangalore, to understand the behavior of different water components and to make better decisions. The developed model, analysis and operating conditions of this study can be applied to other similar cities like Bangalore. This type of study may be useful to water authorities for better control of the resources, or in making better decisions and these types of models will act as decision support systems.

Diseño de una propuesta para la regulación técnica de los servicios de agua en España

Estruch Juan, María Elvira 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] Los servicios de agua y saneamiento son un bien considerado un derecho humano por la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, son un monopolio natural. Es por ello que los usuarios no pueden escoger el prestador que les suministre el servicio, sino que deben conformarse con que el opere en la zona. Así, con el fin de proteger a los usuarios de las posibles prácticas monopolísticas, es necesario supervisar la calidad del servicio prestado, así como su precio a través de un marco regulatorio. Actualmente, el marco regulatorio del sector del agua español no cuenta con una ley que regule el ciclo urbano del agua a nivel nacional que provea seguridad legal a los prestadores ni homogeneice el servicio prestado. Se trata de un sector muy atomizado, con responsabilidades dispersas entre distintos organismos y niveles administrativos. La consecuencia directa es un entramado regulatorio complejo sin una autoridad clara de guie los pasos del sector. Es por ello que los distintos actores que componen el sector empiezan a demandar una reforma que englobe sus necesidades y permita superar con éxito los retos a los que se enfrenta el sector. El propósito de esta tesis es concretar una serie de propuestas técnicas a medida para el sector del agua español que promueva la voluntad de la administración y las partes interesadas para dar el paso de reformar el sector. Para ello, se parte del estudio de los diversos métodos regulatorios y herramientas existentes, con el fin de evaluar su aplicación en los distintos marcos regulatorios internacionales y analizar cuáles serían de aplicabilidad al caso español. Tras dicho análisis, se concluye que se requieren nuevas herramientas para regular el sector con éxito. Por ello, se han diseñado una serie de metodologías basadas en la evaluación del desempeño de los servicios de agua. Éstas permiten una adecuada comparación e interpretación de los resultados obtenidos por los operadores con el fin de posibilitar una regulación económica y de la calidad del servicio que sea justa para todas las partes implicadas. Asimismo, fomentan la transparencia, la eficiencia, la mejora continua del sector y su sostenibilidad. Para finalizar, se detallan una serie de directrices técnicas que tratan los diversos aspectos a tener en cuenta al implementar un regulador en España, como son: las características que debería reunir y los aspectos a regular, la articulación de la regulación de la calidad del servicio y la regulación económica o cómo financiar e implementar dicho organismo. La principal novedad de estas propuestas de regulación es que están enfocadas de forma técnica, evitando la perspectiva económica con la que generalmente se diseñan los marcos regulatorios. De este modo, se garantiza que los usuarios reciban un servicio de calidad al mejor precio, preservando el derecho humano al agua. / [CA] Els serveis d'aigua i sanejament són un bé considerat un dret humà per l'Assemblea General de Nacions Unides. No obstant això, al mateix temps, són un monopoli natural. Per aquesta raó, els usuaris no poden escollir el prestador que els subministra el servei, sinó que s'han de conformar amb el que treballe en la seua zona. Així, amb la fi de protegir als usuaris de les possibles pràctiques monopolístiques, cal supervisar la qualitat del servei prestat, així com el ser preu mitjançant un marc regulador. Actualment, el marc regulador del sector de l'aigua espanyol no compta amb una llei a nivell nacional que regule el cicle urbà de l'aigua, que proporcione seguretat legal als prestadors dels serveis i homogeneïtze el servei prestat. Es tracta d'un servei molt atomitzat, amb responsabilitats disperses entre diversos organismes i nivells administratius. La conseqüència directa és un entramat regulador complexe sense una autoritat clara que guie les passes del sector. Per aquesta raó, els distints actors que formen part del sector comencen a demandar una reforma d'aquest marc, de forma que s'engloben les seues necessitats i els permeta superar amb èxit els reptes als que s'enfronta el sector. El propòsit d'aquesta tesi es concretar una proposta tècnica a mesura per al sector de l'aigua espanyol, que fomente la voluntat de l'administració i les parts interessades per a donar el pas de reformar el sector. Així, es parteix de l'estudi dels diversos mètodes reguladors i ferramentes existents, amb la fi d'avaluar la seua aplicació en els distints marcs reguladors internacionals i analitzar quines serien d'aplicabilitat al cas espanyol. Després d'aquest anàlisi, es conclou que es requereixen noves ferramentes per a regular el sector amb èxit. Per això, s'han dissenyat una serie de metodologies basades en l'avaluació del rendiment dels serveis d'aigua. Aquestes permeten una adequada comparació e interpretació dels resultats obtinguts pels operadors amb la fi de possibilitar una regulació econòmica i de la qualitat del servei, que siga justa per a totes les parts implicades. A més, fomenten la transparència, l'eficiència, la millora continua del sector i la seua sostenibilitat. Per a finalitzar, es detallen una serie de directrius tècniques que tracten els diversos aspectes a considerar a l'implementar un regulador en Espanya, com són: les característiques que deuria reunir i els aspectes a regular, l'articulació de la regulació de la qualitat del servei i la regulació econòmica, o seu finançament i implementació. La principal novetat d'aquestes propostes reguladores és que estan enfocades de forma tècnica, evitant la perspectiva econòmica amb la que generalment es dissenyen els marcs reguladors. D'aquesta forma, es garantisca que els usuaris reben un servei de qualitat al millor preu, preservant el dret humà a l'aigua. / [EN] Access to Water services and sanitation are considered a human right by the United Nations. However, simultaneously, they are a natural monopoly which means that users cannot choose the utility. They will receive the services from the utility operating in that particular area, regardless its cost and quality of the services provided. Therefore, regulatory frameworks emerge with the aim of protecting customers from the possible monopolistic practices, supervising the quality of the service provided and the cost of the services. The Spanish water sector is very fragmented, with responsibilities dispersed among different agencies and administrative levels. In fact, the regulatory framework does not count with a law that regulates the urban water cycle, provides legal security to utilities and homogenizes the level of the service provided at a national level. The direct consequence is a complex regulatory framework without a clear authority to guide the steps of the sector. For that reason, the different stakeholders in the water sector request a reform in the regulatory framework that encompasses their needs and allows them to successfully overcome the challenges the sector is facing. The purpose of this thesis is to specify a series of technical proposals designed for the Spanish water sector in order to promote the determination of the government and the stakeholders to take a step forward and reform the sector. This work starts studying the existing regulatory methods and tools with the aim of evaluating their application in the different international regulatory frameworks and analyse their applicability into the Spanish case. This study concludes that new tools are required to regulate the sector successfully. Therefore, a series of methodologies have been designed, based on the performance assessment of utilities and enabling an adequate comparison and interpretation of the utilities' results. They have been created with the aim to allow for an economic and quality of the service regulation fair for all stakeholders. These methods are based in transparency and promote efficiency, continuous improvement of the sector and its sustainability. Finally, a series of technical guidelines are detailed with the aim to address the aspects to take into account when implementing a new regulatory framework in Spain, such as: the characteristics it should meet, the aspects to regulate, the articulation of the quality of the service and economic regulation, or how to finance and implement said body. The main novelty of his work is that it approaches regulation with a technical focus, avoiding the economic perspective with which regulatory frameworks are generally designed. In this way, it guarantees that users receive an appropriate quality of the service at the best price, preserving the human right to water. / Estruch Juan, ME. (2021). Diseño de una propuesta para la regulación técnica de los servicios de agua en España [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172222

Mecanismos de las políticas públicas para la gestión sostenible del agua: hacia un modelo eficiente en las Islas Baleares

Navarro Sousa, Sergio 28 March 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El manejo sostenible del agua se ha convertido en una prioridad en todo el mundo, particularmente en aquellos territorios que sufren escasez. En el litoral mediterráneo, la proliferación del turismo y el desarrollo urbanístico, junto al resto de actividades económicas han contribuido a la sobreexplotación de los recursos hídricos naturales. Las Islas Baleares no están exentas de esta problemática. El incremento de la población flotante ha ocasionado que la máxima demanda se produzca en la época estival, coincidente con el periodo de menor recarga natural. Frente a este escenario es básico fijar acciones directas que favorezcan la recuperación y la conservación del agua. Más aún, en el actual contexto de cambio climático. La investigación aborda puntos fundamentales de la gobernanza del agua analizando el marco normativo, económico y social. Su objetivo principal es establecer el diagnóstico actual de los recursos hídricos en las Islas Baleares y, aportar medidas para avanzar hacia un buen estado ecológico, químico y cuantitativo de las masas de agua. Para ello, la tesis da respuesta a los siguientes objetivos específicos: -Analizar los mecanismos de la legislación vigente y la viabilidad de los objetivos planteados de inicio en la Directiva Marco del Agua. En segundo lugar, reflexionar sobre sus logros y carencias y, por último, determinar los retos futuros a los que se enfrenta. -Valorar el manejo y el estado de las masas de agua en la Demarcación Hidrográfica de las Islas Baleares. -Evaluar los resultados de la implementación de una acción concreta de gestión de la demanda. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las aspiraciones iniciales de la Directiva Marco del Agua no se han cumplido y su progreso ha sido lento. No obstante, se han producido grandes esfuerzos entre ciclos de planificación y la calidad de las masas de agua ha mejorado desde su puesta en vigor. En segundo lugar, se concluye que, el uso de indicadores causa-efecto se erige como un instrumento válido de ayuda a la planificación y la administración del agua. Los resultados del trabajo manifiestan que, en las estaciones desaladoras de agua marina de Palma e Ibiza se reduce la producción de desaladas en los años con una mayor recarga natural de los acuíferos. Dicha gestión del recurso no convencional obstaculiza la recuperación de las masas de agua naturales del entorno. Finalmente, en la investigación se evalúa la implementación de una medida directa de la gestión de la demanda. Se analiza la puesta en marcha de sistemas descentralizados de aprovechamiento de aguas pluviales y de reutilización de aguas grises tratadas, para usos no potables, en edificios a escala municipal. Los resultados confirman distintos valores de disminución de la demanda de agua potable en función del uso y de la tipología del edificio. En conclusión, la Directiva Marco del Agua debe adaptarse a la especificidad hídrica de cada territorio y, por otro lado, es importante dar continuidad a la senda inversionista iniciada asegurando el balance adecuado entre las políticas de la oferta y la demanda. Además, el sector del agua debe apostar por la mejora del conocimiento, el fomento de las nuevas tecnologías y la inserción de los recursos digitales disponibles. En definitiva, en las Islas Baleares a pesar de registrarse periodos de escasez, hasta la fecha se ha garantizado la seguridad hídrica. Ahora bien, es necesario que tanto la planificación territorial como el crecimiento económico se ajusten a la cantidad de recurso disponible. El manejo del agua ha de ser capaz de optimizar el nivel de extracción de las reservas hídricas naturales, priorizando el uso complementario con recurso no convencional, anticipándose a la sobreexplotación y procurando lograr un buen estado en las masas de agua. La tesis integra tres artículos científicos publicados. En cada publicación se analizan cuestiones particulares con el fin de dar respuesta al objetivo principal de la investigación. / [CA] El maneig sostenible de l'aigua ha esdevingut una prioritat a tot el món, particularment en aquells territoris que pateixen escassetat. Al litoral mediterrani, la proliferació del turisme i el desenvolupament urbanístic, juntament amb la resta d'activitats econòmiques han contribuït a la sobreexplotació dels recursos hídrics naturals. Les Illes Balears no estan exemptes d'aquesta problemàtica. L'increment de la població flotant ha ocasionat que la màxima demanda es produïsca a l'època estival, coincident amb el període de menor recàrrega natural. Davant d'aquest escenari és bàsic fixar accions directes que afavorisquen la recuperació i la conservació de l'aigua. Encara més, a l'actual context de canvi climàtic. La investigació aborda punts fonamentals de la governança de l'aigua analitzant el marc normatiu, econòmic i social. El seu objectiu principal és establir el diagnòstic actual dels recursos hídrics a les Illes Balears i aportar mesures per avançar cap a un bon estat ecològic, químic i quantitatiu de les masses d'aigua. Per això, la tesi dona resposta als següents objectius específics: -Analitzar els mecanismes de la legislació vigent i la viabilitat dels objectius plantejats d'inici a la Directiva Marc de l'Aigua. En segon lloc, reflexionar sobre els seus èxits i mancances i, finalment, determinar els reptes futurs als quals s'enfronta. -Valorar el maneig i l'estat de les masses d'aigua a la Demarcació Hidrogràfica de les Illes Balears. -Avaluar els resultats de la implementació d'una acció concreta de gestió de la demanda. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que les aspiracions inicials de la Directiva Marc de l'Aigua no s'han complert i el seu progrés ha estat lent. Tot i això, s'han produït grans esforços entre cicles de planificació i la qualitat de les masses d'aigua ha millorat des de la seua posada en vigor. En segon lloc, es conclou que l'ús d'indicadors causa-efecte s'erigeix com un instrument vàlid d'ajuda a la planificació i l'administració de l'aigua. Els resultats del treball manifesten que, a les estacions dessalinitzadores d'aigua marina de Palma i Eivissa es redueix la producció de dessalades als anys amb una major recàrrega natural dels aqüífers. Aquesta gestió del recurs no convencional obstaculitza la recuperació de les masses d'aigua naturals de l'entorn. Finalment, a la investigació s'avalua la implementació d'una mesura directa de la gestió de la demanda. S'analitza la posada en marxa de sistemes descentralitzats d'aprofitament d'aigües pluvials i de reutilització d'aigües grises tractades per a usos no potables, en edificis a escala municipal. Els resultats confirmen diferents valors de disminució de la demanda d'aigua potable en funció de l'ús i de la tipologia de l'edifici. En conclusió, la Directiva Marc de l'Aigua s'ha d'adaptar a l'especificitat hídrica de cada territori i, per altra banda, és important donar continuïtat al camí inversor iniciat assegurant el balanç adequat entre les polítiques de l'oferta i la demanda. A més, el sector de l'aigua ha d'apostar per la millora del coneixement, el foment de les noves tecnologies i la inserció dels recursos digitals disponibles. En definitiva, a les Illes Balears tot i registrar-se períodes d'escassetat, fins ara s'ha garantit la seguretat hídrica. Ara bé, cal que tant la planificació territorial com el creixement econòmic s'ajusten a la quantitat de recurs disponible. El maneig de l'aigua ha de ser capaç d'optimitzar el nivell d'extracció de les reserves hídriques naturals, prioritzant l'ús complementari amb recurs no convencional, anticipant-se a la sobreexplotació i procurant aconseguir un bon estat a les masses d'aigua. La tesi integra tres articles científics publicats. A cada publicació s'analitzen qüestions particulars per tal de donar resposta a l'objectiu principal de la investigació. / [EN] The sustainable management of water has become a priority throughout the world, particularly in those territories that suffer from scarcity. On the Mediterranean coast, the proliferation of tourism and urban development, along with other economic activities have contributed to the overexploitation of natural water resources. The Balearic Islands are not exempt from this problem. The increase in the floating population has caused the maximum demand to occur in the summer season, coinciding with the period of least natural recharge. Faced with this scenario, it is essential to establish direct actions that favor the recovery and conservation of water. Even more so, in the current context of climate change. The research addresses fundamental points of water governance by analyzing the regulatory, economic and social framework. Its main objective is to establish the current diagnosis of water resources in the Balearic Islands and provide measures to move towards a good ecological, chemical and quantitative status of the water bodies. To do this, this thesis responds to the following specific objectives: -Analyze the mechanisms of current legislation and the feasibility of the objectives set forth in the Water Framework Directive. Secondly, reflect on its achievements and shortcomings and, finally, determine the future challenges faces. -Assess the management and status of the water bodies in the Hydrographic Demarcation of the Balearic Islands. -Evaluate the results of the implementation of a specific action to manage the demand. The results obtained show that the initial aspirations of the Water Framework Directive have not been fulfilled and its progress has been slow. However, there have been great efforts between planning cycles and the quality of the water bodies has improved since their implementation. Secondly, it is concluded that the use of cause-effect indicators stands as a valid tool to help planning and water management. The results of the work show that, in the seawater desalination plants of Palma and Ibiza, there is a reduction in the production of desalinated water in the years with a greater natural recharge of the aquifers. Said non-conventional resource management hinders the recovery of the natural water bodies of the environment. Finally, the research evaluates the implementation of a direct measure of demand management. The implementation of decentralized systems for the use of rainwater and the reuse of treated gray water, for non-potable uses, in buildings at the municipal level is analysed. The results confirm different values of decrease in the demand for drinking water depending on the use and the type of building. In conclusion, the Water Framework Directive must be adapted to the water specificity of each territory and, on the other hand, it is important to continue the investor path started, ensuring the proper balance between supply and demand policies. In addition, the water sector must commit to improving knowledge, promoting new technologies and inserting the digital resources available. In short, in the Balearic Islands, despite registering periods of scarcity, to date water security has been guaranteed. However, it is necessary that both territorial planning and economic growth adjust to the amount of available resources. Water management must be capable of optimizing the level of extraction from natural water reserves, prioritizing complementary use with unconventional resources, anticipating overexploitation and trying to achieve a good status in the water bodies. The thesis integrates three published scientific articles. In each publication, particular issues are analyzed in order to answer the main objective of the research. / Navarro Sousa, S. (2024). Mecanismos de las políticas públicas para la gestión sostenible del agua: hacia un modelo eficiente en las Islas Baleares [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203170 / Compendio

Net Positive Water

Ma, Billy January 2013 (has links)
‘Net Positive Water’ explores the capability of domestic architecture to combat the developing urban water problem. Urban intensification is contributing to the volatility of urban waters and the breakdown of the urban water cycle. Inhabitant water misuse and overconsumption is overwhelming aging municipal utilities, resulting in the decay of urban water quality. LEEDTM and The Living Building Challenge are recognized Green Building Guidelines prescribing sustainable site and building water standards. Case Studies of domestic Green Building projects will showcase water conservation to enable domestic water renewal. Net Zero Water Guidelines based on the Green Building Guidelines outline Potable and Non-Potable water use to achieve a sustainable volume of water demand at 70 litres per capita per day. Sustainable water practices are encouraged by utilizing domestic building systems to increase water value and water awareness. Time-of-Use and Choice-of-Use exposure for household water related tasks establish water savings through the use of best-performing water fixtures and appliances. Net Positive Water Guidelines will establish On-site and Building standards for sustainable harvesting and storage of water resources. Clean and Dirty water management will prescribe Passive design and Active mechanical processes to maintain best-available water quality in the urban domestic environment. Net Positive Water building typology will integrate urban inhabitation as a functional component of the urban water cycle to use, reuse, and renew water resources. The method will be tested using a Mid-rise Pilot project to deploy the necessary Passive and Active mechanisms to generate Net Positive Water quality through Net Zero Water sustainable water use. The pilot project is situated in Waterfront Toronto - The Lower Don Lands development to harness regional interests for water renewal and environmental revitalization.

Net Positive Water

Ma, Billy January 2013 (has links)
‘Net Positive Water’ explores the capability of domestic architecture to combat the developing urban water problem. Urban intensification is contributing to the volatility of urban waters and the breakdown of the urban water cycle. Inhabitant water misuse and overconsumption is overwhelming aging municipal utilities, resulting in the decay of urban water quality. LEEDTM and The Living Building Challenge are recognized Green Building Guidelines prescribing sustainable site and building water standards. Case Studies of domestic Green Building projects will showcase water conservation to enable domestic water renewal. Net Zero Water Guidelines based on the Green Building Guidelines outline Potable and Non-Potable water use to achieve a sustainable volume of water demand at 70 litres per capita per day. Sustainable water practices are encouraged by utilizing domestic building systems to increase water value and water awareness. Time-of-Use and Choice-of-Use exposure for household water related tasks establish water savings through the use of best-performing water fixtures and appliances. Net Positive Water Guidelines will establish On-site and Building standards for sustainable harvesting and storage of water resources. Clean and Dirty water management will prescribe Passive design and Active mechanical processes to maintain best-available water quality in the urban domestic environment. Net Positive Water building typology will integrate urban inhabitation as a functional component of the urban water cycle to use, reuse, and renew water resources. The method will be tested using a Mid-rise Pilot project to deploy the necessary Passive and Active mechanisms to generate Net Positive Water quality through Net Zero Water sustainable water use. The pilot project is situated in Waterfront Toronto - The Lower Don Lands development to harness regional interests for water renewal and environmental revitalization.

Development of a Methodology to Characterize Sustainability in Hidraulic Systems by Applying Indicators that Evaluate Goals Contained in the Sustainable Development Goals

Garcia Rodriguez, Camila Andrea 21 November 2025 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] The pursuit of sustainable development in urban areas is crucial due to their significance as the primary human habitat and resource consumer. Rapid urbanization poses significant challenges for city management, necessitating actions to ensure sustainability and mitigate resource depletion. The conservation of water resources turns out to be an important focus, particularly in society's development due to the number of factors that depend on this resource. Water resources are essential for, serving critical roles in human health, agriculture, and industry, while also facilitating economic activities, cultural values, and climate regulation. In this context, the sustainability of water systems encompasses social, environmental, economic, and asset dimensions. Nevertheless, the accelerated social growth, exacerbates the strain on water supplies, necessitating measures to ensure sustainability. Key considerations include ensuring equitable access to water services, minimizing environmental impact, implementing cost-effective policies, and enhancing infrastructure resilience. Adopting sustainable practices encounters obstacles, particularly in data measurement and analysis, hindered by the complexities of emerging technologies. Addressing these challenges requires leveraging indicators to assess progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) quantitatively. Despite significant strides, evaluating progress toward SDGs remains a complex task, particularly in urban water systems. Consequently, ongoing efforts are essential to advance sustainable development initiatives and ensure the long-term viability of urban water resources. Even though the SDGs have motivated several projects to advance sustainable development. However, it is complex to determine the progress made in fulfilling these goals, especially in particular cases like urban water systems. The development of a framework to measure sustainability in urban water systems contributes to the decision- making process to optimize system performance across the entire water cycle. These decision-making processes are crucial for various stakeholders, including governmental entities, the general population, and, of course, water resource managers. Considering the above, the main objective of this doctoral thesis consists of the development of a methodology to measure and categorize hydraulic systems according to their contribution to sustainability from their three dimensions. The methodology is based on the implementation of a series of indicators linked to each of the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals established by the UN. In this way and as a result of this work, it will be possible to categorize any type of urban water system with labels that indicate the level of contribution to achieving the SDGs and highlight the importance of water resources in meeting the SDGs. Also, another objective of the methodology's implementation is to validate by assessing the progress of the indicators if it is sufficient, or if acceleration and additional measures are required. This will serve as a benchmarking tool, as a support point for decision-making by the different actors involved in hydraulic management, thus achieving more sustainable water management. To achieve this objective, the doctoral thesis has been developed in three phases, the results of which have been published in 3 articles in indexed journals (JCR). The phases of work development are as follows: (i) Contextualization and development of the methodology (Publication I): an investigation was carried out on the concept of sustainability and what it encompassed, as well as the definition of the goals, their progress, and indicators currently used by both the UN and other entities for the evaluation of these. To complement this, case studies of urban hydraulic systems in which sustainability was evaluated were reviewed. Based on the information collected and as a result of the research, the evaluation methodolo / [CA] La cerca del desenvolupament sostenible en les zones urbanes és crucial a causa de la seua importància com a principal hàbitat humà i consumidor de recursos. La ràpida urbanització planteja desafiaments importants per a la gestió de la ciutat, la qual cosa requerix accions per a garantir la sostenibilitat i mitigar l'esgotament dels recursos. La conservació del recurs hídric resulta ser un focus important, particularment en el desenvolupament de la societat a causa de la quantitat de factors que depenen d'este recurs. Els recursos hídrics són essencials per a exercir funcions crítiques en la salut humana, l'agricultura i la indústria, al mateix temps que faciliten les activitats econòmiques, els valors culturals i la regulació del clima. En este context, la sostenibilitat dels sistemes hídrics abasta dimensions socials, ambientals, econòmiques i d'actius. No obstant això, el creixement social accelerat exacerba la pressió sobre el subministrament d'aigua, la qual cosa requerix mesures per a garantir la sostenibilitat. Les consideracions clau en este assumpte inclouen garantir l'accés equitatiu als servicis d'aigua, minimitzar l'impacte ambiental, implementar polítiques rendibles i millorar la resiliència de la infraestructura. L'adopció de pràctiques sostenibles troba obstacles, particularment en el mesurament i anàlisi de dades, obstaculitzats per les complexitats de les tecnologies emergents. Per a abordar estos desafiaments és necessari aprofitar els indicadors per a avaluar quantitativament el progrés cap als Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (*ODS). Malgrat els importants avanços, avaluar el progrés cap als *ODS continua sent una tasca complexa, particularment en els sistemes d'aigua urbans. En conseqüència, els esforços continus són essencials per a promoure iniciatives de desenvolupament sostenible i garantir la viabilitat a llarg termini dels recursos hídrics urbans. Encara que els *ODS han motivat diversos projectes per a avançar en el desenvolupament sostenible. No obstant això, és complex determinar els avanços en el compliment d'estes metes, especialment en casos particulars com els sistemes d'aigua urbans. El desenvolupament d'un marc per a mesurar la sostenibilitat en els sistemes d'aigua urbans contribuïx al procés de presa de decisions per a optimitzar el rendiment del sistema al llarg de tot el cicle de l'aigua. Estos processos de presa de decisions són crucials per a diverses parts interessades, incloses entitats governamentals, la població en general i, per descomptat, els administradors de recursos hídrics. Considerant l'anterior, l'objectiu principal d'esta tesi doctoral consistix en el desenvolupament d'una metodologia per a mesurar i categoritzar els sistemes hidràulics segons la seua contribució a la sostenibilitat des de les seues tres dimensions. La metodologia es basa en la implementació d'una sèrie d'indicadors vinculats a cadascuna de les metes dels Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible establits per l'ONU. D'esta manera i com a resultat d'este treball, serà possible categoritzar qualsevol tipus de sistema d'aigua urbà amb etiquetes que indiquen el nivell de contribució a l'assoliment dels *ODS i ressalten la importància dels recursos hídrics en el compliment dels *ODS. Així mateix, un altre objectiu de la implementació de la metodologia és validar avaluant l'avanç dels indicadors si és suficient, o si es requerix acceleració i mesures addicionals. Això servirà com a ferramenta de benchmarking, com a punt de suport per a la presa de decisions dels diferents actors implicats en la gestió hidràulica, aconseguint així una gestió més sostenible de l'aigua. Per a aconseguir este objectiu, la tesi doctoral s'ha desenvolupat en tres fases, els resultats de les quals s'han publicat en 3 articles en revistes indexades (*JCR). Les fases del desenvolupament del treball són les següents: (i) Contextualització i desenvolupament de la metodologia (Publicació I): es va realitzar una investigació sobre e / [EN] The pursuit of sustainable development in urban areas is crucial due to their significance as the primary human habitat and resource consumer. Rapid urbanization poses significant challenges for city management, necessitating actions to ensure sustainability and mitigate resource depletion. The conservation of water resources turns out to be an important focus, particularly in society's development due to the number of factors that depend on this resource. Water resources are essential for, serving critical roles in human health, agriculture, and industry, while also facilitating economic activities, cultural values, and climate regulation. In this context, the sustainability of water systems encompasses social, environmental, economic, and asset dimensions. Nevertheless, the accelerated social growth, exacerbates the strain on water supplies, necessitating measures to ensure sustainability. Key considerations include ensuring equitable access to water services, minimizing environmental impact, implementing cost-effective policies, and enhancing infrastructure resilience. Adopting sustainable practices encounters obstacles, particularly in data measurement and analysis, hindered by the complexities of emerging technologies. Addressing these challenges requires leveraging indicators to assess progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) quantitatively. Despite significant strides, evaluating progress toward SDGs remains a complex task, particularly in urban water systems. Consequently, ongoing efforts are essential to advance sustainable development initiatives and ensure the long-term viability of urban water resources. Even though the SDGs have motivated several projects to advance sustainable development. However, it is complex to determine the progress made in fulfilling these goals, especially in particular cases like urban water systems. The development of a framework to measure sustainability in urban water systems contributes to the decision- making process to optimize system performance across the entire water cycle. These decision-making processes are crucial for various stakeholders, including governmental entities, the general population, and, of course, water resource managers. Considering the above, the main objective of this doctoral thesis consists of the development of a methodology to measure and categorize hydraulic systems according to their contribution to sustainability from their three dimensions. The methodology is based on the implementation of a series of indicators linked to each of the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals established by the UN. In this way and as a result of this work, it will be possible to categorize any type of urban water system with labels that indicate the level of contribution to achieving the SDGs and highlight the importance of water resources in meeting the SDGs. Also, another objective of the methodology's implementation is to validate by assessing the progress of the indicators if it is sufficient, or if acceleration and additional measures are required. This will serve as a benchmarking tool, as a support point for decision-making by the different actors involved in hydraulic management, thus achieving more sustainable water management. To achieve this objective, the doctoral thesis has been developed in three phases, the results of which have been published in 3 articles in indexed journals (JCR). The phases of work development are as follows: (i) Contextualization and development of the methodology (Publication I): an investigation was carried out on the concept of sustainability and what it encompassed, as well as the definition of the goals, their progress, and indicators currently used by both the UN and other entities for the evaluation of these. To complement this, case studies of urban hydraulic systems in which sustainability was evaluated were reviewed. Based on the information collected and as a result of the research, the evaluation methodolo / Garcia Rodriguez, CA. (2024). Development of a Methodology to Characterize Sustainability in Hidraulic Systems by Applying Indicators that Evaluate Goals Contained in the Sustainable Development Goals [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/213236 / Compendio

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