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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A fotografia de Luiz Arthur Ubatuba de Faria : o olhar de um urbanista

Martins, Thaís Menna Barreto January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa investiga o uso da fotografia como ferramenta de trabalho para o urbanismo a partir da análise de um estudo de caso: a atuação do urbanista e fotógrafo gaúcho Luiz Arthur Ubatuba de Faria (1908-1954), cuja relevância de sua atuação profissional em muito contribuiu para a constituição e consolidação do urbanismo no Rio Grande do Sul como campo profissional, e, de maneira pioneira fez uso sistemático da fotografia em seus trabalhos de urbanismo. Como “recorte serial”, foi estabelecida a série documental do conjunto iconográfico que conforma o Acervo Fotográfico de Luiz Arthur Ubatuba de Faria – Acervo LAUF. Foram analisados grupos de imagens que, através de suas narrativas, puderam contribuir com o seguinte questionamento de pesquisa: de que maneiras Luiz Arthur Ubatuba de Faria fez uso da fotografia como instrumento de trabalho para seu métier de urbanista no Rio Grande do Sul no período de 1926 a 1954? A partir de uma abordagem historiográfica a pesquisa assume como aporte teórico estruturador a indissociabilidade da tríade sujeito (fotógrafo), tecnologia (equipamento) e assunto (tema abordado) descrita por Kossoy. Nortearam a investigação as hipóteses de que Ubatuba de Faria tivesse feito uso de sua técnica de fotografar para o desempenho de seu trabalho enquanto urbanista, e da possibilidade de toda a produção fotográfica de Ubatuba de Faria tivesse contribuído de forma direta ou indireta para sua produção como urbanista. Ainda, considerou-se que o exercício de fotografar pudesse ter aguçado sua leitura do espaço urbano e das relações sociais inerentes ao urbanismo e que esta leitura realizada através de suas lentes, tenha, inclusive, contribuído na construção de seu entendimento do urbano e das questões relacionadas ao urbanismo em um processo de retroalimentação. O método contemplou duas dimensões de aproximação: uma dimensão laboratorial e uma dimensão analítica/ classificatória. A primeira abordou o conjunto de procedimentos técnicos que promoveu a salvaguarda do acervo. A segunda desenvolveu um quadro analítico constituído pela articulação das estratégias de análise de conteúdo e semiótica de imagens, através de uma abordagem qualitativa. Foram objetivos da pesquisa contribuir para o conhecimento do trabalho e da trajetória de Luiz Arthur Ubatuba de Faria enquanto urbanista com ênfase na sua produção fotográfica, bem como identificar as formas de uso da fotografia como ferramenta de trabalho para o urbanismo praticadas pelo urbanista. Por fim, objetivou-se dar visibilidade ao vasto acervo fotográfico identificado, visto que o trabalho de pesquisa empreendido apresenta e investiga um acervo inédito, com significativo valor documental e artístico. / This research investigates the use of photography as a work tool for urbanism from the analysis of a case study: the performance of the Gaucho urbanist and photographer Luiz Arthur Ubatuba de Faria (1908-1954). The relevance of his professional activity contributed greatly to the constitution and consolidation of urbanism in Rio Grande do Sul as a professional field, and he, in a pioneering way, made a systematic use of photography in his endeavors of urbanism. As a "serial clipping", the documental series of the iconographic set that constitutes the Photographic Collection of Luiz Arthur Ubatuba de Faria (LAUF Collection) was established. Groups of images were analyzed, who, through their narratives, could contribute to the following research inquiry: in what ways Luiz Arthur Ubatuba de Faria made use of photography as a working tool for his urbanist métier in Rio Grande do Sul in the period of 1926 to 1954? From a historiographical approach, the research assumes as a theoretical and structuring contribution the indissociability of the triad: entity (photographer), technology (equipment) and subject (subject matter) described by Kossoy. The investigation was based on the hypotheses that Ubatuba de Faria made use of his photographic technique for the performance of his work as an urbanist, and the possibility of all his photographic production to have contributed directly or indirectly to his production as a city planner. In addition, it was considered that the exercise of photographing could have sharpened his reading of the urban space and of the social relations inherent to urbanism, and that this reading realized through his lenses could have contributed to the construction of his urban understanding and of the issues related to urbanism in a feedback process. The method contemplates two dimensions of approach: a laboratorial dimension and an analytical/classificatory one. The first dealt with the set of technical procedures which promoted the safeguarding of the collection. The second one developed an analytical framework constituted by the articulation of the strategies of content analysis and semiotics of images, through a qualitative approach. The objectives of the research were to contribute to the knowledge of the work and of the trajectory of Luiz Arthur Ubatuba de Faria as an urbanist with an emphasis on his photographic production, as well as to identify his ways of using photography as a work tool for urbanism. Finally, it was aimed to give visibility to the vast photographic collection identified, as the research undertaken presents and investigates an unpublished collection, with significant documental and artistic value.

A cidade no parque : gênese e evolução do parque urbano, suas figuras e metáforas

Malinsky, Rogerio January 2018 (has links)
A dissertação responde ao desafio de Bernard Secchi (2012), que afirma o urbanismo como um discurso, no qual se podem encontrar figuras de linguagem. Depois de apresentar as vantagens de interpretar essas figuras, Secchi revela que não é na cidade, mas no jardim, que talvez seja possível encontrá-las. O trabalho desenvolveu uma pesquisa sistemática, obedecendo ao tempo e à localização de exemplos significativos de espaços públicos e parques urbanos, o que permitiu a identificação de figuras do discurso paisagístico. A análise percorreu as vertentes francesa e inglesa e os parques referenciais brasileiros. As figuras e metáforas urbanas identificadas e interpretadas foram objeto de reflexão e também sinalizaram novas rotas de pesquisa. / This essay is a response to the challenge of Bernard Secchi (2012), who affirms that urbanism is a language in which one can find forms of speech. After presenting the advantages of interpreting these figures, Secchi concludes that it is not in the city, but in the garden where they are possibly to be found. This study followed a systematic method of research, considering criteria such as time and the location of significant examples of public spaces and urban parks, which allowed the identification of the aforementioned figures in landscaping. The analysis covered the French and English styles as well as specimen Brazilian parks of particular interest. The identified urban figures and metaphors were the object of further reflection and also led to new research routes.

In memoriam: Craig Morris (1939-2006)

Santillana, Julián 10 April 2018 (has links)
In memoriam: Craig Morris (1939-2006)The text doesn´t have an abstract / El texto no presenta resumen

Production of power in a built environment through the spanish invation, Colca Valley (Peru) / La producción de poder en el entorno construido a través de la invasión española, valle del Colca (Perú)

Wernke, Steven A. 10 April 2018 (has links)
The built environment played a central role in policies intended to build a new colonial Andean society. The Spanish approached urbanism as a precondition and generator of the civic community. From precedents in the Mediterranean world, the staging of spectacle was integral to the design and construction of Spanish urban space, especially through the forms of the plaza and the church. Such associations and forms have analogies in the late prehispanic Andes, and in the colonial policies of Tawantinsuyu in particular. This paper traces out how these spatial forms, ideologies, and practices articulated through the Spanish invasion, with a focus on the (re)construction and (re)use of ritual spaces in the context of the Colca Valley (southwestern highlands of Peru). Specifically, analysis of how the configuration of kallanka/pata translated to church/plaza since the first evangelization in Franciscan doctrinal settlements, through the general resettlement of Indians (reducción general de indios) under the Viceroy Francisco de Toledo. This exploration reveals a long and punctuated trajectory of centripetal processes and events from the Inka era through the reducción, and the centrality of these ritual spaces in them. What emerges is a picture of mutual appropriation more than domination through compulsory urbanism. / El entorno construido desempeñó un rol central en las políticas dirigidas a construir una nueva sociedad andina colonial. Los españoles se acercaron al urbanismo como una precondición y el generador de la comunidad cívica. Desde precedentes en el mundo mediterráneo, la escenificación de lo espectacular fue esencial para el diseño y construcción del espacio urbano español, especialmente a través de las formas de la plaza y la iglesia. Tales asociaciones y formas tienen analogías en los Andes prehispánicos tardíos, y en la política colonial de Tawantinsuyu en particular. En este artículo, se reproduce cómo estas formas, ideologías y prácticas espaciales se ensamblaron a través de la invasión española, con un enfoque en la (re)construcción y (re)uso de espacios rituales en el contexto del valle del Colca (sierra suroeste del Perú). En particular, se analiza cómo la configuración de kallanka/pata se tradujo a iglesia/plaza desde la primera evangelización en doctrinas franciscanas hasta la reducción general de indios del virrey Toledo. Esta exploración demuestra una larga y marcada trayectoria de procesos y eventos centrípetos desde la época inkaica hasta la reducción, y la centralidad de tales espacios rituales. Lo que surge es una visión de apropiación mutua, más que de dominación a través de un urbanismo compulsivo.

Archaeological excavations at casa bodega y Quadra, Lima historic downtown / Excavaciones arqueológicas en la Casa Bodega y Quadra en el Centro Histórico de Lima

Fhon, Miguel 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article addresses the principal results of the archaeological excavations at the Casa Bodega y Quadra, which uncovered a series of structures beneath the modern structure located on the site, below thick layers of fill. Archaeological excavations provide evidence that these earlier layers were buried in the wake of the  earthquake that devastated the city of Lima in 1746. Comparison between these earlier structures and historical data demonstrates how space within the site was transformed from public to domestic – processes directly related to the evolution of the urban layout of viceregal Lima. / El presente artículo abordará los principales resultados de las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en la Casa Bodega y Quadra, que ponen en evidencia una serie de estructuras ubicadas bajo el nivel actual de la casa, bajo gruesas capas de relleno. La investigación arqueológica brindó la información necesaria para determinar el motivo por el cual estos espacios fueron cubiertos y vincular estos sucesos con el gran terremoto que sufrió la ciudad de Lima durante el año de 1746. Por otro lado, las estructuras descubiertas, al ser contrastadas con el dato histórico, demostraron una variación del espacio, que pasa de lo público a lo doméstico; todo ello, relacionado directamente con la evolución de la traza urbana de Lima virreinal.

Sunken Courts, Ritual Encounters, and Tiwanaku´s Rise as a Panregional Religious Center / Patios hundidos, encuentros rituales y el auge de Tiwanaku como centro religioso panregional

Janusek, John W. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Places of ritual encounter have been significant in South American Andean cultures for millennia. In this paper I examine the highland Andean center of Tiwanaku as a place of ritual encounter, focusing on changes in its built ceremonial structures and monuments from the Late Formative (200 BC-AD 500) to the Early Middle Horizon (AD 500-800). Specifically, I focus on changes in the total physical contexts of its sunken courts. Drawing on very recent research on the Late Formative, I conclude that Tiwanaku’s ascendance in the Middle Horizon was in great part its transformation from a local ritual-political center to a panregional urban ceremonial center. This transformation recursively depended on and produced new places of encounter and new types of ritual persons to maintain and visit them. / Durante milenios, los lugares de encuentros rituales han sido muy importantes en las culturas andinas de América del Sur. En el presente artículo se analiza el centro altiplánico de Tiwanaku como un lugar de encuentro ritual, con un énfasis en los cambios constructivos de los monumentos y estructuras ceremoniales desde el Periodo Formativo Tardío (200 a.C.-500 d.C.) hasta el Horizonte Medio Temprano (500-800 d.C.). De manera específica, se tratan los cambios de la totalidad de los contextos físicos en los patios hundidos. Sobre la base de investigaciones recientes, se concluye que la ascendencia tiwanaku durante el Horizonte Medio se debió, en gran parte, por su transformación de centro político-ritual local en uno de carácter ceremonial urbano y panregional. Esta transformación produjo y dependió de nuevos lugares de encuentro y de nuevos tipos de personajes rituales para mantenerlos y visitarlos.

Effects of Neighborhood Design on Residential Habits and Sense of Community: Testing the Claims of New Urbanism

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: This is a study that tests the New Urbanist claims that neighborhood design impacts sense of community and residential habits. Through the framework provided by New Urbanist theories, a social survey is used to examine residential perception and behavior among three fringe neighborhoods in southeast Tucson, each representing a different approach to neighborhood design: New Urbanist, traditional suburban, and a hybrid variety. The primary relationships studied are between neighborhood design and use of public space, neighborhood design and travel habits, and neighborhood design and sense of community. The findings show that the New Urbanist community does support the highest levels of sense of community and use of public space, but conclusions cannot be drawn concerning the relationship between sense of community and travel behavior, especially non-vehicular travel to public space. While these results are inconclusive concerning the direct impact of the neighborhood type on certain behaviors and perceptions, the findings support the notion that a New Urbanist design does indeed enhance social interactions and use of public space. It also offers insight into the importance of residential preferences, not as much towards walkability but towards general environmental concern. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.U.E.P. Urban and Environmental Planning 2012

Advancing Sustainable Urbanism through Civic Space Planning & Design

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: The lack of substantive, multi-dimensional perspectives on civic space planning and design has undermined the potential role of these valuable social and ecological amenities in advancing urban sustainability goals. Responding to these deficiencies, this dissertation utilized mixed quantitative and qualitative methods and synthesized multiple social and natural science perspectives to inform the development of progressive civic space planning and design, theory, and public policy aimed at improving the social, economic, and environmental health of cities. Using Phoenix, Arizona as a case study, the analysis was tailored to arid cities, yet the products and findings are flexible enough to be geographically customized to the social, environmental, built, and public policy goals of other urbanized regions. Organized into three articles, the first paper applies geospatial and statistical methods to analyze and classify urban parks in Phoenix based on multiple social, ecological, and built criteria, including landuse-land cover, `greenness,' and site amenities, as well as the socio- economic and built characteristics of park neighborhoods. The second article uses spatial empirical analysis to rezone the City of Phoenix following transect form-based code. The current park system was then assessed within this framework and recommendations are presented to inform the planning and design of civic spaces sensitive to their social and built context. The final paper culminates in the development of a planning tool and site design guidelines for civic space planning and design across the urban-to-natural gradient augmented with multiple ecosystem service considerations and tailored to desert cities. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Geography 2013

Matter and Matterings in Historic Habitation

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Residential historic preservation occurs through inhabitation. Through day-to-day domesticities a suite of bodily comportments and aesthetic practices are perpetually at work tearing and stitching the historic fabric anew. Such paradoxical practice materializes seemingly incompatible relations between past and present, people and things. Through a playful posture of experience/experiment, this dissertation attends to the materiality of historic habitation vis-à-vis practices and performances in the Coronado historic neighborhood (1907-1942) in Phoenix, Arizona. Characterized by diversity in the built and social environs, Coronado defies preservation's exclusionary tendencies. First, I propose a theoretical frame to account for the amorphous expression of nostalgia, the way it seeps, tugs, and lures `historic' people and things together. I push the argument that everyday nostalgic practice and performance in Coronado gives rise to an aesthetic of pastness that draws attention to what is near, a sensual attunement of care rather than strict adherence to preservation guidelines. Drawing on the institutional legacy of Neighborhood Housing Services, I then rethink residential historic preservation in Coronado as urban bricolage, the aesthetic ordering of urban space through practices of inclusivity, temporal juxtaposition, and the art of everyday living. Finally, I explore the historic practice of home touring in Coronado as demonstrative of urban hospitality, an opening of self and neighborhood toward other bodies, critical in the making of viable, ethical urban communities. These three moments contribute to the body of literature rethinking urbanism as sensual, enchanted, and hospitable. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Geography 2013

Como um rio caudaloso em idéias visíveis. A arquitetura e a história da praça Universitária – 1960 a 1980

Queiroz, Juliana Pugliesi Furtado 07 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Franciele Moreira (francielemoreyra@gmail.com) on 2018-07-12T13:32:42Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Juliana Puglies Furtado Queiroz - 2018.pdf: 3966576 bytes, checksum: 34b1d0b933dc3f190fea06c3af13e61c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-07-13T10:33:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Juliana Puglies Furtado Queiroz - 2018.pdf: 3966576 bytes, checksum: 34b1d0b933dc3f190fea06c3af13e61c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-13T10:33:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Juliana Puglies Furtado Queiroz - 2018.pdf: 3966576 bytes, checksum: 34b1d0b933dc3f190fea06c3af13e61c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-07 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The present work focus on the Praça Universitária architectural evolution between 1960 and 1980, in the city of Goiânia, and its relation to the artistic transformation of Waldemar Cordeiro. It also aims to evaluate Cordeiro ́s urban and landscape designs and his strategies in the creative process to design the urban space, specially the sense of expression, the historical potential and the social strength that he intended to attach to his works. Finally, the present study highlights the Square design as a new landmark for the modern urban landscape for the city of Goiânia, during the 1960’s decade. / Este trabalho analisa a história e a arquitetura da Praça Universitária na cidade de Goiânia, entre os anos 1960 e 1980, correlacionadas à transformação da produção artística e teórica do artista ítalo-brasileiro Waldemar Cordeiro. Avalia a concepção dos seus projetos urbanístico e paisagístico; suas estratégias no processo criativo do espaço urbano como lugar expressivo; sua historicidade; seu papel social. Também destaca o estudo investigativo dos projetos como um novo marco da modernização urbanística da cidade de Goiânia na década de 1960.

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