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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How a Small Business Negotiates Digital Inclusion of People with Disabilities: A Case Study

Cipriani, Belo Miguel 01 January 2019 (has links)
Technology has provided more people access products and services, yet some individuals who would benefit the most from digital access to resources are frequently excluded from participation. One group that is largely neglected is the disability community. Despite federal regulations intended to ensure that people with physical/mental disabilities are included in public digital platforms, organizations continuously design websites, applications, and interfaces without people with disabilities in mind. This is particularly the case with small businesses, which are most commonly reported as having inaccessible digital platforms. Digital inclusion attempts to ensure equity in digital properties by providing a model to operationalize inclusion across technologies. This qualitative case study examines how a small business owner in an urban U.S. city prioritizes digital inclusion in his daily operations. Using a responsive interview model, the business owner’s experiences, attitudes, and priorities were recorded. Six themes appeared from this study: perceptions of disability influence digital inclusion, powerful branding suggests digital access, unawareness of accessibility guidelines, UX testing overlooks input from people with disabilities, inclusion is tough to enforce on digital platforms, and workarounds hinder digital improvements.

Hedonické nebo pragmatické preference? Komparativní analýza uživatelů platforem Android a iOS z pohledu UX a informačního chování / Hedonic or pragmatic preferences? A comparative analysis of Android and iOS users from the perspective of UX and information behaviour

Scholleová, Klára January 2021 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis presents the evolution of the fields of human-computer interaction (HCI) and user experience (UX) including hedonic-pragmatic model of user experience. It further presents platforms and ecosystems in general, the evolution of smartphone market and the platforms of Android and iOS, and explains the basic concepts of information and consumer behaviour. A part of the thesis is a qualitative study examining the differences between the preferences towards smartphones of Android and iOS users, and differences in their information behaviour. It was found out that the participants - users of both platforms have mostly pragmatic reasons for their platform preference but describe them differently; that Android users seek more information at the time of smartphone purchase decision and that some iOS users, unlike Android users, started using their platform based on observation of others' good user experience with it.

Actions to enhance and support the informationsecurity risk assessment process in corporations / Åtgärder för att förbättra och stödja informationssäkerhetsriskbedömningsprocessen på företag

Karlsson, Karolin January 2019 (has links)
Information security is growing in importance as the world becomes more digital, at the same time the importance of usability implementation in software development is also growing. In this study, an evaluation was done on what affects usability and how important usability is in a reporting tool handling information security risk assessment (ISRA). The research question from which the study is based on: What actions can enhance and support the information security risk assessment process in corporations? In order to investigate the research question a study was organized consisting of a survey (N=30) and a think-aloud usability test (N=7). As a part of the analysis process a usability heuristic analysis was performed. According to this study, the ISRA process is complicated and creating a well-functioning supporting tool for it is complex. In order for the tool to facilitate for the users work, usability is an important aspect and should be taken in consideration early in the development process of a tool. Based on the findings in this study actions that can contribute to enhanced usability were discussed. The recommended actions are: 1) Include all types of roles in the ISRA process to determine the purpose of the tool and what it should support. 2) Implement clear guiding information in all parts of the tool, all people involved in the ISRA process should be able to understand the tool. 3) Keep an intuitive flow throughout the tool, the user should intuitively always know what the next step is and what to expect. 4) Have a search function that supports all aspects in the tool. / Informationssäkerheten växer i betydelse i takt med att världen blir mer digital, samtidigt så ökar även betydelsen av implementering av användbarhet i mjukvaruutveckling. I denna studie gjordes en utvärdering av vad som påverkar användbarheten och hur viktigt användbarheten är i ett rapporteringsverktyg som hanterar informationssäkerhetsriskbedömning (ISRB). Den forskningsfråga som studien bygger på: Vilka åtgärder kan förbättra och stödja informationssäkerhetsriskbedömningsprocessen i företag? För att undersöka forskningsfrågan organiserades en studie bestående av en enkätundersökning (N = 30) och ett användbarhetstest med ”Think-Aloud” (N = 7). Som en del av analysprocessen utfördes en användbarhets heuristisks analys. Enligt denna studie är ISRB-processen komplicerad och att skapa ett välfungerande stödjande verktyg för att det är komplext. För att verktyget ska underlätta för användarnas arbete är användbarheten en viktig aspekt och bör tas i beaktning tidigt i utvecklingsprocessen för ett verktyg. Baserat på resultaten i dessa studie så diskuterades åtgärder som kan bidra till ökad användbarhet. De rekommenderade åtgärderna är: 1) Inkludera alla typer av roller i ISRB-processen för att bestämma syftet med verktyget och vad det ska stödja. 2) Implementera tydlig guidande information i alla delar av verktyget, alla personer som är involverade i ISRB-processen ska kunna förstå och använda verktyget. 3) Ha ett intuitivt flöde genom alla delar i verktyget, användaren bör intuitivt alltid veta vad nästa steg är och vad de kan förvänta sig. 4) Har en sökfunktion som stöder alla aspekter i verktyget

Comparative Analysis of User Satisfaction Between Keyword-based and GPT-based E-commerce Chatbots : A qualitative study utilizing user testing to compare user satisfaction based on the IKEA chatbot.

Bitinas, Romas, Hassellöf, Axel January 2024 (has links)
Chatbots are computer programs that interact with users utilizing natural language. Businesses benefit from using chatbots as they can provide a better and more satisfactory customer experience. This thesis investigates differences in user satisfaction with two types of e-commerce chatbots: a keyword-based chatbot and a GPT-based chatbot. The study focuses on user interactions with IKEA's chatbot "Billie" compared to a prototype GPT-based chatbot designed for similar functionalities. Using a within-subjects experimental design, participants were tasked with typical e-commerce queries, followed by interviews to gather qualitative data about each participants experience. The research aims to determine whether a chatbot based on GPT technology can offer a more intuitive, engaging and empathetic user experience, compared to traditional keyword-based chatbots in the realm of e-commerce. Findings reveal that the GPT-based chatbot generally provided more accurate and relevant responses, enhancing user satisfaction. Participants appreciated the GPT chatbot's better comprehension and ability to handle natural language, though both systems still exhibited some unnatural interactions. The keyword-based chatbot often failed to understand user intent accurately, leading to user frustration and lower satisfaction. These results suggest that integrating advanced AI technologies like GPT-based chatbots could improve user satisfaction in e-commerce settings, highlighting the potential for more human-like and effective customer service.

User Experience Design for Children : Developing and Testing a UX Framework / Användarupplevelsedesign för Barn : Utveckling och Testning av UX Ramverk

Bräne, Arvid January 2016 (has links)
Designing good digital experiences for children can be difficult; designers have to consider children's cognitive and motor skill limitations, understand their target audience, create something entertaining and educational, comply with national and international jurisdiction, and at the same time appeal to parents. We set out to create a general framework which designers and developers can use as a foundation and testing ground for their digital products in the field of user experience. The methods used during the thesis include interviews, literature studies, user testing, case studies, personas, prototyping, and more. The results created are primarily user experience guidelines packaged in a Theoretical Framework, user testing conclusions, along with suggestions on improving the current Lego Star Wars: Force Builders application, a few in the form of prototypes.

Förarövervakningssystems roll i att främja säker bilkörning, förbättra trafiksäkerhet och öka upplevd säkerhet : En simulatorstudie med fokus på mobildistraktioner och könsskillnader / The role of driver monitoring systems in promoting safe driving, improving traffic safety, and enhancing perceived safety : A simulator study focusing on mobile distractions and gender differences

Akyol, Jonatan, Rosenqvist, Alva January 2024 (has links)
En del förare ägnar sig åt sekundära aktiviteter som bidrar till en minskad trafiksäkerhet när de kör. User Experience kan informera och hjälpa människor till att göra säkrare och mer medvetna val i trafiken. Forskning från självrapporterad mobiltelefonanvändning visar att ett förbud mot mobilanvändning under bilkörning inte har lett till att människor helt upphört från beteendet. Arbetet undersökte om ett förarövervakningssystem bidrar till säkrare bilkörning när bilförare är distraherade av mobiltelefoner och om systemet påverkade deras känsla av säkerhet. En ytterligare frågeställning undersökte om det fanns någon skillnad mellan kvinnor och mäns förarbeteende och uppfattning av förarövervakningssystem. Detta undersöktes meden experimentellt mixad metoddesign med tester i simulator, enkäter och intervjuer. Simulatorstudien hade en mellangruppsdesign där 16 deltagare delades upp i tre grupper och körde tre banor i tätort och stadstrafik: deltagarna delades in i en kontrollgrupp (grupp A) utan mobil eller förarövervakningssystem, grupp B fick distraherande SMS och grupp C fick distraherande SMS och varnades av förarövervakningssystemet AIS12. Deltagarna intervjuades och fick fylla i en utvärderande enkät efter simulatorn. En enkät skickades ut online för att ta reda på förarbeteende och åsikter om förarövervakningssystem. Trots att resultaten från simulatorn ej var signifikanta så framkom åsikter om för- och nackdelar med förarövervakningssystem från intervjudeltagarna. Simulatorexperimentet hade ett litet stickprov, vilket kan bidragit till att resultatet inte visade sig vara signifikant. / Some drivers engage in secondary activities that contribute to decreased traffic safety. User Experience can inform and help people make safer and more conscious choices in traffic. Previous research on self-reported mobile phone use shows that a ban on mobile phone use while driving has not led people to completely cease the behavior. The study investigated whether a driver monitoring system contributes to safer driving when drivers are distracted by mobile phones and whether the system affected their sense of safety. An additional question examined whether there was a difference between male and female drivers' behavior and perception of the driver monitoring system. This was investigated using an experimental mixed-method design with a simulator, surveys, and an interview. The simulator study had a between-groups design where 16 participants were divided into three groups and drove three tracks in urban and city traffic: group A was a control group without mobile or driver monitoring system, group B received distracting SMS messages, and group C received distracting SMS messages and were warned by the driver monitoring system AIS12. Participants were interviewed and filled out an evaluative survey after the simulator. Another survey was sent out online to investigate driver behavior and opinions about driver monitoring systems. Although the results from the simulator were not significant, opinions about the pros and cons of the driver monitoring system emerged from the interview participants. The simulator experiment had a small sample size, which may have contributed to the result not being significant.

Virtual reality designprinciples: A casestudy on VRChat

Eckmann, Peter January 2024 (has links)
Virtual Reality is rapidly growing in popularity. This new medium offers manypossibilities for those who wish to explore what the technology provides in the 3Denvironment. However, the design principles that have been used for decades revolvearound 2D surfaces and applying them in the 3D space can cause severalincompatibility issues that diminishes the user experience.This study aimed to help highlight what aspects of virtual reality need to be improvedcompared to non-virtual reality platforms to enhance the user experience. To do this,VRChat, a virtual reality platform was chosen, which can be used by both VR, and nonVR headset users alike. By comparing these two user bases it could help highlight thepros and cons of the current system and help give guidelines on how to create futureVR platforms. During the test period, 58 people participated who did specific tasks onthe platform and filled out the quantitative data gathering survey, based on the UserExperience Questionnaire (UEQ) test.After comparing the two user bases, the result shows that there is no significantdifference between using VRChat either way allowing both user bases to enjoy theplatform equally. However, because of these results, the work failed to highlight whataspects of a VR platform need to be changed to fit the needs of VR headset users. Itimplies the need for further research and experimenting with the medium. In the future,further research, testing and experimentation are needed to improve the current designmodels and make the systems more pleasant for VR headset users.

Preferences for Mental Capacities in Robots : Investigating Preferences for Mental Capacities in Robots Across Different Application Domains

Nääs, Hilda January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates if preferences for mental capacities in robots vary across different application domains and identifies influential factors, both in individuals’ characteristics and attributes specific to each robot domain. Employing a between-subject design, participants (N=271) completed a survey collecting both quantitative and qualitative data on preferences for 12 mental capacities across six robot types situated in a specific application domain (medicine, defense, household, social, education, customer service). Half of the mental capacities align with each dimension (experience and agency) in the two-dimensional model of mind (Gray et al., 2007; McMurtrie, 2023). Key findings reveal a general preference for high agency ability and low experience ability across all application domains. Exceptions were found in preference for lower agency ability in the cleaning robot and higher experience ability in the companion robot. Qualitative analysis indicates a desire for objective and logical robots functioning without emotions, while demonstrating empathy for human emotions. Additionally, gender and educational background emerged as factors influencing preference for lower experience abilities in robots. While previous research has mainly focused on attribution of mental capacities to technical agents, this study provides insights into human preferences and factors affecting them. These insights can guide responsible and ethics-driven development and design of robot technology within the field of human-robot interaction.

Från skroll till klick: Nycklarna till effektiva Instagram-annonser för unga vuxna med tekniskt intresse / From scroll to click: The keys to effective Instagram ads for young adults with a tech interest

Flodin Jakobsson, Sarah, Lindblom, Clara January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker effekten av designelement samt strategier och dess påverkan av klickfrekvensen (CTR) på Instagram bland unga vuxna med ett intresse för teknik. Genom att använda både kvantitativa enkäter och kvalitativa fokusgrupper, baserade på tidigare forskning och teori inom digital marknadsföring, klickfrekvens, personanpassning, designelement samt strategier, syftar studien till att identifiera vilka designelement och strategier som kan öka användarens engagemang och därmed klickfrekvensen. Resultaten från studien bekräftar att annonser som är noggrant anpassade med fokus på visuella och interaktiva element som färgsättning, layout, text och dynamiskt innehåll, i betydande grad förbättrar användarinteraktionen. Även om studien bekräftar att välutformade, personanpassade annonser är kritiska för framgångsrik digital marknadsföring riktad mot unga vuxna med tekniskt intresse, lyfter den även fram hur avgörande noggrann analys av användardata och beteendemönster är för att optimera annonsernas effektivitet. Slutsatsen drar att personanpassade och visuellt tilltalande Instagram-annonser spelar en avgörande roll i att locka och engagera denna målgrupp trots deras begränsning. / This study looks at how elements of design and strategies affect the click-through rate (CTR) on Instagram for young adults interested in technology. Using both quantitative surveys and qualitative focus groups, based on previous research in digital marketing, click-through rates, personalization, strategies and design elements, the aim is to find out which strategies and design elements increase user engagement and click-through rates. The results show that ads tailored with visual and interactive features like color schemes, layout, text, and dynamic content greatly improve user interaction. The study confirms that well-designed, personalized ads are essential for effective digital marketing targeted at young adults with a tech interest. It also emphasizes the importance of analyzing user data and behavior patterns to make ads more effective. The conclusion is that personalized and visually appealing Instagram ads are key to attracting and engaging this audience, despite some limitations.

Rapid Design and Prototyping Methods for Mobile Head-Worn Mixed Reality (MR) Interface and Interaction Systems

Redfearn, Brady Edwin 09 February 2018 (has links)
As Mixed Reality (MR) technologies become more prevalent, it is important for researchers to design and prototype the kinds of user interface and user interactions that are most effective for end-user consumers. Creating these standards now will aid in technology development and adoption in MR overall. In the current climate of this domain, however, the interface elements and user interaction styles are unique to each hardware and software vendor and are generally proprietary in nature. This results in confusion for consumers. To explore the MR interface and interaction space, this research employed a series of standard user-centered design (UCD) methods to rapidly prototype 3D head-worn display (HWD) systems in the first responder domain. These methods were performed across a series of 13 experiments, resulting in an in-depth analysis of the most effective methods experienced herein and providing suggested paths forward for future researchers in 3D MR HWD systems. Lessons learned from each individual method and across all of the experiments are shared. Several characteristics are defined and described as they relate to each experiment, including interface, interaction, and cost. / Ph. D. / Trends in technology development have shown that the inclusion of virtualized objects and worlds will become more popular in both professional workflows and personal entertainment. As these synthetic objects become easier to build and deploy in consumer devices, it will become increasingly important for a set of standard information elements (e.g., the “save” operation disk icon in desktop software) and user interaction motifs (e.g., “pinch and zoom” on touch screen interfaces) to be deployed in these types of futuristic technologies. This research effort explores a series of rapid design and prototype methods that inform how a selection of common interface elements in the first responder domain should be communicated to the user. It also explores how users in this domain prefer to interact with futuristic technology systems. The results from this study are analyzed across a series of characteristics and suggestions are made on the most effective methods and experiments that should be used by future researchers in this domain.

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