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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Procurement of a new system, merging public agency aspects and system users : A design case study at the Swedish Tax Agency

Lennartsson, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
The objective with this study was to find what limitations and challenges there are when creating a new development and design on internal systems at a governmental agency. Developing a system within a governmental agency is dependent on defined requirements to develop an approved system. The “Regleringsbrev”, required aspects and the government constitutes the decision support at an agency. A governmental agency offered to be part of the inquiry of this thesis with a system utilized by caseworkers that was investigated. The method used was a concept study and a design study which included a survey of the agency’s requirements and a User-Centered Design approach to merge users in the design process. Based on the results from the concept study a prototype was created and evaluated. The prototype had four functions that would satisfy both the users and the agency's requirements; handling submitted paper applications, viewing tax percentage data when making a decision, text proposals, and the number of clicks. The study provides insight of the process in making a development within a governmental agency. Suggestions to the appointed problem shows potential in further investigating the system, and also how other agencies cope with developing new systems. / Målet med denna studie har varit att hitta vilka begränsningar och utmaningar som uppkommer när man skapar en nyutveckling och design på interna system hos en myndighet. Att utveckla ett system inom en statlig myndighet är beroende av definierade krav för att möjliggöra ett godkänt system. Regleringsbrevet, nödvändiga aspekter samt regereingen utgör beslutstödet hos en myndighet. En av Sveriges myndigheter erbjöd sig att delta i denna undersökning med ett system som används av handläggare på myndigheten. Metoden som användes var en konceptstudie och en designstudie som inkluderade en kartläggning av myndighetskrav samt en användarcentrerad strategi för att involvera användarna i undersökningen. Baserat på resultaten från den genomförda konceptstudie skapades och utvärderades en prototyp. Prototypen hade fyra funktioner som skulle tillgodose både användarnas och myndighetens krav: Hantering av inlämnade pappersansökningar, visning av skattebeslut, textförslag samt antalet musklick. Studien ger inblick i processen att göra en utveckling inom en statlig myndighet. Förslag på det utsedda problemet visar potential i att ytterligare undersöka systemet samt hur andra myndigheter sköter utveckling av nya system.

Investigating teacher-student interaction problem using video conferencing tools and its’ effect on Students’ motivation in online education : A prototype for showing solution

Osatian, Peyman, Azimi, Mahsa January 2023 (has links)
The worldwide crisis, Covid-19 had a tremendous influence on education system. Many higher education systems forced to change into emergency online education while challenges and problems facing in online learning process affected not only students’ population but also lots of teachers. Video conferencing tools as a technology which help users to have virtual meetings need to be effective and user friendly to provide the learning process with the same quality as face-to-face education. The goal of this study is researching about one of the important problems in online learning process which is teachers-students interaction. The primary goal of this research is to find the pain points in students-teachers interaction and students’ motivation and our secondary goal is investigating the effects of this interaction on students’ motivation and providing a solution in video conferencing tools to solve this issue using a prototype. We are using mixed methodology which is including both quantitative and qualitative methodology. Collected data from existing studies and literature review, surveys, and interview are methods which are used. Based on our research questions and the methodology for collecting data the following are studied: 1. The pain points and challenges regarding teachers’ interaction and students’ motivation in online learning 2. The effects of students-teachers interaction in students’ motivation 3. The features in video conferencing tools which can improve this interaction. All the findings present in a prototype using Figma with the goal of improving user experience of video conferencing tools for online learning purpose and solve existing problems. This prototype presented to students and teachers to get their feedbacks through an interview. With the importance of online learning in the future education, more research is needed to explore other aspects which has effect on students’ motivation and presenting other solution or features or using another research methods will bring more value to this subject.

Memorability: How different design choices effect the user ́s effectivity regarding their memorability / Memorabilitet: Hur olika designval påverkar en användares effektivitet när det kommer till memorabilitet

Söderberg, Ella January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates if a memorability-influenced design could improve the effectivity of a user when navigating through a pharmacy webshop. This was measured by calculating the error ratio, completion time, and number of clicks when solving a task. To arrive at a definitive conclusion within the context of this thesis, one prototype with a memorability-influenced design was created, and another prototype with a design influenced by an already existing pharmacy webshop. The design that incorporated memorability was informed by an exploration of mental models and other design attributes aimed at augmenting memorability. These prototypes underwent evaluation through an A/B testing methodology. A total of ten participants, equally divided into two groups of five, were involved in this A/B test. All participants were adults aged over 18, possessing prior experience in procuring products and prescriptions from a physical pharmacy store. The results after analyzing the data from the A/B testing shows no significant difference between the prototypes when it comes to effectivity, which leaves the result inconclusive. Hence the appliance of memorability-influenced design traits did not lead to any difference in the A/B test. Even though this study could not find any correlation between memorability enhanced design and user’s effectivity, we found other aspects of the result that were interesting and helpful when it comes to user experience. From the survey that each person took after finishing the A/B test, it was discovered that prototype A, the one with memorability design traits, was experienced more positively than the other prototype without the amplified memorability design traits. The users described prototype A as easy and smooth while prototype B was described as cluttered and confusing. The results from the survey conclude that prototype A, which was designed with memorability design traits, enhanced the user experience in a positive way. / Detta examensarbete undersökte hur memorabilititets influerad design kan förbättra en användares effektivitet när denna navigerar sig genom ett gränssnitt för apotekweb- shoppar. Detta undersöktes genom att beräkna error ratio, sluttid och antal klick för att lösa en uppgift. För att komma fram till en definitiv slutsats inom ramen för detta examensarbete, skapades en prototyp med memorabilitets influerad design samt en prototyp med en design influerad från ett redan existerande gränssnitt för en apotekwebbshop. Prototy- pen som influerades av memorabilitet skapades genom att utforska mentala modeller och andra designattribut som kan öka memorabiliteten. Dessa prototyper utvärderades genom en A/B testning metod. Totalt deltog 10 stycken deltagare i A/B testningen. Dessa delades upp i två grupper om 5 deltagare per grupp. Varje grupp fick testa en varsin prototyp. Alla deltagare var över 18 år gamla och hade tidigare erfarenhet gällande att handla produkter och recept från ett fysiskt apotek. Efter att ha analyserat datan från A/B testningen visar resultaten på att det inte finns en signifikant skillnad mellan prototyperna när det kommer till effektivitet. Till- lämpningen av memorabilitets influerad designattribut härledde inte till några skillna- der mellan prototyperna i denna A/B testning. Även fast denna studie inte kunna hitta någon korrelation mellan memorabilitets influerad design och en användares effektivitet, hittades andra aspekter av resultatet som var intressanta och användbara när det kommer till användarupplevelsen. Från enkäten som varje person deltog i efter att ha genomfört A/B testningen, upptäcktes det att prototypen som designats med memorabilitets attribut (prototypn A) upplev- des mer positivt än den andra prototypen (prototyp B) utan memorabilitets attribut. Deltagarna beskrev prototyp A som enkel och smidig med prototyp B beskrevs som rö- rig och förvirrande. Resultatet från enkäten sammanfattar att prototyp A, prototypen med memorabilitets attribut, förbättrade användarupplevelsen på ett positivt sätt.

Adapting for Remote UX Design Practices with Video Conferencing Tools and Online Digital Whiteboards : For User Interviews and Stakeholder Engagement Workshops

Daníelsson, Freyr January 2021 (has links)
Due to unprecedented circumstances brought about by a global health pandemic, User Experience (UX) design professionals have had to adapt their user research practices to keep on working. This has meant that methods such as user interviews and stakeholder engagement workshops are required to run entirely online. Previous literature has often favoured in-person settings for user interviews, claiming it produced the highest quality of the data collected and remote workshop facilitation has not been researched thoroughly. With a thematic analysis of transcripts from 4 in-depth user interviews and a naturalistic observation of a remote workshop facilitation, this study presents findings on the applied remote practices when it comes to both facilitation and preparation of remote user interviews and workshops. The results from the qualitative data analysis find that in contrast to previous literature, UX professionals do not experience lower data quality when opting for remote modes. The applied practices that contribute to that experience are acknowledging one anothers’ physical environment during initial bonding with interview subjects, spending more time for casual conversation before conducting the interview and sending out preparation documents to the interview participant to inform them about where to be located (private or work setting) and to use a desktop if they are expected to interact with online prototypes. I then unpack the applied practices of designing and facilitating remote workshops where I presents a workshop journey process constructed of different phases that UX professionals follow when designing workshop journeys. The practice of designing these workshop journeys and facilitating them online can serve as design documentation as UX professionals design for the desired experience throughout the workshop beforehand and can validate the experiences afterwards. New workshop facilitation practices have also emerged in the form of actively engaging with participants in order to gather signals that would otherwise naturally present themselves in in-person settings allowing facilitators to probe the workshop atmosphere. / På grund av oöverträffade omständigheter orsakade av en global hälsopandemi, har professionella UX designers (User Experience) fått anpassa sina metoder inom användarstudier för att kunna fortsätta arbeta. Detta har inneburit att metoder som användarintervjuer och workshops ämnade för att engagera intressenter har blivit tvingade att genomföras online. Tidigare litteratur har ofta förespråkat fysiska uppsättningar för användarintervjuer och hävdar att detta producerar den högsta kvaliteten på insamlad data, dessutom är tidigare forskning kring workshop-ledning genomförd på distans begränsad. Med en tematisk analys av transkriptioner från fyra djupgående användarintervjuer och en naturalistisk observation av workshop-ledning genomförd på distans, presenterar denna studie resultat kring tillämpade metoder när det gäller både underlättande och förberedelse av användarstudier och workshops genomförda på distans. Resultaten från den kvalitativa dataanalysen visar att till skillnad från tidigare litteratur upplever professionella UX designers inte lägre datakvalitet när de väljer metoder för att arbeta på distans. De tillämpade metoderna som bidrar till den upplevelsen är att erkänna varandras fysiska miljö under inledande introduktion med intervjupersoner, spendera mer tid för avslappnad konversation innan intervjun genomförs och skicka ut förberedelsedokument till intervjudeltagaren för att informera dem om var de bör befinna sig (i privat eller arbetsmiljö) och att använda ett skrivbord om de förväntas interagera med online-prototyper. De tillämpade metoderna används sedan för att designa och underlätta workshops på distans där jag presenterar en workshop-process konstruerad av olika faser som UX designers vanligtvis följer när de utformar workshops. Tillämpningen med att utforma dessa workshops och leda dem online kan fungera som designdokumentation när UX designers designar för den önskade upplevelsen för workshopen i förväg och för att validera upplevelserna efteråt. Genom aktivt samarbete med deltagarna i studien har också nya metoder för att leda workshops visat sig. Dessa kretsar kring information och reaktioner som annars naturligt skulle visa sig i fysiska uppsättningar och gör det möjligt förworkshop-ledare att mer effektivt undersöka stämningen i workshops.

Analyzing player experience of multi-platform games : A case study of a single-player game

Klint, Robin January 2022 (has links)
The player experience (PX) of games can be inspected in various ways to help developers understand the essential ingredients for a successful and engaging game design. Users are even able to experience games on a variety of different gaming platforms, which presents more ways of interaction compared to games that are restricted to only a single gaming platform. The overall chain of interactions between games and platforms, becomes a central design target to understand the complex nature of digital games. However, there are a limited number of studies that investigate how the gaming platforms affects the general PX, and how to conduct an effective evaluation on a game that exists on several platforms. The purpose of this thesis is to research the general PX of these multi-platform games and to generate information about a topic of interest where there is not much prior knowledge. This was done through a single case study using participants and measure their overall PX when played on two different platforms. This process used playability heuristics based on literature focusing on PX and usability, along with semi-structured interviews and observations. The data from this case study would then be discussed to serve as a base for a future hypothesis to be studied, and to discuss how research around multi-platform gamescan be managed and assist game developers in their process of creating an enjoyable PX.Besides presenting how games developed for several platforms can affect the evaluation of the PX, the study also presents findings for how players personal preference for gaming platforms can impact both their performance, and their opinions of a games design.

Navigationskonceptet DSI:s påverkan på användarupplevelsen : En studie av en elektronisk turistbroschyr / The navigation concept DSI's impact on the user experience : A study of an electronic tourist brochure

Raattamaa, Lena, Ghazali, Mirna January 2015 (has links)
En turistbroschyr är en bekant produkt som turister kan hämta information ifrån. Men hur upplever användarna interaktionen med ett obekant navigationskoncept som vi kallar DSI i kontexten av att söka turistinformation och vad har DSI för påverkan på användarupplevelsen? Vi har utfört en studie på tio respondenter. Studien inkluderar en observation där respondenterna har fått interagera, med applikationen vi skapade med navigationskonceptet DSI, och utföra ett antal uppgifter. De har även fått utföra ett antal uppgifter på en PDF med samma innehåll men med en annan struktur. Därefter utförde vi metoden Product Reaction Cards och till sist en intervju. Vi kom fram till att det tar tid att lära sig någonting obekant som DSI men när respondenterna väl har lärt sig konceptet så har det haft en positiv påverkan på användarupplevelsen och majoritet ansåg den som användbar i kontexten av att söka turistinformation. / A tourist brochure is a familiar product that tourists collect information from. But how do users experience the interaction with an unfamiliar navigation concept we call DSI in the context of seeking tourist information and what impact does DSI have on the user experience (UX)? We conducted a study of ten respondents. The study includes an observation in which the respondents had to interact with the application we created with the navigation concept DSI, and perform a number of tasks. They also performed a number of tasks on a PDF with the same content but with a different structure. Afterwards we performed the method Product Reaction Cards and lastly an interview. We concluded that it takes time to learn something unfamiliar as DSI but when the respondents have learned the concept it turned out to have a positive impact on the user experience and the majority considered it useful in the context of seeking tourist information.

How to Develop a Help System for a Communication App

Linder, Johan January 2015 (has links)
This study aimed to develop a help system for a communication app, identify usability issues regarding that help system and develop redesigns to improve it. The focus was to maximize perceived usefulness and minimize perceived annoyance of the help system. During the study two design proposals were developed and two user tests, which used low-fidelity prototypes. were performed to evaluate the design proposals. The first design proposal was evaluated in the first user test, thereafter an iteration of that design was developed based on the usability issues found in the user test. This iteration of the design was the second design proposal which were evaluated in the second user tests. Both design proposals and data from both user tests were analysed to- gether which resulted in seven recommendation that aimed to maximize perceived usefulness and minimize perceived annoyance when developing a help system for a communication app. Due to a lack of generalizability these recommendations should however be used with caution since they are mainly applicable to the system evaluated in this study. They can however be used as an inspi- ration and a starting point for someone designing a help system for an other communication app.

Exploring guidelines for human-centred design in the wake of AI capabilities : A qualitative study

Olivieri, Emily, Isacsson, Loredana January 2020 (has links)
Purpose – Artificial Intelligence has seen important growth in the digital area in recent years. Our aim is to explore possible guidelines that make use of AI advances to design good user experiences for digital products. Method – The proposed methods to gather the necessary qualitative data to support our claim involve open-ended interviews with UX/UI Designers working in the industry, in order to gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts and experiences. In addition, a literature review is conducted to identify the knowledge gap and build the base of our new theory. Findings – Our findings suggest a need to embrace new technological developments in favour of enhancing UX designers’ workflow. Additionally, basic AI and ML knowledge is needed to utilise these capabilities to their full potential. Indeed, a crucial area of impact where AI can augment a designer’s reach is personalization. Together with smart algorithms, designers may target their creations to specific user needs and demands. UX designers even have the opportunity for innovation as mundane tasks are automated by intelligent assistants, which broadens the possibility of acquiring further skills to enhance their work. One result, that is both innovative and unexpected, is the notion that AI and ML can augment a designer’s creativity by taking over mundane tasks, as well as, providing assistance with certain graphics and inputs. Implications – These results indicate that AI and ML may potentially impact the UX industry in a positive manner, as long as designers make use of the technology for the benefit of the user in true human-centred practice. Limitations – Nevertheless, our study presents its own unique limitations due to the scope and time frame of this dissertation, we are bound to the knowledge gathered from a small sample of professionals in Sweden. Presented guidelines are a suggestion based on our research and not a definitive workflow.

Application and Validation of the UEQ KPI in a hedonic context : A context-only extension study in the form of an online survey on Netflix

Blunck, Kim January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the study was to replicate and validate the UEQ KPI introduced by Hinderks et al. (2019) in a context-only extension study by applying it to a product with high hedonic qualities, namely Netflix. The secondary research aim was to identify areas of improvement for Netflix’ user experience. An online survey was conducted with a positivist research philosophy and a deductive research approach in order to achieve the research aims. The chosen methodology proved to be appropriate and effective. The UEQ KPI was confirmed to be a valid methodology to evaluate products with high hedonic qualities. This study hence contributed to the validity of the UEQ KPI and to its generalisability. Certain areas of improvement and their perceived importance for Netflix’ UX were identified, listed from most to least promising: Efficiency, Stimulation and the Novelty. However, as the UEQ KPI is fairly new, more research on this topic is necessary to further validate it. Certainly, this topical development in UX research was proven to be a promising approach to assess the UX of products with different characteristics in a cheap, fast and accurate way.

Developing an Intuitive Livestreaming Scheduling Experience for Live-streamers

Malmedal, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
Most people are used to recording videos on their mobile phones. However, becoming a streamer is another step further in complexity. This thesis evaluates how a streaming scheduling system can be developed to enhance the usability. It goes from idea to finished system using a design-build-test approach. To accomplish the objective the project uses three phases (research, design-build-test, and final prototype) to investigate how to build a streaming scheduling system for users lacking technical proficiency. A finalized prototype was built in the design-build-test phase, based on findings in the research phase. After the prototype was finalized, it got implemented and tested on Kvix streaming platform. The final hi-fi prototype was tested using an online questionnaire, consisting of a system usability scale and open-ended questions. The final proposed solution had a satisfaction score of 82.81 (grade A) with a probability of 70% on the system usability scale which indicates that it is effective, efficient and satisfactory.

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