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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lagen om allmänna vattentjänster : Avgränsning av verksamhetsområden i 6 §

Lund, Jesper, Vallebrant, Niklas January 2017 (has links)
Under 2007 trädde lagen (2006:412) om allmänna vattentjänster (LAV) i kraft. 6 § i denna lag säger att en kommun är skyldig att säkerställa vattenförsörjning och avlopp i ett "större sammanhang" om det behövs med hänsyn till skyddet för människors hälsa eller miljön, men ibland väljer kommuner att inte ansluta vissa områden till det kommunala verksamhetsområdet trots att villkoret i 6 § i LAV är uppfyllt. Dessa områden brukar benämnas § 6-områden, det vill säga områden som uppfyller villkoret "större sammanhang" enligt 6 § LAV, men som ändå ligger utanför kommunens verksamhetsområde. Men vad innebär det då att kommunerna ska säkerställa vattenförsörjning och avlopp i ett "större sammanhang"? Begreppet "större sammanhang" finns inte definierat i lagtexten, men enligt förarbeten kan man möjligen säga att 20 till 30 fastigheter kan ses som en gräns, som dock kan minskas om det finns särskilda skäl för det. Men hur tolkar kommunerna begreppet "större sammanhang" i 6 § lagen om allmänna vattentjänster? Det är den första frågeställningen som besvaras i studien. Den andra frågeställningen som besvaras är varför vissa områden i kommunerna ligger utanför verksamhetsområden trots att villkoret om "större sammanhang" är uppfyllt. Kommunerna som studien berör är Lerum, Lysekil, Skövde, Svenljunga och Vänersborg. För att svara på frågeställningarna har en kombination av, juridisk, kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod använts. Kommunernas VA-planer, som är ett underlag till den kommunala VAplaneringen, har granskats och intervjuer har genomförts för att komplettera VA-planerna samt ge en djupare förståelse för kommunernas beslut. Studien visar att det varierar från kommun till kommun hur de har valt att tolka begreppet "större sammanhang" då antalet fastigheter varierar från åtta till 20 stycken. En del av kommunerna använder dessutom begreppen "samlad bebyggelse" och "sammanhållen bebyggelse" från PBL, vilket är problematiskt då det är begrepp som rör PBL och inte återfinns i LAV. Vad det gäller den andra frågeställningen fanns det ett samband mellan hur kommunerna har bedömt områden som inte ska anslutas. Anledningen är att dessa områden är lågt prioriterade utifrån en behovs- och möjlighetsbedömning. / In 2007, the Public Water Services Act came in to effect. According to the sixth paragraph in this law, all municipalities shall arrange water supplies and sewerage in a "wider context" if it is necessary with respect to human health or the environment. But sometimes, municipalities choose not to connect certain areas to the operational area even though they should do so according to the sixth paragraph in the Public Water Services Act. These areas are commonly referred to as § 6 areas which means that these areas fulfill the condition "wider context" in the Public Water Services Act, but are outside the operational area. What does it mean that the municipalities shall ensure water supply and sewerage in a "wider context"? The term "wider context" is not defined in the legal text, but preparatory work to the law states that 20 to 30 properties can be seen as a guideline. This amount can be reduced if there are special reasons for it. But how do the municipalities interpret the term? This is the first question that this study answers. The second question that has been answered is why the municipalities choose to not connect some certain areas to the operational area, despite the fact that the conditions for "wider context" in the sixth paragraph are fulfilled. The study concerns the following municipalities: Lerum, Lysekil, Svenljunga, Skövde and Vänersborg. In order to gain information and to find answers to the questions, a combination between legal methodology, a quantitative and a qualitative method has been used. The municipalities VA-plans, which are guiding for municipal VA planning, have been reviewed and interviews have been conducted to supplement the VA-plans and provide a deeper understanding of municipal decisions. The study shows that it varies from municipality to municipality how the term "wider context" is interpreted as the number varies from eight to twenty properties included. Some of the municipalities also use the terms "assembled dwellings" and "assembled built environment" from the Planning and Building Act (2010:900). As for the second issue, there is a connection between how the municipalities have assessed these areas. The reason why some areas not are connected to any operational area is because they have a low priority based on a need and possibility assessment.

Durabilité de la résistance et mécanisme de tolérance au virus Y de la pomme de terre (PVY) chez Nicotiana tabacum / Resistance durability and tolerance mechanism of Potato virus Y (PVY) in Nicotiana tabacum

Michel, Vincent 18 December 2017 (has links)
Le virus Y de la pomme de terre (PVY) est l’un des virus les plus dommageables sur tabac. Pour contrôler les épidémies de PVY, différents allèles du gène de résistance récessive va ont été introgressés dans des variétés de tabac. Ce gène récemment cloné code pour une copie du facteur d’initiation de la traduction (eIF4E-1). Toutefois, l’émergence de variants de PVY contournant va, dont des isolats nécrotiques particulièrement sévères, montre que cette résistance n’est pas toujours durable. L’objectif du travail de thèse était i) de comprendre les mécanismes génétiques modulant la durabilité de la résistance va ii) d’identifier des facteurs génétiques différents de va, contrôlant une tolérance aux symptômes de nécrose nervaire induits par certains isolats de PVY. Le phénotypage, le génotypage et l’analyse du transcriptome de 13 variétés résistantes portant va montrent que le type de mutation affectant le locus eIF4E-1 ainsi que la fonctionnalité et le niveau d’expression d’autres copies d’eIF4E impactent la durabilité de va. Nos données permettent de proposer un modèle de leurre où la surexpression de la copie eIF4E-2, sous l’effet de la délétion complète du gène eIF4E-1 et partielle du gène eIF4E-3, limiterait l’apparition de variants contournants, augmentant ainsi la durabilité de la résistance contrôlée par va. En parallèle, un gène R de type NB-LRR nommé NtTPN1 (pour Nicotiana tabacum Tolerance to PVY-induced Necrosis1) a été identifié comme étant directement impliqué dans l’absence de développement de la nécrose nervaire induite par les isolats nécrotiques de PVY. Le phénotype de tolérance au PVY conféré par NtTPN1 ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de contrôle du PVY et en particulier des isolats nécrotiques capables de contourner la résistance liée à va. / Potato virus Y (PVY) is one of the most damaging viruses on tobacco crops. To control PVY, allelic forms of the recessive resistance gene va were introgressed into many tobacco cultivars. This gene was recently identified and encodes a copy of eukaryotic initiation translation factor (eIF4E-1). However, the va-mediated resistance is sometimes overcome by resistance-breaking variants including particularly severe necrotic isolates. The present PhD project had two objectives i) to further our understanding of the mechanism(s) modulating va-mediated resistance durability ii) to identify new, vaindependent genetic factors confering tolerance to veinal necrosis symptoms induced by necrotic PVY isolates. Phenotypic, genetic and transcriptomic analyses of 13 resistant tobacco accessions showed that the type of mutation at the locus eIF4E-1, together with the functionality and expression levels of other eIF4E copies, impact va-mediated resistance durability. The results obtained support a decoy model where the overexpression of the eIF4E-2 gene, as a consequence of the complete deletion of eIF4E-1 and of the partial deletion of eIF4E-3, would limit the ability of PVY to evolve towards resistancebreaking, increasing va-mediated resistance durability. In parallel, a NB-LRR R gene, called NtTPN1 (for Nicotiana tabacum Tolerance to PVY-induced Necrosis1) directly involved in the tolerance to PVY-induced systemic veinal necrosis symptoms in tobacco was identified. The phenotype of tolerance to PVY conferred by NtTPN1 opens novel breeding options to minimize the impact of the emerging and so far uncontrolled va-mediated resistance breaking necrotic PVY isolates.

Automatické měřicí pracoviště U-I charakteristik solárních článků / V-I characteristic of solar cells

Kaderka, Tomasz January 2011 (has links)
The theoretical part is to outline the possibilities of solar energy conversion, learn about the issues solar cells and describe the history of photovoltaics and photovoltaic energy conversion. Then describe principle of the measurement VA characteristics of photovoltaic cells. This issue is not as easy as it seems at first sight, because the solar cell isn’t a linear component, which is very easy to measure. Analysis of VA characteristic of photovoltaic cells affects parameters such as: light intensity, temperature, serial and parallel resistance, the slope of the light source, and more. The practical part deals with creating a workplace for automatic measurement of VA characteristics of photovoltaic cells in the LabVIEW. Challenge is to create a functional program, which automatically measures the VA characteristics not only in the lighted cells, but also in the shaded cell (diode mode). The program calculates the power and important parameters, such as short-circuit current, open circuit voltage, maximum power, current and voltage at maximum power article. The program allows you to export the measured values to a text file. In the last chapter of this work is made control measurements of three samples of monocrystal photovoltaic cell by the measuring workplace. The measurement is compared with the reference device Solar Cell Tester.

Ledningsrätt och servitut för kommunala va-anläggningar : – Fallstudie i Nacka kommun / Utility easement and easement for municipal sewers. : Case study in the municipality of Nacka.

Danielsson, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
Detta examensarbete jämför olika rättighetsupplåtelser som kan användas för att säkra allmänna VA-ledningar som ligger i mark som inte ägs av ledningshavaren. När fastighetsägaren och ledningshavaren har en överenskommelse bör de välja att säkra ledningen med ett avtalsservitut eller en ledningsrätt. Avtalsservitutets främsta egenskaper är en låg upprättandekostnad, går att upprätta snabbt samt att den underlättar vid en framtida flytt av ledningen medan ledningsrättens främsta fördel är att den gäller med bästa rätt i fastigheten. Jämförelsen mellan de olika rättigheterna visade att ledningshavaren borde använda sig av ledningsrätten men i de fall avtalsservitutets fördelar passar bättre för situationen kan även den användas. När det inte finns en överenskommelse har ledningshavaren möjlighet att expropriera marken genom ledningsrätt eller mark- och miljödomstolen.   Arbetet behandlar de negativa konsekvenserna med en oskyddad VA-ledning, ledningshavaren kan t.ex. bli ersättningsskyldig pga en oskyddad  ledning. Om ledningen är oskyddad finns det även möjlighet för fastighetsägaren att ta bort ledningen genom att ansöka om handräckning hos kronofogden.     Examensarbetet innehåller även en inventering av alla Nacka kommuns VA-ledningar som inte ligger inom Nacka kommuns fastigheter. Inventeringen av Nacka kommuns VA-ledningar visade att drygt hälften av alla ledningar som inte ligger på kommunens mark är oskyddade. De övriga ledningarna skyddades till största delen av avtalsservitut och ledningsrätt, det fanns även några officialservitut. Inventeringen visade att kommunen inte har upprättat en enda rättighet sedan 2008, vilket tydligt bekräftar Nacka kommuns misstankar om att det finns en brist i tillvägagångssätt med att upprätta ett skydd för ledningarna. För att lösa detta problem måste Nackas organisation få klara riktlinjer för hur ledningarna ska skyddas. Det bästa vore om enhetschefen för VA & Avfallsenheten fick befogenheten att skriva på servitut och nyttjanderättsavtal samt befogenheten att skriva under en ledningsrättsansökan. / This thesis compares different rights that could be used to secure public water and sewage lines that lies in other people's property. In cases where the property owner and the pipeline owner have an agreement they should choose to secure the pipeline with an agreement easement or a utility easement. An agreement easement main characteristic is that it´s not expensive, can be established quickly and that it is easy to relocate the pipelines in the future. The utility easements main advantage is that it applies with the best right in the property. The comparison between the various rights showed that the pipeline owner should use utility easement but can also use an agreement easement in cases where its advantages are best suitable for the situation.   In situations when pipelines are unprotected and when the pipeline owner are in a dispute with the property owner he could apply for a utility easement or turn to a court of justice to secure the pipelines. If the pipelines owner doesn’t get a right, the property owner could apply for assistance to remove the pipelines at the enforcement office.   The thesis also includes an inventory of all public water and sewage lines located in land not owned by themunicipalityofNacka. The inventory ofNacka’s water and sewage lines showed that about half of all pipelines lying on someone else's land were unprotected. The rest of the pipelines were largely protected by agreement easements and utility easement. The inventory showed that the municipality haven´t created a right since 2008, which means that there have to be some weakness in the municipality's organization. To solve this problem the organization must have clear directives about what rules that are applicable for each right and who it is that are responsible for establish the right.

Kostnadsberäkning av rörläggning / Calculation of pipeline construction costs

Widén, Emil January 2016 (has links)
Vatten- och avloppssystem har stor betydelse i moderna samhällen där dag-, spill- och dricksvatten måste hanteras. En del av vatten- och avloppssystemen är ledningar förlagda i marken vars syfte är att försörja bostäder och verksamheter med vatten samt att avleda dag- och spillvatten. Stockholm Vatten och Avfall äger och förvaltar totalt över 200 mil vattenledningar och 300 mil avloppsledningar i Stockholm. Att nylägga ledningar och omlägga det befintliga ledningsnätet kräver att hållbara investeringsbeslut tas i ett tidigt skede av projekt. Vid uppskattning av kostnader för ett ledningsarbete måste flera olika kostnader beaktas, framförallt kostnader för schaktmassor, maskiner och material. För att göra detta har Stockholm Vatten och Avfall tidigare använt sig av ett kalkylverktyg som uppskattar kostnaden för ett ledningsarbete i schaktad rörgrav. Detta kalkylverktyg baseras på á-priser som inte är aktuella för dagens läge. För att göra kalkylverktyget användbart med dagens priser har referensprojekt insamlats och delats upp i kategorierna extern entreprenör och egen regi och därefter innerstad och ytterstad med tillhörande indata och ekonomiska fakta. Utifrån uppdelningarna har faktorer beräknats som utdata från kalkylverktyget multiplicerats med och därefter jämförts med kalkylverktyget när verktygets á-priser blivit uppdaterade. En regressions – och korrelationsanalys gjordes därefter för att bestämma vilken av metoderna som beskriver referensprojekten bäst och den största korrelationen visade sig vara hos kalkylverktyget med uppdaterade á-priser. / Water- and waste water systems plays a huge role in today’s management of storm-, waste and drinking water. Part of the water- and waste water systems are pipelines located below ground level whose purpose is to supply homes, schools and companies with water and to drain storm – and waste water. Stockholm Vatten och Avfall manages over 200 Swedish miles of water pipelines and 300 Swedish miles of waste water pipelines in Stockholm. Adding new pipelines to the system and change the existing pipelines requires sustainable investment decisions to be taken at early stages of projects. When estimating the costs of a pipeline construction project, many different costs has to be taken into account, especially the excavation costs and machinery and materials costs. In order to do this, Stockholm Vatten och Avfall has previously been using a calculation tool that estimates the cost of a pipeline construction project in an excavated pipeline trench. This calculation tool is based on prices that are not current for current conditions. In order to make the calculation tool useful with today’s prices, reference projects have been collected and divided into inner city and suburban areas along with inputs and economic facts. Based on these inputs, factors have been calculated which the output from the calculation tool has been multiplied with and then been compared t o the calculation tool after the tool’s prices have been updated. A regression – and correlation analysis was then made to determine which of the methods best describe the reference projects and the largest correlation was found in the calculation tool with updated prices.

Time and duration of spawning by smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui) in the New River drainage

Graham, Robert J. January 1984 (has links)
The influence of physical parameters on spawning times of smallmouth bass and subsequent growth of young-of-the year was studied via the otolith aqeinq technique. Daily rings on the saqittae of young-of-the-year smallmouth bass were first formed the day of swim-up, and continued to be formed until growth was significantly reduced in the fall. Daily age estimates of young-of-the-year smallmouth bass collected from one unregulated section of the New River, two regulated sections of the New River, and two tributary streams of the New River were used to back-calculate spawning dates. Growth rates of young-of-the-year declined as fish got older. Smallmouth bass spawned early in the spawning season did not initially grow as rapidly as those spawned later. Spawning occurred from late-April through mid-July, 1982, at mean daily water temperatures ranging from 12.5 to 23.5 C. Frequency distributions of spawning dates were nearly identical among study sites, as were hydrological events. A major flood in June separated the spawning season at all study sites into t)lo distinct periods. Discriminant functions were developed from four water temperature variables that differentiated between daily stream conditions prior to the spawning season and daily stream conditions during the spawning season. Mean daily water temperature was the most important of the four variables in differentiating between groups of conditions. / Master of Science

Habitat use by fishes of the New River, West Virginia

Lobb, M. Delbert January 1986 (has links)
Density estimates of the species and life stages in different habitat types were made from electrofishing collections and underwater fish counts. During midday, fish densities in edge pool and riffle habitats were comparable, but densities in edge pool habitat were significantly higher than densities in middle pool and run habitats. Snag and edge riffie habitats supported the highest densities of fish. Habitat use and activity shifts between daytime and nighttime were found for many species. Fish species and lifestage composition and densities differed among the habitat types, and five habitat-use guilds (edge-pool, middle-pool, edge-channel, riffie, and generalists) were described. Larger centrarchids preferred deep habitats with slow velocities (deep edge and middle pool, and snags), while young centrarchids preferred shallower habitat. However, all sizes of smallmouth bass were nearly ubiquitous in the habitats of the study area. The cyprinids and percis preferred shallow areas, but preferences for velocity differed among the species and lifestages. Spawning and habitat preferences of the endemic bigmouth chub, Nocomis platyrhynchus, were described. Bigmouth chubs used areas with plenty of small to large gravel (3-64 mm diameter), shallow depths, and moderate velocities for constructing spawning mounds. Bigmouth chubs were seen only using riffie and adjacent run habitat during late summer. Within these areas, depth, velocity, substrate, and cover were used in accordance with their availability, except for an avoidance of the shallowest available depths. Bigmouth chubs occupied positions near the substrate, where velocities were slower than the mean water column velocity. / M.S.

A room, a book and some questions

Heupel, Andreas 15 November 2013 (has links)
A room as a symbol of past history of the place, the museum as analogy for passing on knowledge by a book and many questions subjected to a house, but also to architecture and much more to my own person. This is the content of this Thesis book which, by its examples, cannot give definite answers but is to lead to new questions while their response is justified by a subjective individual decision process. / Master of Architecture

The influence of perch tree distribution and abundance on bald eagle distribution on the northern Chesapeake Bay, Maryland

Chandler, Sheri Kay 12 September 2009 (has links)
Forested shoreline is important perching habitat for bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Bald eagles hunt, feed and loaf on shoreline perches. I measured trees suitable for bald eagle perches along the northern Chesapeake Bay during 1990-1991 to determine the influence of shoreline perch tree availability on bald eagle distribution. The shoreline was divided into 250 x 50 m segments. A segment was considered used if at least 1 eagle had perched on it during 1985-1992. I determined the number of suitable shoreline perch trees, percent forest cover, and distance from the water to the nearest suitable perch tree for each segment. Segments along the Chesapeake Bay had an average of 1 suitable perch tree per 10 m of shoreline. Shoreline segments used by eagles had more suitable perch trees (P = 0.0008) and a larger percent of forest cover (P = 0.0008). Suitable trees on segments with eagle use were closer to water than suitable trees on segments without eagle use (P = 0.0087). The differences in segments with and without eagle use appear to be largely due to the lack of trees in marshes which were used only seldomly. Marsh had few suitable perch trees, less forest cover and a greater mean distance from water to the nearest suitable perch tree than the other land types (P < 0.0001). These factors are unfavorable for foraging eagles and most marsh segments (66.7%) were unused, probably for this reason. The number of suitable perch trees and the percent of forest cover were lower on developed areas than undeveloped, forested areas (P < 0.01 for both tests). Also the distance from water to the nearest suitable perch tree was greater on developed land than forested land (P < 0.01). Thus, development appears to decrease the availability of suitable shoreline perch trees when compared to forested areas. Logistic regression models were created to predict the probability of eagle use, given the conditions at the time of this study. Varying values of development density, percent forest cover, number of suitable perch trees and distance from water to the nearest suitable tree were inputs used in these models to create curves to predict eagle use under different conditions. These curves indicated that, for a given development density, the probability of eagle use increased as the number of suitable perch trees or percent forest cover on the segment increased. Also, for a given development density, the probably of eagle use increases as the distance to water decreases. / Master of Science

Study of Christian attitudes toward man's stewardship of the environment: a case study in the Roanoke Valley

Herman, Elizabeth N. 17 November 2012 (has links)
A range of views exist on the question of the effects of the Judeo-Christian tradition on environmental ethics. Some believe that the Judeo-Christian tradition has played the significant role in bringing about the present environmental situation. Others maintain that the current environmental crisis is much more complicated, resulting from many divergent factors. Still others would say that the Judeo-Christian tradition, as expressed in the Bible, calls man into a sacred relationship with nature which can be defined as the environmental ethic of stewardship. This thesis studies the relationship between Christian religious commitment and attitudes toward the environment. A questionnaire completed by 242 individuals who attend church in the Roanoke Valley provides the case study data. The survey instrument measures Christian religious commitment and attitudes toward the environment. The results of this study will provide further understanding of indicators for environmenta1 ethics. / Master of Landscape Architecture

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