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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Giambattista Vico: sua proposta sobre o começo das civilizações e os comentários rabínicos sobre o dilúvio universal / Giambattista Vico: its proposal of the civilization beginning and the rabbinical arguments about the Universal Flood

Esposito, Maria Angela Marini 30 March 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa visa evidenciar as semelhanças existentes entre a proposta de Giambattista Vico sobre o começo das civilizações gentílicas e as argumentações rabínicas relativas ao episódio do Dilúvio Universal, narrado em Gênesis 6 e considerado um documento conservado pelas tradições orais e verbais judaicas. Buscamos os fundamentos da literatura grego-romana e judaica que levaram Vico a intuir um método para a verificação das ciências humanas. Tal método difere do método dedutivo, aclamado pelos intelectuais de sua época, pois o filósofo italiano acredita que a religião está presente na base do processo civilizatório e coloca a linguagem como o fenômeno que organiza o mundo. Levantamos - nos postulados viquianos e nas argumentações rabínicas relativas aos primeiros capítulos de Gênesis - as observações que apresentam as características intrínsecas que condicionam os homens a instituir os três princípios eternos (religião, casamentos e sepulturas), identificáveis na formação de todos os povos; situamos as três fases viquianas (divina, heróica e humana) nos textos judaicos e evidenciamos, na visão rabínica de mundo, os fundamentos usados como base para a formação do conceito viquiano sobre a graça; tal conceito é responsável pela divisão da humanidade entre hebreus e gentios e dá margem às conjecturas relativas à existência de gigantes no tempo do dilúvio / This research aims to evidence the existing similarities between the proposal of Giambattista Vico about the beginning of the heathen civilization and rabbinic arguments about the episode of the Flood, in Genesis 6, considered a document conserved for Jewish oral and verbal traditions. We searched for the beddings of literature Jewish and Greek-Roman that allowed Vico to intuit a method for the verification of human beings sciences. Such method differs from the deductive method, acclaimed for the intellectuals of its time: the Italian philosopher believes that the religion is present in the base of the civilization process and places the language as the phenomenon that organizes the world. We showed - in the vichian postulates and the rabbinic arguments about the first chapters of Genesis - the comments that focus the intrinsic characteristics which induce the men to institute the three perpetual principles (religion, marriages and sepultures), identifiable in the formation of the nations everywhere; we pointed the three vichian phases (divine, heroic and human being) in the Jewish texts and we evidence, in the rabbinic view of world, the beddings used as base for the elaboration of the vichian concept about the favour; such concept is responsible for the division of the humanity between heathen and Hebrews allowing conjectures about the existence of giants in the time of the Flood

Linguagem e Práxis: Vico e a crítica à concepção cartesiana da linguagem. / Language and praxis: Vico and the critique of Cartesian view of language.

Pereira Filho, Antonio Jose 29 March 2005 (has links)
Pretende-se mostrar, neste trabalho, como as relações entre linguagem e práxis formam o núcleo do projeto filosófico de Giambattista Vico. Trata-se de um projeto complexo e que se realiza em diferentes momentos a partir de um confronto com a concepção mentalista da linguagem. Vico identifica no método de Descartes e no logicismo de Port-Royal, no assim chamado cartesianismo lingüístico, uma concepção extremamente redutora que põe em segundo plano a dimensão social e expressiva dos fenômenos da linguagem. Nosso objetivo é reconstituir os principais momentos do projeto de Vico (o que faremos através de uma leitura das primeiras obras do filósofo) e como ele se configura na Ciência Nova, sobretudo na sua última edição (de 1744). Com isso, pretende-se mostrar o que há de novo na perspectiva de Vico frente à tradição filosófica da qual ele procura se destacar e, assim, indicar o lugar preciso ocupado pelo filósofo italiano no que concerne aos estudos da linguagem. Nesse sentido, gostaríamos de defender aqui a tese de que o núcleo do projeto de Giambattista Vico consiste no novo tipo de relação que o filósofo estabelece entre os desdobramentos lingüísticos, as modificações (modificazioni) da mente e das instituições humanas. Veremos que a inteligibilidade desse processo passa pela elaboração de um novo método ou nova arte crítica que, levando em conta uma concepção da linguagem mais complexa que a do cartesianismo lingüístico, torna visível como o mundo das instituições humanas foi construído, como ele se desenvolve e como ele opera ao longo do tempo. / The present work intends to show how the rapports between language and práxis make up the core of Giambattista Vicos philosophical project. It is a complex project; and it is accomplished at different moments from a confront with the mentalist conception of language. Vico considers Descartes method and the Port-Royal logicism, the so-called linguistic Cartesianism, an extremely reductionist perspective that set aside the social and the expressive dimension of linguistic phenomena. The aims of the present work is to trace back the main moments of Vicos project (what shall be done through an analysis of Vicos first works), show how it appears in the Scienza Nuova, mainly in its last edition (1744); and shed light on the new perspectives of Vicos thought, compared to the philosophical tradition he wants to set himself at a distance; and, finally, point out the very place of the Italian philosopher in the linguistic studies. We uphold that the core of Vicos project consists in a new sort of rapport that the philosopher establishes between the linguistic developments, the modifications (modificazioni) of mind and of the human institutions. We shall see that the intelligibility of that process involves the creation of a new method or new critical art that, considering a conception of language which is more complex than the linguistic Cartesianism, make the construction of human institutions clear, show how it develops itself and how it operates throughout the time.

Jämförelse av olika mängdavtagningsmetoder / Comparison of different quantity takeoff methods

Yusuf, Adan, Miakhil, Ahmad January 2017 (has links)
BIM står för Building Information Modeling. Det innebär att man har en gemensambyggmodell som innehåller information relevant för alla aktörer. Skillnaden mellan en 3Doch BIM modell är förutom visualiseringen att man har tillgång till fler dimensioner s om tidoch kostnad. Detta leder till en större tydlighet för alla aktörer under en byggnads livscykel.IFC format är ett neutralt filformat som underlättar informationsbyte mellan olika BIMverktyg. IFC format har utvecklats av byggbranschen och ägs inte a v någon leverantör. VDC, som står för Virtual Design Construction, är NCC:s sätt att arbeta med projekt knutnatill BIM. VDC ger möjligheten att ge användaren uppdaterad information för att förståkundens önskemål och hur man ska förverkliga det. Ett led i detta arbete är att undersöka nyamängdavtagningsmetoder och jämföra dem. Syftet med examenarbetet var att jämföra 4 olika mängdavtagningsmetoder utifrån tid ochkvalitet. De 4 olika metoderna var Vico Office, Solibri, Bluebeam och den traditionellamän gdavtagningen för hand. Mängdavtagningen avgränsades endast till att mängda ickebärande innerväggar i projektet. Vico Office, Solibri, Bluebeam och mängdning för hand är de 4 metoderna som granskats.Underlag för mängdavtagningen har varit en IFC fil er o ch 2D ritningar. Från IFC filernagjordes mängdavtagning i Vico Office och Solibri. 2D ritningarna användes till att ta frammängder från Bluebeam och för hand. Mängdavtagningen resulterar i en jämförelse avmängderna man har fått. Sammanställning har geno mförts i Excel. Mängdavtagningen har utförts på Kvarteret Pedagogen som är en nyproduktion avflerbostadshus i Karslundsskogen. Det består av 3 huskroppar med 55 lägenheter på 5våningar. Byggstart var 2015 och byggnaderna står färdiga i dagsläget Resultatet visade på markanta skillnader mellan de 4 metoderna. Resultaten visade att SolibriModel Checker är den programvara som var bäst lämpad för mängdavtagning om man toghänsyn till tid och mängd. Den var också den mest användarvänliga av de 4 metoderna. / BIM stands for Building Information Modeling. This means that you have a common buildingmodel that contains information relevant to all members of the building process . Thedifference between a 3D and BIM model is in addition to visualization that you have access tomore dimensions such as time and cost. This leads to greater clarity for all members during abuilding's life cycle. IFC for mat is a neutral file format that facilitates information exchangebetween different BIM tools. IFC format has been developed by the construction industry andis not owned by any supplier. VDC, which stands for Virtual Design Construction, is NCC's way ofworking on projectslinked to BIM. VDC provides the opportunity to provide the user with updated information tounderstand the customer's wishes and how to impleme nt it. A part of this work includesinvestigating new methods of quantity takeoff and comparing them. The purpose of the thesis work was to compare 4 different methods ofquantity takeoff basedon time and quality. The 4 different methods were Vico Office, Solibri, Bluebeam and thetraditional quantity takeoff by hand (manual) manual). The quantity take off was limited only to theamount of non bearing inner walls in the project. Vico Office, Solibri, Bluebeam andquantity takeoff by hand are the 4 methods reviewed. Thebasis for the quantity take off has been an IFC file and 2D drawings. From the IFC file, takeoffwas made in Vico Office and Solibri. The 2D drawings were used to obtain quantities fromBluebeam and by hand. The quantity take off results in a comparison of the quantities that wasreceived . Summary of quantities has been carried out in Excel. Thequantities has been collected from Kvarteret Pedagogen which is a new construction ofmulti family houses in Karslundsskogen . It consists of 3 houses with 55 apartments on 5floors. Building start was 2015 an d today the project is complete. The result showed significant differences between the four meth ods. The results showed thatSolibri Model Checker is the software that is best suited for quantity takeoff when consideringtime and quantity. It was also the most user friendly of the 4 methods.

Linguagem e Práxis: Vico e a crítica à concepção cartesiana da linguagem. / Language and praxis: Vico and the critique of Cartesian view of language.

Antonio Jose Pereira Filho 29 March 2005 (has links)
Pretende-se mostrar, neste trabalho, como as relações entre linguagem e práxis formam o núcleo do projeto filosófico de Giambattista Vico. Trata-se de um projeto complexo e que se realiza em diferentes momentos a partir de um confronto com a concepção mentalista da linguagem. Vico identifica no método de Descartes e no logicismo de Port-Royal, no assim chamado cartesianismo lingüístico, uma concepção extremamente redutora que põe em segundo plano a dimensão social e expressiva dos fenômenos da linguagem. Nosso objetivo é reconstituir os principais momentos do projeto de Vico (o que faremos através de uma leitura das primeiras obras do filósofo) e como ele se configura na Ciência Nova, sobretudo na sua última edição (de 1744). Com isso, pretende-se mostrar o que há de novo na perspectiva de Vico frente à tradição filosófica da qual ele procura se destacar e, assim, indicar o lugar preciso ocupado pelo filósofo italiano no que concerne aos estudos da linguagem. Nesse sentido, gostaríamos de defender aqui a tese de que o núcleo do projeto de Giambattista Vico consiste no novo tipo de relação que o filósofo estabelece entre os desdobramentos lingüísticos, as modificações (modificazioni) da mente e das instituições humanas. Veremos que a inteligibilidade desse processo passa pela elaboração de um novo método ou nova arte crítica que, levando em conta uma concepção da linguagem mais complexa que a do cartesianismo lingüístico, torna visível como o mundo das instituições humanas foi construído, como ele se desenvolve e como ele opera ao longo do tempo. / The present work intends to show how the rapports between language and práxis make up the core of Giambattista Vicos philosophical project. It is a complex project; and it is accomplished at different moments from a confront with the mentalist conception of language. Vico considers Descartes method and the Port-Royal logicism, the so-called linguistic Cartesianism, an extremely reductionist perspective that set aside the social and the expressive dimension of linguistic phenomena. The aims of the present work is to trace back the main moments of Vicos project (what shall be done through an analysis of Vicos first works), show how it appears in the Scienza Nuova, mainly in its last edition (1744); and shed light on the new perspectives of Vicos thought, compared to the philosophical tradition he wants to set himself at a distance; and, finally, point out the very place of the Italian philosopher in the linguistic studies. We uphold that the core of Vicos project consists in a new sort of rapport that the philosopher establishes between the linguistic developments, the modifications (modificazioni) of mind and of the human institutions. We shall see that the intelligibility of that process involves the creation of a new method or new critical art that, considering a conception of language which is more complex than the linguistic Cartesianism, make the construction of human institutions clear, show how it develops itself and how it operates throughout the time.

Giambattista Vico: sua proposta sobre o começo das civilizações e os comentários rabínicos sobre o dilúvio universal / Giambattista Vico: its proposal of the civilization beginning and the rabbinical arguments about the Universal Flood

Maria Angela Marini Esposito 30 March 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa visa evidenciar as semelhanças existentes entre a proposta de Giambattista Vico sobre o começo das civilizações gentílicas e as argumentações rabínicas relativas ao episódio do Dilúvio Universal, narrado em Gênesis 6 e considerado um documento conservado pelas tradições orais e verbais judaicas. Buscamos os fundamentos da literatura grego-romana e judaica que levaram Vico a intuir um método para a verificação das ciências humanas. Tal método difere do método dedutivo, aclamado pelos intelectuais de sua época, pois o filósofo italiano acredita que a religião está presente na base do processo civilizatório e coloca a linguagem como o fenômeno que organiza o mundo. Levantamos - nos postulados viquianos e nas argumentações rabínicas relativas aos primeiros capítulos de Gênesis - as observações que apresentam as características intrínsecas que condicionam os homens a instituir os três princípios eternos (religião, casamentos e sepulturas), identificáveis na formação de todos os povos; situamos as três fases viquianas (divina, heróica e humana) nos textos judaicos e evidenciamos, na visão rabínica de mundo, os fundamentos usados como base para a formação do conceito viquiano sobre a graça; tal conceito é responsável pela divisão da humanidade entre hebreus e gentios e dá margem às conjecturas relativas à existência de gigantes no tempo do dilúvio / This research aims to evidence the existing similarities between the proposal of Giambattista Vico about the beginning of the heathen civilization and rabbinic arguments about the episode of the Flood, in Genesis 6, considered a document conserved for Jewish oral and verbal traditions. We searched for the beddings of literature Jewish and Greek-Roman that allowed Vico to intuit a method for the verification of human beings sciences. Such method differs from the deductive method, acclaimed for the intellectuals of its time: the Italian philosopher believes that the religion is present in the base of the civilization process and places the language as the phenomenon that organizes the world. We showed - in the vichian postulates and the rabbinic arguments about the first chapters of Genesis - the comments that focus the intrinsic characteristics which induce the men to institute the three perpetual principles (religion, marriages and sepultures), identifiable in the formation of the nations everywhere; we pointed the three vichian phases (divine, heroic and human being) in the Jewish texts and we evidence, in the rabbinic view of world, the beddings used as base for the elaboration of the vichian concept about the favour; such concept is responsible for the division of the humanity between heathen and Hebrews allowing conjectures about the existence of giants in the time of the Flood

5D-kalkylering av produktionskalkyl / 5D-calculation of production cost

Wiberg, Emelie, Bjerring, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Utvecklingen inom byggindustrin går sakta men säkert framåt. Branschen har börjat förstå vilka framgångar och möjligheter det finns med att digitalisera sig, däremot är det är en lång resa som är under ständig förbättring. Inom byggbranschens digitalisering handlar det alltsomoftast om BIM, ett begrepp som har många olika betydelser. Enkelt förklarat handlar det om att en 3D-modell kopplas ihop med olika typer av information, vilket kan ge många möjligheter till att effektivisera byggets samt projektets gång. Främst talas det om möjligheten att genom en 3D-modell få fram både 4D (tid) och 5D (kostnad)-modeller. Många aktörer inom bostadsproduktion har påbörjat sin resa mot ett digitalt arbetssätt och JM AB är definitivt en utav dem. År 2018 började JM AB arbeta med sin ambition om att en dag vara branschledande inom digitalisering. En del av digitaliseringsarbetet sker inom kalkylavdelningen på JM, där avdelningen i detta nu gör mängdning samt kalkylering i mjukvaruprogrammet VO. Det är i sin tur kalkylavdelningen som tar fram produktionskalkylen inför byggstart och det görs också i VO. Tack vare utvecklingen inom digitaliseringen kan JM AB nu göra tydliga kopplingar mellan tid och kostnader med 3D-modeller som bas. En kalkyl som inte kopplas på detta sätt är arbetsomkostnadskalkylen. Här krävs en undersökning i hur kalkylen kan kopplas till en 5D-modell och på sikt kunna bidra till produktionskalkylens utveckling, vilket för oss till rapportens syfte. Examensarbetet fokuserar på att ta fram olika nyckeltal för arbetsplatsomkostnader som kan kopplas till 5D-kalkylering. I denna process har det krävts intervjuer med sakkunniga, för att få en tydlig bild gällande både, vem som upprättar kalkylerna och hur de tas fram. För att bekräfta och stärka det som har sagts i intervjuerna har litteratur i form av artiklar och böcker används. Resultatet redovisar vad som krävs vid 5D-kalkylering av produktionskalkylen i VO. Det visar även vilka nyckeltal för kontona Kran samt Bodar, kontor m.m. som har tagits fram baserat på data från de utvalda flerbostadshusprojekten. För att nyckeltalen på bästa sätt ska kunna visualiseras samt redovisas i VO, behöver dem kopplas till en tidsram, vilket i detta fall är tidsplanen. Målet med rapporten har varit att förbättra analysen av kalkylerade produktionskostnader med tillämpning av 5D-kalkylering. Sammanställningen av nyckeltal på arbetsplatsomkostnader, som visualiseras i VO, har som syfte att optimera projekten genom att ta fram tydligare kopplingar mellan kostnad och tid. Rapportens reliabilitet måste självklart valideras av företaget i fråga. Denna visualisering och nyckeltalsframställning är däremot ett exempel på hur ett möjligt tillvägagångsätt kan se ut. Tillvägagångsättet och 5D-visualiseringen är även det första i sitt slag inom företaget JM AB. / The development in the construction industry is slowly but surely moving forward. The industry has begun to understand the successes and opportunities of digitizing itself, but it is a long journey that is constantly improving. In the construction industry's digitization, it is mostly common that it talks about BIM, a concept that has many different meanings. Simply explained, it is about connecting a 3D model with different types of information, which can provide many opportunities for streamlining the construction of the building and the project. It is mainly talked about the possibility of obtaining a 4D (time) and 5D (cost) models through a 3D model. Many housing production companies have begun their journey towards a digital world and JM AB is definitely one of them. In 2018, JM AB began to work with its ambition to one day be the leading actor in the industry of digitization. Part of the digitization work takes place within the calculations department at JM, where the department in this now makes quantity and cost estimations in the Vico Office program. It is the calculations department that produces the production costing for the construction start and this is also done in VO. Thanks to the development in digitalization, they can now make clear connections between time schedule and costs with 3D models as a base. A calculation that is not linked in this way is the overhead cost calculation. This requires a study into how the calculation can be linked to a 5D model and in the long run be able to contribute to the development of the production costing, which for us is the purpose of the report. This study focuses on developing various key figures for overhead costs that can be linked to 5D calculation. In this process, interviews with experts have been required, in order to get a clear picture of both, who establishes the calculations and how they are produced. To confirm and strengthen what has been said in the interviews, literature in the form of articles and books has been used. The result in the report shows what is required in 5D calculation of the production costing in VO. It also shows which key figures have been produced based on data from the specified comparison projects. In order for the key figures to be best visualized and reported in VO, they need to be linked to a time frame, which in this case is the projects timetable. The aim of the report has been to improve the analysis of estimated production costs with the application of 5D calculation. The compilation of key figures on costs, which is visualized in VO, aims to optimize the projects by producing better connections between cost and time. The report's reliability must of course be validated on the basis of the company's, JM, response to the rapport. This visualization and key figures presentation are an example of how a possible approach might look. The procedure and the 5D visualization are also the first of its kind within the company JM AB.

Automatiserad process för mängdavtagning och kalkylering : En jämförelse mellan traditionell mängdavtagning och kalkylering mot BIM för BTH Bygg AB / Automated process for takeoff and calculation : A comparison between traditional quantity takeoff and calculation against BIM for BTH Bygg AB

Pihlvang, Alexander, Svorono, Pierre January 2019 (has links)
Att byta ut en redan fungerande men gammal process kan vara tidskrävande och kostsamt. Detta har påvisats speciellt i byggbranschen där digitaliseringen sakta går framåt. Denna studie kommer att undersöka vilka aspekter i den traditionella mängdavtagnings- och kalkylprocessen på BTH Bygg AB som kommer att påverkas vid byte till en process byggd på modellering och BIM. Syftet med studien är att jämföra den traditionella mängdavtagningen och kalkyleringen med hjälp av Bluebeam och MAP mot en process som genomförs med modellering i programvaran ArchiCAD och en koppling till Vico Office för mängdavtagning och kalkylering. Skillnaden från den traditionella processen kommer vara att övergå från 2D-underlag med manuell mängdavtagning till att använda sig av 3D-modeller, BIM-modeller, och utföra automatiska beräkningar via Vico Office. Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning med inslag av en kvantitativ enkätundersökning. Där fokuseringen var på att få fram den mest arbetseffektiva och minst kostsamma lösningen för BTH Bygg. Jämförelser har gjorts på två olika byggprojekt med liknande storlek och förutsättningar, och avgränsats till att beräkna golv, innerväggar och undertak. Underlaget för studien har varit personliga intervjuer med personer från kalkylavdelningen på BTH Bygg för att samla in kunskap om deras process för mängdavtagning och kalkylering. Även intervjuer med anställda på företagen för programvarorna Bluebeam, ArchiCAD och Vico Office har utförts för att få en objektiv bild av samtliga programvaror. Att implementera informationsrika BIM-modeller i mängdavtagningen och kalkylering har visat sig vara lönsamt när det kommer till kvalitet genom minskat manuellt arbete vid koppling mellan programvarorna. Dessutom finns det stora möjligheter till tidsbesparing i övriga skeden genom att arbeta i en integrerad process där samtliga delar av byggprocessen är kopplade till varandra. / Replacing an already functioning but old process can be time consuming and unprofitable. This has been demonstrated especially in the construction industry, where digitization is progressing slowly. This study examines what aspects of the traditional process of quantity takeoff as well as calculation process at the company BTH Bygg AB will be affected when changing to a process based on modeling and BIM, Building Information Modeling. The purpose of the study is to compare the traditional quantity takeoff and calculation with the aid of Bluebeam and MAP against a process that is carried out with modeling in the software ArchiCAD with a connection to Vico Office for quantity takeoff and calculation. The difference from the traditional process will be to move from 2D manual quantity takeoff to using 3D models, BIM models, and performing automatic calculations via Vico Office. The study is a qualitative study with elements of a quantitative survey where the focus on getting the most work-efficient and profitable solution for BTH Bygg. Comparisons between two different construction projects has been made. The projects comprises similar size and conditions as well as limited to calculations of floors, interior walls and ceilings. The basis for the study has been personal interviews with people from the calculation section at BTH Bygg to gather knowledge about their process for quantity takeoff and calculation. Interviews with employees of the companies for the software Bluebeam, ArchiCAD and Vico Office have also been carried out to obtain an objective picture of all the software. The conclusion is that implementing information-rich BIM models in the quantity takeoff and calculation has proved to be profitable when it comes to quality through reduced manual work when connecting between software. In addition, there are great opportunities for saving time in other stages by working in an integrated process where all parts of the con- struction process are linked to each other.

The company man: colonial agents and the idea of the virtuous empire, 1786-1901

Kent, Eddy 05 1900 (has links)
The Company Man argues that corporate ways of organising communities permeated British imperial culture. My point of departure is the obsession shared between Anglo-Indian writers and imperial policymakers with the threat of unmanageable agency, the employee who will not follow orders. By taking up Giambattista Vico's claim that human subjects and human institutions condition each other reciprocally, I argue that Anglo-Indian literature is properly understood as one of a series of disciplinary apparatuses which were developed in response to that persistent logistical problem: how best to convince plenipotentiary agents to work in the interest of a mercantile employer, the East India Company. The Company Man reconsiders the way we think and write about Victorian imperial culture by taking this institutional approach. For one thing, the dominant position of the Company highlights the limitation of our continuing dependence on the nation as a critical hermeneutic. Additionally, I show how the prevalence of ideas like duty, service, and sacrifice in colonial literature is more than simply the natural output of a nation looking to sacralise everyday practice in the wake of their famous "Victorian loss of faith." Rather, I place these ideas among a structure of feeling, which I call aristocratic virtue, that was developed by imperial policymakers looking to militate against the threat of rogue agents. The subject material under consideration includes novels, short stories, poems, essays, memoirs, personal correspondence, and parliamentary speeches. These texts span a century but are clustered around four nodal points, which illustrate moments of innovation in the technologies of regulation and control. My opening chapter examines how the idea of an overseas empire first acquired virtue in the minds of the British public. The second explores how the Company grafted this virtue onto its corporate structure in its training colleges and competition exams. The third shows how Anglo-Indian literature continued to disseminate the rhetoric of self-sacrifice and noble suffering long after the Company ceded control to the Crown. The final chapter shows how this corporate culture reflects in that most canonical of imperial novels, Rudyard Kipling's Kim (1901).

The company man: colonial agents and the idea of the virtuous empire, 1786-1901

Kent, Eddy 05 1900 (has links)
The Company Man argues that corporate ways of organising communities permeated British imperial culture. My point of departure is the obsession shared between Anglo-Indian writers and imperial policymakers with the threat of unmanageable agency, the employee who will not follow orders. By taking up Giambattista Vico's claim that human subjects and human institutions condition each other reciprocally, I argue that Anglo-Indian literature is properly understood as one of a series of disciplinary apparatuses which were developed in response to that persistent logistical problem: how best to convince plenipotentiary agents to work in the interest of a mercantile employer, the East India Company. The Company Man reconsiders the way we think and write about Victorian imperial culture by taking this institutional approach. For one thing, the dominant position of the Company highlights the limitation of our continuing dependence on the nation as a critical hermeneutic. Additionally, I show how the prevalence of ideas like duty, service, and sacrifice in colonial literature is more than simply the natural output of a nation looking to sacralise everyday practice in the wake of their famous "Victorian loss of faith." Rather, I place these ideas among a structure of feeling, which I call aristocratic virtue, that was developed by imperial policymakers looking to militate against the threat of rogue agents. The subject material under consideration includes novels, short stories, poems, essays, memoirs, personal correspondence, and parliamentary speeches. These texts span a century but are clustered around four nodal points, which illustrate moments of innovation in the technologies of regulation and control. My opening chapter examines how the idea of an overseas empire first acquired virtue in the minds of the British public. The second explores how the Company grafted this virtue onto its corporate structure in its training colleges and competition exams. The third shows how Anglo-Indian literature continued to disseminate the rhetoric of self-sacrifice and noble suffering long after the Company ceded control to the Crown. The final chapter shows how this corporate culture reflects in that most canonical of imperial novels, Rudyard Kipling's Kim (1901).

Looking for Vico between zero and infinity

de la Cova, Jorge Raul 08 1900 (has links)
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