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Holmöarna archipelago and its forgotten Iron Age period : Uncovering the past through morphology and GIS-analysis / Holmöarna skärgård och dess bortglömda järnålder : Avslöjning av forntiden genom morfologi och GIS-analysBodén, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
The geographical focus area of this essay is Holmöarna archipelago, which is a very large group of islands that are located a short distance to the east of the city Umeå, in northern Sweden, Västerbotten county. This essay is an attempt to uncover and provide knowledge regarding Holmöarna archipelago’s forgotten Iron Age period through the means of GIS-analysis, literary studies, a field visit, as well as morphological comparisons of ancient artefacts and monuments from the area. / Det geografiska fokusområdet i denna uppsats är Holmöarna skärgård, vilket är en mycket stor ögrupp som är lokaliserad ett kort avstånd öster om staden Umeå, i norra Sverige, Västerbottens län. Denna uppsats är ett försök att avslöja och förse information som har med Holmöarna skärgårds bortglömda järnålder att göra. Detta sker med hjälp av GIS-analyser, litterära studier, ett fältbesök, samt morfologiska jämförelser av artefakter och fornlämningar från området
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Behavior Based Artificial Intelligence in a Village EnvironmentLindstam, Tim, Svensson, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Abstract. Autonomous agents, also known as AI agents, are staples in modern video games. They take a lot of roles, everything from being quest-givers in roleplaying games, to opposing forces in action- and shooter games. Crafting an AI that is not only easy to create, but also retains humanlike and believable behavior, has always represented a challenge to the development industry, and has in several cases ended up with open world games using AI systems that limit the AI agents to simple moving patterns. In this thesis, a form of AI systems more commonly used in simulation games such as The Sims video game series, are taken and implemented in an environment that could possibly be seen in an open world game. After the implementation, a set of tests were performed on a group of testers which resulted in the insight that a majority of the testers, when asked to compare their experience to other games, found this implementation to feel more lifelike and realistic.
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Lite-Agro: Integrating Federated Learning and TinyML on IoAT-Edge for Plant Disease ClassificationDockendorf, Catherine April 05 1900 (has links)
Lite-Agro studies applications of TinyML in pear (Pyrus communis) tree disease identification and explores hardware implementations with an ESP32 microcontroller. The study works with the DiaMOS Pear Dataset to learn through image analysis whether the leaf is healthy or not, and classifies it according to curl, healthy, spot or slug categories. The system is designed as a low cost and light-duty computing detection edge solution that compares models such as InceptionV3, XceptionV3, EfficientNetB0, and MobileNetV2. This work also researches integration with federated learning frameworks and provides an introduction to federated averaging algorithms.
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Two decades in the life of a city : Grahamstown 1862-1882Gibbens, Melanie January 1982 (has links)
[Preface]:In 1862 Grahamstown acquired the dignity, pride and responsibility of full municipal status by its own Act of Incorporation. Ibis Act marked the consolidation of Grahamstown's era of local government by its vigorous and far-sighted Municipal Board of Commissioners, which was established in 1837 and has been examined in depth in K.S. Hunt's thesis on Grahamstown municipal government up to 1862. Clearly, the year 1862 is the logical beginning for a further study of Grahamstown's changing position in the Eastern Cape and its development in the practice of local government during the crucial decades of the 1860's and 1870's. But the choice of 1882 to mark the end of this thesis is in some ways arbitrary. 1882 does not appear to be a turning point, a year of major significance in either the history of Grahamstown or of the Colony as a whole. Besides the convenient time-span of twenty years, there are various factors which, taken together, explain why 1882 is a useful date of demarcation from which to take stock and review Grahamstown's economic, political, social and municipal position after two vital decades in its history. In the civic sphere,the opening of Grahamstown's Town Hall made tangible,in solid Victorian design,a long held ambition of the City Councillors. Buildings, in Victorian attitudes, throughout the British Empire, were regarded as very important civic symbols. One can learn much of Grahamstown Victorian attitudes from the lengthy process of attaining a Town Hall. A much more elaborate ceremony surrounded the opening of the Jubilee Tower, an occasion for assessing the influence of Grahamstown's Settler heritage on the development of the town. Municipal problems concerning finance, water and "native" locations remained thorny questions as they had throughout the period 1862-32. Generally 1882 was a year of transition for Grahamstown and the Colony as a whole. Economically it appeared to start prosperously but 1882 actually marked the beginning of a severe depression which lasted until 1386. It is important to consider how Grahamstown’s economic development relates to the overall economic picture of the Cape Colony at this juncture. Though ostrich feather prices remained high in 1882, the ensuing depression was caused partly by the rapid overexpansion of the industry but most important of all, by a reaction to an inflated era of confidence during the diamond boom years of the 1870's and their consequent easy Bank credit plus intense speculation. Politically 1882 also appeared a year of transition. How to maintain the uneasy peace after the Basuto war remained a constant challenge to Scanlen's ministry. The beginnings of active party conflict in the workings of responsible government were evident only in embryo. The rapid growth of the Afrikaner Bond was to change this. Specifically in relation to the practice of local government in the Cape Colony, the General Municipal Act No. 45 was passed during the Parliamentary session of 1882, enabling any town to seek incorporation. The query is raised as to how far the modus vivendi of the Grahamstown municipality helped frame the clauses of this general Municipal enabling Act. For these various reasons, as well as the additional one that twenty years was found to offer a manageable research unit, 1882 has been decided on as the limit of this thesis. This thesis aims, through a careful examination of Grahamstown's economic, political but particularly civic development, to determine and trace the nature of the Grahamstown community's response to the challenge of the gradual isolation of the 1860's and 1870's. Grahamstown's civic history provides fascinating insights into the structure of the entire community and its attitudes and values. Study has been made of the following major primary sources for the history of Grahamstown 1862-1882: the Grahamstown Municipality records, complete except for incoming letters and housed in the Cape Archives, und the Grahamstown newspapers for the period. The most prolific as well us the most valuable newspaper source of the period is The Grahamstown Journal, a newspaper with a tradition firmly bound up with the formulation of frontier as well as Grahamstown thought, kingpin of the network built up by the successors of Robert Godlonton, the "architect of frontier opinion". It has to be treated with caution as a source because of this very bias. The Council Minutes themselves, meticulously recorded in the Town Clerk's copperplate Victorian script, are scrupulously objective, recording blandly proposers, seconders and fates of motions. What might appear the bare bones of a detailed study of the municipal records yet reflects the economic climate of the town, political opinions, class and race attitudes, civic pride, concepts of public health and charity. The newspapers are a vital addition to the Municipal records themselves. The weekly meetings received faithful, accurate and very copious coverage from press-representatives present at every ordinary meeting. Indeed these reports give a vivid immediacy to the meetings and reveal opinions, pressure groups and lines of conflict within the Council, on issues important and trivial. These, at times lively and enlivening, sometimes stormy meetings, are reported with an authenticity which makes one suspect that often words of speeches were given verbatim - personalities of the Councillors certainly emerge distinctly. Full newspaper coverage is also given to the meetings of the Albany Divisional Council. The annual reports of the Civil Commissioners and Resident Magistrates, which appear in the Parliamentary Blue Books of the period, provide some valuable economic comment on the vicissitudes of life in the eastern frontier districts from 1862-1882. Such information builds useful background for a study of Grahamstown's economic and social development. Efforts have been made to locate probable sources of family papers of one of the most influential Grahamstown families of the period, the Wood family, but to no avail. If any exist they would without doubt have given interesting insight into the business connections of leading Grahamstown men and possibly given an indication of how far civic and political connections linked with religious and family influences in Victorian Grahamstown. Jim's Journal, manuscript in Cory Library, is a record of letters sent home to England by James Butler, while on a visit to the Cape,1876-79 for his health. He provides illuminating glimpses into the day to day life of Grahamstown from a Quaker viewpoint. Taken together, these sources provide considerable insights into the life and times of Grahamstown in the second half of the nineteenth Century. A municipal study examines an area in its totality: it encompasses a study of minutiae within the context of general trends. This fact alone suggests that there are many sources on the history of Grahamstown which have not yet been discovered, but this assessment is submitted on the basis of a thorough study of those which are currently available.
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Nutrition education message topics and accessibility for the well-being of infants in an urban slum areaDe Villiers, Anniza 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Dietetics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to contribute to the nutritional well-being of 0 - 24 month old children who attend
primary health care clinics (PHC) in Duncan Village, an urban slum. This was to be achieved by first
formulating essential nutrition-related message topics and second by formulating recommendations for
optimising the accessibility of services, including nutrition-related messages, aimed at mothers attending
PHC clinics in Duncan Village.
In order to formulate targeted and relevant nutrition-related messages for mothers attending the PHC clinics
(Phase I of the research) the need for more information on the six focus areas for intervention that were
identified in the previous Duncan Village Day Hospital (DVDH) study" was determined. This was done
through key-informant interviews and studying other relevant published research. Eleven research questions
related to the six focus areas were subsequently formulated to guide further research. Non-scheduled
structured interviews were conducted with mothers with children in specific age groups until data saturation
was achieved. A total of 31 interviews were thus conducted at the homes of participants and observation data
was also collected at the same time. Three focus groups with corresponding participant categories were also
conducted to check the information obtained through the interviews. Two focus groups were conducted with
grandmothers to serve as a further form of checking research but also to obtain a different perspective on the
research questions. The data available for the formulation of the message topics was analysed qualitatively
by hand. The focus areas and the research questions gave a specific focus to the analysis process and the
unprocessed data was available in these broad predetermined categories. All the information from all sources
(DVDH study, the non-scheduled structured interviews with mothers, focus groups with mothers and
grandmothers and observation data) was studied, interpreted and integrated for each identified category.
During this process key-factors, which need to be addressed in nutrition-related messages essential for the
well-being of infants attending PHC clinics in Duncan Village, were identified. The final step in the analysis
process was the formulation of message topics based on these key-factors. During the analysis process it
became clear that some of the identified key factors were not suitable for the formu lation of nutrition-related
message topics but rather give insight into the total context of the mothers attending the clinics in Duncan
Village. It was evident that the information contained in the key factors could be used by health workers to
identify and assist vulnerable mothers. These key-factors led to the formulation of relevant help topics.
Eighteen main message topics and 16 help topics were formulated. The message topics included topics on:
self-development, household food security, breastfeeding, good feeding practices, mothers' health and
nutrition and hygiene practices.
in Phase 2 of the study the accessibility of services, including nutrition-related messages, to mothers
attending PHC clinics in Duncan Village was determined. This was done by determining how mothers inDuncan Village experience the clinics where they could be exposed to nutrition-related messages and by
determining the experiences of health care workers with mothers as clients as well as with service delivery.
This information was obtained through focus group discussions with different participant categories. These
categories included mothers with children in the same age groupings as in Phase I who had either attended
clinic for all the child's immunisations or who had not attended clinic for all the child's immunisations or
who had attended clinics outside Duncan Village for immunisation purposes. Pregnant women who had
either attended antenatal clinics or had not attended antenatal clinics were also included. The last participant
category involved health workers. This category included health workers from the obstetric unit where
mothers from Duncan Village give birth, the primary health care clinics and community health care workers.
The data obtained was analysed with ATLAS/ti, computer software specifically designed for qualitative data
analysis. Twelve code families were created during the analysis process, each family referring to a specific
aspect of accessibility of services provided at the PHC clinics. A detailed description of each code family is
presented after which six networks were compiled. The data and networks were used to create a framework
for data interpretation. According to the framework it is proposed that the final elements in the process of
providing accessible nutrition-related messages to clients at clinics are (1) that the clients must attend the
clinic and (2) that appropriate nutrition-related messages must be available. Problems with interpersonal and
organisational aspects of service delivery were found to be two of the most important aspects that influence
accessibility of clinic services and therefore nutrition-related messages at the clinics.
The last phase of the study (Phase 3) involved the formulation of recommendations to the relevant authorities
about targeted and relevant nutrition-related message topics to be included in the education of mothers and
pregnant women as well as recommendations to optimise accessibility of nutrition-related messages at the
three PHC clinics in Duncan Village and the obstetric unit where mothers of Duncan Village give birth. A
total of fifteen recommendations were formulated based on the frndings and recommendations of Phase I
and Phase 2. These recommendations focus especially on the necessity for the municipality to create a health
empowering environment at the clinics, on the provision of appropriate nutrition-related messages at the
clinics and on the need to reach vulnerable mothers. The importance of involving the community in these
processes was also emphasised in the recommendations.
It is concluded that the implementation of the recommendations will contribute to the nutritional well-being
of all young children in Duncan Village and could play an important role in realising the rights of children
living in the area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om 'n bydrae te maak tot die voedingswelstand van 0-24 maandoue kinders wat
prirnere gesondheidsorg (PGS) klinieke in Duncan Village, 'n verarmde stedelike gebied, besoek. am die
doel te bereik is daar eerstens beplan om essensiele voedingsverwante boodskappe te formuleer. Tweedens is
daar beplan om aanbevelings vir die optimalisering van die toeganklikheid van gesondheidsorgdienste vir
rna's wat die klinieke bywoon, insluitend die toeganklikheid van voedinsgverwante boodskappe, te maak.
Voordat relevante voedingsverwante boodskappe vir rna's wat die klinieke in Duncan Village besoek,
geformuleer kon word, was meer inligting nodig oor die ses fokusareas vir intervensie wat in die vorige
Duncan Village Daghospitaal studie bepaal is. Die bepaling van watter inligting nodig was, is gedoen deur
sleutelinformantonderhoude en die bestudering van ander relevante gepubliseerde navorsing. Na aanleiding
hiervan is elf navorsingsvrae wat verband hou met die ses fokusareas geformuleer. Nie-geskeduleerde,
gestruktureerde onderhoude is vervolgens met 111a's met kinders in spesifieke ouderdomsgroepe gehou totdat
dataversadiging bereik is. 'n Totaal van 31 onderhoude is met respondente gehou by hul huise, waartydens
die onderhoudvoerder ook sekere waamemingsdata ingesamel het. Drie fokusgroepe is ook met rna's met
kinders in ooreenstemmende kategoriee gehou om die inligting na te gaan wat deur die onderhoude
ingesamel is. Twee fokusgroepe is ook met oumas gehou om die data verder na te gaan maar ook om 'n
ander perspektief op die navorsingsvrae te verkry. Die data wat verkry is, is kwalitatief met die hand
geanaliseer. Die fokusareas en die navorsingsvrae het 'n spesifieke fokus aan die analiseproses gegee en die
ongeprossesseerde data was beskikbaar in hierdie bree vooraf gedetermineerde kategoriee. Die inligting van
aile bronne (DVDH-studie, die nie-geskeduleerde gestruktureerde onderhoude met die rna's, die fokusgroepe
met die rna's en oumas asook die observasie data) is bestudeer, geinterpreteer en geintegreer vir elke
geidentifiseerde kategorie. Gedurende hierdie proses is sleutelfaktore geidentifiseer wat aangespreek moet
word in essensiele voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe wat gemik is om die voedingswelstand van klein
kinders wat die PGS-klinieke in Duncan Village besoek te verbeter. Die finale stap in die analiseproses was
die formulering van boodskaponderwerpe. Die onderwerpe is gebaseer op die geidentifiseerde sleutelfaktore
Dit het duidelik geword tydens die analiseproses dat sommige van die sleutelfaktore nie geskik was vir die
formulering van voedingsverbandhoudende boodskaponderwerpe nie, maar dat dit eerder insig verskaf in die
totale lewenskonteks van die rna's. Die inligting in hierdie sleutelfaktore kan wei gebruik word deur
gesondheidswerkers om kwesbare ma's te identifiseer en by te staan. Hierdie sleutelfaktore het dus tot die
formulering van relevante hulpboodskappe gelei. Agtien voedingsverbandhoudende en 16 hulpboodskappe is
geformu leer. Die boodskaponderwerpe sluit in onderwerpe oor selfontwikkeling, huishoudelike
voedselsekuriteit, borsvoeding, goeie voedingspraktyke, gesondheid van die rna en voeding- en
Tydens Fase 2 van die studie is die toeganklikheid van PGS dienste, insluitend voedingsverbandhoudende
boodskappe vir rna's, bepaal. Dit is gedoen deur te bepaal hoe mas in Duncan Village die kliniekdienste ondervind, waar hulle aan hierdie boodskappe blootgestel kan word asook die ondervindinge van die
gesondheidswerkers met die rna's en die diensleweringsproses. Hierdie inligting is deur middel van
fokusgroepbesprekings met verskillende deelnemerskategoriee ingesamel. Hierdie kategoriee het rna's
ingesluit wat die klinieke in Duncan Village besoek het vir a.l die spesifieke kinders se immunisasies maar
ook ma's wat nie kinders geneem het vir al hul immunisasies nie of wat hul kinders na klinieke buite Duncan
Village geneem het. Swanger vroue wat die voorgeboortelike klinieke besoek het asook die wat nie die
klinieke besoek het nie, is ook ingesluit. Die laaste kategorie wat betrek is, was gesondheidswerkers. Hierdie
kategorie het werkers van die kraamafdeling van die nabygelee hospitaaI en die primere
gesondheidsorgklinieke ingesluit. Beide professionele verpleegpersoneel en gemeenskapsgesondheids=
werkers van die klinieke is betrek. Die data wat verkry is, is met ATLAS/ti, 'n rekenaarprogram spesifiek
geskep vir die analise van kwalitatiewe data, ontleed. Twaalf kodefamilies is geskep tydens die
analiseproses. Elke familie verwys na 'n spesifieke aspek van toeganklikheid van dienste by die klinieke. 'n
Gedetailleerde beskrywing van elke kodefamilie is gegee asook ses netwerke. Die data en die netwerke is
gebruik om 'n raamwerk vir data-intepretasie te skep. Die raamwerk postuleer dat die finale elemente in die
proses van die verskaffing van toeganklike voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe by klinieke die volgende
is: (1) kliente moet die kliniek besoek en (2) toepaslike voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe moet
beskikbaar wees.
Probleme met interpersoonlike en organisatoriese aspekte van dienslewering is geidentifiseer as die twee
belangrikste aspekte wat toeganklikheid van kliniekdienste en daarom ook toeganklikheid van
voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe beinvloed.
Die laaste fase van die studie (Fase 3) het die formulering van aanbevelings aan die relevante owerhede
behels Die aa.nbevelings handel oor die insluiting van toepaslike voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe by
die gesondheidsonderrig van ma's en swanger vroue sowel as aanbevelings oor die optimalisering van
toeganklikheid van dienste by die PGS klinieke en die kraamafdeling waar Duncan Village rna's geboorte
gee. Vyftien aanbevelings gebaseer op die bevindinge van Fases I en 2 is geformuleer . Die aanbevelings
fokus veral op die nocdsaaklikheid vir die plaaslike owerheid om 'n atmosfeer van gesondheidbemagtiging
by die klinieke te skep, die nodigheid om toepaslike voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe by die klinieke
te verskaf en die belangrikheid daa.rvan om kwesbare rna's te bereik. Die noodsaaklikheid om die
gemeenskap te betrek in hierdie prosesse is ook benadruk.
Samevattend kan gese word dat die implementasie van die aanbevelings sal bydra tot die voedingswelstand
van alle jong kinders in Duncan Village en dat dit 'n belangrike bydrae kan lewer tot die realisering van die
regte van kinders in die area.
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清代臺灣南部西拉雅族番社地權制度變遷之研究--以鳳山八社領域為範圍楊鴻謙, Yang Hong-Chein Unknown Date (has links)
質言之,本文係從制度變遷理論,配合西拉雅族番契,探討西拉雅族番社地權從傳統共有地權、私有地權形成至虛有地權之變遷過程。本文共分六章,第一章為緒論,第二章文獻評述及建立分析之理論基礎。第三章從清康熙及乾隆年間臺灣輿圖與日據初期之調查圖中,說明鳳山八社之傳統領域範圍,並以文獻史料、部分番契內容,探討鳳山八社傳統地權制度。第四章是以誘發性技術變遷及強致性制度變遷,探討鳳山八社共有地權變遷為私有地權之過程。第五章從番契內容分析地權結構之演變,以實際案例計算番大小租權價格差距,並證明地權虛有化的事實。第六章為結論與建議。 / In Taiwan aborigines have Pingpu people and Mountain people. Siraya is one of Pingpu people, Feng-Shan eight tribes are branches of it. The property-rights configuration of natural resources had transited from open access common resources into closed access common property, and then from latter into private ownership from the view of institutional change of property rights. It had formed common property into private ownership, when people’s livelihood changed from hunting and gathering into settled agriculture. Before Dutch occupying, all Taiwan was aborigines’ land, Feng-Shan eight tribes’ population spread in Pingtung Plain of southern Taiwan. Hunting, fishing and farming were Siraya’s livelihood mostly, there was no concept of ownership, and land was used in common. As the land area was used only by village man, it was similar to “the closed–access common resources” which had the feature of exclusive communal property. After Ching Dynasty, owing to Han Chinese had moved into the southwestern Taiwan, wild plains decreased gradually. To improve the productivity efficiency of tribal land and sustain basic needs of living, Feng-Shan eight tribes’ people must change their traditional livelihood. As rapid growth of Han Chinese and Siraya people, and the diffusion of technology for paddy rice farming, the tribal land rights had transited from common property into private ownership.
Split ownership or two tiers of owners was one of the traditional system of land tenure in Pingtung Plain in Ching era, it distinguished what were called large-rent and small-rent rights. In order to protect tribal land rights and encourage village aborigines to plant their land, Ching Government prohibited Han Chinese from developing wild plains illegally. However, if aborigines did not need to develop the tribal land, Ching Government permitted Han Chinese to rent tribal land. Han Chinese obtained small-rent rights of tribal land by paying the tribal tax, the tribe only kept residual large-rent rights. Therefore, the tribal land rights were divided into split ownership which was called large-rent and small-rent rights. Any owner of those rights could either manage them by themselves or sold them out. Otherwise, large-rent and small-rent rights of some tribal lands belong to village aborigines, some of them sale small-rent right for lack of money. Village aborigines had left nothing but right for collecting rent. Because village aborigines were very poor, they had to borrow some money from Han lender and mortgage their rent to lender. Village aborigines could not amortise the debt usually, if the appointed pay off date reached. As a result, the right of collecting rent belonged to Han lender continually. Formally village aborigines had the large-rent rights, but they were deprived gradually, the large-rent rights turned out empty. This research will prove that by the spread drawing of tribal rent in Ching era and spread drawing of tribes’ population in late Ching period.
In short, the purpose of this research is to explore institutional change of land rights of Feng-Shan eight tribes by institutional change theory. Through deliberation of Siraya private documents, we can conclude the property rights of village aborigines were transited from communal right into private ownership and turned out to be emptiness or only face right. This research is divided into six chapters. Chapter one is introduction. Chapter two is literature review and theory deliberation. Chapter three explains the traditional territory of Feng-Shan eight tribes by Taiwan maps of K’ang-hsi and Ch’ien-lung period and investigation map in early period of Japanese occupation, and explores the traditional land right system of them to utilize historical article and folk contract. Chapter four explores their land rights had transited from common property into private ownership from induced institutional change and imposed institutional change theory. Chapter five analyzes evolution of tribal land rights, calculates difference of values between large-rent and small-rent rights and proves that the large-rent rights were turned out empty from folk contracts. Chapter six is conclusion and suggestion.
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Postavení profesionální pěstounky v SOS dětských vesničkách / The Position of Profesional Foster-mather in The SOS Children's VillagesGrosmanová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the position of foster-mother in SOS children's villages. The first part focuses on the legislative background of the operation of these facilities for foster care in the context of the development organization SOS Children's Villages in the Czech Republic and the international organization SOS Kinderdorf International. It discusses the problem of Czech SOS Children's Villages, when foster-mother is responsible for the child entrusted to foster care, which is the difference from the Czech villages than villages in the other countries. The second part analyzes the role of the SOS foster-mother. It offers a reflection on the meaning of the concept of the archetypal mother and changes of maternal role. The dissertation maps a question of motivation and readiness for fostering.Step by step are described SOS foster-mothers's career stages and are development cycles of SOS families. The work deals with the controversial topic, such as support for an SOS foster-mother. It introduces the concept of an integrated following educational community youth, boarding facilities for teenagers and young adults from the SOS villages. Work thinks how sustainability cyclic replenishment of children and families in the SOS families and possibilities and individualized needs of clients in the SOS...
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Problematika výchovného procesu traumatizovaných dětí v systému SOS dětských vesniček / The issue of the educational process of traumatized children in the SOS system children's VillagesGíbalová, Vladimíra January 2011 (has links)
Key words Forms of alternative care, institutional care, children's home, substitute family care, foster care, SOS Children's Village, a complex developmental trauma, abuse, deprivation, and child needs, parenting style. Summary This diploma work deals with the characterization of complex development trauma as the cause of placing children in foster care. The diploma work describes the foster care system in the Czech Republic and the specifics educational environment and educational process in the SOS Children's Villages. Includes a comparison of some factors and circumstances of educational conditions children's home and SOS Children's Village. Descriptive studies are concrete stories of children who passed the foster care system. 2
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Le patrimoine bâti dans les villages de la minorité Jarai : le cas des deux villages de Pleikep et de Pleiop à Pleiku au Vietnam / The built heritage in the minority villages Jaraï : the case of two villages Pleikep and Pleiop in Pleiku, Vietnam / Các di sản xây dựng trong các bản làng dân tộc người Jaraï : trường hợp của hai làng PleiKép và PleiỐp ở Pleiku, Việt NamDoan, Ngoc Tu 15 November 2016 (has links)
Par leur histoire, les villages jouent un rôle important dans la société de la minorité Jaraï. Dans la longue histoire du développement urbain sur les Hauts Plateaux au Nord de Tay Nguyen, la relation entre la ville et les villages a contribué à créer les caractéristiques de ses Hauts Plateaux. C’est une relation organisée qui a été créée et s’est adaptée pour chaque village en particulier.Par le rôle très important des villages pour préserver les valeurs traditionnelles, dans les schémas directeurs de chaque période en général, les villages ont été présentés comme les éléments de la structure urbaine. En particulier, dans le schéma directeur suivant : « Plan général pour Pleiku – 2020 et la vision stratégique de développement jusqu'en 2050», les villages existants présents dans ce projet sont indiqués en légende comme des « villages à conserver dans l’aménagement urbain », ils sont considérés comme des éléments moteurs de l’urbanisation de leur environnement proche. Toutefois, dans de nombreux schémas directeurs, les villages n’ont pas été nommés ou ont totalement disparu dans la zone de projet. En particulier, dans le processus de réalisation de l’extension de la ville, les villages n’ont été présentés dans presque aucun des grands projets d’extension urbaine. Cette position a indirectement créé des conflits dans le processus de rattachement des villages à Pleiku.La recherche commence par une analyse des textes existants afin de dessiner un cadre théorique pour comprendre l’identification des éléments des caractères des villages à travers la recherche de la conception traditionnelle des minorités Jaraï dans la province du Tay Nguyen au Vietnam et son étude de la conception patrimoniale, ainsi que les analyses des textes et rapports concernant les différents types d’aménagement des minorités. En analysant la structure socioculturelle et la structure spatiale des villages, les éléments patrimoniaux villageois vont être caractérisés avec un point de vue imbriquant les conceptions des différents éléments du caractère des villages. La seconde partie vise à l’évaluer de la transformation du patrimoine villageois face à l’urbanisation avec le cas des deux villages de Plei Kép et de Plei Ốp à Pleiku ville. La logique dans la relation entre la transformation morphologique et la transformation spatiale est analysée pour éclairer la permanence et la rupture des éléments du patrimoine villageois. Cette recherche s’efforce à décrire la gestion du patrimoine villageois, en analysant les mécanismes, la coordination des acteurs, les règlements de conservation établis par l’État et par le village, et surtout l'application de ces règlements dans les villages. / Throughout its history, the villages have played an important role in the society of minority Jaraï. During the long history of urban development of the highlands in the north of Tay Nguyen, the relationship between the city and the villages was involved in creating the characteristics of the plateau. This is an organized relationship which was created and adapted for each specific village.The very important role of villages is to preserve traditional values in the master-plans of each period in general. Then, the villages were presented as elements of the urban structure. In particular, the following master-plans: «General Plan for Pleiku – 2020 with a vision for further development to 2050», the existing villages presented in this project are given in the legend as « villages to maintain in the urban development » and are considered as driving elements in the urbanization of their nearby environment.However, in many master-plans, the villages have not been called “Respect” or have completely disappeared in the project area. In particular, in the process of achieving expansion of the city, the villages have not been presented in almost no urban extension large projects. This position has indirectly created conflicts in the process of connecting villages in Pleiku.The research begins with an analysis of existing texts to draw a theoretical framework for understanding the identification of elements of the characters of villages through research of traditional design of Jaraï minorities in the province of Tay Nguyen of Vietnam and its study of the heritage design and analysis of texts and reports concerning the different types of development of minorities. By analyzing the socio-cultural structure and the spatial structure of villages, the villagers’ heritage elements will be characterized with a based on the specificities of each village. The second part aims to evaluate the transformation of the village heritage in the face of urbanization with the case of the village Pleiku. The logic in the relationship between morphological transformation and spatial transformation is analyzed to illuminate the permanence and the break of the elements of villagers’ heritage.This research is used to describe the management of the villagers’ heritage, by analyzing the mechanisms, the coordination of actors, the conservation regulations established by the state and the village, and above all the way these regulations in the villages are enforced in the village. / Trải qua hàng nghìn năm lịch sử, văn hóa làng bản đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong xã hội của tộc người thiểu số Jaraï. Trong suốt quá trình lịch sử phát triển đô thị của vùng cao nguyên phía bắc của Tây Nguyên, mối quan hệ giữa các không gian thành phố với không gian làng bản đã kiến tạo nên các đặc điểm riêng của vùng đất cao nguyên. Đây là một mối quan hệ có tổ chức mà đã được tạo ra và áp dụng cho mỗi làng bản dân tộc cụ thể.Vai trò rất quan trọng của buôn làng là bảo tồn các giá trị văn hóa truyền thống, trong quá trình phát triển chung của đô thị, quy hoạch qua từng thời kỳ, Các làng bản dân tộc được giới thiệu như là các yếu tố cấu thành nên cấu trúc của từng đô thị. Đặc biệt, trong các dự án quy hoạch chi tiết: « Quy hoạch chung đô thị Pleiku đến năm 2020 tầm nhìn chiến lược phát triển đến năm 2050», các bản làng dân tộc đã được liệt kê danh sách và bảo tồn là một phần trong dự án quy hoạch phát triển chung đô thị « Bảo tồn làng trong phát triển quy hoạch đô thị » được coi là những yếu tố thúc đẩy đô thị hóa với môi trường xung quanh.Tuy nhiên, trong nhiều dự án quy hoạch trước đây, các bản làng dân tộc đã không được coi trọng hay đã hoàn toàn lù mờ, biến mất trong kế hoạch của các dự án. Đặc biệt, trong quá trình sự mở rộng thành phố, các yếu tố bản làng không được chú ý trong hầu hết trong các dự án mở rộng đô thị. Điều này đã gián tiếp tạo ra các mâu thuẫn, xung đột trong quá trình kết nối giữa các làng ở đô thị Pleiku.Nghiên cứu được bắt đầu bằng việc phân tích các văn bản hiện có để tạo ra một khung lý thuyết, để hiểu và xác định các yếu tố mang những đặc tính, bản sắc văn hóa của bản làng thông qua các nghiên cứu thiết kế quy hoạch truyền thống của dân tộc Jaraï thiểu số ở các tỉnh Tây Nguyên của Việt Nam, nghiên cứu các di sản của họ, cũng như các bản báo cáo, bản vẽ quy hoạch khác nhau trong sự phát triển các bản làng dân tộc. Bằng cách phân tích về cấu trúc văn hóa xã hội và di sản không gian của các bản làng, các yếu tố di sản của bản làng dân tộc truyền thống với những yếu tố đặc trưng, với một quan điểm được lồng ghép với các khái niệm khác nhau về bản sắc, đặc tính khác nhau của từng ngôi làng.Phần thứ hai của nghiên cứu là đánh giá sự thay đổi, biến đổi của các di sản bản làng trong quá trình đô thị hóa với các trường hợp các bản làng trong đô thị Pleiku. Nghiên cứu logic trong mối quan hệ giữa sự biến đổi về hình thái và biến đổi không gian được phân tích để hiểu rõ hơn và sự phá vỡ cấu trúc giữa các yếu tố của di sản làng bản.Công trình nghiên cứu này được hiểu, mô tả, ứng dụng để quản lý các di sản bản làng dân tộc, bằng cách phân tích các cơ chế, phối hợp các yếu tố khác của nó, các quy định bảo tồn được thiết lập quản lý bởi nhà nước và người dân làng, với các ứng dụng, các quy định đối với các di sản bản làng dân tộc thiểu số.
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貓空纜車興建之政策形成過程研究:政策網絡觀點 / The study of policy formation process in construction of Maokong Gondola: A policy network approach黃柏榕, Huang, Po Jung Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,貓空纜車成案的關鍵並非專業評估使然,乃是為了實現馬英九市府的競選承諾。貓空纜車因為規劃過程中受到動物園的影響,導致纜車路線變更,鄰近棲霞山莊,並衍生後續噪音污染等爭議。貓空纜車在木柵觀光茶園社區發展協會及指南宮等民間團體的支持下,削弱了反對聲音;而主要的政策反對者棲霞山莊,則在當時問題意識不明確、預算順利通過等因素下,錯失反對時機。 / The first urban-type cable car in Taiwan “Maokong Gondola” had been inaugurated since 4th of July in 2007. It has successfully achieved 6.17 million hits in one year and three months. However, during September 2008, typhoon Sinlaku and Jangmi struck one after another and incurred serious mudslide erosion underneath pillar T16. The disaster had crippled the whole cable car system and had urged the public to re-examine the whole construction. This study utilizes policy network analysis to evaluate policy formation process regarding the construction of Maokong gondola in terms of four major factors: character of participants, actions’ strategies, power relationship and network integration. Demarcating the policy network while identifying the policy stakeholders and exploring issues arising from the construction process has been carried out in all three stages of the event: problem formation, policy formulation and policy legitimation.
This study shows that the key to the approval of Maokong gondola program was not due to professional evaluation, but instead, it was for the political motivation of Ma’s administration to attain victory in campaign. Being affected by the location of Taipei city zoo in the stage of program formulating, the cable car system has been rerouted closer to Chi-shia village, causing noise pollution and other harassment. By strong support from Muzha tea park community development association and Zhinan temple, the opponent’s opinions were gradually suppressed. Due to uncertainty of problem-knowing and easy approval of budget, the main opponent Chi-shia village had finally missed the opportunity in stopping the program.
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