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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do tempo cirúrgico e de recuperação pós-operatória nas pacientes submetidas à histerectomia robótica e outras técnicas de histerectomia no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre

Gutierrez, Ana Luiza January 2015 (has links)
Base Teórica: A histerectomia ainda é um procedimento cirúrgico frequente. Nos últimos 25 anos, muitos esforços foram feitos para reduzir o número de histerectomias abdominais, como o avanço tecnológico, que permitiu cirurgias menos invasivas. Visando ampliar o uso da cirurgia minimamente invasiva, foi desenvolvida a cirurgia robótica, com a vantagem de facilitar o uso da laparoscopia proporcionando movimentos mais ergonômicos e precisos. Apesar de ser tecnologia recente e do alto custo, vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço na prática clínica. Dados sobre tempo cirúrgico e tempo de internação pós-operatória tem sido alvo de várias publicações, uma vez que afetam os custos do procedimento. Objetivo: O presente projeto visa à documentação da experiência inicial do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre na realização da histerectomia robótica, e comparação dos seus dados com outras vias de histerectomia já realizados no nosso meio. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo caso-controle para comparação de dados pré-operatórios, operatórios (como tempo cirúrgico total e sangramento) e pós-operatórios (tempo de recuperação pós-operatória, complicações, dor nas primeiras 24 horas após a cirurgia), em 80 pacientes, submetidas à histerectomia para tratamento de patologias uterinas benignas. Nós incluímos quatro grupos de pacientes: robótico, vaginal, abdominal e laparoscópico. O grupo robótico foi composto pelas primeiras 20 cirurgias realizadas em nosso hospital, e os grupos controle foram selecionados retrospectivamente a partir da data da última cirurgia robótica, constituindo uma amostragem não probabilística. Também foi realizado estudo transversal utilizando apenas as pacientes submetidas à cirurgia robótica em nosso serviço, para fins de documentação de nossa experiência inicial. Resultados: O grupo robótico foi responsável pelo maior tempo cirúrgico total (180,7 minutos), e pelo menor tempo de recuperação pós-operatória (23,7 horas), entre os quatro grupos. Não houve diferença entre os grupos na análise do sangramento transoperatório e das complicações pós-operatórias. Dados analisados sobre a dor pós-operatória não diferiram entre os grupos. No estudo transversal, foi demonstrada curva de aprendizado em tempo de docking e undocking, e houve correlação forte entre tempo cirúrgico total e índice de massa corporal da paciente. Conclusão: Análise do tempo cirúrgico total e do tempo de recuperação pós-operatória são relevantes, pois podem ser ferramentas necessárias para redução dos custos da cirurgia robótica. Nossa experiência inicial demonstra curva de aprendizado em alguns aspectos. / Background: Hysterectomy is a frequent surgical procedure. In the last 25 years, many efforts have been made to reduce the number of abdominal hysterectomies, such as the technological advances, which allowed less invasive procedures. Aiming to increase the use of minimally invasive surgery, the robotic surgery was developed, which advantage of more precise and ergonomic movements than laparoscopy. Although it is a recent and expensive technology, robotic surgery is gaining more space in clinical practice. Data from Total Surgical Time and Time of Postoperative Recovery has been target of publications, once they can affect the costs. Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the surgical outcomes of patients undergoing robotic hysterectomy for benign cases to patients undergoing another types of hysterectomy performed in our institution. Methods: It was performed a case-control study to compare pre-operative, operative (as Total Surgical Time and bleeding) and postoperative (Time of Postoperative Recovery, complications, and pain at the first 24 hours after the surgery) in 80 patients undergoing hysterectomy for treatment of various benign uterine conditions. We have included four groups of patients: robotic, vaginal, abdominal and laparoscopic. The robotic group was composed by the first twenty patients undergoing robotic hysterectomy at our hospital, and the control groups were retrospectively selected from the date of the last robotic surgery, constituting a non-probabilistic sample. We also performed a crosssectional study with the 20 patients of robotic group, to document our initial experience. Results: The robotic group was responsible for the longer Total Surgical Time (180.7 minutes), and for the shortest Time of Postoperative Recovery (23.7 hours) among the four groups. There were no difference between the groups in analysis of estimated blood loss and postoperative complications. Data related to postoperative pain showed no difference between the groups. At cross-sectional study, it was demonstrated learning curve of docking and undocking times, and was found a strong correlation between Total Surgical Time and body mass index. Conclusion: Analysis of Total Surgical Time and Time of Postoperative Recovery are relevant, because they can be necessary tools to reduce the costs of robotic surgery. Our initial experience demonstrated learning curve in some ways.
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Workflow-Analytischer Vergleich der Konventionell Laparoskopischen versus Roboter-Assistierten Nissen Fundoplikatio am experimentellen Tiermodell

Krauß, Alexandra 05 June 2013 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser experimentellen Studie war es die Techniken der konventionell laparo¬skopischen Fundoplikatio nach Nissen (CLNF) und der roboter-assistierten Fundoplikatio nach Nissen (RANF), wovon erstere derzeit als Standard der operativen Therapie der gastro¬ösophagealen Refluxkrankheit (GERD) im Kindesalter gilt, anhand workflow-analytischer Vergleichskriterien objektiv zu evaluieren. An jeweils zwölf weiblichen infantilen Schweinen (Rasse: Sus scrofa domestica, Gewicht: 7-10,8 kg, Alter: 6-8 Wochen) wurde respektive eine CLNF oder RANF durchgeführt, die postoperativ mittels Workflow-Analyse sowohl quantitativ als auch qualitativ in Hinsicht auf Geschwindigkeit, Sicherheit, Genauigkeit und Effizienz verglichen wurde. Dafür benutzten wir ein zuvor von uns entwickeltes Modul einer computer-assistierten Workflow-Erhebung, das speziell auf die Operationstechnik der Fundoplikatio nach Nissen ausgerichtet wurde. Nach Segmentierung des chirurgischen Workflows in spezielle Phasen konnten die zur Komplettierung vorab definierter Aktionen benötigten Zeiten mit Hilfe des Student’s t-Tests verglichen werden. Die Qualität des Knoten-Knüpfens wurde anhand eines speziellen Punktesystems beurteilt, die Effizienz der Fundoplikatio mittels Messung des Kardia-Öffnungsdruckes (Cardia yield pressure - CYP). Entgegen einer Zeitersparnis beim Knüpfen der Knoten in der RANF-Gruppe erwies sich die Qualität des Knüpfens in der CLNF-Gruppe als hochwertiger. In der durchschnittlichen Dauer der einzelnen Operationsphasen und dem Anstieg des CYP zeigte sich kein signifikanter Unterschied, wohingegen induzierte Pneumothoraces bei der CLNF verglichen mit der RANF öfter auftraten, allerdings Nähte in der RANF-Gruppe häufiger rissen. Trotz beschleunigtem Knoten-Knüpfens und reduzierter Inzidenz von Pneumothoraces, konnte die Technik der RANF in unserem experimentellen Tiermodell hinsichtlich der Effizienz der jeweiligen Operationstechnik nicht durch signifikante Vorteile überzeugen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Vorbemerkung I Bibliographische Beschreibung II Inhaltsverzeichnis III Abkürzungsverzeichnis IV Abbildungsverzeichnis V I. Einleitung 6 1. Einführung in die Gastroösophageale Refluxkrankheit im Kindesalter 6 2. Operative Therapie der GERD im Kindesalter 10 3. Konkrete Zielsetzung der Studie 14 II. Publikationen 15 1. Workflow-Analytisches Trainings – und Feedbackmodel der CLNF – 1. Publikation 15 2. Effizienztestung der CLNF mittels Bestimmung des CYP – 2. Publikation 24 3. Workflow-Analytischer Vergleich der CLNF vs. RANF – 3. Publikation 31 III. Zusammenfassung 39 IV. Anhang: Die Gastroösophageale Refluxkrankheit im Kindesalter - Ein Überblick 46 V. Literaturverzeichnis 53 VI. Eigenständigkeitserklärung 60 VII. Darstellung des wissenschaftlichen Werdeganges mit CV 61 VIII. Danksagung 66
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Shkurti, Thomas E. 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.


Duncan Joseph Isbister (15339403) 22 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery (MIRS) has revolutionized the way modern surgery is conducted by allowing for smaller incisions, finer control, reduced pain, and faster recovery. The state-of-the-art end-effector technology used for MIRS are tools based off of the rigid-body instruments used in traditional ‘open’ surgery. The rigid nature of the end-effectors, specifically the grasping jaws, leads to a lack of force feedback when implemented in a robotic system. </p> <p>Without additional feedback from active sensing, the blanching that occurs from restricted blood flow around a grasping site is the only indication a surgeon can use to assess the force applied to a tissue. Ongoing efforts to develop active force sensing solutions are currently faced with two major obstacles: miniaturization and sterilization. The lack of force feedback causes a gap between intention and result during robotic surgery. </p> <p>This work proposes the introduction of Visual Force Feedback (VFF) through the integration of a compliant end-effector design. Visual Force Feedback is an intuition, developed through practice, that allows a surgeon to estimate the reaction force of a compliant mechanism by the deflection of the outer flexures. An understanding of the relationship between opening size, flexure deformation, and pinch force allows for rapid estimation of the force applied to a manipulated object. </p> <p>Force and dimensional data were gathered through finite element simulation and the finite element model was validated with physical experimentation on a custom test bench. Multiple functions relating the flexure deformation to the reactionary force, referred to as pinch force, for specific opening sizes were resolved. Notable observations made through the analysis of these results were: (1) a closely linear relationship between outer flexure deformation and pinch force in both experimental and computational results and (2) a higher rate of pinch force increase due to draw displacement as an effect of wider jaw opening. These findings are intended to help shrink the gap between intention and result in the field of MIRS.</p>
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Cavallo, Bradley January 2017 (has links)
By the second decade of the twenty-first century, the preponderance of scholarship examining oil paintings made on stone slabs or metal sheets in Western Europe during the early modern period (fifteenth–eighteenth centuries) had settled on an interpretation of these artworks as artifacts of an elite taste that sought objects for inclusion in private collections of whatever was rare, curious, exquisite, or ingenious. In a cabinet of curiosities, naturalia formed by nature and artificialia made by man all complemented each other as demonstrations of marvelous things (mirabilia). Certainly small-scale paintings on stone or metal exhibited amidst these kinds of rarities aided in aggrandizing a noble or bourgeois collector’s social prestige. As well, they might have derived their interest as collectables because of the painter’s fame or increased capacity for miniaturization on copper plates, or because the painter left a slab of lapis lazuli, for example, partially uncovered to reveal its visually arresting stratigraphy or coloration. Nonetheless, while the lithic and metallic supports might have added value to the oil paintings it was not thought to add meaning. A totalizing theory about this type of artwork, based on a perception of them as if they had only served as conspicuous consumables, therefore overlooks that in other circumstances the stone and metal supports did contribute to the iconographic substance of the paintings. As this dissertation will argue, the introduction of metal and stone supports allowed patrons and painters literally to add another layer of meaning to an oil painting’s imagery. These materials mattered not just as passive receptacles of meaning but as active shapers of significance. Evidence for this hypothesis exists in the historical record in at least three identifiable contexts: Leonardo da Vinci’s Portrait of Ginevra de’Benci (ca. 1474–1478) in relation to the epistemological debate known as the Paragone; funerary monuments in Roman churches inclusive of painted portraits in relation to theories about color and lifelikeness; medallion-shaped, chest plates known as Escudos de monjas (Nuns’ Shields) worn by nuns of some religious orders in Colonial Mexico in relation to pre-Hispanic sacral materials. All three of these case studies ultimately concern the paradoxical materialization of the immaterial fame of the painter, the soul of the deceased, and the Christian divine. Observing them in tandem provides an outline of the origins and development of the technique of painting with oils on stone and metal, and consequently broadens our understanding of this wider, early modern phenomenon. / Art History
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Contribución de la obra científico-técnica de Leonardo da Vinci a los proyectos de ingeniería

Cervero Melia, Ernesto 04 November 2021 (has links)
[EN] This thesis aims to develop a theoretical investigation that identifies the main contributions of the scientific-technical work of Leonardo da Vinci (Vinci, 1452- Amboise, 1519), related to the Project Engineering area of knowledge and especially with two of its nuclear concepts Project and Design or, using the current denomination: Engineering Design and Project Engineering. To this end, an exhaustive review of Leonardo's manuscripts and codices (primary sources) is conducted and then a study of the existing literature on his scientific-technical work (secondary sources) is carried out. Then, various Leonardo's projects are studied relating them to current design / project concepts (ergonomics, ecodesign, analogies, etc.), the coincidence or not of his theories is observed, and the degree of proximity between his methodologies, methods, techniques and tools and those used in the present is determined. Finally, a synthesis of the findings and results presented in the different chapters addressed in the thesis is made, integrating how Leonardo's contributions in relation to graphic techniques, design instruments, document morphology, systemic, rational and experimental thinking, analogical design, experimental validation of design solutions, design based on nature and respectful of the environment, as well as his ability to put functional designs into practice and build them, configure his scientific-technical work as crucial in the development of the discipline of engineering projects. / [ES] La presente tesis persigue desarrollar una investigación teórica que identifique las principales contribuciones y aportes de la obra científico-técnica de Leonardo da Vinci (Vinci, 1452- Amboise, 1519) relacionados con el área de conocimiento de Proyectos de Ingeniería, vinculadas principalmente con dos conceptos nucleares a la misma, Diseño y Proyecto, o utilizando la nomenclatura actual, los conceptos de Diseño en Ingeniería (Engineering Desing, en la literatura en inglés) y de Ingeniería de Proyectos (Project Engineering). Para ello se realiza una revisión exhaustiva de los manuscritos y códices de Leonardo (fuentes primarias) y seguidamente se efectúa un estudio de la literatura existente sobre la obra científico-técnica del mismo (fuentes secundarias). Tras ello, se estudian diversos proyectos de Leonardo relacionándolos con los conceptos de diseño/proyecto actuales (ergonomía, ecodiseño, analogías, etc.) y se observan la coincidencia o no de sus teorías, y el grado de proximidad entre sus técnicas y herramientas, con los métodos, técnicas e instrumentos usados en la actualidad. Finalmente se realiza una síntesis de los hallazgos y resultados presentados en los diferentes capítulos abordados en la tesis, integrando cómo las aportaciones de Leonardo en relación a las técnicas gráficas, instrumentos de diseño, morfología documental, pensamiento sistémico, racional y experimental, diseño analógico, validación experimental de las soluciones de diseño, diseño basado en la naturaleza y respetuoso con el entorno, y su capacidad para llevar a la práctica diseños funcionales y construirlos, configuran su obra científico-técnica como crucial en el desarrollo de la disciplina de los proyectos de ingeniería. / [CAT] La present tesi persegueix desenvolupar una investigació teòrica que identifique les principals contribucions i aportacions de l'obra científico-tècnica de Leonardo da Vinci (Vinci, 1452- Amboise, 1519) relacionats amb l'àrea de coneixement de Projectes d'Enginyeria, vinculades principalment amb dos conceptes nuclears a aquesta, Disseny i Projecte, o utilitzant la nomenclatura actual, els conceptes de Disseny en Enginyeria ("Engineering Desing", en la literatura en anglés) i d'Enginyeria de Projectes ("Project Engineering"). Per a això es realitza una revisió exhaustiva dels manuscrits i còdexs de Leonardo (fonts primàries) i seguidament s'efectua un estudi de la literatura existent sobre l'obra científico-tècnica del mateix (fonts secundàries). Després d'això, s'estudien diversos projectes de Leonardo relacionant-los amb els conceptes de disseny/projecte actuals (ergonomia, ecodisseny, analogies, etc.) i s'observen la coincidència o no de les seues teories, i el grau de proximitat entre les seues tècniques i eines, amb els mètodes, tècniques i instruments utilitzats en l'actualitat. Finalment es realitza una síntesi de les troballes i resultats presentats en els diferents capítols abordats en la tesi, integrant com les aportacions de Leonardo en relació a les tècniques gràfiques, instruments de disseny, morfologia documental, pensament sistèmic, racional i experimental, disseny analògic, validació experimental de les solucions de disseny, disseny basat en la naturalesa i respectuós amb l'entorn, i la seua capacitat per a portar a la pràctica dissenys funcionals i construir-los, configuren la seua obra científico-tècnica com a crucial en el desenvolupament de la disciplina dels projectes d'enginyeria. / Cervero Melia, E. (2021). Contribución de la obra científico-técnica de Leonardo da Vinci a los proyectos de ingeniería [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/176002
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Développement et validation d’un système de monitoring de l’ergonomie pour la formation en chirurgie robotique / Development of a new system for ergonomic evaluation and improvement of robotic surgery learning

Yang, Kun 26 April 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse suit une logique exposée dans trois chapitres, pour terminer par un exposé sur des applications futures. La première partie fait l’inventaire des difficultés de l’apprentissage des habiletés de base de la chirurgie robotique, notamment dans ses aspects de l’exploitation des avantages ergonomiques. Elle se fonde notamment les travaux de master 2 des Docteurs N. Hubert et C. Perrenot auxquels l’auteur a participé. On conclut ainsi à la nécessité de développer un outil de monitoring de l’ergonomie plus efficace que celui existant sur les logiciels du simulateur dV-Trainer®. La deuxième partie décrit la conception et la validation d’un système de capteurs de pression des avant-bras sur les appuis-bras de la console du robot et/ou des simulateurs (Système de Surveillance de Pression - SSP-). Il est créé le concept d’Armrest Load, formule plus efficace d’évaluation des performances des stagiaires en matière d’ergonomie que l’évaluation automatique par le simulateur. La troisième partie décrit l’amélioration du système SSP via l’ajout de fonctions supplémentaires et leurs évaluations : - une alarme informant l’étudiant des mauvaises positions. Ce système crée un réflexe conditionné, accélère l’utilisation ergonomique des appuis-bras du simulateur, mais également améliore les performances globales. - des caméras et une interface, « Contrôleur d’Évènement en Simulation Robotique » (CESIR), permettant au stagiaire de visionner à volonté et pour chaque exercice les vidéos de référence, celles avec les erreurs à éviter et ses propres performances. Ces techniques vidéo, largement répandues dans le milieu sportif sont utilisées pour la première fois en chirurgie et prouvent ici leur efficacité. La partie « conclusion » synthétise les résultats de tout le travail de thèse et expose des perspectives d’amélioration du système CESIR et de son utilisation dans la poursuite de la collaboration franco-chinoise en formation robotique. / This thesis is logically split into three chapters, concluding with a discussion on future applications. The first part makes an inventory of the difficulties in learning the basic skills in robotic surgery, especially in the aspects of exploiting the ergonomic benefits. It relies in particular on the master degrees of Drs N. Hubert and C.Perrenot to which the author participated. It is concluded that there is a need to develop a more efficient monitoring tool for ergonomics than the existing software on the dV-Trainer® simulator. The second part describes the design and validation of a system of forearms pressure sensors attached on the robot’s console and/or simulator’s armrests (SSP- Pressure Surveillance System). The concept of Armrest Load is created, a more effective formula for evaluating the trainees’ performance in ergonomics than the automatic evaluation provided by the simulator. The third part describes the improvement of the SSP system by adding additional functions and their evaluation: - An alarm informing the student of bad positions. This system creates a conditioned reflex, speeds up the ergonomic use of armrests on the simulator, and also improves the overall performance. - Cameras and a "Controller of Event in Robotic Simulation " (CESIR) interface, allowing the participant to view at will the reference video, the one with mistakes to avoid and the video of their own performances. This video technique is widely used in sports but is applied for the first time in surgery and proves its effectiveness. The conclusion part summarizes the results of the whole thesis and outlines the possibilities for CESIR’s improvement and its development in the French-Chinese collaboration in robotic training.
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Robert Langdon's Hero's Journey : Reading the Novels of Dan Brown with the perspective of the Monomyth / Robert Langdons hjälteresa : En läsning av Dan Browns romaner med perspektivet av monomyten

Klevskog, Emma January 2017 (has links)
This essay investigates the characteristics of Robert Langdon and his female helpers in Dan Brown’s novels Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, The Lost symbol and Inferno.  In each of these novels, the quests are always solved by a male-female team. This essay is therefore going to focus on the character of Robert Langdon and his female helpers with the perspective of the Monomyth by Joseph Campbell. The protagonist Robert Langdon is a Harvard University professor specialised in religious iconology and symbology, but in these four novels he is thrown into breath-taking adventures with dangerous situations, however, with the help of several females he always manages to survive. The aim of this essay is to show how Langdon and his female helpers have the characteristics of a contemporary hero and helper, with the perspective of Campbell’s the Monomyth. Keywords: Character Analysis, Robert Langdon, Hero, Female Helper, the Monomyth, Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, The Lost Symbol, Inferno.

The Problem of the Genre of Dan Brown's Novel "The Da Vinci Code" / Deno Brauno romano "Da Vinčio kodas" žanro problema

Skorupa, Pavel 16 August 2007 (has links)
The MA paper focuses on the problem of the genre of Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code. In the paper various concepts of the literary genre, especially the novel, in modern literary theory are presented and reviewed. All theories of the novel distinguish the following main genre constituents: plot, setting, character, thematic range, the narrator and point of view, intertextuality, and others. The analysis reveals that there are four subplots, apart from the main plot line; at some crucial moments, or in most dramatic scenes, the plotlines crisscross or merge. Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu are the protagonists of the novel; the Teacher-Teabing and Silas are the villains; and the minor characters are: Bezu Fache, Bishop Aringarosa, and others. The protagonists and the villains are psychological characters. The novel deals with a number of problems: love and family – the main problem is Christ’s marriage of Mary Magdalene and their posterity; the problem has been supposedly hidden in Leonardo da Vinci’s works, especially the fresco “The Last Supper”; the theme of art, the conflict between science and religion, etc. The research discovers that there is a fusion of several generic forms in The Da Vinci Code. It also shows that the novel can be placed in traditional and most recent literary culture. / Šis Deno Brauno romanas gali būti priskirtas daugiau nei vienam šiuolaikinės populiarios literatūros žanrui. Žanro teorijų apžvalga parodė, kad pati literatūrinio žanro sąvoka yra neryškiai apibrėžta, tačiau visos teorijos identifikuoja kelis žanrą formuojančius elementus – siužeto struktūra, veiksmo vieta ir laikas, charakteriai, plėtojamos temos (problemos), intertekstualumas ir kiti. Deno Brauno Da Vinčio kodas turi keleto klasikinės ir šiuolaikinės populiarios literatūros žanrų bruožų ir pilnai arba iš dalies atitinka tų žanrų reikalavimus. Siužeto analizė parodė, kad romanas parašytas pagal tradicinio detektyvo, arba trilerio schemą: romanas prasideda nuo žmogžudystės po kurios seka nužudytojo kuratoriaus mįslių išnarpliojimas ir tikrų nusikaltelių nubaudimas. Charakterių analizė atskleidė klasikinio detektyvo charakterių sistemą: kelios aukos, žudikas-įrankis, nusikaltimų organizatorius, detektyvai, policija. Nuolat pakartojama mintis apie Jėzaus Kristaus ir Marijos Magdalietės santuoką, bei romantiški romano herojų Roberto ir Sofi jausmai vienas kitam suteikia Da Vinčio kodui meilės romano žanro bruožų. Valdžios troškimo tema atskleista per vyskupo Aringarosos ir paslaptingojo Mokytojo charakterius, suteikia romanui trilerio bruožų ir paslaptingumo. Meno tema ir mįslės susijusios su Leonardo da Vinčio kūriniais, o taip pat aiškinami simboliai ir minimos slaptos draugijos suteikia romanui detektyvo, simbologinės ir sąmokslo literatūros bruožų. Knygoje gausu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Etude expérimentale du transitoire de remplissage des cavités d'injection des organes de combustion du moteur VINCI

Herenger, Nicolas 08 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Sous la direction de SNECMA, un nouveau moteur cryotechnique pour Ariane 5 est en phase de développement. Ce moteur, VINCI, fonctionne à l'oxygène et à l'hydrogène liquides et devra être rallumable en cours de vol. Le transitoire de remplissage d'une cavité intermédiaire par laquelle transite l'oxygène liquide avant d'arriver dans la chambre de combustion s'avère être une étape critique qu'il faut s'efforcer de maîtriser. Cette cavité, appelée dôme LOX, est directement reliée à la chambre de combustion par les injecteurs à oxygène. Des outils numériques sont actuellement en cours de conception : ils permettront à terme de simuler le remplissage de cette cavité dans l'espace. Afin de valider ces outils numériques, un programme expérimental a vu le jour, impliquant SNECMA, le CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) et le LEGI (Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels). Il s'agit de mener à bien des expériences " simples " et reproductibles afin de disposer d'une base de données expérimentales qui servira de cas tests pour les simulations. Un banc d'essais expérimental a été progressivement mis en place et instrumenté au LEGI. Le fluide utilisé en substitution de l'oxygène liquide est de l'eau. On a choisi de respecter une similitude du nombre de Weber entre le cas " réel " et les conditions expérimentales. Ce dernier équivaut au rapport des forces d'inertie sur les forces de tension de surface. Deux campagnes d'essais ont été réalisées, dans lesquelles on s'est centré sur l'étude des aspects hydrodynamique du transitoire de remplissage : variation du débit total et des pressions au cours d'un essai, évaluation du taux de vide dans la cavité, visualisation de l'écoulement dans la cavité et en sortie des injecteurs. L'instrumentation à disposition est constituée d'un débitmètre à effet Coriolis, de capteurs de pression, d'une sonde optique, de caméras rapides et d'un laser pour l'imagerie. La première campagne d'essais a visé le remplissage de la cavité en eau seule. Le paramètre de contrôle principal était la pression génératrice de l'écoulement liquide. Dans la deuxième campagne d'essais on injecte simultanément dans la cavité un écoulement d'eau et un écoulement d'air. Cela se rapproche plus des conditions réelles du transitoire de remplissage, au cours duquel la cavité est balayée par un écoulement d'hélium. Le paramètre de contrôle supplémentaire est le débit de gaz initial. Ces campagnes ont également souligné l'importance du profil d'ouverture de la vanne de l'écoulement liquide sur le transitoire de remplissage de la cavité. Ces campagnes d'essais constituent une première étape dans la compréhension du transitoire de remplissage du dôme LOX. Elles ont permis de visualiser la forme de l'écoulement dans la cavité et en sortie des injecteurs et d'identifier certains phénomènes intervenant dans le remplissage de la cavité. En particulier, nous avons mis en évidence l'existence d'un délai de mise en place de l'écoulement par les injecteurs, qui peut être responsable d'un pic de pression dans la cavité au cours du transitoire. L'influence de la fraction gazeuse sur l'écoulement dans les injecteurs a été soulignée mais reste à quantifier de façon précise. La prochaine étape de l'étude concerne les aspects énergétiques du transitoire de remplissage, notamment les transferts thermiques ayant lieu, dans la réalité, entre l'hélium, l'oxygène et les parois du dôme LOX.
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