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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Privalomosios pradinės karo tarnybos karių vertybinių nuostatų dinamika / The dynamics of conscripts valuable orientations

Čiūtienė, Romena 29 June 2006 (has links)
The primary goal of the Army is country defense. To reach that goal the Army must prepare soldiers – country defenders. The world is changing its face nowadays – the Army so on: country defenders are transforming into expeditionary warriors. According to such situation most of scholars pays attention to economical or public organizations and its employees values and very little to men of the armed forces, especially conscripts valuable orientations. The thesis focuses on conscripts that are serving in Lithuanian armed forces. Company of the Honor Guard was chosen as a research unit. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the dynamics of conscripts’ valuable orientations during the serving period: identify and explore values that influence soldiers‘maturity, civic attitude, understanding of the professional ethics, explore conscripts‘valuable orientations during the period of serving in the ranks, rate the influence of commanders to dynamics of the conscripts‘valuable orientations. In part one of the study the short review of research literature is presented. In part two special adopted questionnaire was prepared, that was filled by 68 conscripts and 14 commanders (officers and non-commissioned officers). In part three the data of research is represented and analyzed too. After separate findings were systematized, research showed that valuable orientations of conscripts are greatly changing during the period of serving. These orientations become far more similar to... [to full text]

Cultural planning as an instrument for locating Ontario provincial parks within the valuable landscape of a community: A case study of Sandbanks Provincial Park in Prince Edward County, Ontario

Fitzpatrick, Anne January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine if the relationship between a community and the nearby provincial park can be enhanced through the use of the cultural planning process. To address the research question a qualitative approach was used which included a case study, a document analysis, a questionnaire and a series of interviews. The subject of the case study was Sandbanks Provincial Park in Prince Edward County, Ontario. The findings illustrated that there are elements and applications of the cultural planning process that can assist a community in efforts to improve or work towards establishing a relationship with its local provincial park. The cultural planning process emphasizes the use of a broad definition of culture and encourages a community to produce an inventory of its cultural resources. This helps to illustrate the value a provincial park contributes to the landscape of an area. The cultural planning process also emphasizes the importance and potential for interaction and communication between different sectors of a community, including the provincial parks. Although Prince Edward County is a leader in cultural planning, it does not yet have a perfectly interactive relationship with its local provincial park. However, the plans, policies, forums and atmosphere produced by the cultural planning have established an environment that is conducive to improving the relationship between Sandbanks and the County. Based on the findings of this research, recommendations have been made to the County, Sandbanks Provincial Park and the Ontario Parks organization. This research will contribute to the literature that exists regarding cultural planning, valuable landscape models and relationships between a community and the nearby provincial park.

Cultural planning as an instrument for locating Ontario provincial parks within the valuable landscape of a community: A case study of Sandbanks Provincial Park in Prince Edward County, Ontario

Fitzpatrick, Anne January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine if the relationship between a community and the nearby provincial park can be enhanced through the use of the cultural planning process. To address the research question a qualitative approach was used which included a case study, a document analysis, a questionnaire and a series of interviews. The subject of the case study was Sandbanks Provincial Park in Prince Edward County, Ontario. The findings illustrated that there are elements and applications of the cultural planning process that can assist a community in efforts to improve or work towards establishing a relationship with its local provincial park. The cultural planning process emphasizes the use of a broad definition of culture and encourages a community to produce an inventory of its cultural resources. This helps to illustrate the value a provincial park contributes to the landscape of an area. The cultural planning process also emphasizes the importance and potential for interaction and communication between different sectors of a community, including the provincial parks. Although Prince Edward County is a leader in cultural planning, it does not yet have a perfectly interactive relationship with its local provincial park. However, the plans, policies, forums and atmosphere produced by the cultural planning have established an environment that is conducive to improving the relationship between Sandbanks and the County. Based on the findings of this research, recommendations have been made to the County, Sandbanks Provincial Park and the Ontario Parks organization. This research will contribute to the literature that exists regarding cultural planning, valuable landscape models and relationships between a community and the nearby provincial park.

Vertybinių orientacijų raiška pradinių klasių mokinių samprotavimuose apie kūrinio veikėją / An expression of valuable orientations in primary school children's reasoning about the literature character

Laučiūtė-Jankauskienė, Laura 24 September 2008 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Besikurianti informacinė visuomenė ir sparčiai vykstanti mokslo ir technikos pažanga keičia ne tik žmonių buitį, aplinką, bet ir savimonę, prioritetus (kaip vertybes). Dabartinė vertybinių orientacijų kaita kelia grėsmę prarasti pamatines vertybes . Todėl mokyklos, kaip vertybių internalizacijos tęsėjos, pareiga kuo įtaigiau ir patraukliau, integruoti dorinių vertybių sklaidą udgymo procese. Šiame magistro darbe analizuojama galimybė vertybių internalizacijos procese panaudoti vieną iš auklėjimo metodų – pavyzdį, paremta prozos kūrinių skaitymu ir samprotavimais apie kūrinio veikėjus. Šis metodas – tai būdas su pradinių klasių mokiniais nemoralizuojant kalbėtis apie vertybes, jų pasirinkimo galimybes, galimus padarinius. Problema. Iki šiol nėra ištirta, kaip pradinių klasių mokiniai išreiškia savo vertybines orientacijas samprotaudami apie prozos kūrinio veikėjus. Tyrimo objektas - vertybinių orientacijų raiška trečių – ketvirtų klasių mokinių samprotavimuose apie prozos kūrinio veikėją. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti vertybinių orientacijų raišką pradinių klasių mokinių samprotavimuose apie prozos kūrinio veikėją. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Apibendrinti vertybės sampratą filosofinėjė, psichologinėje ir pedagoginėje literatūroje; 2. Apibūdinti prozos kūrinio veikėjo analizės panaudojimo vertybių ugdymui galimybes; 3. Ištirti 3-4 klasės mokinių vertybinių orientacijų raišką samprotavimuose apie kūrinio veikėją. Tyrimo uždaviniaiTyrimo metodika. Tyrimas organizuotas 2008... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Significance of the theme. Nowadays when the whole informational society is creating itself very quickly there are no doubts that rapidly increasing progress of science ant technology exists as well. That obvious progress brought plenty changes into people lives, the way of their living and changed the direction of their valuable orientations. So there is a huge threat to lose foundational values. That is why school's obligation as a continuer's of values internalization is as much as possible suggestively and attractively integrates the distribution of honesty values info the whole educational process. The possibility to use just one educational method, in this case the method is an example's method, in the whole values internalization process is analysing in this master's work. This example's method is based on reading prose. This method is the best way to talk about all the values, the variety of values, the possibilities to choose them, without any moralization simply by reasoning about the prose characters. Problem of the theme. At this moment there are no comprehensive researches about the ways of expression of valuable orientations in primary school children's reasoning about the prose character. Object of the research. An expression of valuable orientations in the third and fourth grade pupils reasoning about the literature character Purpose of the research to describe the expression of valuable orientations in primary school children's reasoning about... [to full text]

Pradinių klasių mokinių laisvalaikis ir vertybinės orientacijos: situacija ir problemos / Post class activities and valuable orientation of primary school students: situation and problems

Hofšteterienė, Laima 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darniai vaikų raidai būtinos ne tik ekonominės, socialinės sąlygos, bet ir kultūrinis veiklumas bei aktyvumas. Šiandien, kalbėdami apie laisvalaikį ir vertybių ugdymą, susiduriame su nauja problema – vartojimo visuomene, kuri išreiškia gėrybių įsigijimą, jų eikvojimą, aplinkos ir žmogaus nuolatinį gyvenimo stiliaus konstravimą. Reikšmingais tampa tokie veiksmų rezultatai, kaip malonumas, pasitenkinimas, patrauklumas, o tam dažnai tarnauja laisvalaikis. Produktyviai leidžiamas laisvalaikis padeda žmogui visapusiškai tobulėti, formuotis vertybines nuostatas, o netinkamas laisvalaikio leidimo būdas gali destruktyviai veikti žmogų. Kuo žmogus jaunesnis, tuo ši problema opesnė, todėl pradinių klasių mokinių laisvalaikio nagrinėjimas tampa ypač aktualiu. Dabartiniai pokyčiai visuomenėje - gyvenimo tempas, įtempta tėvų darbo diena, informacinių technologijų tobulėjimas, žiniasklaida, vertybių perkainavimas, vartojimas kaip socialinė problema, daro stiprų poveikį vaikų laisvalaikiui ir vertybinių nuostatų formavimui(si). Infantiliai, tik vartotojiškai leidžiamas laisvalaikis, dažnai ne pagal mokinių amžių gaunama informacija destruktyviai veikia jų psichinę ir socialinę raidą bei vertybių formavimąsi. Tyrimo metodika Tyrime dalyvavo 570 respondentų – 470 pradinių klasių mokinių ir 100 jų tėvų. Tyrimas vyko 2 etapais: 2006 m. ir 2008 m. Tyrimo metodai: teoriniai, empiriniai, statistiniai. Darbo rezultatai aprobuoti tęstinėje tarptautinėje mokslinėje konferencijoje ,,Pasaulis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topicality of the subject The harmonious children‘s development needs not only economical and social conditions but also cultural activity. Today, when we are talking about leisure time and raising of values, we face a new problem – the society of users, which expresses the acquisition of wealth, the use of them, constant environment and person’s construction of a lifestyle. Pleasure, satisfaction, attractiveness become very important items which depend on the leisure time. Productively spent leisure time helps a person to improve and form values and unsuitable way of spending leisure time can have a negative impact on people. This problem is a sore subject among young learners in primary schools, therefore the analyses of pupils’ in primary schools leisure time becomes very urgent. The changes in society – the tempo of life, tight working hours of parents, the improvement of technologies, mass media, and the use of values as a social problem have a strong impact on children’s leisure and on the development of values. Improperly spent leisure, the information which children get is not to their age and it affects their physical and social development as well as formation of values. Methods of the research 570 participants – 470 pupils of primary education and 100 parents took part in the research. The research consisted of two stages: in 2006 and in 2008. The methods of research: theoretical, empirical, and statistical. The results of the research were approved in the... [to full text]

Vyresniųjų klasių mokinių tekstilės vartojimo kompetencijos / Elder class student’s competence of textile usage

Meškelė, Melita 08 June 2005 (has links)
The concept competence (lot – competentia dependence / according law) in international dictionary (2001) is explaining like the functional faculty to do certain activity in an adequacy, to have for it enough news, skills, and energy. Students, with pedagogical help, educating its common faculties, valuables attitudes during the training process and get technological competences in these usage ranges: in information, finances, security of products, laws and ecological. That’s why in primary school a lot of attention has to be paid to each student in education of use orientated topical life in public. The aim the work – is to investigate and to value elder class student’s competence of textile usage. The tasks of the investigation: 1. To create the investigation states and model for textile usage competence, according analyzed scientific and methodical literature in chosen theme. 2. To investigate the competence of textile usage among elder classes in three aspects: · realization of textile consumer news about strands, cloths, and products. · frequency of textile usage in practice of capability. · importance of value attitudes valuating itself like consumer. 3. To set factors, making influence on textile usage competence of elder class students. The research was done in January 2005, Antano Vienuolio and Mykolo Biržiškos gymnasiums, Simono Daukanto, “Versmės” and Trakų Vokės secondary schools in Vilnius, “Gabija” gymnasium in Mažeikiai, “Ryto” secondary school in Varėna, and... [to full text]

Energieffektivisering i kulturhistoriskt värdefull bebyggelse : Ett förslag på modell för utvärdering av energieffektiviserande åtgärder / Energy efficiency in historically valuable buildings : A proposed model for evaluation of actions regarding energy efficiency

Lindström, Ellen, Ideskog, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
Sveriges riksdag har beslutat att energianvändningen i bebyggelsen måste minskas. Detta gäller även den befintliga bebyggelsen till vilken den kulturhistoriskt värdefulla bebyggelsen hör. Vid energieffektivisering av kulturhistoriskt värdefull bebyggelse upplever ofta förvaltare att processen att välja energieffektiviserande åtgärd tar för lång tid. Detta beror på att det saknas ett rationellt sätt att jämföra olika åtgärders konsekvenser. Antikvarier har ofta en motsatt uppfattning och upplever att förvaltare många gånger ser mer till åtgärdens besparingspotential istället för dess påverkan på de kulturhistoriska värdena.  Syftet med examensarbetet är att göra jämförelsen av energieffektiviserande åtgärder i kulturhistoriskt värdefull bebyggelse mer överskådlig för förvaltare. Genom litteraturstudier, dokumentanalyser, intervjuer och fallstudie besvarades följande frågeställningar: - Vilka kulturhistoriska faktorer bör beaktas vid energieffektivisering i kultur­historiskt värdefull bebyggelse? - Hur kan energibesparande åtgärder utvärderas i en modell där hänsyn tas till energibesparingspotential och de kulturhistoriska faktorer som framkommit i första frågeställningen? - Hur används modellen från andra frågeställningen vid jämförelse av möjliga åtgärder i en befintlig byggnad? Kulturhistoriska faktorer identifierades och utgjorde grunden till den modell som sedan togs fram. Till respektive faktor kopplades kriterier med olika poängnivåer för utvärdering. En matris togs fram för att åskådliggöra utvärderingens resultat. För att visa på modellens funktion genomfördes en fallstudie där modellen användes på en befintlig byggnad. För att möjliggöra utvärdering av valda åtgärder genomfördes både observationer och beräkningar. Fallstudien genomfördes på Länsresidenset i Jönköping.  Resultatet av studien visar att reversibilitet, långsiktighet, påverkan på synintryck och upplevelse och påverkan på kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnadsdelar och detaljer är viktiga kultur­­­­­historiska faktorer att beakta vid energieffektivisering i kulturhistoriskt värdefull bebyggelse. Kriterier för utvärdering bör formuleras noggrant och generellt för att passa in på varje typ av åtgärd samt för att undvika subjektiv bedömning. För att erhålla en överskådlig jämförelse bör färger användas vid gradering. Dessutom bör viktning användas för att kunna anpassa prioriterings­graden av varje enskild faktor i en specifik byggnad. Efter utvärdering av åtgärder i en specifik byggnad bör specialister inom olika områden konsulteras för slutligt val av åtgärd. / The Swedish Parliament has decided that the energy consumption in buildings must be reduced. This also applies to existing buildings to which the historically valuable buildings belong. When improving energy efficiency in historically valuable buildings managers often experience that the process of choosing acts takes too long time because there is no rational way to compare different consequences of the acts. Antiquarians on the other hand, often have a different opinion and experiencing that managers often look more to the potential of savings rather than the impact on the cultural value. The aim of the essay was to make the comparison of energy efficiency acts in the historically valuable buildings more transparent for managers. Through literature study, document analysis, interviews and case study the following questions has been answered: - What cultural-historical factors should be taken into account at improving energy efficiency in the historically valuable buildings? - How can energy-saving acts be evaluated in a model which takes into account the potential of energy saving and the cultural factors identified in question 1? - How should the model from question 2 be used for comparisons of possible actions in an existing building? Cultural-historical factors were identified and formed the basis for the model that was developed. For each factor criteria was connected with different point levels for evaluation. A matrix was developed to visualize the result. To demonstrate the function of the model a case study was carried out where the model was used in an existing building. To enable evaluation of selected acts both observations and calculations were performed. The case study was performed at Länsresidenset in Jönköping. The results of the study shows that Reversibility, Long-sightedness, Impact on visual impressions and experience, Impact on historically valuable parts and details, and Other is important cultural factors to consider when improving energy efficiency in historically valuable buildings. Criteria for evaluation should be formulated carefully and generally to fit each type of action and to avoid subjective assessment. To obtain a perspicuous comparison colors should be used for grading. Furthermore, weighting should be used to adjust the priority level of each individual factor in a specific building. After evaluation of actions in a specific building has been done specialists in various fields should be consulted for final selection of acts.


Zazycki, Maria Amélia 06 April 2016 (has links)
In this work, chitin (CTN), chitosan (CTS) and activated carbon (AC) were used as adsorbents to recover metals (Au, Ni and Cu) from leachates of mobile phone wastes. The mobile phone wastes (contactors) were collected and characterized. The metals were extracted by thiourea leaching. The adsorption of metals from the leachates was studied according to the kinetic and equilibrium viewpoints. It was found that the contactors were composed by Au, Ni, Cu and Sn. The thiourea leaching provided extraction percentages of 68.6% for Au, 22.1% for Ni and 2.8% for Cu. Sn was not extracted. The leachate presented 17.5 mg L��1 of Au, 324.9 mg L��1 of Ni and 573.1 mg L��1 of Cu. The adsorption was fast, being the maximum time to attain the equilibrium of 120 min. The adsorption of Au, Ni and Cu onto CTN and AC followed the Langmuir model, while, the adsorption of these metals onto CTS followed the Freundlich model. Removal percentages higher than 95% were obtained for all metals, depending of the type and amount of adsorbent. It was demonstrated that the adsorption onto chitin, chitosan and activated carbon can be an alternative to recover valuable metals and purify the leachates of mobile phone wastes. / Neste trabalho, quitina, quitosana e carvão ativado foram utilizados como adsorventes para recuperar metais (Au, Ni e Cu) de lixiviados de contactores de telefones celulares. Os contactores foram coletados e caracterizados. Os metais foram extraídos por lixiviação com tioureia. A adsorção dos metais dos lixiviados foi estudada de acordo com a cinética e o equilíbrio. Verificou-se que os contactores são compostos por Au, Ni, Cu e Sn. A lixiviação com tioureia forneceu percentuais de extração de 68,6% para o Au, 22,1% para o Ni e 2,8% para o cobre. O Sn não foi extraído. O lixiviado apresentou 17,5 mg L-1 de Au, 324,9 mg L-1 de Ni e 573,1 mg L-1 de Cu. A adsorção foi rápida, sendo o tempo máximo para alcançar o equilíbrio de 120 min. A adsorção de Au, Ni e Cu sobre quitina e carvão ativado seguiu o modelo de Langmuir, enquanto que, a adsorção destes metais com a quitosana seguiu o modelo de Freundlich. Percentuais de remoção superiores a 95% foram obtidos para todos os metais, dependendo do tipo e da quantidade de adsorvente. Demonstrou-se que a adsorção em quitina, quitosana e carvão ativado pode ser uma alternativa para recuperar metais valiosos e purificar os lixiviados de resíduos de telefones celulares.

Att neka rivningslov enligt PBL 9 kap. 34 § 2 / Denied demolition permit by Planning and Building Act chapter 9 section 34 p. 2

Andersson, Anna-Lotta, Andersson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
För att skydda kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader från rivning används PBL 9 kap. 34 § 2 om byggnaden är placerad inom detaljplan eller områdesbestämmelser. Förarbeten till paragrafen är tydliga med att vad som definieras som kulturhistoriskt ska avgöras med hänsyn till lokala överväganden. När en ansökan om rivningslov inkommer till kommunen ska den prövas mot PBL 9 kap. 34 § 2. För att kunna neka rivning ska byggnaden uppfylla rekvisitet kulturhistoriskt värdefull. Det kulturhistoriskt värdefulla kan vara byggnaden i sig eller den helhetsmiljö byggnaden är en del utav. För att styrka det kulturhistoriska värdet används utlåtanden från muséer, kulturinventeringar, privata företag med bebyggelseantikvarisk kompetens och kommunens egna planer. Kommunernas kulturhistoriska planer och program är inte alltid uppdaterade, vilket ställer högre krav på kunskapen om kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader hos kommunernas tjänstepersoner. Studien tyder på att det finns en varierande kunskapsnivå bland tjänstepersonerna som deltagit i enkätundersökningen, i vissa fall förekommer feltolkningar av lagen. Det går inte att härleda kunskapsnivån till varken utbildning eller erfarenhet inom yrket. När tjänstepersonerna brister i kunskapen försvårar det kommunernas förutsättningar att följa lagens intentioner. För bedömning av en byggnads kulturhistoriska värde är bebyggelseantikvarisk kompetens till stor hjälp. Kommunerna bör uppdatera och utöka inventeringen av kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader för att kunna göra kvalificerade avvägningar när det gäller att neka eller bevilja rivningslov. Studien visar på brister när det gäller kommunens information till fastighetsägare om fastighetsägarens rättighet till ersättning vid nekat rivningslov. Det är dessutom ovanligt att kommunerna budgeterar för denna ersättning. Det är svårt att avgöra varför kommunerna brister i informationen till fastighetsägarna och om bristen av budget leder till sämre information. Faktum kvarstår dock, kommunen är skyldig att ersätta fastighetsägaren om skadan av det nekade rivningslovet uppfyller kvalifikationsgränsen betydande skada i förhållande till värdet på berörd del av fastigheten. Lagstiftningen är tydlig, men kunskapen behöver spridas bland Sveriges kommuner för att i större utsträckning möjliggöra bevarandet av kulturhistorsikt värdefulla byggnader. / To protect culturally valuable buildings from demolition Planning and Building Act chapter 9 section 34 p. 2 is used if the building is located within the detailed development plan or area regulations. Preparatory work on the section is clear that what is defined as cultural history must be decided regarding local considerations. When an application for demolition permit is submitted to the municipality, it must be tested against Planning and Building Act chapter 9 section 34 p. 2. To deny demolition, the building must meet the cultural heritage prerequisite. The cultural-historical value may be the building itself or the overall environment the building is part of. To prove the cultural-historical value, statements from museums, cultural inventories, private companies with building antiquarian competence and the municipality's own plans are used. The municipalities' cultural history plans and programs are not always updated, which places higher demand on the knowledge of culturally valuable buildings in the municipal's officials. The study indicates that there is a varying level of knowledge among the officials who participated in the survey, in some cases there are misinterpretations of the law. It is not possible to deduce the level of knowledge neither to education nor experience in the profession. When the officials knowledge is not sufficient municipalities make desitions in conflict with the intentions of the law. The competence of conservation officers is of good help for the building committee in assessing the cultural historical value of a buildning. Municipalities should update and expand the inventory of culturally valuable buildings to be able to make qualified assesments when it comes to denying or granting demolition permits. This study shows deficiencies in the municipality's information to property owners about their rights to compensation in the event of a denied demolition permit. Furthermore, it is unusual for municipalities to budget for this compensation. It is difficult to determine why the municipality's lack in information to property owners and whether the lack of budget leads to deficient information. However, the fact remains, the municipality is obliged to compensate the property owner if the damage of the refused demolition permit meets the qualification, significant damage in relation to the value of the affected part of the property. The legislation is clear, but the knowledge needs to be spread among Sweden's municipalities in order to enable the preservation of culturally valuable buildings.

Conflict, Resources and the Responsibility of Corporations : What responsibility do natural resources corporations that operate in conflict risk areas have to ensure that human rights are respected?

Andersson, Jennifer Maria Helena January 2016 (has links)
The thesis aims at analyzing the responsibility corporations, which are extracting valuable minerals from conflict risk and conflict affected areas, have in terms of respecting human rights. The thesis analyzes corporate responsibility mostly from a moral but also a legal perspective. In terms of the moral responsibility, the thesis has strategically chosen to examine the moral responsibility of corporations to respect human rights through the moral responsibility of their employees. The stance, that the thesis launches, is that the moral responsibility of the employees as individuals does transcend upon corporations making the business enterprise responsible for respecting human rights. The legal obligation of corporations in this matter is referred to domestic court decisions, which have ruled that corporations through business decisions have violated the human rights of affected individuals.  The theoretical framework is based on the principle of due diligence, which has proven to be crucial when incorporating management policies and risk-assessment mechanisms within the structure of corporations. Through the analysis of the Kimberley Certification Scheme, which is a state-to-state agreement with the aim to hinder conflict-diamonds from entering into the international market, a lack of due diligence framework suitable for corporations has been revealed. The scheme is flawed as it does not provide corporations extracting diamonds from conflict risk and conflict affected areas with a due diligence framework. The thesis draws the conclusion that corporations are both morally and legally responsible to respect human rights. In addition, the Kimberley Certification Scheme is a step to hinder conflict diamonds from entering into the international market. However, the scheme must be re-examined and elaborated into a framework where due diligence is included. These measures will allow corporations to operate with clear guidelines on how to extract valuable minerals in conflict risk and conflict affected areas whilst performing due diligence. Such an adjustment will allow corporations to avoid either directly or indirectly to finance actions, which could lead to human rights abuses.

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