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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den fysiska butikens värde i en förändrad detaljhandel : En kvalitativ studie av den svenska möbel- och heminredningsbranschen / The value of the physical store in a changing retail : A qualitative study of the Swedish furniture and home decoration industry

Nilsson, Terese, Nizic, Michaela, Wikingsson, Mathilda January 2017 (has links)
Digitaliseringens framfart har skapat en förändring i kundbeteende. Försäljning via e-handel har ökat alltmer vilket har setts som ett hot mot den fysiska butikens tillvaro. Andra antyder att digitalisering bör betraktas som en möjlighet för fysisk handel och komplement till en växande e-handel. Omnikanal är strategin där alla säljkanaler ses som en säljkanal för att ge en enhetlig varumärkesupplevelse. ”Fygital” strategi syftar till bryggan mellan den fysiska och digitala världen för att skapa upplevelserika butiksatmosfärer. Trots att e-handeln ligger i framkant med att möta och tillgodose konsumenters förändrade behov och förväntningar sker fortfarande största andelen inköp i svensk detaljhandel i fysisk butik. Likväl ställer digitaliseringens etablering nya krav på det fysiska butiksformatet. Syftet ämnar ur ett företagsperspektiv inom svenska möbel- och heminredningsbranschen skapa förståelse för hur upprätthållandet av den fysiska butiken kan vara värdeskapande åt varumärken, genom integrering mellan fysiska och digitala kanaler. Studien innehar en abduktiv forskningsansats, framförd med en hermeneutisk kunskapssyn och bygger på förståelse och tolkning. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna har formulerats i Värdediamanten vilken är en abstrakt redogörelse för hur kanalerna tillsammans kan vara värdeskapande och skapa större varumärkesupplevelser. Det empiriska materialet bottnar i kvalitativa, semistrukturerarde intervjuer med företagsrepresentanter från Rum21, Svenssons i Lammhult, Fröjd af Sverige och Royal Design. Studiens resultat visar att det finns en framtid för den fysiska kanalen i möbel- och heminredningbranschen eftersom sortimentet som tillhandahålls inbegriper sensoriska behov. Butiksformatet har ett stort marknadsföringsvärde men är i förändring. Mycket talar för mindre ytor med större fokus på service och butiksatmosfär. Digitala medel kan vara fördelaktiga även för fysisk kanal genom att visa upp sortiment, förenkla köpprocessen och öka tillgänglighet för interaktion mellan konsument och varumärken. Slutsatsen är att handelsföretag med fördel kan arbeta med en fygital kanal, hur det kan enhetliggöra, erbjuda större upplevelser och således vara värdeskapande för varumärken. / The digitalization has influenced a change in consumer behavior. The e-commerce has increased and the digitalization has been seen as a threat to the existence of physical stores. Others have thought it should be considered an opportunity for physical stores and use it as a complement to e-commerce. Within retail, omnichannel is a strategy for creating a unified message for consumers across all channels. ”Phygital” strategy is the mixture of the physical and digital world within the physical shopping environment to create memorable experiences. Although e-commerce is at the forefront in meeting consumers’ changing needs and expectations, most of the purchases in Swedish retail are still made in-store. Nevertheless, the establishment of digitalization requires other demands on the physical store. The study aims to create a comprehension from a business perspective within the Swedish furniture and home decoration industry, of how the physical store can create brand value through the integration of physical and digital channels. The study has an abductive approach conducted within the hermeneutical perception of knowledge and is based on understanding and interpreting. Based on theory, an abstract figure called ”The Diamond of Value” have been formulated, which describes how the physical and digital channels can contribute to greater brand experiences together and thus create value. The empirical material were collected through qualitative, semi-structured interviews with representatives from the Swedish brands Rum21, Svenssons i Lammhult, Fröjd af Sverige and Royal Design. The study shows that there is a future for the physical channel within the furniture and home decoration industry, as the range of products provided includes sensory needs. The physical store has a marketing value but the format is changing with smaller retail spaces with greater focus on service and physical environment. Digital resources can be beneficial even for physical channels by displaying assortment, simplifying the customer’s buying process and increasing accessibility for consumer and brand interaction. The conclusion is that retail companies can benefit from a phygital channel, it can unify, offer greater experiences and therefore create greater value for brands.

Vad är det som skapar värde? : En studie av den Schweiziska klockindustrin och dess värdeskapande faktorer / What is value creation? : A study of the Swiss watch industry and its value-creating factors

Lundgren, Sofia, Starke, Cecilia January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tiden är en av de äldsta mänskliga konstruktionerna och ett fenomen som människor alltid velat mäta. Detta har människan gjort genom alla tider med hjälp av allt från solur, astronomiska ur till mekaniska ur. I dagens moderna samhälle där människor har en ständig tillgång till displayer som visar hur mycket klockan är, fortsätter den Schweiziska klockindustrin att exportera för miljontals Schweiziska franc och efterfrågan tycks inte påverkas av de elektroniska prylarna och ”smartphones”. När tiden inte är det relevanta längre eller det som konsumenter strävar efter vid köp av en klocka, ställer vi oss frågan om vad det är som driver folk till att vara villiga att lägga ner så mycket pengar på en sådan produkt? Vad är det för värde som huvudsakligen uppfattas och varierar de mellan konsumenterna beroende på klockans syfte? Genom att undersöka faktorer inom de olika värdekategorierna Socialt-, Hedonistiskt- och Funktionellt värde, och med hjälp av två olika konsumenttyper, har författarna som avsikt att slutligen klargöra vilka faktorer som är mer eller mindre värdeskapande. Studien bidrar till en kartläggning och en kunskapsspridning om vilka faktorer som är mest värdeskapande, inte bara gällande klockor, men även för hela premiumindustrin. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera vilka faktorer som är av vikt och har betydelse för konsumenters uppfattning om värde när det gäller premiumprodukter. För att utreda detta har vi valt att fokusera på klockindustrin där vi avser undersöka och fastställa vilka faktorer som till högre eller lägre grad har betydelse för konsumentens uppfattning om vad som genererar ett värde. Genomförande: Studien har ett interpretativistiskt synsätt och är en deduktiv studie som karaktäriseras av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Empirin har samlats in genom ett bekvämlighetsurval med inslag av målstyrt urval. Sammanlagt har 9 intervjuer med privatpersoner genomförts. Slutsats: Studien visar på att de värdeskapande faktorerna varierar beroende på konsumenttyp samt deras syfte med köpet. Orsakerna till hur konsumenter uppfattar faktorer som värdeskapande beror på vad konsumenten strävar efter, hur insatt konsumenten är i ämnet samt dess bakgrund. De värdeskapande faktorerna går även att väva samman och utgör ofta ett ökat värde tillsammans. / Background: Time is one of the oldest constructions created by humans and a phenomenon that humans always wanted to measure. This has been done by humans throughout all ages, using everything from sundials, astronomical watches to mechanical watches. In today's modern society, where people have constant access to displays showing the time, the Swiss watch industry continues to export for millions of Swiss francs and the demand does not seem to be affected. When time is neither the factor nor the reason why people are buying a watch, what is causing people to spend money on such a product? What types of values are essentially perceived and do they vary between consumers depending on their purpose of the watch? By examining factors within the different categories of value; the Social-, the Hedonistic- and Functional value, and by using two different types of consumers’, the authors have the intention to clarify which factors are of more or less value- creating. The study contributes to a mapping and dissemination of knowledge about which factors are the most value creating ones, not only regarding watches, but for the entire premium industry. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify which factors are important and of significance to consumers' perception of value in terms of premium products. As a case for investigating this issue, the authors have chosen the watch industry where they intend to investigate and determine which factors are of higher or lower importance to the consumer's perception of what has generated value-creation. Completion: The study has an interpretative approach and is a deductible study characterized by a qualitative approach. The empirical data has been collected through a convenience sample with elements of a target sample. A total of 9 interviews with private individuals have been conducted. Conclusion: The study shows that the value-creating factors vary depending on the consumer type and their purpose of the purchase. The reasons for how consumers perceive factors as value creating depend on what the consumer strives for, how committed the consumer is to the subject and the consumer’s background. The value-creating factors can also be put together and often constitute an increased value.

Skivbolagens roll i musikbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om skivbolagens roll

Brdar, Minela, Eken, Sibel January 2017 (has links)
I takt med den digitala revolutionen har vidden av skivbolagens aktiviteter reducerats. Idag kan individer göra mycket på egen hand som skivbolagen traditionellt sett gjort för sina artister. Rollen som de spelar anses inte vara lika väsentlig i en artists karriär till följd av digitaliseringen.       Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för hur skivbolagens roll ser ut i en digitaliserad och tjänst-dominerad musikbransch. För att kunna besvara syftet har tre semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts, varav en består av två respondenter. Intervjuerna genomfördes med skivbolagen Universal Music, Amuse och ett independent bolag i Stockholm.      Studiens empiri visar att aktiviteterna som skivbolag utför är anpassat utefter digitala medier, samt att alla respondenter menar att även om artister i dagsläget kan göra allting själva, är det lättare att lyckas med hjälp av ett skivbolag.      Slutsatserna som nåtts är att skivbolagens roll ser ut på det viset att de är artisternas partner, som innebär att de är med dem, och inte för dem. Rollen skivbolagen har i en digitaliserad och tjänst-dominerad musikbransch innebär att de erbjuder artisterna kunskap, kontakter och kapital. Skivbolagens roll har försvagats inom de traditionella aktiviteterna marknadsföring och distribution, och anses istället finnas som stöd och komplement inom dessa aktiviteter. Skivbolagens roll har istället blivit viktigare när det gäller att upptäcka, bygga samt driva artisternas karriärer. / With the digital revolution, the scope of record labels’ activities have been reduced. Today, individuals can do a lot on their own, that record labels have traditionally done for their artists. The role they played is not considered as important in the career of an artist today, due to digitization.      The aim of this essay is to examine and create insight on how record labels’ role looks like in a digitalized and serice-dominated music industry. To do this, three interviews have been carried out, whereof one interview included two respondents. The interviews were held with the record labels Universal Music, Amuse and an independent label in Stockholm.      The results show that the activities that record labels perform are adjusted according to digital media. The results also show that all of the respondents claim that even though artists today can do everything on their own, it is easier to succeed with the help of a record label.      The conclusion is that the record labels’ role is that they are partners with their artists, which means that they are with them, and not for them. The role record labels have in a digitalized and service-dominated music industry is that they offer knowledge, connections and capital to their artists. The record labels’ role has been weakened within the traditional activities marketing and distribution. Instead, they are regarded as existing as a support and complement within these activities. The record labels’ role has therefore become more important in finding, building and operating artists’ careers.

Les stratégies de localisation et la création de valeur des fusions-acquisitions internationales / Location strategies and value creation of international mergers and acquisitions

Chalençon, Ludivine 25 November 2014 (has links)
La globalisation des marchés et les mutations de l’environnement économique incitent les entreprises à accélérer leur expansion internationale par le biais de fusions-acquisitions. Si ces opérations de croissance externe présentent des avantages certains, elles ne sont pas sans risque et leurs performances restent contrastées. Cette recherche doctorale porte sur la localisation et la création de valeur des fusions-acquisitions réalisées par des entreprises françaises. L’analyse proposée comporte deux volets : (1) l’étude de l’influence exercée par les caractéristiques du pays de la cible sur le choix de l’acquéreur d’entreprendre des opérations dans les pays matures ou émergents ; (2) l’identification des déterminants de la création de valeur des fusions-acquisitions relatifs aux caractéristiques de l’acquéreur, de la cible et de l’opération, suivant leur localisation. L’étude empirique est fondée sur un échantillon de 395 fusions-acquisitions réalisées entre 2010 et 2012 par des acquéreurs du SBF 120. Les analyses statistiques effectuées (principalement des régressions logistiques et des études d’événements) montrent que les facteurs caractérisant le pays de la cible, et particulièrement la qualité des institutions, sont déterminants dans le choix de l’acquéreur de procéder à des opérations dans des pays matures ou émergents. Les résultats révèlent également que les variables associées à l’acquéreur et à l’opération exercent une influence significative sur la création de valeur des opérations, à la différence des facteurs liés à la cible qui ne semblent pas jouer un rôle majeur. / Market globalization and the evolution of the economic environment motivate companies to accelerate their international expansion through mergers and acquisitions. These external growth operations have important advantages, but they also generate risks and their performance remains mixed. This doctoral research focuses on the location and value creation of mergers and acquisitions conducted by French companies. The presented analysis has two components: (1) studying the influence of the characteristics of the target country on the choice of acquirers to conduct operations in mature or emerging countries; (2) identifying the determinants of value creation of mergers and acquisitions related to the characteristics of the acquirer, the target and the operation, according to their location. The empirical study is based on a sample of 395 operations realized between 2010 and 2012 by acquirers listed on the SBF 120 index. The statistical analysis (mainly logistic regressions and event studies) shows that factors characterizing the target country, particularly the quality of institutions, are determinant for the acquirer’s choice to realize mergers and acquisitions in mature or emerging countries. The results also indicate that variables concerning the acquiring company and the operation have a significant influence on the value creation of mergers and acquisitions, unlike factors associated with the targets, which do not seem to play an essential role.

Vägen till omnikanal : En studie om hur företag inom detaljhandeln arbetar för att nå en enhetlig upplevelse mellan de fysiska och digitala kanalerna

Vainio Lundin, Ida, Lindqvist, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
Stora förändringar inom detaljhandeln under de senaste åren har förändrat både hur företag arbetar och hur konsumenter beter sig som följd. Digitaliseringen av samhället har resulterat i att konsumenter numera är mer uppkopplade och handlar via fler kanaler än vad de tidigare gjort. Detta har ställt krav på företagen att kunna erbjuda en sömlös köpupplevelse för sina konsumenter - något som kallas för omnikanal. Det innebär att konsumenten ska kunna kommunicera med företaget när, var och hur den vill och kräver en integration av företagets samtliga kanaler. Företag som tidigare arbetat med fler kanaler var för sig, behöver nu utveckla och förbättra sina existerande affärsmodeller för att kunna möjliggöra detta. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för vilka faktorer som är särskilt viktiga för företag inom detaljhandeln att ta hänsyn till vid utveckling av deras nuvarande affärsmodeller för att kunna erbjuda en enhetlig upplevelse mellan deras fysiska och digitala kanaler. Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med företag som på något sätt arbetar med omnikanal inom detaljhandeln. Slutsatsen visar att det finns tre faktorer som är särskilt viktiga att ta hänsyn till vid utvecklande av företagens affärsmodeller. Dessa tre faktorer har identifierats som implementering av teknologi i den fysiska miljön, en starkare relation till konsumenten samt ett behov av att organisera sig på ett nytt sätt. / Major changes in retailing in the recent years have changed how both companies work and how consumers behave as a result. The digitalization of the society has resulted in consumers who now are more connected and buy through more channels than they have before. Companies now have to offer a seamless shopping experience for their consumers - which is called omnichannel. This means that the consumer should be able to communicate with the company whenever, wherever and however it wants and requires an integration of all of the company’s channels. Companies that previously have worked with multiple channels as separated are now in the need of developing and improving their existing business models in order to make this possible. The aim of this study is to create an understanding of which factors that are particularly important for companies in retail to take into account in developing their current business models in order to offer a unified experience between their physical and digital channels. This study is based on a qualitative research method where five semistructured interviews have been conducted with companies that somehow work with omnichannel in retail. The conclusion shows that there are three factors of particular importance to consider when developing the companies business models. These three factors have been identified as implementation of technology in the physical environment, a stronger relationship to the customer and a need to organize in a new way.

Criação de valor para o cliente: um estudo exploratório sobre programas de Key Account Management (KAM) / Customer value creation: an exploratory study on Key Account Management (KAM) programs

Bruno Bordeaux Rego 13 April 2016 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, a maturidade de alguns mercados, a globalização e o crescente poder de barganha dos clientes aumentam ainda mais a necessidade das empresas em manterem e desenvolverem de forma eficaz seus clientes mais importantes. Neste contexto, ganham relevância os programas de Key Account Management (KAM), iniciativas corporativas que tratam de forma especial os clientes mais importantes do fornecedor. Para obter o desempenho financeiro superior, o programa de KAM precisa criar valor para o cliente para posterior apropriação de valor pelo fornecedor. Contudo, a maioria dos estudos enfatiza a apropriação de valor pelo fornecedor, porém poucas pesquisas investigam a criação de valor para o cliente em programas de KAM. Além disso, a maioria das pesquisas em marketing de relacionamento ainda foca muito nos impactos positivos do relacionamento. Dessa forma, é importante analisar empiricamente como é a implementação da criação de valor para o cliente em programas de KAM, identificando as principais dimensões e os fatores críticos. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o processo de criação de valor para o cliente em programas de Key Account Management (KAM) e propor um modelo de criação de valor para o cliente segundo a perspectiva da empresa fornecedora. As análises e o modelo são elaborados a partir de um processo de investigação abdutiva, ou seja, a combinação entre a fundamentação teórica sobre o conceito de valor e programas de KAM e a análise de conteúdo de 22 entrevistas em profundidade com especialistas em programas de KAM, profissionais de marketing/vendas que trabalham por pelo menos cinco anos com programas de KAM em grandes empresas no Brasil. O modelo proposto explica de forma integrada e sistemática como é a criação de valor para o cliente em programas de KAM segundo cinco dimensões (Desenvolvimento de relacionamentos; Entendimento dos direcionadores de valor; Desenvolvimento da proposta de valor; Comunicação da proposta de valor; e mensuração de valor), quatro moderadores (Orientação relacional do cliente; Formalização do programa de KAM para o cliente; Abordagem do fornecedor: \"orientada ao cliente\" vs. \"orientar o cliente\"; e Fit estratégico entre o fornecedor e o cliente) e três riscos (Não entrega do valor básico para o cliente; Rotatividade do Key Account Manager; e Sentimento de injustiça do cliente). Contribui-se com a teoria sobre o tema, ao incluir uma dimensão específica no modelo para desenvolvimento de relacionamentos do nível da díade (organização-organização) e indivíduo (funcionário-funcionário), e ao abordar não somente aspectos positivos do relacionamento, mas também os aspectos negativos (ou riscos da criação de valor para o cliente). Contribui-se também para a prática, ao prover uma visão mais ampla, sistemática e integradora dos diversos elementos da criação de valor para o cliente aos executivos das empresas que possuem programas de KAM, e ao recomendar práticas organizacionais que servem como guias para a tomada de decisão dos gestores de programas de KAM. Ademais, como a parte empírica do estudo é baseada no contexto brasileiro, amplia-se o conhecimento sobre KAM no Brasil. Por fim, apresentam-se as limitações do estudo com a agenda de pesquisas futuras / In recent decades, with the maturity of some markets, globalization and increasing power of the customers is becoming more important for the companies to maintain and develop effectively their most important customers. In this context, increases the relevance of Key Account Management (KAM) programs, a corporate initiative that performs special treatment to the most important supplier\'s customers. To obtain the superior financial performance, the KAM program improves the customer value creation for the value appropriation by the supplier. However, the majority of studies emphasize the value appropriation by the supplier, but few researches investigate the customer valuer creation on KAM programs. In addition, most of relationship marketing research still focuses much on the positive impacts of the relationship. Thus, it is important to empirically analyze how the implementation of customer value creation on KAM programs, identifying the main dimensions and the critical factors. The aim of this study is to analyze the customer value creation process on Key Account Management programs (KAM) and to propose a model of customer value creation from the supplier perspective. The analysis and the model are made through an abductive research process that combines the theoretical framework of the value concept and KAM programs, and content analysis of 22 in-depth interviews with experts on KAM programs, marketing or sales professionals who work for at least five years with KAM programs in large companies in Brazil. The proposed model explains in an integrated and systematic way the customer value creation on KAM programs according to five dimensions (Relationships development; Value drivers understanding; Value proposition development; Value proposition communication; and Value measurement), four moderators (Customer relational orientation; Formalization of the KAM program for the customer; Supplier approach: \"customer driven\" vs. \"customer driving\"; and strategic fit between the supplier and the customer) and three risks ( Not delivering the basic customer value; the Key Account Manager turnover; and Perceived injustice by the customer). The study contributes to the KAM theory through the inclusion of a specific dimension for the development of dyad relationships (organization-organization) and individual relationships (employee-employee) in the model, and through not only addressing the positive aspects of the relationship, but also the negatives (or customer value creation risks). It contributes also to the practice by providing a broader, systematic and integrating view of the several elements of customer value creation to executives of companies that have KAM programs, and recommending organizational practices that can be drivers for the decision making of KAM programs managers. Moreover, as the empirical part of the study is based in the Brazilian context, it broadens the knowledge of KAM in Brazil. Finally, we present study limitations with the future research agenda

La participation du consommateur dans les services financiers : Dynamiques et évolutions / Customer participation in financial services : Dynamics and evolution

Ozcan, Meral 06 October 2017 (has links)
Ce travail comprend une analyse détaillée des pratiques managériales des communautés virtuelles dans le secteur banquier. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux dynamiques managériales de la co-production parce que la plupart des études liées à la coproduction concernent les produits et les consommateurs. De plus, la littérature actuelle sur la coproduction manque des investigations empiriques dans les services financiers. Nous avons commencé par proposer des définitions pour pouvoir comprendre et analyser les concepts que nous mobilisons. La participation des clients a été définie comme la mesure dans laquelle le client est impliqué dans la production et le dévouement du service (Dabholkar, 1990). La coproduction est également définie comme engageant les clients en tant que participants actifs dans le travail de l'organisation (Lengnick Hall et al, 2000). Nous avons identifié quatre courants importants qui expliquent chronologiquement la participation du consommateur au développement de nouveaux produits/services: Marketing des services, l’approche managériale, la participation basée sur l’innovation, l’approche qui critique la participation du consommateur. La question de recherche centrale est "Comment et pourquoi les banques engagent-elles leurs clients dans un processus de co-production?" Nous avons identifié quatre dimensions au début de la recherche pour pouvoir comprendre les dynamiques managériales. Les dimensions étaient l’objectif, le processus, les résultats et les problèmes de la participation du consommateur. Nous avons décidé d’étudier cinq différentes institutions financières Européennes. Nous avons réalisé une conception de recherche des études de cas multiples afin de répondre à cette question dans un contexte financier. Nous avons identifié différents types de communautés chacune ayant des fonctions et des objectifs différents : communautés de recherche, communautés d'innovation, communauté de coopération ouverte avec des activités. Ces trois types de communauté ont des processus différents. La deuxième découverte est liée à l'évolution de ces communautés avec le temps. Certaines communautés (ING et Cetelem) ont évolué; Nous voyons une transformation de ces communautés selon les besoins et les priorités des institutions financières. Quant aux caractéristiques de ces institutions, processus et problèmes, l'analyse de ces banques montre que trois dynamiques importantes alimentent la construction et la gestion d'une communauté dans un contexte financier: client-centricité, soutien managérial et besoin d'innovation. D’après nos observations, le problème principal porte sur la gestion de la communauté. Il est difficile de gérer une communauté ouverte où n'importe qui peut venir et publier des idées et des critiques négatives. Les problèmes techniques, bureaucratiques et budgétaires existent aussi. La recherche, l'innovation et la coproduction de nouveaux produits et services sont les motifs les plus courants. Cependant, les motivations des communautés ouvertes étaient plus liées aux affaires. Le principal motif d'ouverture des communautés était la réduction des coûts, outre la réduction des coûts, l'augmentation de la fidélité des consommateurs, le contact plus étroit avec les clients, leur engagement et l'attribution de nouvelles tâches à la communauté. Comme indiqué plusieurs fois par Von Hippel (2006) et Kozinets (1999), les communautés en ligne sont des mécanismes efficaces pour l’étude du marché. En plus, les communautés sont également importantes pour accroitre la notoriété de la marque (Seraj 2012), la visibilité et la meilleure communication interne et la coopération (Ramasvamy et Gouillart 2010), le partage du savoir-faire et l'élimination des barrières entre les différents départements. / This work investigates managerial dynamics of customer participation and its evolution in financial context. We are interested in managerial dynamics because most of the studies related in co-production is about consumers and the current literature on co-production lacks empirical investigations in financial services. Despite its increasing popularity in the last decade co-production is not a new phenomenon. Customer participation has existed since a very long period of time especially in services marketing and is still evolving in different industries. The following definitions have been adopted for this research. Customer participation has been defined as "the degree to which the customer is involved in producing and delivering the service" (Dabholkar 1990, p. 484). Lengnick–Hall et al (2000) define co-production as “engaging customers as active participants in the organization’s work”. A comprehensive analysis of marketing literature about co-production and consumer participation issues leads us to four different approaches: a services marketing approach focusing on largely customer participation, a managerial approach that puts the customer at the center of co-creation process, an innovative approach where the customer actively takes part in innovation, a critical approach focusing on working consumer concept. The central question for the research is “How and why do banks engage their customers in co-production? Four constructs have been selected in order to answer this question: motives, processes problems and outcomes. Five European banks have been selected for the study. A detailed multiple case study analysis revealed three different community types: market research communities, Innovation communities, Cooperation communities. Another contribution is about the evolution of these communities in time. Some communities (ING and Cetelem) evolved according to needs and priorities of financial institutions. The analysis of these banks shows that three important dynamics feed building and managing a community in financial context: customer centricity, managerial support and the need for innovation. In addition, these three different community types have different processes. Problems of community management in financial industry are also investigated in detail in order to better answer “how” question. Besides financial, technical and organizational problems, the most important problem seems to be the management of open and harsh criticisms. The second important problem is the efficient community management in financial industry. In addition, internal dynamics, complexity and intangibility of financial services and resistance to change may also complicate effective community management. According to our findings, motives of financial institutions are not much different from motives of other companies. Research, innovation and co-production of new products and services are most common motives. However motives of open communities were different, they were more business related. Main motive for open communities was cost-cutting, besides cost-cutting, increasing consumers’ loyalty, having a closer contact with clients, engaging them and assigning the community new tasks are also important motives. According to our findings, there are also common and different outcomes for these three different communities. As stated several times by Von Hippel (2006) and Kozinets (1999) online communities are efficient mechanisms for marketing research. Our findings also supported their results. Besides, communities are also important in increasing brand awareness (Seraj 2012), visibility and better internal communication and cooperation (Ramasvamy and Gouillart 2010), know-how sharing and breaking down the barriers between different departments.

The Future of Print Subscribers : A Stable Resource or just Wishful Thinking?

Nilsson, Karin January 2020 (has links)
The same digital forces that are changing the Communications, Information, Media and Entertainment industries in general are radically changing newspaper companies in particular by changing their value chain. Newspapers are seeing their dominance erode when Internet and digitization are fundamentally changing and disrupting their traditional business models.  There is a clear collectively decline in news consumption, and with that the news organizations’ roles in society are changing. Moreover, the reduced consumption of news puts pressure on the newspaper’s economy with shrinking revenues and increasing costs. The transformation of the newspaper into a purely digital business has been in progress under the past decade and it is rapidly accelerating.   The subscribers of the printed morning newspaper have historically been characterized by a high degree of loyalty and engagement as well as a low price sensitivity. They constitute an attractive group for the newspaper to keep as digital subscribers in a possible future situation where the printed newspaper no longer can be provided.  Thus, the purpose of this study is to find out to what extent the studied newspaper company can rely on the existing print subscribers to stay as digital subscribers and count them as a stable resource, that is as a part of the future digital subscription revenues.

Covid-19: främjare eller hämmare av digitalisering i arbetssystem : En fallstudie om digital transformation och digital motståndskraft i en svensk nischbank

Moisander, Agnes January 2020 (has links)
The study was conducted in an information system according to the definition of a worksystem, in a swedish niche bank. Where the effects of the current pandemic and its consequences regarding digital transformation and digital resilience have been investigated.These two have previously been studied, but received increased attention during the outbreak, since digitization, adaptation and innovation now are considered of high importance for survival. All these are found in the concepts of digital transformation and digital resilience.  A qualitative case study with an abductive approach was conducted to examine previous topics where several interviews took place with selected employees from different areas of expertise. The results have shown that many changes during the pandemic are of high importance to survive, now a digital focus and innovations needs to be applied and this way of thinking will continue long after the pandemic. Nevertheless, the company investigated has not yet implemented any major changes, even though awareness of these has increased and opened up for discussion regarding changes in the future. As many new opportunities arise, these should have been used to improve many aspects of the business, but instead development of internal processes improved the most. One reason for this is the obligation to work remotely because it is required during these circumstances. But there is also potentialfor the development of the business regarding customers not only internally. Because all the changes companies identify should also affect the customers, target groups and markets. / Studien har genomförts på ett informationssystem utefter definitionen av arbetssystem i en svensk nischbank. Där har rådande pandemis effekter undersökts i dess konsekvenser gällande digital transformation och digital motståndskraft. Dessa två är något som tidigare studerats inom informatik, men fått ökad uppmärksamhet i och med Covid-19 eftersom digitalisering, anpassning, återhämtning och nya digital innovationer anses som ett måste för att går stärkt ur eller överleva pandemin. Alla dessa måsten återfinns i begreppen digital transformation och digital motståndskraft. Undersökningen har tillämpat en kvalitativ fallstudie med abduktiv ansats för att undersöka detta, där intervjuer har genomförts med nyckelpersoner från olika områden inom arbetssystemet. Resultatet har visat på att många förändringar har uppmärksammats av pandemin, att ett digitalt fokus och innovationer behöver tillämpas och detta tankesätt kommer företaget föra med sig efter pandemin. Det har trots detta inte genomfört några större förändringar ännu även om medvetenheten har ökat och en diskussion har öppnats. Eftersom det tillkommit nya möjligheter borde dessa nyttjats inom flera delar och områden, men detsom varit i fokus är främst utvecklingen av interna processer, det vill säga verksamheten. Detta för att kunna bedriva arbete på distans som varit ett krav i dessa omständigheter. Därmed finns det potential att även utveckla affären mer framöver eftersom alla förändringar som företag upplever, borde också påverka kunderna, målgrupper och marknader.

Conceptual approach to operationalize value creation in industrial service-dominant business models

Prielipp, Riccardo, Wilsky, Philipp, Fischer, Daniel, Göhlert, Nadine, Riedel, Ralph 21 October 2021 (has links)
There is an obstacle in the process of business model operationalization due to different perspectives between strategic- and business-view and the realizing designer’s and engineer’s view. While ideation and key patterns are designed from business-view, process designers and engineers are responsible for the implementation. This transition is complex and there are often iterations needed, although the services which are designed in different companies are often quite similar. Due to a lack of methodical assistance, cross-company scaling effects cannot be used and project efforts for realization of digital service-dominant business models remain high for each company. This article provides a concept for transforming generic service-dominant digital business models into conceptual process models including the involved resources. It covers various aspects of the business model and connects value proposition with required data, processes and resources. In this manner it can enable cross-company scaling effects for the conception of service-dominant digital business models.:1 Structured Abstract 2 Keywords 3 Author Details 4 Acknowledgements 5 Article Classification 6 Contents 6a Introduction 6b Methodological approach 6c Key insights 6d Discussion and conclusions 7 References / Ein Hindernis bei der Operationalisierung von Geschäftsmodellen sind die unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zwischen der strategischen und geschäftlichen Sichtweise und der Sichtweise der realisierenden Designer und Ingenieure. Während Geschäftsideen und Muster maßgeblich aus der Unternehmenssicht entworfen werden, sind Prozessdesigner und Ingenieure für die Umsetzung verantwortlich. Dieser Übergang ist komplex und oftmals mit vielen Iterationen verbunden, obwohl sich die entworfenen Dienstleistungen in verschiedenen Unternehmen ähneln. Aufgrund mangelnder methodischer Unterstützung können unternehmensübergreifende Skalierungseffekte nicht genutzt werden und der Projektaufwand für die Realisierung digitaler dienstleistungsdominierter Geschäftsmodelle bleibt für jedes Unternehmen hoch. Dieser Beitrag liefert ein Konzept zur Transformation von generischen dienstleistungsdominierten digitalen Geschäftsmodellen in konzeptionelle Prozessmodelle unter Einbeziehung der beteiligten Ressourcen. Es deckt verschiedene Aspekte des Geschäftsmodells ab und verbindet das Wertversprechen mit den erforderlichen Daten, Prozessen und Ressourcen. Auf diese Weise können unternehmensübergreifende Skalierungseffekte bei der Konzeption von dienstleistungsdominierten digitalen Geschäftsmodellen realisiert werden.:1 Structured Abstract 2 Keywords 3 Author Details 4 Acknowledgements 5 Article Classification 6 Contents 6a Introduction 6b Methodological approach 6c Key insights 6d Discussion and conclusions 7 References

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