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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo das alterações da resposta vasodilatadora e vasoconstritora em aortas de ratas diabéticas e os mecanismos envolvidos. / Study of the alterations of the vasodilator and the vasoconstrictor responses in aortas of the diabetic female rats and the mechanisms involved.

Simone Marcieli Sartoretto 12 August 2009 (has links)
Trinta dias após a indução do diabetes, em aortas com endotélio (E+) de ratas diabéticas (DB), a Rmáx ao cloreto de potássio (KCl) foi reduzida e a resposta à noradrenalina (NA) foi semelhante as controles (CT). A retirada do endotélio (E-) potencializou a resposta ao KCl e NA, porém essa potencialização foi de menor magnitude em DB. A Rmáx à NA em aortas E+: não foi alterada após o seqüestro de ânion superóxido ou inibição da síntese de óxido nítrico (NO) em DB, nas CT esta resposta foi reduzida e aumentada, respectivamente, e foi reduzida apenas nas DB após o bloqueio dos receptores para endotelina (ET). A mobilização de cálcio (Ca2+) em resposta à NA foi reduzida em aorta E+ e E- de DB. Em aortas de ratas diabéticas, as alterações no aparato contrátil, como por exemplo. A redução da mobilização de Ca2+, podem ser responsáveis pela redução da resposta contrátil e a redução da modulação do NO sobre a resposta à NA ou o aumento da liberação de ET pelo endotélio podem ser os responsáveis pela manutenção da resposta à NA. / Thirty days after induction of diabetes, in aortas with endothelium (E+) of diabetic female rats (DB), the maximum response (Rmax) to potassium chloride (KCl) was reduced and the Rmax to noradrenaline (NE) was similar to controls (CT). The endothelium (E-) removal increased the response to KCl and NE, but this increase was of a lower magnitude in DB than in CT. In aortas E+, the Rmax to NA: was not altered by superoxide anion scavenger or nitric oxide (NO) synthesis inhibition in DB, whereas in CT this response is reduced or increased, respectively, and was reduced only in DB after endothelin (ET) receptor blockade. The mobilization of the calcium (Ca2+) in response to NE was reduced in aortas E+ and E- of the DB. In aortas of DB, the alterations in the contractile apparatus, for example, reduction of the Ca2+ mobilization may be responsible for the reduction of the vasoconstriction. The reduction of NO modulation upon the response to NE or the increase of the ET release can be the responsible for the maintenance of the contractile response to NE.

Contribuição da interleucina 33 nas alterações vasculares mediadas pelo tecido adiposo perivascular em camundongos submetidos à dieta hiperlipídica / Interleukin 33 contributes to vascular functional changes mediated by the perivascular adipose tissue in mice submitted to high-fat diet

Rafael Menezes da Costa 26 January 2018 (has links)
A obesidade desencadeia mudanças funcionais no tecido adiposo perivascular (PVAT), favorecendo a liberação de fatores vasoconstritores e consequente ativação de mecanismos contráteis em células vasculares. A sinalização da interleucina 33 (IL-33) via receptor ST2 é essencial para o desenvolvimento e manutenção de células T reguladoras (Tregs) no tecido adiposo visceral. Na obesidade a função das Tregs é comprometida, resultando em estresse oxidativo e inflamação do tecido adiposo. No presente estudo testamos a hipótese que dieta rica em gordura diminui os níveis e a função da IL-33 no PVAT, levando à diminuição do número e função de Tregs, estresse oxidativo e inflamação neste tecido. Camundongos deficientes para o receptor ST2 (ST2 KO) e seus respectivos controles (Balb/C) receberam dieta controle ou hiperlipídica (HFD, high fat diet) durante 18 semanas. A função vascular foi avaliada em anéis de artérias mesentéricas, em presença ou ausência de PVAT, realizando-se curvas concentração-efeito para fenilefrina. Os seguintes grupos experimentais foram analisados: Controle PVAT (-), Controle PVAT (+), HFD PVAT (-) e HFD PVAT (+). Em artérias de camundongos Balb/C que receberam dieta controle, o PVAT diminuiu a resposta contrátil a fenilefrina. No entanto, HFD promoveu perda parcial do efeito anticontrátil promovido por este tecido. Em camundongos ST2 KO que receberam dieta controle, o PVAT diminuiu a resposta contrátil a fenilefrina. No entanto, a ausência de receptores ST2 em camundongos que receberam HFD levou à perda completa do efeito anticontrátil do PVAT. Houve diminuição do número de Tregs e aumento do número de neutrófilos no PVAT de camundongos alimentados com HFD. A incubação com IL-33 recombinante não reverteu a perda do efeito anticontrátil do PVAT promovido pela HFD. Aumento nos níveis séricos e teciduais de IL-6, bem como redução nos níveis de IL-10, foram observados em animais ST2 KO. Houve aumento nos níveis de ânion superóxido no PVAT de camundongos Balb/C alimentados com HFD e a ausência do receptor ST2 potencializou este efeito. Estes dados, analisados em conjunto, indicam que HFD compromete o papel modulador do PVAT e que IL-33 via receptor ST2 tem fundamental importância para a função do PVAT nesta condição experimental. / Obesity triggers functional changes in the perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT), favoring the release of vasoconstrictor factors. Interleukin-33 (IL-33) signaling, via ST2 receptor, is essential for the development and maintenance of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the visceral adipose tissue. In obesity, Tregs function is compromised, resulting in adipose tissue inflammation. We hypothesized that high fat diet (HFD) decreases the number and function of Tregs and increases inflammation in the PVAT. Mice deficient for the ST2 receptor (ST2 KO) and their respective controls (Balb/C mice) were fed a control diet or a HFD for 18 weeks. Vascular function was evaluated in mesenteric resistance arteries, by performing concentration-effect curves to phenylephrine (PE). In Balb/C mice fed the control diet, PVAT decreased vascular PE contractions. However, a partial loss of PVAT anticontractile effect occurred in arteries from HFD-fed Balb/C mice. In arteries from ST2 KO mice fed the control diet, PVAT decreased PE contractions. However, a complete loss of PVAT anticontractile effects was observed in HFD-fed ST2 KO mice. There was a decrease in the number of Tregs and an increase in the number of neutrophils in the PVAT of mice fed the HFD. The absence of the IL-33 receptor increased IL-6 and reduced IL-10 in HFD-fed mice. There was an increase in superoxide anion levels in the PVAT of Balb/C mice fed HFD and the absence of the ST2 receptor potentiated this effect. These data show that HFD promotes PVAT dysfunction and IL-33 is fundamental to counteract HFD-induced PVAT dysfunction.

Consequências dos tratamentos realizados com celecoxibe, -tocoferol ou losartan sobre a reatividade em carótidas de ratos submetidos à lesão com cateter balão / Consequences of the treatments performed with celecoxib, -tocopherol or losartan on the carotid of reactivity in rats subjected to injury with balloon catheter.

Bruno Nunes do Vale 27 August 2009 (has links)
A lesão por balão cateterismo é um procedimento comumente utilizado para o estudo dos mecanismos de restenose. O estresse mecânico produzido pela passagem do balão promove alterações tanto na artéria lesada quanto na artéria contra-lateral. Observou-se um aumento da densidade de neurônios que contêm neuropeptídeos como a Substância P (SP) e o Peptídeo Relacionado com o Gene da Calcitonina (CGRP) na artéria contra-lateral à lesão, o que evidencia a ocorrência de um processo neurocompensatório. Observou-se ainda um aumento da reatividade desta artéria à fenilefrina (Phe) e à angiotensina II (Ang II) após 4 e 15 dias da lesão, respectivamente. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar as conseqüências dos tratamentos com celecoxibe (inibidor seletivo da enzima COX-2), -tocoferol (Vitamina E, antioxidante natural) e losartan (antagonista dos receptores AT1), sobre a reatividade à Phe, Cloreto de Potássio (KCl), Acetilcolina (ACh), Ang II de artérias ipsilaterais e contra-laterais em relação a artérias controles. Em animais tratados com celecoxibe (10 mg/Kg - 2 vezes ao dia) ou -tocoferol (400 mg/Kg/dia) por 7 dias. Os resultados mostram que os dois tratamentos normalizam os valores de efeito máximo (Emax) da Phe nas artérias contra-laterais com endotélio aos níveis de artérias controle. Em animais tratados com celecoxibe, a artéria ipsilateral não respondeu à Phe, enquanto no tratamento com -tocoferol mostrou valores de Emax reduzidos em relação a animais controle. Os valores de Emax da ACh em artérias de animais controle e tratados com celecoxibe ou -tocoferol, são idênticos. Entretanto, ambos os tratamentos promoveram redução na potência da ACh em artérias controle quando comparadas com as de animais não tratados. A potência da ACh na artéria contra-lateral foi semelhante ao controle em todos os tratamentos. O Emax da Ang II estava aumentado na artéria contra-lateral à lesão. O tratamento com losartan (15 mg/Kg/dia) por 18 dias promoveu redução neste parâmetro na artéria contra-lateral aos níveis do controle. A potência da Ang II em artérias contra-laterais de animais tratados com losartan é igual ao da artéria de animais controle. Nos animais controles tratados com losartan a potência desse peptídeo foi menor do que controle e contra-lateral sem tratamento e contra-lateral tratada. Na artéria contra-lateral o Emax do KCL estava diminuído em relação ao controle e o tratamento com losartan não modificou este parâmetro. O Emax da ACh em artérias controle e contra-laterais não foi alterado pelo tratamento com losartan, entretanto houve aumento da potência deste agonista em artérias controles e contra-laterais em relação a artérias de animais controles. Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo indicam que a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio, prostanóides vasocontritores e Ang II levam a alterações na reatividade aos agonistas estudados na artéria contra-lateral à lesão por cateter balão. / The injury by balloon catheter is a procedure commonly used to study the mechanisms of restenosis. The mechanical stress produced by the passage of the balloon promotes changes both in the injured artery in the contralateral artery. There was an increased density of neurons containing neuropeptides such as substance P (SP) and the Gene Related Peptide of Calcitonin (CGRP) in the contralateral artery to the lesion, which shows the occurrence of a process neurocompensatory. There was also an increase in the artery reactivity to phenylephrine (Phe) and angiotensin II (Ang II) after 4 and 15 days of injury, respectively. There was also an increase in the artery reactivity to Phe and Ang II after 4 and 15 days of injury, respectively. The objective of this work was to study the consequences of treatment with celecoxib (selective inhibitor of COX-2), -tocopherol (vitamin E, natural antioxidant) and losartan (AT1 receptor antagonist) on the reactivity to Phe, chloride Potassium (KCl), acetylcholine (ACh), Ang II in arteries ipsilateral and contralateral side for control arteries. In animals treated with celecoxib (10 mg / kg - 2 times daily) or -tocopherol (400 mg / kg / day) for 7 days. The results show that both treatments normalize the values of maximum effect (Emax) of Phe in the contralateral arteries with endothelium to the levels of control arteries. In animals treated with celecoxib, the ipsilateral artery did not respond to Phe, whereas the treatment with -tocopherol showed reduced values of Emax for the control animals. The values of Emax of ACh in arteries from control animals and treated with celecoxib or -tocopherol, are identical. However, both treatments promoted reduction in the potency of ACh in control arteries when compared with untreated animals. The potency of ACh in the contralateral artery was similar to control in all treatments. The Emax of Ang II was increased in the contra-lateral artery to the lesion. Treatment with losartan (15 mg / kg / day) for 18 days promoted reduction in this parameter in the contra-lateral artery levels of control. The potency of Ang II in contralateral arteries of animals treated with losartan is equal to the artery of control animals. In control animals treated with losartan the potency of this peptide was lower than control and contra-lateral untreated and control-treated side. Contralateral artery in the Emax of KCL was decreased in the control and treatment with losartan did not modify this parameter. The Emax of ACh in control arteries and contralateral side was not changed by treatment with losartan, however increased the power of this agonist in control arteries and contralateral side on arteries of control animals. The results of this study indicate that the production of reactive oxygen species and vasoconstrictors prostanoids Ang II lead to changes in reactivity to agonists studied in the contra-lateral to the artery by balloon catheter injury.

Conseqüências do estresse crônico ou agudo sobre as ações vasculares do Angiotensia II e da Angiotensina 1-7 em carótidas de ratos / Consequences of acute or chronic stress on the vascular actions of angiotensin II and angiotensin 1-7 in the rat carotid artery.

Tamy Midori Banin 17 June 2011 (has links)
O estresse crônico ou agudo pode alterar diversas funções relacionadas ao sistema cardiovascular, ocasionando doenças cardíacas. O sistema renina-angiotensina (SRA), importante participante do controle dessas funções, é profundamente afetado em resposta ao estresse. A angiotensina II (Ang II) é reconhecida como hormônio multifuncional que influencia diversos processos celulares importantes para a regulação da função vascular, incluindo regulação do tônus vascular, crescimento celular, dentre outros. Outro componente do SRA é a angiotensina 1-7 (Ang 1-7), suas ações vasculares envolvem aumento na produção de prostanóides vasodilatadores, óxido nítrico e fator hiperpolarizante derivado do endotélio. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar as conseqüências do estresse, agudo ou crônico, sobre as atividades vasomotoras da Ang II e da Ang 1-7, os mecanismos envolvidos na contração e relaxamento induzidos, respectivamente, por estes peptídeos e as modificações na expressão dos receptores AT1, AT2 e Mas, em carótida de ratos. O estresse crônico levou à diminuição do ganho de peso corpóreo dos animais, promoveu remodelamento das artérias carótidas, com significativo aumento da camada média acompanhada de redução da resposta de relaxamento da Ang 1-7, embora a expressão de seus receptores, do tipo Mas, estivesse aumentada. A maior expressão de receptores de Ang II, AT1 e AT2, desencadeada pelo estresse agudo não alterou a resposta contrátil deste peptídeo. Em carótidas de animais submetidos ao estresse crônico observa-se redução do Emax da Ang II e da Ang 1-7 após incubação com indometacina, sugerindo que prostanóides estão envolvidos na resposta vascular tanto da Ang II quanto da Ang 1-7 em situações de exposição prolongada ao estresse. A maior expressão de nitrotirosina em carótidas de animais expostos tanto ao estresse agudo quanto crônico, demonstra que o óxido nítrico e estresse oxidativo parecem estar relacionados às alterações vasomotoras, em resposta aos peptídeos Ang II e Ang 1-7. Foi evidenciado que o estresse agudo eleva significativamente os níveis plasmáticos de corticosterona e a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs). Estes dados sugerem que os estresses agudo e crônico, por imobilização, alteram a expressão de receptores do SRA e a vasoatividade de carótidas em resposta à Ang II e Ang 1-7 em função de diferentes mecanismos celulares. / The chronic or acute stress can alter various functions of the cardiovascular system, causing heart disease. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS), a major participant in control of these functions, is profoundly affected in response to stress. Angiotensin II (Ang II) is recognized as a multifunctional hormone that influences many cellular processes important for the regulation of vascular function, including regulation of vascular tone, cell growth, among others. Another component of the RAS is angiotensin 1-7 (Ang 1-7), their actions involve an increase in vascular production of prostanoid vasodilators, nitric oxide and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor. The aim of this study was to evaluate the consequences of chronic or acute stress on vasomotor activity of Ang II and Ang 1-7, the mechanisms involved in contraction and relaxation induced, respectively, by these peptides and the changes in the expression of AT1, AT2 and Mas in rat carotid artery. Chronic stress has led to decreased body weight gain of animals, promoted remodeling of carotid arteries with a significant increase in the medial layer accompanied by a reduction of the relaxation response to Ang 1-7, although the expression of their receptors (Mas) was increased. The highest expression of Ang II receptors, AT1 and AT2, triggered by acute stress did not alter the contractile response of this peptide. In carotid arteries of animals subjected to chronic stress is observed reduction of Emax of Ang II and Ang 1-7 after incubation with indomethacin, suggesting that prostanoids are involved in the vascular response of both Ang II and Ang 1-7 in exposed situations prolonged stress. The greater expression of nitrotyrosine in carotids from animals exposed to both acute or chronic stress, demonstrates that nitric oxide and oxidative stress appear to be related to vasomotor changes in response to peptides Ang II and Ang 1-7. It was shown that acute stress increases plasma levels of corticosterone and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These data suggest that acute and chronic stress by immobilization, alter the expression of receptors of RAS and vasomotor activity in carotid artery in response to Ang II and Ang 1-7 by different cellular mechanisms.

Estudo da função em artérias de resistência de ratos pós-infarto do miocárdio. / Vascular resistance function in myocardial infarction rats.

Gisele Kruger Couto 02 April 2012 (has links)
Esta tese avaliou a função em artérias de resistência do músculo esquelético (ARME) e em coronárias septais (CS) de ratos com disfunção ventricular esquerda leve (LDV) e severa (SDV) pós-infarto do miocárdio (IM). As ARME e as CS foram montadas em miógrafo de arame. O relaxamento dependente do endotélio, mediado pela acetilcolina (ACh), foi reduzido nas ARME dos SDV e preservado nos LDV. A resposta à ACh foi reduzida na CS dos SDV e aumentada nos LDV. O relaxamento mediado pelo doador de óxido nítrico (NO) foi preservado em todas as artérias. Utilizando-se a sonda DAF-2 em cortes de CS, antes e após estimulação com ACh, detectou-se menor produção de NO nos SDV e maior produção de NO nos LDV. Na CS observou-se aumento das espécies reativas de oxigênio nos SDV e redução destas nos LDV. Detectou-se maior expressão protéica da sintase de NO endotelial e neuronal e das isoformas da superóxido dismutase na CS dos LDV em relação ao SHAM. Conclui-se que a função nas ARME e nas CS é modulada diferentemente na dependência do estado da função cardíaca pós-IM. / This study assessed the reactivity in skeletal muscle resistance arteries (SMRA) and in septal coronary arteries (SC) from rats with slight (sliLVD) and severe (sevLVD) left ventricular dysfunction after myocardial infarction (MI). SMRA and the SC were mounted on a wire myograph. The endothelium-dependent relaxation by acetylcholine (ACh) was reduced in SMRA from sevLVD; but it was preserved in sliLVD. The ACh-relaxation was reduced in SC from sevLVD; while it was increased in sliLVD. The nitric oxide (NO) donor relaxation was unchanged in all arteries. Using DAF-2 probe in SC, before and after ACh stimulation, it was observed NO production decreased in SC from sevLVD, while it was increased in sliLVD. Reactive oxygen species was increased in SC from sevLVD and it was reduced in sliLVD. Neuronal and endothelial NO synthase and superoxide dismutase isoforms protein expression were greater in SC from sliLVD as compared to SHAM. In conclusion, SMRA and SC function is differentially modulated on the dependency of the cardiac function after MI.

Aspects of the interrelation between hypertension and insulin resistance

Osuafor, Godswill Nwabuisi January 2009 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Medical Bioscience) - MSc(MBS) / Conclusion of this study: These data suggest that 6 weeks of high-fat feeding induces hypertension but does not produce obesity, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. However, this model may be useful in studying vascular reactivity in hypertension in the absence of insulin resistance. / South Africa

Aspects of the interrelation between hypertension and insulin resistance: a preliminary study

Nwabuisi, Osuafor Godswill January 2009 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Medical Bioscience) - MSc(MBS) / Background: It is well known that some genetic factors and dietary factors, such as excessive salt intake and excessive caloric intake (resulting in obesity) are risk factors for hypertension. Fifty percent of all hypertensive patients are also insulin resistant. Both hypertension and insulin resistance are again risk factors for other cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and heart failure. The nature of the association between hypertension and insulin resistance has not been clearly elucidated. Spontaneously hypertensive rats are the ideal models to study the aspects of the relationships between hypertension and insulin resistance. Models of high-fat feeding induce obesity,hypertension and insulin resistance and are thus used extensively to study hypertension because these models closely mimic some of the renal and cardiovascular changes found in human hypertensive patients. The present study was initiated to evaluate if insulin resistance will develop within 6 weeks in a model of high-fat diet induced hypertension and if so, to determine whether captopril will affect the presence of insulin resistance.This model should in future be used to study vascular reactivity to phenylephrine (PHE),acetylcholine (ACH) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) in hypertensive animals in theabsence or presence of insulin resistance and in normotensive insulin resistant animals. Methods: In a series of experiments, rats were divided into four groups that received different treatments: (i) laboratory pellets, (ii) high-fat diet, (iii) high-fat diet plus captopril and (iv) high-fat diet plus vehicle. Body weight was measured weekly for 6 weeks. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were measured every week during the 6-weeks feeding period by the tail cuff method using a two channel computerized non-invasive system from Kent Scientific Corporation, USA.m Intraperitonealy glucose tolerance tests (IPGTTs) were performed at week 3 and week 6.After 6 weeks, and after an overnight fast, the plasma lipid profile was determined using a portable CardiochekTM blood test system. Fasting plasma insulin was determined using an immunoenzymatic assay for the in vitro quantitative measurement of rat insulin (INS) in serum and plasma. Insulin sensitivity was estimated by the quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI) using the fasting plasma insulin and fasting glucose levels. After week 6 on the high-fat diet, thoracic aortae from the control and high-fat fed(HFD) animals were excised and vascular response to PHE, ACH and SNP were assessed in intact and denuded endothelium.Result: High-fat feeding did not cause a significant increase in body weight. High-fat feeding significantly increased systolic blood pressure from 125±2.1 mmHg in control animals to 155±5.9 mmHg in the HFD group (P < 0.05) and 158±5.6 mmHg in the HFDV group (P < 0.05). Diastolic blood pressure was increased from 86±2.8 mmHg in the control group to 117±2.5 mmHg in the HFD group (P < 0.05) and 113±3.4 mmHg in the HFDV group (P < 0.05). Visceral fat was increased from 0.8±0.1g in the control group to 3.1±0.6 g in the HFD group and 3.8±0.6 g in the HFDV group. IPGTTs performed at weeks 3 and 6 respectively did not differ significantly from the control group as evidenced from the AUC’s at weeks 3 and 6 respectively. High-fat feeding had no significant effects on blood cholesterol, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) values or and fasting plasma insulin levels. The KCl induced contraction in both aortic rings with intact and denuded endothelium did not differ significantly between the control and HFD groups (P= 0.4 and 0.8) respectively. The contraction mediated by KCl in aortic rings with intact and denuded endothelium from the control or HFD groups also did not differ significantly(control: intact vs denuded, P = 0.2; HFD: intact vs denuded, P = 1). Dose responsecurves(1-10 μM) to PHE indicated slightly stronger contractions in the high-fat fed animals at submaximal doses tested. The maximum contraction achieved was however the same (94±19% and 99±2.6% relative to KCl induced contraction, in the control and HFD group respectively, P<0.05). Relaxation responses to ACH and SNP represent preliminary data.Conclusion: These data suggest that 6 weeks of high-fat feeding induces hypertension but does not produce obesity, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. However, this model may be useful in studying vascular reactivity in hypertension in the absence of insulin resistance.

Rôle du stress oxydant en période néonatale dans l'hypertension artérielle et la dysfonction vasculaire et métabolique de l'adulte

Yzydorczyk, Catherine 01 1900 (has links)
Thèse réalisée dans le cadre d'une cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université d'Auvergne en France / Introduction De nombreuses études indiquent que la prématurité, qui représente 8 % des naissances, est associée à des indices précoces de dysfonction vasculaire, d’élévation de la pression sanguine et de survenue de diabète de type 2. Les enfants nés prématurément sont plus sujets aux blessures oxydatives de par l’immaturité de leurs défenses antioxydantes et de leur exposition à des situations pro-oxydantes (exposition à l’air ambiant, à un supplément d’oxygène, ou à une exposition aux infections). Cependant, les conséquences à long terme des blessures oxydatives induites par une exposition à l’oxygène en période périnatale restent méconnues. Le but de ce doctorat a été de mettre en évidence certains mécanismes pouvant relier les dommages de la prématurité induits par l’oxygène, et le risque à long terme de développer des maladies cardiovasculaires et métaboliques dans le concept global d’une programmation développementale de l’hypertension et des pathologies reliées au syndrome métabolique. Matériels et méthodes Des ratons Sprague-Dawley (SD) ont été exposés à 80 % O2 (O2) vs air ambiant (AA) du 3ème au 10ème jour de vie. Concernant les paramètres cardiovasculaires, nous avons mesuré au cours de la croissance, la pression sanguine à la queue (de la 4ème semaine à la 15ème semaine) et à l’âge adulte : la réactivité vasculaire à l’angiotensine II (AngII) et au carbachol (ex vivo, carotides) avec ou sans le tempol; la production d’oxyde nitrique (NO) en présence ou non L-arginine et de L-sépiaptérine (aorte, immunohistochimie) ainsi que l’expression de la nitric oxyde synthase endothéliale (eNOS) (aorte, immunohistochimie et western blot); le stress oxydant vasculaire (aorte, chemiluminescence) par la mesure de la production d’anions superoxide en présence ou non des inhibiteurs de la nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide-phosphate (NADPH oxydase) et de la nitric oxyde synthase endotheliale (eNOS), l’apocynine, et N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) respectivement, ainsi que le stress oxydant circulant par la mesure des niveaux plasmatiques de malondialdéhyde (MDA, HPLC); la densité microvasculaire a été évaluée au niveau du muscle tibial antérieur, immunohistochimie); la vitesse d’onde pulsée (VOP) (entre la valve aortique et juste avant la bifurcation ilio-fémorale) a été mesurée par ultrason; le nombre de néphrons a été compté par digestion acide. L’ontogenèse de la plupart de ces mécanismes a été regardée à l’âge de 4 semaines. Concernant les paramètres métaboliques, le poids a été mesuré au cours de la croissance. À l’âge adulte, la composition corporelle et la tolérance au glucose ont été évaluées. Résultats À l’âge de 4 semaines, aucune différence n’a été observée dans la pression sanguine, la réactivité vasculaire et le stress oxydant, mais chez les rats O2 vs AA, la densité microvasculaire est moindre, et des changements histologiques suggèrent la présence d’une rigidité artérielle augmentée. À l’âge adulte chez les rats O2 vs AA (n = 6-8 /groupe) : i) les pressions sanguines systoliques et diastoliques sont augmentées; ii) la réactivité vasculaire à l’AngII est augmentée et celle au carbachol est diminuée, le tempol prévient ces dysfonctions; iii) la production de NO est plus faible au niveau basal et après stimulation par le carbachol, mais est restaurée après la pré-incubation avec L-arginine et L-sépiaptérine; iv) l’expression d’eNOS est diminuée par immunohistochimie et augmentée par western blot; v) les niveaux d’anions superoxide, au niveau basal et en réponse à l’AngII, sont augmentés et sont induits par la NADPH oxydase et le non-couplage d’eNOS; vi) les niveaux plasmatiques de MDA sont augmentés; vii) La densité microvasculaire est moindre; viii) la VOP est augmentée; ix) le nombre de néphrons par rein est réduit; x) le poids est plus faible au cours de la croissance et un catch up est observé à l’âge adulte; la composition corporelle n’est pas différente entre les groupes; xi) la tolérance au glucose est diminuée. Conclusion Ces résultats supportent l’hypothèse d’une programmation développementale des maladies cardiovasculaires et métaboliques à l’âge adulte à la suite d’un stress hyperoxique néonatal. / Introduction Many studies showed that prematurity, which represents 8 % of birth, is associated with early indices of vascular dysfunction, increased blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes. Prematurity babies are more susceptible to oxidative injury, consequence of the immaturity of their antioxidant defences, and exposure to pro-oxidant situations (oxygen supplementation, infection). However, the long-term consequences of oxidative injury induced by oxygen exposure in the neonatal period are unknown. The aim of these PhD studies was to unravel some mechanisms that might underlie the damage induced by oxygen and the long-term risk of developing vascular and metabolic diseases in the overall concept of developmental programming of hypertension and metabolic syndrome-related diseases. Materials and methods Sprague-Dawley pups were kept with their mother in 80 % O2 (O2) or room air (RA) from day 3 to 10 of life. Cardiovascular parameters, tail blood pressure was measured between 4 and 15 weeks of life. In adulthood : vascular reactivity (ex vivo carotid rings) to angiotensine II (AngII) and carbachol with and without tempol was studied; studies of nitric oxide (NO) production with and without L-arginine and L-sépiaptérine (aorta, immunohistochemistry) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression (eNOS; aorta, immunohistochemistry, western blot) were performed; vascular oxidative stress (aorta, using chemiluminescence) by measuring superoxide anion production with and without inhibitors of nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide-phosphate (NADPH oxydase) and nitric oxyde synthase endotheliale (eNOS), apocynin and N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) respectively, and circulating oxidative stress by measuring the plasma levels of malondialdéhyde (MDA, HPLC) were evaluated; microvascular density was assessed on tibialis anterior muscle sections; pulse wave velocity (PWV) was measured by ultrasound, between aortic valve and ilio-femoral bifurcation; nephrons were counted after hydrochloric acid digestion. The main observations were also evaluated at 4 weeks of age. Metabolic parameters: body weight has been measured during the growth. In adulthood, body composition, glucose tolerance were evaluated. Results A 4 weeks of age, no difference was observed regarding blood pressure, vascular reactivity, and oxidative stress indices, but in rats O2 vs. RA (n = 6-8 /group), microvascular rarefaction and histological changes suggesting enhanced vascular stiffness were present. To adulthood, rats O2 vs. RA (n = 6-8/group) : i) systolic and diastolic blood pressures are increased; ii) vascular reactivity to Ang II is increased and to carbachol is decreased, these dysfunction were totally abolished by co-incubation of the vessel rings with tempol; iii) NO-production is decreased in basal condition and after carbachol stimulation, but is restored after pre-incubation of aorta sections with L- arginine and L-sépiaptérine; iv) eNOS expression is decreased by immunohistochemistry but increased by western blot; v) vascular superoxide anion levels are increased in basal condition, after AngII stimulation and this is mediated by NADPH oxydase and eNOS uncoupling; vi) the plasma levels of MDA are increased; vii) microvascular density is decreased; viii) PWV is increased; ix) nephron count per kidney is decreased; x) body weight is less during growth, but a catch up is observed in adulthood, body composition is similar; xi) the glucose tolerance is decreased in adults. Conclusion These results support the hypothesis of developmental programming of vascular and metabolic diseases in adulthood, after exposure to hyperoxic stress in the neonatal period.

Les effets des substances vasoactives sur les perturbations hémodynamiques, systémiques et splanchniques induites par les états de choc et la cirrhose / Assessment of vasoactive substances effects on hemodynamic systemic and splanchnic impairments caused by shock states and cirrhosis.

Tabka, Maher 05 May 2015 (has links)
La dysfonction des mécanismes de régulation vasculaire, observée dans les états de choc septique (CS), hémorragique (CH) et la cirrhose (C), remet en question l’efficacité des substances vasoactives utilisées. L’objectif de ce travail est l’évaluation hémodynamique, systémique et splanchnique de l’administration d’hydrogène sulfuré [H2S], de terlipressine [TP] et de noradrénaline [NE] au cours des complications des CS, CH et C. Suite à une ischémie/reperfusion (I/R) chez le rat, le sepsis n’a pas d’impact particulier sur le rein, lors de la phase précoce, alors que le débit rénal varie en réponse aux variations de pression artérielle, incluant le phénomène d’autorégulation. Le CS est associé très précocement à une augmentation du flux sanguin dans les capillaires péritubulaires et à une dysfonction rénale limitée par la perfusion de NE. Au cours d’un CH retransfusé et réanimé par un remplissage vasculaire, l’inhibition endogène de H2S aggrave la dysfonction rénale suite à une diminution des vitesses microcirculatoires péritubulaires et favorise un syndrome de fuite capillaire. A l’inverse, l’administration exogène de H2S pourrait provoquer un rétrocontrôle négatif sur l’activité de l’enzyme principale de production de H2S endogène, la CSE. Lors d’une hypertension portale par C chez le rat, la NE augmente la pression porte à faibles doses et augmente la contraction maximale des veines portes in vitro par rapport à la vasopressine, ce qui augmente le risque hémorragique. Au contraire, la TP diminue le débit mésentérique et la pression porte, ce qui favorise la réponse hémodynamique de réduction du risque d’hémorragie digestive. / The impairment of vascular regulatory mechanisms observed in cirrhosis and shock situations, reduces the effectiveness of vasoactive substances used in treatments. The aim of this study is the hemodynamic, systemic and splanchnic assessments of vasoactive molecules proposed for the treatment of septic shock, hemorrhagic shock and cirrhosis complications (hydrogen sulfide [H2S], terlipressin [TP] and norepinephrine [NE]). In a model of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), sepsis has no particular impact on the kidney since renal blood flow varies in response to mean arterial blood pressure variations, including an auto-regulation phenomenon. Sepsis is very rapidly associated with hypervelocity of blood flow in peritubular capillaries and renal dysfunction, both of wich are reserved by NE infusion. In hemorrhagic shock model controlled and resuscitated by Gelofusin® perfusion, we demonstrated that inhibition of endogenous H2S worsening renal dysfunction due to decreased renal peritubular microcirculatory velocities and promotes capillary leak syndrome. While the exogenous administration of H2S, could cause a negative feedback on the activity of the principal enzyme of endogenous H2S production, the CSE. During portal hypertension by cirrhosis in rats, NE increases the portal venous pressure, at low doses, and is more efficient than vasopressin on the portal veins of cirrhotic rats in vitro. However TP significantly reduces the mesenteric artery blood flow and the portal vein pressure. Taken together, TP could reduce the variceal bleeding risk associated with cirrhosis in comparison to NE.

Étude de la fonction vasculaire et du remodelage cardiaque avant l’établissement de l’obésité et de la dyslipidémie chez les rats femelles Sprague-Dawley recevant une diète riche en gras

Aubin, Marie-Claude 04 1900 (has links)
Des lacunes existent au niveau des connaissances concernant les modifications cardiovasculaires manifestées avant l’établissement d’obésité et en absence d’hyperlipidémie. Dans cette optique, la présente étude a testé l'hypothèse générale qui stipule que l’administration d’une diète riche en gras pour une période de 8 semaines chez les rats femelles influence négativement la fonction et le remodelage cardiaque, avant le développement de l’obésité et en absence d’hyperlipidémie et d’hyperglycémie. Afin de répondre à cette problématique, des rats femelles Sprague-Dawley ont été assignés à une diète standard (SD; 12,5% lipides, kcal) ou riche en gras (HF; 42% lipides, kcal) pour une période de 8 semaines. Cette durée était insuffisante pour induire le développement d’une dyslipidémie ou une augmentation significative de la masse corporelle chez les animaux HF(329±14g) comparativement aux rates SD (300±10g). Toutefois, une hypertension artérielle s’est développée chez les rates HF (130±4 vs 108±6 mmHg, p<0,05), accompagnée d’une altération des relaxations aortiques dépendantes de l’endothélium (relaxation maximale : 22±5% versus 53±8%, pour les animaux HF et SD respectivement, p<0,05). L’administration orale chronique de l’antioxydant resvératrol (RES; 20 mg·kg-1·jr-1) a prévenu le développement de ces altérations pathologiques, attestant d’une implication du stress oxydant. Au niveau cardiaque, le RES n’a toutefois pas inhibé le développement de fibrose périvasculaire secondaire à l’administration de la diète riche en gras. Suite à une insulte d’ischémie-reperfusion, la taille (SD : 0,29±0,09 versus HF : 0,32±0,13 cm), l’épaisseur (SD : 0,05±0,02 versus HF : 0,06±0,01 cm) et le contenu en collagène α1 type 1 (SD : 0,21±0,04 versus HF : 0,20±0,04 unités arbitraires/mm2) de la cicatrice du coeur infarci des rats HF étaient comparables au coeur infarci des rats SD. Malgré ces similitudes, le taux de décès était significativement (p<0,05) plus élevé chez les rats HF (56%) comparativement aux rats SD (5%). L’approche par électrophysiologie a démontré que l’administration de la diète riche en gras était associée à une augmentation (p<0,05) du nombre d’extrasystoles ventriculaires induites. Cette élévation de l’incidence était associé à une hyperinnervation sympathique fonctionnelle, tel que démontré par une élévation (p<0,05) de la densité des fibres neurofilament-M (HF : 2830±250 versus SD : 2020±260 μm2/mm2) et de la protéine de l’hydroxylase de la tyrosine. La fonctionnalité des jonctions intercellulaires était également atteinte, caractérisée par une latéralisation et internalisation de connexine 43 ainsi qu’une diminution de l’expression de connexine 40 au niveau des disques intercalaires. Ainsi, avant l’établissement de l’obésité et d’une dyslipidémie, les rats femelles modestement hypertendus présentent un phénotype arythmogénique cardiaque en partie dû à une hyperinnervation sympathique et une expression altérée concomitante de la distribution et de l’expression des jonctions intercellulaires. L’absence de symptômes cliniques d’obésité dans la présente étude ne fournit aucun indice au clinicien quant à la susceptibilité accrue aux arythmies ventriculaires. Ainsi, en présence d’une hypertension artérielle modérée chez un patient non-obèse, une mesure de l’activité sympathique par la quantification des niveaux circulants de catécholamines pourrait être bénéfique afin de détecter les patients à risque de mort subite. / Knowledge is insufficient regarding cardiovascular modifications occurring prior to the development of overt obesity and dyslipidemia. In this regard, the present project aimed at testing the hypothesis stipulating that the administration of a high fat diet for an 8-week period in female rats can adversely influence cardiac function and remodeling prior to the development of overt obesity, and in the absence of hyperlipidemia and hyperglycaemia. To directly examine these issues, normal female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a standard (SD; 12.5% lipid, kcal) or a high-fat diet (HF; 42% lipids, kcal) for 8 weeks. This regimen was insufficient to induce a significant gain in body mass in HF rats (329±14g) as compared to SD rats (300±10g), or any variation in the lipid profile. By contrast, systemic arterial hypertension developed in high fat fed rats (130±4mmHg versus SD, 108±6mmHg, p<0.05), additionally to a significant decrease in acetylcholine-mediated maximal relaxation of isolated aortic rings (HF, 22±5%) compared to rats fed a standard diet (53±8%, p<0.05). Chronic oral administration of the antioxidant resveratrol (RES; 20 mg·kg-1·d-1) prevented the development of both pathological alterations, attesting to the implication of oxidative stress. However, it failed to attenuate the perivascular fibrosis that developed following the administration of the high-fat diet. Following ischemia/reperfusion injury, scar length (SD, 0.29±0.09 versus HF, 0.32±0.13 cm), thickness (SD, 0.05±0.02 versus HF, 0.06±0.01 cm) and collagen α1 type 1 content (SD, 0.21±0.04 versus HF, 0.20±0.04 arbitrary units/mm2) in the infarcted heart of rats fed a high fat diet were similar to infarcted normal rats. Despite these findings, the rate of death was significantly increased (p<0.05) in female rats fed a high fat diet (56%) compared to rats fed a standard diet (5%). An electrophysiology approach revealed that normal female rats fed a high fat diet had an increased incidence (p<0.05) of induced ventricular extrasystoles. In addition, these hearts presented a functional sympathetic hyperinnervation, as reflected by the increased density of neurofilament-M immunoreactive fibres (SD, 2020±260 versus HF, 2830±250 μm2/mm2; p<0.05) and increased protein expression of tyrosine hydroxylase. The gap junction function was also impaired, characterized by lateralization and internalization of connexine 43, and a decreased expression of connexine 40 in intercalated discs of rats fed a high fat diet. Thus, prior to the development of overt obesity and dyslipidemia, female rats with modest hypertension exhibit an arrhythmogenic cardiac phenotype due in part to sympathetic hyperinnervation and a concomitant aberrant pattern of gap junctional protein expression and distribution. The lack of significant clinical manifestations of obesity in the present study does not enable clinicians to suspect the increased susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias. Hence, in presence of modest hypertension in a non-obese patient, evaluation of the sympathetic activity by the assessment of circulating catecholamine could be helpful in detecting patients at high risk for sudden death.

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