Spelling suggestions: "subject:"vegetable protein"" "subject:"egetable protein""
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A Comparative Evaluation of Textured Wheat Ingredients and Soy Proteins in the Quality and Acceptability of Chicken NuggetsYeater, Michael C 03 October 2013 (has links)
Chicken nuggets are commonly made with varying levels of textured vegetable proteins such as soy and wheat, for their ability to bind water and their meat like conformation. This project compared textured wheat proteins and soy proteins at 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% in both emulsified and non-emulsified chicken nuggets. A total of 6,048 chicken nuggets were evaluated in replications for batter breader pickup (%), par fry yield (%), cook loss (%), L*, a*, b* color value, texture profile analysis, and sensory analysis. Analysis was conducted for all four concentrations of wheat and soy treatments then compared to each other and an all-white meat chicken nugget control. All data was analyzed with a α <0.05 using SAS with PROC GLM and Duncan’s MRT, except for sensory data which was analyzed as a complete randomized block design using analysis of variance with a α <0.05, and was analyzed using SAS with PROC GLM. Results indicated that no notable trends were apparent in the quality testing. A trained sensory panel determined that Soy flavor was more detectable at 20% and 30% than wheat flavor was at similar levels. The results indicate that wheat proteins can replace soy proteins for functional properties in both emulsified and non-emulsified chicken nuggets at all concentrations evaluated. It was also determined that wheat proteins could be used at levels up to 30% without imparting a noticeable flavor.
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Diet quality and mental health in college students: impact on dietary factors including intake of protein, sugar, vegetable and omega-3 fatty acid on depressionWang, Yulu 25 November 2020 (has links)
Depression is one of the most debilitating disorders among youth. Many factors impact depression risk, and dietary quality is one of the most significant modifiable factors. This work was to investigate whether diet quality, including protein, sugar, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids’ intake, had any effect on the development of depression. Data from 82 subjects were used for analysis. There was no significant relationship between Dietary Quality Index (p=.21, n=82) and depression based on this research. Results included total protein (p=.77, n=82), animal-based protein (p=.77, n=82), vegetable-based protein (p=.29, n=82), total sugar (p=.55, n=78), added sugar (p=.48, n=78), total vegetable (p=.56, n=82) and omega3 fatty acids (p=.92, n=82). These results were not up to expectations and did not conform to previous findings. Future research should be performed with a larger sample size among the college-aged population to determine the relationship between dietary factors and depression risk.
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Vegetable Protein Intake and Early Menopause in the Nurses’ Health Study IIBoutot, Maegan 13 July 2016 (has links)
Early menopause, the cessation of ovarian function prior to age 45, affects 5-10% of Western women and is associated with an increased risk of adverse health outcomes, including premature mortality and cardiovascular disease. Recent literature suggests that high vegetable protein intake may prolong female reproductive function, but no study has evaluated the association between this exposure and early menopause. Therefore, we evaluated the relationship between cumulative vegetable protein intake as a percentage of total calories and early menopause in the Nurses’ Health Study II cohort. Women included in analyses were premenopausal at baseline (1991) and followed for up to 20 years. Cases (n=2,077) were defined as women experiencing natural menopause before age 45; women were excluded if early menopause was a result of hysterectomy, oophorectomy or radiation treatment. Non-cases were women whose age at menopause was 45 or greater or who were older than 45 and still premenopausal in 2011 (n=51,007). Intake of vegetable and animal protein was assessed every four years via food frequency questionnaires. In Cox proportional hazard models adjusting for age, smoking, diet, and behavioral factors, women in the highest quintile of cumulatively averaged vegetable protein intake (median=6.5%) had a significant 18% lower likelihood of experiencing early menopause as compared to women in the lowest quintile (3.9%) (95% CI: 0.71-0.94; P-trend=0.004). In contrast, animal and total protein was unrelated to risk. Results were similar in analyses limited to never smokers and never oral contraceptive users. Our findings suggest vegetable protein intake may be inversely associated with early menopause.
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Compréhension et analyse alimentaire d'un mix fermenté de protéines animales / protéines végétales : influence sur la physico-chimie et l'acceptabilité des produits obtenus / Comprehension and food analysis of a fermented mixture of animal proteins and vegetable proteins : influence on the physico-chemistry and the acceptability of the obtained productsYousseef, Manhal 09 June 2017 (has links)
De nombreux problèmes ont été identifiés lors des tentatives d’incorporation de protéines végétales dans nos aliments. En particulier, les faux goûts, le goût et la texture ont été mis en évidence comme de véritables obstacles à l’acceptabilité des produits végétaux par les consommateurs. Le consommateur lui-même est aussi un déterminant important en ce qui concerne le terme « acceptabilité ». Donc, dans le but de développer un nouveau produit fermenté à base de protéines de pois deux volets ont été étudié : le produit et le consommateur. Afin de comprendre la physico-chimie et l’acceptabilité de produits fermentés à base de protéines de pois, plusieurs facteurs ont été étudiés dans des étapes successives tels que la culture, les allégations positives sur la santé et l’environnement, les cocktails de souches lactiques et les procédés de préparation. Dès les premiers tests sensoriels, il était clair qu’il ne serait pas facile de convaincre les consommateurs de consommer des produits fermentés à base de pois : les consommateurs français n’acceptent pas les produits même à une faible concentration de pois (10 %). Ni la familiarité pour un produit proche de nos produits étudiés, ni l’encouragement des consommateurs à accepter ce type d’aliment en passant des messages positifs sur les protéines végétales n’étaient assez efficaces. Ainsi, une deuxième série d’études a été réalisée afin d’optimiser les propriétés rhéologiques et organoleptiques de ces produits. La meilleure combinaison, 1- cocktail bactérien (S. thermophilus + Lb. bulgaricus) 2- matière première (globuline de pois isolée dans notre laboratoire) 3- paramètres de préparation (mélange des deux laits avant le traitement thermique à 90 °C) a été sélectionnée afin d’optimiser les produits fermentés en ce qui concerne l’acidité, la fermeté, les profils volatils et peptidiques. Enfin, du point de vue sensoriel, une légère amélioration de l’acceptabilité a été remarquée. 20 % de protéines de pois a donné un produit accepté par la plupart des consommateurs, et 40 % de protéines de pois a été évaluée positivement par certains consommateurs et négativement par d'autres. / Many problems have been identified following the attempts to incorporate vegetal proteins in our food. In particular, off-flavor, taste or texture have been highlighted as real barriers to the acceptability of plant products by consumers. The consumer himself is also an important determinant regarding the term "acceptability." So, in order to develop a new fermented product based on pea, two issues were studied: the product and the consumer. To understand the physico-chemical properties and the acceptability of pea protein-based fermented products, several factors have been investigated in successive stages such as culture, positive health and environmental claims, lactic acid bacteria strains and preparation processes. From the first sensory tests, it was clear that it will not be easy to convince consumers to buy the pea-based fermented product: French consumers did not accept products even in a lower concentration of pea (10%). Neither the familiarity to close products nor encouraging consumers to accept this type of food by transmitting positive messages about vegetal protein were efficient enough. Thus, a second series of studies was carried out in order to optimize the rheologic and organoleptic properties of these products. Best combination of 1- starter culture (S. thermophilus + Lb. bulgaricus) 2- raw material (pea globulin isolated in our laboratory) 3- preparation parameters (mixing both milk before heat treatment at 90 ° C) were selected to optimize the fermented products in terms of volatile compounds and peptide profiles, acidity and firmness. Finally, from the sensory point of view, a slight improvement in the acceptability was noticed. 20% of pea protein gave a product accepted by most of the consumers, and 40% of pea protein was assessed positively by some consumers and negatively by others
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Avaliação nutricional da semente do Pinheiro-do-Paraná(Araucaria angustifolia)Leite, Danielle Melo da Costa January 2007 (has links)
A semente da Araucaria angustifolia, denominada pinhão, é consumida no Sul e Sudeste do Brasil, como farinha em pratos regionais ou cozida. Há relativamente pouca informação a respeito da composição química e do valor nutricional da semente e de sua farinha. Neste trabalho, a farinha de pinhão, obtida através de diferentes tratamentos térmicos foi avaliada como complemento protéico em um experimento biológico com ratos recém-desmamados. Os animais experimentais consumiram cinco dietas (n=6) com diferentes fontes de proteína: dieta com caseína (CAS), dieta com 80% caseína e 20% (w/w) proteína de farinha de pinhão (PF) sem tratamento térmico (NATPIN), considerando 33.1 ± 1.4 g de proteína/kg desta farinha, dieta com 80% caseína e 20% PF seca a 50°C por 16 horas (PF50), considerando 49.2 ± 0.6 g de proteína/Kg desta farinha, dieta com 80% caseína e 20% PF seca a 80°C por 16 horas (PF80), considerando 50.5 ± 0.8 g de proteína/kg desta farinha e dieta aprotéica (APROT). Os valores de ganho de peso, ingesta de alimento, Coeficiente de Eficácia Alimentar (PER) e Razão Protéica Líquida (NPR) foram similares para as dietas CAS e FP80. O escore químico de aminoácidos corrigido pela digestibilidade protéica (PDCAAS) da PF80 foi o mais alto nas farinhas de pinhão testadas. O escore químico (CS) da farinha de pinhão se mostrou semelhante ao encontrado em outros cereais, sendo a lisina o principal aminoácido limitante, seguida da histidina. Valores mais baixos em todos os parâmetros nutricionais foram encontrados nos animais alimentados com dietas onde foi usada a farinha de pinhão. A farinha de pinhão seca a 80°C por 16 horas mostrou resultados similares nos parâmetros nutricionais ao grupo CAS, e pode ser utilizada, substituindo até 20% de uma proteína de alto valor biológico (AVB) em formulações alimentares. / The seeds of Araucaria angustifolia, namely “pinhão”, are consumed in South and Southeast of Brazil, like flour in regional dishes or baked. There is relatively few information about the chemical composition and nutritional value of the seed and its flour. In this work, “pinhão” flour obtained by different heat treatments was evaluated as an additive in biological experiment for growing rats. Wistar rats were fed five experimental diets (n=6) containing different protein sources: only casein (CAS), diet with 80% casein supplemented with 20% (w/w) “pinhão” flour (PF) protein without heat treatment (NATPIN), considering 33.1 ± 1.4 g of protein/kg of this flour, diet with 80% casein and 20% PF dried at 50°C for 16 hours (PF 50), considering 49.2 ± 0.6 g of protein/kg of this flour and diet with 80% casein and diet with 20% PF dried at 80°C for 16 hours (PF80), considering 50.5 ± 0.8 g of protein/kg of this flour and one aproteic diet (APROT). Values for weight gain, feed ingest, Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) and Net Protein Ratio (NPR) were similar for diets CAS and PF80, and acoording to this, the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino acid Score (PDCAAS) of PF80 was the highest of all the “pinhão” flours tested. The Chemical Score (CS) of “pinhão” flour showed similarity to the results found for other cereals, being lysine the limiting amino acid, folowed by histidine. Lowest values for all nutritional parameters were observed for diets complemented with “pinhão” flour. “Pinhão” flour heated at 80°C for 16 hours and used as supplementary in diet had the most similar results in all nutritional parameters to casein-based diets, and can be used as complementary source, substituting until 20% of a high biological value protein in food formulations.
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Avaliação nutricional da semente do Pinheiro-do-Paraná(Araucaria angustifolia)Leite, Danielle Melo da Costa January 2007 (has links)
A semente da Araucaria angustifolia, denominada pinhão, é consumida no Sul e Sudeste do Brasil, como farinha em pratos regionais ou cozida. Há relativamente pouca informação a respeito da composição química e do valor nutricional da semente e de sua farinha. Neste trabalho, a farinha de pinhão, obtida através de diferentes tratamentos térmicos foi avaliada como complemento protéico em um experimento biológico com ratos recém-desmamados. Os animais experimentais consumiram cinco dietas (n=6) com diferentes fontes de proteína: dieta com caseína (CAS), dieta com 80% caseína e 20% (w/w) proteína de farinha de pinhão (PF) sem tratamento térmico (NATPIN), considerando 33.1 ± 1.4 g de proteína/kg desta farinha, dieta com 80% caseína e 20% PF seca a 50°C por 16 horas (PF50), considerando 49.2 ± 0.6 g de proteína/Kg desta farinha, dieta com 80% caseína e 20% PF seca a 80°C por 16 horas (PF80), considerando 50.5 ± 0.8 g de proteína/kg desta farinha e dieta aprotéica (APROT). Os valores de ganho de peso, ingesta de alimento, Coeficiente de Eficácia Alimentar (PER) e Razão Protéica Líquida (NPR) foram similares para as dietas CAS e FP80. O escore químico de aminoácidos corrigido pela digestibilidade protéica (PDCAAS) da PF80 foi o mais alto nas farinhas de pinhão testadas. O escore químico (CS) da farinha de pinhão se mostrou semelhante ao encontrado em outros cereais, sendo a lisina o principal aminoácido limitante, seguida da histidina. Valores mais baixos em todos os parâmetros nutricionais foram encontrados nos animais alimentados com dietas onde foi usada a farinha de pinhão. A farinha de pinhão seca a 80°C por 16 horas mostrou resultados similares nos parâmetros nutricionais ao grupo CAS, e pode ser utilizada, substituindo até 20% de uma proteína de alto valor biológico (AVB) em formulações alimentares. / The seeds of Araucaria angustifolia, namely “pinhão”, are consumed in South and Southeast of Brazil, like flour in regional dishes or baked. There is relatively few information about the chemical composition and nutritional value of the seed and its flour. In this work, “pinhão” flour obtained by different heat treatments was evaluated as an additive in biological experiment for growing rats. Wistar rats were fed five experimental diets (n=6) containing different protein sources: only casein (CAS), diet with 80% casein supplemented with 20% (w/w) “pinhão” flour (PF) protein without heat treatment (NATPIN), considering 33.1 ± 1.4 g of protein/kg of this flour, diet with 80% casein and 20% PF dried at 50°C for 16 hours (PF 50), considering 49.2 ± 0.6 g of protein/kg of this flour and diet with 80% casein and diet with 20% PF dried at 80°C for 16 hours (PF80), considering 50.5 ± 0.8 g of protein/kg of this flour and one aproteic diet (APROT). Values for weight gain, feed ingest, Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) and Net Protein Ratio (NPR) were similar for diets CAS and PF80, and acoording to this, the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino acid Score (PDCAAS) of PF80 was the highest of all the “pinhão” flours tested. The Chemical Score (CS) of “pinhão” flour showed similarity to the results found for other cereals, being lysine the limiting amino acid, folowed by histidine. Lowest values for all nutritional parameters were observed for diets complemented with “pinhão” flour. “Pinhão” flour heated at 80°C for 16 hours and used as supplementary in diet had the most similar results in all nutritional parameters to casein-based diets, and can be used as complementary source, substituting until 20% of a high biological value protein in food formulations.
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Avaliação nutricional da semente do Pinheiro-do-Paraná(Araucaria angustifolia)Leite, Danielle Melo da Costa January 2007 (has links)
A semente da Araucaria angustifolia, denominada pinhão, é consumida no Sul e Sudeste do Brasil, como farinha em pratos regionais ou cozida. Há relativamente pouca informação a respeito da composição química e do valor nutricional da semente e de sua farinha. Neste trabalho, a farinha de pinhão, obtida através de diferentes tratamentos térmicos foi avaliada como complemento protéico em um experimento biológico com ratos recém-desmamados. Os animais experimentais consumiram cinco dietas (n=6) com diferentes fontes de proteína: dieta com caseína (CAS), dieta com 80% caseína e 20% (w/w) proteína de farinha de pinhão (PF) sem tratamento térmico (NATPIN), considerando 33.1 ± 1.4 g de proteína/kg desta farinha, dieta com 80% caseína e 20% PF seca a 50°C por 16 horas (PF50), considerando 49.2 ± 0.6 g de proteína/Kg desta farinha, dieta com 80% caseína e 20% PF seca a 80°C por 16 horas (PF80), considerando 50.5 ± 0.8 g de proteína/kg desta farinha e dieta aprotéica (APROT). Os valores de ganho de peso, ingesta de alimento, Coeficiente de Eficácia Alimentar (PER) e Razão Protéica Líquida (NPR) foram similares para as dietas CAS e FP80. O escore químico de aminoácidos corrigido pela digestibilidade protéica (PDCAAS) da PF80 foi o mais alto nas farinhas de pinhão testadas. O escore químico (CS) da farinha de pinhão se mostrou semelhante ao encontrado em outros cereais, sendo a lisina o principal aminoácido limitante, seguida da histidina. Valores mais baixos em todos os parâmetros nutricionais foram encontrados nos animais alimentados com dietas onde foi usada a farinha de pinhão. A farinha de pinhão seca a 80°C por 16 horas mostrou resultados similares nos parâmetros nutricionais ao grupo CAS, e pode ser utilizada, substituindo até 20% de uma proteína de alto valor biológico (AVB) em formulações alimentares. / The seeds of Araucaria angustifolia, namely “pinhão”, are consumed in South and Southeast of Brazil, like flour in regional dishes or baked. There is relatively few information about the chemical composition and nutritional value of the seed and its flour. In this work, “pinhão” flour obtained by different heat treatments was evaluated as an additive in biological experiment for growing rats. Wistar rats were fed five experimental diets (n=6) containing different protein sources: only casein (CAS), diet with 80% casein supplemented with 20% (w/w) “pinhão” flour (PF) protein without heat treatment (NATPIN), considering 33.1 ± 1.4 g of protein/kg of this flour, diet with 80% casein and 20% PF dried at 50°C for 16 hours (PF 50), considering 49.2 ± 0.6 g of protein/kg of this flour and diet with 80% casein and diet with 20% PF dried at 80°C for 16 hours (PF80), considering 50.5 ± 0.8 g of protein/kg of this flour and one aproteic diet (APROT). Values for weight gain, feed ingest, Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) and Net Protein Ratio (NPR) were similar for diets CAS and PF80, and acoording to this, the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino acid Score (PDCAAS) of PF80 was the highest of all the “pinhão” flours tested. The Chemical Score (CS) of “pinhão” flour showed similarity to the results found for other cereals, being lysine the limiting amino acid, folowed by histidine. Lowest values for all nutritional parameters were observed for diets complemented with “pinhão” flour. “Pinhão” flour heated at 80°C for 16 hours and used as supplementary in diet had the most similar results in all nutritional parameters to casein-based diets, and can be used as complementary source, substituting until 20% of a high biological value protein in food formulations.
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Aspectos morfoquantitativos e ultraestruturais dos componentes do plexo mioentérico do intestino grosso de ratos submetidos à subnutrição (dieta padrão de Moçambique) e renutrição nos períodos pré e pós-natal / Morphoquantitative aspects and ultrastructural components of the myenteric plexus of the large intestine of rats submitted to malnutrition (standard diet of Mozambique) and refeeding pre- and postnatalTampelini, Flávio Silva 06 December 2016 (has links)
A fome e a subnutrição estão entre os mais devastadores problemas sociais e de saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento, estando relacionadas a problemas socioeconômicos como pobreza, miséria, baixo nível educacional, ausência de programas de saúde, déficit no saneamento básico e tabus alimentares. Assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da dieta básica da população de Moçambique (DM) e da renutrição proteica, nos componentes do plexo mioentérico dos segmentos proximal e distal do intestino grosso de ratos Wistar de 21 e 42 dias. Para tanto, os animais foram divididos em sete grupos: o controle, dieta AIN-93G com adição de 20% de caseína (NN21 e NN42); Dieta de Moçambique (DM21 e DM42); Dieta Moçambique suplementada, acrescida de 20% de caseína (NM21 e NM42) e o grupo renutrido (RM42), animais do grupo DM21 que, a partir do 22º dia, receberam a dieta NM até atingirem 42 dias de vida. As amostras dos segmentos proximal e distal do intestino grosso, foram coletadas e submetidas às técnicas histoquímicas da NADH-diaforase e NADPH-diaforase e imunohistoquímica (ChAT, Substância P e VIP), para avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa dos neurônios do plexo mioentérico. A estrutura, ultraestrutura e morfometria dos componentes ganglionares e da parede e mucosa intestinal, foram avaliadas com o uso de técnicas rotineiras de histologia (HE, Picro-sírius e Weigert) e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e de transmissão. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) e, dependendo do parâmetro a ser avaliado, utilizados dois ou três fatores (grupo, idade e segmento do intestino). Quando necessário, comparações múltiplas pelos métodos de Bonferroni ou Tukey foram aplicadas, com nível de significância p<0,05. A análise qualitativa mostrou que todos os grupos experimentais, independentemente da idade (21 e 42 dias) e segmento intestinal (proximal e distal), apresentaram as camadas histológicas e seus constituintes preservados. Os animais do grupo DM apresentaram os menores valores para: peso e comprimento; dados metabólicos; área da parede e mucosa intestinal; comprimento e área do intestino. A renutrição não foi capaz de recuperar esses parâmetros. As fibras colágenas do tipo I predominaram no grupo DM e as do tipo III no grupo RM. As fibras elásticas não foram detectadas na cápsula dos gânglios mioentéricos do grupo DM aos 21 e 42 dias. A imunorreatividade dos neurônios mioentéricos à ChAT, SP e VIP, mostrou-se fraca no grupo DM. Sob o aspecto ultraestrutural, o grupo DM exibiu um atraso no desenvolvimento celular. A densidade de neurônios reativos à NADH-d e NADPH-d foi maior em todos os grupos de 21 em comparação aos grupos de 42 dias, independente do segmento. O grupo DM apresentou uma densidade numérica neuronal maior em relação aos outros grupos, independente do segmento e idade. Por outro lado, quando se avaliou a área do perfil neuronal, os grupos de 42 dias exibiram uma área maior em relação aos animais de 21 dias, independente do segmento. Entre os grupos da mesma faixa etária, independente do segmento, a área neuronal dos animais foi maior no grupo NN, e menor no grupo DM. O grupo RM não recuperou esse parâmetro. A estimativa do número total de neurônios da NADH-d aumentou com a idade em todos os grupos. Considerando a mesma faixa etária, não foram detectadas diferenças entre os grupos. Já a estimativa neuronal para a NADPH-d foi maior no grupo DM, independentemente da idade. / Hunger and malnutrition are among the most devastating social and public health problems in developing countries, being related to socioeconomic problems such as poverty, misery, poor education, absence of health programs, deficit in basics sanitation and food taboos. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of Mozambique populations regular diet (DM) and the protein refeeding in the components of the myenteric plexus of proximal and distal segments of the large intestine of Wistar rats 21 and 42 days old. Animals were divided into seven groups: control, AIN-93G diet with 20% casein addition (NN21 and NN42); Diet Mozambique (DM21 and DM42) and Diet Mozambique supplemented with 20% casein (NM21 and NM42) and re-nourished group (RM42), animals from DM21 group, 22 days old, that received the NM diet until they reach 42 days old. Proximal and distal segments samples of the large intestine were collected and submitted to NADH-diaforase and NADPH-diaforase histochemical techniques and to immunohistochemistry (ChAT, Substance P and VIP), in order to demonstrate myenteric neurons. The structure and ultra-structure of ganglion components and intestinal wall were assessed using routine histology techniques (HE, Picrosirius and Weigert) and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Data was analyzed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and, depending on the parameter to be assessed, two or three factors were used (group, age and bowel segment). When necessary, multiple comparisons by Bonferroni or Tukey methods were applied, considering p <0.05 as significance level. Qualitative analysis showed that all groups, regardless of age (21 and 42 days), and intestinal segments (proximal and distal) showed histological layers and their constituents preserved. RM group did not recovered this parameter. DM group animals showed the smallest values for the following parameters: weight and length; metabolic data; intestinal mucosa and wall area; intestine length and area. Refeeding did not recovered these parameters. Type I collagen fibers were most frequent in DM group, whereas type III prevailed in RM group. Elastic fibers were not detected in the capsule of myenteric ganglion of DM group at 21 and 42 days. DM group showed low immune reactivity of myenteric neurons to ChAT, SP and VIP. As regards to ultrastructural aspects, DM group showed slow cellular development. Besides, NADH-d and NADPH-d analysis exhibited increased numeric neuronal density in 21 days old animals compared to 42 days old animals, despite segments. DM group showed higher neuronal numeric density than other groups, regardless of segment and age. On the other hand, when evaluating the neuronal profile area, 42 days groups showed greater area than 21 days animals, with both techniques and regardless of segment. Furthermore, DM group showed significantly lower neuronal area compared to the other groups, regardless of intestinal segment. RM group did not recovered this parameter. Total number of neurons directly increased according to age in all groups. No difference was found between groups of same age. NADPH-d neuronal estimative was higher in DM group, regardless of age.
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Aspectos morfoquantitativos e ultraestruturais dos componentes do plexo mioentérico do intestino grosso de ratos submetidos à subnutrição (dieta padrão de Moçambique) e renutrição nos períodos pré e pós-natal / Morphoquantitative aspects and ultrastructural components of the myenteric plexus of the large intestine of rats submitted to malnutrition (standard diet of Mozambique) and refeeding pre- and postnatalFlávio Silva Tampelini 06 December 2016 (has links)
A fome e a subnutrição estão entre os mais devastadores problemas sociais e de saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento, estando relacionadas a problemas socioeconômicos como pobreza, miséria, baixo nível educacional, ausência de programas de saúde, déficit no saneamento básico e tabus alimentares. Assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da dieta básica da população de Moçambique (DM) e da renutrição proteica, nos componentes do plexo mioentérico dos segmentos proximal e distal do intestino grosso de ratos Wistar de 21 e 42 dias. Para tanto, os animais foram divididos em sete grupos: o controle, dieta AIN-93G com adição de 20% de caseína (NN21 e NN42); Dieta de Moçambique (DM21 e DM42); Dieta Moçambique suplementada, acrescida de 20% de caseína (NM21 e NM42) e o grupo renutrido (RM42), animais do grupo DM21 que, a partir do 22º dia, receberam a dieta NM até atingirem 42 dias de vida. As amostras dos segmentos proximal e distal do intestino grosso, foram coletadas e submetidas às técnicas histoquímicas da NADH-diaforase e NADPH-diaforase e imunohistoquímica (ChAT, Substância P e VIP), para avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa dos neurônios do plexo mioentérico. A estrutura, ultraestrutura e morfometria dos componentes ganglionares e da parede e mucosa intestinal, foram avaliadas com o uso de técnicas rotineiras de histologia (HE, Picro-sírius e Weigert) e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e de transmissão. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) e, dependendo do parâmetro a ser avaliado, utilizados dois ou três fatores (grupo, idade e segmento do intestino). Quando necessário, comparações múltiplas pelos métodos de Bonferroni ou Tukey foram aplicadas, com nível de significância p<0,05. A análise qualitativa mostrou que todos os grupos experimentais, independentemente da idade (21 e 42 dias) e segmento intestinal (proximal e distal), apresentaram as camadas histológicas e seus constituintes preservados. Os animais do grupo DM apresentaram os menores valores para: peso e comprimento; dados metabólicos; área da parede e mucosa intestinal; comprimento e área do intestino. A renutrição não foi capaz de recuperar esses parâmetros. As fibras colágenas do tipo I predominaram no grupo DM e as do tipo III no grupo RM. As fibras elásticas não foram detectadas na cápsula dos gânglios mioentéricos do grupo DM aos 21 e 42 dias. A imunorreatividade dos neurônios mioentéricos à ChAT, SP e VIP, mostrou-se fraca no grupo DM. Sob o aspecto ultraestrutural, o grupo DM exibiu um atraso no desenvolvimento celular. A densidade de neurônios reativos à NADH-d e NADPH-d foi maior em todos os grupos de 21 em comparação aos grupos de 42 dias, independente do segmento. O grupo DM apresentou uma densidade numérica neuronal maior em relação aos outros grupos, independente do segmento e idade. Por outro lado, quando se avaliou a área do perfil neuronal, os grupos de 42 dias exibiram uma área maior em relação aos animais de 21 dias, independente do segmento. Entre os grupos da mesma faixa etária, independente do segmento, a área neuronal dos animais foi maior no grupo NN, e menor no grupo DM. O grupo RM não recuperou esse parâmetro. A estimativa do número total de neurônios da NADH-d aumentou com a idade em todos os grupos. Considerando a mesma faixa etária, não foram detectadas diferenças entre os grupos. Já a estimativa neuronal para a NADPH-d foi maior no grupo DM, independentemente da idade. / Hunger and malnutrition are among the most devastating social and public health problems in developing countries, being related to socioeconomic problems such as poverty, misery, poor education, absence of health programs, deficit in basics sanitation and food taboos. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of Mozambique populations regular diet (DM) and the protein refeeding in the components of the myenteric plexus of proximal and distal segments of the large intestine of Wistar rats 21 and 42 days old. Animals were divided into seven groups: control, AIN-93G diet with 20% casein addition (NN21 and NN42); Diet Mozambique (DM21 and DM42) and Diet Mozambique supplemented with 20% casein (NM21 and NM42) and re-nourished group (RM42), animals from DM21 group, 22 days old, that received the NM diet until they reach 42 days old. Proximal and distal segments samples of the large intestine were collected and submitted to NADH-diaforase and NADPH-diaforase histochemical techniques and to immunohistochemistry (ChAT, Substance P and VIP), in order to demonstrate myenteric neurons. The structure and ultra-structure of ganglion components and intestinal wall were assessed using routine histology techniques (HE, Picrosirius and Weigert) and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Data was analyzed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and, depending on the parameter to be assessed, two or three factors were used (group, age and bowel segment). When necessary, multiple comparisons by Bonferroni or Tukey methods were applied, considering p <0.05 as significance level. Qualitative analysis showed that all groups, regardless of age (21 and 42 days), and intestinal segments (proximal and distal) showed histological layers and their constituents preserved. RM group did not recovered this parameter. DM group animals showed the smallest values for the following parameters: weight and length; metabolic data; intestinal mucosa and wall area; intestine length and area. Refeeding did not recovered these parameters. Type I collagen fibers were most frequent in DM group, whereas type III prevailed in RM group. Elastic fibers were not detected in the capsule of myenteric ganglion of DM group at 21 and 42 days. DM group showed low immune reactivity of myenteric neurons to ChAT, SP and VIP. As regards to ultrastructural aspects, DM group showed slow cellular development. Besides, NADH-d and NADPH-d analysis exhibited increased numeric neuronal density in 21 days old animals compared to 42 days old animals, despite segments. DM group showed higher neuronal numeric density than other groups, regardless of segment and age. On the other hand, when evaluating the neuronal profile area, 42 days groups showed greater area than 21 days animals, with both techniques and regardless of segment. Furthermore, DM group showed significantly lower neuronal area compared to the other groups, regardless of intestinal segment. RM group did not recovered this parameter. Total number of neurons directly increased according to age in all groups. No difference was found between groups of same age. NADPH-d neuronal estimative was higher in DM group, regardless of age.
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Digestibilidade aparente de derivados de soja (Glycine max), parâmetros hematológicos e desempenho de juvenis de Tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) / Apparent digestibility of diets the basis of derivatives of soybean (Glycine max), hematological and performance of juvenile Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)Brum, Jackeline Marcante Dallagnol 20 July 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-07-20 / Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná. Campus de Toledo / This work was carried out to determine the apparent digestibility of soybean products: soybean meal white (FSB), soybean extruded and pressed (FSP), conventional soybean meal (FSC) and protein isolate soybean (IPS) and the basal diet, and assess whether these derivatives cause injury to health and performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). For the first study, we used approximately 385 juvenile tilapia with mean weight 26 ± 6.31 g, distributed in five conical tanks with a capacity of 90L. The experimental design was a Latin square. The animals were submitted to the method of fecal collection by sedimentation. During the experimental period were measured average values of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity were measured. The IPS had the best CDaEB index of 84.33%. For CDaPB, there were no significant differences between treatments, with values above 90%. The largest value of digestible energy (ED) was 4139Kcal ED / kg for the IPS. To digestible protein (PD) IPS presented the value of 79.11%, followed by the FSB, and FSC FSP. After the stool collection period, fish were fed for 45 days for evaluation of hematological and biochemical parameters of tilapia. For blood tests, were captured at random eight fish weighing on average 94.17 ± 8.60 g. Through blood tests, there was a significant difference between treatments for hematological parameters of hemoglobin and hematocrit to biochemical parameters showed higher triglyceride levels in the analysis of basal diet. The second study aimed to evaluate the performance of tilapia when exposed to soy-based diets (White, IPS, and Conventional Soybean extruded and pressed). We used 200 tilapia with initial weight of 3.6 g and total length averaging 5.2 cm, distributed in 20 experimental cages, housed in a greenhouse. The distribution of treatments used was a fully cazualizado design with four treatments and five replicates for 60 days. Were prepared five isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets containing 28% digestible protein and 3,300 kcal ED / kg. At the end of the experiment, fish were weighed and measured individually, where he obtained the calculations of weight gain, feed conversion, feed efficiency, survival rate and condition factor. At the end of the experiment, there were no statistical differences in the composition of fish among treatments and productive performance. It follows that all foods have excellent CDa evaluated with values above 90% protein digestibility. Derivatives of soy are foods high protein, with excellent rates of apparent availability of its nutrients. The soy-based diets do not cause harm to health of tilapia compared with the reference diet, and can be used as food in order to formulate least cost rations for flour in place of animal origin for this species, and that feeds the base of soy products do not cause damage to the performance of tilapia compared with the reference diet. / O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente dos derivados da soja: farelo de soja branco (FSB), farelo de soja extrusado e prensado (FSP), farelo de soja convencional (FSC) e o isolado protéico de soja (IPS) e uma ração referência, e avaliar se esses derivados causam prejuízos à saúde e ao desempenho da tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Para o primeiro estudo, foram utilizados aproximadamente 385 juvenis de tilápias com peso médio de 26±6,31g., distribuídos em cinco tanques de fundo cônico com capacidade para 90L. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o quadrado latino. Os animais foram submetidos à metodologia de coleta de fezes por sedimentação. Durante o período experimental foram mensurados os valores médios de temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, pH e condutividade elétrica foram mensurados. O IPS apresentou o melhor índice de CDaEB de 84,33%. Para o CDaPB, não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos, apresentando valores acima de 90%. O maior valor de energia digestível (ED) foi de 4139Kcal de ED/Kg para o IPS. Para a proteína digestível (PD) o IPS apresentou o valor de 79,11%, seguido do FSB, FSC e FSP. Após o período de coleta das fezes, os peixes foram alimentados por mais 45 dias, para a avaliação dos parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos das tilápias. Para as análises sanguíneas, foram capturados ao acaso oito peixes com peso médio de 94,17±8,60g. Através das análises sanguíneas, observou-se que houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos para os parâmetros hematológicos de hemoglobina e hematócrito, para os parâmetros bioquímicos foram observados maiores níveis de triglicerídeos na análise da ração referência. O segundo estudo objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho das tilápias quando submetidas às dietas a base de soja (Branco, IPS, Convencional e Soja Extrusada e Prensada). Foram utilizadas 200 tilápias com peso médio inicial de 3,6g e comprimento total médio inicial de 5,2cm, distribuídos em 20 tanques-rede experimentais, instalado em uma estufa. A distribuição dos tratamentos utilizada foi um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições, durante 60 dias. Foram elaboradas cinco rações isoprotéicas e isoenergéticas com 28% de proteína digestível e 3.300Kcal de ED/Kg. Ao final do período experimental os peixes foram pesados e medidos individualmente, onde obteve-se os cálculos de ganho de peso, conversão alimentar aparente, eficiências alimentar, taxa de sobrevivência e o fator de condição. Ao final do experimento, não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas na composição centesimal dos peixes e entre os tratamentos do desempenho produtivo. Conclui-se que todos os alimentos avaliados apresentam excelentes CDa, com valores acima de 90% de digestibilidade da proteína. Os derivados da soja são alimentos altamente protéicos, com ótimos índices de disponibilidade aparente de seus nutrientes. As rações a base de soja não causam prejuízos a saúde das tilápias quando comparadas com a ração referência, e pode ser utilizado na alimentação, visando formular rações de menor custo em substituição às farinhas de origem animal para esta espécie, e que as rações a base de derivados de soja não causam prejuízos ao desempenho das tilápias quando comparadas com a ração referência.
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