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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspects of narration and voice in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God

Vass, Verity January 2017 (has links)
Masters of Art / Zora Neale Hurston is a significant figure in American fiction and is strongly associated with the Harlem Renaissance, the period noted for the emergence of literature by people of African-American descent. Hurston worked as a writer of fiction and of anthropological research and this mini-thesis will discuss aspects of her novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, first published in 1937. While the novel traces the psychological development of the central female character, Janie Mae Crawford and, thus, demonstrates several features of a conventional Bildungsroman, the novel also contains some intriguing innovations in respect of narration and voice. These innovations imply that the novel can be read in terms of the qualities commonly associated with the Modernist novel. This contention becomes significant when it is understood that a considerable degree of critical responses to the novel have discounted these connections. The novel is widely accepted to be a story about a woman’s journey to self-actualisation through the relationships she has with the men in her life. Much of the criticism related to the novel is based on this aspect of it, with many stating that Janie’s voice is often silenced by the third-person narrator at crucial moments in the text and that, as a consequence, she does not achieve complete self-actualisation by the end of the novel. This thesis will examine the significance of the shifts between first-person and thirdperson narration and the manifestations of other voices or means of articulation, which give the novel a multi-vocal quality. The importance of this innovation will also be considered, particularly when it is taken into account that Hurston sought to incorporate some elements associated with the oral tradition into her work as a writer of fiction.

Hinder vid implementering av uppkopplad tillverkning och dess orsaker : en flerfallstudie hos SMF inom tillverkningsindustrin ur ett resursbaserat synsätt

Stig, Oscar, Mandelius, Dag January 2018 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med studien var att skapa en förståelse för vilka resurser som kan vara nödvändiga vid implementering av uppkopplad tillverkning för SMF inom tillverkningsindustrin men kan upplevas som hinder. För att adressera syftet har två forskningsfrågor (FF) tagits fram, FF 1: Vilka resurser kan krävas när SMF avser att implementera uppkopplad tillverkning, samt hur kan dessa påverka SMF inom tillverkningsindustrin? FF 2: Vilka bakomliggande orsaker kan finnas till att resurser utgör hinder för en implementering av uppkopplad tillverkning? Metod – Studien har genomförts genom en deduktiv forskningsansats med induktiva inslag. Denna forskningsansats valdes för att studien tog avstamp i litteraturöversikten och sedan verifierades samt utvecklades utifrån den empiriska dataanalysen. Vidare, studien antog en kvalitativ datainsamling, och totalt genomfördes intervjuer med personer från 11 olika företag. Urvalet av intervjuade företag begränsades till svenska SMF inom tillverkningsindustrin som har implementerat uppkopplad tillverkning i form av automatiserade processer. Den valda analysmetoden är i form av en tematisk analys av insamlad data. Resultat – Studien resulterade i ett konceptuellt ramverk som främst riktar sig till SMF inom tillverkningsindustrin som vill implementera uppkopplad tillverkning. Det konceptuella ramverket är uppbyggt kring sex framtagna dimensioner, där de fysiska resurserna ses som primära och de resterande fem är sekundära gentemot den primära. Det som gör att de fysiska resurserna utgör de huvudsakliga resurserna är att de möjliggör automatiserade processer hos SMF i tillverkningsindustrin. Medan de resterande fem resurserna fungerar som ett stöd till de fysiska resurserna. De framtagna dimensionerna visar de resurser som kan brista och dess bakomliggande orsaker vid implementering av uppkopplad tillverkning. Teoretiska implikationer – Studien bidrar till tidigare litteratur kring implementering av uppkopplad tillverkning för SMF i tillverkningsindustrin genom att undersöka de bakomliggande orsakerna till att resurser upplevs som hinder. Ett av bidragen är synliggörandet av de resurser som kan hindra SMF inom tillverkningsindustrin att implementera uppkopplad tillverkning. Denna studie har även bidragit med att identifiera en sekundär resurs, marknadsresurser, som tidigare inte lyfts fram i litteraturen. Resultatet visade att det är förståelsen för helhetsbilden av marknaden som är viktigt hos företag, och inte enbart rykte hos kunderna. Resultatet visade att rykte handlar mer om förståelsen för marknaderna, såsom konkurrenssituationen. Resultaten visar även orsaker till att resurser kan upplevas som hinder vid implementering av uppkopplad tillverkning.. Praktiska implikationer – Det främsta praktiska bidraget från denna studie är det konceptuella ramverket som har sin grund i resursbaserad teori och som visar på de brister i ett företags resurser som kan hindra en implementering av uppkopplad tillverkning. Det är främst beslutsfattare i SMF inom tillverkningsindustrin som överväger att implementera uppkopplad tillverkning i sina fabriker som kan vägledas och ta hjälp av det konceptuella ramverket. Tillväxtverket kan med hjälp av denna studie öka förståelsen för SMF inom tillverkningsindustrin i Sverige. Detta kan i sin tur hjälpa dessa företag att få en bättre förståelse för vilka resurser som kan hindra en implementering av uppkopplad tillverkning. Genom en ökad förståelse med hjälp utav Tillväxtverket kan SMF undvika att dessa hinder uppstår i planeringsfasen. / Purpose – The purpose of the study was to provide an understanding of resources that may be inadequate but necessary when implementing online manufacturing for SME’s in the manufacturing industry. To address the purpose two research questions (RQ) were developed, RQ 1: What resources can affect SME’s in the manufacturing industry in the implementation of online manufacturing? RQ 2: What are the underlying reasons to that resources constitute obstacles when implementing online manufacturing? Method – The study has been conducted through a deductive research with inductive elements. The research method was chosen because the study was based on the literature review and then verified and developed on the basis of the empirical data analysis. The study adopted a qualitative data collection, and interviews were conducted with individuals from 11 different companies. The selection of interviewed companies was limited to Swedish SME’s in the manufacturing industry, which has implemented online manufacturing in the form of automated processes. The chosen analysis method of the collected data is in the form of a thematic analysis. Findings – The study resulted in a conceptual framework, which is aimed primarily for SME’s in the manufacturing industry that wants to implement online manufacturing. The conceptual framework is built on six dimensions, where physical resources are primary and the remaining five are secondary. The physical resources are the main resource since they enable automated processes for SME’s in the manufacturing industry. While the remaining five resources serve as a support for physical resources. The developed dimensions show the resources that can be inadequate and its underlying reasons of the implementation of online manufacturing. Theoretical contributions – The study contributes to previous literature on the implementation of online manufacturing for SME’s in the manufacturing industry by investigating the underlying reasons of resources being perceived as obstacles and why an implementation is not taking place. One of the contributions is the visualization of the resources that may affect SME’s in the manufacturing industry to implement online manufacturing. This study has also contributed with a new resource. The result showed that it is an understanding of the overall picture of the market that is important for companies, and not just the reputation. The result also pointed out that reputation was about the understanding of the markets, such as the competitive situation, which led to the emergence of the new dimension called market resources. Furthermore, the reasons that resources can be perceived as barriers to implementing online manufacturing were partly confirmed in the result part. Finally, new reasons emerged why resources can be perceived as obstacles. Practical implications – The main practical contribution from this study is the conceptual framework that has its foundation in the resource-based view and demonstrates the shortcomings that may arise in a company's resources prior to an implementation of online manufacturing. It is primarily managers of SME’s in the manufacturing industry, who are considering an implementation of online manufacturing in their factories, that will be guided by the conceptual framework. Tillväxtverket can, with the help of this study, increase understanding for SME’s in the manufacturing industry in Sweden. This, in turn, can help companies to get a better understanding of which resources that can prevent an implementation of online manufacturing. Through an increased understanding and with the help of Tillväxtverket SME’s can prevent difficulties from occurring during the planning phase.

Investigating Occupant’s Visual Comfort and Visual Interest towards Sunlight Patterns in Daylit Offices

Abboushi, Belal 06 September 2018 (has links)
Sunlight is a multidimensional phenomenon that influences occupant’s comfort and well-being through its dynamic visual and thermal attributes. Previous studies suggested that the presence of sunlight patterns in space was cheering and visually interesting, which could improve visual comfort and space quality. However, it remains unclear what the attributes of visually interesting sunlight patterns are, and whether their visual interest influences visual comfort. This dissertation aims to answer three main questions: (1) is there a difference in visual interest and mood response among different projected light patterns? (2) How do sunlight patterns of different geometries influence visual interest and visual comfort in offices? And (3) what are the geometrical attributes of sunlight patterns that should be implemented in office spaces? To address these questions, a series of four studies were conducted. The first two studies extended empirical findings on visual interest and mood responses elicited by varying complexities of fractal and non-fractal light patterns projected on walls and floors of an interior space. These two studies determined which patterns to be further examined in Studies 3 and 4, which investigated the visual comfort, visual interest of sunlight patterns, and view quality under three different window conditions in office spaces. The results of studies 1 and 2 suggested that fractal light patterns of medium to medium-high complexity, quantified by the fractal dimension in the range (D=1.5-1.7), were significantly more visually interesting than other patterns. Both studies found that fractal compared to non-fractal light patterns provided a better balance between relaxation and excitement. Study 3 found that the fractal pattern was associated with a significant increase in visual comfort, compared to the striped pattern, though the difference in visual interest between the two patterns was not statistically significant. Study 4 found that the effect of the fractal pattern on visual comfort, visual interest of sunlight patterns, and view quality was dependent on occupant’s view direction and façade orientation. These findings can have implications for the design and control of facade systems to improve occupant’s visual comfort, interest, and view quality in work environments. This dissertation includes both previously published/unpublished and co-authored material. / 2019-01-27

”Motivation är ju jätteviktigt, man måste ha lust att lära, lust att vilja!” : En studie om vilka motiverande inslag lärare i årskurs 1 använder för att motivera elever i läsundervisningen.

Olofsson, Matilda, Sundqvist, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få ökad kunskap om lärares uppfattningar om och undervisning i läsning kopplat till motivation, i årskurs 1. För att undersöka detta ligger fokus på vilken läsundervisning lärare bedriver och vad lärare använder för motiverande inslag i sin läsundervisning. Teoretiska utgångspunkter som används i studien är The Simple View of Reading och förväntan-värdeteorin. Data består av intervjuer och observationer med fyra lärare. I resultatet framkommer det att majoriteten av lärarna bedriver läsundervisning där olika läsundervisningsmetoder kombineras och att elevers motivation är betydelsefullt för läsutvecklingen. Resultatet visar även att lärarna använder en mängd motiverande inslag i läsundervisningen som går att härleda till förväntan-värdeteorin.

To Beer or not to Beer : Investigating Swedish Microbrewing Through an Integrated Resource-Based and Institutional Capital View

Hargrave, Adam, Koponen, Benjamin January 2019 (has links)
Background: Microbreweries are a rapid and emergent alternative in the alcoholic beverage industry. Understanding resource selection, development, and management with their institutional context and capital are critical for microbreweries to develop sustained competitive advantage in a difficult industry. Therefore, using Oliver’s (1997) and Bresser and Millonig’s (2003) integration of resource capital and institutional capital, the researchers identified a gap in the literature and were interested in exploring how Swedish microbreweries select and manage resource and institutional capital in their competitive context and identify challenges to existing literature.                  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore and investigate how Swedish microbreweries select, develop, and manage institutional and resource-based capital. The study looks to explain the internal strategy process and factors affecting the microbrewery’s decisions.     Method: The study is an exploratory approach by combining existing theoretical frameworks and empirical data. Empirical data was collected through a qualitative research method consisting of seven semi-structured interviews and analysed with the thematic analysis technique.   Conclusion: The authors propose an amendment to Oliver’s (1997) model that links the empirical data and existing literature. In this context, collaborations and brewery networks are an important overarching dynamic that influences the procurement and management of resource capital and institutional capital. The dominant nature of collaborations and brewery networks is instrumental in the success of the microbrewery in question as it provides access to valuable resources and knowledge development crucial to achieving a sustained competitive advantage. This model can be used in the understanding of the overlapping factors facing the Swedish microbrewing industry.

Une approche de l'autobiographie : reprises et variations dans les écrits de l'enfance chez Marguerite Duras / An approach to the autobiography : returns and changes in the writings of childhood in Marguerite Duras narratives

Zamaron, Sylvie 26 November 2012 (has links)
Marguerite Duras place la répétition, en tant que principe d’écriture, au cœur de la plupart de ses œuvres et cette répétition se situe à différents niveaux : celui de la diégèse, du style et des thématiques choisies. Cette étude se fixe donc pour objectif de comparer les écarts qui s’insinuent entre les nombreuses redites dans les récits de l’enfance et d’analyser les procédés narratifs selon trois axes : la restitution des connaissances objectives d’un narrateur omniscient, ses commentaires subjectifs, et enfin l’introduction dans le récit des voix des personnages et de l’auteur elle-même. C’est dans la confrontation de ces points de vue, mis en lumière par des procédés relevant de la syntaxe, de la sémantique ou de la pragmatique, que sont étudiés les enjeux et les effets de ce processus de réécriture d’un livre à l’autre ou même de certains passages à l’intérieur d’un même ouvrage. Ces variations prennent également leurs racines dans le maniement de conventions littéraires et cinématographiques en raison de la diversité de l’œuvre de Marguerite Duras qui propose des réécritures dans des genres littéraires variés et induit une véritable réflexion sur l’écriture elle-même. Enfin, si ces variations répondent à des besoins esthétiques et stylistiques, elles prennent également racine dans la vie réelle de l’auteur puisque la dimension biographique est essentielle dans l’œuvre de Marguerite Duras. Cette recherche est segmentée en fonction des épisodes les plus fréquemment repris d’un ouvrage à l’autre et les procédés sont analysés dans la confrontation des fragments qui se font écho. / Marguerite Duras uses repetition, as a principle of writing, at the heart of most of her works and this repetition takes place at different levels: the diegesis, the style and themes chosen. Therefore, this study compares the differences between the many repetitions in the childhood narratives and analyzes narrative processes along three axes: the return of objective knowledge of an omniscient narrator, her subjective comments, and finally the introduction of different voices of the characters or of the author herself. It is in the comparison of these views, highlighted by processes within the syntax, semantics or pragmatics that are studied, as well as issues and effects of this process of rewriting from a book to another or even between passages within the same work. These changes also take their roots in the use of literary and cinematic conventions due to the diversity of the work of Marguerite Duras, offering rewritings in various literary genres, and creating a true reflection on the writing itself. Finally, if these variations meet aesthetic needs and style, they also take root in the real life of the author as the biographical dimension is essential in the work of Marguerite Duras. This research is segmented according to the most frequently repeated episodes from one book to another. Processes are analyzed in the confrontation of fragments that écho one another.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att delge negativa besked : En integrerad kunskapsöversikt / Nurses’ experiences towards breaking bad news : An integrative review

Olofsson, Malin, Forsberg, Albin January 2019 (has links)
The event of breaking bad news is a subject that no one present in the practical setting could choose to avoid. It is a subject that the practitioners comes in touch with during a daily basis. Traditionally the role as the breaker of bad news has been settled by the physician, but at the time being, disagreements occur in the clinical setting about who should break bad news to familys and patients. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the nurses’ experiences of breaking bad news. What are the nurses’ role in the event of breaking bad news, and are there any barriers that can affect the way the bad news is given to the patients and family members? These were two questions of issue that were looked into. Method: The integrative review method based out of Whittemore and Knafl (2005) was used for this review. A systematic search resulted in twelve articles that were deemed fitting for the purpose of this study. Results: This integrative review resulted in five identified roles carried out by the nurse in the event of breaking bad news. Further on, nine factors were identified as being of significance in how the bad news were delivered by nurses and received by patients and the patient’s family members. Nurses expressed a desire and a wish for some kind of education or training in how to break bad news. Conclusion:  This article contributes with five roles experienced by nurses, along with nine different factors to have in mind when carrying out difficult news. The SPIKE model and Gibbs reflective model were discussed to have a great importance in the clinical setting.

A relação entre as capacidades de tecnologia da informação e a gestão do conhecimento: uma visão sob a perspectiva da resource-based view. / The relationship between information technology capabilities and knowledge management: a view from the resource-based view perspective.

Tomomitsu, Henrique Takashi Adati 30 November 2017 (has links)
No contexto da resource-based view, que é uma das principais abordagens estratégicas associada com os fatores internos de uma organização, a tecnologia da informação aparece como um recurso que pode ter impactos positivos sobre a performance de uma organização. Diante de algumas tipologias identificadas na literatura, alguns autores dividem os recursos de tecnologia da informação em três grupos: recursos tangíveis de TI, recursos humanos de TI e recursos intangíveis habilitados pela TI. Nesse último grupo é destacado que o conhecimento pode ser viabilizado por meio da TI, e deve ser considerado um ativo que a empresa poderia usufruir por meio da TI para se diferenciar de seus concorrentes. Dessa forma pode-se afirmar que existe uma influência das capacidades de TI (infraestrutura de TI, operação de TI e recursos humanos de TI) sobre a de gestão do conhecimento, uma vez que elas podem viabilizar uma melhor eficiência sobre os processos de gestão do conhecimento. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a relação das capacidades de tecnologia da informação sobre a gestão do conhecimento, levando em consideração os seguintes fatores: o impacto estratégico da TI no presente e no futuro, e o estilo de gestão de conhecimento voltado pra o conhecimento explícito, com o intuito de verificar se esses fatores afetam a intensidade da relação principal foco do estudo. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos foi realizada uma pesquisa seguindo uma abordagem quantitativa, por meio de um levantamento survey. Foram identificadas evidências empíricas de que a capacidade de TI tem um impacto positivo sobre a gestão do conhecimento conforme já destacado na literatura, além desse resultado foi constatado que os fatores moderadores influenciam positivamente essa relação. As grandes contribuições para a teoria foram o incremento de mais três novos processos compondo as dimensões da gestão do conhecimento, e a inclusão dos efeitos moderadores (o estilo de gestão do conhecimento voltado para o conhecimento explícito, o impacto estratégico da TI no presente e no futuro) no modelo de pesquisa proposto. / In the context of resource-based view, which is one of the key strategic approaches associated with an organization\'s internal factors, information technology appears as a resource that can have positive impacts on an organization\'s performance. Faced with some typologies identified in the literature, some authors divide information technology resources into three groups: tangible IT resources, IT human resources, and IT-enabled intangible resources. In the latter group it is highlighted that knowledge can be made via IT and should be considered an asset that the company could use through IT to differentiate itself from its competitors. In this way, it can be said that there is an influence of IT capacities (IT infrastructure, IT operation and IT human resources) over knowledge management, since they can enable a better efficiency in the management processes of the knowledge. The objective of this work is to analyze the relationship of information technology capacities on knowledge management, taking into account the following factors: the strategic impact of IT in the present and in the future, and the style of knowledge management aimed at explicit knowledge , in order to verify if these factors affect the intensity of the relationship main focus of the study. In order to reach the proposed objectives, a research was carried out following a quantitative approach, through a survey survey. Empirical evidence has been found that IT capacity has a positive impact on knowledge management as already highlighted in the literature, besides this result it was found that the moderating factors positively influence this relationship. The major contributions to the theory were the increase of three new processes composing the dimensions of knowledge management, and the inclusion of the moderating effects (the style of knowledge management focused on explicit knowledge, the strategic impact of IT in the present and in the future) in the proposed research model.

Análise das pequenas empresas de costura frente ao desenvolvimento local no município de Bandeira do Sul/MG: um estudo de caso / Analysis of the small sewing front of the local development of the municipality of Bandeira do Sul / MG: a case study

Ribeiro, Alessandra Valim 10 January 2012 (has links)
O advento da globalização, a adoção de novos mecanismos de mercado, a formação de blocos regionais de comércio tem provocado inúmeras reestruturações socioeconômicas e consequentemente, obrigado pensadores, políticos ou não, a buscarem alternativas de intervenções públicas e privadas em espaços regionais visando o desenvolvimento local. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo buscou identificar quais as contribuições das pequenas indústrias de costura instaladas no município de Bandeira do Sul, frente à proposta de desenvolvimento local. Por ser uma cidade de pequeno porte, tipicamente agrícola, a existência de dez facções industriais de costura em atividade, chamou a atenção e despertou o interesse em identificar os impactos dessa atividade na localidade. Optou-se por realizar um estudo de caso, com características qualitativas, referente à sua natureza. Quanto ao seu fim, foi um estudo exploratório, composto de pesquisas documentais, entrevistas e aplicação de questionários. As análises foram feitas com base no discurso dos entrevistados, por meio da Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), garantindo a profundidade e a visão sistêmica necessária aos estudos qualitativos. Segundo os empreendedores, o poder público e a sociedade local, as facções industriais de costura têm papel significativo no município, gerando renda e trabalho a uma importante parcela da população. No entanto, a pesquisa revelou ser necessário, num primeiro momento, o esclarecimento de conceitos sobre desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade, para que, em uma segunda etapa, se viabilize práticas em prol do desenvolvimento local integrado e sustentável. / With the arrival of globalization, the implementation of new marketing mechanisms, the formation of regional commercial blocks has generated much socioeconomic restructuring and consequently led thinkers, whether political or otherwise, to pursue alternative public and private interventions in regional areas in order to achieve local development. In this context, the objective of this study was to identify how the small industrial sewing factions in Bandeira do Sul could contribute to the local development. Since Bandeira do Sul is a small rural town, with an agricultural based economy, the existence of ten active industrial factories that provide sewing services drew attention and aroused interest in identifying the impacts of this activity on the township. The chosen method was a case study with qualitative characteristics regarding its nature. The purpose was exploratory, composed of documented research, in-depth interviews and application of questionnaires. The analyses were done based on the data gathered from the interviews, by way of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), assuring the required systemic depth and vision necessary for the qualitative studies. According to the entrepreneurs, the local legislative officers and the general society, the sewing factories play a significant role in the township, generating income and jobs to an important portion of the population. However the research revealed the necessity first of all, to clarify the concepts regarding development and sustainability, in order to secondly implement viable practices to drive an integrated and sustainable local development.

GGraph: Uma ferramenta para aplicações que envolvem grafos / GGraph: a tool for applications involving graphs

Lucca, Luiz Carlos 28 November 2012 (has links)
Diversas são as aplicações que podem ser expressas por meio de grafos [2]. Algoritmos [3] e modelos de visualização [15] podem ser encontrados amplamente na literatura. Todos os problemas de grafos possuem uma base em comum: um modelo genérico que nasce da própria natureza dos elementos e das relações que podem ser expressas entre eles, diferindo apenas pelo tipo de resposta que queremos obter desta complexa malha. Além disso, é natural que, para problemas que sejam de áreas distintas, mas que sejam semelhantes quanto ao processamento interno, apenas o que mude, seja a visualização dos elementos que o compõe (nós, arestas, etc.). Da mesma forma, independente do tipo de processamento interno, os grafos devem manter a estrutura original de grafos, ou seja, ainda deve haver uma malha que descreve os nós e suas ligações. Neste aspecto, fundamentamos nosso estudo: propomos neste trabalho, desenvolver uma API que possa ser estendida para os mais diversos problemas na área de grafos, tanto na parte visual como na representação matemática do modelo e dos algoritmos, porém, robusta, no sentido de manter a complexidade dos algoritmos envolvidos na área de grafos, além de ser completamente dirigida as necessidades de cada aplicação, podendo-se alterar apenas algumas partes da aplicação para obter um produto específico ao trabalho do usuário / There are several applications that can be expressed by means of graphs [2]. Algorithms [3] and visualization models [15] can be widely found in the literature. All graph problems have a common base: create a generic model that arises not only from the nature of their elements, but also from the relationships which these elements can express, differing just by the type of response we want to get from this complex mesh. Moreover, it is natural for problems that are in different fields, but similar in internal processing, that the only change is related to how elements are visualized (nodes, edges, and so on). Likewise, regardless the internal processing, the graphs must keep their original structure, i.e., they must still be a mesh that describes the nodes and their connections. Based on that, this study proposes to develop an API that is generic enough to be extended to several problems in the graphs area. This API can be applied in both visual and mathematical representation of models and algorithms. Besides that, it must be robust to maintain the complexity of the algorithms involved in the graph. Also, it has to be flexible so that only some parts of the application can be changed to get a specific product to the user´s need

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