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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La qualité de la formation professionnelle continue en ses formes et ses usages : instruments de contrôle ou de régulation du marché de la formation ? Etat multiforme de la question / The quality of adults’ vocational training, a regulation tool of the training market? : a multifaceted report on the matter

Possoz, Didier 05 December 2011 (has links)
La qualité de la formation professionnelle continue pose de multiples questions. Pour les traiter, nous les abordons sous l’angle du modèle économique de la servuction, rencontre d’acteurs co-producteurs de la formation. Le système est caractérisé par une pluralité d’enjeux et de pilotes ; chacun d’eux, malgré des modalités institutionnelles de concertation, développe ses politiques spécifiques et élabore ses propres normes, marquant ainsi son territoire d’action. De leurs côtés, des organismes de formation créent leurs labels de la qualité pour mieux affirmer leur identité face à leurs partenaires et concurrents et asseoir leur légitimité à intervenir. Les signes de la qualité prolifèrent donc sur le marché de la certification, chacun portant une conception singulière de la formation et des critères de sa qualité. Quelle valeur leur accorder ? Un accord est-il possible sur la qualité de la formation et son évaluation ? En nous appuyant sur les théories des conventions et de la régulation, nous construisons un cadre d’intelligibilité des concepts de qualité, normalisation et certification mis en œuvre aux niveaux macro-économique et microsocial. Nous interrogeons la catégorie de marché de la formation, eu égard aux caractéristiques de l’acte de formation. Nous étudions les pratiques d’institutions chargées de la gouvernance du système, d’entreprises et de bénéficiaires sur ce qui fonde la qualité de la formation de leur point de vue. Nous analysons les raisons pour lesquelles les normes élaborées par consensus entre professionnels du secteur ne font pas l’unanimité et étudions les propositions portées par des réseaux d’organismes, dont les Greta de l’Education nationale. / The quality in adults’ vocational training raises many questions. To treat them, we address the perspective of the economic model of servuction, and meet actors co-producers of the training. The system is characterized by a number of issues and drivers, each of them, despite the institutional arrangements for consultation, develops specific policies and develops its own standards, marking its territory for action. For their part, training organizations create their own quality labels to better assert their identity against their partners and competitors and establish their legitimacy to intervene. As a result, signs of quality are proliferating in the market for certification, each with a unique design of training and criteria for quality. What value are they? Is it possible to reach an agreement on the quality of training and its way of being assessed? Using the theories of conventions and regulation, we build a framework of intelligibility of quality concepts, standardization and certification implemented at the macro-economic and micro-social. We question the category of the training market, given the characteristics of the act of training. We study the practices of institutions on governance of the system, companies and recipients based on what a quality of training is according to them. We analyze the reasons why the standards developed by consensus among industry professionals are not unanimously accepted and we study the proposals made by networks of organizations, including Greta of French National Education.

Die Abschlussprüfung als geheimer Lehrplan für die Lehr-Lernprozesse im Wirtschafts- und Sozialkundeunterricht der berufsbildenden Schulen

Bauer, Julia 21 January 2020 (has links)
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die theoretischen Grundlagen zum dualen Prüfsystem in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit dem Schwerpunkt auf den Prüfbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde und den schriftlichen Prüfverfahren erörtert. Der anschließende empirische Teil gliedert sich in eine quantitative Dokumentenanalyse im Kapitel 3 und die qualitative Inhaltsanalyse von Experten-interviews im Kapitel 4. Durch die quantitative Datenerhebung werden einerseits Prüfungsaufgabensätze des Bereichs Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde und anderer-seits Curricula, die dem Unterricht im Prüfbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde übergeordnet sind, hinsichtlich ihres inhaltlichen Gehaltes überprüft. Im Anschluss daran werden die Gegebenheiten im Wirtschafts- und Sozialkundeunterricht an sächsischen berufsbildenden Schulen mithilfe der Experteninterviews dargelegt. Das Kapitel fünf verbindet die erzeugten Aussagen aus den einzelnen empirischen Teilen und soll abschließend den Bezug zur These vom heimlichen Lehrplan herstellen. Im letzten Kapitel werden Empfehlungen formuliert, die die Situation der politischen Bildung in der beruflichen Bildung vor allem im Hinblick auf die schriftliche Abschlussprüfung im Bereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde verbessern könnten.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1 2 Das duale Prüfsystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 3 2.1 Allgemeine Rechtsgrundlagen 4 2.2 Zuständige Stellen im Prüfprozess 6 2.2.1 Neuregelungen im Berufsbildungsgesetz und deren Konsequenzen 7 2.2.2 Aufgabenerstellungseinrichtungen 8 2.3 Regularien für den Prüfungsbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde 11 2.4 Schriftliche Prüfungsdurchführungsform und ihre Aufgabentypen 7 2.4.1 Gebundene Aufgabentypen 21 2.4.2 Nichtgebundene Aufgabentypen 25 2.4.3 Qualitätskriterien der schriftlichen Prüfung 29 2.5 Schnittmengen von politischer und beruflicher Bildung 31 3 Quantitative Datenerhebung 38 3.1 Analyse der Prüfungsaufgabensätze Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde 38 3.1.1 Prüfungsaufgabensatz Bürokaufmann/-kauffrau (Winter 2011/12) 42 3.1.2 Prüfungsaufgabensatz Koch/Köchin (Winter 2011/2012) 44 3.1.3 Prüfungsaufgabensatz Mechatroniker/-in (Winter 2011/2012) 46 3.1.4 Zusammenfassung der Aufgabenanalyse 48 3.2 Lehrplananalyse 50 3.2.1 Baden-Württemberg .. 51 3.2.2 Bayern . 55 3.2.3 Berlin und Brandenburg 57 3.2.4 Bremen 60 3.2.5 Hamburg 64 3.2.6 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 66 3.2.7 Niedersachsen 68 3.2.8 Nordrhein-Westfalen 71 3.2.9 Rheinland-Pfalz 73 3.2.10 Saarland 76 3.2.11 Sachsen 78 3.2.12 Schleswig-Holstein 82 3.2.13 Thüringen 86 3.2.14 Zusammenfassung der Lehrplananalyse 89 4 Qualitative Datenerhebung 91 4.1 Forschungsdesign 91 4.2 Methode der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse 92 4.3 Ergebnisse der Inhaltsanalyse 93 4.3.1 Die Abschlussprüfung als Damoklesschwert für den Lehrenden 94 4.3.2 Nomen est omen 98 4.3.3 „Und alles andere hängt vom Lehrer ab, vom Geschick des Lehrers, seinen Unterricht zu gestalten und zu sagen, das ist wichtig.“ (3/343ff.) 101 4.3.4 Berufsbildender Unterricht und Prüfungswesen – Einheit oder Dualismus? 104 5 Konklusion 109 6 Empfehlungen 114 Literaturverzeichnis 116

Essays on School-to-Work Transitions

Hillerich-Sigg, Annette 24 February 2021 (has links)
Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit staatlichen Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Übergangs Schule-Beruf von Schülerinnen und Schüler der Real- und Hauptschulen in Deutschland. Kapitel 2 gibt einen Überblick über die ökonomische Berufsbildungsforschung. Wir stellen fest, dass noch Forschungslücken bezüglich junger Schulabgänger und langfristigen Arbeitsmarktergebnissen bestehen. Es werden ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie zu kurzfristigen Effekten einer Berufsorientierungsmaßnahme vorgestellt. Angesichts der noch bestehenden Erkenntnislücken skizzieren wir ein Konzept für ein regional geclustertes Übergangspanel. Kapitel 3 analysiert auf Basis eigener Befragungsdaten die Teilnahme an Berufsorientierungsmaßnahmen an weiterführenden Schulen und ihre Wirkung auf die Berufsplanung. Die Teilnahme hängt vom Schulzweig, sowie vom Schul- und Klassenkontext ab, während persönliche Merkmale kaum relevant sind. Die Wirkung von Berufsberatung hängt vom Anbieter der Beratung ab. Kapitel 4 untersucht die mittelfristige Wirkung einer Berufsorientierungsmaßnahme auf Arbeitsmarktergebnisse von Hauptschülerinnen und -schülern. Wir beobachten eine Verzögerung beim Eintritt und Abschluss der Berufsausbildung. Trotz der Verzögerung bestehen keine Unterschiede bei der Abbruchwahrscheinlichkeit und der Art der Berufsausbildung. Aber wir finden kleine, negative Effekte auf Beschäftigung und kumulative Verdienste innerhalb von sechs Jahren nach der Schule. Teilnehmende verbringen auch mehr Zeit in Arbeitslosigkeit. Kapitel 5 analysiert die alternativen Übergangswege nach der Hauptschule in ihrem Effekt auf die Art der Berufsausbildung. Ich zeige, dass ein verzögerter Übergang in Ausbildung kein Nachteil sein muss. Allerdings stehen die ökonomischen Vorteile einer geringeren Zufriedenheit mit der Berufsausbildung gegenüber. Die Teilnahme an Berufsvorbereitenden Maßnahmen führt nicht zu einer anderen Art der Ausbildung als der direkte Übergang, aber zu einer geringeren Zufriedenheit. / This doctoral thesis addresses policy measures implemented to improve school-to-work transitions of secondary school students in Germany, focused on students of the lower and middle track. Chapter 2 provides a survey of the economic research on vocational education. We find that research gaps still exists regarding young school-leavers and long-term labor market outcomes. We present selected results of a case study evaluating short-term effects of additional career assistance. Considering the research gaps we describe the concept for a regionally clustered transition panel. Chapter 3 analyzes based on own survey data the take-up of career guidance activities in secondary school and their effect on career planning. Take-up of career guidance depends upon the school track attended, and the school and the class setting, while personal characteristics are barely relevant. The effects of counseling depend upon the type of counseling provider. Chapter 4 assesses the effect of additional career assistance (ACA) on medium-term labor market outcomes of lower secondary school students. We find evidence for a delay in the transition into and completion of vocational training. Despite the delay, there is no difference in drop-out probability or the type of vocational training. But we find small negative effects on employment and cumulative earnings within six years after school. ACA participants also spend more time in unemployment. Chapter 5 analyzes alternative transition paths after German lower track secondary school in their effect on the type of vocational training. I show that a delayed transition into vocational training is not a disadvantage. However, economic benefits from continuing schooling come at the cost of being less satisfied with the vocational training. Participation in pre-vocational training does not lead to a different type of vocational training position than after a direct transition, but to lower levels of satisfaction.

'n Konstruktivistiese onderrrig-leerprogram vir die verbetering van ambagsgerigte opleiding aan die Sedibeng Verdere Onderwys en Opleidings (VOO)-kollege / Schalk Willem du Plessis

Du Plessis, Schalk Willem January 2012 (has links)
This study was undertaken in an attempt to improve the vocational training in Electrical Systems and Construction done at the Sedibeng Further Education and Training Colleges. The development of vocational training in South Africa, as well as different approaches to effective teaching and learning, were investigated by doing a literature study. It was determined that a constructivist approach to teaching and learning that advocates an active, learner-centred approach to teaching and learning appears to be the most effective for vocational training. An empirical investigation was conducted to determine possible shortcomings in the current way of teaching, learning and assessment at Sedibeng Further Education and Training College. For this purpose, mixed method research with a triangulation design was employed. The quantitative part of the study utilized descriptive survey research with a questionnaire to establish Level 3 educator and learner viewpoints regarding the current nature of teaching, learning and assessment. A phenomenological strategy was used for the qualitative part of the study, which involved the use of semi-structured interviews with the management staff at the college, to obtain their perspectives regarding training at the college. The quantitative and qualitative data indicated weaknesses in the current approach to teaching, learning and assessment, and that teaching, learning and assessment practices could become more effective by incorporating constructivist teaching, learning and assessment principles that encourage active and interactive learning. Furthermore, a lack of teacher training and a lack of practical experience among educators, as well as inadequate infrastructure and ill-equipped facilities, are major contributing factors to ineffective vocational training. The practical contribution of the study is found in the teaching and learning programme for Electrical Systems and Construction based on constructivist principles that was developed to assist educators to improve the effectiveness of vocational training. / Thesis (PhD (Learning and Teaching))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

Une sociologie des ambitions : les adultes en formation professionnelle / A sociology of ambitions : adults in vocational training programs

Saccomanno, Benjamin 07 December 2012 (has links)
Cette recherche interroge la mise en œuvre d’ambitions, chez des adultes suivant une formation professionnelle à l’AFPA. Nous proposons de comprendre comment s’élaborent et se concrétisent, au contact d’une institution, des démarches volontaires visant à infléchir le cours des trajectoires personnelles. Le point de départ de cette recherche réside dans l’interrogation de projets qui, professionnels au premier abord, s’avèrent révélateurs de constructions identitaires en train de s’opérer. Nous proposons de recourir à une analyse sociologique des ambitions, afin de comprendre la structuration, le déroulement et les effets des interactions entre le système de formation et ses publics. De part et d’autre, la formation est un moyen, répondant à des enjeux qui dépassent le seul apprentissage effectué. Nous voulons saisir comment ces enjeux distincts sont mis en relation et travaillés d’une façon conjointe. Observée dans sa concrétisation, l’ambition se révèle une dynamique sociale, produite par le cours des trajectoires et explicitant l’orientation escomptée de la construction biographique des personnes. L’analyse des ambitions éclaire ainsi les modalités de convergences entre les cadres de jugement individuels et les modus operandi de la formation professionnelle pour adultes. La mise à jour de ces phénomènes de convergences et divergences nous permet alors d’étudier comment parviennent ou non à s’accorder l’offre et la demande de formation lorsqu’elles entrent en relation. / This research questions the implementation of ambitions, adults in vocational training. We propose to understand how voluntary approaches develop and concretise to alter the course of personal trajectories, in contact with an institution. The starting point of this research lies in the question of projects, professional at first, that appear to reveal identity construction process. We propose a sociological study of ambitions, to understand the structure, conduct and interaction effects between the training system and its publics. On both sides, the training is a mean to respond to several issues that go beyond the learning achieved. We want to understand how these separate issues are linked and worked in a joint manner. Observed in its realization, ambition reveals social dynamics, produced by the current paths and explaining the expected orientation of the biographical construction. The analysis of ambitions shows how convergence between individual judgment and the adults vocational training program’s modus operandi. The demonstration of these phenomena and differences allows us to study how supply and demand for adults training manage to grant together or not, when they come in contact.

A educação física adaptada no contexto da formação profissional : implicações curriculares para os cursos de educação física /

Silva, Cláudio Silvério da. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Alexandre Janotta Drigo / Banca: Marli Nabeiro / Banca: Glauco Nunes Souto Ramos / Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo averiguar como a disciplina curricular Educação Física Adaptada ou similar tem se apresentado nos cursos de licenciatura e graduação/bacharelado em Educação Física e Esporte nas três Universidades públicas estaduais do estado de São Paulo, e se faz interação com as outras disciplinas do currículo. A pesquisa é de cunho qualitativo e utilizou como técnicas de coleta de dados o levantamento de fonte documental via internet através de consulta ao portal do Ministério da Educação (MEC): no link: http://emec.mec.gov.br/ e a entrevista do tipo semi estruturada. Os documentos coletados foram: grades curriculares e conteúdos programáticos da disciplina. Nas análises dos documentos disponibilizados tanto das Instituições públicas como das privadas constatamos que, quanto à nomenclatura, a disciplina tem se apresentado com nomenclaturas semelhantes em algumas IES privadas, e de forma distinta em IES privadas e públicas dentro da proposta licenciatura e graduação/bacharelado em Educação Física e esporte. Em relação às análises das entrevistas com os professores, foi possível analisar a caracterização da disciplina com uma nomenclatura que a identifica e uma falta de consenso quanto aos conteúdos ministrados e relatos mais consensuais quanto às estratégias de ensino, com ênfase na extensão universitária. Na questão do currículo se verificou que há uma ausência de interação entre a disciplina e as demais. Quanto à formação, intervenção e preparação para o mercado de trabalho os participantes apresentaram uma preocupação com a necessidade de se preparar o aluno com perfis diversificados. Dentro deste contexto, consideramos que há a necessidade de pensar na absorção do conteúdo prático nos estágios supervisionados, em cursos de formação de pós graduação e cursos semelhantes à residência médica ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study aimed to find out how the Adapted Physical Education curriculum subject or similar has appeared in undergraduate and graduate / undergraduate degree in Physical Education and Sport in the three public state universities of São Paulo, and makes interaction with other disciplines the curriculum. The research is of qualitative character and used as techniques to collect the survey data source document via the Internet by consulting the website of the Ministry of Education (MEC): the link: http://emec.mec.gov.br/ and semi structured interview. The documents were collected: curricula and syllabus of the course. In the analysis of documents provided much of the public and private institutions found that, as the nomenclature, the discipline has performed with similar classifications in some private institutions, and differently in public and private institutions within the proposed undergraduate and graduate / undergraduate degree in Physical Education and Sport. Regarding the analysis of interviews with teachers, we could analyze the characterization of the discipline with a nomenclature that identifies and a lack of consensus on the content taught and the mainstream reports about the strategies of education, with emphasis on the university extension. In the matter of the curriculum was found that there is a lack of interaction between the discipline and others. As for training, intervention and preparation for the labor market participants had a concern with the need to prepare students with diverse profiles. Within this context, we consider that there is a need to think of practical content in the absorption of supervised training, training courses and graduate courses similar to medical residency. We found that the discipline does not interact with other disciplines because of the settings in the existing curriculum of physical education courses in Brazil mosaic-like, and what ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Ensino individualizado na formação do educador de saúde pública / Individualized instruction in the training of public health educator

Santos, Silvio de Oliveira 27 September 1987 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma experiência realizada pelo Departamento de Prática de Saúde Pública da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de são Paulo que procurou utilizar metodologia de Ensino Individualizado com alunos da disciplina Educação em Saúde Pública II do Curso de Educação em Saúde Pública. Seu objetivo era testar sua efetividade e eficiência dentro da conjuntura administrativa dessa Faculdade com vistas à formação de maior número de Educadores de Saúde Pública durante o ano letivo, com otimização dos recursos humanos e materiais, sem prejuízo da qualidade do ensino. Um breve histórico do Ensino Individualizado, suas características, princípios, sistemas existentes, casos, vantagens e limitações são apresentados. O Curso de Educação em Saúde da USP, seu sistema de recrutamento, seleção e currículo são comentados, bem como as características necessárias ao profissional Educador de Saúde Pública, funções, formação e mercado de trabalho. A pesquisa empregou dois grupos: experimental e controle. No grupo experimental foi utilizada a metodologia individualizante; no controle, o conteúdo foi ministrado mediante metodologia semelhante à empregada em anos anteriores no Curso de Educação em Saúde Pública. O conteúdo programático foi o mesmo para os dois grupos e, ao final do Curso, eles se equiparam em termos de conhecimentos adquiridos durante o curso. Comprovada a efetividade e a eficiência do método de Ensino Individualizado para este Curso, foram feitas recomendações à Faculdade de Saúde Pública. / This paper describes an experience carried out by the Department of Public Health Practice of the School of Public Health, University of Sao Paulo in which Individualized Instruction methodology was utilized with Public Health Education students. Its purpose was to test the efficiency and effectiveness of the methodology within the structure of the School, with the purpose to graduate a greater number of students during one academic year, with optimal utilization of human and material resources and a high quality of the teaching provided. A brief historical development of Individualized Instruction, its characteristics, principles, existing systems, cases studies, and limitations are referred. The Health Education Course of the University of Sao Paulo, recruiting and selection of candidates, its curriculum are described, as well as the characteristics of the Public Health Educator, his functions, academic background and demand and supply of the professional. Two groups - experimental and control - were used in the research. With the experimental group, individualized instruction methodology was applied; with the control group, a methodology similar to the one utilized in previous years. Programm content was the same for both groups. At the end of the Course, both groups did show the same results in terms of knowledge acquired. Recommendations are made to the School of Public Health for the utilization of Individualized Instruction methodology.

Formação inicial de trabalhadores e elevação da escolaridade: políticas públicas de qualificação profissional em discussão (1963-2011) / Initial formation of workers and schooling elevation: public policies of vocational qualification in discussion (1963-2011).

Rocha, Juliana Macedo 17 June 2011 (has links)
A formação inicial de trabalhadores, inserida no conjunto maior da educação profissional, entendida como modalidade de educação estabelecida na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, isenta-se de qualquer exigência de escolaridade prévia, prescindindo da formação geral, tornando-se a única possibilidade de formação profissional para aqueles que não concluíram o ensino fundamental. A problemática desta tese incide, portanto, na relação existente entre formação profissional e elevação da escolaridade, a qual é analisada por meio de quatro políticas públicas federais de qualificação profissional implementadas no Brasil nos últimos cinquenta anos: Programa Intensivo de Preparação de Mão de Obra (PIPMO) (1963- 1982), Plano Nacional de Qualificação Profissional (PLANFOR) (1996-2002), Plano Nacional de Qualificação (PNQ) (2003-) e Programa Nacional de Integração da Educação Profissional com a Educação Básica na Modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos, na Formação Inicial e Continuada com Ensino Fundamental (PROEJA FIC) (2006-). A avaliação das políticas públicas feita por meio de análise de legislação e fontes bibliográficas voltase prioritariamente para seus processos de implementação e, a fim de guiá-la, elegeram-se as categorias qualificação e formação profissional, na perspectiva das contribuições do sociólogo francês Pierre Naville. A tese resulta em uma síntese integrativa que, dentre outros elementos, propõe a classificação das políticas públicas de qualificação profissional em função de dois critérios: a relação entre formação profissional e elevação da escolaridade (o problema da tese) e o processo de implementação da política. / The initial formation of workers, inserted in a bigger group of vocational education, understood as a modality of education established by the National Law of Directives and Basis, exempts of any prior schooling, becoming the only possibility for any vocational training for those who doesn\'t have a complete elementary school. The problematic of this thesis is based on the relationship between vocational training and schooling elevation, which is analyzed using four federal public policies of vocational training implemented in the last fifty years in Brazil: Intensive Program for Preparation of Hand Labor (1963-1982), National Plan of Vocational Qualification (1996-2002), Qualification Plan (2003-) and National Program of Vocational Education with Young and Adults, in the initial and continued formation with Elementary School (2006-). The evaluation of the public policies made by the analysis of the legislation and bibliographic sources turns mainly by its implementation process in the categories of vocational qualification and vocational training, those are contributions of the intellectual production of the French sociologist Pierre Naville. The thesis results in an integrate synthesis which, among other elements, proposes a classification of the public policies of vocational qualification based in two criteria: the relationship between the vocational training and the schooling elevation (the thesis problem) and the process of its politics implementation.

Percepção de profissionais atuantes em contabilidade pública sobre a Proposta Nacional de Conteúdos do Conselho Federal de Contabilidade para a disciplina Contabilidade Pública : uma análise com foco na formação profissional. / Perception of professionals working in public accounting on the contents of the Proposed National Accounting Council to discipline public accounting: an analysis with a focus on vocational training.

Cíntia de Melo de Albuquerque Ribeiro 23 February 2011 (has links)
A evolução da sociedade e da economia requer adaptações necessárias dos profissionais visando atender uma nova demanda do mercado e novas exigências sociais. A contabilidade é uma ciência que acompanha esta evolução. Desta forma, os profissionais da área devem se adequar às novas necessidades, assim como os cursos de graduação. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar, se há relação entre os conteúdos sugeridos pelo CFC para a disciplina de contabilidade pública e a prática profissional na visão dos contadores que atuam na área. Para isto foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva, com a adoção do método quantiqualitativo no tratamento dos dados. Os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário auto-aplicável a um grupo de participantes de dois eventos importantes para contabilidade pública no ano de 2010, o que gerou uma amostra de 156 contadores da área pública respondentes da pesquisa. Os resultados mostram que 52% dos profissionais acreditam que os conteúdos propostos pelo CFC para compor esta disciplina são suficientes para um bom exercício da profissão e que estes devem ser tratados com grande profundidade na graduação, sendo que os que acreditam nesta assertiva completamente são 35% dos entrevistados. Desta forma, observa-se a relação dos conteúdos sugeridos pelo CFC e a prática profissional. Entretanto, 52% dos respondentes acreditam que alguns detalhes deveriam ser ajustados nestes conteúdos mínimos, o que gera a necessidade de uma revisão do currículo desta disciplina. / The evolution of society and economy requires adjustments necessary for professionals to meet new market demands and new social requirements. Accounting is a science that follows this evolution. Thus, professionals must adapt to new needs as well as undergraduate courses. One way that they are qualified professionals with the knowledge necessary for good work performance is the adequacy of the curriculum frameworks for current and prospective students. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate whether a relation between the content suggested by the CFC for the discipline of public accounting and professional practice in the view of accountants working in the area. For this a descriptive study was carried out with the utilization of the method quantiqualitative in data processing. Data were collected through a self-apply questionnaire to a group of participants in two events very important for public accounting in 2010, which generated a sample of 156 accountants in the public area of the survey respondents. The results show that 52% of the professionals believed that the contents that make up this course are sufficient for a good profession, and that they should be treated with great depth in degrees and 35% of respondents believes in this statement fully. Thus, there is the relationship of content suggested by the CFC and professional practice. However, 52% of respondents believe that some details should be adjusted in the curriculum, showing the need for a revision of the curriculum of this course.

O processo de formação profissional de assistentes sociais na UFTM - Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro-Uberaba-MG: contribuições para a materialização do projeto ético-político profissional / The process of vocational training of social assistants at UFTM - Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro-Uberaba-MG: contributions to the materialization of the professional ethics-political project

Ribeiro, Priscila Maitara Avelino [UNESP] 17 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by PRISCILA MAITARA AVELINO RIBEIRO null (maitara@hotmail.com) on 2017-02-06T13:19:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PRISCILA MAITARA AVELINO RIBEIRO (1).pdf: 1384568 bytes, checksum: 69100e42a62c45ac8aa1d38802d65424 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-09T16:54:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ribeiro_pm_me_fran.pdf: 1384568 bytes, checksum: 69100e42a62c45ac8aa1d38802d65424 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-09T16:54:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ribeiro_pm_me_fran.pdf: 1384568 bytes, checksum: 69100e42a62c45ac8aa1d38802d65424 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-17 / Esta investigação se propôs a fazer uma análise da formação profissional de Assistentes Sociais do curso de Serviço Social da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro de Uberaba-MG, bem como avaliar as contribuições para a materialização do Projeto-Ético Político Profissional. Evidenciou o processo de formação profissional do Assistente Social no Brasil, sucateado pela ofensiva da lógica do capital na mercantilização da política educacional no que tange ao ensino superior. Ainda buscou-se dar visibilidade acadêmica na análise dos Planos de Aula no Projeto pedagógico de Curso da graduação em Serviço Social da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro de Uberaba-MG. O método utilizado no presente estudo foi o materialismo-histórico dialético, que permitiu a apreensão das contradições do movimento do real. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como bibliográfica e documental, sendo que a abordagem é qualitativa. A análise e interpretação dos dados apreendido foi por meio da análise de conteúdo. Esta pesquisa destaca-se enquanto estudo de um caso específico que é a formação de um curso de Serviço Social criado recentemente (2009) fruto da Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais em uma instituição que é a Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro na cidade de Uberaba-MG. É um estudo relevante, uma vez que não encontra registrados investigações desta natureza. As análises apresentaram que o curso tem voltado o seu olhar com compromisso para a formação profissional, demonstrada no Projeto Pedagógico de Curso e Planos de aulas, e identificação do curso. Evidenciou que os planos de aulas atendem ao que prevê as Diretrizes Curriculares de 1996, e trazem e elementos do Código de Ética do Assistente Social de 1993 e aspectos da Lei de Regulamentação n. 8.662/93. No entanto, não foi possível identificar a transversalidade dos conteúdos e discussões do Projeto Ético-Político Profissional. Embora os planos atendam as exigências das Diretrizes Curriculares de 1996, ainda é possível identificar a ausência ou fragmentação da discussão referente ao Projeto Ético-Político Profissional e de seus elementos constitutivos durante a formação profissional. Esta pesquisa não se esgota aqui, é preciso outras pesquisas que possa desvelar os reais desafios tanto dos docentes como dos discentes na materialização do Projeto Ético-Político Profissional no processo de formação profissional, como já dito anteriormente esta pesquisa buscou dar voz aos documentos, é preciso ouvir os atores da formação profissional com pesquisa de campo, com estudos comparativos e outras modalidades de investigação. / This research purposed to do a Review of Vocational Training of Social Workers of the Social Service Course at the Universidade Federal do Triangulo Mineiro in Uberaba-MG, as well as assess how contributions paragraph the materialization of Professional Ethical-Political Project. It highlighted the training process of the social worker in Brazil, scrapped by the logic of capital's offensive in the commodification of education policy in relation to higher education. Still it sought to give cientific academic visibility in the analysis of Lesson Plans in the pedagogical project of the social service graduation course in UFTM. The method used in this study was dialectical materialism-history, which led to the seizure of the real movement of contradictions. The research is characterized as literature and documents, and the approach is qualitative. The analysis and interpretation of data was seized by content analysis. This research stands out as a study of a specific case that is the formation of a course of Social Work recently created (2009) as a result of the Restructuring and Expansion of Federal Universities in an institution that is the Universidade Federal do Triangulo Mineiro in the city of Uberaba- MG. It is an important study, since there isn´t recorded investigations of this nature. The analyzes showed that the course has returned his gaze with commitment to training, demonstrated in EPC- Educational Project Course and Lesson plans, and identification of the course. It showed that the lesson plans cater to providing the Curriculum Guidelines 1996 and bring and elements of the Code of Ethics of Social Work 1993 and aspects of Regulatory Law 8,662 / 93. However, it was not possible to identify the crosscutting nature of the content and discussions of the Ethical-Political Professional Project. Although the plans meet the requirements of the Curriculum Guidelines 1996, it is still possible to identify the absence or fragmentation of discussion related to the Professional Ethical-Political Project and its components during the training. This research does not end here, it‘s needed more research that can reveal the real challenges of both the teachers and the students in the materialization of the Ethical-Political Professional Project in the training process, as it said previously this research sought to voice the documents, it‘s needed to hear the actors of vocational training with field research with comparative study and other forms of research.

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