Spelling suggestions: "subject:"boltage coregulator"" "subject:"boltage deregulator""
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Έλεγχος μεταβατικής ευστάθειας συστήματος ισχύος / Transient stability control of a power systemΦωτόπουλος, Ευριπίδης 20 October 2010 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία έχει ως στόχο την αντιμετώπιση των ηλεκτρομηχανικών ταλαντώσεων οι οποίες εμφανίζονται σε μία σύγχρονη γεννήτρια παραγωγής Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας μετά από διαταραχές.
Ο συμβατικός έλεγχος για τη διατήρηση της μηχανής σε συγχρονισμό μετά από ξαφνικές αλλαγές φορτίου, βραχυκυκλωμάτων, κλείσιμο διακοπτών ή οποιασδήποτε κατάστασης που μπορεί να προκαλέσει αστάθεια στο Σύστημα της Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας, γίνεται με χρήση ελεγκτικών διατάξεων Σταθεροποιητών Συστημάτων Ισχύος σε συνδυασμό με τον Αυτόματο Ρυθμιστή Τάσης (ΑΡΤ/ΣΣΙ).
Σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι να σχεδιαστούν και να ρυθμιστούν κατάλληλα οι διατάξεις αυτές, ώστε να εξασφαλίζεται η απόσβεση των ηλεκτρομηχανικών ταλαντώσεων που εμφανίζονται ανάμεσα στην γεννήτρια και το υπόλοιπο σύστημα.
Στην εργασία αυτή, αρχικά γίνεται μια εισαγωγή στα είδη των ηλεκτρομηχανικών ταλαντώσεων και την ευστάθεια για δυναμικά Συστήματα Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας. Στη συνέχεια αναπτύσσεται το δυναμικό μοντέλο ενός απλού συστήματος μιας γεννήτριας άπειρου ζυγού βασισμένο στο απλοποιημένο μοντέλο 4ης τάξης της σύγχρονης μηχανής. Επειδή το μοντέλο αυτό είναι μη γραμμικό προχωράμε στην εξαγωγή του γραμμικοποιημένου μοντέλου που θα μας βοηθήσει για τον σχεδιασμό του κατάλληλου ελεγκτή. Αξιοποιώντας ιδιότητες του μοντέλου παρουσιάζεται μια συστηματική μέθοδος σχεδίασης του Σταθεροποιητή Συστήματος Ισχύος που είναι βασισμένη στη λογική των ολοκληρωτικών υπολοίπων. Τέλος με τη βοήθεια του λογισμικού SIMULINK του MATLAB προσομοιώνεται το σύστημα σύγχρονης γεννήτριας συνδεδεμένης σε άπειρο ζυγό, που ελέγχεται με την χρήση του Αυτόματου Ρυθμιστή Τάσης και του Σταθεροποιητή Συστήματος Ισχύος σε κατάσταση τυπικής φόρτισης. Εφαρμόζοντας διαταραχές στο σύστημα παρατηρείται η απόκριση του συστήματος και εκτιμάται η λειτουργία του ελεγκτή. / This thesis aims to address the electromechanical oscillations which appear in a synchronous generator after disturbances.
The conventional control for maintaining the machine synchronized after sudden load changes, short circuits, switching or any condition which may cause instability phenomena, is achieved by the use of control circuits such as Power System Stabilizers combined with the Automatic Voltage Regulator ( PSS / AVR).
The purpose of this work is to design and configure properly these control circuits to ensure the reduction of electromechanical oscillations that occur between the generator and the rest of the system.
In the beginning this thesis, an introduction of the types of power system electromechanical oscillations and stability is being discussed. Afterwards, the dynamic model of a simple system of a generator infinite-bus based on simplified 4th order of synchronous machine is being developed. Due to the model nonlinearities, we export the linearized model which helps us to design a suitable controller. Taking into account the model properties, we provide a systematic method for designing a Power System Stabilizer based on the residues method. Finally, using the MATLAB-SIMULINK software, the synchronous generator infinite-bus system is simulated which is controlled by an Automatic Voltage Regulator and a Power System Stabilizer. After applying disturbances, the system response is driven and analyzed along with the controller functioning.
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Μελέτη σφαλμάτων σε μετασχηματιστές υψηλής τάσης με αυτόματο μεταγωγέα τάσης (TAP changer)Παππά, Αγγελική 19 January 2011 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία γίνεται αναλυτική περιγραφή της λειτουργίας της διάταξης του Μεταγωγέα Τάσης Υπό Φορτίο ενός μετασχηματιστή υψηλής τάσης 150 kV/ 21 kV. Επίσης, περιγράφονται και αναλύονται σφάλματα που εμφανίζονται σε μετασχηματιστές με Μεταγωγέα Τάσης Υπό Φορτίο με χρήση εμπειρικών δεδομένων από την εταιρεία Δ.Ε.Η. Α.Ε. και τη θεωρητική ανάλυση και εξήγησή τους μέσα από βιβλιογραφική μελέτη . Συγκεκριμένα, περιγράφονται τα αίτια που δημιουργούν αυτά τα σφάλματα, τα συμπτώματα που εμφανίζονται στο μετασχηματιστή και το μεταγωγέα τάσης , οι επιπτώσεις των σφαλμάτων αυτών στο μετασχηματιστή και τη διάταξη του μεταγωγέα τάσης . Επιπλέον, γίνεται αναφορά στα συστήματα προστασίας που διαθέτει ο μετασχηματιστής και ο μεταγωγέας τάσης προκειμένου να προστατευθεί από τις επιπτώσεις αυτών των σφαλμάτων. Στη συνέχεια, μελετάται συγκεκριμένο σφάλμα, που παρουσιάστηκε στο Μ/Σ 150 kV/21 kV Νο1 του Υ/Σ 150 kV/21 kV των Ελληνικών Ναυπηγείων Σκαραμαγκά, και καταγράφεται η αντιμετώπισή του βήμα προς βήμα σε συνεργασία με την εταιρεία ΠΑΡΑΛΟΣ ΤΕΧΝΙΚΗ Α.Ε., στην οποία ανατέθηκε η επίλυση του σφάλματος. Τέλος, μέσα από την προσομοίωση ενός Μ/Σ υψηλής τάσης με μεταγωγέα τάσης υπό φορτίο με χρήση του λογισμικού πακέτου MatLab/SimuLink κατανοούμε σε βάθος τη λειτουργία του μεταγωγέα τάσης υπό φορτίο. Η προσομοίωση περιλαμβάνει την εφαρμογή διαταραχών της τάσης του δικτύου στο Μ/Σ στην περίπτωση ορθής και εσφαλμένης λειτουργίας του οργάνου του ρυθμιστή τάσης, καθώς η εσφαλμένη λειτουργία του ρυθμιστή τάσης ήταν και η αιτία του σφάλματος στο Μ/Σ του Υ/Σ 150 kV/21 kV των Ελληνικών Ναυπηγείων Σκαραμαγκά. / The particular project deals with the detailed description of the layout and the operation of the on load tap changer belonging to a transformer of high tension 150kV/21 kV. Furthermore, it describes and analyzes faults that occurs to transformers with on load tap changer using empirical data from DEI S.A. (Public Power Corporation) as well as theoretical analysis and explanation based on bibliography. In particular, there are described the reasons behind these faults , the symptoms that appear to the transformer and the tap changer and the consequences to the transformer and the layout of the tap changer. Moreover, there is reference to the protection systems that the transformer and the tap changer have in order to be protected from the consequences of the faults. Further on, a particular troubleshooting is studied that occurred at the transformer 150 kV/21 kV no1 of the high voltage substation 150 kV/21 kV at the Hellenic Shipyards of Skaramagas and its handling is reported step by step in association with PARALOS TECHNICAL S.A. , the company which was assigned to solve the troubleshooting. Finally, the operation of the on load tap changer is studied in depth through simulation of a high voltage transformer with on load tap changer using MatLab/SimuLink software package. The simulation includes the application of voltage variations at the transformer, occurred to the high voltage network in the case of orderly or disorderly operation of the voltage regulator, as the faulty operation of the voltage regulator was the reason behind the troubleshooting of the transformer of the substation of 150 kV/ 21 kV at the Hellenic Shipyards of Skaramagas.
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Análise da estabilidade de pequenas centrias hidrelétricas em operação isolada / Stability analysis of small hydroelectric plant in isolated operationKarnikowski, Douglas de Castro 21 March 2016 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Islanding occurs when a part of the electrical system is supplied solely by a unit or group of distributed generators isolated from the main electrical network. When the center of Distributed Generation (DG) operates connected to the electrical system, the stability depends especially on the inertia of the large power generation plants. However, when DG operates in isolation, the stability depends on the response from controllers, the dynamics of the turbine and generator to maintain the system in normal operation. Due to the low inertia of the isolated system, the network is more susceptible to sags or swells and violations in the frequency levels. Thus, this work aims to analyze the stability of systems with DG operating in isolation, making sure that it can keep the stress levels and appropriate frequency. Dynamic simulation system are performed in Matlab Simulink® environment using the SimPowerSystems library, where the case study is carried out with a DG type Small Hydroelectric Plant (SHP), analyzing the stability of microgrid upon disconnection with the system main and stand-alone operation (load shedding, load connection, short circuit, among other contingencies). It is also observed the behavior of the microgrid in cases of restoration of power supply through the start of DG operating in isolation. / O ilhamento ocorre quando uma parte do sistema elétrico é suprida unicamente por uma unidade ou grupo de geradores distribuídos isolados da rede elétrica principal. Quando a central de Geração Distribuída (GD) opera conectada ao sistema elétrico, a estabilidade depende especialmente da inércia das grandes centrais de produção de energia. No entanto, quando a GD opera em modo isolado, a estabilidade depende da resposta dos controladores, da dinâmica da turbina e do gerador para manter a rede elétrica em operação adequada. Devido à baixa inércia do sistema isolado, a rede fica mais susceptível a afundamentos e/ou elevações de tensão e violações nos níveis de frequência. Desta forma, este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar a estabilidade de sistemas com GD operando no modo isolado, verificando se a mesma pode manter os níveis de tensão e frequência adequados. As simulações dinâmicas são realizadas em ambiente Matlab® Simulink®, utilizando a biblioteca SimPowerSystems, onde o estudo de caso é realizado com uma GD do tipo Pequena Central Hidrelétrica (PCH), analisando a estabilidade da microrrede no momento da desconexão do sistema principal e em operação isolada (rejeição de carga, conexão de cargas, curto-circuito, entre outras contingências). Também é verificado o comportamento da microrrede em casos de recomposição do fornecimento de energia através da partida da GD em operação isolada.
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Modelagem em reguladores de tensão monofásicos com 32 degraus para estudos em regime permanente e transitórioFelício, Jordana Rodrigues 24 February 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In recent years, the growth of the electrical system associated with non ideal conditions can compromise the normal operation devices. This fact is becoming extremely important, as much the consumers as for the electric utilities. In this way, the electrical agencies are more concerned about, for example, the distribution voltage levels. With this in mind, the voltage regulation device has been one of the more used equipment with the purpose of voltage levels correction or adequacy, either agricultural or urban site. This equipment, in its usual structure, is composed by an autotransformer with a tap automatic mechanism that presents a high time delay and does not apply to the shortduration voltage variations requirements, imposed by electrical standards. Aiming at adjusting the voltage regulator to the distribution requirements, that is, to minimize its time delay to any voltage variation, transitory studies of tap commutation must be elaborated. This work aims at modelling a single-phase 32
step voltage regulator in a computational simulator called ATP (EMTP). This modelling is based on the core magnetic characteristics and it is constituted of linear and non linear inductances representing the flux through the air and through the steel core. By considering the laboratory difficulties to make measurements in a voltage medium equipment (13.8 kV), a typical voltage regulator prototype was constructed (220 V) and a laboratory arrangement was used to validate the corresponding modelling. / O grande crescimento do setor elétrico associado ao fato de a qualidade da energia elétrica fornecida estar se tornando um fator de extrema importância, tanto para os consumidores como para as empresas concessionárias de energia, fez com que os órgãos regulamentadores do setor passassem a se preocupar mais com, por exemplo, os níveis de tensão de uma rede de distribuição. Sob esse ponto de vista, o regulador de tensão tem sido um dos equipamentos mais utilizados no sentido de correção, ou adequação dos níveis de tensão de uma rede de distribuição, seja ela rural ou urbana. Esse equipamento, na sua forma mais usual, é constituído de um autotransformador com um mecanismo automático comutador de tap´s que, por ser mecânico, é lento e não atende às
exigências das variações de tensão de curta duração (VTCD) impostas pelas normas vigentes. Visando adequar o regulador de tensão às exigências do mercado, ou seja, minimizar o seu tempo de resposta a qualquer variação de tensão, estudos sobre situações transitórias de comutação de tap´s devem ser
elaboradas. Neste sentido, surge esta dissertação, com o objetivo de desenvolver uma modelagem para representar um regulador de tensão monofásico com 32 degraus no programa ATP (EMTP). A modelagem é baseada nas características
do circuito magnético do núcleo e é constituída de indutores lineares representando o fluxo através do ar e indutores não lineares representando o fluxo através do núcleo de ferro. Tendo-se em vista as dificuldades laboratoriais para fazer medições em um equipamento de média tensão (13,8 kV), foi
construído um modelo reduzido do regulador de tensão, semelhante ao regulador comercial típico, em baixa tensão (220 V). Ensaios laboratoriais foram realizados com o intuito de validar o modelo computacional em baixa tensão. / Mestre em Ciências
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Sintonia Ãtima de Regulador AutomÃtico de TensÃo e Estabilizador de Sistema de PotÃncia Utilizando Algoritmo de OtimizaÃÃo por Enxame de PartÃculas / Optimal Tuning of Automatic Voltage Regulator and Power System Stabilizer Using Particle Swarm OptimizationJosà Nilo Rodrigues da Silva JÃnior 27 November 2012 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este trabalho apresenta a aplicaÃÃo do algoritmo de OtimizaÃÃo por Enxame de PartÃculas (PSO â Particle Swarm Optimization) para sintonia Ãtima de controladores associados à regulaÃÃo de tensÃo e ao aumento do amortecimento de geradores sÃncronos utilizados em plantas termelÃtricas de ciclo combinado. Para representaÃÃo matemÃtica do gerador sÃncrono, utiliza-se o modelo linearizado de terceira ordem do sistema mÃquina conectada a uma barra infinita, vÃlido para estudos de estabilidade a pequenos sinais. Os parÃmetros do regulador automÃtico de tensÃo (AVR â Automatic Voltage Regulator) e do estabilizador de sistema de potÃncia (PSS â Power System Stabilizer) sÃo determinados de maneira Ãtima pela ferramenta computacional proposta. Os parÃmetros obtidos para o AVR e PSS sÃo comparados com valores calculados por tÃcnicas de sintonia convencionais, baseadas em aproximaÃÃes das equaÃÃes que descrevem o sistema. Os resultados de simulaÃÃes a variaÃÃes na tensÃo de referÃncia, considerando a anÃlise da resposta temporal do sistema controlado, demonstram que o PSO à uma tÃcnica eficiente na sintonia dos parÃmetros do AVR e PSS, destacando-se sua simplicidade, baixo esforÃo computacional e boa caracterÃsticas de convergÃncia. / This work presents the application of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm for optimal tuning of controllers associated with voltage regulation and damping enhancement of synchronous generators used in combined cycle power station. For mathematic representation of the synchronous generator, the third order linearized model of a single machine connected to an infinite bus, valid for small signal stability studies, is used. The Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and Power System Stabilizer (PSS) parameters are optimally determined by the proposed computational tool. The parameters obtained for AVR and PSS are compared with values calculated by conventional tuning techniques based on approximations of the equations that describe the system. The simulations results to reference voltage disturbances, considering the time response analysis of the controlled system, show that PSO is an efficient technique in the tuning of AVR and PSS parameters, with emphasis on its simplicity, low computational effort and good convergence characteristics.
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Reguladores de tensão e geração distribuída em uma implementação de fluxo de potência a três e a quatro fios / Voltage regulators and distributed generation in a three and four wire power flow implementationCARVALHO, Rodrigo Mendonça de 20 April 2012 (has links)
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DISSERTACAO_MESTRADO_Rodrigo M de Carvalho_2012.pdf: 3438844 bytes, checksum: 3b54078140704053b5706662ad841ff3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-04-20 / As a distribution network grows, the need for voltage control and regulator devices increases, as well as the need for supplying the demands, which assists in monitoring and correction of their magnitudes. Thus, the use of voltage regulators and, more recently, distributed generation applications contribute to the improvement of the process of electric power distribution in order not only to supply the demands, but the quality of the energy supplied. This dissertation presents three three-phase step-voltage regulator models, each of Type B, and two distributed generation models, all of them implemented in a power flow application prepared according to the Backward/Forward Sweep algorithm. The three-phase voltage regulator models differ in their connection, that is, grounded-wye, closed-delta and open-delta, while models of distributed generation are identified by technology and size, being classified into PQ and PV nodes. Results are obtained from three distribution networks for different cases of use of voltage regulators and distributed generation. IEEE 13 and 34 bus systems were used for testing the evaluation algorithm and a 103 bus network, derived form one of the CELG distribution systems, were used as a real case example for the application of the implemented models of voltage regulators and distributed generation. The results were discussed and reviewed so that it is possible to identify the most efficient templates for each case or for the majority of the cases. / À medida que cresce uma rede de distribuição, aumenta a necessidade de dispositivos para a regulação e controle de tensão, assim como para suprimento das demandas, o que auxilia na monitoração e correção de suas magnitudes. Assim, a utilização de regulador de tensão e, mais recentemente, a aplicação de geração distribuída contribuem para o aperfeiçoamento do processo de distribuição da energia elétrica tendo em vista não só o atendimento da demanda, mas a qualidade da eletricidade fornecida. Esta dissertação apresenta três modelos de regulador de tensão de passo trifásico, todos do Tipo B, e dois modelos de geração distribuída, todos implementados em um aplicativo de fluxo de potência, o qual foi elaborado segundo o algoritmo Backward/Forward Sweep. Os modelos de regulador de tensão trifásicos se diferem em suas conexões, isto é, estrela aterrada, delta fechado e delta aberto, enquanto que os modelos de geração distribuída são identificados por sua tecnologia e tamanho, podendo se classificar em nós PQ e PV. São obtidos resultados a partir de três redes de distribuição para diferentes situações de utilização do regulador de tensão e da geração distribuída. Foram utilizadas os sistemas de 13 e 34 barras do IEEE para realização de testes avaliativos do algoritmo proposto e uma rede de 103 barras, derivada do sistema CELG de distribuição, como exemplo de caso real para aplicação dos modelos implementados de regulador de tensão e geração distribuída. Os resultados são comentados e analisados de forma que seja possível a identificação dos modelos mais eficientes para cada caso ou ainda para a maioria dos casos.
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Análise da geração distribuída sob a perspectiva de maximização de potência injetada em sistemas de distribuição / Analysis of distributed generation from the perspective of power maximization injected in distribution systemsTonhá, Henrique Mesquita 10 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2017-06-01T22:22:40Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-06-02T11:12:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-02T11:12:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2017-04-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Electricity distribution networks around the world are able to receive generators installed along their length. As the studies of the impacts of distributed generators emerge and deepen in the solution of the problems arising from the granting of installation of DGs, their benefits become more attractive than impediments not yet overcome and their dissemination becomes a irreversible tendency. One of the inconveniences faced by enterprising to the electrical system is the power limitation to be injected in the network to the situation that the enterprising one behaves like exporter, this limitation can become a factor of discouraging his input in the system. In this sense, this work searches through a well-known tool of load flow - OpenDSS to carry out tests proposing the substitution of the conductor in part of the network in order to enable more ambitious distributed generation projects from the point of view of the injected power. In addition, the impact of the voltage regulator, often found in the networks, on the maximum permissible potency to be inserted in the studied network, as well as the impact on the electric losses profile and the proposed overcurrent protection are also analyzed. The tests demonstrated that the substitution of the conductor was adequate for the maximization of power, especially when the network operates with voltage regulator. In view of the distributed generation connection and the replace the cable proposed of part of the network, the losses presented a relative reduction and the protection times were reduced due to the necessary replacement of some devices / As redes de distribuição de energia elétrica em todo o mundo encontram-se aptas a receber geradores instalados ao longo de sua abrangência. À medida que os estudos dos impactos dos geradores distribuídos surgem e se aprofundam na solução dos problemas provenientes da concessão de instalação de GD’s, seus benefícios mostram-se mais atrativos que os impedimentos ainda não superados e sua disseminação torna-se uma tendência irreversível. Um dos inconvenientes enfrentados por acessantes ao sistema elétrico é a limitação de potência a ser injetada na rede para a situação que o acessante se comporte como exportador, essa limitação pode se tornar um fator de desestímulo à sua entrada no sistema. Nesse sentido, este trabalho busca através de uma ferramenta conceituada de fluxo de carga - OpenDSS realizar testes propondo a substituição do condutor em parte da rede a fim de viabilizar projetos de geração distribuída mais ambiciosos do ponto de vista da potência injetada. Além disso, o impacto do regulador de tensão, frequentemente encontrado nas redes, sobre a potência máxima admissível a ser inserida na rede estudada, bem como o impacto sobre o perfil das perdas elétricas e da proposta de proteção de sobrecorrente são também analisados. Os testes demonstraram que a substituição do condutor se mostrou adequada à maximização de potência, em especial quando a rede opera com regulador de tensão. Diante da proposta de recondutoramento de parte da rede, as perdas apresentaram redução relativa e os tempos de atuação da proteção foram reduzidos em razão da substituição necessária de alguns dispositivos.
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Contribution to the design of switched-capacitor voltage regulators in 28nm FDSOI CMOS / Contribution à la conception de régulateurs de tension à capacités commutées en technologie 28nm FDSOI CMOSSouvignet, Thomas 12 June 2015 (has links)
Les appareils multimédias portables nécessitent toujours plus d'innovation pour satisfaire les besoins des utilisateurs. Les fabricants de système-sur-puces font donc face à une forte demande en capacité de calcul jusqu'à lors réservée aux ordinateurs de bureau. Ce transfert de performance se répercute inévitablement sur la consommation de ces appareils alors que dans le même temps la capacité des batteries n'est pas en mesure de répondre à cet accroissement. De nombreux compléments matériels et logiciels sont mis en places afin d'économiser l'énergie au maximum sans toutefois dégrader les performances. La modulation de la fréquence de fonctionnement et de la tension d'alimentation est certainement la plus efficace mais reste néanmoins limitée par les coûts et les contraintes d'encombrement exigées par la taille des appareils. La réponse à un tel problème passe nécessairement par l'intégration d'une partie de l'alimentation dans la puce. La conversion DC-DC basée sur des convertisseurs à capacités commutées est prometteuse car elle permet de garder un maximum de compatibilité avec les process CMOS actuels. Cette thèse explore donc la conception d'une architecture d'alimentation utilisant des convertisseurs à capacités commutées. Un étage de puissance avec une tension d'entrée est de 1.8 V et des ratios programmables permet d'obtenir le rendement maximum pour une plage de tension de sortie allant de 0.3 à 1.2 V. La tension de sortie peut varier en fonction du point de fonctionnement requit par le système. Afin d'assurer le maximum de compatibilité avec la conception du circuit numérique à alimenter, une architecture modulaire basée sur les capacités MIM est privilégiée. Les capacités sont placées au dessus de la fonction numériques et les interrupteurs de puissance sont insérés à sa périphérie. Cette architecture permet également d'entrelacer les cellules de conversion afin de réduire l'ondulation de la tension de sortie. La fréquence de commutation du convertisseurs est communément utilisée pour réguler la tension de sortie et des stratégies de contrôles linéaires et non linéaires sont donc explorées. Un prototype de convertisseur présentant une densité de puissance de 310mW/mm2 pour un rendement de 72.5% a été fabriqué dans la technologie 28nm FDSOI de STMicroelectronics. La surface requise pour le convertisseur nécessite que 11.5% de la surface du circuit à alimenter. La méthodologie de conception du convertisseur a finalement été appliquée à un régulateur de tension dans le domaine négatif pour des applications de polarisation de caisson à basse consommation. / Mobile and multimedia devices offer more innovations and enhancements to satisfy user requirements. Chip manufacturers thus propose high performances SoC to address these needs. Unfortunately the growth in digital resources inevitably increases the power consumption while battery life-time does not rise as fast. Aggressive power management techniques such as dynamic voltage and frequency scaling have been introduced in order to keep competitive and relevant solutions. Nonetheless continuing in this direction involves more disruptive solutions to meet space and cost constraints. Fully integrated power supply is a promising solution. Switched-capacitor DC-DC converters seem to be a suitable candidate to keep compatibility with the manufacturing process of digital SoCs. This thesis focuses on the design of an embedded power supply architecture using switched-capacitor DC-DC converters.Addressing a large range of output power with significant efficiency leads to consider a multi-ratio power stage. With respect to the typical digital SoC, the input voltage is 1.8 V and the converter is specified to deliver an output voltage in the 0.3-1.2 V range. The reference voltage is varying according to typical DVFS requirements. A modular architecture accommodates the digital design flow where the flying capacitors are situated above the digital block to supply and the power switches are located as an external ring. Such an architecture offers high flexibility. Interleaving strategy is considered to mitigate the output voltage ripple. Such a converter admits the switching frequency as a control variable and linear regulation and hysteretic control are analyzed. A prototype has been fabricated in 28nm FDSOI technology by STMicroelectronics. A power density of 310 mW/mm2 is achieved at 72.5% peak efficiency with a silicon area penalty of 11.5% of the digital block area. The successful design methodology has been also applied to the design of a negative SC converter for body-biasing purpose in FDSOI. Simulation results demonstrate a strong interest for low power application.
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Pre-study and system design of a mobile platform simulator system / Förstudie och systemdesign för ett mobiltsimulatorsystemKatewa, Luis January 2018 (has links)
There are many ways to produce energy, using e.g. gas or hydro turbines. To guarantee a stable power output, it is important to consider components that could control and adjust the output power automatically. The intention of this thesis work is to carry out a pre-study and system design of a mobileplatform simulator system that could be used by companies like Siemens and help them to reduce their OPEX (Operational expenditure) and easily evaluate their AVR (AutomaticVoltage Regulator) solutions and test improvements. In this document, Siemens has decided to call the simulator system, MPSS (Mobile Platform Simulator System). The pre-study includes the theory behind energy production, synchronous generator, simulator system, AVR, control systems and electrical grid. Furthermore, the pre-study includes selection of the proposed components for the simulator system and design of the complete simulator system that will be built by the Siemens R&D engineers at a later stage. The Mobile Platform Simulator System (MPSS) is intended to test the AVR performance, which is a component with its prime purpose being to maintain the output voltage values from the generator at a fixed value, regardless of the current being drawn by the load. It is important that these output values are constantly regulated during the process of producing electricity, so that problems such as overvoltage, overcurrent etc. can be prevented. The MPSS will also be able to simulate real working scenarios e.g. from the different components of an energy production system, such as gas and hydro turbine, synchronous generator, AVR, electrical grid and serve for personnel training. The MPSS will consist of three main components; Simulator, AVR and control system. Therefore, the report will initially provide the background and general theory behind the synchronous generator, AVR and control system used in power generation systems. General information about the electrical grid is also provided. Furthermore, the report suggests the best possible choice for the necessary components to build a MPSS as well instructions on how to perform event simulation. The necessary documentation, including a circuit diagram to support the building of the MPSS by the R&D engineers at late stage, is also provided. Finally, the general analysis of the technical and non-technical aspects related to the choice of components, work process, method and result are discussed in the end of this report. / Det finns många sätt att producera energi, genom användning av exempelvis gas- eller hydroturbiner. För att garantera en stabil produktion är det viktigt att noga överväga komponenter, som kan styra och justera uteffekten automatiskt. Avsikten med detta arbete är att göra en förstudie och systemdesign av ett simulatorsystem som kan användas av företag som Siemens, med avsikt att hjälpa dem att minska sin driftskostnad(OPEX), och lättare kunna utvärdera sina AVR-lösningar (Automatic Voltage Regulator)och möjliga testförbättringar. För detta arbete har Siemens bestämt att kalla systemet för ett mobilt simulatorsystem eller MPSS (Mobile Platform Simulator System). Förstudien innehåller teorin bakom energiproduktion, synkrongenerator generator, simulatorsystem, AVR, styrsystem och elnät. Ett urval av de olika komponenterna för simulatorsystemet och en slutgiltig design tas fram. Det kompletta simulatorsystemet kommer i ett senare skede att byggas av forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjörerna på Siemens. Simulatorsystemet är avsett att testa AVR-prestanda, vilket är en komponent vars huvudsakliga syfte är att upprätthålla utspänningsvärdena från en generator inom ett fast intervallvärde, oberoende av vilken effekt som en last drar. Det är viktigt att utgångsvärden ständigt regleras under elproduktionsprocesser så att utgångsvärden hålls inom systemets tillåtna gränser så att problem som över-/underspänning, över-/underström, över-/underfrekvens etc. kan förhindras. Simulatorsystemet kommer också att kunna simulera verkliga arbetsscenarier för olika komponenter i ett energiproduktionssystem, såsom gas- och hydroturbin, synkrongenerator, AVR och laster, exempelvis elnät, samt kunna användas vid personalutbildning. Simulatorsystemet kommer att bestå av tre huvudkomponenter; Simulator, AVR och styrsystem. Inledande beskrivning av arbetets bakgrund och allmän teoretisk kring komponenterna synkrongenerator, AVR och styrsystem, som används vid i kraftgenereringssystem, ges. Även en allmän bakgrund om elnätet och dess funktion presenteras. Därefter presenteras förslag på bästa möjliga val av nödvändiga komponenter för att bygga ett simulatorsystem. Ett förslag om hur händelse simulering görs samt vilken nödvändig dokumentation och kretsdiagram som behövs för att bygga ett simulatorsystem presenteras. I slutet av detta arbete presenteras en allmän analys av de tekniska och icke-tekniska aspekterna kring val av komponenter, arbetsprocess samt metod och resultat.
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Design and Implementation of Switching Voltage Integrated Circuits Based on Sliding Mode ControlRojas Gonzalez, Miguel Angel 2009 August 1900 (has links)
The need for high performance circuits in systems with low-voltage and low-power
requirements has exponentially increased during the few last years due to the sophistication
and miniaturization of electronic components. Most of these circuits are required to have a
very good efficiency behavior in order to extend the battery life of the device.
This dissertation addresses two important topics concerning very high efficiency
circuits with very high performance specifications. The first topic is the design and
implementation of class D audio power amplifiers, keeping their inherent high efficiency
characteristic while improving their linearity performance, reducing their quiescent power
consumption, and minimizing the silicon area. The second topic is the design and
implementation of switching voltage regulators and their controllers, to provide a low-cost,
compact, high efficient and reliable power conversion for integrated circuits.
The first part of this dissertation includes a short, although deep, analysis on class
D amplifiers, their history, principles of operation, architectures, performance metrics,
practical design considerations, and their present and future market distribution. Moreover,
the harmonic distortion of open-loop class D amplifiers based on pulse-width modulation
(PWM) is analyzed by applying the duty cycle variation technique for the most popular
carrier waveforms giving an easy and practical analytic method to evaluate the class
D amplifier distortion and determine its specifications for a given linearity requirement.
Additionally, three class D amplifiers, with an architecture based on sliding mode control, are proposed, designed, fabricated and tested. The amplifiers make use of a hysteretic
controller to avoid the need of complex overhead circuitry typically needed in other
architectures to compensate non-idealities of practical implementations. The design of the
amplifiers based on this technique is compact, small, reliable, and provides a performance
comparable to the state-of-the-art class D amplifiers, but consumes only one tenth of
quiescent power. This characteristic gives to the proposed amplifiers an advantage for
applications with minimal power consumption and very high performance requirements.
The second part of this dissertation presents the design, implementation, and testing
of switching voltage regulators. It starts with a description and brief analysis on the power
converters architectures. It outlines the advantages and drawbacks of the main topologies,
discusses practical design considerations, and compares their current and future market
distribution. Then, two different buck converters are proposed to overcome the most critical
issue in switching voltage regulators: to provide a stable voltage supply for electronic
devices, with good regulation voltage, high efficiency performance, and, most important,
a minimum number of components. The first buck converter, which has been designed,
fabricated and tested, is an integrated dual-output voltage regulator based on sliding mode
control that provides a power efficiency comparable to the conventional solutions, but
potentially saves silicon area and input filter components. The design is based on the idea of
stacking traditional buck converters to provide multiple output voltages with the minimum
number of switches. Finally, a fully integrated buck converter based on sliding mode
control is proposed. The architecture integrates the external passive components to deliver
a complete monolithic solution with minimal silicon area. The buck converter employs
a poly-phase structure to minimize the output current ripple and a hysteretic controller
to avoid the generation of an additional high frequency carrier waveform needed in
conventional solutions. The simulated results are comparable to the state-of-the-art works
even with no additional post-fabrication process to improve the converter performance.
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