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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecos da modernidade : uma análise do discurso sobre o cinema ambulante em São Luís-MA /

Matos, Marcos Fábio Belo. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Maria do Rosário de Fátima Valencise Gregolin / Banca: Vanice Maria Oliveira Sargentini / Banca: Carlos Piovezanni / Banca: Ucy Soto / Banca: Pedro Navarro Barbosa / Resumo: O estudo aborda o ciclo do cinema ambulante em São Luís, capital do Maranhão, ocorrido entre 1898 e 1909 e que se configurou numa sucessão de espetáculos de aparelhos cinematográficos que se efetivava, quase sempre, no Teatro São Luiz, hoje Teatro Arthur Azevedo, encerrando-se quando da inauguração da primeira sala fixa de cinema (o cinema São Luiz, em 31.11.1909). O referencial teórico-metodológico utilizado é a Análise de Discurso, de linha francesa. O corpus abrange os registros deixados nos jornais Pacotilha, Diário do Maranhão e O Federalista: notas, notícias, crônicas e, principalmente, anúncios publicitários. O objetivo é estabelecer, a partir da AD francesa, de que maneira os aparelhos cinematográficos foram apresentados, discursivamente, como artefatos da modernidade. A hipótese é a de que os jornais acabaram por forjar para esses aparelhos a imagem de ícones de uma modernidade, fortemente vinculada aos artefatos maquínicos que proliferaram, frutos da Revolução Industrial, e que, então, distribuíam-se por todo o país, tendo como ponto de disseminação o Rio de Janeiro. Acredita-se que os enunciados sobre o cinema ambulante têm no seu intradiscurso a marca do interdiscurso da modernidade: o forte tom descritivista do maquinismo encontrado nas notas informativas e opinativas; a presença de muitos superlativos nos textos dos anúncios e das notas sobre os espetáculos; o fato de esses jornais apresentarem os aparelhos sempre eivados de adjetivação; o tom apologético com que os jornais definiram as apresentações dos cinematógrafos. Essa divinização dos cinematógrafos era a lógica do período, em todo o mundo, a julgar pelas análises já realizadas em textos de jornais do Rio de Janeiro e de outras localidades, que noticiam os espetáculos de cinematógrafo durante toda a fase do cinema ambulante, conhecida também como fase de domesticação ou ainda como primeiro cinema / Abstract: This study approaches the cycle of the wandering cinema in São Luis, capital city of the state of Maranhão, Brazil, performed between the years of 1898 and 1909, which consisted of a series of cinema spectacles that happened most of the time at the Teatro São Luiz, today known as Teatro Arthur Azevedo, that ended when the first movie theater was inaugurated (the São Luiz Cinema, in 31/11/1909). The theory and methodology used are the French Discourse Analysis. The corpus embraces the registers found in the newspapers Pacotilha, Diário de Maranhão e O Federalista: quick notes (informative and opinions), news, chronicles and mainly advertisements. The main point is to establish, through French Discourse Analysis, which were the representations that the newspapers brought to the society about the cinema. The hypothesis is that these newspapers provided the cinema with the image of modernity icons, strongly connected to the machine tools that were all over the country, resulted from the Industrial Revolution, especially in Rio de Janeiro. It is possible to believe that the enunciates about the wandering cinema have in its inner speech the mark of the modernity inter speech: the heavy descriptive tone of the machinery found in the informative and opinion notes. The presence of superlatives in the advertisement text and the notes about the spectacles; the apologetic tone with which the newspapers defined the presentations. The divinization of the cinemas was the logic of the period all over the world, as we can see in the analysis done on texts from Rio de Janeiro newspapers and other places, including French newspapers, that report the cinema spectacle during all the wandering phase, also known as domestication phase or first cinema / Doutor

Olhares suspensos: desenho partilhado com jovens skatistas e seus percursos errantes em Fortaleza / Rehearsal rehearsal on blindness to the cinema: re-significances of the images

Raisa Christina Lima Saraiva 28 March 2017 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Esta pesquisa caminha em primeira pessoa, a partir de reflexÃes com o desenhar disparadas por memÃrias de vida e o desenhar de forma compartilhada, exercÃcio que desenvolvo mais recentemente. O convite para o desenho a dois possibilita o encontro com jovens skatistas em Fortaleza e a criaÃÃo de uma sÃrie de mapas-retratos, inspirados em seus percursos errantes pela cidade. Esses mapas-retratos consistem em desenhos que acontecem em duas camadas que se sobrepÃem: uma à o mapa de percursos do jovem sobre o skate, outra à o retrato desse jovem. FaÃo uma camada e a outra à feita por aquele que convido a desenhar comigo. No processo de produÃÃo dos desenhos e de escrita, reinvento a relaÃÃo com a cidade à procura desses jovens e na companhia deles. Sou levada a pensar na intimidade com o desenho e nas porÃÃes do desenho que escapam; comeÃo a refletir sobre o fazer cartogrÃfico e o conversar (MATURANA, 1988) como possibilidades de operar na pesquisa em que desejo me envolver com o outro - aquele que nÃo conheÃo e de quem quero me aproximar -, assim como sinalizo um interesse acerca dos usos do mapa que subvertem a geografia tradicional. Suspeitando que a errÃncia (JACQUES, 2012) desses corpos juvenis em aÃÃo pela cidade configure outros modos de sentir e praticar o espaÃo urbano, reflito acerca do poder dos encontros que reverbera em alteraÃÃes na linha, no gesto, na composiÃÃo, no movimento e tambÃm no jogo de olhares, narrativas e silÃncios que se instaura no contexto de nossas relaÃÃes.

Modernidade, cinema e temporalidade / Modernity, cinema and temporality

Maíra Saruê Machado 17 March 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo entender, por meio da análise fílmica, as formas como a temporalidade está presente no imaginário social na modernidade. Para isso, foi inicialmente elaborada uma abordagem histórica da constituição da temporalidade moderna, refletindo sobre a perda da narrativa, e da tradição e as mudanças no significado da morte. A análise dos filmes Dolls, Paris, Texas, Sob a areia e A eternidade e um dia vêm mostrar formas de temporalidade que se apresentam como contraponto àquela hegemônica na modernidade. Em seus temas, são abordados os elementos de ruptura: a errância, o desenraizamento, o luto e a rememoração / This thesis seeks to understand, through filmic analysis, the ways in which temporality is present in the social imaginary of modernity. To do so, it initially elaborates a historic approach to the construction of modern temporality, reflecting on the loss of narrative, tradition and the changing meaning of death. The analysis of the four films Dolls, Paris, Texas, Under the Sand and Eternity and a Day demonstrates forms of temporality that are presented as a counterpoint to that which is hegemonic in modernity. The key themes approached are elements of rupture: wandering, uprooting, mourning and remembering

La lutte contre la grande pauvreté et l'indigence dans le Gard au 19ème siècle (1789-1899) : la mise en place d'une protection sociale généralisée et durable / The wrestle against povrety

Schiano de Colella, Jean-Marie 27 September 2017 (has links)
La lutte contre la grande pauvreté et l'indigence dans le Gard au XIXe siècle1789-1899 La mise au point d'une protection sociale généralisée et durableUne des premières missions conduites par la Révolution consiste à supprimer toute forme de pauvreté qui accable la population française la plus fragile. Le roi confie l'oeuvre d'assistance aux religieux alors que les révolutionnaires ambitionnent d'éradiquer le fléau de la misère.L'enjeu est double: protéger les départements des crises économiques et bâtir une protection sociale qui profite à chaque citoyen.Le présent travail se propose d'étudier la problématique que soulève cette situation dans le cadre géographique du département du Gard, au XIXe siècle. Pour tenter d'apporter un commencement de solution, il convient d'étudier, successivement et à travers trois périodes, l'oeuvre des intervenants historiques: les pouvoirs publics, les Eglises catholique et protestante, et les bienfaiteurs privés.- 1789-Période révolutionnaire Les caractéristiques de la grande pauvreté et de l'indigence dans le Gard;- 1789-1850 L'institutionnalisation progressive de l'aide aux personnes confrontées à la misère dans le département;- 1850-1899 La finalisation d'une protection sociale généralisée et durable. / The wrestle against the great poverty and the destitution in the department of Gard after the french revolution.During the ninetenth century, the part of the population more precarious endures a trying and social misery, that the revolution wants to remove. How break up this problematical question?For tempting to bring a solution, this work proposes to learn the situation in the department of Gard, in the present region Languedoc-Roussillon, cross three periods:- 1789-Revolutionary period : The characteristics ot the great poverty in the Gard;- 1789-1850 : The progressive institutionalisation of help for persons confronted at the misery in the department;- 1850-1899 : The finalisation of a social protection generalized and lasting.

L'erranza come ricerca di senso: prospettive pedagogiche. Itinerari educativi per la preadolescenza / Wandering as Search for Meaning: Pedagogical Perspectives. Educational Pathway for Pre-Adolescents

AUGELLI, ALESSANDRA 03 April 2008 (has links)
La dimensione itinerante può essere assunta come cifra dell'esperienza esistenziale di ogni persona, in relazione con gli altri. Il tema è di particolare rilievo in un tempo caratterizzato da incertezza e inquietudine, a motivo delle varie forme di mobilità. Esplorando le diverse modalità di essere-in-cammino, di cui si mostrano inautenticità e aspetti positivi, la tesi cerca di delineare la significatività dell'erranza per esprimere la complessità del processo educativo. In prospettiva pedagogica, l'educazione itinerante evidenzia il senso dell'attraversamento e dell'esperienza vissuta, l'importanza della direzionalità assiologica e teleologica, il valore dell'errore, la tensione al cambiamento, qualificando l'erranza come ricerca di senso. Si profila il ruolo dell'educatore-wanderer, guida partecipe nel cammino, che fa della strada metafora e luogo del suo agire educativo. In una cornice fenomenologico-esistenziale si esaminano i vissuti dell'homo viator e le tonalità emotive che scaturiscono dall'essere-per-via. Alla luce di queste preliminari considerazioni teorico-pedagogiche, si rivolge un'attenzione privilegiata al periodo preadolescenziale. È infatti questa fase dello sviluppo un tempo in cui il passaggio trova una sua apicalità e il divenire della persona si esprime in tutta la sua portata trasformativa. La riflessione teoretica si arricchisce qui delle narrazioni dei preadolescenti sui temi dell'erranza, frutto di un'esperienza laboratoriale condotta in ambito scolastico. / By exploring the multifaceted ways of the «art of wandering» as a means of leading a life of constant change, this Thesis attempts to outline the implications of the process of wandering as an experience which never ceases to retain truth searching significance in order to identify the complexities and best practises of educational pathways. The act of wandering can be viewed as an indicator of existential experience of one's life when confronted with human reality both individually and collectively. This topic is of particular interest in a time characterized by profound uncertainties and unrest due to ever-changing habits and forms of what is regarded as mobility. In pedagogy, itinerant education pays strict attention to the importance of «going through» and lived experience, teleological and axiological direction, the value and consequences of doing errors and the need for change making the process of wandering an indispensable tool for the search for meaning. Subsequently, the functions of the educator-wanderer take shape and he becomes a guiding light through on the «way» of Education. In view of what will be discussed throughout the first part of this paper, special attention will be paid to pre- adolescence years. These are in fact the years in which the experience of becoming is so strong. That theoretical analysis grow rich by preadolescent's autobiographic narrations about wandering, written during some workshop in the school.

Removal Of Baseline Wandering From The Electrocardiogram

Tanriverdi, Volkan 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
ECG measures electrical potentials on the body surface via contact electrodes. Conditions such as movement of the patient, breathing, and interaction between the electrodes and skin cause baseline wandering of the ECG signal. Baseline wandering noise can mask some important features of the ECG signal / hence it is desirable to remove this noise for proper analysis of the ECG signal. This study includes an implementation and evaluation of methods to remove this noise, such as finite impulse response filters, infinite impulse response filters, interpolation filters and adaptive filters. These filters are first applied offline to simulated ECG data. The filter outputs and their frequency spectra are compared to the pure ECG signal and its frequency spectrum using visual inspection and numerical evaluation criteria such as root mean squared error and percentage root relative squared error. The best filters are then selected and applied online to the same simulated data. Finally, these best methods are used to suppress the baseline wandering noise in real ECG recordings using both offline and online filtering. In the offline application, windowing type filters were found to be the most successful filters among the implemented filters. However, a high filter order should be used to produce such good results, which increases the computation time, thus it may not be the best method for online filtering, in which fast computation is essential. Butterworth bidirectional type is preferred for online filtering since it has lower computational complexity, and it produces acceptable results.

Investigating the Effects of Fantasy Proneness and Instructions to Fantasize

Cuper, Prudence Frances January 2011 (has links)
<p>Fantasy prone individuals spend much of their time fantasizing, focusing on a rich internal world of imaginary people or stories, vivid memories, or dreams. Fantasy proneness has been linked to psychological distress and psychiatric disorders. However, few experimental studies have been conducted with fantasy prone individuals; therefore, little is known about the behavioral correlates of fantasy proneness. The current study investigated associations between self-reported fantasy proneness, as measured by a frequently used questionnaire, the CEQ, and behavior during a laboratory task of attention, the SART. A potential mood regulating function of fantasy also was explored. Results of the study support the assertion that fantasy proneness is associated with variations in behavior that can be observed in the context of the laboratory. Specifically, fantasy proneness correlated with fewer instances of on-task thought and more frequent instances of mind wandering without meta-awareness during the attention task. It also correlated with more task errors and higher levels of self-reported fantasy thought during the task (though not with higher levels of other types of off-task thought). Finally, fantasy thought was found to have a protective effect on positive affect during the mundane task. There was no relationship between fantasy thought and negative affect.</p> / Dissertation

Movendo-se pelas estradas: a formação errante de Jack Kerouac / Moving about the roads: Jack Kerouac's wandering development.

Maíra Alcantara Meyberg 28 April 2014 (has links)
A proposta deste trabalho é analisar o romance On the Road, do escritor Beat Jack Kerouac em diálogo com a tradição da Literatura de Viagem. O estudo baseia-se em duas perspectivas em especial: a escrita de si e a escrita do outro. No que diz respeito a esta última, observamos os tons etnográficos e historiográficos que aparecem no romance e remetem à tradição. No que tange a escrita de si, observamos como a obra se comporta em relação ao caráter de Romance de Formação muito comum em relatos de viagem. Por conclusão, sugerimos que a obra por vezes dá continuidade, por vezes rompe com essas vertentes. On the Road e seu autor estariam, portanto, sempre em movimento / This studys aim is to analyze the novel On the Road, by the Beat writer Jack Kerouac, in relation to Travel Literature tradition. The study is based in two specific perspectives: self-writing and writing about the Other. Concerning the latter, we focused on the nuances of ethnography and historiography that show up in the novel and might be linked to the tradition. About self-writing, we analyze the novels relation to the concept of Novel of Development, very common in travel writing. As a conclusion, we suggest that the book either follows the trends, or rebels, depending on the point of view. On the Road and its author could be considered, therefore, always on the move

Ecos da modernidade: uma análise do discurso sobre o cinema ambulante em São Luís-MA

Matos, Marcos Fábio Belo [UNESP] 12 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-03-12Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:21:04Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 matos_mfb_dr_arafcl.pdf: 2432109 bytes, checksum: 707a9daef09f82f208e4ff7f76974744 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O estudo aborda o ciclo do cinema ambulante em São Luís, capital do Maranhão, ocorrido entre 1898 e 1909 e que se configurou numa sucessão de espetáculos de aparelhos cinematográficos que se efetivava, quase sempre, no Teatro São Luiz, hoje Teatro Arthur Azevedo, encerrando-se quando da inauguração da primeira sala fixa de cinema (o cinema São Luiz, em 31.11.1909). O referencial teórico-metodológico utilizado é a Análise de Discurso, de linha francesa. O corpus abrange os registros deixados nos jornais Pacotilha, Diário do Maranhão e O Federalista: notas, notícias, crônicas e, principalmente, anúncios publicitários. O objetivo é estabelecer, a partir da AD francesa, de que maneira os aparelhos cinematográficos foram apresentados, discursivamente, como artefatos da modernidade. A hipótese é a de que os jornais acabaram por forjar para esses aparelhos a imagem de ícones de uma modernidade, fortemente vinculada aos artefatos maquínicos que proliferaram, frutos da Revolução Industrial, e que, então, distribuíam-se por todo o país, tendo como ponto de disseminação o Rio de Janeiro. Acredita-se que os enunciados sobre o cinema ambulante têm no seu intradiscurso a marca do interdiscurso da modernidade: o forte tom descritivista do maquinismo encontrado nas notas informativas e opinativas; a presença de muitos superlativos nos textos dos anúncios e das notas sobre os espetáculos; o fato de esses jornais apresentarem os aparelhos sempre eivados de adjetivação; o tom apologético com que os jornais definiram as apresentações dos cinematógrafos. Essa divinização dos cinematógrafos era a lógica do período, em todo o mundo, a julgar pelas análises já realizadas em textos de jornais do Rio de Janeiro e de outras localidades, que noticiam os espetáculos de cinematógrafo durante toda a fase do cinema ambulante, conhecida também como fase de domesticação ou ainda como primeiro cinema / This study approaches the cycle of the wandering cinema in São Luis, capital city of the state of Maranhão, Brazil, performed between the years of 1898 and 1909, which consisted of a series of cinema spectacles that happened most of the time at the Teatro São Luiz, today known as Teatro Arthur Azevedo, that ended when the first movie theater was inaugurated (the São Luiz Cinema, in 31/11/1909). The theory and methodology used are the French Discourse Analysis. The corpus embraces the registers found in the newspapers Pacotilha, Diário de Maranhão e O Federalista: quick notes (informative and opinions), news, chronicles and mainly advertisements. The main point is to establish, through French Discourse Analysis, which were the representations that the newspapers brought to the society about the cinema. The hypothesis is that these newspapers provided the cinema with the image of modernity icons, strongly connected to the machine tools that were all over the country, resulted from the Industrial Revolution, especially in Rio de Janeiro. It is possible to believe that the enunciates about the wandering cinema have in its inner speech the mark of the modernity inter speech: the heavy descriptive tone of the machinery found in the informative and opinion notes. The presence of superlatives in the advertisement text and the notes about the spectacles; the apologetic tone with which the newspapers defined the presentations. The divinization of the cinemas was the logic of the period all over the world, as we can see in the analysis done on texts from Rio de Janeiro newspapers and other places, including French newspapers, that report the cinema spectacle during all the wandering phase, also known as domestication phase or first cinema

Effects of meditation training on attentional networks: A randomized controlled trial examining psychometric and electro-physiological (EEG) measures

Joshi, Aditi A. 12 1900 (has links)
x, 133 p. ; ill. (some col.) A print copy of this title is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: SCIENCE QP405 .J67 2007 / Meditation has been defined as a "group of practices that self-regulate the body and mind, thereby affecting mental events by engaging a specific attentional set" (Cahn & Polich, 2006). We conducted a randomized, longitudinal trial to examine the effects of concentrative meditation training (40 min/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks) on top-down, voluntary control of attention with a progressive muscle relaxation training group as a control. To determine if training produced changes in attentional network efficiency we compared, pre- and post-training, mean validity effect scores (difference between invalid cue and center cue reaction time) in the contingent capture paradigm (Folk et al., 1992). The meditation group showed a trend towards improvement of top-down attention while the relaxation group did not. Using EEG we assessed the changes in amplitudes of wavelets during periods of mind-wandering and meditation. Periods in which subjects were on- vs. off-focus during the meditation task were identified by asking subjects to make button presses whenever the mind wandered and also at probe tones, if they were off-focus. After training, the episodes of mind-wandering were significantly lower in the meditation group as compared to the relaxation group. Increased amplitudes of alpha and theta EEG frequencies in the occipital and right parietal areas were seen during the meditation task for the meditation but not the relaxation group as an effect of training. A baseline EEG trait effect of reduced mental activity was seen (meditation training: occipital and right parietal areas; relaxation training: only occipital areas). Within a given meditation session, prior to training, alpha and theta activity was lower in on-focus conditions (occurring immediately after subjects discovered they were off-focus and returned to active focus on the breath/syllable) compared to meditative focus segments. After training, we found higher alpha amplitude in periods of meditative focus as compared to periods of mind wandering for both groups. However, the meditation group showed significantly higher theta amplitude than the relaxation group during the meditative state segments. / Adviser: Marjorie Woollacott

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