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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria

Guardiola Wanden-Berghe, Rocío 03 October 2014 (has links)
Objetivo: Conocer y analizar el impacto de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en la indización y comunicación de la información sobre los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA). Método: Estudio por compendio de publicaciones, donde el contenido se dividió en dos apartados: La divulgación de los conocimientos sobre TCA en la Web 2.0 y la indización de la producción científica sobre TCA en las bases de datos bibliográficas internacionales. Resultados: Para llevar a cabo la primera parte, se realizó un estudio bibliométrico sobre la producción científica de la calidad de las páginas Web sobre TCA. Se revisó sistemáticamente como otros autores habían investigado las páginas Web sobre TCA. Se desarrollaron dos trabajos de campo sobre la calidad de los Blogs y de las Webs relacionadas con los TCA. Se analizó la terminología sobre desórdenes nutricionales y TCA en las ediciones española e inglesa de la Wikipedia. Para la segunda parte se revisaron los lenguajes de indización relacionados con los TCA, estudiando las palabras clave (PC) y su relación con los tesauros utilizados para indizar esta producción científica. Conclusiones: La producción científica sobre calidad de la información en Internet sobre TCA presentó gran dispersión institucional, si bien la temática era de plena actualidad. En los Blogs y en las páginas Web sobre TCA conocer la autoría y la institución de referencia, fueron factores importantes en la predicción de la calidad de la información. No se encontró ningún instrumento validado que pudiera ser utilizado por los usuarios a la hora de evaluar la calidad de la información sanitaria en Internet. La información sobre TCA en Wikipedia no ha alcanzado el nivel óptimo. Las diferencias entre las ediciones española e inglesa de esta enciclopedia digital se deben más a criterios de existencia del término que a razones de adecuación de su información. Se deben conocer los lenguajes documentales para poder disponer de competencia en la gestión e indización de la producción científica. La no utilización de palabras clave equivalentes a términos MeSH, y la falta del término principal (Major topic) en el título de un artículo son causas que pueden afectar seriamente a su visibilidad, así como a su correcta clasificación temática. Los autores de los trabajos sobre TCA utilizaron más PC relacionadas con los APA-Terms que con los MeSH, esto puede deberse a que los términos de indización APA son más adecuados a la hora de conceptualizar estos estudios.

Os desafios para construção de uma ciência 2.0

Miura, Juliana January 2012 (has links)
Tese de mestrado. Multimédia. Cultura e Artes. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 2012

Toward authentic audiences : blogging in a high school English classroom

Ayers, Michael Patrick 01 December 2011 (has links)
Though researchers have discussed adolescents' uses of social media and Web 2.0 texts outside school, little research has analyzed how such texts are used in classrooms. This study examines various perspectives on a group of high school students engaged in blogging as part of two language arts courses over an eight-month period. Research questions focused on how students conceived of and interacted with their readers, how they used structural features of the blogging platform to connect their blogs to one another, and how discourses of freedom of speech online led a few students to transgress school norms. To answer these questions, I studied examples of eighty classroom blogs from my own high school students, conducted interviews with eight students, and maintained researcher field notes. I analyzed this data using a combination of discourse analysis, multimodal analysis, while applying social network analysis to understand how the blogs were connected through the key feature known as Following. My findings suggest that the connectivity offered by Web 2.0 enabled students to reach and communicate with authentic audiences who could recognize and validate their identity performances. Further, I argue that though certain features of Web 2.0 media are incongruous with many conventional classroom norms, teachers should work to bridge those gaps.

An investigation into the development of a Creativity Support Tool for advertising

Opas, Tommi January 2008 (has links)
In recent years, there has been a strong interest in developing Creativity Support Tools for many exciting areas of research such as art and music. Yet few such tools have been developed to support creativity in advertising. This is unusual since advertising, like art and music, is a highly creative endeavour of the human mind. The goal of advertising is to transform a communicational objective of a product or a service into a creative idea. A tool that would enhance the development of creative ideas in advertising would be highly beneficial for the advertising industry and possibly shed light on the mystery behind creativity. In this thesis, I developed Creative Pad, a new Creativity Support Tool to assist advertising creative in generating creative ideas for advertising. In developing Creative Pad, I studied advertising creativity and human creative thinking. I developed a framework for analysing the advertising process, in which the process is viewed as having three distinct phases: a message, an idea, and an execution. A significant implication of this view is that the process for developing ideas for new advertisements and the process of executing those ideas and turning them into creative products are independent. Each step is the result of a significant creative process. Creative Pad is developed to assist in the development of creative ideas for new advertisements. To assist this creativity, relevant triggers are needed. Research has shown that individuals with high associative skills produce more creative advertising. Creative Pad supports the associative skills of the advertising creative and exploits the use of the Internet as a dynamic database. It finds words and sentences related to the original communicational objective, providing relevant triggers for the associative creative process in the minds of the advertising creative. Several experiments using Creative Pad were conducted with advertising creative and students with no advertising background. The results show that Creative Pad supports the generation of new ideas in two ways. First, and most important, all the subjects were able to develop interesting new ideas. In particular, the advertising creative were able to design a sketch of the advertisement from ideas generated using Creative Pad. Second, I was able to find a connection between the triggers, the words and sentences selected by the user during the creative process, and the ideas generated. Although the connection might be considered a weak one, it nonetheless demonstrates that a connection exists between the ideas developed by the advertising creative and those suggested by Creative Pad.

企業於社群網路應用之研究 / An examination of social network on web 2.0 for enterprises

陳孟榆, Chen, Meng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
Social networking for enterprises is the use of emergent social software platforms within or between companies to enable participants to rendezvous, connect or collaborate through computer-mediated communication and to form online communities (McAfee, 2006). It provides a platform for participants to co-create social networks that permit the exchange and retrieval of relevant knowledge on a company-built platform. The objective of this research is to understand the characteristics and development of social network applications in different types of enterprises. We discuss the key factors for companies to develop their own social network using web 2.0. Based on the classification of customizing products (Pine, 1993), this study uses multiple case studies and the characteristics of their social networks such as service, marketing and collaboration to see how social networking on web 2.0 helps customize products for business benefits. The findings of the study are that with different types of customizing products, the company will have a different focus in its value chain. We explored these differences by constructing a two-way model. Using the two-way model, our study separates the different types of products into four sectors: provider, listener, promoter and collaborator. The four sectors can describe the purpose of the product using the social network and gives advice that is relevant to similar types of companies.

企業利用FACEBOOK平台經營粉絲專頁社群之研究 / The enterprises operate the virtual community by using FACEBOOK fans page.

吳富傑 Unknown Date (has links)
2009年到2010年,最紅的網站就是FACEBOOK,截至10年6月,全球使用FACEBOOK的人數已經超過了4.5億。根據互動行銷機構Rosetta 2010年1月的研究,全球百大零售商有五成九在FACEBOOK擁有官方粉絲專頁。而根據FACEBOOK官方統計,目前共有一百六十萬個粉絲專頁,由七十多萬個公司團體經營。 FACEBOOK引發風潮的原因在於FACEBOOK改寫了企業對於網路行銷的認知,之前企業是利用搜尋引擎、網路廣告、電子郵件或是部落格等,但是FACEBOOK不一樣的地方在於讓企業變成了消費者的朋友。FACEBOOK成功的複製使用者真實人際關係到網路平台上,因此成了獨特的發展利基。每個網路使用者最初關心的事物,是以本身為圓心,再慢慢擴展到朋友,最後才是整個網路世界。因此,企業利用FACEBOOK平台用朋友的角色,持續對消費者說明其經營理念,行銷其商品的優勢,與消費者建立長久的關係。本研究就是在討論企業如何經營FACEBOOK粉絲專頁的方法以及追求的目標。 本研究的研究問題有三:1.企業成立FACEBOOK粉絲專頁的原因為何?2.企業如何經營粉絲專頁?如何增加粉絲專頁的會員數,與粉絲建立起信任感?如何管理粉絲專頁產生的資產?3.企業成立FACEBOOK粉絲專頁獲得效益為何? 透過深度訪談三家經營粉絲專頁的企業,並配合相關的次級資料蒐集與整理,本研究獲得以下主要結論:1. 粉絲專頁經營者舉辦的活動與訊息內容會影響粉絲團成員的加入與退出。2. 粉絲專頁經營者訊息的寫法與內容同等重要,會影響粉絲分享的動力。3. 粉絲專頁裡與粉絲相關的訊息容易引起互動,吸引粉絲來回應。4. 粉絲專頁經營者利用FACEBOOK為企業帶入了新的消費者,建立品牌。5. 粉絲專頁讓企業更了解顧客想法,和顧客建立起長期、良好的關係。 / From 2009 to 2010, the most popular website is FACEBOOK. The total FACEBOOK users are more than four hundred and fifty million. Base on official statistics, there are one million and six hundred thousand fans pages in FACEBOOK. They are operated by seventy hundred thousand companies. FACEBOOK is a social utility that helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, family and coworkers. The company develops technologies that facilitate the sharing of information through the social graph, the digital mapping of people's real-world social connections. Anyone can sign up for FACEBOOK and interact with the people they know in a trusted environment. FACEBOOK fans page is a development platform that enables companies and engineers to deeply integrate with the FACEBOOK website and gain access to millions of users through the social graph. FACEBOOK is a part of millions of people’s lives all around the world providing unparalleled distribution potential for applications and the opportunity to build a business that is highly relevant to people’s lives. This study tries to find how to operate FACEBOOK fans pages and companies’ objectives. The study aims to investigate the following questions: 1. What is the reason for company want to establish fans page on FACEBOOK. 2. How does the company operate fans page? How do they increase their members? How do they manage fans page’s assets? 3. What is the result of company’s fans page? Through interviewed three fans page operator in Taiwan and applied secondary data analysis, the preliminary research finding include: 1. The fans page operator’s message and activity will affect fans page’s amount. 2. The tone and content of message will affect fans’ motive to share. 3. The related messages arouse fans’ attention. They tend to interact this messages. 4. The fans page can attract new consumers. And the company can establish their brand. 5. The fans page let the company understand the customer’s thought. And the company can maintain long-term relationship with customer.

Canon Rock自由文化:由創用CC初探 / A study of the free culture of canon rock:primary research of creative commons

陳右靜 Unknown Date (has links)
十七世紀德國作曲家帕海貝爾(Johann Pachelbel)所作的〔Canon and Gigue in D〕之影響力,不僅在傳世巨片可見;近年來,它的快速流傳其實亦成為自由文化的指標。本研究擬從法律、規範、市場,以及基構這四項作用力,初步勾勒Canon Rock自由文化的樣貌,並採取內容分析的民族誌法將相關文本加以歸納及分類,以瞭解促成Canon Rock自由文化的重要原因。最後,研究者提出為何「網路自由文化這個概念勢必要把商業性文化涵括在內」的道理,針對Canon Rock自由文化這個個案,重新定義了「自由文化」。另外,本研究亦探討有助於建立自由文化的創用CC目前在本地的樣貌,藉此進一步探看Canon Rock此自由文化還可以如何往前推展,在這部分,研究者採用圖書館法,以創用CC的角度探看既有文化,瞭解創用CC為何是個尊重與保障創作人的智慧,但卻不因此而剝奪其他人或整個社群於其之上再創作及累積更多智慧的可能性。最後,本研究將進一步解釋為何創用CC得以讓大眾從「取得授權」與「合理使用」的困境中解套,亦呈現當其創作被非法使用於商業用途時,創用CC所能保障的有其限制。 / The 17th Century German composer, Johann Pachelbel, wrote the〔Canon and Gigue in D〕. The popularity (or influence) of this musical work is obvious not only in having been adopted in great movies (【Ordinary People】, 【My Sassy Girl】). In recent years, it also has become the indicator of Free Culture by being spreading rapidly. This research basically uses these four forces: law, norms, marketing, and structure, as the primary parameters to outline the profile of the Free Culture of Canon Rock. I also use the ethnographic content analysis to summarize and classify this study, in order to present the main reason why Free Culture of Canon Rock is so promoted. Finally, with explanation, I propose that “the concept of free culture bounded in the network should include the legal commercial use”, and I will re-define the “free culture” respect to the case of Canon Rock. In addition, I study the current appearance in Taiwan of the use of CC, which helps to build free culture, and I try to find out the way that the Free Culture of Canon Rock can be further extended. I use the library methodology to show that the use of CC can protect and respect the intellectual property of the creators; meanwhile CC allows other people and the whole community to recreate and accumulate their possible creativities based on these original creations. Finally, this study will show how the use of CC allows the public recreate freely from the plight of “licensed” and “fair use”, and the limit of the protection which CC can offer for the creators while the creativity of these people are illegally used in commercial way.

個人醫療器材供應商面對線上健康社群之影響與因應方案-以個案公司為例 / The soluation of personal medical equipment suppliers to face the impact of online health community - A Case Study

葉禾庠, Yeh, Hsiang Ho Unknown Date (has links)
隨著世界經濟的發展與人民所得的提升,人們越來越關注於自己的健康,對於個人健康資訊的掌握,也漸趨積極主動。既然民眾開始將健康相關知識需求擴大至非醫療專業領域的健康資訊與服務上,這樣的轉變儼然將帶來一些嶄新的機會和挑戰。 任何網路系統的重心都是建立在人與人之間的通訊之上,而虛擬社群就在這樣的基礎之下因應而生。「虛擬社群是一個運用網際網路全球性、時間縮減等特性,讓具有相同特性卻由於時空的區隔無法聚集在一起的一群人可以聚集在一起。這群人聚集在一起的時候,對彼此共同特性所衍伸出來的需求、資源、出版內容產生了影響力,進而帶來豐厚的利益。」 經濟的提升與人口老化帶來醫療器材產業與健康照護服務日益龐大的市場,其中個人醫療器材產業是本研究所探討的重點,這個產業具有「法規管理嚴格」、「產品整合各產業技術」、「研發能力為競爭核心」、「產品具高利潤高附加價值」、「公司品牌信譽相對重要」等特性。 社群網路的發展越來越蓬勃,人們對醫療保健的需求也越來越龐大。健康社群是一個商機無限的市場,也帶來許多的改變和問題。本研究針對線上社群、線上健康社群進行深入探討,歸納出三種健康社群的營運方式和四種獲利模式。最後以「資訊不對稱的消失」、「資訊透明化與數位名聲」、「回歸消費者導向」、「統計資訊的運用」四個面向來探討線上健康社群所帶來的影響、機會、因應方式。並對優盛公司四大產品面做出發展建議。

Indexation de documents pédagogiques : fusionner les approches du Web Sémantique et du Web Participatif

Huynh-Kim-Bang, Benjamin 29 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les techniques actuelles d'indexation sur le Web ne sont pas satisfaisantes pour les ressources pédagogiques. En effet, l'indexation automatique, e.g. Google, peut difficilement dépasser le niveau syntaxique des contenus tandis que l'indexation par des documentalistes est coûteuse en main d'oeuvre. Or de récentes approches telles que les techniques du Web Sémantique ou la tendance du Web Participatif (Web 2.0) offrent des solutions prometteuses. Une première partie de nos travaux porte ainsi sur l'étude du Web Sémantique appliqué aux ressources pédagogiques. Nous y explorons les possibilités de raisonnements automatisés appliqués à des ontologies pédagogiques. Une seconde partie porte sur l'étude des fonctionnalités des sites participatifs, facilitant l'ajout de contenus et de métadonnées par les visiteurs. Nous proposons alors un modèle de site participatif adapté aux communautés d'enseignants. Néanmoins, Web Sémantique et Web Participatif sont souvent opposés. Aux ontologies formelles généralement réalisées par quelques experts s'opposent les tags hétérogènes ajoutés par de nombreux utilisateurs aux profils variés. Dans une troisième partie, nous proposons donc un modèle fusionnant Sémantique et Participatif. Ce modèle vise à développer des applications de partage de ressources, principalement pour des communautés de pratique. Il se fonde sur une Indexation Progressive et Multi-points de vue (modèle IPM) consistant à : - permettre aux utilisateurs de structurer progressivement les métadonnées, pour finalement favoriser des raisonnements sémantiques par les machines ; - permettre aux utilisateurs de collaborer progressivement, pour finalement favoriser une vision partagée du domaine par les humains. Ce modèle est implémenté dans un outil de partage de signets, nommé SemanticScuttle, proposant des fonctionnalités originales comme des tags structurés par des relations d'inclusion et de synonymie, ou des espaces wiki pour décrire des tags. L'outil a été développé et expérimenté avec des documentalistes en sociologie sur plusieurs mois. Diffusé, l'outil est employé par des utilisateurs dans plusieurs pays. Finalement, nos travaux nous permettent de formuler des hypothèses sur un modèle socio-technique soutenant le partage entre enseignants. Ils sont aussi une contribution à des modèles intégrant différentes formes d'indexation : automatique et par des humains, faisant intervenir des experts et les utilisateurs, fondée sur des modèles structurés (e.g. ontologies) et sur des métadonnées flexibles (e.g. tags).

Kommunikation med sviniga förutsättningar : En studie om myndigheters kriskommunikationsarbete om svininfluensan på webben

Israelsson, Karolina, Häggroth, Madelene January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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