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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Användning av svensk ull i möbeltyger / Use of Swedish wool in upholstery fabrics

Nygren, Hedvig, Paterson Flisberg, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Syntetiska material står idag för merparten av produktionskedjan för textilmaterial globalt. Behovet av biobaserade regenererade fibrer ligger i framkant när det gäller framtida val för produktion av textilmaterial i samband med målen för hållbar utveckling. I Sverige produceras upp till ca 1000 ton ull per år där endast 46% av ullen faktiskt bearbetas. Svensk gotland- och leicester ull har tidigare ansetts vara svåra att spinna till garn på grund av dess långa fibrer och låg filtbarhet. I och med att en stor del av textilindustrin förflyttades utomlands i slutet av 1960-talet försvann också delar av värdekedjan som då fanns tillgängliga för att möjliggöra förädling av den svenska ullen. Flera delar av den textila värdekedjan för svensk ull som saknats håller idag på att återuppbyggas och initiativ och projekt pågår för att utveckla och återupprätta den svenska ull- industrin. I detta arbete jämförs de två svenska ullkvaliteterna gotlands- och leicesterull och karakteriseras på fiber- och garnnivå utifrån sina textila egenskaper för tillverkning av vävt ulltyg, i syfte att användas som möbeltyg. Detta utförs genom att studera beteendet hos olika typer av bindningar i avseende på dess nötningsbeständighet, samt upphov till pilling och luddighet. Resultaten kopplas till de olika garnens styrkeegenskaper, där garner som innehåller leicesterull uppvisade en styrka på över 3000 cN vid brott, vilket visade sig vara högre än motsvarande resultat som erhållits av gotlandsullen. Vikten av bindningstyp som bör användas vid vävning av ulltyger belyses såväl som analysering av de effekterna som slutbehandlingar ger. Vid val av de olika bindningstyperna satin med olika stigningstal - varprips och halvpanama - som testats för sin prestanda, visade sig varprips och halvpanama vara väl lämpade för vävt möbeltyg av ull. Varpripsbindningens konstruktion visade att varptrådarna slits ut vid nötning medan väfttrådarna skyddas underifrån, vilket spelar roll för produktion och utveckling av tyger utifrån ekonomiska aspekter. Alla provkroppar klarade nötningsbeständighet upp till 50 000 varv enligt Martindale-metoden, med undantag för ytliga skador där satinen bildade noppor i ett tidigt skede och påvisade en högre risk till slitage. Dekatering som utfördes visade sig bidra till att ullväven erhöll en högre glans och högre dimensionsstabilitet och anses därmed vara en relevant slutberedning för ullväven. Svedning bidrog till en minskad ytluddighet som önskat. Tvättning i foulard gav bindningarna i väven högre stabilitet till följd av filtningsprocessen men resulterade däremot i en viss oönskad nyansskillnad. / Synthetic materials currently account for the majority of the textile material production chain globally. The need for bio-based regenerated fibers is at the forefront of future choices for the production of textile materials in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. In Sweden, up to about 1000 tons of wool are produced per year where only 46% of the wool is actually processed. Swedish Gotland and Leicester wool has previously been considered difficult to spin into yarn due to its long fibers and low feltability. With the relocation of a large part of the textile industry abroad in the late 1960s, parts of the value chain that were then available to enable the processing of Swedish wool also disappeared. Several parts of the textile value chain for Swedish wool that were missing are now being rebuilt, and multiple initiatives and projects are underway to develop and restore the Swedish wool industry. In this work, the two Swedish wool qualities Gotland and Leicester wool are compared and characterized at the fiber and yarn level based on their textile properties for the production of woven wool fabric, with the aim of being used as upholstery fabric. This is done by studying the behavior of different types of bindings in terms of their abrasion resistance, pilling and linting. The results are linked to the strength properties of the different yarns, with yarns containing leicester wool exhibiting a strength of over 3000 cN at break, which proved to be higher than the corresponding results obtained from Gotland wool. The importance of the bonding type that should be used in the weaving of wool fabrics is highlighted as well as analyzing the effects of finishing treatments. In selecting the different types of satin weave with different pitches, warp faced rep and half-panama, which were tested for their performance, warp faced rep and half-panama proved to be well suited for woven wool upholstery fabrics. The design of the warp binding showed that the warp threads are worn out by abrasion while the weft threads are protected from below, which is important for the production and development of fabrics from an economic point of view. All specimens passed abrasion resistance up to 50 000 revolutions according to the Martindale method, with the exception of superficial damage where the satin formed nubs at an early stage and showed a higher risk of wear. Decatizing was found to contribute to a higher gloss and higher dimensional stability of the wool fabric and is thus considered a relevant final preparation for the wool fabric. Singeing contributed to a reduction in surface fuzziness as desired. Washing in the foulard gave the bonds in the fabric higher stability as a result of the felting process but also left a certain shade difference.

Undersökning om implementering av återvunna ullfibrer i mattgarn : En jämförande studie om kvalitetens påverkan av återvunnen ull i mattor / Investigation of implementation of recycled wool fibers in carpet yarn

Ogbekene, Edith, Bergelin, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
Ull är en populär fiber och förekommer ofta i mattproduktion. Med hjälp av livscykelanalyser visar ullen vara en av de fibrerna som ligger i toppen av de material som har högst koldioxidutsläpp. Dock finns det en problematik vid beräkning av miljöpåverkan inom ullproduktionen som kan bidra till ett orättvist resultat. Trots det kvarstår faktumet att det finns förbättringar inom ullproduktionen samt att det är viktigt att ta vara på den ullen som annars skulle gått till förbränning. I samarbete med mattföretaget Rugvista undersöker denna studie hur implementering av 60% återvunna fibrer i mattgarn påverkar kvalitén med en målsätting att få in ull i ett cirkulärt flöde. Genom att undersöka detta spanns ett garn med 60% återvunnen ull och 40% konventionell ull på en E-spinner. Syftet var att garnet skulle nå upp de krav som Rugvista ställer på deras garn. Båda garnerna handvävdes därefter i en tvåskaftsbindning med ett inslagsripsutseende och i samma struktur för de skulle kunna bli jämförda med varandra under samma förutsättningar. Garnerna gick därefter igenom ett dragprovstest och de vävda proverna utsattes för ett modifierad martindaletest. Utifrån dragprovstestet påvisade de tillverkade garnet att de krävdes högre kraft för att nå brottspunkten, då majoriteten av protoypgarnerna klarade en kraft på 3500 cN, vilket var max kraften för Rugvistas garn. Dock gick det att se en större variation på brottpunkten till skillnad från Rugvistas garn som var mer enhetligt i deras resultat. I det modifierade martindaletestet gjordes en visuell bedömning på det vävda proverna efter dem hade blivit utsatta för 15 000 varv. Där påvisades referensmaterialet ett bättre resultat då den bevarade sitt utgångs utseende medan prototypen fick noppbildning redan efter 3000 varv samt släppte ifrån sig betydligt mer fibrer. Slutsatsen av studien blev att utifrån testningen visade prototypen att den inte möter den kvalitén som Rugvista ställer på sina mattor. Utmaningen är den korta fiberlängden hos de återvunna ullfibrerna som lätt lossnar från garnet. Studien visar även att de möjligt att tillverka ett tillräckligt starkt garn för att väva mattor i men att det krävs ytterligare forskning för att produktanpassa det till garnets förutsättningar. / Wool is an admired fiber and is frequently utilized in carpet production. According to life cycle analyses (LCA), wool shows to be one of the fibers that ranks highest in carbon dioxide emissions. However, there are challenges when calculating the environmental impact of wool production that contributes to an unfair result. This does not negate the reality that there are some areas within the wool life cycle that needs enhancement, especially when it comes to the utilization of wool that would otherwise have gone to incineration. This study, conducted in collaboration with the carpet company Rugvista, examines how 60% recycled wool fibers in carpet yarn affects the quality with the aim of getting wool into a circular economy. By investigating this, a yarn with 60% recycled wool and 40% conventional wool was spun on an E-spinner. The objective was to produce a yarn that meets Rugvista's quality standards. Both yarns were later handwoven in a weft-faced plainweave structure to allow for a fair comparison. The yarns underwent a tensile strength test, and the woven samples were subjected to a modified Martindale abrasion test. The results from the tensile test, showed that the manufactured yarns required a higher force to reach the breaking point, as the majority of the prototype yarns could withstand a force of 3500 cN, which was the maximum force for Rugvista's yarns. However, the breaking points of the manufactured yarns had a greater variation, unlike Rugvista's yarn, which demonstrated a more consistent result. In the modified Martindale test, visual assessments of the woven samples were conducted after 15 000 cycles. The reference material, Rugvista’s material, retained its original appearance, while the prototype developed a pilling surface after only 3000 cycles and released a remarkable amount of more fibers. The study concluded that the prototype did not meet Rugvista's quality standards for carpets. The primary challenge is the short fiber length of the recycled wool, which tends to detach from the yarn. While the study demonstrates the possibility of producing sufficiently strong yarn for carpet weaving, further research is necessary to optimize the product according to the yarn's characteristics.

The importance of sheep and their wool to the economy of Wales from 1100 to 1603

Johnson, Catherine January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Impact of moisture on long term performance of insulating products based on stone wool

Vrána, Tomás January 2007 (has links)
<p>Demands for energy have been increasing in the whole world. According to higher consumption, the price of energy rises yearly too. This evokes usage of insulating products in a wider range. By adding insulation, we lower the amount of energy needed to heat our homes, resulting in fewer associated greenhouse gas emissions and a lower monthly heating bill. Savings depend on insulation thicknesses and on conditions, in which the insulant is kept. Mineral insulation based on stone wool is also a member of building insulants that defends buildings and constructions against temperature changes of the ambient. However, even when we use modern technologies and building techniques to reduce high energy losses, we can never provide unimpeachable protection of stone wool from damage. During a construction process on a building site or at fast climate changes, it often happens that stone wool is exposed to rain precipitaions or other climate effets. This brings water to the insulating structure. Besides the loss of insulating qualities, the stone wool is left permanently wet. Even the fibres of stone wool are inorganic, they still can be attacked by degradation processes due to organic agents fixing fibres together. Analysis of damaged flat-roof constructions using stone wool and verification of material properties is a starting point of this licentiate thesis.</p><p>The attached paper section can be divided into two parts:</p><p>In-situ practice that notes troubles with insulating materials based on stone wool with inbuilt moisture on a building site</p><p>Laboratory measurement that observe material properties of stone wool under varying conditions</p>

Ūkio dydžio įtaka avių produktyvumui / Sheep farms with different size flocks

Vedegytė, Vaida 18 June 2014 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Avininkystė Lietuvoje yra svarbi žemės ūkio sritis. Šio sektoriaus plėtrai šalyje yra palankios gamtinės sąlygos, susiformavusios gyvulių auginimo tradicijos, sukaupta patirtis. Gyvulininkystės sektorius yra daugiašakė ir įvairiapuse produkcija pasižyminti veikla, reikšminga Lietuvos gyventojams daugeliu ekonominių ir socialinių aspektų. Šis sektorius yra reikšmingas, aprūpinant Lietuvos vartotojus įvairiais maisto produktais bei svarbus Lietuvos eksporto šaltinis. Gyvūninės kilmės produktai yra svarbi subalansuotos mitybos dalis. Juose yra daug žmogaus organizmui reikalingų maisto medžiagų, vitaminų ir mineralų. Lietuvos Respublikos žemės ūkis atlieka svarbią ekonominę, socialinę, gamtosauginę ir etnokultūrinę funkciją, todėl laikomas prioritetine ūkio šaka. Jis pajėgus aprūpinti šalies gyventojus visais kokybiškais maisto produktais ir dalį jų eksportuoti. Nors ir lėtai, avininkystės sektorius plečiasi. Auga mėsos paklausa, atsigauna ir vilnos bei kailių perdirbėjai. Vidutinis avių ūkis Lietuvoje, palyginti su vakarų šalimis, dar yra labai mažas. Dauguma augintojų laiko nedaug avių. O tų žmonių, kuriems avininkystė yra verslas, tėra vos kelios dešimtys. Tačiau mažieji augintojai pamažu didina savo bandas. Įdiegus pažangias intensyvaus avių auginimo technologijas, auginant perspektyvias krypties avių veisles, galima tikėtis šio verslo sėkmės. Darbo objektas: skirtingą skaičių avių turintys ūkiai. Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti ūkio dydžio įtaką avių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of the thesis. Shepherding has an important place in Lithuania‘s agriculture. There are suitable enviromental conditions, established cattle herding traditions and accumulated experience needed for this sector‘s further development in the country. The area of animal husbandry is activity known for its multisectoral and multifaceted production, many aspects of which has great economical and social significance for Lithuanians. This area is also very significant when providing Lithuanian consumer with eatables, furthermore it is very important branch of Lithuania‘s export. Products of animal origin takes big part in a balanced diet. They contain many components, vitamins and minerals which human body requires daily. Husbandry has important economical, social, enviromental and ethnocultural function in the Republic of Lithuania, thus it has priority in Lithuania‘s economy. It has capability not only to provide quality eatables for citizens, but also to export some. Sheepherding sector is growing, even though the growth rate is not very pronounced. The demand for meat grows; wool and fur processors are recovering. In Lithuania average sheep farm is very small when comparing with farms in other western countries. Most livestock owners don‘t have a lot of sheep. Furthermore, there are only few who make business out of it. However the small farmers seem to be increasing their flocks. If this business were introduced to advanced sheep herding technologies as well as... [to full text]

Livslängd hos keramisk fiber i elektriska industriugnar

Kabanov, Alexey January 2018 (has links)
Dagens energianvändning minskar till följd av rådande miljöpolitik som kräver att industrier energieffektiviserar sina tillverkningsprocesser och minskar användningen av fossila bränslen. Målet med detta är att reducera den slutliga energianvändningen till 50 % och balansera eltillförseln i framtiden. Energieffektivisering och utveckling är två av de viktigaste aspekterna inom industriella processer som leder till hållbarhet och förändring av miljöpåverkan.  Utvecklingen inom eldfasta isoleringsmaterial gav stora möjligheter till stålindustrier att öka kvaliteten i materialtillverkningen samt minska värmeförluster i ugnsanläggningar. Detta leder framför allt till en ökad konkurrenskraft och minskad energikostnad. Besparingar inom energianvändningen skapar utrymme för nya investeringar som används till att förbättra stålindustrins effektivitet. Isoleringsmaterial används i dag i de flesta moderna industriella uppvärmningsugnar och problemen med dessa isoleringar är att de har begränsad livslängd vilket ställer kraven på noggrannare underhåll och högre investeringskostnader. Det finns i dagens läge inga särskilda metoder som kan kontrollera åldringen på isoleringen och endast begränsas till visuell inspektion vid avslagna ugnsanläggningar under planerade produktionstopp.   Vid inspektionerna av ugnens infodring upptäcks oftast större problem än vad som hade prognoserats. Detta orsakar många oplanerade reparationer med följd av förseningar i produktion som drabbar företagets ekonomi. Denna studie kommer att undersöka isoleringskvaliteten hos elektriska ugnar på ämneslinjen i Söderfors. Under detta arbete kommer riskzoner att lokaliseras där isoleringen drabbas mest under produktion och hur en sliten fiber påverkar ugnarnas verkningsgrader och energiförbrukning på företaget.                           Syftet med denna studie är att utarbeta metoder som grundar sig på ett prediktivt underhåll. Framtagning av produktionens effektivitet och ugnarnas verkningsgrader hjälper företaget att ha bättre kontroll över sina anläggningar. Detta skapar utrymme för nya investeringar vilket framför allt syftar till att balansera energianvändningen av uppvärmningsugnar men huvudsakligen svara på frågan hur snabbt degradering av keramisk fiber sker.   Resultatet som uppnås i detta arbete beskriver åldringen av fiber som inte sker konstant utan varierar på grund av ett antal förutsättningar, samt att rätt mängd kemisk sammansättning avgör isoleringskvaliteten. För att kunna följa åldringen tillämpas en ny mätmetod i praktiken som ger en noggrann status på isoleringensskick och kan prognosera kommande haverier. / Today's energy use is reduced as a result of current environmental policy, which requires industries to energy-efficient their manufacturing processes and reduce the use of fossil fuels. The goal of this is to reduce final energy consumption to 50% and balance future electricity supply. Energy efficiency and development are the most important aspects of industrial processes that lead to sustainability and change in environmental impact.   Developments in refractory insulation materials gave great opportunities for steel industries to increase the quality of material production and reduce heat losses in furnace plants. This leads in particular to increased competitiveness and reduced energy costs. Energy saving savings create room for new investments that are used to improve the steel industry's efficiency.   Insulation materials are currently used in most modern industrial heating furnaces and the problems with these insulations that they have a limited service life which imposes more accurate maintenance and higher investment costs. There are no specific methods today that can control the aging of the insulation and are limited only to visual inspection at decommissioned furnaces that can be carried out only on special occasions with planned production shutdowns.   The inspections of the oven's lining usually detect larger problems than had been forecast. This causes many unplanned repairs due to production delays that affect the company's economy. This study will investigate the insulation quality of electrical furnaces on the subject line in Söderfors. During this work, risk zones will be located where the insulation is most affected during production and how a worn wool affects the efficiency and energy consumption of the oven at the company.   The purpose of this study is to elaborate methods based on predictive maintenance, production efficiency, and efficiency of the ovens, helping the company to have better control over its facilities that provide room for new investment, which primarily aims to balance the energy use of heating ovens, but mainly to respond on the question of how fast ceramic wool degradation occurs.   The result achieved in this work describes the aging of wool that does not occur constantly but varies due to a number of conditions and that the right amount of chemical composition determines the insulation quality. In order to be able to follow the aging, a new measurement method is applied in practice that provides an accurate state of insulation condition and can predict future accidents.

A changing rural economy and its implications for the Overberg, 1838-1872

Wilson, Julianne Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
The Overberg, incorporating the present-day districts of Swellendam, Caledon and Bredasdorp, forms a geographic microcosm in the south-western Cape. The area, with its Mediterranean climate and undulating hills of Bokkeveld shales and weathered Table Mountain Sandstone, is well adapted for arable and pastoral agriculture. Original settlement was by the Khoi who by 1710 had succumbed to cumulative disintegrative forces. They presented little resistance to the vanguard of white settlers who by 1710 were receiving land grants in the area. By 1838 the area was optimally settled for the extensive ranching of that time and pressure on the land was becoming acute. There was little scope for British immigrants to obtain land among the Dutch settlers. Grain farming offered little reward as the area was isolated from the Cape Town market by hazardous mountain ranges. The conversion of the indigenous hairy sheep to wool-bearing Merinos which occurred during the 1830s provided the area with an added income. Wool provided a product which modified Overberg agriculture from its quasi-subsistence form to commercial farming. The wool produced in the area was generally of a high quality and it commanded a consistent price on the world market, a factor which contributed to the financial stability of the area. The increased income from wool provided scope for unprecedented commercial activity. The new found wealth which was diffused among the white farmers raised their standard of living. Predial labour did not, however, experience commensurate material gains. The social and cultural milieu was not profoundly affected but material prosperity fostered greater political awareness among wool farmers, a factor which was to bolster Afrikaner national movements after 1870. / History / D. Litt. et Phil. (History)

Fabrica??o de eco-composito com a fibra de l? canina

Silva, Francisco Claudivan da 16 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:58:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoCS_DISSERT.pdf: 2144999 bytes, checksum: 11a0f7255d18cc7bb37fb7499b866d52 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-16 / The Sustainability has been evidence in the world today; organizations have sought to be more and more into this philosophy in their processes, whether products or attendance. In the present work were manufactured eco-composites with animal fiber (dog wool) that is currently discarded into the environment without any use. The fibers were characterized and made matting (non-woven). The phases of the project were consisted to develop methods and to convert these fibers (booster) blended with polyester resin (matrix) in different proportions (10%, 20% and 30%) at the composite. Were studied fiber characteristics, mechanical properties of the composites, water absorption and scanning electron microscopy. Initially, the fibers were treated with solution of sodium hydroxide of 0.05 mols, and then taken to matting preparing at the textile engineering laboratory - UFRN. The composites were made by compression molding, using an orthophthalic polyester resin as matrix and 1% MEK (methyl ethyl ketone peroxide) as initiator (catalyst). To evaluate the mechanical tests (tensile and flexural) and water absorption were made twelve specimens with dimensions 150x25x3 mm were cut randomly. According to the standard method, tensile tests (ASTM 3039) bending tests (ASTM D790) were performed at the mechanical testing of metals at laboratory UFRN. The results of these tests showed that the composite reinforced with 30% had a better behavior when exposed to tension charge; while on the three points bending test showed that the composite reinforced with 10% had a better behavior. In the water absorption test it was possible to see that the highest absorption happened on the composite reinforced with 30%. In the micrographs, it was possible to see the regions of rupture and behavior of the composite (booster / matrix) / A sustentabilidade tem sido cada dia mais um tema em evid?ncia no mundo, atualmente organiza??es t?m buscado estar cada vez mais dentro desta filosofia em seus processos, seja produtos ou servi?os. No presente trabalho foram fabricados eco-comp?sitos com a fibra animal (l? canina) que atualmente ? descartada no ambiente sem nenhum aproveitamento. As fibras foram caracterizadas e em seguida confeccionadas mantas (n?o tecidas). As fases do projeto consistiram em desenvolver m?todos para converter estas fibras (refor?o) misturadas com resina de poli?ster (matriz) em distintas propor??es (10%, 20% e 30%) nos comp?sitos. Foram estudadas as caracter?sticas da fibra, propriedades mec?nicas dos comp?sitos, absor??o de ?gua e microscopia eletr?nica de varredura. Inicialmente as fibras foram tratadas com uma solu??o de 0,05 mols de hidr?xido de s?dio, em seguida levadas a um preparador de mantas no Laborat?rio de Engenharia T?xtil da UFRN. Os comp?sitos foram fabricados em molde por compress?o, utilizando a resina de poli?ster ortoft?lico como matriz e 1% de per?xido MEK (per?xido de metil etil cetona) como iniciador (catalizador). Para avalia??o dos ensaios mec?nicos (tra??o e flex?o) e absor??o d agua, foram confeccionados corpos de prova com as dimens?es 150x25x3 mm. De acordo com as normas, os ensaios de tra??o (ASTM 3039) e flex?o em tr?s pontos (ASTM D790) foram realizados no Laborat?rio de metais e ensaios mec?nicos da UFRN. Analisando os resultados destes ensaios, observou-se que o comp?sito refor?ado com 30% apresentou um melhor comportamento quando expostos a carregamentos de tra??o, enquanto que no teste de flex?o observou-se que o comp?sito refor?ado com 10% apresentou um melhor comportamento. No ensaio de absor??o d agua foi poss?vel observar um equil?brio na absor??o de umidade dos comp?sitos sendo seu maior percentual de absor??o no comp?sito de 30%. Nas micrografias, se observa as regi?es de ruptura do comp?sito e seu comportamento (fibra/matriz)

Desenvolvimento com identidade cultural: desafios e possibilidades da valorização da cultura da lã no município de Jaguarão-RS / Development with cultural identity: challenges and possibilities of the valorization of wool culture in the city of Jaguarão-RS.

Souza, Eduardo Garcia 12 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-07-17T20:01:40Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Eduardo_Garcia_Souza.pdf: 1865610 bytes, checksum: 59021c39c2c6ae8fb4c9480736c2badc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-07-17T20:39:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Eduardo_Garcia_Souza.pdf: 1865610 bytes, checksum: 59021c39c2c6ae8fb4c9480736c2badc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-17T20:39:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Eduardo_Garcia_Souza.pdf: 1865610 bytes, checksum: 59021c39c2c6ae8fb4c9480736c2badc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-12 / Sem bolsa / Esta dissertação analisa as atividades produtivas relacionadas à cultura da lã no município de Jaguarão - RS, direcionando a investigação para duas organizações locais: a Associação dos Artesãos de Jaguarão-RS e a Cooperativa de lãs Mauá. A pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar as estratégias de comercialização e de agregação de valor utilizadas pelos atores sociais que compõem essa cadeia produtiva, bem como a maneira como as relações sociais são estabelecidas nesse contexto. Além disso, a investigação aborda os efeitos da renda, gerada com esses trabalhos, na vida dos atores sociais e suas expectativas em relação ao futuro dessas atividades. Esta pesquisa é um estudo de caso único, com três unidades de análise (Associação dos Artesãos, Cooperativa de lãs e Centro de Economia Solidária). Para isso, foram realizadas 16 entrevistas semiestruturadas com atores sociais envolvidos na produção de lã ovina e no artesanato, as quais foram sistematizadas e analisadas por meio de análise de conteúdo. As informações coletadas a campo revelam dificuldades de organização e cooperação no setor como um todo, o que reflete também nos grupos analisados. Práticas individualistas prevalecem sobre o interesse coletivo, dificultando a delimitação e o alcance de objetivos em comum. Do ponto de vista da cooperativa, uma das principais dificuldades é a falta de confiança e de participação dos sócios. A ação imediatista dos cooperados, os quais entregam a sua produção de lã para os "barraqueiros", em detrimento da organização da qual são sócios, enfraquece sua ação tanto em termos de volume de comercialização quanto em aspectos colaborativos e de união entre os produtores. A Associação dos Artesãos também vivencia problemas. Desentendimentos entre os membros ocasionaram a saída de algumas artesãs e a formação de outro grupo. Problemas de diálogo e colaboração entre os dois grupos que possuem habilidades distintas, mas complementares, cria obstáculos para o artesanato em lã no município se desenvolver. Ademais, o cenário atual da ovinocultura está diante de uma delicada situação, onde as monoculturas (especialmente a soja) tem avançado, tomando o espaço da pecuária na região. Outro fator crítico é o abigeato, que tem acometido frequentemente os ovinocultores locais. Nesse contexto, os atores locais buscam estratégias de distinção para valorizar seus produtos. Os ovinocultores têm o desafio de reaproximar os associados da cooperativa e incentivar sua participação. Há também a intenção de implementar um novo método de enfardamento da lã, o que possibilitaria atestar a pureza da fibra e assim valorizá-la. Já as artesãs locais vivem a expectativa da implementação de alguma forma de certificação de seus produtos com a ajuda do Estado, como é o caso da tentativa recente de reconhecimento pelo IPHAN como patrimônio cultural imaterial. Apesar da conjuntura pouco favorável, a renda gerada com essas atividades ainda é de grande importância para a vida dos atores sociais que encontram nela um instrumento para expandir suas capacidades, promovendo as liberdades individuais. / This dissertation analyzes the productive activities related to the wool culture in the county of Jaguarão - RS, directing the research to two local organizations: the Association of Artisans of Jaguarão - RS and the Cooperative of wool Mauá. The objective of this research was to identify the comercialization strategies and value aggregation used by the social actors who are part of this supply chain, as well the way as the social relations are maintained in this context. In addition, the research approaches the effects of the income, generated with these labors, on the lives of social actors and their expectations related to the future of these activities. This research is a case study, with three units of analysis (Association of Artisans, Cooperative of Wool and Center of Solidarity Economy). For this, 16 semi-structured interviews were accomplished with the social actors involved in the production of sheep wool and in the handcrafts, which were systematized and analyzed through content analysis. The information collected in the field reveals difficulties of organization and cooperation in the sector as a whole, which also reflects in the analyzed groups. Individualistic practices prevail over collective interest, making difficult to delimit and to achieve common goals. From the point of view of the cooperative, one of the main difficulties is the lack of trust and participation of the partners. The immediatist acting of the cooperative members, who deliver their wool production to the "barraqueiros", on detriment of the organization which they are partners, weakens the action both in terms of commercialization volume as well as in collaborative aspects and union between producers.The Association of Artisans also experiences problems. Disagreements between the members led to the departure of some artisans and the foundation of another group. Dialogue problems and collaboration between the two groups, that have different, but complementary skills, create obstacles for developing the wool handcraft in the city. In addition, the current scenario of sheep production is dealing with a complicated situation, where the monocultures (especially soybeans) have been progressed, taking the space of the livestock farming in the region. Another critical factor is the cattle steal, which has frequently affected local sheep producers.In this context, local ators seek for strategies of distinction to increase value to their products.The sheep producers has the challenge of bringing the members of the cooperative back together and encouraging their participation. Also there is the intention to implement a new method of packing the wool, which would make it possible attest the fiber purity and thus valorize it. The local artisans, on the other hand, are expecting to implement some certification method for their products with help of the State, as the recent case when they tried the recognition of IPHAN as immaterial patrimony.Despite this conjucture unfavorable, the income generated by these activities has great importance for the social actors lives who find in it an tool to expand their capabilities, promoting individual freedoms.

Estudo do comportamento mecânico de cilindros de compósito epóxi/fibra de basalto em ensaios hidrostáticos / Study of mechanical behavior of epoxy/basalt fiber composite cylinders under hydrostatic tests

LAPENA, MAURO H. 23 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-11-23T10:40:22Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-23T10:40:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o comportamento mecânico de cilindros de compósito polimérico reforçado com fibras. Para isso, foram produzidos cilindros com extremidades abertas reforçados com fibra de basalto e fibra de vidro, utilizando a técnica de enrolamento filamentar (filament winding). Estes cilindros foram submetidos a ensaio hidrostático com carregamento circunferencial, ensaio de ruptura de anel (split disk test) e ensaio de resistência ao cisalhamento interlaminar (ILSS). Uma placa do compósito de fibra de basalto foi produzida por enrolamento filamentar, para caracterização por ensaio de resistência à tração. Todos cilindros submetidos ao ensaio hidrostático apresentaram fratura localizada em uma faixa de altura do cilindro, com extensas delaminações das camadas circunferenciais. Os compósitos epóxi/fibra de basalto superaram ou igualaram os de compósito epóxi/fibra de vidro nas comparações entre resultados dos valores das propriedades mecânicas avaliadas, nas porcentagens: resistência à tração aparente de ruptura de anel em 45% e 43% em resistência específica; ILSS, em 11%; resistência/tensão de membrana de ruptura no ensaio hidrostático, em 55%. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

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