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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biofiltracijos procesų taikymo nuotekų valymui tyrimai / Investigation of Wastewater Treatment Applying Biofiltration Processes

Strazdauskas, Konstantinas 26 July 2012 (has links)
Biofiltraciniai įrenginiai - tai alternatyva standartiniams veikliojo dumblo valymo įrenginiams. Tinkamai įrengus ir naudojant šiuos filtrus galima ženkliai sumažinti eksploatacijos išlaidas bei pasiekti pageidaujamų išvalymo kokybės rezultatų. Biofiltrų efektyvumas labai priklauso nuo naudojamo užpildo tipo, todėl šiame darbe buvo nagrinėjama naujo užpildo nuotekų biofiltracijai tinkamumas. Atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad pasirinkti akmens vatos užpildai yra tinkami naudoti laistomuosiuose filtruose ir juose gali vykti organinių medžiagų šalinimas ir nitrifikacija. Organinių medžiagų šalinimo efektyvumas pagal BDS7 abiejuose filtruose siekė daugiau nei 95 %, o ištekančių nuotekų koncentracija neviršijo 5 mg O2/l. Pirmajame filtre, kuriame buvo naudojama specialiai apdorota akmens vata, skirta augalams auginti, vidutinis nitrifikacijos efektyvumas siekė 62,2 %, antrajame filtre, kuriame buvo naudojama statybinė priešvėjinė akmens vata, skirta pastatams apšiltinti, vidutinis nitrifikacijos efektyvumas buvo 61,6 %. Darbą sudaro šios dalys: įvadas, literatūros analizė, tiriamojo darbo metodika, tyrimų rezultatai, išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas bei priedai. Darbo apimtis – 64 p. teksto be priedų, 17 lent., 25 pav., 46 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami 6 priedai. / Biofilters are an alternative for standard active sludge treatment plants. When used and installed properly, biofilters can significantly reduce operating costs and achieve the desirable cleaning quality results. The effectiveness of biofilters depends on the type of media used, so this paper discuses the suitability of new media for waste water biofiltration. Studies have shown that chosen stone wool media is suitable to use for trickling filters and it may also be used in organic matter removal and nitrification processes. In trickling filters, organic matter removal efficiency by BDS7 was more than 95 %, and wastewater outlet concentration was less than 5 mg O2/l. In the first filter, filled specially with treated stone wool for growing plants, average nitrification efficiency was 62,2 %; while in the second filter, filled with stone wool for buildings thermo isolation, average nitrification efficiency was 61,6 %. Thesis consists of: 64 pages of text without appendixes, 17 tables, 25 pictures, 46 bibliographical entries. Also there are 6 appendixes included.

Impact of moisture on long term performance of insulating products based on stone wool

Vrána, Tomás January 2007 (has links)
<p>Demands for energy have been increasing in the whole world. According to higher consumption, the price of energy rises yearly too. This evokes usage of insulating products in a wider range. By adding insulation, we lower the amount of energy needed to heat our homes, resulting in fewer associated greenhouse gas emissions and a lower monthly heating bill. Savings depend on insulation thicknesses and on conditions, in which the insulant is kept. Mineral insulation based on stone wool is also a member of building insulants that defends buildings and constructions against temperature changes of the ambient. However, even when we use modern technologies and building techniques to reduce high energy losses, we can never provide unimpeachable protection of stone wool from damage. During a construction process on a building site or at fast climate changes, it often happens that stone wool is exposed to rain precipitaions or other climate effets. This brings water to the insulating structure. Besides the loss of insulating qualities, the stone wool is left permanently wet. Even the fibres of stone wool are inorganic, they still can be attacked by degradation processes due to organic agents fixing fibres together. Analysis of damaged flat-roof constructions using stone wool and verification of material properties is a starting point of this licentiate thesis.</p><p>The attached paper section can be divided into two parts:</p><p>In-situ practice that notes troubles with insulating materials based on stone wool with inbuilt moisture on a building site</p><p>Laboratory measurement that observe material properties of stone wool under varying conditions</p>

Impact of moisture on long term performance of insulating products based on stone wool

Vrána, Tomás January 2007 (has links)
Demands for energy have been increasing in the whole world. According to higher consumption, the price of energy rises yearly too. This evokes usage of insulating products in a wider range. By adding insulation, we lower the amount of energy needed to heat our homes, resulting in fewer associated greenhouse gas emissions and a lower monthly heating bill. Savings depend on insulation thicknesses and on conditions, in which the insulant is kept. Mineral insulation based on stone wool is also a member of building insulants that defends buildings and constructions against temperature changes of the ambient. However, even when we use modern technologies and building techniques to reduce high energy losses, we can never provide unimpeachable protection of stone wool from damage. During a construction process on a building site or at fast climate changes, it often happens that stone wool is exposed to rain precipitaions or other climate effets. This brings water to the insulating structure. Besides the loss of insulating qualities, the stone wool is left permanently wet. Even the fibres of stone wool are inorganic, they still can be attacked by degradation processes due to organic agents fixing fibres together. Analysis of damaged flat-roof constructions using stone wool and verification of material properties is a starting point of this licentiate thesis. The attached paper section can be divided into two parts: In-situ practice that notes troubles with insulating materials based on stone wool with inbuilt moisture on a building site Laboratory measurement that observe material properties of stone wool under varying conditions / QC 20101122

Undersökning av isoleringsmaterial ur energi- och miljösynpunkt : - en jämförelse av olika isoleringsmaterial för ett bostadshus i Sverige

Karlsson, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
Byggnader står för cirka 36% av koldioxidutsläppen och 40% av energianvändningen. I Sverige står hushållen för cirka 23 % av den totala energianvändningen. Valet av isoleringsmaterial är en bidragande faktor för att kunna minska energianvändningen i hushållen samt att dämpa påverkan på miljön. Därför viktigt att välja ett isoleringsmaterial som bidrar till lägre koldioxidutsläpp, är gjort på förnyelsebara material och som går att återvinna/återanvända.   Moderna Trähus är ett småhusföretag med visionen att bygga moderna trähus med så låg energianvändning och påverkan på miljön som möjligt. Den isolering som företaget använder just nu är stenull och de vill även kunna erbjuda ett miljövänligare alternativ till sina kunder.   De material som jämförs med stenullen är cellulosafiber (både skivor och lösull), träfiber och linull. De aspekter som undersöks för respektive material är väggens U-värde (samma väggtjocklek), byggnadens specifika energianvändning, koldioxidutsläpp, andra miljödata samt isoleringens kostnad.   Resultaten visar att alla material har samma U-värde och specifika energianvändning, medan träfiber och cellulosa har lägst koldioxidutsläpp. Kostnadsmässigt är stenullen och cellulosa – lösull billigast. Cellulosa – lösull är det bästa materialet  när miljö, energi och kostnad jämförs tillsammans. / Buildings account for about 36% of carbon dioxide emissions and 40% of energy use. In Sweden, households account for about 23% of total energy use. Valuation of insulation materials is a contributing factor in reducing energy consumption in households as well as dampening environmental impact. It is therefore important to choose an insulation material that contributes to lower carbon dioxide emissions, that is made of renewable materials and which can be recycled / reused.   Moderna Trähus is a small house building company with the vision to build modern wooden detached houses with as low energy consumption and environmental impact as possible. The insulation the company currently uses is stone wool and they also want to offer a more environmentally friendly alternative to their customers.   The materials that are compared to the stone wool are cellulose fiber (both slabs and bulks), wood fiber and flax. The aspects examined for the respective materials are the wall's U-value (same wall thickness), the building's specific energy use, carbon dioxide emissions, other environmental data and the cost of the insulation material.   The results show that all materials have the same U-value and specific energy use, while wood fiber and cellulose have the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. Costwise, stone wool and cellulose are the cheapest. Cellulose are the best material when environmental-, energy- and cost aspects are compared together.

Etude de l'influence des transferts thermo-hydriques sur les composants d'assemblages bois sous incendie / Thermo-hydric transfer within dowelled and bolted timber connections under fire exposure

Samake, Abdoulaye 01 June 2016 (has links)
Les structures en bois sont de plus en plus utilisées de nos jours dans les constructions de génie civil. Cette utilisation massive du bois s’explique notamment par le caractère écologique du matériau et son attrait esthétique. Ces structures sont composées d’éléments en bois assemblés entre eux à l’aide d’organes métalliques tels que des boulons, broches, plaques métalliques,...etc. La résistance globale de la structure est étroitement liée aux capacités résistantes de ses liaisons. Ces zones constituent donc des endroits vulnérables lors d’un incendie. La compréhension de leur comportement sous sollicitation thermique de type incendie nécessite donc une attention particulière. Le bois est connu comme matériau anisotrope et relativement humide. La grande variabilité de ses propriétés mécaniques et la présence d’organes métalliques dans les assemblages rendent l’étude de ceux-ci beaucoup plus complexe. C’est notamment le cas en situation extrême d’incendie où la connaissance des valeurs de certains paramètres en fonction de la température est plus ou moins approchée. Lorsque l’assemblage est sollicité par des hautes températures, des flux thermiques et hydriques se manifestent et agissent sur les caractéristiques mécaniques et physiques des matériaux. Les méthodes actuelles de calcul technique de ces structures restent très sécuritaires et tendent à être simplificatrices dans certains cas. Une meilleure caractérisation de la réponse de ces assemblages sous action thermique s’impose si l’on veut optimiser les structures. Pour étudier les transferts thermiques et hydriques dans les éléments d’assemblages bois, deux approches ont été adoptées : expérimentale et numérique. L’approche expérimentale qui débute par l’étude d’un assemblage mono-tige soumis à l’action du feu ISO 834. L’étude des transferts thermiques à différents endroits des assemblages est réalisée ainsi que l’influence de la présence de la plaque métallique et le choix du type d’organes métalliques. Les résultats obtenus ont conduit à l’étude des deux éléments principaux de l’assemblage que sont le bois et les tiges métalliques. Les résultats obtenus permettent à la fois une meilleure compréhension et quantification de l’influence du choix de la tige métallique, de la présence de l’eau dans le bois. L’étude numérique a consisté à la mise en place de différents modèles. Un premier modèle simplifié basé sur les différences finies est réalisé. Il permet l’étude des transferts thermiques dans les organes métalliques. Ensuite deux modèles utilisant les éléments finis sont réalisés : le premier utilisé sous le code de calcul Msc.Marc et le second a été programmé ave des éléments finis surfaciques. Ce dernier modèle permet la prise en compte du comportement thermo-hydrique dans le matériau. Ils rentrent dans le cadre de la calibration des paramètres thermomécaniques du bois sous hautes températures et permettent d’aborder différentes configurations d’assemblages bois. Enfin une étude comparative et de discussion est réalisée entre les résultats réels et les résultats numériques. Les résultats obtenus sont satisfaisants. / Nowadays, timber structures are well on the way to democratization as regards building uses. They, indeed, present many advantages including light weight, speed of implementation and contribution to sustainable development. These structures are made of timber elements connected together using metal components such as bolts, dowels and nails forming the mechanical joints, which is sometimes reinforced with metal plates. Consequently, the joints are vulnerable areas when exposed to fire. Understanding their mechanical behavior, therefore, is essential, not only as regards fire exposure, but also as regards the coupling of the thermal and hydric fluxes within the connections. As we know, wood is an anisotropic material and relatively humid. The combination of the architectural demand and the material mechanical resistance requires wood materials to cohabit with other materials like steel fasteners. With the presence of steel members, thermo -hydric heat transfer phenomena within joints under fire exposure increase in speed and complexity [4 e7].This complexity comes from the difference between the materials regarding mechanical rigidity and thermo -hydric permeability. It affects the mechanical and thermo-physical properties of the materials eventually, in particular, thermal conductivity and specific heat subjected to the thermal action of fire. With this aim in view, the present research provides important experimental and numerical data, which are needed in the field of understanding and quantifying thermos-hydric transfer phenomenon within timber-steel connections. The objective of this thesis is to present the findings of the investigations carried out to study experimental and numerical thermo-hydric transfer of timber connections subjected to the ISO-834 standard conditions of fire exposure. The experimental part starts by the study of a sin gle bolt or single dowel timber-timber connections under fire. The temperature-time evolutions are measured at different places of the connections. Then two studies are carried out about the main two components of connections (wood and metal rods). The results obtained allow a good comprehension and quantification about the choice of the metal rods (bolt or dowel). A good comprehension is also obtained about the water contained in timber. The simulation model is reached in many ways: first, through the thermal study of the steel fasteners using the Finite Differences Method and another model using the Finite Element Method. Second, through the modeling of thermal behavior of the connection using the finite element method with the Msc-marc software is carried out. The last model is about the thermos-hydric behavior of the timber. The comparison between experimental and numerical results is satisfactory.

Speciálně pedagogické centrum / Special education centre

Gilbert, David January 2022 (has links)
The aim of my master's project is to design a new building of a Special education centre with nearly zero energy consumption. The project consists of three main parts. The building is designed with a green flat roof with a load-bearing part formed by prestressed ceiling panels. The load-bearing wall masonry consists of ceramic blocks with stone wool insulation panels with longitudinal fibres. The building is divided into two main parts connected by a connecting entrance hall. First department is used mainly for therapy rooms and the other department for the offices of special pedagogical staff. The building also contains photovoltaic panels, air-handling units with heat recovery and a rainwater storage reservoir with the possibility of using rainwater for flushing. The next part of the master's project deals with the assessment of the life cycle of the structure (LCA), where the subject of assessment are various types of floor structures.

The Impact of Insulation Materials on a Climate Declaration : A Study of a Swedish Preschool

Hallkvist, Isabelle, Nilsson, Elin January 2021 (has links)
To reach the net-zero carbon goal by 2045, the Swedish government want to push the building and construction sector to lower their greenhouse gas emissions. This push is performed by implementing a law requiring building developers to perform a climate declaration over greenhouse gas emissions, to receive a building’s final clearance. The climate declaration is limited to only include emissions from material extraction until completed building. However, there is a varying knowledge level in the industry regarding how to perform a climate declaration as well as how different materials impact the result. Therefore, this study aims to bring clarity concerning the topic, by investigating where the major and minor climate impacts occur in a building process. Additionally, the impact of different insulations materials and how they influence the result of a climate declaration is studied. To answer the research questions, a climate declaration is performed on a Swedish preschool. The insulation material in the building is altered between glass wool, stone wool, cellulose fibre, foam glass, and polystyrene insulation in different scenarios to see how it impacts the result. The stone wool scenarios use both carbon neutral and non-carbon neutral insulation. Cellulose fibre uses both loose wool with data from an EPD and board insulation with data from Boverket’s climate database in the scenarios. The major climate impact derives from the product stage (A1–A3), meaning material selection have a significant impact on the climate declaration result. The building element with the highest climate impact is the inner walls followed by the foundation, while the floor construction, roof and outer walls have the lowest climate impact. On a material level, plaster board, building plywood and concrete have the highest climate impact in the reference building. The cedar panel have the lowest climate impact and is the only carbon negative material in the reference building. However, this is due to different assumptions made in the climate impact data concerning the binding of carbon in organic materials. The results showed that the insulation material with the highest climate impact is non-carbon neutral stone wool that is 16 % higher than the original construction with glass wool, while loose cellulose wool has the lowest climate impact. The climate impact from the scenario with non-carbon neutral stone wool in the wall and roof construction is 33 % higher compared to the corresponding loose cellulose wool scenario. The scenario with the lowest climate impact, with loose cellulose wool, is approximately 13 % lower than the corresponding glass wool scenario. The carbon neutral stone wool scenario has a similar result to glass wool. Foam glass has a 9.5 % higher climate impact compared to polystyrene insulation in the foundation. Regarding the selection of insulation material, it influences the climate declaration by changing the climate impact. The influence derives from a combination of climate impact per unit and material quantity used in the building. The material quantity is partly dependant on the thermal conductivity (λ-value) of the insulation material. The climate declaration shows a limited view of a building’s environmental impact for a limited part of its lifecycle. Therefore, we would recommend additional lifecycle stages and environmental impacts to be part of the climate declaration in the future, as a means to avoid suboptimization and unintentional problem shifting. / För att nå klimatneutralitetsmålet 2045 vill den svenska regeringen driva bygg- och fastighetssektorn till att sänka sina växthusgasutsläpp. Denna insats utförs genom att införa en lag som kräver att byggherrar utför en klimatdeklaration över växthusgasutsläpp för att få ett slutbesked för byggnaden. Klimatdeklarationen är begränsad till att endast omfatta utsläpp från materialutvinning fram till färdig byggnad. Det finns dock en varierande kunskapsnivå i branschen om hur en klimatdeklaration utförs samt hur olika material påverkar resultatet. Därför syftar denna studie till att ge klarhet angående ämnet genom att undersöka var de större och mindre inflytandena på klimatpåverkan förekommer i en byggprocess. Dessutom studeras effekterna av olika isoleringsmaterial och hur de påverkar resultatet av en klimatdeklaration. För att besvara frågeställningarna utförs en klimatdeklaration på en svensk förskola. Isoleringsmaterialet i byggnaden ändras mellan glasull, stenull, cellulosafiber, skumglas och cellplast i olika scenarier för att se hur det påverkar resultatet. I stenullscenarierna används både koldioxidneutral och icke-koldioxidneutral isolering. Cellulosafibrer använder både lösull med data från en EPD och skivisolering med data från Boverkets klimatdatabas i scenarierna. Den största klimatpåverkan kommer från produktstadiet (A1–A3), vilket innebär att materialvalet har en betydande inverkan på klimatdeklarationsresultatet. Byggnadselementet med störst klimatpåverkan är innerväggarna följt av grunden, medan bjälklaget, taket och ytterväggarna har lägst klimatpåverkan. På materialnivå har gipsskivor, plywood och betong den högsta klimatpåverkan i referensbyggnaden. Cederpanelen har lägst klimatpåverkan och är det enda koldioxidnegativa materialet i referensbyggnaden. Detta beror dock på olika antaganden i klimatpåverkan angående bindningen av kol i organiska material. Resultaten visade att isoleringsmaterialet med den högsta klimatpåverkan är icke-koldioxidneutral stenull, som är 16 % högre än originalkonstruktionen med glasull, medan lös cellulosaull har lägst klimatpåverkan. Klimatpåverkan från scenariot med icke koldioxidneutral stenull i vägg- och takkonstruktion är 33 % högre jämfört med motsvarande scenario med lös cellulosaull. Scenariot med lägst klimatpåverkan, med lös cellulosaull, är cirka 13 % lägre än motsvarande glasullscenario. Det koldioxidneutrala stenullscenariot har ett liknande resultat som glasull. Skumglas har 9,5 % högre klimatpåverkan jämfört med cellplasten i grunden. När det gäller valet av isoleringsmaterial påverkar det klimatdeklarationen genom att förändra klimatpåverkan. Påverkan härstammar från en kombination av klimatpåverkan per enhet och mängden material som används i byggnaden. Mängden material beror delvis på isoleringsmaterialets värmekonduktivitet (λ-värde). Klimatdeklarationen visar en begränsad bild av en byggnads miljöpåverkan under en begränsad del av dess livscykel. Därför rekommenderar vi att ytterligare livscykelstadier och miljöindikatorer ingår i klimatdeklarationen i framtiden, för att undvika suboptimeringar och oavsiktliga problembyten.

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