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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet som Janusansikte : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares positiva samt negativa upplevelser av det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet

Järnland, Hugo, Sonesson, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi III, Organisation 15 hp, 2FE78E, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar, Vårterminen 2017.                                                                                                                                   Författare: Hugo Järnland & Ida Sonesson   Handledare: Mathias Karlsson Examinator: Mikael Lundgren   Titel: Det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet som Janusansikte - en kvalitativ studie om medarbetares positiva samt negativa upplevelser av det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet.   Syfte: Studien syftar till att skapa förståelse för hur medarbetare upplever och förhåller sig till det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet.                                                                                                              Metodik: En kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en abduktiv ansats. Det empiriska materialet är insamlat via åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare som arbetar på ett företag där det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet tillämpas.                                                                              Slutsats: Studiens resultat har gett en ökad förståelse för hur medarbetare upplever och förhåller sig till det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet. Studien visar att det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet är ett komplext område som upplevs olika av olika individer. Resultatet visar även att det finns både positiva och negativa sidor av det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet. Sammanfattningsvis kan vi redogöra att medarbetarnas upplevelser av det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet kan liknas vid ett Janusansikte då deras upplevelser tydligt skiljer sig från varandra. / Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration III, Organization 15 hp, 2FE78E, Faculty of Economics at Linneaus University in Kalmar, Spring 2017.   Authors: Hugo Järnland & Ida Sonesson   Advisor: Mathias Karlsson   Examinator: Mikael Lundgren   Title: The activity-based working as a Janusface – A qualitative study about employees positive and negative experiences about activity-based working.   Purpose: The study aims to create an understanding regarding employees experiences and how they relate to activity-based working.   Methodology: A qualitative research strategy with an abductive approach. The empirical material is collected through eight semi structured interviews with employees at a company where the activity-based working is implemented.   Conclusion: The study’s result has given an increased understanding of how employees experience and relate to activity-based working. The study shows that activity-based working is a complex area which individuals experience differently. The results also show that there are both positive and negative sides of the activity-based working. In conclusion, we can find that employees experiences of the activity-based working can be seen as a Janusface since their experiences clearly differ from each another.

Retention of Employees in Swedish SMEs : The Effects of Non-monetary Factors

Hagberg, Magnus, Kullgren, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Retention is an important aspect of human resource activities, especially for small and medium-sizedenterprises since they lack resources and face unique challenges when compared to larger and more established firms. Retaining key employees will allow firms to preserve their resources, sustain theireffectiveness and productivity, and thereby maintaining a competitive advantage. Despite this importance,it is a research area that is not yet fully understood, and therefore warrants further research.Taking into account the lack of resources in smaller firms, the purpose of this study was therefore toconstruct a theoretical model that can be used to research non-monetary factors and their effect onemployee retention. This was done to further elaborate on the research area. To achieve this, a quantitativestudy was performed, where data was collected from 96 Swedish small and medium-sizedenterprises,which was then used for a linear multiple regression analysis. The result was used to answerthe research question: “To what extent do firm-level, non-monetary factors affect the retention ratio inSwedish SMEs?”The result of this study shows that firm age and autonomy are the two factors which affect retention themost in Swedish SMEs. Older firms benefit from a higher retention rate than younger firms, with thepractical implication that younger firms would benefit from adapting the retention practices and policiesof older firms. The result regarding autonomy contradicts previous research, since the firms in this studywith higher degrees of autonomy face lower retention levels. This could be due to the fact that theoccupational group working at these firms often possesses specific knowledge, skills and abilities, whichmakes them attractive on the external labor market. An increased awareness of this relationship will allowfirms employing these occupational groups to implement preventative measures, in order to retain theiremployees.The effects of work-life balance, training, internal career opportunity, and pay on employee retention werenot statistically significant, indicating that previous research is not applicable to a Swedish context. Inaddition to researching a new context, a new research model based on previous research was developed toexplain to what extent firm-level factors affect employee retention, which can support further researchrelated to the research area. / Att bibehålla personal är en betydelsefull del av ett företags personalaktiviteter. De företag som lyckasbibehålla viktig personal kommer att kunna upprätthålla en konkurrensfördel genom att bevara sinaresurser, sin effektivitet och sin produktivitet. Detta gäller särskilt för små och medelstora företag då destår inför unika utmaningar, samt ofta har en brist på resurser jämfört med större och mer etableradeföretag. Trots denna betydelse är detta ett forskningsområde som inte är utforskat till fullo, varför vidareforskning är berättigad.Med mindre företags brist på resurser i åtanke, var syftet med denna studie att utforma en teoretisk modellsom kan användas för att undersöka icke-monetära faktorer och deras effekt på bibehållandet av personal.Detta för att belysa och utforska forskningsområdet ytterligare. För att uppnå syftet genomfördes enkvantitativ studie, där data samlades in från 96 svenska små och medelstora företag, vilken däreftersammanställdes för att utföra en linjär multipel regressionsanalys. Resultatet användes för att besvaraforskningsfrågan: “I vilken utsträckning påverkar icke-monetära faktorer på företagsnivå bibehållandetav personal i svenska små och medelstora företag?”Resultatet av denna studie visar att företagets ålder samt graden av autonomi är de två faktorer sompåverkar bibehållandet av personal i högst utsträckning i svenska små och medelstora företag. Äldreföretag lyckas bibehålla sin personal i högre utsträckning än yngre företag. De praktiska implikationernaav detta är att yngre firmor skulle gynnas av att tillämpa det agerande och de principer relaterade tillbibehållandet av personal som återfinns hos äldre företag. Studiens resultat visar även att företag med enhögre grad av autonomi bibehåller sin personal i lägre utsträckning, vilket motsäger tidigare forskning.Detta resultat kan bero på att den yrkesgrupp som är anställd hos dessa företag ofta innehar specifikkunskap, kompetens och förmågor, vilket gör dem attraktiva på den externa arbetsmarknaden. En ökadmedvetenhet gällande detta samband gör att företag vars anställda tillhör denna yrkesgrupp kanimplementera förebyggande åtgärder i syfte att bibehålla denna personal.Effekterna av balansen mellan arbets- och privatliv, utbildning, interna karriärmöjligheter och lön var intestatistiskt signifikanta, vilket antyder att tidigare forskning ej är applicerbar på den svenska kontexten.Utöver utforskandet av en ny kontext, utvecklades även en ny forskningsmodell baserad på tidigareforskning, med målsättningen att förtydliga i vilken utsträckning faktorer på företagsnivå påverkarbibehållandet av personal. Denna modell kan understödja vidare forskning relaterad tillforskningsområdet.

Negotiating Work-life Balance Within the Operational Culture of a Chaebol in the Southeastern United States

Pulliam, Wheeler D. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the work life balance negotiations of three distinct culture groups employed by South Korean conglomerates located within the southeastern United States. These three cultural groups are: Korean nationals, Korean Americans, and non-Korean Americans. It is proposed that each culture will negotiate work life balances in their own manner based upon their specific inherent cultural understandings. This study is a cross-cultural examination through thirty-two open-ended interviews of employees working for large multinational Korean companies with facilities in the southern United States. Korean nationals, Korean Americans, and Americans implement different work-life balance negotiation tactics in the workplace based upon each one’s cultural association. While all three cultural groups experience difficulty in obtaining a work-life balance working for a Korean company, the Korean Americans seem to suffer the most.

Balance beyond work life : an empirical study of older people's time use in the UK

Jun, Jiweon January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines how patterns of time use change in later life and how the way in which older people use their time is related to well-being. Arguing that maintaining balance in time use concerns not only people of working age but matters for people of all ages, we propose an alternative theoretical framework of life balance. This consists of two conceptual models: The Life Balance Triangle and Multidimensional Life Balance (MLB). Using UK time use data, the thesis demonstrates the empirical applicability of these two models in enhancing our understanding of older people's daily lives. The life balance model, which we built by modifying the theoretical categorisation of time use by Ås (1978) and the work-leisure triangle of Gershuny (2003), identifies and presents alteration in time use across the life course as changes in balance between constraints (committed time) and freedom of choice (discretionary time), controlling for time spent on biological/physiological maintenance (regenerative time). We find the balance shifts towards greater discretionary, and less committed, time in later life, with a significant gender gap. Life stage, which reflects social structure and expectations, rather than biological ageing, was found to be the most influential factor for life balance dynamics. Findings suggest that men may find it more difficult to adjust to life beyond work because of abrupt and greater changes in life balance, which may disrupt their daily time structure. The multidimensional life balance model challenges the assumption of a linear relationship between the level of activity and well-being of older people. Adapting the Alkire-Foster method (Alkire and Foster, 2011), we propose a threshold-based approach that takes the heterogeneity of older people and multidimensionality of daily life into account, and emphasises overall balance in the level of activities across various activity domains. Results show MLB is associated positively with better self-assessed health, suggesting a threshold effect. We also identify the demographic/socio-economic groups more likely to lack MLB, as well as domains in which most people are deficient. The thesis contributes to work-life balance research by moving beyond paid-work centrality, and to ageing research by providing a multidimensional approach to activities and well-being in later life.

Harmonizace pracovního a osobního života a její vliv na volný čas jedinců / Work-Life Balance and its influence to individuals' leisure time

Šantorová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the balance between work and personal life and its impact on individuals' leisure time. The first part begins with a discussion of the issues surrounding work-life balance and then focuses on the phenomenon of leisure and its importance in the lives of individuals. In order to contextualize this discussion, this thesis presents the relevant theories in the field and identifies their role in the development of leisure time in relation to work. Folowing part examines the concept of work-life balance in organizations and identify the different means of realization, such as flexible work arrangements and employee benefits. Also included is an empirical study that is carried out through a questionnaire survey. This investigation is focused on the influence of work and its aspects on leisure time and work-life balance of university-educated individuals who are currently employed. This empirical study should contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between work and personal life regarding individuals leisure time. Keywords: harmonization of work and personal life, leisure, balance, work life, personal life

Personálně-psychologický audit jako nástroj zhodnocení vybraných personálně-psychologických fenoménů v české pobočce nadnárodní organizace / Personnel audit with psychological focus as a tool for evaluating certain phenomena of personnel psychology within the environment of a Czech branch of an international organization

Borovičková, Klára January 2011 (has links)
work- life

Att pendla eller inte pendla? : Vilka faktorer är avgörande för att kunna attrahera arbetare och/eller tjänstemän till ett arbete med pendlingsavstånd? / To commute or not commute? : What crucial factors attract blue- and/or white-collar workers to a job that includes commuting?

Axelsson, Elin, Torevik, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Brist på arbetskraft som matchar arbetsgivarens behov gör konkurrensen om rätt kompetens stor. Det gör att organisationer kan behöva locka sökande bosatta på annan ort. Det krävs också att arbetsgivaren kan locka med rätt komponenter vilka kan skilja sig beroende på tjänst och livssituation. Den här kvantitativa enkätstudien är baserad på 129 svar som analyserats för att besvara syfte och frågeställningar om vilka faktorer arbetare och tjänstemän finner attraktiva för att bli intresserade av att pendla till ett arbete.   I studiens teoretiska referensram introduceras läsaren till forskningsområdet genom en bak-grund och tidigare forskning. Sedan följer redogörelser av pendling och teorierna Work-life balance, attraktivt arbete samt Attractive work model. I metodavsnittet redogörs därefter för datainsamling, dess urval, hur enkäten utformats och hur databearbetningen gått tillväga.   I studiens resultat och analys redovisas skillnader mellan vilka faktorer som är mest attraktiva beroende på om man är arbetare eller tjänsteman och vilka faktorer de har gemensamt. Här redovisas också vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att underlätta livspusslet då restiden till arbetet kan ha inverkan på privatlivet. I resultatet framkommer bland annat att arbetare prioriterar trygghet, trivsel och socialt umgänge medan tjänstemän anser att kunna styra sin arbetstid, plats att arbeta och hur man lägger upp det egna arbete är några faktorer som värdesätts mest. Gemensamma faktorer som både arbetare och tjänstemän ansåg vara mycket viktiga är det som underlättar balansen mellan arbete och privatliv, till exempel att kunna ta kortare ledigheter samt lättheten att ta bil till arbetet. Ytterligare betydelsefulla faktorer är inflytande och delaktighet, gemensam värdegrund och känna att den egna kompetensen är efterfrågad prioriteras högt. I den sammanfattande diskussionen sammanställs slutsatserna för att besvara frågeställningar och syftet. Till sist förs en diskussion om förbättringar och förslag till vidare forskningsfrågor inom ämnet.

Konsulters upplevelse av Work-life balance : Och hur de anser att HR främjar denna upplevelse

Pettersson, Matilda, Andersson, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Title: Consultants experience of Work-life balance Subtitle: And how they feel that HR promotes this experience Authors: Malin Andersson and Matilda Pettersson Advisor: Jean-Charles Languilaire Level: Bachelor thesis in Business administration, 15 credits, Spring 2019 Key words: Work-life balance, Ulrich and Brockbank (2005) HR-roles, Zedeck and Mosier (1990) relationship between work and non-work, Greenhaus och Beutell (1985) Work-family conflicts, Consultants. Purpose: To describe the consultant’s experience of Work-life balance and how they feel that HR promotes this. Method: In this study we have chosen to start from a deductive approach since there is solid research within the subject of Work-life balance. In order to answer our descriptive purpose, a case study is applied to give us detailed data. The study is of a qualitative nature and we have chosen to collect data via semi-structured interviews with active consultants. Theoretical framework: The study is based on research within Work-life balance and primarily Greenhaus and Beutell (1985) Work-family conflicts as well as Zedeck and Mosier (1990) relationship between work and non-work. In addition to these theories, our theoretical framework consists of Ulrich and Brockbank (2005) HR roles and research on HR practices. Empirical framework: The gathering of the empirical data has taken place through seven interviews with active consultants. Conclusion: Based on the study’s questions, we can conclude that the consultants generally feel that they have a good Work-life balance. We have also identified factors that have a major impact on this experience. We can conclude that consultants find that HR promotes Work-life balance to a great extent. Here too, we have identified important factors for how this experience appears.

Women and Emiratisation in the UAE workforce

Hamade, Mona January 2016 (has links)
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) which was adopted in 1979, and the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action have generated global and regional momentum in the advance of equal gender opportunities. This research explores the increased presence of women in higher education and their subsequent entry into the workforce in the United Arab Emirates. The government has attempted to reduce its citizens' dependency on public sector employment and promote opportunities in the private sector. Governmental efforts have included improving the education system, granting women access to education and introducing funding schemes to encourage employment initiatives. Yet, despite these efforts, unemployment across the UAE remains at a high level, with public sector favoured by Emirati nationals. The country's drive to nationalise the labour force reflects the necessity of utilising the capabilities of Emirati nationals, both men and women, to diversify the rentier state economy. Emiratisation is a national government strategy in the United Arab Emirates that aims to reduce the country's reliance on expatriate labour and increase the participation of nationals in the labour market, both in the public and private sectors. The research for this thesis begins by exploring the inadequacy of classical rentier state theory and examining Mathew Gray's theory of late rentierism within the context of the United Arab Emirates. It further builds on the late rentierism model with a particular focus on the role of women, education and youth participation. The methodological approach used in this research is primarily qualitative, including interviews with final year university students, and professionals in the banking sector of both sexes. These groups were chosen to highlight the practical implications of governmental Emiratisation policies aiming to increase job opportunities across the United Arab Emirates. To date, very little research has been conducted on the issues of gender, work life balance policies and new workforce trends in the UAE.

Strategies Functional Managers Use to Control Cyberloafing Behaviors

Holguin, Emilsen Salazar 01 January 2016 (has links)
Computer technologies have increased the opportunities for employees to engage in cyberloafing by using the Internet at work for personal purposes. Uncontrolled cyberloafing is a threat to organizational effectiveness because it affects organizational productivity. The purpose of this single case study was to explore successful strategies functional managers use to control cyberloafing behaviors of their employees at an e-learning organization located in the northeastern United States. The theory of planned behavior, which emphasized behavioral, normative, and control beliefs as key elements to predict individuals' intentions to behave was the conceptual framework. Data collection included semistructured face-to-face interviews with 11 functional managers and an exploration of organizational policies, procedures, and handbooks. Data analysis included examination of word frequencies, keyword coding, and theme identification. Using Yin's 5 steps for data analysis, 3 themes emerged: create engaging jobs, communicate clear expectations, and promote a positive work environment. Functional managers in the e-learning organization in this study may control cyberloafing by ensuring that social norms convey disapproval, combining deterrence policies and performance metrics; and showing attitudes that promote citizenship behaviors. The implications for positive social change include the potential to provide the e-learning organization in this study with best practices that support employees' needs for work-life balance, thus promoting employee satisfaction while maximizing employee productivity. As a result, the findings of this study can decrease stress, increase morale and positively impact the overall well-being of the organization's workforce.

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