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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetet som verktyg : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om syftet med och utvärdering av arbetsintegrerande sociala företag i Sverige / Work as a tool : A qualitative content analysis about the objective and evaluation of work integration social enterprises in Sweden

Weecks, Li January 2020 (has links)
Arbetslinjens tongivande roll anses innebära direkta konsekvenser för det sociala arbetet. I stora drag innebär arbetslinjen att arbetsmarknads- och socialpolitiken utformas för att främja aktivitet framför passivitet. Denna uppsats fokuserar på arbetsintegrerande sociala företag, en typ av sociala företag som erbjuder arbetsträning eller andra sociala insatser för personer som står utanför arbetsmarknaden. I samtalet om sociala företag är arbetsmarknadsintegrering centralt, trots att det saknas entydiga belägg för att sociala företag ökar integrationen på arbetsmarknaden. Samtidigt är det inte helt klart vilket syfte de arbetsintegrerande sociala företagen har. Detta väcker också frågan om möjliga utgångspunkter för verksamhetsutvärdering. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur syftet med arbetsintegrerande sociala företag kan förstås och vilka implikationer detta har för utvärdering av verksamheterna. Forskningsteoretisk utgångspunkt för studien är socialkonstruktionismen. Studiens teori utgörs av tre perspektiv på arbetslinjen: disciplinerings-, självhjälps- och rättighetsperspektivet. Disciplineringsperpektivet innebär att individens eget försörjningsansvar, aktivering och skyldigheter gentemot staten betonas. Självhjälpsperspektivet ger uttryck för en förväntan om ömsesidigt handlande mellan stat och individ, där fokus ligger på att hjälpa individen till självförsörjning. Inom rättighetsperspektivet betraktas arbetet som en social rättighet. Studien använder sig av riktad kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Uppsatsen består av en dokumentstudie med analys av offentliga dokument som följs av en intervjustudie med företrädare för arbetsintegrerande sociala företag. Studien kommer fram till att syftet kan förstås utifrån samtliga teoretiska perspektiv, men främst självhjälps- och disciplineringsperspektivet. Eftersom det i materialet finns uttryck för samtliga teoretiska perspektiv kring arbetslinjen så öppnar det för olika sorters utvärdering, där de undersökta arbetsintegrerande sociala företagen huvudsakligen väljer att utvärdera sin verksamhet utifrån vad de anser prioriterat.

Sustainability of Social Enterprises: A Case Study of Sweden

Jamburia, Giorgi January 2013 (has links)
Social Entrepreneurship is a research field associated with social value creation and inclusive growth. Social ventures primarily have social goals and reinvest their surpluses to support their mission. Sustainability of social enterprises is a debatable topic. Some researchers and practitioners believe in the long-term sustainability of social enterprises while others cast doubt on this opinion. Therefore, it is an interesting research question to study whether social enterprises are sustainable or not. Reputable scientific resources have been analyzed in order to form a conceptual framework. Two kinds of quantitative methods have been used. The first study addresses the relative financial sustainability of social enterprises by researching and comparing their exit and entry rates to the respective figures of commercial ventures. The second study evaluates the impact sustainability by assessing patterns on employment and involvement statistics of work integration social ventures. Both empirical studies are mainly limited to the Swedish market. The results reveal that though newly founded social ventures have better survival rates compared to the commercial businesses social enterprise is a relatively new field characterized by overall higher dynamics of exit and entry. Additionally, social enterprises that have established themselves on the market are more likely to employee and reach more people, although there are a limited number of such ventures and the most successful cohorts seem to be the recent ones.

How are Swedish social entrepreneurs financing theirbusinesses? : A survey of Swedish social entrepreneurs’ access to funding

RHENMAN, ELIN January 2016 (has links)
Social entrepreneurship and related concepts have received an increasing amount of attention during the last years. Social entrepreneurship is characterized by ventures with a social mission, seeking to address societal challenges and needs. The social goal is the primary goal of the business activities whereas generating economic profit is not the main objective, yet still possible. Social entrepreneurship is often seen as a powerful tool for creating sustainable development, a fundamental goal of many businesses, countries and organizations today. Just like any other firm, social entrepreneurs need finance in order to exist. This thesis seeks to examine how Swedish social entrepreneurs finance their businesses. A questionnaire was sent out to Swedish social entrepreneurs and the results suggest that Swedish social entrepreneurs to a large extent rely on governmental funds and support, personal resources and internally generated capital. Access to the traditional banking system seems to be limited compared to traditional entrepreneurs. There seems to be a gap between the demand and supply of external capital since the majority of the respondents believe that they have a limited access to external capital. 60 per cent of the respondents reported a positive economic result in the last fiscal year. Furthermore, the majority of the respondents want to expand their businesses in the future but the largest obstacles seem to be lack of financing and political aspects. The respondents hope for, among other things, an improved attitude towards social entrepreneurship in general, more financing and increased collaboration with Swedish municipalities. Altogether the results highlight the role of the government in supporting and promoting this type of firms in Sweden.

Särart och likhet, så vinner ASF legitimitet : En fallstudie om arbetsintegrerande sociala företags etablering. / Differentiation and similarity, how WISE gain legitimacy. : A case study on work integration social enterprises’ establishment in the field of work integration.

Alexandersson, Emma, Eriksson, Fanny January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how work integration social enterprise (WISE) established their enterprises. To reach the aim we collected data through qualitative in-terviews from six persons with experience of starting a WISE. Four managers, one exec-utive and one consultant. The research focused on their experience of the enterprises’ start up periods. The research shows that the enterprise is searching for legitimacy from its surrounding but in different ways depending who they are interacting with. The research presented in this study also shows four different factors important to WISE in the estab-lishment process; relations, needs, personal resources and the story about WISE.

L'"insertion par l'activité économique" : entre vivre en commun et travail. : Analyse de l'"émergence" d'un dispositif / Insertion by economic activity : between "living in the community" and "working"

Crocco, Mariagrazia 14 December 2013 (has links)
La thèse propose une lecture de l’insertion qui s’inscrit dans le rapport entre vivre en commun et travail tel qu’il s’est historiquement construit et développé. Il s’agit d’un travail conduit dans le cadre d’une convention CIFRE avec une structure d’insertion par l’activité économique, l’association Acta Vista. L’hypothèse majeure consiste à considérer le secteur professionnel de l’insertion par l’activité économique comme un dispositif, c’est-à-dire un réseau d’éléments hétérogènes (normes, lois, comportements…) dans lequel s’entremêlent des stratégies de savoir et pouvoir. Ce secteur professionnel peut fonctionner en tant qu’hétérotopie et béquille du système social et économique dans lequel il opère. En tant que dispositif, il est aussi un espace dans lequel convergent des hommes, des femmes, des idées diverses ; un espace où se créée innovation et se tracent des lignes de fuites. Elles bousculent la structure du dispositif et révèlent une autre manière de penser et vivre l’insertion par l’activité économique et, globalement, le rapport entre vivre en commun et travail. Dans la thèse, le thème de l’insertion par l’activité économique se trouve à la jonction entre deux axes de travail qui apparaissent respectivement dans la première et la deuxième partie. L’un plus centré autour d’interrogations anthropologiques et historico-politiques concernant le rôle du travail dans le vivre en commun ; l’autre plus tourné vers une épistémologie de l’activité d’insérer, avec ses ambiguïtés, contradictions et possibilités. / The thesis undertakes a reading of « insertion » and also of the relationship that exists between 'living in the community' and 'working', and how this relationship has been constructed and developed from an historical perspective. More precisely, this work consists of a research project conducted within the terms of the CIFRE agreement made with the Acta Vista Association, which is a “work integration social enterprise”.The main hypothesis of the thesis considers the professional employment sector as a 'mechanism', that is a network of heterogenerous elements (norms, laws, behaviours...) in which power and knowledge strategies are intertwined.The employment sector can function as a 'heterotopia' and 'crutch' of the social system and economy in which it operates. Understood as a mechanism, is also a place where men, women and different ideas converge, where 'innovation' is created and which escape routes are traced. These shake off the structure of the mechanism and reveal another way to think and live the employment process, and, overall, the relationship between living in a community and working.In the body of the thesis, the theme of “insertion by economic activity” is considered as the meeting point of two axes of working which come together in the first and second parts. The first, which concentrates more on the anthropological and historical-political issues relating to the role of working in “living together”. The second, which is more focused on the epistemology of activity which highlights its ambiguities and contradictions and possibilities.

Deltagandets värde : En kvalitativ fallstudie om arbetsintegrerande sociala företags inverkan på samhällets ekonomi. - Ett socioekonomiskt bokslut / The value of participation : A qualitative case study on the impact of social integration on social economy. - A socio-economic account

Juremark, Jacqueline, Reinholdsson, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
Inledning: Arbetsintegrerande sociala företag (ASF) fyller många betydelsefulla samhällsfunktioner och deras insatser bidrar till samhällsekonomisk nytta, som dessvärre inte inräknas i det traditionella bokslutet. Det interna bokslutet hos företaget kan visa förlust medan samhället gör en ekonomisk vinst till följd av dess existens. Genom socioekonomiska bokslut kan den samhällsekonomiska nyttan värderas i monetära termer. Syfte: Syftet med vår studie är att genom ett socioekonomiskt bokslut skapa förståelse om hur arbetsintegrerande sociala företag bidrar med samhällsekonomisk nytta samt identifiera vilka externa aktörer som påverkas av dessa, för att slutligen undersöka vilka av de identifierade aktörerna som påverkas minst/mest ekonomiskt av arbetsintegrerande sociala företag. Metod: Denna kvalitativa fallstudie har utförts med en abduktiv forskningsansats. För att upprätta det socioekonomiska bokslutet samt uppfylla studiens syfte har vi genomfört 18 semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer från ett arbetsintegrerande socialt företag. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att arbetsintegrerande sociala företag bidrar med samhällsekonomisk nytta genom minskad kontakt med myndigheter, minskad vårdkonsumtion samt upphörande/minskade bidrag, då människor i utanförskap integreras i arbete. De externa aktörer som identifierades var landsting, kommun, Arbetsförmedlingen samt Försäkringskassan. Den aktör som gynnades mest ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv var landstinget respektive Arbetsförmedlingen som gynnades minst. / Introduction: Work integration social enterprises (WISE) fulfill many important social functions and their efforts contribute to socio-economic benefits, which unfortunately are not included in the traditional final accounts. The internal final accounts of the company can show loss while society makes a financial profit as a result of its existence. The socio-economic benefits can be valued in monetary terms through socio-economic accounts. Purpose: The purpose of our study is to investigate, through a socio-economic account, how WISE contribute with socio-economic benefits and also identify which external actors are affected by them, in order to finally examine which of the identified actors are least/most economically affected by work integration social enterprises.  Method: This qualitative case study has been conducted with an abductive research approach. In order to establish the socio-economic account and to fulfill the purpose of the study, have 18 semi-structured interviews with people from a WISE been conducted. Result: The study’s results show that work integration social enterprises contribute to socio-economic benefits through reduced contact with authorities, reduced healthcare consumption and cessation/reduction of contributions, as peole in exclusion are integrated into work. The identified external actors were county councils, municipalities, the employment service and the Swedish social insurance agency. The actor who benefited the most from an economic perspective was the county council. The employment service benefited the least.

工作整合型社會企業的社會資本應用-財團法人喜憨兒社會福利基金會 / The application of social capital in work integration social enterprises - children are us foundation

林岱蓉, Lin, Tai Jung Unknown Date (has links)
2012年7月2日「2012社會企業國際論壇」在台灣台北圓滿落幕,會中邀請美國、新加坡和台灣各地產官學的社會企業先進,相互分享、交流,讓金融海嘯和歐債風波衝擊下的低迷經濟,因創新的組織帶起活潑的生氣,全球試圖透過第四部門的變革,以社會企業作為解決社會問題與刺激經濟的手段。 美歐各國的社會企業發展途徑有些許差異,然不脫離各部門之間的資源整合應用,以組織創新的途徑尋求社會公益與經濟效率的雙重實踐。又台灣的社會企業以非營利組織創業為主體,欲從社會經濟的面向,欲彌補第一部門所缺乏的市場機制運作、第二部門可再精進的社會企業責任與第三部門少有的專業經營觀點。其中,社會企業因其提供的服務特殊性與雙重價值,讓組織擁有多元且複雜的利害關係人、社會關係網絡,以及豐富的市場與非市場資源,相較其他部門而言,社會企業擁有社會資本的應用優勢。而台灣的社會企業類型中,又以工作整合型社會企業的案例最多,並可作為政府重要的政策工具,達到社會面的濟弱與經濟面的降低失業率功能。然而,社會資本並非百利而無一害,若過度投資社會資本,也會讓組織產生負面影響。工作整合型社會企業如何妥善應用社會資本以及利用其達到組織目標,在目前的學術研究中,仍屬於一個值得開發與探索的領域。 本研究回顧社會企業與社會資本的美、歐文獻,作為主題探討的背景瞭解,接著,介紹台灣發展最盛行的工作整合型社會企業,以及其與社會資本的相關應用,並以「喜憨兒基金會」作為個案訪談對象,藉由台灣工作整合型社會企業的領頭羊,如何與多元利害關係人互動,建立其社會資本的應用模式,並探討組織歷經「六六事件」後如何作出回應,進一步在變遷的環境中創造新典範轉移,實踐基金會的雙重價值與永續經營發展。 本研究發現,喜憨兒基金會以主要經營社會資本、掌握社會資本特性、創造社會資本對應組織的價值來達到組織的雙重目標。其中,基金會以建利多元利害關係人途徑、發展核心能力以及引進管理體系來經營社會資本,從信任基礎作為社會資本應用的開端,發現社會資本具市場區隔特性,並擁有應用與創造同步的特性。 因此,工作整合型社會企業在達到雙重價值的過程中,係以如何妥善應用社會資本為經營重心,亦即,從利害關係人中獲取資源,移轉成有形的財務資本與無形的資本,並透過不斷尋求創新途徑,平衡在社會使命與市場導向,以建立永續發展。

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