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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Work Flexibility and Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Employee Empowerment

Yaghi, Nizar 01 May 2016 (has links)
Job satisfaction has effects that touch both the employee and employer, these effects include career success, work-family facilitation, turnover intentions, engagement, absenteeism, and quality of work. Having work flexibility measures in the work place can lead to improved job satisfaction. In this dissertation, we study the relationship between work flexibility and job satisfaction through investigating the mediating role of employee empowerment. Building on extant theories, a partial least square structural model is developed to study the relationships between work flexibility, empowerment, and job satisfaction. Perceptions of pay and turnover intentions are included in the model as dependent constructs. The model shows strong links between work flexibility and job satisfaction. Also, it is concluded that empowerment plays an important role in mediating the relationship between work flexibility and job satisfaction. It is observed that empowerment leads to improved perceptions of pay and that improved perceptions of pay together with job satisfaction lead to lower turnover intentions.

Atypické formy zaměstnání / Atypical forms of employment

Marek, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The modern globalized world is developing rapidly thanks to communication technologies. This trend brought about the need for new and atypical jobs and flexible forms of work. National legislations are responsible for allowing such flexibility. These new forms of work as well as atypical jobs make it possible to better reconcile personal and working life and lead to increased labour productivity, which is in the interest of both employees and employers. This is closely related to the concept of flexicurity, which represents the effort to strike balance between the flexibility of labour law relations and the protective function of labour law. This balance is the legislator's goal. However, said goal is challenging to achieve, given the opposite interests of employees and employers. This thesis is divided into four main chapters and subsequent subchapters. The introduction is focused on a general introduction to the topic and objectives of this proposal. The first chapter summarizes the concept of flexicurity and European and Czech efforts to achieve it. Then it proceeds to the description of its implementation in Denmark with advantages and disadvantages of the possible use of this model in the Czech Republic. The second chapter focuses on the definition of the key terms: atypical form of...

Det gränslösa arbetet: roller och föräldrarskap : En kvantitativ könsanalys på arbetstillfredställelse

Tran, Carmen, Yalda, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats ämnar att undersöka sambandet mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsflexibilitet samt hur arbetstillfredsställelsen skiljer sig mellan könen när de har barn under 18 år i Sverige. Genom att använda ett befintligt dataset, insamlat av International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), har vi kunnat utföra multipel regressionsanalyser. Vi har med hjälp av tidigare forskning samt teorier kring krav- och kontroll, rollteori och dubbelarbete format fyra hypoteser för att möjliggöra analysering av resultatet. Resultaten visade på att det inte finns ett samband mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och kön kontrollerat för andra variabler, dock finns ett negativt samband mellan kön och arbetstillfredsställelse, utan kontrollvariabler. Resultatet visade även på att det finns ett positivt samband mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsflexibilitet. Sambandet pekar således mot att högre arbetsflexibilitet samvarierar med högre arbetstillfredsställelse. Vidare rapporterade kvinnor med barn under 7 år lägre arbetstillfredsställelse jämfört med män. Medan män med barn mellan 7 och 17 år rapporterade lägre arbetstillfredsställelse än kvinnor när antalet barn ökar. / This bachelor's thesis aims to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and work flexibility, in addition to how job satisfaction differs between the genders when they have children under the age of 18 in Sweden. By utilizing an existing dataset, collected by the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), we conducted multiple regression analyses. Drawing on prior research and theories regarding demand and control, roles, and the double burden, we formulated four hypotheses. Furthermore, we analyzed our results using the theoretical framework to gain an understanding of their implications. The results implicate no significant correlation between job satisfaction and gender, when controlled for other variables. However, a negative correlation was found between gender and job satisfaction, without control variables. A positive correlation was also found between job satisfaction and work flexibility. Therefore, the evidence suggests that higher levels of work flexibility co-varies with increased job satisfaction. Furthermore, women with children under the age of 7 reported lower job satisfaction compared to men. In contrast, men with children between ages 7 and 17 reported lower job satisfaction than women as the number of children increased.

Hur upplevs medarbetarskap i en organisation med arbetsflexibilitet : En kvalitativ studie om hur organisationer hanterar arbetsflexibilitet i samklang med medarbetarskap / How is employeeship experienced in an organisation with work flexibility : A qualitative study on how organizations handle work flexibility in harmony with employeeship

Iossief, Anna, Hermansson, Linn January 2019 (has links)
Genom digitaliseringen har fler och fler arbetsplatser implementerat någon form av arbetsflexibilitet, dels för att till exempel effektivisera verksamheten och dels för att många människor önskar en större flexibilitet i sitt arbete. Men vad händer egentligen med medarbetarskapet, alltså relationen individen har till sig själv, sitt arbete och sina medarbetare, när en arbetsplats har stor flexibilitet och många kollegor till exempel arbetar hemifrån. En individs balans mellan arbete och fritid påverkas även av möjligheterna att arbeta vart som helst, när som helst. Denna kvalitativa studie har undersökt och studerat två olika enheter i samma organisation. För att få en förståelse för hur arbetsflexibiliteten påverkar medarbetarnas upplevelse av medarbetarskapet har en enhet med flexibilitet och en enhet utan flexibilitet studerats. Vidare syftar studien även till att bidra till en större förståelse för hur dessa medarbetare upplever balans mellan arbete och privatliv. Studiens datainsamling bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med två enhetschefer och fem medarbetare. Fortsättningsvis har empirin analyserats och huvudsakligen har tre teman identifierats; engagemang och meningsfullhet, samarbete och gemenskap samt balans mellan arbete och fritid. Några av de främsta slutsatserna som framkommit genom studien var att enheten med mindre flexibilitet har ett betydligt starkare medarbetarskap än den enhet med hög arbetsflexibilitet. Slutsatsen visar även att skapas det en obalans av att ständigt vara tillgänglig för att svara på arbetsrelaterade frågor, vilket i sin tur påverkar privatlivet negativt. Studien framför även de vetenskapliga bidraget som gjorts och förslagen som finns till framtida studier. / Through digitization, more and more workplaces have implemented some form of work flexibility, partly to make the organization more efficient and partly because many people want a better flexibility in their work. But what really happens to the employeeship, the relationship the individual has to himself, his work and his employees, when a workplace has great flexibility and many colleagues, for example, work from home. An individual's balance between work and private life is also affected by the opportunities to work anywhere, anytime. This qualitative study has examined and studied two different units in the same organization. In order to gain an understanding of how work flexibility affects the employee’s experience of employeeship, a unit with flexibility and a unit without flexibility has been studied. Furthermore, the study aims to contribute to a greater understanding of these employees experience balance between work and private life. The study’s data collection is based on semi-structured interviews with two unit managers and five employees. The empirics have been analyzed and three themes have been identified; commitment and meaningfulness, cooperation and community and balance between work and private life. Some of the main conclusions that emerged from the study were that the unit with less flexibility has a significantly stronger employeeship than the unit with high work flexibility. The conclusion also shows that creating an imbalance of being constantly available to respond to work-related issues, which in turn negatively affects private life. The study also includes the scientific contributions that have been made and the proposals for future studies.

Flexibla arbetsförhållanden - en balansgång mellan privatliv och arbetsliv : En kvalitativ studie om arbetstagare med kreativt arbete

Lindmark, Ida, Wahlberg, Miranda January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute to a broader understanding regarding of how and whether flexible working conditions in terms of time and space affect the balance and the boundary between personal and work life for employees with a creative work. The study also aims to investigate if there are any clashes between the employee's personal and work life and where such clashes occur. Literature review: The study is based on previous organisational research. In the section we present flexible working conditions, creative work, boundaries, balance and strategies. Method: The study is a qualitative study with mainly deductive elements. Some inductive approaches have also been used during the study. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect the study's empirical data. The interviews were transcribed to ease the presentation of the results and to thematize the key concepts for the analysis. Results: The results section of the study presents the themes that are relevant for managing an analysis together with the literature review. Conclusions: The conclusions that are presented in the study are that there are few clashes between personal and working life. Mainly because the worker has difficulty to tell what is imbalance and what is a matter of course, but also that the worker actually is satisfied with the work situation. How the clashes are handled in order to reduce the a potential crash is through clear boundaries regarding both personal and working life. It turned out that the limits for the personal life were stronger towards the sphere of working life than working life is towards the sphere of personal life. / Syfte: Syftet med studien är att bidra med ökad förståelse för hur och om flexibla arbetsförhållanden vad gäller tid och rum, påverkar balansen och gränsdragningen mellan privatliv och arbetsliv för arbetstagare med ett kreativt arbete. Studien syftar också till att undersöka om det uppstår krockar mellan privatliv och arbetsliv för arbetstagaren och var dessa krockar i sådant fall uppstår. Litteraturgenomgång: Studien baseras på tidigare forskning i ett format om vetenskapliga artiklar. Under avsnittet presenteras litteratur kring flexibla arbetsförhållanden, det kreativa arbetet, gränsdragning, balans och strategier. Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär med främst deduktivt inslag. Viss mån av induktivt angreppssätt har även använts under studiens gång. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes för insamlandet av studiens empiri. Intervjuerna transkriberades för att underlätta vid framställningen av resultatet samt tematiseringen av nyckelbegrepp för analysen. Resultat: I studiens resultatavsnitt presenteras de teman som är av relevans för genomförandet av analysen tillsammans med litteraturgenomgången. Slutsatser: De slutsatser som presenteras i studien är att att det förekommer få krockar mellan privatliv och arbetsliv. Främst därför att arbetstagaren har svårt att urskilja vad som är obalans och vad som är en självklarhet, men därför också att personen ifråga är tillfreds med sin arbetssituation. För att minska kollisionen hanteras krockarna genom tydlig gränsdragning gällande privatlivet och arbetslivet. Det har visat sig att privatlivets gränser är starkare gentemot arbetslivets pol än vad arbetslivets dito är gentemot privatlivets pol.

Gränslöst arbete : En kvalitativ studie

Kejonen, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har haft som syfte att undersöka hur det gränslösa arbetet uttrycker sig bland chefer inom stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen i Luleå kommun. Därför har studien haft följande frågeställningar; 1) Hur uttrycker sig det gränslösa arbetet hos chefer på olika nivåer vid stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen i Luleå kommun? 2) På vilket sätt har cheferna påverkats av det gränslösa arbetet? Vilka konsekvenser har det fått? 3) Vilka insatser kan förvaltningens HR-funktion tillämpa för att förbättra eller utveckla chefernas arbetssituation i relation till det gränslösa arbetet? Studien har haft en kvalitativ ansats där femton stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer har legat som grund för studiens resultatavsnitt. Studiens teoretiska ramverk har bestått av en samlad teoribildning om gränslöst arbete (Allvin, et, al,1998;2006). Det teoretiska ramverket har även kompletterats med Karasek och Theorells (1990) trefaktors-modell om krav, kontroll och socialt stöd för att få en djupare förståelse om intervjupersonernas arbetssituation. Studiens resultat har visat att det gränslösa arbetet uttrycker sig främst genom en hög grad av flexibilitet och arbetsbelastning. Resultatet har även visat att både positiva och negativa konsekvenser av det gränslösa arbetet framkommit bland cheferna. Inom diskussionsavsnittet argumenteras det därför att stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen behöver applicera ett antal insatser för att minska och förebygga de negativa effekterna av det gränslösa arbetet. Argumentationen har mynnat ut i förslag om att reducera antalet fysiska möten, ett säkerställande av kompetensutveckling bland nya chefer, uppmuntra och kommunicera inför chefer om att ta till vara på sin lediga tid, skapa mer privat arbetstid bland cheferna och slutligen säkerställa en tillräcklig nivå av stöd från olika stödfunktioner. / This master thesis has been designed to investigate how the boundaryless work is expressed among managers of City building department in Lulea county. The purpose of the study has therefore been communicated with the following research questions; 1) How does the boundaryless work among managers at various levels of the City building department express itself? 2) In which ways have the managers been affected by the boundaryless work? What consequences has it resulted in? 3) What actions can the departments HR function apply by improving or developing the managers' work situation in relationship to the boundaryless work? The study has had a qualitative approach in which fifteen semi structured interviews have been the basis for the study’s result. The theoretical framework of the study has consisted theories on boundaryless work by Allvin et al. (1998; 2006). The theoretical framework has also been supplemented with Karasek and Theorell's (1990) three-factor model to gain a deeper understanding of the interviewees' work situation. The study's results have shown that the boundaryless work expresses itself through a high degree of flexibility and workload. Both positive and negative consequences of the boundaryless work have emerged among the managers. Within the discussion section, it is argued that the City building department needs to apply several efforts to reduce the negative effects of boundaryless work. The argument has resulted in proposals to reduce the number of physical meetings, increase the skills development of new managers, encourage and communicate to managers that they need to be off duty on their spare time, create more private working hours among managers and finally ensure an increasing level of support from the supporting functions (HR, etc.) among managers.

As políticas de gestão do trabalho e da educação em saúde: limites e possibilidades diante da flexibilização do trabalho no Sistema Único de Saúde / Management policies in work and health education: limits and possibilities of flexible working on the Unified Health System

Guimarães, Tereza Cristina da Fonseca January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009 / Este estudo trata das questões que envolvem a flexibilização com precarização dos vínculos de trabalho dos enfermeiros do Programa Saúde da Família PSF, procurando confrontar com os limites e possibilidades oferecidos pelas ações e políticas de Gestão do Trabalho e da Educação em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde. O tema da flexibilização que não é setorial afeta a economia brasileira como um todo e, portanto há que se entender o processo histórico da Reforma de Estado no Brasil, a Regulação do Trabalho em Saúde e o Mercado de Trabalho em Saúde. A categoria de Enfermagem ocupa uma função estratégica na política de organização da Atenção Básica no PSF, o que inviabiliza vinculações precárias, pois fragiliza sua fixação no exercício profissional. Para analisar e discutir a precarização para os enfermeiros foram utilizados dados retirados de pesquisas realizadas pela Estação de Pesquisa e Sinais de Mercado de Trabalho em Saúde - Observatórios de Recursos Humanos em Saúde NESCON/UFMG, 2001 e 2006 e a Pesquisa do NERHUS / ENSP / FIOCRUZ, ambas em torno do PSF e sua equipe. Consolidamos as informações que mais particularmente afetavam aos enfermeiros e foram produzidos gráficos e tabelas que apuram a situaçãoda seleção, vinculação, percentual de permanência, salários carga horária e qualificação desses profissionais. A pesquisa conclui que embora a categoria de enfermagem não seja a que evidencie em maior percentual sua vinculação precária com as secretarias de saúde, sua situação, no entanto não é de total amparo social. As políticas eleitas como prioritárias no âmbito da Secretaria de Gestão do Trabalho e da Educação em Saúde muito embora sejam adequadas para a abordagem em desprecarização e em qualificação da força de trabalho em saúde não adquiriram ainda total adesão por parte da gestão estadual e municipal de saúde. / This study treats the questions that involve flexibility with growing instability of nurses’ work links in the Family Health Program – PSF, trying to confront with the limits and possibilities offered by Work Management and Education in Health actions and politics provided by Health Ministry. The subject of flexibility, which is not sectorial, affects Brazilian economy as a whole. Therefore, we can understand the historical process of the State Reform in Brazil, the Work Regulation in Health and the labor market in Health. The Nursing category occupies a strategic function in the organizational politics of the Basic Attention in the PSF – it does not permit precarious contractual forms,because it weakens its fixation in the professional service. To analyze and discuss growing instability for nurses, it was used retired data of researches carried out by Inquiry Station and Labor Market Signs in Health - Human Resources Observatories in Health – NESCON/UFMG, 2001 and 2006 and ERHUS/ENSP/FIOCRUZ Inquiry, both about PSF and its team. We consolidate the information which was more particularly affecting the nurses and it was produced graphs and charts that check the situation of selection, contractual forms, percentage of permanence, salaries, workload and qualification of these professionals. The inquiry ends presenting that nursing category is not the one which shows in a big percentage its precarious links with the general health offices, however its situation does not have total social support. The elected politics as a priority in the context of Work Management and Education in Health General Office are right for betterment and health workforce qualification approach, but they have not acquired total adhesion for part of the State and Municipal Health Management yet.

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