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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití projektového vyučování při výuce regionální geografie Jižní Ameriky / The use of project - based learning in the teaching regional geography of South America

KARALUPOVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The main theme of the thesis is to create a suggestion of my own teaching material for teaching the topic of regional geography of South America on the 2nd stage of Primary school with the use of project ? based teaching and practical form of teaching and it ´s posibility of teaching outside a Primary school. The suggestion of the teaching material is in the form of woorkbook that contains worksheets for suggestion project dealing with the topic regional geography of South America and Amazon. There was also created mehtodological guide for teachers to help them in organization of these projects. The teaching text itself corresponds to principles defined in the current educational documents. The teoretici part evaluates the signifikance and status of the topic regional geography of South America in the curriculum in the kontext of the Framework Educational Programme for Elementary Education and the school educational programmes of school monitored. The next chapters are devoted to the didactic function analysis of current educational textbooks and workbooks for the 2nd stage Primary schools and to evaluace the importance of the project ? based in the teaching of Geography.

AKTIVIZUJÍCÍ A ALTERNATIVNÍ METODY VE VÝUCE MÍSTNÍHO REGIONU NA PŘÍKLADU SVĚTLÉ NAD SÁZAVOU / Motivational and alternative methods for teaching in local regions by using an examle of Světlé nad Sázavou

KÖNIGER, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to propose motivational and alternative methods for teaching in local regions using the examle of Světlé nad Sázavou . The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical sections. In the theoretical part motivational and alternative teaching methods are described in more detail, which can be used for teaching in the local region. Further chapters of the theoretical section of the thesis briefly describe geographical characteristics of the chosen region and its position in the educational pragramme. The practical part, which is based on pesonal experiences and on survey research, which summarises methods of teaching in the local region in the elementary schools, consists of a workbook and methodical manual for teachers for the use of motivational and alternative methods. All is based on a current educational programme.

Analýza tématu vznik a vývoj lidského druhu v učebnicích a pracovních sešitech pro ZŠ / Analysis of the topic Human Origin and Evolution in the Textbooks and the Workbooks for Elementary School

Hoffmannová, Valérie January 2020 (has links)
(AJ) The main aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the learning tasks related to the topic of the origin and development of the human species in textbooks and workbooks for the second grade of primary school. Textbooks and workbooks of biology and history were selected for analysis. The learning tasks were categorized into individual categories of Tollinger taxonomy and Bloom's original taxonomy. The results of this classification were used to compare older and newer editions of selected textbooks and workbooks. I also found out the difficulty of tasks in each publications. This analysis revealed that teaching tasks from lower taxonomic categories (for both taxonomies), which do not high demands of cognitive operations, are more represented. Furthermore, this work deals how extent the topic in individual publications. Further analyzes revealed that teaching tasks of the origin and development of human species are more represented in the textbooks and workbooks of history. The results of this work could help teachers to find way in the offer of available textbooks and workbooks and help select a suitable publication to teach the topic of the origin and development of the human species. Key words: analysis, biology, Bloom's taxonomy, history, human evolution, Tollinger's taxonomy, textbooks, workbook

Рабочая тетрадь по русскому языку для иностранных студентов Екатеринбурга : магистерская диссертация / Russian language workbook for foreign students of Ekaterinburg

Полякова, Е. Ю., Polyakova, E. Y. January 2019 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация «Рабочая тетрадь по русскому языку для иностранных студентов Екатеринбурга» состоит из двух глав. Содержит 106 страниц и макет рабочей тетради по русскому языку как иностранному в приложении. Библиографический список разбит на список источников, включающий 40 рабочих тетрадей и основную литературу, включающую 71 источник. Цель исследования – на основе анализа рабочих тетрадей как учебных изданий предложить макет рабочей тетради по русскому как иностранному. Объект исследования – рабочие тетради как учебные издания. Предмет исследования – формальные и содержательные особенности рабочих тетрадей как учебных изданий. В первой главе рассмотрено понятие рабочей тетради как учебного издания, дано определение, указаны цели, функции, виды, преимущества рабочих тетрадей, а также рекомендации для их составления. Рассмотрено понятие концепции издания и ее элементы. Проведен анализ 40 рабочих тетрадей. Выявлены формальные и содержательные особенности. Во второй главе описана концепция рабочей тетради по русскому как иностранному, указаны ее цель, функции, юридический и издательский аспект. Определены формальные и содержательные особенности. Результатом проведенной работы стал макет рабочей тетради по русскому как иностранному «В Екатеринбург с любовью», представленный в приложении. / Master thesis "Russian Language Workbook for Foreign Students of Ekaterinburg" consists of two chapters. Contains 106 pages and the layout of the workbook of the Russian language as a foreign language in the appendix. The bibliographic list is divided into a list of sources, including 40 work books and the main literature, contains 71 sources. The purpose of the study is to propose a layout of a workbook of Russian as a foreign language based on the analysis of workbooks as educational publications. The object of the study - workbooks as educational publications. The subject of the research is the formal and content features of workbooks as educational publications. The first chapter considers the concept of a workbook as an educational publication, defines it, specifies goals, functions, types, advantages of workbooks, as well as recommendations for their compilation. The concept of the concept of publication and its elements are considered. The analysis of 40 workbooks revealed formal and content features. The second chapter describes the concept of a workbook in Russian as a foreign one, specifying its purpose, functions, legal and publishing aspects. Defines formal and content features. The result of this work was the layout of a workbook of Russian as a foreign language “To Ekaterinburg with Love”, presented in the appendix.

EFL Teaching Materials for Students in Grade 6: A Corpus-Based Investigation

Skoglund, Rebecca January 2023 (has links)
Vocabulary is a crucial component for language acquisition and EFL lessons are often dictated by the usage of textbooks and workbooks. The current study therefore aims to investigate how effective textbooks are in helping learners acquire high, mid, and low-frequency words as well as to what degree high and mid-frequency words are repeated throughout the textbooks. Additionally, the study explores the types of exercises presented in the EFL teaching materials, with a particular focus on the extent to which they promote learners' active engagement and use of the vocabulary presented. The findings suggest that EFL teaching materials could benefit from more comprehensive and systematic approaches to vocabulary instruction, which emphasize the active use and recycling of high and mid-frequency words in meaningful contexts. The present study recommends that teaching materials and EFL teachers incorporate more varied and interactive exercises that promote learners’ active engagement and use of the target vocabulary. Additionally, the study uses corpus-based methods to investigate the frequency level of text bodies compiled from EFL textbooks targeting sixth-grade pupils in Sweden. Furthermore, the accompanying workbooks are examined to establish the types of exercises pupils are exposed to through their use. In addition, the study suggests that teachers using the included teaching materials should incorporate additional vocabulary exercises in their EFL instructions to promote the repetition of words found in the textbooks.

Uppgiftstyper i läromedel i svenska för årskurs 3 / Task Types in Learning Materials for Swedish in School Year 3

Hvenmark-Nilsson, Katja January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate task types in learning materials for Swedish in school year 3. The research questions are: 1. Which types of assignments for reading and writing tasks are included in the learning materials? 2. What are the purposes of the reading and writing tasks in the learning materials? 3. How do the tasks in reading and writing assignments relate to High Literacy? The study is limited to three learning materials, each consisting of a workbook and a textbook. A total of 1032 assignments have been examined. The theoretical framework consists of Bakken and Andersson-Bakken ́s (2016) division of task types, Gee ́s (2007; 2015) theories about literacy as social practice, Ivanič ́s Pedagogical Framework for Writing and Langer ́s (2001; 2017) theories about kinds of reading and High Literacy. The results of the study show that closed reading tasks for fiction texts are common, while open reading tasks for non-fiction texts are few. Narrative, open tasks dominate the writing assignments. Reading and writing tasks to practice skills are common, while reading and writing tasks that involve social interaction are rare. Reading and writing tasks that train critical thinking are extremely rare. Several data points to opportunities for learning materials to support learners towards High Literacy within their zone of proximal development. Didactic implications are that future learning materials have the potential to convey reading and writing as multimodal, social activities, where skill training is integrated with holistic deep learning through a variety of functional contexts. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka uppgiftstyper i tre läromedel i svenska för årskurs 3. Forskningsfrågorna lyder: 1. Vilka uppgiftstyper för läs- respektive skrivuppgifter ingår i läromedlen? 2. Vilka syften har läs- respektive skrivuppgifterna i läromedlen? 3. Hur förhåller sig läs- och skrivuppgifterna till High Literacy? Materialet avgränsas till läromedlens arbetsböcker och läseböcker. Sammanlagt har 1032 läromedelsuppgifter undersökts. Studiens teoretiska inramning är Bakken och Andersson-Bakkens (2016) indelning av uppgiftstyper, Gees (2007, 2015) teorier om litteracitet som social praktik, Ivaničs (2004) skrivpedagogiska ramverk samt Langers (2001; 2017) teorier om läsarter och High Literacy. Resultaten visar att slutna läsuppgifter till skönlitterära texter är vanliga, medan öppna läsuppgifter till sakprosa är få. Öppna skrivuppgifter med narrativ skrivart dominerar skrivandet. Uppgifter som tränar färdigheter är vanliga, medan uppgifter som rymmer socialt textarbete är sällsynta. Uppgifter som tränar kritiskt tänkande är ytterst ovanliga. Flera uppgifter visar på möjligheter för läromedel att stötta inlärare mot High Literacy och deras närmaste utvecklingszon för lärande. Didaktiska implikationer är att framtida läromedel har potential att i högre grad förmedla läsande och skrivande som multimodala, sociala aktiviteter, där färdighetsträning integreras i större helheter och funktionella sammanhang.

Nyckeln till kunskap och lärande : En studie om lärobokens roll i svenskundervisningen för årskurs f-3 / The key to knowledge and learning : A study on the role of the workbook in Swedish language classes for grades f-3

Storholt, Natalie, Essler Johansson, Annie January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to increase the understanding of the role of workbooks in Swedish language classes, as well as the extent to which teachers use workbooks in Swedish classes in primary school grades f-3. The study was conducted in two parts, with textbook analysis and interviews as the chosen methods. The first part, workbook analysis, was carried out on two workbooks using a checklist, and the results present a significant difference between the two selected workbooks, in percentage terms. The second part consisted of semi-structured interviews conducted with four teachers representing different ages and levels of professional experience. The results of the four semi-structured interviews indicated a consensus among the teachers regarding the role of the workbook, but individual opinions and viewpoints also emerged. The workbook was perceived to have a significant role in teaching for all the study's informants, but the use of it varies. For instance, teachers either use it as a starting point or as a supplement. / Syftet med detta arbete är att öka förståelsen för lärobokens roll i svenskundervisningen, samt i vilken utsträckning lärare använder sig av läroböcker i svenskundervisningen i grundskolans f-3. Studien utfördes i form av två delar, där läromedelsanalys och intervju var de valda metoderna. Den första delen, läromedelsanalys, utfördes på två läroböcker genom en checklista och resultatet presenterar en markant skillnad mellan de två valda läroböckerna, procentuellt. Den andra delen utgjordes av en semistrukturerad intervjuform som utfördes på fyra lärare där olika åldrar och yrkeserfarenhet representerades. Resultatet av de fyra semistrukturerade intervjuerna påvisade en enighet mellan lärarna gällande lärobokens roll, men samtidigt framkom även enskilda åsikter och synpunkter. Läroboken upplevdes ha en roll i undervisningen för samtliga av undersökningens informanter, men användandet av den skiljer sig åt. Exempelvis genom att lärarna antingen använder den som en utgångspunkt eller ett komplement.

Česko-anglická výuková příručka k výuce regionální geografie území Kanady na 2. stupni ZŠ / The Czech-English study guide for teaching regional geography of region Canada for 2nd stage of PS

KREJČÍ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with teaching regional geography of Canada at the second stage of Primary school. The main aim is to create a Czech-English textbook (that is a combination of a textbook and a workbook) which corresponds to the principles of the current educational documents (Framework Educational Programme for Elementary Education), modern educational tendencies and tries to maximize the connection among subjects, especially English language. There is a methodological guide for teachers as well. The theoretical part focuses also on the didactic analysis of current educational textbooks and workbooks of geography and English language which include the subject matter. To get a notion of the volume and methods used in teaching ?region Canada?, a research was made by a controlled discussion with Geography and English teachers of the selected schools.

Matematika ve sportu / Mathematics and Sport

PALÁTOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis elaborates on relations between PE or sports in general, and mathematics. The author focuses on a practical application of numbers on sports such football, swimming, track and field, downhill skiing and Olympic games. Moreover, the mentioned numerical methods are further used for writing a workbook of model exercises for grammar schools. The thesis is divided into two main chapters ? theoretical and practical. The theoretical part consists of selected sports which are expressed and described by numbers and formulas. In the practical part, a reader can find the workbook of model exercises which has been completed using all the mathematical sources discussed in the theoretical part. There are also correct solutions exercises available for self-studying students.

Průřezové téma "Výchova k myšlení v evropských a globálních souvislostech" z pohledu zeměpisu na 2. stupni ZŠ / The cross-curricural subject "Education towards Thinking in European and Global Context" from the perspective of geography at the second stage at the elementary school

ŠVECOVÁ, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is further analysis of cross-curricural subject ?Education towards Thinking in European and Global Context? at the second stage at the elementary school from the perspective of geography. The first part of the thesis is dealing with position and importance of this cross-curricular subject in Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education, especially with emphasis on geography education; is also summarizing existing experiences of its education first at pilot elementary schools and also according to results of a survey at elementary schools in place of my residence. I suggest my own attitude to educating cross-curricular subject ?Education towards Thinking in European and Global Context? from the perspective of geography teacher with regard to new trends in education in the second part of my diploma thesis. Teaching material is designed in a form of a workbook and there is also available a methodological guide interfaced with this workbook for teachers.

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