Spelling suggestions: "subject:"workflow"" "subject:"iworkflow""
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Une approche orientée utilisateur pour la supervision des orchestrations de servicesFakhfakh, Nabil 06 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La qualité de service est devenue aujourd'hui une notion incontournable dans le développement des applications logicielles, en particulier dans le cadre des architectures orientées services. Les travaux de cette thèse se focalisent sur la supervision de la qualité de service des applications orientées services, définies sous forme d'orchestrations de services. L'approche de supervision proposée dans ce contexte est générique. Elle repose sur des patrons de flux de contrôle des orchestrations de services pouvant être implémentés en intégralité ou en partie par tout langage d'orchestration de services. D'autre part, elle ne pose aucune restriction, ni sur les attributs qualité à surveiller par le système de supervision, ni sur leurs représentations. Cette approche de supervision se distingue des approches existantes par l'exploitation d'un modèle de préférences orienté utilisateur, permettant de représenter fidèlement la satisfaction de ce dernier. Le degré de satisfaction, issu du modèle de préférences, constitue une information de haut niveau représentant la qualité globale de l'orchestration étudiée. Sur la base de ce degré de satisfaction, de nouvelles stratégies de surveillance sont proposées afin de satisfaire les attentes de l'utilisateur. L'élaboration du modèle de préférences exploite la méthode d'aide à la décision multi-critères MACBETH étendue avec l'opérateur d'agrégation de l'intégrale de Choquet 2-additive. Une illustration de l'approche de supervision a été réalisée sur une orchestration de services, représentant un processus industriel dans le domaine du pilotage d'atelier de production. Les travaux de cette thèse ont été réalisés dans le cadre d'un projet R&D regroupant sept éditeurs de progiciels dans le domaine du MES (Manufacturing Execution System).
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設計與實作工作流程引擎之剖面導向擴充機制 / Enhancing Workflow Engines with Aspectual Processes鍾政憲, Chung,Cheng Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
根據應用系統的功能特性可將其劃分為功能性需求(Functional Requirements)及非功能性需求(Non-functional Requirements)。功能性需求定義了系統的核心功能,而非功能性需求為系統層面的需求,且為核心模組所共用,例如logging、 authorization。雖然物件導向程式設計是目前最常被用來管理核心功能的方法論,但其對於橫跨(crosscutting)的非功能性需求則缺乏適當的模組化機制。剖面導向程式設計(Aspect-Oriented Programming)是一種新興的程式語言方法論,能夠利用新的模組化單位—aspect—有效處理橫跨性需求的模組化問題,因此本研究將剖面導向程式設計的觀念與技術運用在工作流程(Workflow)的領域中,並且以JBoss jBPM(Java Business Process Management)為基礎,設計jPDL(jBPM Process Definition Language)的剖面導向擴充語言AO4JPDL(Aspect-Oriented for jPDL),並擴充jBPM工作流程引擎(jBPM Workflow Engine),使流程設計人員能利用AO4JPDL解決橫跨性需求的模組化問題。 / Software-system is composed of functional requirements and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements define core functions of software-system. Non-functional requirements are crosscutting concerns such as logging, authorization and other elements common to many of the core modules. While object-oriented programming (OOP) is the most common methodology employed today to manage core functions, it is not enough to manage crosscutting concerns. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a relative new methodology that specifically targeted the management of crosscutting concerns by introducing a new unit of modularization—an aspect—that realizes the concept of Separation of Concerns. Our research is to apply Aspect-Oriented Programming in the field of workflow. We implement Aspect-Oriented for jBPM Process Definition Language (AO4JPDL) and extend jBPM workflow Engine to support Aspect-Oriented Programming. AO4JPDL is a aspect-oriented extension to the jBPM Process Definition Language(jPDL). With AO4JPDL process designer can implement crosscutting concerns in aspects instead of fusing them in the core modules, resulting in a system that is easier to design, implement, and maintain.
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Upravljanje tokovima aktivnosti u distributivnom menadžment sistemu / Workflow management system for DMSNedić Nemanja 24 February 2016 (has links)
<p>U radu je predstavljeno istraživanje vezano za poboljšanje performansi rada velikih nadzorno-upravljačkih sistema poput DMS-a. Ovaj cilj je postignut koordinacijom izvršavanja tokova aktivnosti, što podrazumeva efikasnu raspodelu zadataka na računarske resurse. U te svrhe razvijeni su i testirani različiti algoritmi. Ovakav pristup je obezbedio veći stepen iskorišćenja računarskih resursa, što je rezultiralo boljim performansama.</p> / <p>Thе paper presents an approach how to improve performance of larger scale distributed utility management system such as DMS. This goal is accomplished by using an intelligent workflow management. Workflows are divided into the atomic tasks which are scheduled to computing resources for execution. For these purposes various scheduling algorithms are developed and thoroughly tested. This approach has provided greater utilization of computing resources which further have resulted in better performance.</p>
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Interoperabilité des applications d'entreprise dans le domaine technique / Interoperability of technical enterprise applicationsFigay, Nicolas 27 November 2009 (has links)
Dans le contexte économique actuel, les entreprises font face à de nouveaux problèmes en termes d’interopérabilité, du fait de besoins croissants de collaboration eBusiness dans les écosystèmes numériques auxquels elles appartiennent. Elles ont également besoins de pouvoir rentabiliser et faire évoluer les applications internes existantes. De plus, l’établissement rapide d’une collaboration numérique avec un membre de leur écosystème, limitée dans le temps, ne devrait pas nécessiter de modification de leurs infrastructures de communications et de leurs applications pour pouvoir échanger information et connaissance. D’un côté, les solutions actuelles sont de moins en moins adaptées pour faire face ni aux besoins croissants d’interopérabilité dans des environnements de plus en plus complexes. D’un autre côté, il n’est pas envisageable de remplacer les standards et les cadres d’interopérabilité actuellement utilisés en proposant des innovations de rupture. Les travaux de recherches réalisés dans le cadre de la thèse « Interopérabilité des applications techniques d’entreprise » concernent le développement d’une approche innovante pour construire un cadre d’interopérabilité des applications d’entreprise basé sur l’utilisation simultanée et cohérente des standards d’interopérabilité d’un écosystème et des technologies associées. L’objectif est l’interopérabilité « pragmatique ». L’approche innovante propose s’appuie sur les apports conjugués de l’ingénierie par les modèles, de la modélisation d’entreprise, des ontologies et des architectures orientées services. Elle promeut l’utilisation des commodités du WEB, basées sur des standards ouverts et gouvernés. Ce faisant, la préservation sémantique entre les standards de l’écosystème considéré, les artefacts d’ingénierie des applications et les infrastructures de communication est cruciale. Aussi l’approche innovante proposée inclut-elle le concept “d’hyper modèle étendu”, qui a été développée dans le cadre de cette thèse, et dont l’usage est illustré dans le cadre particulier des applications de gestion du cycle de vie des produits industriels, au sein de l’entreprise étendue. / Within the current economic context, enterprises are facing new interoperability issues due to increasing needs of eBusiness Collaboration within the emerging digital ecosystems they belong to. They also need to be able to keep in pace with their heterogeneous internal legacy systems. In addition, they should not have to modify their infrastructure or applications for fast and short collaboration implying information and knowledge interchange with new partners of their ecosystem. In one hand, current solutions are less and less adapted to face increasing needs and complexity in term of interoperability. In the other hand, legacy interoperability standards and frameworks can’t be replaced as it can be imagined to propose new disruptive approach and technologies. The research work undertaken for the thesis “Interoperability of Technical Enterprise Interoperability” consists in proposing an innovative approach allowing a given and mature ecosystem to build an enterprise application interoperability framework based on simultaneous and coherent usage of eBusiness standards used by a given ecosystem, combining usage of the different relevant frameworks supporting these standards. The goal is achievement of "pragmatic" interoperability. Proposed innovative approach takes advantage of simultaneous usage of Model Driven Engineering, Enterprise Modeling, Ontology and Service Oriented Architecture. It promotes systematic usage of commodities on the WEB based on open and governed standards. Doing so, semantic preservation between ecosystem’s standards, application engineering artifacts and communication infrastructures is crucial. To support semantic preservation within the context of the innovative proposed approach, the concept of “extended hypermodel” is developed and demonstrated within the context of Product Lifecycle Management within networked organizations.
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Um estudo da aplicação de técnicas de inteligência computacional e de aprendizado em máquina de mineração de processos de negócio / A study of the application of computational intelligence and machine learning techniques in business process miningCárdenas Maita, Ana Rocío 04 December 2015 (has links)
Mineração de processos é uma área de pesquisa relativamente recente que se situa entre mineração de dados e aprendizado de máquina, de um lado, e modelagem e análise de processos de negócio, de outro lado. Mineração de processos visa descobrir, monitorar e aprimorar processos de negócio reais por meio da extração de conhecimento a partir de logs de eventos disponíveis em sistemas de informação orientados a processos. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o contexto de aplicação de técnicas provenientes das áreas de inteligência computacional e de aprendizado de máquina, incluindo redes neurais artificiais. Para fins de simplificação, denominadas no restante deste texto apenas como ``redes neurais\'\'. e máquinas de vetores de suporte, no contexto de mineração de processos. Considerando que essas técnicas são, atualmente, as mais aplicadas em tarefas de mineração de dados, seria esperado que elas também estivessem sendo majoritariamente aplicadas em mineração de processos, o que não tinha sido demonstrado na literatura recente e foi confirmado por este trabalho. Buscou-se compreender o amplo cenário envolvido na área de mineração de processos, incluindo as principais caraterísticas que têm sido encontradas ao longo dos últimos dez anos em termos de: tipos de mineração de processos, tarefas de mineração de dados usadas, e técnicas usadas para resolver tais tarefas. O principal enfoque do trabalho foi identificar se as técnicas de inteligência computacional e de aprendizado de máquina realmente não estavam sendo amplamente usadas em mineração de processos, ao mesmo tempo que se buscou identificar os principais motivos para esse fenômeno. Isso foi realizado por meio de um estudo geral da área, que seguiu rigor científico e sistemático, seguido pela validação das lições aprendidas por meio de um exemplo de aplicação. Este estudo considera vários enfoques para delimitar a área: por um lado, as abordagens, técnicas, tarefas de mineração e ferramentas comumente mais usadas; e, por outro lado, veículos de publicação, universidades e pesquisadores interessados no desenvolvimento da área. Os resultados apresentam que 81% das publicações atuais seguem as abordagens tradicionais em mineração de dados. O tipo de mineração de processos com mais estudo é Descoberta 71% dos estudos primários. Os resultados deste trabalho são valiosos para profissionais e pesquisadores envolvidos no tema, e representam um grande aporte para a área / Mining process is a relatively new research area that lies between data mining and machine learning, on one hand, and business process modeling and analysis, on the other hand. Mining process aims at discovering, monitoring and improving business processes by extracting real knowledge from event logs available in process-oriented information systems. The main objective of this master\'s project was to assess the application of computational intelligence and machine learning techniques, including, for example, neural networks and support vector machines, in process mining. Since these techniques are currently widely applied in data mining tasks, it would be expected that they were also widely applied to the process mining context, which has been not evidenced in recent literature and confirmed by this work. We sought to understand the broad scenario involved in the process mining area, including the main features that have been found over the last ten years in terms of: types of process mining, data mining tasks used, and techniques applied to solving such tasks. The main focus of the study was to identify whether the computational intelligence and machine learning techniques were indeed not being widely used in process mining whereas we sought to identify the main reasons for this phenomenon. This was accomplished through a general study area, which followed scientific and systematic rigor, followed by validation of the lessons learned through an application example. This study considers various approaches to delimit the area: on the one hand, approaches, techniques, mining tasks and more commonly used tools; and, on the other hand, the publication vehicles, universities and researchers interested in the development area. The results show that 81% of current publications follow traditional approaches to data mining. The type of mining processes more study is Discovery 71% of the primary studies. These results are valuable for practitioners and researchers involved in the issue, and represent a major contribution to the area
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A interpretação do trabalho em enfermagem no capitalismo financeirizado: um estudo na perspectiva teórica do fluxo tensionado / The nursing work interpretation in financial capitalism: a study in the theoretical perspective of \"flux tendu\"Souza, Helton Saragor de 09 January 2015 (has links)
O objeto deste estudo é o trabalho das categorias da enfermagem sob a organização pós-fordista no capitalismo financeirizado. Associamos a mundialização do capital e a predominância financeira à expansão dos serviços de saúde no Brasil. Nesse sentido, discutimos as características do trabalho coletivo em saúde e das categorias de enfermagem. Abordamos a relação geral e particular do trabalho em saúde e problematizamos a leitura do trabalho em enfermagem nos moldes tayloristas. Os estudos de caso concentram-se em três hospitais localizados Região Metropolitana de São Paulo com gestões distintas: administração pública; administração terceirizada para Organização Social de Saúde (OSS); e administração privada. Nessas unidades, através de etnografia e da realização de entrevistas com os profissionais, caracterizamos o tipo de regime de trabalho pela abordagem do tipo de vínculo empregatício; da remuneração; sobre transferências, promoções e demissões; das características do absenteísmo; da relação com a chefia e da ação coletiva. Estritamente, sobre o processo de trabalho, abordamos o predomínio relacional do ato do cuidado, a influência da tecnologia, os erros procedimentais e a saúde dos trabalhadores. Em nossa visão, a conversão dos serviços de saúde em áreas de valorização do capital e o subfinanciamento do Estado configuram a relação desproporcional entre a demanda de usuários e a quantidade incipiente de trabalhadores que seria o modus operandis do trabalho em enfermagem. Desse modo, o processo de trabalho fundamenta-se no fluxo tensionado, gerando sobrecarga e intensificação, consequentemente, a incidência de erros, o desgaste físico-psicológico e a frustração para os trabalhadores. / The object of this study is the work of the nursing practice\'s categories under the post-fordism organization into the financial-funding capitalism. We associated the globalization of capital and the financial dominance to the expansion of the field of health services in Brazil. Under this view, we discuss the characteristics of team work and the categories in nursing practice, the general and private relationship into the field and problematize the reading of the nursing practice under the light of the taylorism. The case studies concentrate in three hospitals of different administrative methods: public; through Social Health Organization (OSS); and private administration in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo. In these units, through ethnography and interviews with professionals, we characterize the type of work regimen by analyzing the employment network; the remuneration; the transfers, promotions and dismissals; the characteristics of the absentees; the relation with the superiors and the team action. Strictly, about our process of work, we address the predominance of the act of caring, the influence of the technology, the procedure errors and the healthcare of the workers. In our point of view, the conversion of the health services into fields of capital appreciation and the sub-financing of the State configure an imbalanced relationship between the demand of users and the incipient amount of workers that would be the modus operandis of the nursing practice. Thus, the process of work lays the foundations of the tensioned flux flux tendu of the reactivity to the context, generating overcharge and intensification, therefore the incidence of mistakes, physical-psychological distress and frustration to the workers.
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Compartilhamento de objetos compostos entre bases de dados orientadas a objetos / Sharing composite objects in object-oriented databasesFerreira, João Eduardo 05 July 1996 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para o compartilhamento de dados entre bases de dados orientadas a objetos, em ambientes de desenvolvimento de projetos. O processo de compartilhamento e realizado através de três fases: separação, evolução e integração de dados. Esta forma de compartilhamento atua através de vínculos entre os objetos de base original com a base produto. Foram definidos seis tipos de vínculos, que são estabelecidos no processo de separação: apenas leitura, isolado, flagrante, mutuamente exclusivo, independente e on-line. Com isso, ambas as bases, respeitando as limitações impostas pelo tipo de vinculo entre as mesmas, podem evoluir separadamente e depois de um determinado tempo realizarem, se conveniente, um processo de reintegração. O processo de compartilhamento de dados tem por unidade de gerenciamento os objetos, compostos de base de dados. Os conceitos apresentados podem ser universalmente aplicados, em qualquer base de dados que efetue gerenciamento sobre a composição de seus objetos. Neste trabalho os conceitos de compartilhamento de dados são exemplificados através do modelo de dados SIRIUS. / This work presents a technique to share data stored in an object-oriented databases aimed at design environments. Three process enable the sharing of data between databases: separation, evolution and data integration. Whenever a block of data need to be shared between original and product database, it is spread among both, resulting in two block: one in the original database, and another in the receiver one, identified as the product of the sharing process. During the evolution phase of the sharing process, these blocks are not required to be kept identical. Six types of links to drive the updates were defined: read only, isolated, snapshot, mutually exclusive, independent and on-line. The original and product databases, both restricted by rules imposed by the type of links, can evolve alone. After a while they may enter into an reintegration process, which uses the composite objects as the control units. The presented concepts can be applied to any data model supporting composite objects. The SIRIUS datamodel is used to exemplify those concepts.
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Coordination fiable de services de données à base de politiques actives / Reliable coordination of data management servicesEspinosa Oviedo, Javier Alfonso 28 October 2013 (has links)
Nous proposons une approche pour ajouter des propriétés non-fonctionnelles (traitement d'exceptions, atomicité, sécurité, persistance) à des coordinations de services. L'approche est basée sur un Modèle de Politiques Actives (AP Model) pour représenter les coordinations de services avec des propriétés non-fonctionnelles comme une collection de types. Dans notre modèle, une coordination de services est représentée comme un workflow compose d'un ensemble ordonné d'activité. Chaque activité est en charge d'implante un appel à l'opération d'un service. Nous utilisons le type Activité pour représenter le workflow et ses composants (c-à-d, les activités du workflow et l'ordre entre eux). Une propriété non-fonctionnelle est représentée comme un ou plusieurs types de politiques actives, chaque politique est compose d'un ensemble de règles événement-condition-action qui implantent un aspect d'un propriété. Les instances des entités du modèle, politique active et activité peuvent être exécutées. Nous utilisons le type unité d'exécution pour les représenter comme des entités dont l'exécution passe par des différents états d'exécution en exécution. Lorsqu'une politique active est associée à une ou plusieurs unités d'exécution, les règles vérifient si l'unité d'exécution respecte la propriété non-fonctionnelle implantée en évaluant leurs conditions sur leurs états d'exécution. Lorsqu'une propriété n'est pas vérifiée, les règles exécutant leurs actions pour renforcer les propriétés en cours d'exécution. Nous avons aussi proposé un Moteur d'exécution de politiques actives pour exécuter un workflow orientés politiques actives modélisé en utilisant notre AP Model. Le moteur implante un modèle d'exécution qui détermine comment les instances d'une AP, une règle et une activité interagissent entre elles pour ajouter des propriétés non-fonctionnelles (NFP) à un workflow en cours d'exécution. Nous avons validé le modèle AP et le moteur d'exécution de politiques actives en définissant des types de politiques actives pour adresser le traitement d'exceptions, l'atomicité, le traitement d'état, la persistance et l'authentification. Ces types de politiques actives ont été utilisés pour implanter des applications à base de services fiables, et pour intégrer les données fournies par des services à travers des mashups. / We propose an approach for adding non-functional properties (exception handling, atomicity, security, persistence) to services' coordinations. The approach is based on an Active Policy Model (AP Model) for representing services' coordinations with non-functional properties as a collection of types. In our model, a services' coordination is represented as a workflow composed of an ordered set of activities, each activity in charge of implementing a call to a service' operation. We use the type Activity for representing a workflow and its components (i.e., the workflow' activities and the order among them). A non-functional property is represented as one or several Active Policy types, each policy composed of a set of event-condition-action rules in charge of implementing an aspect of the property. Instances of active policy and activity types are considered in the model as entities that can be executed. We use the Execution Unit type for representing them as entities that go through a series of states at runtime. When an active policy is associated to one or several execution units, its rules verify whether each unit respects the implemented non-functional property by evaluating their conditions over their execution unit state, and when the property is not verified, the rules execute their actions for enforcing the property at runtime. We also proposed a proof of concept Active Policy Execution Engine for executing an active policy oriented workflow modelled using our AP Model. The engine implements an execution model that determines how AP, Rule and Activity instances interact among each other for adding non-functional properties (NFPs) to a workflow at execution time. We validated the AP Model and the Active Policy Execution Engine by defining active policy types for addressing exception handling, atomicity, state management, persistency and authentication properties. These active policy types were used for implementing reliable service oriented applications, and mashups for integrating data from services.
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Vergleich des Ressourcenbedarfs und der Personalkosten an einem Ultraschallarbeitsplatz mittels Prozesssimulation als Ausbildungsplatz und Facharztplatz mit und ohne digitale InfrastrukturGillessen, Christoph 28 August 2003 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht einen Ultraschallarbeitsplatz hinsichtlich der Effizienz seines Arbeitsablaufs und evaluiert den möglichen Effizienzgewinn verschiedener Szenarien. Der Arbeitsplatz ist Teil des diagnostischen Funktionsbereichs der radiologischen Abteilung eines Universitätsklinikums; es werden Ärzte in der Untersuchungstechnik Sonographie ausgebildet. Drei Ultraschallgeräte in drei Untersuchungsräumen stehen zur Verfügung. Sie werden von einem Experten mit langjähriger Ultraschallerfahrung, einem erfahrenen Untersucher, einem fortgeschrittenen Untersucher und einem Anfänger bedient. Die Befunderstellung findet in einem vierten Raum statt, den sich die Ärzte mit 3 MTRA teilen, die dort administrative Aufgaben wahrnehmen (Akten-, Termin- und Filmverwaltung). Das Untersuchungsspektrum umfasst eine breite Palette von Untersuchungen der meisten Körperregionen sowohl im B-Bild-Mode als auch mit farbkodierter Dopplersonographie. Methodisch kommt die Prozesssimulation zum Einsatz, ein computergestütztes Verfahren, das Prozessabläufe unter verschiedenen Rahmenbedingungen in ihrer Dynamik evaluiert. Das zugrundeliegende Prozessmodell aus Vorgängen mit ihren Anordnungsbeziehungen, Ressourcen und Flussobjekten wird in fünf Phasen erstellt und ausgewertet. Abgewandelte Modellvarianten kommen zum Einsatz, um die unterschiedlichen Rahmenbedingungen zu repräsentieren. Neben (a) dem vorgefundenen Ausbildungsszenarium werden (b) ein Facharztszenarium, in dem ausschließlich Experten arbeiteten, (c) die beiden vorangenannten ausschließlich mit Abdomenuntersuchungen sowie (d) Ausbildungs- und Expertenszenarien mit einer digitalen Infrastruktur simuliert. Kenngrößen für die Prozesseffizienz sind Patientendurchlaufzeiten, Human- und Materialressourcenauslastung sowie Gerätetaktzeiten und Arbeitsaufwand pro Untersuchung. Zusätzlich werden Personalkosten auf Basis des Berliner Haushaltsbruttos für Mitarbeiter des öffentlichen Dienstes berechnet. Gegenüber (a) mit 4 Ärzten und 3 MTRA wurde für (b) eine Ressourcenzuteilung mit 3 Fachärzten und 2 MTRA als optimal hinsichtlich der Patientenwartezeiten sowie Gerätetaktzeit und Ressourcenauslastung ermittelt. Die Patientendurchlaufzeiten fielen in (b) kürzer aus als in (a). Trotz des höheren Arbeitsaufwands in (a) fielen die Personalkosten hier niedriger aus (-11,6 %). Für (c) wurden Bruttopersonalkosten in Höhen von durchschnittlich 32,42 Euro (Ausbildung) bzw. 32,87 Euro (Facharzt) ermittelt. Die Nettokosten beliefen sich auf 22,46 Euro bzw. 25,42 Euro. Die Vergütung der gesetzlichen Krankenkassen für eine Abdomenuntersuchung zugrunde gelegt, erreicht die beobachtete Abteilung schon für den Personaleinsatz keine Kostendeckung. Eine erhebliche Verringerung des Arbeitsaufwands insbesondere für MTRA ergab sich mit (d). Der Aufwand für administrative Tätigkeiten reduzierte sich um 89 % (Abdomenuntersuchung Facharzt), für die Gesamtuntersuchung um 41 %. Insgesamt kann der Arbeitsplatz mit einer MTRA weniger betrieben werden. Voraussetzung ist die Anpassung des Workflows an die neuen Möglichkeiten der digitalen Infrastruktur. / This paper examines an ultrasound working environment regarding the efficiency of its workflow and evaluates the possible efficiency gain of different scenarios. The working environment is part of the diagnostic division of the radiological department of a university clinic; physicians are trained in conducting ultrasound examinations. There are 3 ultrasound devices available. Examiners are: an expert with ultrasonic experience of several years, an experienced examiner, a advanced examiner and a beginner. Report generation takes place in an administrative area, which the physicians share with 3 assistant medical technicians being responsible for scheduling, documents and film administration. Examinations cover a broad range of body regions both with conventional and color duplex sonography. Computer-assisted process simulation is used to evaluate the dynamics of processes under variant conditions. The process model made of activities with their relationships, resources and flow objects is developed and evaluated in five phases. Model variations are used in order to represent different basic conditions. Apart from (A) the observed training scenario, (B) a specialist scenario, in which only experts work, (C) both the former with abdomen examinations only as well as (D) training and expert scenarios with a digital infrastructure are simulated. Characteristics for the process efficiency are patient turn-around times, human and material resources utilization as well as equipment cycle times and workload per investigation. In addition, personnel costs are computed. Unlike (A) with 4 physicians and 3 technicans, in (B) a resources allocation of 3 specialists and 2 technicians was determined as optimal regarding the patient waiting periods as well as equipment cycle time and resource utilization. The patient turn-around times turned out shorter in (B) than in (A). Despite the higher workload in (A) the personnel costs turned out lower (-11,6 %). In (C) gross personnel expenditure summed up to Euro 32.42 in average (training) and Euro 32,87 (specialist). Net costs amounted to Euro 22,46 and Euro 25,42 respectively. Considering the payments for an examination of the abdomen as granted by the compulsory health insurance fund, the observed department does not achieve cost recovery even for personnel costs. A substantial decrease of the workload for technicians resulted in scenario (D). The workload of administrative activities was reduced by 89 % (examination of the abdomen by expert), for the complete examination by 41 %. The workplace can be operated by one less technician provided that the workflow is adapted to the possibilities of a digital infrastrucutre.
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Die Einführung von Vorgangsbearbeitungssystemen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung als IT-organisatorischer GestaltungsprozeßKnaack, Ildiko 08 December 1999 (has links)
Die Arbeit entwickelt einen konzeptionellen Rahmen für den IT-organisatorischen Gestaltungsprozeß bei der Einführung von Vorgangsbearbeitungssystemen und berücksichtigt dabei die Besonderheiten der öffentlichen planenden Verwaltung (Ministerialverwaltung). Die Einführung von Vorgangsbearbeitungssystemen greift wie kein anderes IT-System zuvor in die Ablauf- und Aufbauorganisation der öffentlichen Verwaltung ein. Vorgangsbearbeitungssysteme eröffnen grundlegend neue Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten der Bearbeitung von Vorgängen und erfordern zugleich eine an die IT-Unterstützung angepaßte, optimierte Organisation der Vorgangsbearbeitung. Der Einführungsprozeß ist durch eine Vielzahl von informationstechnischen und organisatorischen Abhängigkeiten und Wechselwirkungen gekennzeichnet. Informa-tionstechnik und Organisation werden als zwei Determinanten der Gestaltung betrachtet, die bei der Durchführung informationstechnisch-organisatorischer Gestaltungsmaßnahmen zu berücksichtigen sind. Der Gestaltungsbedarf ergibt sich aus der Art und Weise der Nutzung des Vorgangsbearbeitungssystems. Ziel der Gestaltung ist eine schrittweise optimierte und an die Spezifika der Behörde angepaßte Nutzung des Vorgangsbearbeitungssystems. Ausgehend von einer Systematisierung der konventionellen und IT-gestützten Vorgangsbearbeitung und einer Untersuchung, inwieweit Methoden und Konzepte des Softwareengineerings, der Verwaltungsmodernisierung und der Organisationswissenschaft informationstechnisch-organisatorische Wechselwirkungen berücksichtigen, wird das Drei-Ebenen-Modell der IT-organisatorischen Gestaltung als konzeptioneller Rahmen entwickelt. Da die konkrete Durchführung IT-organisatorischer Gestaltungsmaßnahmen von den Spezifika der jeweiligen Behörde und dem einzuführenden Vorgangsbearbeitungssystem abhängig ist, wird der IT-organisatorische Gestaltungsprozeß anhand unterschiedlicher Nutzungsstufen von Vorgangsbearbeitungssystemen und an Beispielen IT-organisatorischer Gestaltung des Projekts DOMEA® verdeutlicht. / The work provides concept standards for the IT-related process of implementation a document- and workflowmanagement-system and at the same time takes into account the distinctive features of the public sector. Like no IT-system before, the implementation of a document- and workflowmanagement-system influences the process and structure of the public sector. Document- and workflowmanagement-systems ensure completely new ways of working and at the same time require an optimal organization of document- and workflowmanagement that fits with the needs of IT-support. The process of implementation is characterized by a large number of IT-related and organizational dependences and interaction. IT and organization are considered as two determinants are crucial of a successful organizational and IT-related framing. The need of framing depends on the way document- and workflowmanagement-system is used. The aim is to gradually optimize the use of document- and workflowmanagement-system and to adapt it to the specific needs of the individual organization. Starting from a systematization of conventional and IT-based document- and workflowmanagement and a study on the dependences of IT and organization with methods and concepts of software-engineering, the modernization of the public sector and with theory of organization, the three-tier-model of IT-based shaping is developed. The concrete organizational an IT-related implementation depends on the specific needs of the individual organization and of the document- and workflowmanagement-system to be implemented. Therefore, the organizational an IT-related implementation will be characterized by different levels of using a document- and workflowmanagement-system and by examples of the DOMEA®-project.
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