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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Dähne, Caroline Loise 27 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:49:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caroline Loise Dahne.pdf: 3597933 bytes, checksum: 59f57877e7555c395279f20cf002f0da (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / During the Brazilian participation in World War II (1939 – 1945), the press of the country tended to publish nationalist and patriotic texts, sharing some principles that were seen as necessary to an alignment of society. In the publications of the daily newspaper Diário dos Campos it is presented a speech that aimed to encourage the population of the city of Ponta Grossa to share feelings and patriotic actions as a way to contribute to the victory of the country and its allies. Facing these facts, this research sought to analyze the approach of some matters that refer to the relation between Brazil and World War II, which appears in the editions of the newspaper. It also pursued to analyze the appeal that these discourses made to the society, as well as the embracing of some attitudes and behaviors that were considered civic in the period from 1942 to 1944. Thus, it is attempted here to investigate how the speech presented by this newspaper represents the events and ideologies at the time, not only in Brazil but also in an international context and in a perspective towards the local population. Searching this, and facing the analysis of the speech, this research consisted of the review of the bibliography that corresponded to the mentioned period of time, specially about the Brazilian participation in the conflict, besides studies about general characteristics of the local society, which was consumer of the concerned newspaper. / Durante a participação do Brasil na Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), a imprensa brasileira tendeu a publicar textos de cunho patriótico e nacionalista, divulgando princípios propostos como necessários para um alinhamento político da sociedade. Nas publicações do jornal Diário dos Campos, encontram-se discursos que buscavam incentivar a população da cidade de Ponta Grossa a partilhar sentimentos e ações patrióticas visando contribuir com a vitória do país e seus aliados na guerra. Diante disso a pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a abordagem de temas referentes à relação entre o Brasil e a Segunda Guerra Mundial presentes nas publicações do jornal, bem como o apelo que esses discursos faziam à sociedade ponta-grossense no sentido da adoção de determinadas atitudes e comportamentos propostos como cívicos nos anos de 1942 e 1944. Nesse sentido, procurou-se investigar como os discursos produzidos por esse jornal representavam os acontecimentos e ideias vigentes em nível nacional e mundial em uma perspectiva direcionada à população local. Para isso, em diálogo com a análise dos discursos do jornal, a pesquisa consistiu na revisão da bibliografia correspondente ao período determinado, em especial sobre a participação dos brasileiros no conflito, além de estudos sobre as características gerais da sociedade local consumidora do jornal.

Futebol, violência e a imprensa esportiva escrita na cidade de São Paulo (1990 2000)

Feitosa, Therence Santiago Alves 24 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:32:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Therence Santiago Alves Feitosa.pdf: 625417 bytes, checksum: fd193b13bb977871b457e4d6d9d78c28 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-24 / This work has the aims to develop some understanding on the violence within soccer, as well as the influence of the written sports press regarding such violence. The intention here is to examine soccer and the media-related questions as intense and condensed phenomena inside the societies, specifically in the Brazilian society. Soccer, since its origin in Brazil, came out as being conflicting and entrancing, since, after its arrival, an impressive adhesion by all Brazilian society occurred. Such fact was followed by a recently created sports press, which delivered almost exclusive attention to it. It is pointed, in this dissertation, how the press dealt with soccer at different moments, not only following the sportive facts, but also the events of violence related to them. Such events had had diverse reasons, always related to its respective historical moments. The research carried through in this work focused on the divulgation of the events of violence in soccer made by the press in the decade of 1990, which held impressive technological expansion and, consequently, a speeding-up of the spreading of information. Regarding this informational context, diverse techniques were developed by the press; such techniques aimed to build parameters in order to mould the comprehension of the receivers of the information - in the scope of the present work, the supporter and reader. Such actions had generated reactions which reflected in the daily routine of the world of soccer / Essa dissertação tem como objetivo compreender a violência presente no futebol, bem como a influência da imprensa esportiva escrita em relação a essa mesma violência. A intenção aqui é pensar o futebol e as questões midiáticas como fenômenos intensos e condensados nas sociedades, em específico a brasileira. O futebol, desde sua origem no Brasil, apresentou-se conflitante e arrebatador, pois, logo após sua chegada, ocorreu uma adesão impressionante por toda a sociedade brasileira. Tal fato foi acompanhado por uma recém-criada imprensa esportiva, a qual lhe dava atenção quase que exclusiva. É apontado na dissertação como a imprensa tratou o futebol nos diferentes momentos, acompanhando não só os fatos esportivos, como também os acontecimentos de violência. A referente pesquisa se concentrou na divulgação feita pela imprensa em relação aos acontecimentos de violência dentro do futebol na década de 1990, a qual se caracterizou pela impressionante expansão tecnológica e, consequentemente, por uma velocidade acentuada em se tratando da divulgação das informações. Nesse cenário informacional, diversas técnicas foram desenvolvidas pela imprensa; tais técnicas visavam construir parâmetros os quais se incumbiriam de moldar os entendimentos dos receptores dessas mesmas informações - no caso do presente trabalho, o torcedor / leitor. Tais ações geraram reações que se refletiram no dia-a-dia do mundo futebolístico

Cobertura noticiosa de la representación del conflicto social en torno al proyecto minero Las Bambas entre setiembre - octubre del 2015; y marzo – mayo del 2019 en los diarios El Comercio y La República / News coverage of the representation of the social conflict around the Las Bambas mining project between September - October 2015; and March - May 2019 in the newspapers El Comercio and La República

Herrera Condori, Orlando 14 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad analizar la representación del conflicto social en torno al proyecto minero Las Bambas. Para su desarrollo se utilizará de base las publicaciones de los diarios El Comercio y La República entre los meses de setiembre - octubre del 2015; y marzo – mayo del 2019. El presente análisis busca dar a conocer cuáles son las identidades construidas para cada uno de los actores involucrados, es decir, la comunidad, la empresa minera y el Estado. Se busca presentar una aproximación al contexto de los conflictos abordando la relación entre los protagonistas expuesta por dichos diarios. Asimismo, se busca identificar y describir las características que la portadas, editorial y noticias les brindan a los actores involucrados en torno al conflicto social. Esta investigación también permitirá identificar el rol que cumple cada actor y cómo los diarios favorecen o no a cada uno de ellos a través del lenguaje escrito, verbal, no verbal y visual. De esta manera se busca comparar la representación que brinda cada diario a los tres involucrados; contextualizar los métodos de diálogo o negociación usados, presentar los intereses de las partes, y mostrar la identidad que se le atribuye a cada uno. / The purpose of this work is to analyze the representation of the social conflict around the Las Bambas mining project. For its development, the publications of the newspapers El Comercio and La República between the months of September - October 2015 will be used; and March - May 2019. This analysis seeks to make known which identities are constructed for each of the actors involved, that is, the community, the mining company and the State. The aim is to present an approach to the context of conflicts by addressing the relationship between the protagonists exposed by these newspapers. Likewise, it seeks to identify and describe the characteristics that the covers, editorial and news provide to the actors involved in the social conflict. This research will also identify the role that each actor plays and how the newspapers favor or not each one of them through written, verbal, non-verbal and visual language. In this way, the aim is to compare the representation that each newspaper provides to the three involved; contextualize the methods of dialogue or negotiation used, present the interests of the parties, and show the identity attributed to each one. / Trabajo de investigación

Funció plàstica de les lletres en les publicacions periòdiques il.lustrades espanyoles dels anys 50

Huerta Ramón, Ricard Vicent 16 November 2022 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis es una investigación que trata sobre los aspectos estéticos, estilísticos y plásticos que genera la tipografía, el gesto escrito y las composiciones con letras impresas. La documentación e investigación de datos realizada para terminar el trabajo se ha centrado en uno de los medios de comunicación de masas más popular: la revista ilustrada. El hecho de haber elegido este material como base del estudio está en función de la capacidad que tienen las publicaciones periódicas para actualizar constantemente los valores de los testimonios gráficos. Así mismo, en las revistas se reúnen y combinan de manera espontánea por un lado los elementos gráficos de cariz icónico (fotografía, ilustración) y por otro los de carácter verbal (letras, textos, marcas, cabeceras). Una de los objetivos principales de esta tesis consiste en recuperar y reivindicar figuras del arte de la tipografía y de la gráfica en general que todavía no han logrado el rango de consideración que merecen. Hombres que configuraron la estética mostrada en los campos de la gráfica y la publicidad. Figuras de la talla d 'Enrie Crous-Vidal, loan Trochut Blanchard, Enrie Miret y Ricard Giralt-Miracle. Artistas que merecen nuestro reconocimiento y admiración. Un tratamiento especial se le rinde a la tarea como diseñador gráfico terminada por Alexandre Cirici Pellicer. Este profesor, crítico, investigador, escritor y hombre público desarrolló un importante papel innovador con sus anuncios. Fundador de gabinetes publicitarios de gran repercusión (Zen, Pan) e introductor de los nuevos conceptos de mobiliario y decoración funcional, Cirici Pellicer influirá de manera decisiva en la construcción de un modelo gráfico de tónica libre. El presente estudio no aspira a convertirse en un tratamiento actualizado del material impreso con exclusivas pretensiones de estructura semiótica. Aportaremos una visión de la estética del texto impreso y las características visuales generadas por una época concreta, basándonos en los documentos gráficos editados para las masas de consumidores. Una primera intención consistió al recopilar y archivar una serio de datos, para poder así analizar la bibliografía y hemerografía de todo aquello que se editó en la España de los años intermedios del actual siglo XX. A pesar de aportar un catálogo de publicaciones con más de 500 títulos, el presente estudio no se queda en un archivo referencial, sino que constituye un análisis de los factores estilísticos propiciados por el entorno histórico y social. En el tema de la relación letra-figura y su capacidad para determinar situaciones, se ha desarrollado una análisis semiológico del material, después de documentar y organizar la investigación, catalogación, observación y reflexión a partir de las publicaciones más insólitas. La pretensión de esta tesis es transformar la creencia generalizada existente según la cual se ha visto desde siempre en el texto impreso un mensaje exclusivamente verbal, más o menos ornamental, sin contar con una tradición grafica que configura nuestras capacidades y modalidades de percepción. / [CA] Aquesta tesi és una investigació que tracta sobre els aspectes estètics, estilístics i plàstics que genera la tipografia, el gest escrit i les composicions amb lletres impreses. La documentació i investigació de dades realitzada per a acabar el treball s'ha centrat en un dels mitjans de comunicació de masses més popular: la revista il·lustrada. El fet d'haver triat aquest material com a base de l'estudi està en funció de la capacitat que tenen les publicacions periòdiques per a actualitzar constantment els valors dels testimoniatges gràfics. Així mateix, en les revistes es reuneixen i combinen de manera espontània d'una banda els elements gràfics de caire icònic (fotografia, il·lustració) i per un altre els de caràcter verbal (lletres, textos, marques, capçaleres). Una dels objectius principals d'aquesta tesi consisteix a recuperar i reivindicar figures de l'art de la tipografia i de la gràfica en general que encara no han aconseguit el rang de consideració que mereixen. Homes que van configurar l'estètica mostrada en els camps de la gràfica i la publicitat. Figures de la talla d'Enrie Crous-Vidal, loan Trochut Blanchard, Enrie Miret y Ricard Giralt-Miracle. Artistes que mereixen el nostre reconeixement i admiració. Un tractament especial se li rendeix a la tasca com a dissenyador gràfic acabada per Alexandre Cirici Pellicer. Aquest professor, crític, investigador, escriptor i home públic va desenvolupar un important paper innovador amb els seus anuncis. Fundador de gabinets publicitaris de gran repercussió (Zen, Pa) i introductor dels nous conceptes de mobiliari i decoració funcional, Cirici Pellicer influirà de manera decisiva en la construcció d'un model gràfic de tònica lliure. El present estudi no aspira a convertir-se en un tractament actualitzat del material imprès amb exclusives pretensions d'estructura semiòtica. Aportarem una visió de l'estètica del text imprès i les característiques visuals generades per una època concreta, basant-nos en els documents gràfics editats per a les masses de consumidors. Una primera intenció va consistir en recopilar i arxivar una seriós de dades, per a poder així analitzar la bibliografia i hemerografía de tot allò que es va editar a l'Espanya dels anys intermedis de l'actual segle XX. Malgrat aportar un catàleg de publicacions amb més de 500 títols, el present estudi no es queda en un arxiu referencial, sinó que constitueix una anàlisi dels factors estilístics propiciats per l'entorn històric i social. En el tema de la relació lletra-figura i la seua capacitat per a determinar situacions, s'ha desenvolupat una anàlisi semiològica del material, després de documentar i organitzar la investigació, catalogació, observació i reflexió a partir de les publicacions més insòlites. La pretensió d'aquesta tesi és transformar la creença generalitzada existent segons la qual s'ha vist des de sempre en el text imprès un missatge exclusivament verbal, més o menys ornamental, sense comptar amb una tradició grafica que configura les nostres capacitats i modalitats de percepció. / [EN] This thesis is a research that deals with the aesthetic, stylistic and plastic aspects generated by typography, the written gesture and the compositions with printed letters. The documentation and data research carried out to complete the work has focused on one of the most popular mass media: the illustrated magazine. The fact of having chosen this material as the basis of the study is a function of the ability of periodicals to constantly update the values of graphic testimonies. Likewise, magazines spontaneously bring together and combine iconic graphic elements (photography, illustration) on the one hand, and verbal ones (letters, texts, brands, headers) on the other. One of the main objectives of this thesis is to recover and vindicate figures of the art of typography and graphics in general who have not yet achieved the rank of consideration they deserve. Men who shaped the aesthetics shown in the fields of graphics and advertising. Figures of the stature of Enrie Crous-Vidal, Loan Trochut Blanchard, Enrie Miret and Ricard Giralt-Miracle. Artists who deserve our recognition and admiration. A special treatment is given to the work as a graphic designer completed by Alexandre Cirici Pellicer. This professor, critic, researcher, writer and public man developed an important innovative role with his advertisements. Founder of advertising cabinets of great repercussion (Zen, Pan) and introducer of the new concepts of furniture and functional decoration, Cirici Pellicer will influence in a decisive way in the construction of a graphic model of free tonic. The present study does not aspire to become an updated treatment of printed material with exclusive pretensions of semiotic structure. We will provide a vision of the aesthetics of the printed text and the visual characteristics generated by a specific period, based on the graphic documents published for the masses of consumers. A first intention consisted in compiling and archiving a series of data, in order to analyze the bibliography and hemerography of everything that was published in Spain in the middle years of the present twentieth century. In spite of providing a catalog of publications with more than 500 titles, the present study does not remain a reference archive, but constitutes an analysis of the stylistic factors propitiated by the historical and social environment. On the subject of the letter-figure relationship and its capacity to determine situations, a semiological analysis of the material has been developed, after documenting and organizing the research, cataloguing, observation and reflection based on the most unusual publications. The aim of this thesis is to transform the existing generalized belief according to which printed text has always been seen as an exclusively verbal message, more or less ornamental, without taking into account a graphic tradition that shapes our capacities and modalities of perception. / Huerta Ramón, RV. (1992). Funció plàstica de les lletres en les publicacions periòdiques il.lustrades espanyoles dels anys 50 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/189811

Analyse de l’évolution du monde de la presse écrite au travers de l'étude de pratiques émergentes contemporaines regroupées par la notion de journalisme participatif / The analysis of the newspaper's evolution through the contemporary pratices studied for the sake participative journalism

Heïd, Marie-Caroline 31 May 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s’attache à comprendre les rapports sociaux qui se jouent dans les pratiques de journalisme dit participatif dans l’objectif d’appréhender l’évolution du monde de la presse écrite en France. Pour saisir le sens du phénomène dans sa globalité, nous proposons un modèle qui s’inscrit dans les approches de la complexité (Morin, 1990), du systémisme (Watzlawick, 1972) et du constructivisme (Le Moigne, 1995). Le modèle d’analyse est construit sur trois niveaux inspirés par ceux définis dans la construction sociale des usages (Proulx, 2005) : le micro-social pour l’étude des pratiques sur les sites web de journalisme dit participatif, le méso-social pour l’étude de l’émergence du phénomène dans le monde de la presse écrite, et le niveau macro-historique pour l’étude de formes d’amateurisme récurrentes dans l’histoire du journalisme. Ce découpage de la situation s’opère autour d’un canevas méthodologique qualitatif qui prend appui sur des méthodes adaptatives parmi lesquelles la sémiotique situationnelle (Mucchielli, 2008), l’analyse institutionnelle (Lourau, 1969) ou encore l’analyse de l’imaginaire technique (Flichy, 2001). / This thesis is bound to the comprehension of social links taking part in the applications of the journalism called participative tending to apprehend the french evolution of the written press. In order to grasp the meaning of the phenomenon in all its entirety , an example is proposed in terms of the approaches concerning the complexity (Morin, 1990), the systemism (Watzlawick, 1972) and the constructivism (Le Moigne, 1995). The analytical pattern is built on tree levels inspired by those defined in the social construction of applications (Proulx, 2005): the micro-social usage particive journalism on web-sites, the meso-social concerning the research on the brought-up phenomenon in written press, and the macro-historical level tending to the amateuriscal recurrent forms in the history of journalism. The cutting situation rises out around a canevas of qualifitative methodologies resting on suitable methods amongst which the situational semiotic (Mucchielli, 2008) the institutional analysis (Lourau, 1969) or the analysis of the technical conception (Flichy, 2001).

Vývoj havlíčkovských festivit a komemorací / Development Havlíčekian Festivities and Commemoration

Svojsíková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The thesis based on contemporary press identifies how the newspaper wrote about Karel Havlíček Borovský during the anniversaries of his birth and his death and whether it wrote about him at all. Thereby, traces the development of the myth of Karel Havlíček and the role which the press has played in this process. The paper focuses on Karel Havlíček's attributes which were used in the articles to describe his personality. It also shows different types of festivities commemorating the anniversaries. In the analysis selected Czech written press from the period from 1866 until 2011 was used. Before the research is introduced, chapters presenting some of academic and scholarly books as well as non-fictional ones describing Havlíček or selected aspects of his work (e.g. linguistic); editions of the letters of his and some editions of his work are mentioned. Following chapters deal with the issue of myth and cult of Karel Havlíček and with the issue of festivities/celebration seen from the perspective of several historians.

La relation entre le monde politique, les médias et la société civile dans la construction du discours de presse sur "l'événement Stan" (octobre 2005, Mexique, Chiapas) : de l'objet médiatique à l'instrument politique / The relationship between the world of politics, the media and the general population determining the discourse in the written press covering "event Stan" (october 2005, Chiapas, Mexico) : from a media object to a political instrument

Morales, Julie 20 November 2009 (has links)
Le 4 octobre 2005, l’État du Chiapas (situé dans le sud-est du Mexique) a vécu l’un des plus grands désastres de son histoire. Aux origines de ce dernier se trouvent les conséquences de la dépression tropicale Stan ainsi que de multiples autres facteurs. Le dessein de notre thèse est de s’interroger sur la réalité sociale, politique, économique et environnementale que la presse écrite a bâtie et véhiculée à propos de cette catastrophe dite « naturelle ». Il nous est apparu essentiel d’étudier ce discours médiatique afin d’analyser la gestion du désastre par les différents niveaux de gouvernements mexicains, et la relation qu’ils entretiennent entre eux, sachant qu’a fortiori, c’est de cette représentation dont se nourrit la société civile. Notre démarche est de mettre au jour le système qui régit la relation entre le monde politique, la presse écrite et la société civile car nous considérons qu’il détermine la construction du discours de presse. Les médias sont donc des filtres qui constituent une réalité souvent considérée comme « La » réalité. Cependant, nous verrons qu’ils ne sont que des prismes à travers lesquels émerge un reflet de la sphère sociale et du monde politique ainsi que les interactions qui se créent à l’intérieur même de ce prisme. Nous avons choisi comme objet et instrument d’étude deux journaux de la ville de Mexico (La Jornada et Crónica de Hoy) et deux journaux de la région du Chiapas (El Heraldo de Chiapas et Cuarto Poder). La méthode d’analyse de contenu du discours de presse Morin-Chartier ainsi que notre investigation audiovisuelle sur le terrain nous ont permis à la fois de réaliser une étude quantitative et qualitative / The relationship between the world of politics, the media and the general population determining the discourse in the written press covering « event Stan » (October 2005, Chiapas, Mexico) : From a media object to a political instrument. On 4 October 2005 the state of Chiapas (situated in the south east of Mexico) experienced one of the biggest disasters in its history. This was caused by the tropical storm Stan as well as a number of other factors. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the social, political, economic and environmental reality constructed and portrayed by the press of this so-called ‘natural’ disaster. It seemed essential to study the discourse of the media in order to analyse how the disaster has been managed by different levels of the Mexican government, how they interact, knowing a fortiori, that this kind of media representation has a strong influence on the civil population. Our goal was to reveal the system which dictates the relationship between the world of politics, the press and the civilian population because we believe that it determines how discourse is constructed in the press. The media therefore acts as a filter that constructs a reality which is often considered as ‘the’ reality. However this thesis will show that the media is only a prism out of which emerges a reflection of the social sphere and the world of politics as well as the interactions which take place inside this prism. Two newspapers from Mexico city (La Jornada et Crónica de Hoy) and two regional newspapers from Chiapas (El Heraldo de Chiapas et Cuarto Poder) were chosen as focal points and study instruments. Using the Morin-Chartier analysis method of the content of the press discourse as well as our audiovisual investigation on the ground, we were able to carry out both a qualitative and quantitative study

La profession de dessinateur de presse au Canada français au tournant du XXe siècle : le cas d’Edmond-Joseph Massicotte (1875-1929).

Beaulieu, Anne-Philippe 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

La fabrique médiatique des élections biélorusses : la lecture nationale de l’événement et les représentations transnationales à l’épreuve des dynamiques coopératives / The media construction of the Belarussian elections : the national reading of the event and its transnational representations in a context of cooperative dynamics

Buduchev, Vitaly 20 February 2019 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré aux journalistes des quotidiens russes et français qui couvrent l’actualité politique depuis le terrain biélorusse. Les représentations de ceux-ci, nationales mais également transnationales, sont au cœur de nos interrogations. Leurs interactions coopératives permettant de fabriquer les élections biélorusses pour les publics russes et français est un autre aspect de ce travail. Leur discours, encadré par le projet éditorial de chacun des journaux pour lesquels ils travaillent, est le troisième point que cette thèse éclaire. Nous tâchons d’identifier les valeurs communes faisant adhérer les acteurs au monde de la production de l’information à Minsk, activé par les reporters étrangers. De plus, nous révélons des dynamiques internes aux groupes prenant part à la production mutuelle de l’information, qui font en sorte que ce monde est composé de communautés distinctes, réunies autour de leurs objectifs, leurs identités propres, ayant un discours propre. La question des frontières des communautés se pose ainsi, et permet de faire émerger l’équipe des reporters étrangers et la communauté opposante biélorusse. La structure de ces deux communautés, les rapports entre les membres de celles-ci, leurs conventions internes, leurs rapports aux coéquipiers et aux étrangers du groupe sont également des questions que ce travail se pose. Enfin, nous interrogeons les résultats de cette coopération, qui s’inscrivent dans les projets éditoriaux des journaux russes et français. Il s’agit de l’expression des logiques professionnelles à l’échelle éditoriale, visibles à travers l’énonciation des titres de presse. / This work focuses on the journalists from Russian and French daily newspapers who cover political events on the Belarussian territory. Their own national and transnational representations, are at the center of our questioning. The way their cooperative interactions elaborate the Russian and French audience's perception of the Belarusian elections is another aspect of this work. Their narrative, framed by each newspaper's editorial project for which they work is the third aspect this thesis explores.Our goal is to identify the common values that tie together the different actors of the world of information in Minsk, which is motivated by foreign reporters. Furthermore, we shed light on inner dynamics within the groups that take part in the mutual production of information, which create distinct communities that make up this world and are united around their own objectives, their own identities, and their own narrative. This is where the matter of borders between these communities lies and allows us to reveal the foreign reporters' team and the Belarusian dissident community. This work also interrogates the structures of both communities, the relationships between their respective members, their inner conventions, the relations between colleagues and individuals outside of the group. Finally, we explore the results of such cooperation, which are in line with the editorial projects of the Russian and French newspapers. Thus we analyze the expression of professional logistics on an editorial scale that transpires through the enunciation of the different press titles.

Les jeunes, l'insertion et les missions locales du pays d'Auge (Normandie) : les évolutions des représentations sociales entre 1982 et 2017 / Youth, integration and local missions in the Pays d'Auge (Normandy) : the evolutions of social representations between 1982 and 2017

Martin, Angélique 18 December 2018 (has links)
La recherche vise à montrer en quoi les représentations sociales des jeunes en insertion, des missions locales et de l’insertion ont évolué dans le temps et sur un territoire, le pays d’Auge en Normandie. La recherche est basée sur le plan théorique sur les travaux sur les représentations sociales (Moscovici, Jodelet, Abric, etc.). L’hypothèse consistait à penser que les représentations sociales variaient d’une part, selon le niveau de développement social et économique des territoires et d’autre part, selon les périodes et le fil du temps. Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons utilisé deux modalités de collecte des données. Pour comparer les représentations sur les bassins d’emploi, nous avons interrogé 30 personnes impliquées dans les activités d’insertion professionnelle des jeunes (professionnels de l’insertion, élus impliqués dans l’insertion et journalistes ayant écrit sur le sujet) par le biais d’entretiens semi-directifs afin de recueillir leurs perceptions sur l’insertion et sur les évolutions au cours d’une période de 35 ans (1982/2017). Les données ont été traitées par analyse de contenu thématique. Une seconde modalité a consisté à recueillir et à analyser 211 coupures des journaux locaux sur la période 1982-2017 afin d’identifier les éventuelles évolutions dans la perception de l’insertion et des missions locales, structures spécialisées dans l’accueil des jeunes. Les données ont été traitées par le logiciel Alceste. Les résultats mettent en évidence une évolution des perceptions de l’insertion dans le pays d’Auge au fil du temps ainsi que des différences entre les deux bassins d’emploi (Honfleur et Lisieux). La zone de Honfleur, plus dynamique témoigne de représentations plus positives de l’insertion alors que la zone de Lisieux, plus en difficulté sociale et économique est associée à des perceptions négatives. Ces résultats confirment les observations de Moscovici et de Jodelet selon qui, la variété des échanges et interactions peuvent initier et faire évoluer les représentations au sein d’une communauté de travail (ici les acteurs de l’insertion). Elle permet également d’observer la manière dont un objet social tel que l’insertion se manifeste et se transforme au fil du temps. Ce type de recherche devrait être répliqué sur d’autres territoires afin d’identifier plus finement la singularité des liens entre les échanges entre acteurs et le développement social économique d’un territoire, ainsi que leur manifestation par les représentations sociales. / The research aims to show how social representations of young people in integration, local missions and integration have evolved over time and over a territory, the pays d'Auge in Normandy. The research is based on the theoretical plan of work on social representations (Moscovici, Jodelet, Abric, etc.). The hypothesis was to think that social representations varied on the one hand, according to the level of social and economic development of the territories and on the other hand, according to the periods and the course of time. To test this hypothesis, we used two methods of data collection. To compare the representations on employment areas, we interviewed 30 people involved in the professional integration activities of young people (integration professionals, elected officials involved in integration and journalists who wrote on the subject) through semi-structured interviews to collect their perceptions about integration and changes over a period of 35 years (1982/2017). The data was processed by thematic content analysis. A second modality consisted of collecting and analyzing 211 local newspaper clippings over the 1982-2017 period in order to identify any changes in the perception of integration and local missions, structures specialized in welcoming young people. The data was processed by the Alceste software. The results highlight an evolution of perceptions of insertion in the Pays d'Auge over time as well as differences between the two areas of employment (Honfleur and Lisieux). The area of Honfleur, more dynamic testifies to more positive representations of insertion while the Lisieux area, more difficult social and economic is associated with negative perceptions. These results confirm the observations of Moscovici and Jodelet according to whom, the variety of exchanges and interactions can initiate and change the representations within a working community (here actors of insertion). It also helps to observe how a social object such as insertion manifests itself and changes over time. This type of research should be replicated in other territories in order to identify more precisely the singularity of the links between exchanges between actors and the economic and social development of a territory, as well as their manifestation by social representations.

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